MASS UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice 2022 (V6)
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n Negatively affect the reputation <strong>and</strong> credibility <strong>of</strong> organisations <strong>and</strong> individuals.<br />
n Take control <strong>of</strong> a system or asset<br />
n Access other people’s accounts<br />
n <strong>Conduct</strong> Industrial espionage<br />
n Initiate Government instability prior to an overthrow<br />
5.9.1 Cyber security is a process used to control <strong>and</strong> protect an organisation’s computer systems, networks, <strong>and</strong> data<br />
from, <strong>and</strong> reduce the risk <strong>of</strong>, Cyberattack.<br />
5.7.2 A Cybercriminal could be an individual working alone or a group <strong>of</strong> people acting together such as:<br />
n An organised crime gang<br />
n A competitor organisation<br />
n A foreign government (or department <strong>of</strong>)<br />
5.7.3 The list <strong>of</strong> potential Cybercrimes is huge but commonly used methods include:<br />
n Targeting disgruntled former employee, current employees, contractors<br />
n Phishing emails- attempting to gain access to credentials<br />
n Social Engineering<br />
n Loss or theft <strong>of</strong> equipment <strong>and</strong> rogue USB Devices<br />
n Password guessing through Brute-Force attack<br />
n Unchanged default credentials, weak passwords on web, application or network devices (Particularly IoT devices)<br />
n Systems <strong>and</strong> Application Vulnerabilities (updated <strong>and</strong> poorly patched s<strong>of</strong>tware)<br />
n SQL injection through entry field <strong>of</strong> websites/ browsers<br />
n Cross-Site scripting (XSS)<br />
n Passwords or data lacking strong cyphers or encryption<br />
n Distributed denial <strong>of</strong> service (DDoS) Botnets<br />
5.9.2 Cyber security's core function is to protect the devices we use (smartphones, laptops, tablets, computers, network<br />
<strong>and</strong> routers), data <strong>and</strong> the services we access - both online <strong>and</strong> at work - from theft, damage or unauthorised<br />
access.<br />
5.9.3 The traditional approach to cyber security focuses on the protection <strong>of</strong> data <strong>and</strong> controlling access to the IT<br />
systems components. Advanced technology such as “smart” equipment <strong>and</strong> the Internet <strong>of</strong> Things (IoT) have<br />
changed how IT is integrated into systems <strong>and</strong> is deployed <strong>and</strong> operated. These new systems, which are<br />
complicated, connected <strong>and</strong> can generate large amounts <strong>of</strong> data now dem<strong>and</strong> a much more comprehensive<br />
cyber security approach. It is no longer sufficient for a cyber security system to consider just the IT system; it<br />
must also take account <strong>of</strong> the operational technology (OT) system. This is generally referred to as IT/OT<br />
convergence.<br />
5.10.1 IT/OT convergence is the integration <strong>of</strong> information technology (IT) systems with operational technology (OT)<br />
systems. IT systems are used for data-centric computing; OT systems monitor events, processes <strong>and</strong> devices,<br />
<strong>and</strong> make adjustments in enterprise <strong>and</strong> industrial operations.<br />
5.8.1 Cybercriminals will investigate a target <strong>and</strong> determine which threat/attack vector to employ depending on their<br />
findings.<br />
Figure 5-1 Typical threat/attack vectors (Courtesy <strong>of</strong> Threat Vector Security)<br />
5.11.1 Traditional IT cyber security protects the IT system <strong>and</strong> data held in it but OT cyber security protects the complete<br />
system (vessel, people <strong>and</strong> environment).<br />
5.11.2 The traditional, IT based, definition <strong>of</strong> cyber security can be stated as: “Technologies, processes, <strong>and</strong> practices<br />
designed to prevent malware from doing damage or harm to networks, computers, programs, or data.”<br />
5.11.3 But modern, distributed, interconnected remote systems dem<strong>and</strong> a more comprehensive <strong>and</strong> robust OT based<br />
cyber security system which can be defined as:<br />
n Technologies, processes, <strong>and</strong> practices designed to prevent the intended or unintended use <strong>of</strong> a cyber<br />
technology system to do damage to the cyber technology (networks, computers, programs, data), <strong>and</strong> vessel<br />
or harm to people, <strong>and</strong> environment.”<br />
5.11.4 To achieve this level <strong>of</strong> protection we need to be able to verify the satisfactory performance <strong>of</strong> the OT cyber<br />
security system by:<br />
n Ensuring correct, safe, efficient <strong>and</strong> reliable operation through S<strong>of</strong>tware quality engineering.<br />
n Preventing malicious <strong>and</strong> non-malicious threats through the cyber security system.<br />
5.11.5 Functional testing will help assess a system against “known” errors or threats but makes no allowance for, as<br />
yet, unknown events. Using a maturity model provides ongoing monitoring, assessment <strong>and</strong> improvement to a<br />
cyber security system <strong>and</strong> will help defend against these unknown events.<br />
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<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6<br />
<strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6 41