Voyager Rare Books Maps & Prints - Christmas 2022
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<strong>Voyager</strong> <strong>Rare</strong> <strong>Books</strong> <strong>Maps</strong> & <strong>Prints</strong><br />
<strong>Christmas</strong> <strong>2022</strong><br />
Tek Sing Treasure and Imaginary voyages and real ones by brave<br />
adventurers. Pixie O’Harris at her most delightful and the odd fish. The<br />
Water Babies with their Darwinian themes. See the light through a<br />
John Browning spectroscope and experience the chill of Peary in<br />
Greenland and a Villain from Brisbane<br />
• Museum Quality 19th Century Mineral Field Testing Kit<br />
• Peary out and about in Greenland — 2 Volumes<br />
• Pixie O’Harris Rarity - Princess of China<br />
• Frederick Carter knew D.H. Lawrence<br />
• Water Babies — Illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith –1920’s<br />
• Gold Refining in Australia by Donald Clark — 1909<br />
• Imaginary Voyages and that man Traprock<br />
• Ian Keen Thesis — One Ceremony One Song — concerning the Yolnu of Arnhem Land<br />
• Tasmanian Industrial History — Railways, Tramways and Coal Mines<br />
• Elements of Medical Logick from the Royal Library Windsor<br />
• Agatha Christie all of it 72 Novels.<br />
• Mrs Beeton the one with the kangaroo, wallaby and parrot pie<br />
v o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />
<strong>Voyager</strong> <strong>Christmas</strong> Catalogue
<strong>Voyager</strong> <strong>Rare</strong> <strong>Books</strong> <strong>Maps</strong> & <strong>Prints</strong><br />
<strong>Voyager</strong> is a different sort of bookshop … we are forever changing, adding the more<br />
curious to the curious, and selecting prize items for our collection. We don’t measure our<br />
stock by numbers of items but by variety and quality.<br />
It has been a pleasure producing this Catalogue. And we hope you enjoy reading it and<br />
that it gives you a sense of what we are about … Sometimes our selections are a bit<br />
cheeky … but we hope that makes it more enjoyable.<br />
if you have an order then thank you and we will attend to it with care .<br />
Items are available on a first come first served basis. We take orders by telephone, email<br />
and through our website. When ordering quote page number and title of item.<br />
Postage and packing will be charged at cost and care is taken to get the best rate<br />
available. All items are packed to a high standard and will arrive safely.<br />
We accept Visa, Mastercard and direct deposits to our account. And issue PayPal invoices.<br />
Items are sold complete and in good condition. Anything found to be not as expected may<br />
be returned within seven days of receipt for full refund.<br />
We are now exclusively Online and Occasional Catalogue on Yumpu.<br />
Enquiries or ring <strong>Voyager</strong> Bill 0411 875 508<br />
Website<br />
2<br />
Here’s a Villain<br />
[Concerning Brisbane Boys Grammar]<br />
George Carson Cooling - Master<br />
First Edition Scarce 1949<br />
<strong>Rare</strong> book published Watson and Ferguson,<br />
Brisbane in 1949. George Cooling was a<br />
pupil and later Master at the illustrious<br />
Brisbane Boys Grammar. Written with a<br />
hint of Wodehouse; he certainly qualifies as<br />
a “Villain”… with his frank expose of goings<br />
on … often tongue planted firmly in cheek.<br />
The story of the teaching of sex education<br />
and the parents attempts with the birds<br />
and the bees is very funny … young boy at<br />
Church wedding of his elder sister shouts<br />
out to his mother … “When is he going to<br />
give her his pollen?” .. priceless.<br />
Octavo, 254 pages, a trifle cocked as with<br />
all old W & F books, very clean and with a<br />
very good dust jacket.<br />
The art on the dust jacket is really super<br />
and makes the book. For those that know<br />
the history of Pink Floyd, think of the<br />
Cartoon images drawn by the great Gerald<br />
Scarfe to accompany “One More Brick in<br />
the Wall” … was this the inspiration? Doubt<br />
it, but what a coincidence. “Hey Teacher<br />
Leave us Kids Alone”.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Essential Grammar related book … but any<br />
Brisbanite will love and cherish it.
3<br />
Tek Sing Shipwreck Treasure – 1822<br />
Qing Dynasty decorated bowl recovered by Mike Hatcher from the<br />
Tek Sing shipwreck. A special ex<strong>amp</strong>le.<br />
Unusual more extensive decoration with a central spray of reeds emanating from<br />
rockwork, peony flowers to the left and a very nice bamboo image to the right.<br />
Three small floral designs under rim and two character marks to centre. Blue circle<br />
around foot and likely under rim. Larger ex<strong>amp</strong>le bowl for Tek Sing, 15 cm in<br />
diameter 3.0 cm high, with a good foot. Retains Nagel auction and catalogue<br />
stickers underneath for provenance.<br />
Price $220.00<br />
A Tek Sing special - Nice strong and uncommon decoration.<br />
________________________<br />
The Tek Sing Shipwreck – Background<br />
The Tek Sing (Chinese for “Bright Star”’) was a large Chinese Junk which sank in<br />
1822 in the South China Sea at the Belvidere Shoals. She was 50 meters long, 10<br />
metres wide and weighed a thousand tons. Manned by a crew of 200. The great loss<br />
of life has led to the Tek Sing being referred to as the “Titanic of the East”.<br />
Sailing from the port of Amoy (now Xiamen), the Tek Sing was bound for Jakarta,<br />
with a cargo of porcelain goods and 1,600 Chinese immigrants. After a month of<br />
sailing, Captain Lo Tauko took a shortcut through the Gaspar Straits and ran<br />
aground on a reef and sank in 100 feet of water.<br />
The next morning and English East Indiaman captained by James Pearl sailing from<br />
Indonesia to Borneo passed through the Gaspar Straits. He found debris from the<br />
sunken Chinese vessel and survivors. They managed to rescue 190 people.<br />
In 1999, marine salvor Mike Hatcher discovered the wreck. His crew raised what<br />
has been described as the largest cache of Chinese porcelain ever recovered. It<br />
was auctioned by Nagle in Stuttgart, Germany the following year<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
The Water Babies – Charles Kingsley – 1920’s<br />
illustrated by Jessie Wilcox Smith.<br />
The Water Babies was first published in 1863 in the<br />
midst of the Darwin’s developing theories on<br />
evolution .. more about that later.<br />
Water Babies has been re-issued numerous times,<br />
none more beautifully illustrated than this book.<br />
Published by Boots the Chemist (perhaps their best<br />
work during their foray into the book world).<br />
Quarto, ix, 240 pages with 12 super coloured plates,<br />
tipped in. Original green decorative cloth covered<br />
binding. A few spots as usual, none on the plates, a<br />
very attractive copy of a desirable Water Babies.<br />
For those not in the know, a complex book, partly a<br />
satire supporting Darwin’s theory of evolution as<br />
commenced in “On The Origin Species”. The text<br />
briefly refers to Darwin, Huxley, Murchison and<br />
Owen. Huxley’s grandchild wrote after reading the<br />
book … “Dear Grandpater (they were posh) – Have<br />
you seen a Water baby? Did you put it in a bottle?<br />
Did it wonder if it could get out? Could I see it some<br />
day? – Your loving Julian” … Julian went on to be<br />
one smart chap also and wrote a great biography on<br />
Grandpater. Enough of that back to the book.<br />
As well as the whole evolution theme there are also<br />
pointers to Victorian issues … the gulf between the<br />
Have and the Have Nots. Protagonist Tom is a young<br />
chimney sweep not the son of an aristocrat. Later<br />
explorer Paul Du Chaillu shoots a gorilla who had<br />
reverse evolved from a human … the gorilla wanted<br />
to say ‘Am I not a man and a brother” .. further<br />
references to slavery etc. So all up quite a thought<br />
provoking tale and still with modern day lessons …<br />
just need to think a bit.<br />
Price $220.00<br />
Water Babies a very special book and special<br />
beautifully illustrated edition<br />
5<br />
Princess of China – Pixie O’Harris<br />
Extremely rare little book by Pixie O’Harris published by Currawong Press<br />
undated but believed 1946. Reference bibliography Muir 5509.<br />
Landscape soft cover illustrated wrappers, 48 pages with eight line drawings<br />
typical of Pixie O’Harris. Some signs of age and two of the illustrations have<br />
received between the lines colour from some happy previous owner.<br />
Generally a very good copy.<br />
Price $185.00<br />
Collectable Pixie O’Harris.<br />
<strong>Voyager</strong> = Thoughtful Gift
6<br />
D.H. Lawrence and the Body Mystical<br />
Frederick Carter – First Edition 1932<br />
Unusual book on aspects of Lawrence’s thinking<br />
and a fine production, printed in “Private Press<br />
Style” published by Denis Archer, London.<br />
Largish octavo format, 63 pages with extra<br />
blanks. Frontispiece of D.H. Lawrence by the<br />
author who was a skilled etcher. Printed on<br />
sumptuous Japan Vellum. Bound quarter black<br />
cloth over lightly marbled paper covered boards.<br />
Design, partly in gilt to front with titles, gilt titles<br />
to spine. A little rubbed at the corners and a<br />
slight stain to one of the rear blanks otherwise a<br />
very good copy.<br />
Frederick Carter (1885-1967) knew D.H.<br />
Lawrence very well … Lawrence would stay with<br />
Carter at his house in Shropshire. There they<br />
would share and develop their views on<br />
humanity. It was a time in Lawrence’s life that<br />
he was concerned with his health and the English<br />
cold and d<strong>amp</strong>. He craved warmer climes. One of<br />
his favourite if not most favourite places was<br />
Mexico where he saw something unusual and<br />
special in the people.<br />
Price $90.00<br />
Fine and worthwhile book on D.H. Lawrence<br />
by a man who knew him well.<br />
Pharais and the Mountain Lovers<br />
Fiona Macleod (William Sharp)<br />
William Sharp (1855-1905) edited poems for Walter<br />
Scott, Swinbourne and Arnold … he wrote the best<br />
biography of Rossetti. As a novelist he had moderate<br />
success under his own name but under his secretive<br />
nom de plume Fiona Macleod was highly respected.<br />
After his death his wife assembled the “Fiona<br />
Macleod” works resulting in this edition.<br />
Published by Heinemann in 1924, octavo, 401 pages<br />
Mountain Lovers the longer of the two. Bound in<br />
blue/green cloth covered boards with Celtic design<br />
to front. The boards have nibbles, whilst the rare<br />
dust jacket with matching design is in perfect<br />
condition. Overall an attractive copy.<br />
Pharais “A Romance of the Isles” … a flows in a<br />
mysterious, glamorous manner in true Celtic<br />
fashion .. the charm and terror of a night of tragic<br />
significance. The Mountain Lovers in a similar vein.<br />
Sharp was protective of Fiona Macleod … whenever<br />
a manuscript note was required in her hand he had<br />
it written by his sister … he kept it up but a few<br />
worked it out … that in itself is a good story.<br />
Price $35.00<br />
Beautiful, strong Celtic infused narrative by<br />
Fiona Macleod .. well Sharp really
7<br />
One Ceremony One Song.<br />
An Economy of Religious Knowledge Among Yolnu<br />
of North-East Arnhem Land. A PhD Thesis –<br />
Australia National University – 1978 – Ian Keen<br />
Original thesis by Ian Keen to for his PhD from ANU<br />
in 1978. Keen a respected anthropologist holding<br />
positions at Queensland University, ANU, spending<br />
time at Oxford, visiting Professor at Osaka etc.<br />
Bound in blue cloth covered boards, gilt titles to<br />
front and spine. Typed one side 412 pages with 19<br />
pages of plates from authors photographs; 72<br />
Figures in text; 45 information tables and 4 maps.<br />
The English born author was late to the academic<br />
world having first worked as an art restorer before<br />
doing an undergraduate degree at the University of<br />
London under Mary Douglas in his mid thirties. He<br />
did well and soon won a scholarship to work on<br />
Aboriginal religion through song symbolism in<br />
Arnhem Land, Northern Australia. This thesis<br />
demonstrates the depth of his research and<br />
provides a meticulous record of his findings.<br />
He commenced his work on the island of Milingimbi<br />
in 1974 and worked there for fourteen months<br />
before completing a further 10 months on the<br />
mainland at Nanggalala. It’s is not surprising that<br />
“’writing up” took him some time.<br />
His “Abstract” explains his examination of the<br />
relationship between the organisation, ownership<br />
and content of religious practice and knowledge,<br />
marriage and power relations in Yolnu society. He<br />
argues that older men require the authority gained<br />
through their control of secret ceremonies and<br />
religious knowledge, in order to sustain a<br />
polygynous regime. Making possible a system of<br />
marriage through which some men gain many<br />
wives. Keen’s description of the various<br />
ceremonies is highly detailed … we doubt if any<br />
broadly published material covers such depth.<br />
Price $280.00<br />
A special reference relating to the<br />
Yolnu of Northern Australia.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
Northward over the "Great Ice".<br />
A Narrative of Life and Work Along the Shores and upon the Interior ice-Cap of<br />
Northern Greenland in the Years 1886 and 1891-1897. In Two Volumes.<br />
Robert E Peary. First Edition 1898.<br />
Even longer title continues …With a Description of the Little Tribe of Smith-Sound<br />
Eskimos, the Most Northerly Human Beings in the World, and an Account of the<br />
Discovery and Bringing Home of the "Saviksue," or Great Cape-York Meteorites, with<br />
maps, diagrams and about eight hundred illustrations.<br />
American Polar hero Peary in the North of Greenland. Peary would claim the North<br />
Pole in 1909 contested by Frederick Cook. Over time Peary given the recognition but<br />
in recent years, on further analysis, the barometer is swinging back to Cook.<br />
Peary was sponsored by the US Navy and eventually given the rank of Commander. He<br />
went North many times and this account of two of those adventures, is enthralling.<br />
Well written and nicely summarised in the lengthy title.<br />
Published by Frederick Stokes, New York in 1898. Two quarto volumes printed on<br />
heavy paper stock, lxxx, 521 pages and xiv, 625 pages. Many illustrations as advertised<br />
one large folding image from a photograph, numerous maps — one large folding. Bound<br />
in original blue cloth with decoration to front, spines rather faded as often with this<br />
set, binding holding firm, a pretty good ex<strong>amp</strong>le.<br />
An expansive work containing much information about the natives of Northern<br />
Greenland and an expedition to McCormick Bay which confirmed that Greenland was<br />
an island. Peary would learn much about Inuit survival that he would take forward to<br />
his later expeditions. He also took an Inuit mistress who he would later return to<br />
Greenland in 1909. There is also much about the Cape-York meteorite an absolute<br />
monster at over 34 tonnes. Local Inuit had been using shards of the meteorite to make<br />
tools and weapons so who knows how big it was originally.<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Robert Peary substantial work of Arctic Exploration and<br />
Ethnology in Northern Greenland<br />
9<br />
George Bass Discovery of the Bass Strait<br />
Commemorative Medal - 1968<br />
George Bass, Surgeon an Explorer carried out two voyages<br />
to confirm the Bass Strait and the separation of Tasmania<br />
(then Van Diemen’s Land) from mainland Australia –<br />
known affectionately in Tasmania as “The Other Island”.<br />
In 1797 he set off in an open whaleboat with a crew of<br />
six. They sailed to Cape Howe, the farthest point of South<br />
-east Australia and, from there west along the Gippsland<br />
coast to Western Point, at the entrance to Port Phillip.<br />
Observations of the rapid tide and south-western swell<br />
supported his view that a large Strait lay before him.<br />
In 1798 he set out again, with Matthew Flinders in the<br />
sloop Norfolk and circumnavigated Van Diemen’s Land.<br />
They visited the Derwent River which had previously<br />
been named by Captain John Hayes. On return to Sydney,<br />
Flinders promoted the naming of the Strait after Bass …<br />
the then Governor, John Hunter agreed.<br />
Bass’s later life was adventurous and … likely …tragic,<br />
making the date of his death on the medal questionable.<br />
The medal was struck in 1968. It was produced by K.G.<br />
Luke & Sons, Melbourne for the Numismatic Association of<br />
Victoria. 160 ex<strong>amp</strong>le were produced in this bronze form.<br />
50mm in diameter with a high relief bust of Bass facing<br />
right, carrying his spyglass. On the reverse a delightful<br />
image of the whaleboat, the sloop Norfolk an the chart<br />
and route of the vessels, appropriately dated.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Celebrating the achievements of George Bass<br />
Hornblower and the Hotspur – C.S. Forester<br />
First edition published by Michael Joseph, London in<br />
1962. Octavo, 266 pages, blue cloth covered boards,<br />
very good dust jacket, top page edges quite aged.<br />
The tenth volume in the Hornblower series and we<br />
make it third in chronological order. The last finished<br />
Hornblower novel. “Crisis” being incomplete at<br />
C.S. Forester’s death.<br />
Set in 1803 with war with France imminent<br />
Hornblower is promoted to Commander and given<br />
the Sloop HMS Hotspur. Sent to enforce the blockade<br />
at Brest … does his usual super job not without<br />
difficulty and danger. Cornwallis considers him for<br />
promotion to Post-Captain … a position achieved<br />
when he executes his plan to deliver false documents<br />
to the French … it all had a bearing on “Trafalgar”.<br />
Price $50.00<br />
Hornblower’s career develops — bravery and cunning<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
10<br />
Agatha Christie – Complete Collected Edition<br />
by Hamlyn – 24 Volumes – 72 Novels.<br />
Published by Hamlyn, London various dates as issued in the<br />
1960’s and 1970’s. Uniform octavo, over 12,000 pages.<br />
Nicely bound in decorated black cloth covered boards with<br />
gilt adornment and titles, super headbands, all top edges<br />
stained red as required. Each covered in the original<br />
“Crime Themed” dust jackets of the period. Good condition,<br />
a tiny bit of age to a few, clean as a whistle internally.<br />
To be read over a lifetime … maybe twice. Comprising …<br />
4:50 From Paddington; Lord Edgware Dies;<br />
Murder in Mesopotamia;<br />
Sparkling Cyanide; The Secret of Chimney;<br />
Five Little Pigs;<br />
A Caribbean Mystery; Taken at the Flood;<br />
The Seven Dials Mystery;<br />
Evil Under the Sun; Death Comes as the End;<br />
The Sittaford Mystery;<br />
Ordeal by Innocence; One, Two, Buckle my Shoe;<br />
The Adventure of the <strong>Christmas</strong> Pudding;<br />
Partners in Crime; At Bertram s Hotel;<br />
The Hound of Death;<br />
Murder of Roger Ackroyd; They Do It With Mirrors;<br />
Mrs. McGinty s Dead;<br />
The Clocks; Third Girl; Murder in the Mews;<br />
Halloween Party; Passenger to Frankfurt;<br />
The Thirteen Problems;<br />
The Hollow; The Moving Finger; Three Act Tragedy;<br />
The Mysterious Affair at Styles; Ten Little Niggers;<br />
Dumb Witness;<br />
Appointment with Death; Crooked House;<br />
Sad Cypress;<br />
The Pale Horse; The Big Four; The Secret Adversary;<br />
Cat Among the Pigeons; The Labours of Hercules;<br />
Hickory Dickory Dock;<br />
Nemesis; Parker Pyne Investigates;<br />
Poirot Investigates;<br />
Death on the Nile; Towards Zero; After the Funeral;<br />
By the Pricking of My Thumbs; Mysterious Mr. Quin;<br />
Endless Night;<br />
Peril at End House; The Body in the Library;<br />
Hercule Poirot’s <strong>Christmas</strong>;<br />
Murder is Easy; Dead Man s Folly;<br />
The Man in the Brown Suit;<br />
Mirror Crack d from Side to Side; They Came to<br />
Baghdad; The ABC Murders;<br />
Murder on the Orient Express; Death in the Clouds;<br />
Why Didn’t They Ask Evans?;<br />
The Mystery of the Blue Train; The Listerdale Mystery;<br />
The Murder at the Vicarage;<br />
The Murder on the Links; A Pocket Full of Rye;<br />
Destination Unknown;<br />
Cards on the Table; N or M; A Murder is Announced.<br />
Weight packed is approaching 20 kgs so we will have to<br />
quote postage to any buyers location. We always pack well<br />
and are conscious of mailing costs.<br />
Price $690.00<br />
Agatha Christie simply the best Complete Set.
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />
12<br />
In the Great White Land<br />
Gordan Stables<br />
Adventure book in the Antarctic for the young<br />
and young at heart. Published by Blackie<br />
London but really Glasgow in the early 1930’s.<br />
Octavo, 288 pages thick spongy paper and<br />
despite the spongey quite clean with some<br />
marks to the extreme per edge. Coloured<br />
frontispiece and three full page illustrations.<br />
Prize label on front endpapers. <strong>Rare</strong> in the<br />
illustrated dust jacket.<br />
Three stories. The first “Far Away in the<br />
Frozen North” an Arctic adventure on the good<br />
barque Walrus and the oft frozen Captain<br />
Mayne Brace (great pun). Story two “Under the<br />
Southern Cross” requires no clue as to the<br />
general location with many icy encounters.<br />
Finally “On the Great Antarctic Continent” and<br />
the beauty and marvel of the Ice-Cave.<br />
The sledging journey across the tableland and<br />
the dash for the pole takes its lead from the<br />
great Heroic Era accounts.<br />
Price $80.00<br />
Young at heart adventure<br />
with a nod to Polar reality.<br />
Macquarie Island – J.S. Cumpston<br />
We have been after this book for a long<br />
time. Published by the Antarctic Division<br />
in 1968 effectively Publication No 93 in<br />
the ANARE series of Scientific Reports.<br />
Small quarto, 380 pages, packed with<br />
content, illustrations, charts etc, end<br />
paper maps. Very good if not better copy.<br />
The author Cumpston helped Bayliss<br />
prepare the then most reliable map of the<br />
Antarctic in the 1930’s. He was an<br />
intelligent officer with the Allied<br />
Geographical Section during WWII.<br />
Starts with the discovery of the island and<br />
its first exploitation. Details of Joseph<br />
Underwood and then the “Hobart Town<br />
Gangs”. Caroline Cove and John McQueen<br />
and the Southland Sealers. Cormack, Elder<br />
and Co and Joseph Hatch. The vessel the<br />
Janet Ramsey and the loss of the Kakanui.<br />
The beginning of Antarctic interest;<br />
Joseph Burton and vessels Jessie Niccol<br />
and Clyde. The first truly Australasian<br />
Expeditions 1911-1914. In between then<br />
and BANZAR 1929-1931 the Southern Isles<br />
Exploitation Co Ltd – what a name!<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Macquarie Island – a busy history for so far
13<br />
Not Proven – Bruce Graeme<br />
First Edition 1935<br />
Scarce crime novel from 1935 published by<br />
Hutchinson, London.<br />
From the Superintendent Stevens and Inspector<br />
Pierre Allain series .. and following on from his<br />
novel of earlier in 1935 … Satan’s Mistress.<br />
Octavo, 286 pages and one page catalogue. Red<br />
cloth covered boards with black designs and<br />
titling to front and spine, a pretty good dust<br />
jacket. A very good copy of a near impossible to<br />
get first edition.<br />
Bruce Graeme was a nom de plume of Graham<br />
Montague Jeffries (1900-1982).<br />
Price $50.00<br />
<strong>Rare</strong> crime first edition 1935.<br />
Without Malice<br />
Bruce Graeme – First Edition 1946.<br />
A seriously spooky crime story from Bruce Graeme …<br />
much loved crime author. Wrote his first work in 1926 and<br />
his last in 1980 two years before his death.<br />
Published by Hutchinson, London in 1946. Octavo,<br />
164 pages tightly printed book (war rule to preserve paper)<br />
Detective Sergeant Marsh has a rather unusual murder to<br />
solve and the murderer could not be more unusual.<br />
Price $35.00<br />
Without Malice – well maybe!<br />
The Chiffon Scarf – Mignon Eberhart –1940<br />
Published by The Sun Dial Press, New York. Octavo, 301<br />
pages, some dust jacket chips otherwise a really good<br />
copy of a hard to come by period mystery.<br />
More murders than Midsummer. Triangular love affair<br />
complicates a situation rife with horror! A test flight to<br />
check the performance of a new engine leaves two dead.<br />
Many weapons — but what about “The Chiffon Scarf”?<br />
Nebraska born Mignon Eberhardt (1899-1996) was<br />
probably America’s most successful female mystery<br />
writer during her lifetime and she wrote from the 1920’s<br />
into the 1980’s. Winner of many awards her novels<br />
compared with Agatha Christie in terms of plot,<br />
characterisation and dramatic effect …<br />
Price $50.00<br />
1940 First Edition - Sensational Mystery<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
14<br />
Covent Garden Drollery:<br />
Printed at Whitefriars Press<br />
for Fortune Private Press 1927<br />
A special book. Octavo, vi,2,123pages bound in quarter<br />
cloth over paper boards, in pictorial speckled paper dust<br />
jacket. Illustrated frontispiece, facsimile title from 1672<br />
first printing, decorated with vignettes.<br />
Subtitled .. A Collection of all the Choice Songs, Poems,<br />
Prologues and Epilogues, Sung and Spoken at Courts and<br />
Theatres, never printed before. Written by the<br />
refined’st Witts of the Age. And collected by A.B. With<br />
explanatory notes at the end. Edited by Montague Summers<br />
(1880-1948) who wrote on the occult.<br />
This book is numbered 342 of a limited<br />
number of 575 copies. Printed on<br />
English unbleached handmade paper …<br />
absolutely lovely paper.<br />
Price $70.00<br />
Drollery from the past still amusing in the<br />
present and beautifully presented<br />
Seven Pillars of Wisdom<br />
T.E. Lawrence<br />
Published by Jonathan Cape London 1935 –<br />
Seven Pillars of Wisdom a triumph – “The<br />
Sword also means Clean-ness + Death”.<br />
First trade edition second impression same<br />
month as the July first. The Trade Edition<br />
preceded by the incomplete “Oxford”<br />
edition of 1922 (8 copies were printed) and<br />
the very rare privately printed<br />
“Subscribers Edition” of 1927 (170 copies).<br />
Thick quarto, 672 pages. Frontispiece portrait<br />
of a bust of Lawrence, 4 folding maps,<br />
2 facsimiles and 54 illustrations – 46 of<br />
which are dramatic portraits of men who<br />
appear in the book. A very good copy.<br />
Lawrence “took pains to bring objects and<br />
artists together”. Churchill called it<br />
“One of the greatest books ever written in<br />
the English language”<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Lawrence of Arabia’s great book
15<br />
The Story of Nell Gwyn<br />
And the Sayings of Charles the Second<br />
Related and Collected by Peter Cunningham<br />
with an introduction by John Drinkwater.<br />
Privately printed in London for the Navarre<br />
Society 1927. Fine condition. Original red<br />
cloth binding, octavo 194 pages on thick fine<br />
bright paper, red silk page ribbon. Top edge<br />
rich gilt. Frontispiece of Nell and a folding<br />
reproduction of Hollar’s view of London and<br />
thirty-eight portraits and views from rare<br />
contemporary (and relevant) prints.<br />
Price $70.00<br />
Nell Gwyn in all her finery<br />
Private Printing 1927<br />
Nell Gwyn (1650–1687) actress and mistress to<br />
Charles II. Samuel Pepys referred to her as<br />
“Pretty Witty Nell”. She was a great comedian<br />
and started as an “Orange Girl” at the Theatre<br />
Royal Drury Lane. She had two sons by Charles<br />
II one who died young, the other lived long<br />
and was granted an Earldom after she remarked<br />
when Charles approached “come on<br />
you little bastard here is your father”<br />
Memoirs of a Coxcomb –1926<br />
John Cleland<br />
Fine edition by Fortune Press, London 1926. Quarter<br />
mottled calf over marbled papers, gilt titles. Number 389 of<br />
575 copies printed on Verge Montgolfier hand-made paper by<br />
Maurice Darantier. Octavo, 273 pages, a very good copy.<br />
John Cleland the author of Fanny Hill, which he wrote in<br />
debtors prison. Memoirs of a Coxcomb was first published in<br />
1751 and contains a parody of Mary Wortley Montagu who is<br />
famous for her Turkish letters (her description of nudes<br />
inspired Ingres in his famous painting of same), spurning<br />
Alexander Pope and other “love affairs”.<br />
Witty portrait of aristocratic life in the 18 th C through the<br />
memoirs of vain dandy and coxcomb, Sir William Delamore.<br />
Examination of masculine identity contrasts with Fanny Hill.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Coxcomb Memoirs Proudly Presented<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
16<br />
Port Arthur Railway Across Tasman Peninsula –<br />
Australia’s First Railway.<br />
Published in the early 1970’s an interesting historical<br />
account of the first railway in Australia, convict powered.<br />
Author William Bayley published well researched historical<br />
documents. Octavo, 64 pages, illustrated throughout.<br />
Much about Booth and his plans, Port Arthur settlement<br />
and discovery of coal on the other side of the peninsula.<br />
The need for the railway, its construction and the<br />
manpower. The visit of Trollope and other incidentals.<br />
Price $25.00<br />
The first railway – no mean feat for anyone.<br />
The Port Arthur Coal Mines [Tasmania]<br />
1833-1877 – Ian Brand<br />
An enlightening Industrial Local History about the<br />
convict worked coal mines on the Tasman Peninsula.<br />
Perfect bound, octavo size, ninety pages nicely<br />
illustrated. Published by Regal Press, Launceston, no<br />
date but generally agreed c1995. A super as new copy.<br />
Great history from the discovery of coal in the 1830’s<br />
and the years of working with convict labour before<br />
passing to private hands in 1848 and closure in 1877.<br />
Price $40.00<br />
Interesting Industrial History – Coal in Tasmania<br />
Hobart Tramways – Ian Cooper<br />
Self published in 1993. Scarce and worthy history<br />
of the Hobart tramways; wish they were still here.<br />
Small folio, 64 pages, illustrated from original<br />
photographs, most not found anywhere else. End<br />
paper maps of the tram networks.<br />
The Hobart tram system was the first successful<br />
electric tram system in the Southern Hemisphere<br />
commencing in 1893.<br />
Systems out to Glenorchy through Springfield;<br />
Lenah Valley; Proctors Road; Sandy Bay;<br />
West Hobart and a beauty out to the Cascades and<br />
the Brewery. Those that know Hobart will<br />
understand the extensiveness and the amenity<br />
that the tramways must have provided.<br />
The author, a transport buff, spent many years in<br />
Hobart completed this publication after he had<br />
returned to the other island.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
History of the Hobart trams .. super photographs.
17<br />
Antarctica or Two Years Amongst the<br />
Ice of the South Pole<br />
Nordenskjold and Andersson<br />
The first edition of Otto Nordenskjold’s book on the<br />
Swedish Antarctic Explorations of 1901-1903 was<br />
published in 1905. This edition was by the University of<br />
Queensland Press in 1977. Scarce even in this form.<br />
Thick octavo, good condition 654 pages with 4 maps<br />
(2 folding) and 200 plus illustrations.<br />
One of the great Antarctic adventures. Nordenskjold<br />
and his team were dropped at Snow Hill Island by the<br />
“Antarctic” commanded by the seasoned Carl Larsen.<br />
They were to be collected the following summer –<br />
however the pack ice hardly thawed and the Antarctic<br />
was trapped and crushed. Captain Larsen and his crew<br />
had to endure the coming winter on Paulet Island. As a<br />
consequence Nordenskjold and his party had to stay an<br />
extra winter. The story of what happened next is<br />
extraordinary. When spring arrived Nordenskjold and<br />
Jonassen set of on a sledge trip to discover whether the<br />
gulf found the previous year behind Cape Foster<br />
connected with the bay North of Cape Gordon. They<br />
made for a peak on Vega Island in order to see<br />
conditions in Erebus and Terror Gulf looking toward<br />
Paulet Island. They spotted what they first thought<br />
were penguins in the distance but through glasses saw<br />
that they were men. When they met Nordenskjold<br />
described the three as “Black as soot from top to toe …<br />
black faces ... with eyes hidden by peculiar wooden<br />
frames … they turned out to be Gunnar Andersson, Duse<br />
and Grunden from the boat party”.<br />
Some lives were lost the survivors were picked up by<br />
the Argentine Navy at Hope Bay in 1903.<br />
Price $140.00<br />
Legendary Explorer Griping Story<br />
Hyacinthe de Bougainville’s Account<br />
of Port Jackson 1825 - The Governor’s Noble Guest –<br />
Marc Serge Riviere<br />
Another beautiful production of the Miegunyah Press.<br />
Published in 1999, large octavo, 291 pages, nicely<br />
illustrated, super fine copy.<br />
Baron Hyacinthe the son of the explorer Bougainville<br />
commanded an expedition in 1825 to Macau, Manilla<br />
and New South Wales in the Thetis and Esperance.<br />
This is a translation of his private diaries. He met<br />
Governor Brisbane and many explorer and notables …<br />
Hume, Blaxland, Oxley, Macarthur, Marsden and Piper.<br />
It contains a bit of an expose as a result.<br />
Price $50.00<br />
Hyacinthe had influence and knew people<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
18<br />
Bony and the Mouse – Arthur Upfield<br />
First Edition 1959<br />
A very good condition if not better first edition<br />
of this Upfield book set in Western Australia.<br />
Octavo, 250 pages, very clean internally, dust<br />
jacket design by Bill Morden bright and crisp.<br />
Detective Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte (Bony<br />
to his fans) has gone to the little town of<br />
Daybreak in WA under the guise of Nat Bonner<br />
half- aboriginal horse breaker. His real purpose<br />
is to solve the murder of three locals and what is<br />
normally a very quiet sleepy community.<br />
Another ingenious narrative from Upfield<br />
Price $80.00<br />
Does Bony solve the crime – of course he does<br />
Doctor Fischer of Geneva<br />
or The Bomb Party<br />
First edition published by The Bodley Head 1980. Octavo,<br />
140 pages, nice dust jacket, a very good copy.<br />
Seriously hilarious – shorter tale [an “Entertainment”]<br />
about greedy people – Greene sees it all!<br />
Unusual “choice” title makes a lot of sense once read.<br />
Price $30.00<br />
Greene — and the Bomb’s going off in Geneva<br />
The Comedians– First Edition 1966<br />
Graham Greene<br />
First edition published by The Bodley Head, London<br />
in 1966. Octavo, 313 pages. Very good condition.<br />
First edition variant dust jacket designed by James<br />
and Ruth McCrea.<br />
Classic Graham Greene novel based in Haiti at the<br />
time of dictator Doctor Duvalier “Papa Doc”.<br />
Greene could not return to Haiti to finish his novel<br />
because of his description of the dictator in the<br />
English press. As usual alive with characters and<br />
suspense and sometimes comedy.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
First edition Greene Classic
19<br />
The Life of George Bass – Surgeon and Sailor<br />
of the Enlightenment – Miriam Estensen<br />
Published by Allen & Unwin in 2005. Octavo, 259<br />
pages, nicely illustrated and in fine condition.<br />
A thorough account by the meticulous researcher<br />
Miriam Estensen .. the endnotes and references<br />
take up the last 35 pages.<br />
Bass the surgeon, and a good one seemingly, more<br />
at home on the waves as an explorer adventurer.<br />
Later after much accomplished his adventures<br />
turned to money making and off he set for South<br />
America only to disappear. And throughout all this<br />
his beloved Bess … who he left following his primary<br />
passion. Estensen explores all of this and provides<br />
insight regarding his whereabouts at the end.<br />
Price $25.00<br />
George Bass a truly adventures medic.<br />
Elements of Medical Logick,<br />
illustrated by Practical Proofs and<br />
Ex<strong>amp</strong>les – Sir Gilbert Blane - 1821<br />
Published by Thomas and George<br />
Underwood, London in 1821.<br />
The “Windsor Copy” meaning from the<br />
Royal Library at Windsor Castle,<br />
cancelled in the 1948 cull performed<br />
by the then merciless Royal Librarian.<br />
Octavo, 280 pages, original boards<br />
(with period notations) re-backed and<br />
relabelled very nicely by Roger Perry.<br />
Inscribed on the end paper “from the<br />
Author” i.e. a gift to the then George<br />
IV’s Library. There is an additional note<br />
of “with thanks acknowledges the Rect<br />
of this book. J.G. LT, Oct 2 nd 1821”.<br />
Sir George Blane was a celebrated<br />
medic of the time and this expands on<br />
his earlier publication of 1819. It is a<br />
prognostication upon medical diagnosis<br />
and treatment .. unusual complaints<br />
such as Yellow Fever and also the<br />
ailments of the time, particularly<br />
within the Royal Navy. An important<br />
work in the history of medicine.<br />
Price $340.00<br />
Gifted to the Royal Library at Windsor.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
20<br />
Utopias and Imaginary Voyages to Australasia<br />
John Dunmore<br />
Who else could be more qualified to present on this<br />
subject at the National Library than John Dunmore?<br />
Octavo, card cover of 23 delicious pages, the text of<br />
Dunmore’s lecture of 2 nd September 1987, published by<br />
the NLA the following year. A fine copy.<br />
From Joseph Hall’s “Mundas Alter et Idem’ the first<br />
Utopian account to be set in the Antipodes, with<br />
mentions of La Perouse and “Fragments” …<br />
Aldous Huxley is a bit of a drift … then back to Utopian<br />
reality and the Adventures of Alexander Venderchurch<br />
and many more esoteric accounts before back to the<br />
likes of Gulliver and that endearing Swiss Family.<br />
Price $30.00<br />
Special lecture by Dunmore on down under Utopia.<br />
The Cruise of the Kawa<br />
Wanderings in the South Seas<br />
The strangest most amusing book we have had. First<br />
Edition 1921 Putnam, New York.<br />
George Chappell wrote under the pseudonym Walter<br />
Traprock. This is a hilarious parody of the romanticism<br />
of the South Seas. Traprock discovers the Filbert<br />
Islands. Ridiculous photographs feature various<br />
volunteers including Putnam himself all posing as “en<br />
jungle” in a New York studio. Regarded as a work of<br />
genius and hailed by Howgego the guru of fanciful<br />
adventure writing. This one nicely signed and<br />
annotated by the author.<br />
Others by Traprock include .. How to Explore and<br />
What; Crazy With Tahiti; Around Russia on Roller<br />
Skates and Curry-Dishes for Moderate Incomes …<br />
we like him<br />
Price $130.00<br />
Do not use this book to find the Filbert Islands.
21<br />
The Tregurtha Log –<br />
Relating the Adventurous Life of<br />
Capt Edward Primrose Tregurtha.<br />
A pretty sumptuous production by<br />
Published and Editor Dan Sprod.<br />
Published by his Blubber Press in 1980.<br />
Folio, 166 pages, illustrated, tipped in<br />
coloured plate and tipped in frontispiece,<br />
elaborate design to title page, end paper<br />
maps. A fine copy.<br />
Limited to six hundred numbered copies,<br />
in this form, of which this is numbered<br />
474, signed by Dan Sprod.<br />
Cornishman Tregurtha an adventurous<br />
life for sure. Started out in the Navy at<br />
none years old in the Napoleonic Wars.<br />
Then to East Indiamen to China. As a<br />
grown man to Hobart and Captain of the<br />
Caroline and South Sea Whaling. His Log<br />
was owned by Norman Whettenhall [a<br />
surname we know well] of Melbourne …<br />
we can’s imagine the excitement of Dan<br />
Sprod when he first read this treasure.<br />
Price $90.00<br />
A rather stunning book and<br />
one hell of a story<br />
The Life of<br />
Jean-Francois de La Perouse –<br />
Where Fate Beckons.<br />
First edition 2006. Large octavo, 292 pages,<br />
nicely illustrated . A quality production<br />
printed in heavy paper, and a very good copy.<br />
The book on La Perouse, John Dunmore the<br />
recognised world authority. From his teenage<br />
life at war, the American War, issues in the<br />
Indian Ocean and the Great tragic voyage and<br />
then the mystery of the disappearance.<br />
Price $40.00<br />
La Perouse by Dunmore<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
22<br />
High Latitudes – A History of Swedish Polar<br />
Travels and Research.<br />
Published in 1993 a monumental book by Polar<br />
Participant Professor Gosta Liljequist who was<br />
metrologist in the Norwegian-British-Swedish<br />
expedition to the Antarctic in 1949-52 and also<br />
leader of the 1957-58 expedition to Svalbard.<br />
Weighting 3 kgs so pricey to mail Overseas,<br />
cannot be found elsewhere in Australia. Large<br />
quarto, 606 pages, many illustrations from<br />
expedition photographs, maps, charts etc a<br />
worthy production. Very good copy.<br />
Hard to summarise we start with the Pioneers<br />
1758-1863 including Anton Martin, the first<br />
scientist to go truly North. Involvement with<br />
the French Le Recherche Expedition; then Otto<br />
Torell and Spitzbergen and later expeditions to<br />
the Aeolus north of Svalbard. Quennerstedt’s<br />
zoological studies in the West Ice in 1863.<br />
Then the Nordenskiold Epoch between 1863-<br />
1883 and for sure too much to write about at<br />
both ends of the World. If you haven’t got the<br />
book on the Vega this covers it.<br />
Some interesting low budget expeditions and<br />
Andree and the ill-fated balloon attempt …<br />
searching for him was a lengthy event and a<br />
good Noir movie was made out of it.<br />
Only a third through too many highlights to<br />
record here. Interesting side stories – the Arctic<br />
flight of the German Graf Zeppelin, and the<br />
attempt from Stockholm to New York.<br />
Price $290.00<br />
The Many Swedish Polar Achievements<br />
all in one place. Never again.<br />
The Huon Pine Story –<br />
A History of the Harvest and Use of a<br />
Unique Timber – Kerr and McDermott<br />
Huon Pine up there with the best<br />
woods in the world. What makes a<br />
good wood? To start with you know it<br />
when you see it, smell it touch it …<br />
Large quarto, 299 pages, published<br />
by Mainsail Book as if self published.<br />
Super production, heavily illustrated<br />
throughout, endpaper maps of<br />
logging areas etc. Fine condition.<br />
If it can be afforded and found the<br />
best boatbuilders number one choice<br />
of wood which makes this fine<br />
material that more romantic. If you<br />
ever want a good book about a<br />
tree – this is the one.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Huon Pine First Choice Material<br />
beautiful Tree
23<br />
The Voyage of the “Pourquoi- Pas”<br />
The Journal of the Second French South Polar<br />
Expedition, 1908-1910. Jean Charcot<br />
A reprint of the first English edition originally<br />
published by Hodder and Stoughton, in 1911,<br />
titled The Voyage of the “Why-Not”. This<br />
edition, scarce in itself, published by the<br />
Australian National University Press in 1978.<br />
Octavo, 315 pages, double page frontispiece of<br />
the Winter Quarters at Petermann Island, 52<br />
illustrations charts etc mainly from expedition<br />
photographs. Very good condition.<br />
What adds to this edition is the delightful<br />
Preface by the then doyen of French Polar<br />
explorers, Paul-Emile Victor, who knew Charcot<br />
and worked with him in his later years<br />
The exploration of the Bellingshausen and<br />
Amundsen Sea by Dr Jean-Baptiste August<br />
Étienne Charcot (1867-1936), in the “Pourquoipas?”<br />
Charcot led the first French Antarctic<br />
expedition (1904-07), which reached Adelaide<br />
Island – there is no equivalent translation.<br />
In this Charcot's Second expedition he surveyed<br />
over 2,000 kms of Antarctic coastline returning<br />
28 volumes of scientific reports and over 3000<br />
photographs. They visited the South Shetlands,<br />
Deception Island and wintered at Petermann.<br />
They went on to cover the coast of the Antarctic<br />
Peninsula towards Adelaide and Alexander<br />
Islands, discovering Marguerite Nay, Fallieres<br />
Coast and Charcot Land (after his father).<br />
Richard Howgego notes that "in the eyes of many<br />
contemporary historians, Charcot's contribution<br />
to Antarctic science outweighs all others."<br />
Never returning to the Antarctic, Charcot<br />
continued exploring after WWII, until wrecked<br />
off the coast of Iceland in1936 resulting in his<br />
death and forty-two crew members.<br />
Price $150.00<br />
Charcot in the Antarctic for a second time …<br />
and “Why-Not?”<br />
Marion Dufresne<br />
An Officer of the Blue — Duyker<br />
The French Explorer who was the first to<br />
encounter Tasmanian Aborigines and was a<br />
precursor to the voyages of La Perouse,<br />
d’Entrecasteaux, Baudin and Dumont d’Urville.<br />
This book is more than that it traces his life in<br />
incredible detail as one would expect from<br />
author Duyker. Chronologies, references,<br />
bibliographies make this a first source.<br />
Price $70.00<br />
Dufresne from start to finish<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
24<br />
Antique Mineral Testing Kit – “Blowpipe Apparatus”<br />
by J.T. Letcher of Cornwall. Circa 1880-90<br />
Museum quality rarely found with so many pieces. See Powerhouse Museum ex<strong>amp</strong>le<br />
reference H9154; also website 911Metallurgist for a good description of its use.<br />
These field kits were used in Australia by explorers and early State Geologists – the<br />
likes of Logan Jack, Rands, Dunston etc. they include apparatus and chemicals for<br />
grinding the s<strong>amp</strong>le, heating it to observe the flame colour to identify the minerals.<br />
Designed and manufactured by J.T. Letcher of Truro Cornwall and awarded the<br />
Society of Arts Silver Medal and the Colonel Croll Prize in International Competition in<br />
1878. Each set guaranteed to equal that deposited at the Society’s House.<br />
The use of the blowpipe was invented in Sweden in the 1700’s and further refined<br />
there at the Freiberg Mining Academy in the mid 19thC. This design by J.T. Letcher<br />
and its accoutrements became the standard in the later Victorian period.<br />
Original mahogany box containing a lift out tray with multiple compartments and<br />
layers containing tools, the blowpipe, a small anvil, rock hammer, spirit l<strong>amp</strong>, several<br />
chemical reagents in original containers etc.<br />
The containers are made of box wood with names to top lovely patina. Miniature test<br />
tubes with labels, test tube holder and much more.<br />
The original label inside the lid describes the contents full, a hole has been gouged,<br />
presumably to rest the crucible. The crucible was made by and marked<br />
Royal Worcester – how good is that!<br />
The box has it’s lock but the key is long gone. It has a worked patina and still robust.<br />
Price $940.00<br />
Something special in the mineral field.
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m<br />
26<br />
Mrs Isabella Beeton’s<br />
The Book of Household Management comprising<br />
information for the Mistress, Housekeeper, Cook,<br />
Kitchen-Maid, Butler, Footman...<br />
Published 1892, Ward Lock, London 1892. New<br />
edition … with Several Hundred new recipes.<br />
Importantly, this is the new edition introducing<br />
recipes from Australia including Soup from<br />
Kangaroo Tails, (Whole and sitting) Wallaby Roast<br />
and Parrot Pie (at least a dozen parrots required)<br />
With 13 full coloured plates of which two folding<br />
and steel engravings in the text. A very sound<br />
copy that has been expertly re-backed in leather<br />
by Roger Perry Quality Bookbinders with new<br />
headbands and original endpapers.<br />
Price $290.00<br />
Quality Mrs Beeton with Australian Treats
27<br />
H.M. Bark Endeavour — Parkin<br />
Her place in Australian History. With and<br />
Account of her Construction, Crew and<br />
Equipment and a Narrative of her Voyage on<br />
the East Coast of New Holland in the Year 1770<br />
First edition of this important publication in<br />
pristine condition. Issued by the Meiegunyah<br />
Press, Melbourne in 1997. Ray Parkin produced<br />
this highly researched work painstakingly<br />
illustrated with charts and plans. The narrative<br />
draws on the journal records of James Cook,<br />
Banks and Parkinson.<br />
15 large folding plans in separate folder<br />
dealing with the ship and its construction.<br />
A must for any maritime historian.<br />
Price $190.00<br />
H.M. Bark Endeavour – in detail<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
28<br />
The Zeehan El Dorado –<br />
A History of Zeehan – Patrick Howard<br />
Scarce effectively self published substantial<br />
work centred on the mining in and around<br />
Zeehan in Western Tasmania.<br />
Large octavo. Hardback pictorial covers of the<br />
mine. 378 pages, illustrated throughout mainly<br />
from period photographs. Very good condition.<br />
It is claimed that the discovery of a mountain<br />
full of tine in 1871 led to Zeehan becoming the<br />
richest mining operation in Australia. A big call<br />
when you consider the gold coming out of the<br />
ground elsewhere. Regardless of any argument it<br />
was a monster and the town grew rapidly, as<br />
they do, to unexpected proportions with likely<br />
the biggest pubs in Australia – that’s probably<br />
the measure.<br />
Price $80.00<br />
A special one for mining history buffs or those<br />
with an interest out West.<br />
Lachlan Macquarie –<br />
Governor of New South Wales – Journals<br />
of his Tours in New South Wales and Van<br />
Diemen’s Land 1810-1822<br />
A special and substantial book about the<br />
activities of this energetic and decisive<br />
Governor. Without his tour of Van<br />
Diemen’s Land the north of Tasmania<br />
would have ended in ruins.<br />
Published by the Library of Australian<br />
History in 1979. Large octavo, 280 pages.<br />
Tipped in colour portrait of the great man<br />
and 10 other tipped in colour plates.<br />
Three large folding maps and facsimile<br />
page. A sumptuous production in very<br />
good condition.<br />
Printed from the original manuscripts held<br />
in the Mitchell Library. Illustrations from<br />
the Mitchell and the Dixon Library.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Macquarie a leader ahead of his time –<br />
so much accomplished.
29<br />
Gold Refining – Donald Clark<br />
First Edition 1909<br />
First edition published Parker, Melbourne in 1909.<br />
Octavo, 124 pages, 12 plates. Original binding,<br />
slight foxing, a good copy of pretty scarce book.<br />
Donald Clark was born in Geelong in 1865. He<br />
studied under Rev H Stewart who in turn under the<br />
great Lord Kelvin. After graduation Clark was made<br />
Director of the School of Mines Bairnsdale and then<br />
at the School of Mines in Bendigo. He also authored<br />
“Australian Mining and Metallurgy”.<br />
This work deals with the methods and systems of<br />
gold refining includes chapters on …<br />
Occurrence of Native Gold; Refining Gold with<br />
Oxidising and Chloridising Agents; Sulphur Refining;<br />
Refining by Cementation Process; Refining Gold<br />
Bullion by means of Oxygen; Miller’s Process;<br />
Parting with Nitric Acis; Parting by Electrolysis; the<br />
Treatment of Cyanide Precipitates etc.<br />
Price $180.00<br />
First Edition Classic Australian Gold Reference<br />
Of Rascals and Rusty Relics<br />
[An Introduction to North East Tasmania] – G & S Miller<br />
Effectively self-published by the authors, Hobart in 1979.<br />
Only edition limited to 1,000 copies.<br />
A super history so specific to North-East Tasmania an area<br />
neglected by historical writers and shouldn’t be.<br />
Quarto, 106 pages, endpaper maps, loads of illustrations<br />
from period photographs. Very good condition.<br />
Starts with early European exploration and the sealers.<br />
Settlers and the hostilities and then “gold” and numerous<br />
rushes, mines and false alarms .. super stuff. The Chinese<br />
involvement and then eventually the decline of some<br />
townships as mining prospects became more realistic.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
One of our favourite Tasmanian historical accounts …<br />
the neglected North East<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
30<br />
Haunts of the Blue Whale – L Norman<br />
Effectively self published special book on whaling<br />
activities out of Hobart and the impact whaling had on<br />
the town – read debauchery .. according to Knopwood.<br />
Published in 1978.large wide octavo, 156 pages,<br />
numerous interesting and relevant illustrations.<br />
Hobart had its own whalers and became the port to<br />
which English [Enderby Brothers] and American whalers<br />
made to refresh, repair and crew “rehabilitation”.<br />
Price $50.00<br />
Whaling a massive part of the history of Hobart.<br />
The Tasmanian Trading Ketch<br />
Garry Kerr<br />
<strong>Voyager</strong> favourite – what better looking boat?<br />
Self published in 1987. Quarto, 179 pages,<br />
special images and technical drawings of fine<br />
craft, end paper charts. A very good copy.<br />
The author was a Cray fisherman who developed<br />
an interesting in writing from oral history<br />
– what a super combination.<br />
Super on design, hull form, lofting and building.<br />
Sails and sailing with yarns about plying there<br />
trade and showing at regattas. Life on board<br />
and inevitable mishaps.<br />
Price $45.00<br />
Wonderful book on a wonderful vessel<br />
by a Cray fisherman no less.<br />
Captain Caution – Kenneth Roberts<br />
First UK edition published Collins, London in 1949.<br />
American historical adventure writer Roberts highly<br />
regarded at the time compared, by some, with<br />
Dumas and Victor Hugo … high praise indeed.<br />
Octavo, 255 pages with the super period dust<br />
jacket. A fine copy the condition surprising<br />
considering age and time of printing.<br />
In the main concerning the American War of<br />
Independence. Our hero Captain Marvin stocks it up<br />
the British but not without a period of imprisonment<br />
in the hulks … escapes and takes a prize in true<br />
Hornblower fashion. He escapes to France and is<br />
victorious in a thrilling naval battle off Madeira.<br />
Price $25.00<br />
Captain Caution is not so Cautious.
31<br />
Cook’s Final Voyage<br />
Journal of George Gilbert<br />
Published by Brian Clouston, Caliban <strong>Books</strong> in<br />
1982, a first edition in this form. Also published<br />
in Hawaii. Large octavo, 158 pages, nicely<br />
illustrated. A near fine copy.<br />
Yet another source of exceptional information<br />
on the third, final and fateful voyage of James<br />
Cook. Due to James Cook’s discipline the<br />
Midshipman on his voyages kept impeccable<br />
journals. With a focus on the Central Pacific<br />
and up into the Arctic searching for the<br />
North-West Passage from the other side.<br />
Price $40.00<br />
The Third Voyage through Gilbert’s Eyes<br />
The Henty Journals –<br />
A Record of Farming, Whaling and Shipping in<br />
Portland Bay, 1834-1839. – Lynnette Peel<br />
A super copy of this first edition well produced<br />
book published by The Miegunyah Press in 1966.<br />
Large octavo, 297 pages, nicely illustrated. A<br />
fine copy and as always with the Miegunyah<br />
Press nothing spared, printed on Pageantry Text<br />
Creme paper, limited to a thousand copies.<br />
The Henty family left Sussex in England in the<br />
1820’s to make their life in Australia. With farms<br />
first in Western Australia and Tasmania they<br />
settled at Portland Bay in Victoria. Edward Henty<br />
is recognised as the first permanent settler in<br />
Victoria. Diaries written by Edward and his<br />
brother Francis are a prized possession of the<br />
State Library of Victoria. They form the basis of<br />
this book. Brother Thomas settled at Launceston<br />
in Tasmania and bred Marino sheep often selling<br />
to the MacArthur's of Camden. Not restricting<br />
their activities to the land they undertook<br />
maritime and whaling adventures and sadly had<br />
a hand in reducing the population of the<br />
Southern Right Whale.<br />
Price $80.00<br />
The Diaries of the Brothers Henty –<br />
a genuine glimpse into life in the early 19thC.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
32<br />
The General (d’Entrecasteaux)<br />
Another special book by Brian Plomley with<br />
the help of Josiane Pirad- Bernier.<br />
Now very scarce. Large wide octavo, 378<br />
pages, illustrated. Published by the<br />
Launceston Museum in 1993. A solid quality<br />
production in near fine condition.<br />
Very well researched and written book on the<br />
Bruny d’Entrecasteaux and his visits to<br />
Tasmanian waters. Covers the preparations<br />
for the voyage and the officers of the<br />
Recherche and Esperance, and among other<br />
things their scientific work [Natural History,<br />
Geological, Botanical and Zoological] during<br />
their two visits to Tasmania in 1792 and<br />
1793. Also includes as appendices the<br />
journals of Louis Ventenat and the botanist<br />
Louis Dech<strong>amp</strong>s.<br />
Price $180.00<br />
<strong>Rare</strong> collectable D’Entrecasteaux –<br />
more than a channel.<br />
Explorers of Western Tasmania<br />
A first and only issue in this large hardback<br />
format. Published in Launceston 1980. A superb<br />
historical account by C. J. Binks.<br />
Large quarto 263 pages heavily illustrated with<br />
good maps and reproductions of explorer<br />
sketches, early photographs and more.<br />
The book commences with a dissertation on<br />
“The Exploring Tradition” followed by a sketch<br />
of the terrain, climate and vegetation. The<br />
early exploration of Hardwicke and Hobbs and<br />
the convicts Goodwin and Connolly. Then the<br />
Van Diemen’s Land Company and Jorgenson,<br />
Hellyer, Fossey and Wedge. The formation of<br />
the Survey Department and the work of<br />
Frankland, Darke, Wedge and Calder and the<br />
Franklin expedition. The discovery of gold and<br />
Tully, Gould and Gunn. More minerals, James<br />
Smith and Tin, Sprent opening up the West,<br />
James Scott and T.B. Moore … the last explorer.<br />
With 32 full page maps, 13 colour illustrations<br />
and 37 black and white all full page. Whilst<br />
comprehensively and appropriately illustrated it<br />
is the depth and completeness of the narrative<br />
and the thorough referencing to source material<br />
that makes this book special if not unique.<br />
Price $120.00<br />
Best Tasmanian Exploration Book
33<br />
The Mapping of Australia<br />
and Antarctica<br />
R.V. Tooley.<br />
Enhanced 1985 edition includes Antarctica.<br />
A massive work of 635 pages including 256<br />
plates at the rear. Tooley the once ever<br />
map genius who produced the definitive list<br />
to which every map collector refers (this is<br />
it). Covers “Printed <strong>Maps</strong> of Australia –<br />
being an alphabetical listing of the 1560<br />
maps held in the National Library Canberra”<br />
– “Early <strong>Maps</strong> of Australia – the Dutch Period<br />
with ex<strong>amp</strong>les from Tooley’s collection” –<br />
“One Hundred Foreign <strong>Maps</strong> of Australia<br />
1773-1887”- “Printed <strong>Maps</strong> of New South<br />
Wales” – “Printed <strong>Maps</strong> of Tasmania” and<br />
“French Explorers <strong>Maps</strong> of New Zealand”.<br />
Very good condition.<br />
Price $390.00<br />
Tooley - the definitive reference for any<br />
Australian Map Enthusiast<br />
<strong>Maps</strong> and Map-Makers - Tooley<br />
Tooley the greatest 20 th century name in maps<br />
who was not a map-maker. The author of many<br />
works on cartography and the standard reference<br />
point on many topics. This is his perennial book on<br />
the broader subject. Great cross referencing to<br />
sources and plentiful illustrations.<br />
Price $40.00<br />
If it’s maps it’s Tooley!<br />
Tooley’s Dictionary of Mapmakers<br />
Ronald Vere Tooley the greatest map historian of all time<br />
started the “Dictionary of Mapmakers” in the 1920’s on slips<br />
of paper arranged in alphabetical order. He published this<br />
work progressively in Map Collector’s Circle which was<br />
discontinued before he could complete the exercise.<br />
Soft cover form published by Alan Liss, New York in 1979.<br />
Large octavo, 684 pages, illustrated nicely. A good copy<br />
albeit the front cover has fold lines, bottom right, indicating<br />
considerable use, internally clean as a whistle.<br />
Essential cartographic content.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
The reference for mapmakers from the beginning of maps …<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
34<br />
Tasmania Cessation of Transportation & Jubilee Medal 1853<br />
The Anti-transportation league received good news from England via steamer Harbinger<br />
which reached Melbourne with the official notification that the transportation of convicts<br />
to Van Diemens Land was over. The name Tasmania was not in effect until 1856.<br />
Nine thousand pewter medals were cast and given to children in the Colony, 4000 in<br />
Hobart, 3000 in Launceston and the rest in outlying areas. 100 bronze ex<strong>amp</strong>les for the<br />
movers and shakers in the anti-transportation league and one gold for Queen Victoria.<br />
A substantial medal 58 mm in diameter and 4 mm thick. Portrait of Queen Victoria on<br />
one side and the Australian Coat of Arms, Rising Sun and Emu and Kangaroo Supports.<br />
Price $340.00<br />
A unique dual celebration and an important Colonial Medal.<br />
Tek Sing Shipwreck Treasure – 1822<br />
Qing Dynasty decorated bowl recovered by<br />
Mike Hatcher from the Tek Sing<br />
shipwreck. A lovely ex<strong>amp</strong>le.<br />
Beautifully and quite fully decorated with<br />
peony flowers and magnolias, three<br />
stylised and a stylised maybe rock-wall at<br />
centre. Lingzhi fungus sprays under rim.<br />
Strong colouring. A small nicely curved<br />
bowl 10.5 cm in diameter 2.5 cm high,<br />
with a good foot.<br />
Retains Nagel auction and catalogue stickers<br />
underneath for provenance.<br />
Price $160.00<br />
Super Tek Sing shipwreck bowl
35<br />
Antique French Field or Students Brass Microscope<br />
Triple compound objective<br />
Late Victorian student’s or field drum microscope of the French variety. Nachet”<br />
style triple compounding objective which gives a number of magnifications when<br />
combined. A functioning microscope. Case in very good condition.<br />
Price $220.00<br />
Nice antique triple objective field microscope<br />
The Invention of Terra Nullius – Historical<br />
and Legal Fictions on the Foundation of<br />
Australia. – Michael Connor<br />
Hobart author Michael Connor has a varied<br />
career including teaching in North Africa and<br />
management at the famous Sadler’s Wells<br />
theatre. He decided to broaden his education<br />
in Colonial History at James Cook University<br />
and then a PhD in Colonial History at the<br />
University of Tasmania.<br />
Published Macleay Press Sydney in 2005.<br />
Octavo, 361 pages, a super fine copy. Hard to<br />
find must have had a very small print run.<br />
This book explores the concept of Terra<br />
Nullius “Land belonging to no-one” a principle<br />
applied not only in Australia but in many parts<br />
of the World subject to colonisation. This is<br />
not intended, we believe, a provoking work …<br />
it sets out facts and issues well. Clues to its<br />
direction from the first paragraph.<br />
A special book about an important and now in<br />
our faces subject. Worth reading with an open<br />
and inquisitive mind.<br />
Price $60.00<br />
The defining principle [or was it] now<br />
struggling to get support albeit rather late<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
36<br />
John Browning Victorian<br />
Table Spectroscope c1890<br />
An original prismatic lacquered brass spectroscope by<br />
the leading London based Victorian maker John<br />
Browning. Special quality as would be expected from a<br />
Browning instrument. Original fitted Mahogany Case<br />
with carrying handle, which has lost its lock as often,<br />
otherwise the mahogany case in very good condition.<br />
The table is engraved and vernier works as it should.<br />
Telescope and collimator. The adjustable slit is in<br />
perfect condition and has its cover or protector which<br />
is usually missing. The optics are in A1 condition. The<br />
telescope arm is fully articulated and can be locked<br />
into position. The flint glass prism looks original to the<br />
instrument and has its original oxidised table housing.<br />
Price $940.00<br />
Quality Victorian Spectroscope Top Maker<br />
John Browning is a <strong>Voyager</strong> Hero<br />
Hard to let go of his beautiful instruments — So well<br />
made and of significant science history interest.
37<br />
The Convict Ships 1787-1868 –<br />
Charles Bateson<br />
1985 edition of a rather famous book – Bateson on<br />
Convict Ships – the go to guide. Published by Brown<br />
et al, Glasgow. Thick octavo, 421 pages, some<br />
illustrations a very good copy in a fine dust jacket.<br />
One of those books that makes you wonder how the<br />
book was put together in a lifetime.<br />
The ships and a very good narrative re the voyages<br />
in chronological blocks. Separate chapters and<br />
interwoven content concerning … the Contractors<br />
that carried of these venture [yes Contractors];<br />
Naval Agents and Guards; Surgeons and Ships<br />
Superintendents; the Convicts and the Transports.<br />
Price $90.00<br />
Not at all dry – not a list – an interesting and<br />
informative story of a rather peculiar practice by<br />
modern day standards<br />
Antarctic Penguins<br />
(The Scott Terra Nova Expedition)<br />
Dr Murray Levick RN<br />
First edition, published by Heinemann, London<br />
in 1914. Small quarto, 139 pages with mainly<br />
photographic illustrations. Original pictorial<br />
green cloth binding with a good clean embossed<br />
image to front. Some foxing internally as usual.<br />
Scarce and often overlooked primary source in<br />
the cannon of Heroic Era Antarctic volumes. Not<br />
sure why as it is brilliant and the writer a hero.<br />
George Murray Levick (1876-1956) was born in<br />
Newcastle Upon Tyne. He studied medicine at St<br />
Barts and joined the Royal Navy in 1902. He was<br />
allowed time off to accompany Robert Falcon<br />
Scott as surgeon and zoologist on the Terra Nova<br />
Expedition. As part of the Northern party he<br />
spent the summer at Cape Adaire observing and<br />
photographing the Adelie penguin rookery. This<br />
book represents the only proper study on that<br />
mass of birds, the largest colony in the world.<br />
The book is brilliant, the observations acute.<br />
Incidentally he made notes about sexual habits<br />
that given the views of the days he thought too<br />
indecent for publication … he wrote them in<br />
Greek as a precaution, so that only “educated<br />
gentlemen” could read them . This only came to<br />
light after his death.<br />
Levick was at Gallipoli. He founded the Public<br />
Schools Exploring Society. In 1940 he returned<br />
to the Navy at 64 and joined Mountbatten's<br />
Commando operation training in fitness, diet<br />
and survival techniques … he wrote the manual!<br />
Price $180.00<br />
Best Penguin Book by Far – Terra Nova - 1914<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
38<br />
The King Fish or Opah -1793<br />
Original copper engraved and hand coloured image of the strikingly beautiful<br />
King-Fish also known as the Opah and Imperial Zeus. IShaw and Nodder 1793.<br />
It was described as by far the largest and most splendid in colour of the genus …<br />
indeed the most splendid of fish … so singularly vivid as to surpass all the<br />
attempts of art to give an adequate idea of its beauty ... (high praise indeed)<br />
George Shaw was in charge of Natural History at the British Museum.<br />
Nodder was a natural history artist and worked for Banks on his Florilegium.<br />
Nicely framed in burnished gilt frame and black cored cream mat<br />
Price $240.00<br />
King-Fish amongst the most beautiful<br />
Simon in Space – Ivan Southall.<br />
An early sought after Space Classic published in<br />
1953 one year after the first.<br />
Published by Angus and Robertson, Sydney and<br />
London. Octavo, 223 pages, some illustrations,<br />
very clean internally albeit light toning, super<br />
dust jacket, making the book gift worthy.<br />
The author was a distinguished pilot in the RAAF<br />
in WWII awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross<br />
(DFC). After the war he was co-opted to write<br />
about the RAAF in Europe. He still had time to<br />
write about the adventures of Simon Black.<br />
Black in the special aircraft “Firefly 3”, the only<br />
aircraft in the World capable of pursuing the flying<br />
saucers into space. Accompanied by Rex the<br />
Alsatian (it’s a dog’s life).<br />
Price $60.00<br />
Collectable Early Space Adventure penned by<br />
Australian Hero.
39<br />
Polar Gleams –<br />
An Account of a Voyage on the Yacht<br />
“Blencathra”. Helen Peel<br />
Helen Peel was the granddaughter of Sir Robert<br />
Peel, twice Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.<br />
Preface by Arctic voyager The Marquess of<br />
Dufferin and Ava and contributions by Joseph<br />
Wiggins and explorer Frederick G. Jackson.<br />
First edition published by McClurg, Chicago, 1894.<br />
Large Octavo, 211 pages, cloth covered boards<br />
with bright silver titling, with walrus head design<br />
on spine. Burgundy end papers, portrait with<br />
signature facsimile. 15 other illustrations and two<br />
maps – the Sea Route to Siberia and the Great<br />
Siberian Railway. Re-cased, original spine laid<br />
down, clean inside a nice copy of a rare item.<br />
Dufferin was the godfather of the adventurous<br />
Helen Peel. He admired her vigour and abilities in<br />
putting together this account of the Arctic voyage<br />
of the Blencathra.<br />
From Britain through northern Norwegian waters,<br />
the Barents and Kara Seas, up the Yenisei River<br />
to Gol’chikha and Archangel the farthest reaches<br />
of Siberia… interaction with Laps and Samoyeds.<br />
The Blencathra was built in 1867 in the Pembroke<br />
Dockyard. Part of the Philomel class – a wooden<br />
screw gun vessel, with a single two-cylinder single<br />
expansion, single screw steam engine. She was<br />
the first ship to pass through the Suez Canal. She<br />
was bought by F.W. Laybourne-Popham in 1890 as<br />
a yacht. He had an interest in Arctic waters and<br />
appointed Joseph Wiggins as Captain for a voyage.<br />
The whole exercise turned into a commercial one<br />
with the organisation of support vessels and the<br />
transport of rails for the Trans-Siberian Railway.<br />
Later the yacht was used by William Speirs Bruce<br />
and new owner Major Andrew Coats to cruise the<br />
Arctic as far as Novaya Zemyla and Kolguyev and<br />
then Spitzbergen. Later purchased by Russians<br />
who lost it near Franz Josef Land.<br />
Price $290.00<br />
<strong>Rare</strong> Artic Voyage – Unusual Author and Pedigree –<br />
Hard Working and Fated Polar Vessel.<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m
40<br />
Les Voila - Marty — Gazette du Bon Ton -1920<br />
A beautiful hand coloured “Pochoir” by Andre Marty (1882-1974) for the<br />
Paris Gazette du Bon Ton published in 1920. “Les Voila” with summer<br />
dresses by Doeuillet. The ultimate in fashion print from a perfect era.<br />
Price $160.00 unframed $280.00 framed<br />
Stylish summer and I can see it too!<br />
Website:<br />
Contact: <strong>Voyager</strong> Bill at<br />
V o y a g e r h o b a r t . c o m