MASS UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice 2022 (V6)
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Safety Case:<br />
Safety Case / Risk Assessment<br />
Reference to attached Documents<br />
4 <strong>MASS</strong> Shoreside Interface Guidance<br />
Please specify the consequences in the event <strong>of</strong> a failure <strong>of</strong> comm<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> control datalink:<br />
[e.g. propulsion will stop after a timeout <strong>of</strong> 15 seconds]<br />
Include use <strong>of</strong> guard ship/support vessels employed or on immediate st<strong>and</strong>-by<br />
Immediate salvage <strong>of</strong> ‘vessel not under comm<strong>and</strong>’ (Total power loss or Comm<strong>and</strong> Link failure)<br />
4.1 OBJECTIVE<br />
Support craft:<br />
Number <strong>and</strong> type <strong>of</strong> support craft<br />
The objective <strong>of</strong> this Chapter is to provide guidance on the requirements for those visiting or operating<br />
around Ports <strong>and</strong> other shore facilities, where services may be needed during <strong>MASS</strong> activities.<br />
Name / call sign<br />
Phone number<br />
4.2 SCOPE<br />
MMSI if transmitting on UAIS<br />
Intended role during trial, <strong>and</strong> station/proximity during<br />
trial/Ops<br />
Crewless craft recovery method<br />
Brief description <strong>of</strong> trials operations:<br />
Please provide a description <strong>of</strong> intended operations<br />
[including, Time to close to crewless craft & station<br />
keeping requirements]<br />
[Including role to tow vessel to <strong>and</strong> from harbour<br />
facility or launch area]<br />
4.2.1 The purpose <strong>of</strong> this Chapter is to summarise some <strong>of</strong> the key requirements when <strong>MASS</strong> are being operated in<br />
<strong>and</strong> around ports. It is not an exhaustive list <strong>and</strong> does not cover all aspects but sets the initial points for<br />
consideration.<br />
4.3.1 Consideration should be given to the following when mobilising the <strong>MASS</strong> from shore to sea:<br />
[e.g. – the USV will be running a survey pattern in an area South <strong>of</strong> Bear Isl<strong>and</strong>, typically comprising a raster<br />
pattern or 20 lines, spacing 10m apart <strong>and</strong> 500m long, South <strong>of</strong> Bear Isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> clear <strong>of</strong> shipping lanes;<br />
a manned support craft will remain in line <strong>of</strong> sight within 300m <strong>of</strong> the USV for the duration <strong>of</strong> the trial]<br />
Additional information:<br />
[e.g. – this is similar to trial serial number or date (yyyy-mm-dd].<br />
[Other authorities/contacts to be informed e.g. adjacent waterspace authorities, intended trials promulgations,<br />
collaborative trials with other operators, communication broadcasts]<br />
Post Operation Review:<br />
[e.g. Lessons Identified, Debrief issues, Feedback to appropriate authorities]<br />
Approval (If required):<br />
Constraints<br />
[e.g. approved for daylight operations, support boat to keep watch on Channel 13]<br />
Approval signature:<br />
Appropriate authority<br />
Name<br />
[e.g. Which authorities have been consulted]<br />
n Are you going to <strong>of</strong>fload the risks <strong>of</strong> moving/launching the <strong>MASS</strong> to a 3rd party or are you going to do it<br />
yourself? Generally it is appropriate to <strong>of</strong>fload to a 3rd party as you will not be able self-launch in a Port or<br />
Marina unless you have in advance agreed the procedures, risk assessments <strong>and</strong> liability.<br />
n Are all lifting arrangements (slings/strops etc) in date for test <strong>and</strong> certificates available? Your vessels lifting<br />
arrangements need to be in date. So review the shackles, lifting eyes <strong>and</strong> anything else a 3rd party will be<br />
connecting to. You may have to present certificates to the 3rd party. If you are attending the lift <strong>and</strong> launch<br />
ensure that you have discussed with the 3rd party what PPE you need <strong>and</strong> the demarcation <strong>of</strong> responsibilities<br />
has been agreed.<br />
n Has the date <strong>of</strong> launching been considered well in advance <strong>and</strong> discussed with all involved. From experience<br />
post Covid <strong>and</strong> during holiday periods, a number <strong>of</strong> Port’s <strong>and</strong> Boatyards in the South have long waiting times<br />
to launch/lift vessels. Ensure you plan ahead.<br />
n Have Pre <strong>and</strong> Post launch checklists to ensure that all critical equipment <strong>and</strong> systems are checked <strong>of</strong>f.<br />
All underwater fittings are listed <strong>and</strong> seacocks are shut.<br />
n Contact your local boatyard <strong>and</strong> set up a meeting to go through the process before the launch/lift date. This<br />
clarifies points <strong>of</strong> detail <strong>and</strong> ensures that all are prepared.<br />
n Prior to the launch hold a short brief to detail your team on the post launch checks, discuss how long you<br />
need with the boatyard team to hold the vessel in the slings at water level <strong>and</strong> how your onboard team will be<br />
divided up <strong>and</strong> report back watertight status.<br />
n Make sure you have a tool kit with the appropriate tools to tighten up <strong>and</strong> leak stop.<br />
n Post launch, use your checklists to check for leaks prior to <strong>and</strong> post opening seacocks.<br />
Signature<br />
32<br />
<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6<br />
<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6<br />