MASS UK Industry Conduct Principles and Code of Practice 2022 (V6)

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Table 12-1: Tasking Cycle <strong>of</strong> a <strong>MASS</strong><br />


Task<br />

Operation Planning<br />

Activities<br />

Has a launch site visit <strong>and</strong> familiarisation<br />

been conducted YES/NO.<br />

Are there any restrictions?<br />

Is a support vessel required?<br />

Personnel planning<br />

Is the RCC mobile / is the RCC location<br />

fixed?<br />

Vessel/s transit to launch site<br />

Visas/permits - Overseas travel or<br />

permits to work needed?<br />

Inoculations for any overseas tasks.<br />

Country Liaison<br />

Country brief<br />

Weather check <strong>and</strong> report for all phases<br />

where possible.<br />

Sea states<br />

Nearest facilities: Medical, Fuel etc.<br />

Security: People/ Equipment/ Data<br />

Real-life support<br />

Are the team all Suitably Qualified <strong>and</strong><br />

Experienced Persons, (SQEP) for the<br />

task?<br />

Description<br />

Can be conducted ahead <strong>of</strong> actual operation <strong>and</strong> includes:<br />

n Determine operational area;<br />

n Notification <strong>and</strong> permissions from port/sea authorities, joint force,<br />

other organisations;<br />

n Notice to Mariners;<br />

n Environmental assessment;<br />

n RF licences;<br />

n Route planning;<br />

n Infrastructure;<br />

n Description <strong>of</strong> incident h<strong>and</strong>ling processes <strong>and</strong> procedures.<br />

Considerations<br />

If no, has this been briefed to all those involved in the operation?<br />

Establish restrictions <strong>and</strong> provide support vessel if required.<br />

Determine number <strong>of</strong> personnel required for the operation (consider<br />

country <strong>of</strong> operation requirements for qualifications).<br />

RCC set up <strong>and</strong> tested?<br />

Transit Duration?<br />

ETA?<br />

How – Air/sea/road?<br />

Parties involved?<br />

Can the vessel <strong>and</strong> support team conduct necessary procedures or<br />

maintenance shoreside?<br />

<strong>Conduct</strong> necessary liaison with relevant authorities, obtain relevant<br />

permissions.<br />

Medical advice should be sought<br />

Determine level <strong>of</strong> regulation in planned launch country.<br />

Seek permission for operations.<br />

Determine required level <strong>of</strong> qualification required for operators.<br />

If vessel will operate between nations, ensure both authorities are aware.<br />

Seek acceptance for control centre location.<br />

Determine best location for support team.<br />

Local Maritime regs/Personnel conduct/Cultural sensitivities/Laws/<br />

Driving/Weather/security etc.<br />

How will this be monitored <strong>and</strong> what is the plan for inclement weather?<br />

Consider vessel construction <strong>and</strong> weather suitability.<br />

As above.<br />

If operating abroad, what st<strong>and</strong>ards are they? Are the necessary<br />

medical insurances in place?<br />

Is a secure location available?<br />

If not do the team need to protect data? (24/7 presence)<br />

Food, water, washing facilities.<br />

Check <strong>and</strong> record<br />


Task<br />

Pre-deployment<br />

Pre-launch<br />

Activities<br />

What is the method <strong>of</strong> launch?<br />

Names <strong>of</strong> personnel involved including<br />

names to tasks/responsibilities<br />

Operation planning<br />

Remote control centre set up <strong>and</strong> all<br />

comms/systems check complete?<br />

Communications check between main<br />

RCC <strong>and</strong> mobile support control centre?<br />

(if applicable)<br />

Who has control during the launch?<br />

Payload checks<br />

Necessary liaison complete?<br />

Description<br />

Mobilisation <strong>and</strong> configuration <strong>of</strong> equipment<br />

Detailed operation planning <strong>and</strong> system<br />

Remarks<br />

Crane operation? Is there a vessel specific launch <strong>and</strong> recovery system?<br />

Are they SQEP?<br />

Are they in a fit state, (any illnesses)?<br />

Drug <strong>and</strong> alcohol policy?<br />

Vessel route planned, transit areas identified, watch routine established<br />

Timings <strong>of</strong> key phases for the pre-launch<br />

Give a summary <strong>of</strong> the pre-launch to the team<br />

Necessary liaison complete?<br />

External support in place?<br />

Support team or main control? Establish h<strong>and</strong>over procedures<br />

Checklist/SOPs Pre Sea Checks in accordance with approved check<br />

list; Check data/control links, communications, sensors, propulsion,<br />

<strong>and</strong> steering, etc<br />


Task<br />

Deployment<br />

Launch / cast <strong>of</strong>f<br />

Post Launch<br />

Operation <strong>Conduct</strong><br />

Activities<br />

Establish Mission distance <strong>and</strong> duration<br />

Determine departure timing<br />

Ascertain Transit WPs<br />

Determine ETA’s<br />

Establish Team numbers/skills requirement<br />

External Support?<br />

Forecast Expected weather <strong>and</strong> sea states<br />

Identify any h<strong>and</strong>over Lat/Long<br />

Establish the h<strong>and</strong>over procedures to<br />

main control if escorted or manned transit.<br />

Brief all involved regarding actions for<br />

Abnormal or Emergency operations<br />

Description<br />

Deploy equipment to operational area by rail, road, air, sea<br />

In water launch or cast <strong>of</strong>f <strong>of</strong> <strong>MASS</strong> from mother ship or from shore side,<br />

including lifting operations.<br />

n In water equipment checks prior to transit including:<br />

n Propulsion <strong>and</strong> steering;<br />

n Communications links;<br />

n <strong>MASS</strong> Health / BITE status;<br />

n Emergency procedures <strong>and</strong> functionality <strong>of</strong> fail-safe equipment.<br />

Operation phase which will continue until the planned operation end time<br />

is reached or the operation is aborted. The operation may consist <strong>of</strong> one<br />

or several tasks <strong>and</strong> is highly dependent on the application. The operation<br />

may include re-planning, that is modification <strong>of</strong> the pre-launch operation<br />

plan, either automatically or comm<strong>and</strong>ed by the RCC. The operation may<br />

include deployment <strong>of</strong> other vehicles that perform their own operation. Will<br />

include h<strong>and</strong>ling <strong>of</strong> incidents (via the RCC) that occur during the operation.<br />

Remarks<br />

92 <strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6 <strong>MASS</strong> <strong>UK</strong> <strong>Industry</strong> <strong>Conduct</strong> <strong>Principles</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Code</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Practice</strong> Version 6<br />


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