The New Life

Words of God for young disciples of Christ by Andrew Murray 1891 Vintage book from internet archives

Words of God for young disciples of Christ
by Andrew Murray
1891 Vintage book from internet archives


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Humility.<br />

the Holy Spirit who dwells in you. Attempt not to<br />

or to root it out your<br />

hide your pride, or to forget it,<br />

self. Confess this sin, with every working of it that<br />

you trace, in the sure confidence that the blood<br />

cleanses, that the Spirit sanctifies. Learn of Jesus<br />

that He is meek and lowly in heart. Consider that<br />

He is your life, with all that He has. Believe that<br />

He gives His humility to you. <strong>The</strong> word "<br />

: Do it to<br />

'<br />

' Be clothed with the Lord<br />

the Ivord Jesus, ' ' means,<br />

Jesus." Be clothed with humility, in order that you<br />

may be clothed with Jesus. It is Christ in you that<br />

shall fill you with humility.<br />

Blessed Lord Jesus, there never was any one amongst<br />

the children of men so high, so holy, so glorious as<br />

Thou. And never was there any one who was so<br />

lowly and ready to deny himself as the servant of all.<br />

O Lord, when shall we learn that lowliness is the<br />

grace by which man can be most closely confirmed to<br />

the divine glory ? O teach me this. Amen.<br />

I. Take heed that you do nothing to feed pride on the part of<br />

others. Take heed that you do not sufifer others to feed your<br />

pride. Take heed, above all, that you do nothing yourself to<br />

feed your pride. Let God alone always and in all things obtain<br />

the honor. Endeavor to observe all that is good in His children,<br />

and to thank Him heartily for it. Thank Him for all that<br />

helps you to hold yourself in small esteem, whether it be sent<br />

through friend or foe. Resolve, especially, never on any account<br />

to be eagerly bent on your own honor, when this is not accorded<br />

to you as it ought to be. Commit this to the Father : take heed<br />

only to His honor.<br />

3. By no means suppose that faint-heartedness or doubting is<br />


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