Cumberlite 2022 Annual Report

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Serge Gariepy – Principal<br />

A’Lisa Sorensen – Vice Principal<br />

Bruce Boggess – Vice Principal for Academics<br />

Susan Jenkins – Business Manager<br />


Kurt Allen – Vice President for Finance/Treasurer,<br />

Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day<br />

Adventists<br />

Ryan Brossfield – Current GCA Parent<br />

Amy Cirigliano – Chair, Parents in Support of GCA<br />

Chester Clark – Vice President for Administration/<br />

Secretariat, Georgia-Cumberland Conference of<br />

Seventh-day Adventists<br />

Serge Gariepy – Principal, Georgia-Cumberland<br />

Academy; GCA Board Secretary<br />

Jeni Ingersoll – Community Member<br />

Susan Jenkins – Business Manager, Georgia-<br />

Cumberland Academy<br />

Don Keele – Young Adult Ministries, Georgia-<br />

Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists<br />

Kevin Kossick – Senior Vice President for Education,<br />

Georgia-Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day<br />

Adventists<br />

Todd Lang – Alumni Parent<br />

Barbara Livesay – Community Member<br />

Brianna Lowery – Alumna<br />

Jonathan Montes – Youth Ministries, Georgia-<br />

Cumberland Conference of Seventh-day Adventists<br />

Melissa Murrill – Current Parent<br />

Dennis Negrón – Alumni Parent<br />

Larry Payne – Alumni Parent<br />

Gary Rustad – President, Georgia-Cumberland<br />

Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; GCA Board<br />

Chairman<br />

David T. Smith – Senior Pastor, GCA Seventh-day<br />

Adventist Church<br />

Dennis Starkey – Alumni Parent<br />

Rhondda Robinson Thomas – Alumni President<br />

Carla Thrower – Associate Director of Education,<br />

Southern Union Conference of Seventh-day<br />

Adventists<br />

Dulce Villarruel – Current and Alumni Parent<br />

Astrid Walton – Alumni Parent<br />

Chris Yamamoto – Current Parent<br />


Business Manager’s Message 4<br />

Development Director’s Message 4<br />

Your Giving Impact 5-7<br />

SSO Contributions 8<br />

Scholarship, Endowment, and Memorial Fund Giving 8<br />

Donor Recognition 9-13<br />

Alumni Recognition 14-16<br />

Meet the New Staff 17<br />

Alumni Updates 18<br />

In Memory of Deborah Theus 19<br />

GCA'S MISSION is to foster an<br />

educational environment of excellence<br />

where students, faculty, and staff<br />

pursue a shared quest to know Jesus as<br />

Savior and Friend, to love God and those<br />

He brings into our lives, and to serve the<br />

church and society.<br />

2 CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong>





I recently watched a little boy trying to<br />

roll a log into a stream. He tried to get<br />

the log rolling but he could not get it to<br />

turn over. He kicked it, he laid on the<br />

ground and tried to push, and he tried<br />

to pick it up – nothing worked! He ran<br />

off as I was watching him. I figured it<br />

was smart for him to give up as he was<br />

not going to get that log in the water. After about two minutes,<br />

the boy came running back and behind him was a friend. He<br />

looked at his friend and explained, “See, this is the log! We can<br />

get it in!” Both boys walked around the log and then decided<br />

on a game plan. They both got behind the log and began<br />

to push. The log budged a little, but still wouldn’t roll. After<br />

another attempt, they saw a friend running by and called him<br />

over. Again, the explanation of the problem and the goal was<br />

given. The three boys got behind the log and pushed together.<br />

The log began to roll, and the one whose dream it had been<br />

to get the log in the water shouted, “Keep pushing, the log is<br />

rolling!” As the log plopped into the water, the boys shouted,<br />

“We did it!”<br />

“We did it!” Every fall, there are thousands of kids around<br />

this country that begin their 9th-12th grade school year.<br />

Every spring there are thousands of kids across this country<br />

that celebrate completing those years. The final product is<br />

important, yet I would suggest it is the way it happens that<br />

makes the difference. This is what makes Georgia-Cumberland<br />

Academy and Adventist Education special – the “we.” Education<br />

that is centered in Christ (and partnered with faculty and<br />

pastors that recognize ultimate success) only happens when<br />

we work together with God.<br />

You are a big part of making that “we” possible for current<br />

and future GCA students with your prayers, your support, and<br />

sharing the blessings of GCA with family and friends to help<br />

the team grow. I’m seeing for<br />

myself the impact this teamwork<br />

is having on our family - more<br />

specifically how teamwork<br />

impacts our GCA freshman<br />

daughter’s education! Partnering<br />

with Jesus is powerful, friends!<br />

Join me in praying for our GCA<br />

students, faculty, and staff. May<br />

God continue to be with them<br />

in every class, every activity, and<br />

every friendship.<br />

Lockdown, quarantine, social<br />

distancing, and masks were a part of<br />

our lives for nearly two years. During<br />

that time, many of us felt isolated<br />

and alone. Mental health concerns<br />

rose during the pandemic because of<br />

the isolation. This recent chapter in<br />

our lives reconfirmed something that<br />

has always been true and is written into the fabric of who<br />

we are - that we are better when we are together. Churches<br />

thrive when congregations can fellowship in the same space<br />

together. Schools flourish when teachers and students can put<br />

Zoom aside and be in the classroom together. We are better<br />

when we are together.<br />

As a math teacher, I am naturally drawn to formulas and<br />

equations. There is a simple elegance when problems balance<br />

out in mathematics. However, something unique happens<br />

when you have people as part of your equations. One plus<br />

one is not just two. When two or more people come together,<br />

you get something extra beyond what you would have had by<br />

just adding each individual person together with a common<br />

purpose. Teamwork produces something greater than the sum<br />

of the individual parts. In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, Solomon wisely<br />

stated that "Two are better than one because they have a good<br />

return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help<br />

the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help<br />

them up (NIV)."<br />

At GCA, we see this in action every day all over campus. Our<br />

students are better when they're playing together, studying<br />

together, and worshiping together. Our school is better when<br />

we are working hand-in-hand with our parents, our alumni,<br />

our conference, and the local community. We are better<br />

through the partnership we have with donors who give to the<br />

Worthy Student Fund and other programs on our campus<br />

ensuring that our students can<br />

be here to know Jesus, love Him<br />

and those He brings into our<br />

lives, and serve Him and those<br />

around us.<br />


THANK YOU!<br />

CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />


Better Together<br />

in Generosity<br />





“O, Lord my God, you have performed many wonders<br />

for us. Your plans are too numerous for us to list. You<br />

have no equal. If I tried to recite all your wonderful<br />

deeds, I would never come to the end of them.” Psalm<br />

40:5 NLT<br />

Looking back at what God has done in the past<br />

strengthens our faith for what lies ahead.<br />

God has “performed many wonders” through YOU!<br />

Because of you, our enrollment is strong, our programs<br />

are outstanding, and our facilities are beyond what most<br />

academies have. God has used YOU to transform the<br />

lives of our students and lead them to Jesus.<br />

And yet God can do even greater things than what<br />

He has done in the past!<br />

When combined, your gifts and those of others are<br />

multiplied in miraculous ways by God to make an<br />

eternal difference in the lives of our students! He isn’t<br />

done using YOU to help this ministry thrive. We are truly<br />

Better Together when we give.<br />

As we look ahead to what God has in store for the<br />

next few years at GCA, we are confident because<br />

of what He has done in the past. Our faith is strong<br />

because we know our God is all-powerful! His “many<br />

wonders for us” are not just a thing of the past.<br />

You have witnessed with us what God has accomplished<br />

at GCA through the generosity of His people. You<br />

understand the power and impact of Adventist<br />

education. Would you consider a gift to GCA this year to<br />

make an eternal difference in the lives of our students?<br />

We are truly Better Together in our generosity!<br />




Have you ever heard someone say, “That’s a good<br />

problem to have”? Georgia-Cumberland Academy had a<br />

few of those during the 2021-<strong>2022</strong> school year. Record<br />

enrollment required some quick problem-solving as<br />

we made sure we had enough classes, space, staffing,<br />

equipment, and transportation for our students,<br />

without compromising quality or safety. These are good<br />

problems to have. Good problems are challenges that,<br />

when met, produce growth and improvement. I’m proud<br />

to say Georgia-Cumberland Academy is meeting those<br />

challenges. We continue to operate in the black and<br />

are optimistic that we will have the resources to face<br />

changing economic conditions. However, we don’t face<br />

these challenges alone. We couldn’t do it alone.<br />

As I reflect on the 2021-22 school year, one of my<br />

greatest concerns was ensuring we could help our<br />

students and families be able to afford tuition while<br />

safeguarding the school’s financial position. Because of<br />

the hard work of our faculty and staff and the generous<br />

support of donors, including the Georgia-Cumberland<br />

Conference, and the Southern Union, our dorms and<br />

classrooms were bursting at the seams with students<br />

from all income levels. Record enrollment means record<br />

financial need. You helped us meet the need, providing<br />

safety, stability, and a quality education to over 300<br />

students. I am inspired by the prayerful, financial<br />

giving of our families, donors, and the church, working<br />

together to make sure a student is enrolled at GCA. Not<br />

one of us could do it alone. Thank you for your part in<br />

keeping Georgia-Cumberland Academy strong.<br />

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CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />


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CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />


Memorial Gifts<br />



The following donors made gifts to GCA in honor and memory of those<br />

who have made a positive difference in their lives and the lives of others.<br />

These generous gifts enhance specific projects and scholarship through<br />

funds and endowments that benefit GCA students. Donors are listed<br />

below the honoree.<br />

Since 2008, the state of Georgia has<br />

allowed for the redirection of state<br />

income tax liability to approved<br />

student scholarship programs,<br />

for the purpose of need-based<br />

financial aid. GCA participates in<br />

this program by partnering with the<br />

Georgia Tuition Assistance Program<br />

(GATAP), a qualified SSO. If you<br />

earn income in Georgia, making<br />

a gift for GCA through an SSO is<br />

a win-win opportunity. Your gifts<br />

made payable to GATAP, provide<br />

financial aid to GCA students who<br />

might not be able to attend without<br />

your assistance. SSO contributions<br />

over the last fiscal year totaled<br />

$124,550! We would like to thank<br />

the following alumni, alumni<br />

parents, grandparents, faculty, and<br />

friends for their support of this<br />

important program:<br />

Daniel and Susan Ahn<br />

Tony and Donna Baumann<br />

Donald and Michelle Chase<br />

Randy and Lynn Coble<br />

Wayne and Patricia Darville<br />

Dalton and Kat Day<br />

Judy Fehlenberg<br />

Greg and Nancy Gerard<br />

Brent and Synnova Goodge<br />

Keith and Kandyce Hallam<br />

Bill and Juli Hamilton<br />

Larry and Valerie Jackson<br />

Monty and Susan Jenkins<br />

Laverne and Lishcia Keizer<br />

James and Jenny Klemm<br />

Michael Morgan<br />

Doug and Candace Nesmith<br />

Chuck and Chichi Onyeije<br />

David and Tami Richardson<br />

Wilbur and Frances Roe<br />

Ken and Cheryl Rogers<br />

Ted and Brenda Theus<br />

Marvin and Carrie Wilson<br />

Wilbur and Pattie Bishop<br />

Doug and Beth Barrow<br />

Cyril Connelly<br />

Lyn Connelly<br />

A.J. and Karen Orquia<br />

Lynn Elkins<br />

Gavin Bledsoe<br />

Bruce and Jeannette Borgersen<br />

Pam Center<br />

Richard Center<br />

Gary and Janice Edgmon<br />

Fitness First of Calhoun<br />

Gary and Lori Goggans<br />

Lewis and Anne Hendershot<br />

Paul and Patti Hoover<br />

Richard and Jackie Johnson<br />

Laverne and Lishcia Keizer<br />

Eddie and Debbie Klein<br />

Charles Lindsey<br />

Rollin Mallernee II<br />

Lacretia Phillips<br />

Brian Rabuka<br />

Michael and Samantha Rabuka<br />

Mickey and Gena Rabuka<br />

Ed and Kathy Reid<br />

Gordon and Cheryl Retzer<br />

Leslie Rogers-Willis<br />

Charles and Sandra Rule<br />

Joan Willis<br />

John and Barbara Willis<br />

Walt and Carol Williams<br />

Wally Fox<br />

Matt and Lauren Anderson<br />

Jasmine Arellano<br />

Alex and Kelli Brady<br />

John and Carolyn Dalton<br />

Richard and Melanie DiBiase<br />

Brad and Lisa Gary<br />

Don Gilpin<br />

Kim and Liz Glass<br />

George and Melanie Graves<br />

Aaron and Casey Graybill<br />

Jeff and Jeri Holweger<br />

Emily Johnson<br />

Eddie and Debbie Klein<br />

Steve and Carol Martin<br />

Josefer and Heather Montes<br />

Carine Moura<br />

Andy Nall<br />

A.J. and Karen Orquia<br />

Ken and Sonna Peck<br />

Robbie and Darlene Peterson<br />

Larry and Vicki Rahn<br />

Lisa Swafford<br />

Clarissia Turner<br />

Dennis and Jan Upton<br />

Cole Williams<br />

Doralee Klein<br />

April Culver<br />

Angela Deans<br />

Larry and Theresa Doran<br />

Charles Elliott<br />

Jim and Ginger Gravell<br />

Wilber and Carole Griffith<br />

Theresa Hare<br />

Brad and Cathy Hill<br />

Johnston Health Finance Department<br />

Eddie and Debbie Klein<br />

Linda Lankston<br />

Louis and Evelyn Meyer<br />

Alayne Pieper<br />

Zach Negrón<br />

Terry and Janine Barnett<br />

Bill and Toni Einhellig<br />

Dennis and Jennifer Negrón<br />

Sheryl Peck<br />

Charles and Cherie Holverstott<br />

Ken and Sonna Peck<br />

Dorothy Sauder<br />

Bruce and Dorothy Borgersen<br />

Lane Van Arsdell<br />

Kent and Joan Van Arsdell<br />

This list recognizes<br />

gifts received<br />

between 7/1/21<br />

and 6/30/22.<br />

8 CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong>




$50,000 AND HIGHER<br />

AdventHealth<br />

Arete Scholars<br />

Georgia Tuition Assistance Program<br />

Georgia-Cumberland Conference<br />

Clyde and Rena Holland<br />

Gary and Alexandra Hullquist<br />

Donald and Ruthanne Leeper<br />

Mark and Barbara McKinney<br />

Northwest Transportation Services, Inc.,<br />

Dave Hamby<br />

Smyrna Towers<br />

Southern Union Conference<br />


$25,000 - $49,999<br />

John and Linda Chung<br />

Better Label & Products, Inc.,<br />

Don and Peggy Day<br />

GCA Adventist Church<br />

Ron and Christine Herr<br />

National Christian Foundation<br />

Ki Song and Su Nam<br />

The Community Foundation for<br />

Greater Atlanta<br />

Pete and Karen Weber<br />


$10,000 - $24,999<br />

AdventHealth Gordon<br />

Calhoun Adventist Boomer Class<br />

Dewey Campbell<br />

Collegedale Community<br />

Adventist Church<br />

Lester and Anita Cunningham<br />

Dalton Adventist Church<br />

Bill and Toni Einhellig<br />

Cory and Sandra Fortner<br />

John and Blainette Hanson<br />

Wally and Carol Hasselbrack<br />

Carlyle and Jeni Ingersoll<br />

Laverne and Lishcia Keizer<br />

Jack and Susan McClarty<br />

Integrity Rehab,<br />

Emanuel and Jeanice Mitchell<br />

Audwin Nelson and Patrice Holman<br />

Ooltewah Adventist Church<br />

Harold and Verna Peters<br />

Joey Rocha<br />

Standifer Gap Adventist Church<br />

David Woodcock<br />

Chris and Joni Yamamoto<br />


$2,000 - $9,999<br />

Adventist Fellowship Church<br />

Daniel and Susan Kim Ahn<br />

Andres Alcantara<br />

Jonathan Alexandre<br />

Alpharetta Adventist Church<br />

Anonymous<br />

Atlanta North Adventist Church<br />

Karen Austin<br />

Suzanne Babshaw<br />

Matt and Loretta Beasley<br />

Glenn Belz<br />

Barry and Sandy Benton<br />

Bowman Hills Adventist Church<br />

Marty Briggs<br />

Sheryl Brodie<br />

Floyd and Evelyn Brown<br />

Richard Buschur<br />

Marialice Carey Morales<br />

Cartersville Adventist Church<br />

Chase Farms, Inc.,<br />

Donald and Michelle Chase<br />

Glen Lee and Ellen Chase<br />

Chatsworth Adventist Church<br />

Chattanooga Church of God<br />

Chattanooga First Adventist Church<br />

Chattanooga South Bay<br />

Adventist Church<br />

Michelle Chin King<br />

Rick Claus<br />

Columbus Adventist Church<br />

This list recognizes gifts received between 7/1/21 and 6/30/22.<br />

Alan and Dianne Connelly<br />

Cumberland Heights Adventist Church<br />

Harold and Jeannie Cunningham<br />

Dalton Hispanic Adventist Church<br />

Terrence and Maxine Dodge<br />

Lynn and Paula Elkins<br />

Enlightened Electrical Solutions LLC<br />

Darrin and Jenniffer Evans<br />

First Adventist Church Knoxville<br />

Scott W. Flemmer<br />

David and Ann Fogg<br />

Paul and Valerie Fuchcar<br />

Serge and LeAnn Gariepy<br />

Brent and Synnova Goodge<br />

Todd and Melinda Goodman<br />

Greater Community Bank<br />

Murphy Green<br />

Bill and Juli Hamilton<br />

Danny and Jackie Harris<br />

Richard and Darlene Hickam<br />

Keith and Linda Hieb<br />

“Since coming to GCA, I have<br />

made friends that helped<br />

me not only grow as a<br />

follower of Christ, but who<br />

also inspired me to make<br />

changes I knew I needed in<br />

life.” Evan Lamneck, ’23<br />

CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />


“I’ve noticed a lot of change<br />

and growth in my life since<br />

coming to GCA. I love<br />

it here!” RACHAEL GERATH, ’25<br />

Greg and Joely Hudson<br />

Bob and Andi Hunsaker<br />

Larry and Jaclynn Huse<br />

Idaho Falls Adventist Church<br />

Brian and Joan Jones<br />

Jonesboro South Hispanic<br />

Adventist Church<br />

Kingsport Adventist Church<br />

Eddie and Debbie Klein<br />

Murfreesboro Adventist Church<br />

Mike and Melissa Murrill<br />

Andy Nall<br />

Dennis and Jennifer Negrón<br />

New Hope Adventist Church<br />

Eric and Lanette Nichols<br />

North Georgia National Bank<br />

Garry and Donna Nudd<br />

O'Brien Investments, LLC,<br />

Johnny and Georgia O'Brien<br />

Chuck and Chichi Onyeije<br />

Brian and Tina Paradis<br />

Larry and Caryn Payne<br />

Ken and Sonna Peck<br />

Rodney and Brenda Rau<br />

Cynthia Reid<br />

David and Tami Richardson<br />

Mark and Brenda Richardson<br />

Delma Rigsbee<br />

Cecilia Sarjeant<br />

Curtis Seebeck<br />

Robert and Ruth Self<br />

Shelburne RV,<br />

Steve Shelburne<br />

Zachary Smith<br />

Southern Adventist University<br />

Don and Doris Starkey<br />

David and Lynn Steen<br />

Judy Fehlenberg<br />

Tri-star Title Co., LLC<br />

U.S. Foods<br />

Unum Group<br />

Kent and Joan Van Arsdell<br />

Dorsey and Mary Ellen Van Horn<br />

Dana and Dawn Wales<br />

Carlyle and Astrid Walton<br />

Bill and Sunshine Waters<br />

Winona Weidemann<br />

Mike and June Whalley<br />

Larry Whitcomb<br />

Linwood and Susan Wiley<br />

Don and Elizabeth Wilson<br />

Jonathan and Leslie Wurl<br />

William and Elaine Youngblood<br />


$1,000 - $1,999<br />

ACES Dental PLLC,<br />

Mike and Heather Lopez<br />

Adventist Christian School of Maryville<br />

Kurt Allen<br />

Anonymous<br />

Emily Austin<br />

Brad and Nancy Billington<br />

Jodee Bowen<br />

Charolette Brand<br />

Rhonda Brown<br />

Bruce Bowen Estate<br />

Julie Cadavero<br />

Jessica Castaneda<br />

Bruce and Becky Chesnut<br />

Vernon and Angela Chin<br />

Chester and Jane Clark<br />

Lyn Connelly<br />

Jonas and Anna Courey<br />

Larry and Tina Curtis<br />

Minerva Delgado<br />

Janet Diercks<br />

Daniel Duran<br />

Edward Jones-Calhoun<br />

Roger Elliston<br />

Emanuel Adventist Church<br />

Everts Construction Inc.,<br />

Jason and Terri Everts<br />

Fayette Adventist Church<br />

Florida Conference<br />

Fox Systems, Inc.,<br />

Tony and Donna Baumann<br />

Raymond and Earlene Freeman<br />

Glenda Fuller<br />

Gainesville Adventist Church<br />

Greg and Nancy Gerard<br />

Aaron and Casey Graybill<br />

Bob and Joni Hamilton<br />

Albert J. Harvey<br />

Gregory and Elaine Hayden<br />

Bruce and Beth Hehn<br />

The Artful Asker,<br />

Marcy Heim<br />

Lyle and Karla Helm<br />

Monty and Susan Jenkins<br />

Hiwassee Acres,<br />

David and Kathi Jensen<br />

Richard and Sandra Johnson<br />

William and Deborah Jones<br />

Don and Sandy Keele<br />

Gerald and Edith King<br />

Martin and Joni Kiser<br />

Alvin and Doralee Klein<br />

Kevin and Gwen Kossick<br />

Gerald and Sandra Kovalski<br />

Todd and Lucinda Lang<br />

Chris and Becky Lau<br />

Jonathan and Bree Lowery<br />

Marty and Svetlana Luttrell<br />

Martin Leasing, LLC,<br />

Scot and Krista Martin<br />

Arlene McFarland<br />

Kurt McKinley<br />

Randall and Jeanie Meyer<br />

Barbara Mittleider<br />

“I am extremely grateful there are so<br />

many people who support this<br />

community and want to make it a<br />

better place. Thank you!”<br />


10 CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong>

“I can’t help but feel at<br />

home here on campus<br />

with the amazing and<br />

caring faculty. There are<br />

so many opportunities<br />

that GCA offers to<br />

students that they can<br />

excel at – things they<br />

truly love to do or would<br />

like to experience.”<br />

LYRA LACSON, ’24<br />

Doug and Julie Mittleider<br />

Jonathan and Alana Montes<br />

Josefer and Heather Montes<br />

Gary and Gayle Moore<br />

Roger and Bette Nelson<br />

North Atlanta Hispanic Adventist Church<br />

North Naples Adventist Church<br />

Benjamin and Joy Nwadike<br />

Orchard Park Adventist Church<br />

A. J. and Karen Orquia<br />

Lance Pemberton<br />

Robbie and Darlene Peterson<br />

Mary Lou Rahn<br />

Real Cleaning Services, LLC<br />

Ringgold Adventist Church<br />

Ken and Cheryl Rogers<br />

Gary and Denise Rustad<br />

Jennifer M. Rymer<br />

Denise Salisbury<br />

John and Kathy Schleier<br />

Doug Schneider<br />

David and Dorothy Self<br />

SFFC Foundation, Inc.<br />

Dennis and Tami Starkey<br />

Samara Sterling<br />

Vivian Stover<br />

Ben and Barbara Tallman<br />

Tullahoma Adventist Church<br />

Dennis and Janice Upton<br />

Fernando and Dulce Villarruel<br />

Brenda Walsh<br />

Timothy Walsh<br />

Jason and Jessica Warren<br />

West Houston Adventist Church<br />

Winder First Hispanic<br />

Adventist Company<br />

Josh and Brittany Woods<br />

Woodstock Hispanic Adventist Church<br />

Rebecca Zacharias<br />


$500 - $999<br />

Silvia Arredondo<br />

Brent Baldwin<br />

Bryan and Shelby Bankhead<br />

Doug and Beth Barrow<br />

Scott and Debbie Begley<br />

David and Carla Bishop<br />

Jim and Jan Campbell<br />

Eldon and Sharlene Carman<br />

Carrollton Adventist Church<br />

Cartersville Hispanic Adventist Church<br />

Joyce Casley<br />

Charities Aid Foundation of America<br />

Glenn and Diane Coffey<br />

College Press, LLC<br />

Zuath Cortes<br />

Ed and Laura Dancek<br />

Wayne and Patricia Darville<br />

Clint and Jonna Davis<br />

Jeff and Tammy DeMercy<br />

Dixophthal P.C. DBA Dixon Eye Care<br />

Gary and Janice Edgmon<br />

James and Kara Furness<br />

Alfredo and Helena Gaona<br />

Charles and Betty Joyce Gheen<br />

Linda D. Gibson<br />

Kim and Elizabeth Glass<br />

Glenn E. Mitchell & Co., Inc.<br />

George and Melanie Graves<br />

Richard and Nancy Hackett<br />

Ronald and Mary Hagen<br />

Charles and Julie Hanson<br />

Thomas and Regina Harrison<br />

C.P. and Felecia Hawkins<br />

Victor and Susan Hawkins<br />

Gregory and Elaine Hayden<br />

Bobby and Darline Head<br />

Robby and Kelly Herr<br />

Jeff and Jeri Holweger<br />

Timothy and Sue Hullquist<br />

Huntington Adventist Church<br />

Iglesia Adventista del Septimo<br />

Dia Hispana<br />

Kirk and Jennifer Jarrett<br />

Dwayne and Kim Kingry<br />

Brenda LaBar<br />

K.C. and Stephanie Larsen<br />

Learning Labs<br />

Charles Lindsey<br />

Lester and Janet Littell<br />

Dean and Angela Lorenz<br />

M&M Concrete<br />

Brian J. Martin<br />

Charlie and Carol Martinez<br />

Chris and Janel McKee<br />

Earline Miller<br />

Elizabeth Miranda<br />

Charles and Michelle Nash<br />

Doug and Candace Nesmith<br />

Jeffrey and Dian Rahming<br />

Eduardo and Olga Rojas<br />

Rome Adventist Church<br />

“Through the generous<br />

support of people like you,<br />

my art students have been<br />

blessed with state-of-the-art<br />

equipment and supplies to<br />

grow their gifts.”<br />


CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />


“I am very grateful to be<br />

able to record music and<br />

worship with my friends<br />

in the Magnify Worship<br />

program. Thank you to<br />

the donors who invested<br />

money into this program!”<br />

AALIYAH ROE, ’23<br />

Joan Ryan<br />

Luke Salisbury<br />

Derin and Shannon Scott<br />

David and Dawn Self<br />

Reginald Sherrill<br />

South Atlantic Conference<br />

John and Robyn Stearns<br />

Sherwin L. Stewart<br />

Stubbs Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc.<br />

Taco House<br />

Clarissia D. Turner<br />

Stanford and Rosanie Voegele<br />

Ashleigh C. Walton<br />

Jeanette Warren<br />

Wendy Dixon Realty, Inc.<br />

Alfred and Quintessa Williams<br />

John and Barbara Willis<br />

John and Dona Wineland<br />

Charles and Joyce Young<br />

Martin and Cindi Young<br />


$100 - $499<br />

Eve Abrahamson<br />

Bill and Ayleen Abramowicz<br />

James and Diana Akins<br />

Tiffany Aly<br />

Don and Debbie Ambler<br />

Jasmine Arellano<br />

Sandra Ashworth<br />

Auburn Adventist Church<br />

Carroll and Ruth Baker<br />

Ted Baker<br />

Dianna Bass<br />

Jeremy and Jodi Beckworth<br />

Eddie Benedict<br />

Greg and Keila Birge<br />

James and Caroline Bishop<br />

Gavin W. Bledsoe<br />

Josie Blevins<br />

John and Gale Blount<br />

Bruce and Dori Boggess<br />

Stephen and Kerri Boone<br />

Alex and Kelli Brady<br />

Steven and Sharon Bremner<br />

Allyson B. Bridges<br />

Ryan and Traci Brossfield<br />

David and Cheryl Bryant<br />

Greg Bryant<br />

Owen and Nancy Byers<br />

Lisa Bynum<br />

Lonny and Janetta Byrd<br />

Calhoun Adventist Church<br />

Steven Cannon<br />

Arthur and Vivian Carlson<br />

Paul Carpenter<br />

Pam Center<br />

Richard Center<br />

Kurt and Jennifer Chalker<br />

Sara Chase<br />

Truby Christman<br />

Debbie Clayton<br />

Joy Cliett<br />

James and Ellen Clizbe<br />

Hal and Jennifer Coble<br />

Coldwell Banker Kinard Realty<br />

Charlie Cook<br />

Clynton and Betty Cornwell<br />

Jairo Cortes<br />

Patricia Costa<br />

April S. Culver<br />

Rick and Judy Cusick<br />

John and Carolyn Dalton<br />

Edmund and Melanie Dapat<br />

Tommy L. Davidson<br />

Woody and Donna Davis<br />

Angela Deans<br />

Antonio Delgado<br />

Richard and Melanie DiBiase<br />

Larry and Theresa Doran<br />

Janet Dosch<br />

Linda H. Dula<br />

Eric and Emily Dunkel<br />

Deloris Edwards<br />

Charles Elliott<br />

Greg Ennis<br />

David and Regina Escalante<br />

Chris Ezell<br />

Don Falkowski<br />

David Ferguson<br />

Ively Fernandez<br />

Larkin Fessenden<br />

Norman and Frances Fickling<br />

Jeff Fiebelkorn<br />

Fine Fettle<br />

Fitness First of Calhoun<br />

Joseph Follette, Jr.<br />

David and Linda Foster<br />

Darren and Jenny Fowler<br />

Cassandra Freeman<br />

James and Criscilla Frost<br />

Evan F. Galbraith<br />

Ines Garcia<br />

Don Gilpin<br />

Janice D. Glaze<br />

Gary and Lori Goggans<br />

Jan Golden<br />

Daniel and Darby Goodge<br />

Kimberly Goodge<br />

James and Ginger Gravell<br />

Eric and Ivette Green<br />

“My family and I have so much<br />

gratitude to Worthy Student Fund<br />

donors. We know that I could not<br />

come to GCA if it were not for those<br />

donors. Thank you!” EMILY SELF, ’23<br />

12 CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong>

Charles Griffin<br />

Randy Griffin<br />

LaRayne J. Hall<br />

Keith and Kandyce Hallam<br />

Milton and Margaret Hallock<br />

Maxine Harris<br />

Richard and Lizanna Harris<br />

Gene and Bobby Jean Harrison<br />

Tim and Miriam Harrison<br />

Aviann Hart<br />

Ray and Jeanne Hartwell<br />

Lewis and Anne Hendershot<br />

Jacquelyn F. Herron<br />

David and Jaclyn Hickam<br />

Jack and Lynne Higdon<br />

Stephen and Connie Hodges<br />

Mike Holland<br />

Charles and Cherie Holverstott<br />

Paul and Patricia Hoover<br />

Rick and Nancy Howell<br />

Daniel and Anita Hughes<br />

Darlene Humphrey<br />

Todd and Kim Hunt<br />

Bradley and Sylvia Hyde<br />

Hammond Inniss<br />

Larry and Valerie Jackson<br />

Richard and Jackie Johnson<br />

Stephen and Jennifer Johnson<br />

Johnston Health Finance Department<br />

Michael and Aquarius Jones<br />

Randy and Kalie Kelch<br />

Keller Outdoor Landscaping LLC,<br />

Bobby Keller<br />

Chad and Tanya Kirstein<br />

Vic and Chana Kostenko<br />

Danny and Kelli Jo Lamberton<br />

Linda Lankston<br />

Matt and Brittany Lawson<br />

Debra Lazenby<br />

Melanie Lighthall<br />

Haidring Logreira Pinto<br />

Monica Lopez<br />

Carol Loree<br />

Brad Lorenz<br />

Howard and Ann Lowe<br />

Barry and Sharryn Mahorney<br />

Rollin E. Mallernee<br />

Thomas and Kathy Mangum<br />

Marilyn Maples<br />

Caridad Marrero<br />

Andy and Vicki McDonald<br />

Avery McDougle<br />

Susan Medley<br />

Ira and Cindy Mills, Sr.<br />

Jim and Lynae Moor<br />

Nikitia Moore-Floyd<br />

Darla Morgan<br />

Tess L. Morgan<br />

Carine Moura<br />

Harold and Linda Mowery<br />

Patricia Muriel<br />

JD Mutchler<br />

Wayne Nazarenus<br />

Caleb Neal<br />

Sam and Cynthia Nkana<br />

Luther and Melita Palmer<br />

Carla Park<br />

Joseph and Debbie Paulson<br />

Greg and Jackie Payne<br />

Kelly Payne<br />

Nick and Holly Payne<br />

Betty Pedigo<br />

Joel and Jennifer Peel<br />

David and Kathy Pflugrad<br />

Lacretia Phillips<br />

Paul and Shannin Pickle<br />

Peter and Trudy Porpiglia<br />

Prater Ford, Inc.<br />

Tricia Putnam<br />

Brian Rabuka<br />

Michael and Sam Rabuka<br />

Mickey and Gena Rabuka<br />

Mark and Marie Raedisch<br />

Larry and Vicki Rahn<br />

Stephen and Esther Reese<br />

Ed and Kathy Reid<br />

Gordon and Cheryl Retzer<br />

Maryann Roberts<br />

Kristin Roe<br />

Rox Dental Partners, PLLC<br />

Patricia Salazar<br />

Ana Santiago<br />

Christopher Santiago<br />

Magdalena Santos<br />

Roger and Dawn Satterfield<br />

“GCA really feels like a second home to<br />

me, somewhere I am always welcome<br />

and cared for. I am forever grateful and<br />

blessed to be at this school, and I will<br />

never forget the memories I am making<br />

here.” MATTHEW WOODCOCK, ’23<br />

Connie Schaffer<br />

Jody Scheresky<br />

Scott Eye Clinic<br />

Mike and Darlene Showalter<br />

David and Valerie Smith<br />

Dominic and Georgie Smith<br />

Elaine Soloniuk<br />

Marty Sutton<br />

Lisa Swafford<br />

The Fitting Room<br />

The Nursing Center at Little Creek<br />

Wayne and Ramona Thompson<br />

Mark and Kaitlyn Torsney<br />

Fred and Nancy Turner<br />

Joseph and Ugochi Udihirinwa<br />

Keith Wahlbon<br />

Mark and Deanna Walker<br />

Chris Walton<br />

Jeremy and Courtney Wampler<br />

Chris Wheeler<br />

Jeffeory and Clare White<br />

Matthew White<br />

Charles and Bonnie Wilkens<br />

Darryl and Laura Wilkens<br />

Cole Williams<br />

Yvonne Williams<br />

Joe and Ruby Wiseman<br />

Ed and Marilyn Wright<br />

Richard Wuttke<br />

John Yost<br />

Bridget Young<br />

Michael and Beth Zeiss<br />

Carlos and Ruth Zorzin<br />

Mike Zowine<br />

CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />


THANK YOU to our alumni and attendees<br />

who remembered GCA over the past year! Together,<br />

you have made an eternal difference!<br />

CLASS OF 1966<br />

Barbara (Spivey) Campbell<br />

Marilyn Maples<br />

Arlene (West) McFarland<br />

CLASS OF 1967<br />

Don Ambler<br />

Nancy (Blow) Howell<br />

Rick Howell<br />

Kathy (Ippisch) Irizarry<br />

Lester Littell<br />

Mary Lou Rahn<br />

Naomi (Newlon) Sigler<br />

Ben Tallman<br />

CLASS OF 1968<br />

Mary (Martin) Hagen<br />

Barbara (Cummings) Willis<br />

CLASS OF 1969<br />

Don Falkowski<br />

Norman Fickling<br />

Jan (Pethel) Golden<br />

Charles Holverstott<br />

Harold Mowery<br />

Linda (James) Mowery<br />

Caryn (Carman) Payne<br />

Roger Satterfield<br />

Don Wilson<br />

CLASS OF 1970<br />

James Bacon<br />

Ruth (Wilson) Baker<br />

Barbara (Lee) Bearden<br />

Alumni<br />

Donors<br />

Larry Rahn<br />

Vicki (Byrd) Rahn<br />

CLASS OF 1971<br />

Marialice (Carey) Morales<br />

Brenda (Micheff) Walsh<br />

CLASS OF 1972<br />

Eldon Carman<br />

Tommy Davidson<br />

Larkin Fessenden<br />

Jacquelyn (Maddox) Herron<br />

Mike Holland<br />

Kathy (Silvers) Mangum<br />

CLASS OF 1973<br />

Truby Christman<br />

Joy (Woodell) Cliett<br />

Harold Cunningham<br />

Jeannie (Newgard) Cunningham<br />

Theresa (Klein) Doran<br />

Candace (Elkins) Foreman<br />

Lynne (Britt) Higdon<br />

Andy McDonald<br />

Patricia (Thomson) Putnam<br />

CLASS OF 1974<br />

Gale (Blackburn) Blount<br />

Hal Coble<br />

Chris Ezell<br />

Jeff Holweger<br />

Eddie Klein<br />

Mark Richardson<br />

Dennis Upton<br />

Ruby (Shaw) Wiseman<br />

CLASS OF 1975<br />

Roger Elliston<br />

Danny Harris<br />

Brian Martin<br />

David Richardson<br />

Kathy (McGhee) Schleier<br />

Cindi (Whitehead) Young<br />

CLASS OF 1976<br />

Carolyn (Harris) Dalton<br />

John Dalton<br />

Tammy (Price) DeMercy<br />

Paul Fuchcar<br />

George Graves<br />

Jeff King<br />

Jeanie (Penner) Meyer<br />

CLASS OF 1977<br />

Tina (Crauswell) Curtis<br />

Greg Ennis<br />

Jody Scheresky<br />

CLASS OF 1978<br />

Richard Harris<br />

Monty Jenkins<br />

Angela (Addison) Lorenz<br />

Andy Nall<br />

Jan (Ashcraft) Upton<br />

Marvin Wilson<br />

CLASS OF 1979<br />

Ayleen (DeArmas) Abramowicz<br />

Beth (Bishop) Barrow<br />

David Bishop<br />

Melanie (Wurl) DiBiase<br />

Lisa (Bruce) Gary<br />

Doug Owens<br />

CLASS OF 1980<br />

Lisa Bynum<br />

Brenda LaBar<br />

Carmen (Wilson) Lau<br />

Yung Lau<br />

Doug Schneider<br />

CLASS OF 1981<br />

Carol Loree<br />

CLASS OF 1982<br />

Caroline (Maretich) Bishop<br />

Steve Cannon<br />

Diane (Bottomley) Coffey<br />

Joseph Follette, Jr.<br />

Carol (Dickerhoff) Martin<br />

Steve Martin<br />

14 CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong>

Jonathan Wurl<br />

CLASS OF 1983<br />

James Bishop<br />

Pam Center<br />

Georgia (Butterfield) O’Brien<br />

Karen (Artress) Orquia<br />

Brenda (Brown) Richardson<br />

Tami (Baker) Richardson<br />

Leslie (Johnson) Wurl<br />

John Yost<br />

CLASS OF 1984<br />

Scott Begley<br />

Dewey Campbell<br />

Denise (Watley) Salisbury<br />

CLASS OF 1985<br />

Todd Hunt<br />

Steve Johnson<br />

David Woodcock<br />

CLASS OF 1986<br />

Trudy (Allan) Porpiglia<br />

CLASS OF 1988<br />

Alan Connelly<br />

Diane (Artress) Connelly<br />

Liz (Theus) Glass<br />

Joel Peel<br />

Georgie (Seckler) Smith<br />

CLASS OF 1989<br />

Anonymous<br />

Darrin Evans<br />

Jennifer (Gibson) Peel<br />

CLASS OF 1990<br />

Tan (Cooper) Moore<br />

Keith Wahlbon<br />

CLASS OF 1991<br />

Ted Baker<br />

Greg Hudson<br />

Lisa Swafford<br />

CLASS OF 1992<br />

Mike Whalley<br />

CLASS OF 1993<br />

Synnova (Hill) Goodge<br />

Joni (Self) Yamamoto<br />

CLASS OF 1995<br />

Jonas Courey<br />

Heather Ehlert-Montes<br />

Darlene (Steele) Peterson<br />

CLASS OF 1996<br />

Holly (Witt) Payne<br />

David Self<br />

Angela (Cripe) Teague<br />

CLASS OF 1997<br />

Shawnessey Cargile<br />

Casey (King) Graybill<br />

Stephanie (Livesay) Larsen<br />

Su Nam<br />

Tron Wilder<br />

CLASS OF 1999<br />

Greg Payne<br />

CLASS OF 2000<br />

Nick Payne<br />

CLASS OF 2001<br />

Sara Chase<br />

Andrea Keele<br />

CLASS OF 2002<br />

Kristin Roe<br />

Jessica (Tunnell) Warren<br />

CLASS OF 2003<br />

Josh Woods<br />

CLASS OF 2004<br />

Kelly (Klein) Herr<br />

Kelli Jo (Leeper) Lamberton<br />

Britni (Brannon) News<br />

CLASS OF 2006<br />

Darren Fowler<br />

Jenny (Small) Fowler<br />

CLASS OF 2007<br />

Becky (Riggs) Lau<br />

Chris Lau<br />

Chris Walton<br />

CLASS OF 2008<br />

Allyson Bridges<br />

CLASS OF 2009<br />

Bryan Bankhead<br />

Shelby (Wildman) Bankhead<br />

Ashleigh Walton<br />

CLASS OF 2010<br />

Clarissia Turner<br />

Courtney (Brackbill) Wampler<br />

CLASS OF 2012<br />

Tess Morgan<br />

Kelly Payne<br />

CLASS OF 2013<br />

Alex Brady<br />

Kelli (Stickney) Brady<br />

Brianna (Paradis) Lowery<br />

CLASS OF 2014<br />

Caleb McKinney<br />

Carine Moura<br />

Joey Rocha<br />

CLASS OF 2015<br />

Emily Johnson<br />

Brad Lorenz<br />

CLASS OF 2016<br />

Jonathan Alexandre<br />

Cole Williams<br />

CLASS OF 2017<br />

Cassandra Freeman<br />

Caleb Neal<br />

CLASS OF <strong>2022</strong><br />

Irvin Bishop, III<br />

Joey Cirigliano<br />

Andrew Hanson<br />



Class of 1976<br />




1st Place – Class of 1997<br />

2nd Place – Class of 1976<br />

3rd Place – Class of 1984<br />

CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />


Hailing from North Carolina,<br />


was hired near the end of last school<br />

year as a food service assistant.<br />

She has an associate degree in the<br />

applied science of nutrition and<br />

dietetics with a CDM certification.<br />

Cheyenne started her career in food<br />

service as a teenager. Her supervisor<br />

at the time became a mentor and<br />

someone that she looked up to.<br />

Looking back, she realizes that she<br />

was trained in an environment that<br />

taught students a love of serving<br />

God through service to others.<br />

She prays that she can create that<br />

same kind of environment with<br />

the students that she works with<br />

at GCA. In her free time, Cheyenne<br />

loves spending time with family and<br />

friends, cooking and playing games.<br />

GCA alumna, CHRISTIAN<br />

(HAMILTON) PEEL, ’15, was<br />

hired at the beginning of this school<br />

year to teach pre-algebra classes.<br />

Originally from Florida, Christian<br />

attended GCA all four years and<br />

appreciates the life-long friendships<br />

that she created as a student on<br />

campus. She is currently working<br />

on a master’s degree in education.<br />

In her spare time, she and her<br />

husband, Justin, ’16, enjoy spending<br />

time outdoors in nature.<br />

JESSICA CHITURA is the new<br />

women’s dorm assistant dean.<br />

A native Michigander, Jessica is<br />

married to Johannes and they<br />

have three children – Samuel,<br />

Karina, and Josie. She holds BA<br />

degrees in Spanish and French from<br />

Andrews University, as well as a<br />

post graduate diploma in education<br />

from Zimbabwe Open University.<br />

She previously spent time living<br />

and working in a children’s home in<br />

Honduras. While there, she learned<br />

from her mentor, Gloria Ortiz, the<br />

importance of prayer as a part of<br />

daily life. She reflects fondly on the<br />

time they spent talking to God as a<br />

friend and a father. She strives to<br />

follow that example by committing<br />

herself to God through constant<br />

conversation with Him as she<br />

embraces the role of assistant dean<br />

at GCA.<br />

16 CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong>

Calling both Chattanooga,<br />

Tennessee and Kailua, Hawaii, home,<br />

CHRIS HARRIS joined the GCA<br />

family as the director of guidance<br />

and counseling this school year. He<br />

earned an undergraduate degree in<br />

psychology and a master’s degree in<br />

counseling from Southern Adventist<br />

University. In 2017, he graduated<br />

from Trevecca Nazarene University<br />

with a PhD in counseling. He is a<br />

licensed, professional counselor<br />

with over 20 years of experience in<br />

the mental health field. His clinical<br />

specialties focus on eating disorders,<br />

addiction, and trauma. He and his<br />

wife Meghan have four children –<br />

Samantha, Madeleine, Colton, and<br />

Theodore. In his spare time, he likes<br />

hiking with his family and working<br />

on home improvement projects.<br />

Originally from Canada, MELISSA<br />

JOHNSON earned a BA in English<br />

from Oakwood University and an<br />

MAT from Andrews University in<br />

education with a communications<br />

emphasis. This school year, Melissa<br />

teaches sophomore English classes<br />

and a dual-enrollment speech<br />

course through SAU, in addition to<br />

serving as the yearbook advisor.<br />

She has been married to Juleun, her<br />

college sweetheart for 19 years and<br />

they have two children – Morgan<br />

and Julia. Some of her hobbies<br />

include traveling, scrapbooking,<br />

reading, and painting.<br />

IRA MILLS, SR. is no stranger to<br />

GCA. His oldest daughter, Anderson,<br />

graduated from GCA in 2021. His<br />

younger daughter Rory, ’23, and son<br />

Ira, ’25, currently attend GCA. He<br />

earned a BA in biology and an MS<br />

in educational administration and<br />

supervision from Southern Adventist<br />

University. While teaching classes<br />

at the high school level, he earned<br />

a BSN at Remington College and<br />

transitioned to the field of nursing.<br />

GCA students taking Ira’s classes<br />

have the benefit of his nursing<br />

knowledge as they take biology,<br />

anatomy and physiology, and<br />

health care science classes. Married<br />

to Cindy for 29 years, Ira enjoys<br />

working on home improvement<br />

projects and barefoot waterskiing.<br />

A’LISA SORENSEN grew up<br />

in Jamaica and Trinidad until the<br />

age of nine when her family moved<br />

to Massachusetts. She has a BA<br />

in Spanish Studies and a minor in<br />

English, as well as dual MA degrees<br />

in administration and educational<br />

leadership. As the new vice<br />

principal, she also teaches freshman<br />

experience classes and serves as a<br />

Student Association sponsor. She<br />

believes that students have been<br />

the biggest influence in her career.<br />

She thinks of who they are and who<br />

they will become, and it encourages<br />

her to put her best foot forward.<br />

A’Lisa and her husband Andrew have<br />

been married since 2019 and have a<br />

daughter named Noel. In her spare<br />

time, A’Lisa enjoys spending time<br />

with her family, cooking and baking,<br />

reading, watching HGTV, listening<br />

to music, watching and playing<br />

basketball, and eating at great<br />

restaurants.<br />

CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />



We love hearing from you! Please send us updates about educational accomplishments, new career opportunities, additions to your<br />

family (whether through marriage or birth), or any other news you would like to share. Email Beth Zeiss at bzeiss@gcasda.org.<br />

Congratulations to SARA CHASE, ’01,<br />

who accepted a position as the head girls’<br />

dean at Bass Memorial Academy.<br />

Congratulations to BONNIE<br />


on the birth<br />

of her son,<br />

Néstor Eduardo.<br />

Néstor was<br />

born April 14,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, weighing<br />

8.7 pounds and measuring 21 inches<br />

long. Bonnie and her husband, Néstor, live<br />

in North Carolina where she is finishing<br />

her first year of<br />

nursing school.<br />


(GIMBEL)<br />

STOKES, ’05,<br />

and her husband<br />

Phil welcomed<br />

their son Liam Ethan into the world on<br />

September 13, <strong>2022</strong>. Liam weighed 8<br />

pounds, 5 ounces and was 22 ¼ inches<br />

long at birth.<br />

Congratulations to MEGAN LIBERTO,<br />

’09, who married her long-time best friend,<br />

John Williams on June 12, <strong>2022</strong>. They are<br />

excitedly awaiting the arrival of their son<br />

who will be born in the spring of 2023.<br />

JOANN YIN, ’09, graduated from<br />

AdventHealth<br />

University in<br />

April <strong>2022</strong><br />

with a master’s<br />

degree in<br />

healthcare<br />

administration<br />

with an<br />

emphasis in strategy and innovation. She<br />

currently works in Tampa, Florida, as a<br />

senior business analyst for service line<br />

development at a local hospital.<br />

Congratulations<br />

to LAURA<br />

(CHASE)<br />

SHETH, ’13,<br />

who married her<br />

sweetheart Chirag,<br />

on August 11,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>. The couple<br />

resides in the Chattanooga area where<br />

Laura works as a nurse.<br />

SHELBY<br />

(LEWELLEN)<br />

HICKMAN,<br />

’17, married Luke<br />

Hickman in Jamaica<br />

on February 19,<br />

<strong>2022</strong>. The couple<br />

resides and works in the Lake Lanier area of<br />

Georgia.<br />

with<br />

and<br />

Welcome to LOUIS LICHT, '99, new<br />

Alumni President-elect!<br />

Last year, we introduced the position<br />

of president-elect, which was held<br />

by Rhondda (Robinson) Thomas, ’78.<br />

This year, Rhondda is our <strong>2022</strong>-2023<br />

alumni president. Louis Licht, ’99, has<br />

graciously accepted the position of<br />

president-elect.<br />

Louis Licht has many interests, but<br />

a couple of things he is passionate<br />

about are Adventist education and<br />

ongoing, intentional involvement<br />

in his local community. As a GCA<br />

alumnus, he has gone out into the<br />

larger Chattanooga area and has been<br />

an active member in both his church<br />

and professional organizations.<br />

He works for Starkey Printing<br />

Company as a sales and marketing<br />

representative and is the head deacon<br />

for Collegedale Community Adventist<br />

Church. His involvement with the<br />

church has placed him in a servantleadership<br />

role where he meets the<br />

needs of church members while<br />

finding ways to broaden the church’s<br />

reach to impact its surrounding<br />

communities. It is this involvement<br />

that has continued to instill an<br />

appreciation for close ties and<br />

relationships - aspects that he looks<br />

forward to fostering within his role as<br />

the alumni president-elect.<br />

When Louis is not actively involved<br />

with his church or local community,<br />

he enjoys spending time with his wife,<br />

Stacy Bruce Licht, ’96, and two sons,<br />

Asher (14) and Camden (11). They have<br />

a love for national parks and enjoy<br />

playing many sports together. Louis is<br />

honored to serve and looks forward to<br />

connecting with many of you soon.<br />

Louis Licht, ’99, pictured with wife Stacy<br />

(Bruce), ’96, and sons Camden and Asher<br />

18 CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong>

Deborah Theus<br />

OCTOBER 27, 1962 – SEPTEMBER 20, <strong>2022</strong><br />

The Old Testament contains many stories<br />

that demonstrate God’s ability to step<br />

into human history and work through<br />

people during challenging times. Maybe<br />

you remember the story of a little orphan<br />

girl named Hadassah, who went to live<br />

with her uncle and would eventually<br />

be established in Persian royalty. When<br />

she, her family and her people were<br />

facing annihilation, it was her uncle who<br />

uttered that famous line “And who knows<br />

whether you have not come to the<br />

kingdom for such a time as this?” (ESV,<br />

Esther 4:14).<br />

A similar, more modern statement as<br />

that which was uttered by Esther’s uncle<br />

Mordechai is the following: "The two<br />

most important days in your life are the<br />

day you are born and the day you find<br />

out why."<br />

Occasionally, if we are very fortunate,<br />

we see God working to put someone<br />

into a position or a place at exactly the<br />

right time, to accomplish something<br />

important. There is nothing more<br />

exciting and gratifying than to see that<br />

happen in your life, or in the lives of<br />

those you know and love.<br />

When Deborah Theus came to work at<br />

GCA in 2006, it was one of those events<br />

when the needs of GCA intersected<br />

with the unique talents and God-given<br />

spiritual gifts of Deborah. Throughout<br />

her time at GCA, Deborah provided<br />

important leadership in eliminating<br />

all debt at the academy, bringing our<br />

financial management to new standards<br />

of professionalism, and building financial<br />

reserves that brought stability to our<br />

school.<br />

Deborah was on the cutting edge<br />

of implementing new financial<br />

management software at GCA. She<br />

converted our financial records from<br />

antiquated software to a new program,<br />

at a time when the software was so<br />

new it did not have adequate written<br />

documentation and very few people<br />

understood how the software worked.<br />

Deborah was then able to provide<br />

assistance to other institutions going<br />

through the software conversion.<br />

The years when Deborah worked at GCA<br />

were also filled with many times of great<br />

fun and joy. Deborah never hesitated to<br />

get involved in all aspects of school life.<br />

She loved her time with students and<br />

traveled internationally with academy<br />

students many times. Deborah became<br />

an integral part of our leadership team<br />

and her influence helped change the<br />

culture of GCA. I will always remember<br />

her wisdom, friendship, and the joy she<br />

brought to our time here. Deborah, as<br />

much as anyone I have ever known, was<br />

able to push through whatever pain and<br />

discomfort life served up, to make things<br />

happen.<br />

Deborah Theus retired due to a medical<br />

challenge in 2019 and passed away on<br />

September 20, <strong>2022</strong>. Deborah left behind<br />

three daughters, Rebecca, ’10, Molly,<br />

’11, and Sarah, ’12, as well as son-in-law<br />

David Mancao, and grandson Bodhi.<br />



CUMBERLITE THE ANNUAL REPORT <strong>2022</strong><br />




397 Academy Dr. SW<br />

Calhoun, GA 30701<br />

Phone: (706) 629-4591<br />

Fax: (706) 629-1272<br />

bzeiss@gcasda.org<br />

ngerard@gcasda.org<br />


EDITOR:<br />













1968 Brenda (Murray) Morris (865) 680-1246 Ivymistbsm@Gmail.com<br />

1973 Harold Cunningham (706) 506-2007 Heartofgeorgia@Gmail.com<br />

1973 Jeannie (Newgard) Cunningham (478) 542-0757 Joinavon2day@Gmail.com<br />

1978 Debbie (Upton) Strawn (423) 309-2087 dstrawn59@hotmail.com<br />

1983 TBD<br />

1988 Georgie (Seckler) Smith (678) 906-0542 Georgielovesdominic@Comcast.net<br />

1988 Liz (Theus) Glass (706) 653-1144 Elizabethglass@Yahoo.com<br />

1993 David Steele (404) 788-5562 Steeleda@Hotmail.com<br />

1993 Joni (Self) Yamamoto (910) 964-1442 Joniself@Yahoo.com<br />

1998 TBD<br />

2003 Donnie Keele (559) 765-5922 Donniekeele@Gmail.com<br />

2008 Heather (Thames) Leeper (404) 797-3706 Heleeper89@Gmail.com<br />

2008 Kaleb Leeper (678) 477-1538 Kaleb.leeper@Sva-Va.org<br />

2013 Courtney Buckhanon (404) 820-6705 Courtney.buckhanon@Gmail.com<br />

2018 Lismary (Rosales) Shatus (706) 676-6188 Lismaryrrosales@Gmail.com<br />


February 4, 2023 | 1:30 PM<br />

Loma Linda Academy Alumni<br />

& Friends Event<br />


February 25, 2023 | 1:15 PM<br />

Forest Lake Church Upper Youth Center<br />


March 31 – April 2, 2023<br />

Main programming, along with the Welcome<br />

Home Breakfast and Sabbath lunch will be<br />

held in the Wally Fox Wellness Center.<br />




March 31, 2023 | 10 AM shotgun start<br />


April 2, 2023 | 10 AM

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