Amansinaya Cookbook

Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!

Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!


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Breadpudding 10

Coconut porridge 11

French Toast 11

Tomato Onion Omelete 11


Dynamite 12

Sweet Potato Chips 12

Samosa 13

Fajitas 13

Amansinaya Burger 14

Vegetarian Jackfruit Burger 15


Mungo soup - Lentilsoup 16

Pumpkin Coconut Soup 17

Tomato Soup 17

Onionsoup 18

Mushroom Soup 18

Sinigang 19


Glassnoodle salad 20

Tomato Banana salad 20

Carrot salad 21

Cucumber salad with peanuts 21


Vegetable curry 22

Eggplant Omelette 23

Pumpkin in Coconutmilk 23

Sweet potato adobo 24

Ginataang Gabi 24

Bananaflower Ginataag Puso ng Saging 25

Layered Cabbage 26

Jackfruit - Ginataang Langka 26

Green Papaya - Ginataang Papaya 27

Upo 28


Groundpork Cabbage 29

Stuffed Bellpeppers 29

Pork Menudo 30


Chicken Adobo 31

Chicken in Peanutbuttersauce 31

Chicken drumsticks 32

Chickenfricasse 32

Chicken Curry 33


Fish sweet & sour 34

Fish curry 35

Tuna in Coconutmilk 35

Kinilaw 36

Tuna in Tomatosauce 36

Tuna in breadcrumbs 37

Inihaw na Pusit 38

Squid Adobo 38


Mango Float 39

Pumpkin dessert 39

Turon - Bananaspringroll 40

Caramelized banana 40

Apple Crumble 41

Rumballs 41

Carrot Cake 42

Leche Flan 42

Banana - Peanutbutter cake 43

Coconutcake 43

Sticky rice with Mango 44


Three years ago I moved to Mindoro from

Boracay for the consistent windy conditions.

My friends told me, I´d be crazy

to move to an area, known as the home to

the Mangyan (the tribal people) in the middle of

nature, no other foreigners, no coffeeshops, bars

and restaurants and limited shopping possibilitiesa

freshmarket 18km away but no supermarkets as

we know them or as I knew them from Boracay.

I´ve been living for 13 years on Boracay for the

kitesurfing and its good wind and we were missing

nothing as we had the best community of friends

returning every winter from their home countries

to spend time on the water together.

And with the development of tourism and the

islands, you could also live a Western lifestyle with

nothing lacking compared to Europe.

It was the windstatistics and googlemaps that made

me come to Bulalacao, as through the years Boracay

got overpopulated and the water polluted.

Number of European guests decreased the more

Korean and Chinese tourist were visiting.

A new place was needed- to cover what we were

looking for in the early years when we first arrived.

Simple life, palmtrees, white sand beaches and

Bulalacao a little town on the southern tip of the

island Mindoro is the completly oppositeit’s

the place, with little foreign influence.

Our Story

from Boracay to Mindoro


Guests often ask me,

how to make this and that or they

watch us cooking as we have an open

kitchen, where everyone can observe

how meals are prepared and its much

more fun, for the kitchen team to

be part of the resort life and still

interacting with the guests while


New style of cooking had to be learnt - very little

spices, limited vegetables to choose from, fish,

chicken and pork. Many ingredients I normally

used to cook with were just not to be found.

A very inspiring place for shopping is the local

Mangyan market in Bulalacao on Tuesdays and

Saturdays. The tribal people leave their remote

villages in the mountains as early as 3 am to walk

down with torches all the way to Bulalacao town

center to sell the local grown fruits and vegetables.

Some of them are still wearing their tribal clothes

and often you see them chew betelnuthere

you can try.

I love to buy from the Mangyan people because their

products are guaranteed organically grown and free

of pesticides. The market is a good place for a chat

and you don’t need to bargain as prices are fixed and

so cheap anyway.

It started a phase of experimenting. Chefkoch.de was

a good guide in the beginning, you put the

ingredients we could find that day in the market

and picked one of the recipes that were given.

If we didn’t have all ingredients, we got creative

and replaced to imitate and get close to what the

recipe was meant to be. Now after three

seasons we have a good collection of meals - which

are a result of mixing the local cuisine with healthy

Western food. My priorities - it should taste good,

it should have loads of veggies and local ingredients

only and last but not least and actually super important:

It should be prepared fast and easy,

as we don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.

if we have to cook for big numbers of people.

Our Team

good vibes - good food

There is one rule. Everyone helps with everything –

so you will find everyone in the kitchen too,

especially at dinner time when we are busy.


Has been with us from the beginning. He is born in

the neighbouring fishing village and he was the one

who was cooking for all the workers when we were

building Amansinaya. I remember his tomato salty

egg salad from this time. He learnt kiting in the first

year of our opening and supports the daytrips

and kitesafaris as a guide and cook. He also joins

the Philippine Kitesurfing Tour and competes.

You wouldn’t believe Gerry is a Philippino but his

favourite dishes are Pizza, Burger and Mushroomsoup.


Also Roben has been with us from the beginning and

helped with the construction and turned into a beachboy

after the opening, realising soon, that you don’t

get a lot of time on the water for yourself when working

as a beachboy, so he soon changed to the kitchen

and is a guide on almost each safari or daytrip. He is

very motivated in Kitesurfing and same as Gerry he

also joins the Philippine Kitesurfing Tour. Roben loves

his red scooter and if you see the same motorbike in 5

different places, it's because he always moves it to the

shade when the sun moves during the day. The biggest

fan of Roben in the resort is Cabrinha since he was

taking care of her since she was a little piglet. Roben

loves Chicken Adobo, Burger and Mangofloat.

2 3


Annalyn came to us in the second year and is the good

soul of the kitchen. She loves experimenting and trying

new recipes. She loves baking for instance Christmas

cookies. Nonoy, her husband has a tricycle and drives us

and the gear to Balatasan, when we go on daytrips. Annalyn

can swim and loves to learn kiting and it is still on her

list of to do things. She loves to sing Karaoke and if there

is a Christmas party or a birthday you should have a song

prepared to join in. She makes the best mangofloat and

Annalyn's favourite food is Sinigang and ice-cream.


If there is one always smiling and singing, no matter

what- it’s Jovy. You can’t miss her- she cleans the rooms

and is the one giving massage. Often she wears colourful

leggings. She likes Reggaemusic and can listen to the

same playlist every day and loves to dance. If you go out

with her, for instance to a Mangyanparty, you are guaranteed

to see her dancing full on. Jovy can not swim and

is scared of deep water, you can only convince her for a

tour on the SUP when you paddle. But she is

adventurous. She loves hiking and jungletrekking and

even climbed Mt. Iglit. Jovy makes the best springrolls

and her favourite meals are Spagetthi and ice-cream.


is the one at the guardhouse and responsible for water

pump and water tanks, fueling up motorbikes and

organising our drinking water. When we were building,

he was the first one to learn how to launch and land my

kite. He always comes to the kitchen to steal watermelon.

His favourite food is ihaw ihaw (anything grilled)

and Chicken adobo. He would be the perfect actor and

loves to sing and dance and is an adventurous soul.

If you ask him to be your jungle guide, he will take you

on a tour with his machete-but you are not

guaranteed to find the trail.


is our famous pig growing bigger and bigger. She came to

us as a piglet when she was 6 weeks old. She came with

her friend who was pink and ugly, so we decided just to

keep Cabrinha. She is not so picky and eats all the leftovers.

She loves the beach and swimming, unfortunately

she also loves kites and kitelines and sometimes motorbike

seats. Thanks to her appetite, she grew so fast and

reached her final weight of approximately 120 kg.

Surviving 2 christmas and New Years. She was the only

one enjoying the typhoon Ursula and did not hide but

walk around in the storm enjoying the rain while

motorbikes and coconuts were flying around. The last try

to get rid of her was to swap her against four goats, this

also failed so she is still member of the team and

I wonder, if its still like this when you read this book.


is the only dog we really feed, he came as a wild dog and

stayed. He is tame and clever enough to be friends with

every guest and to look always starving, so you guaranteed

feel pitty and let some of your food fall under the

table by mistake. During the off season he found his ugly

girlfriend brownie … but hey ho character counts and so

we allowed her to stay. But one plus one makes nine and

so we soon had Bailey, Oreo, Covid, Milka, Baloo, Junior

and Panther in the house. Thanks to their cuteness they

all found a home. Favourite food of the dogs- anything

of our dinner before Cabrinha eats it.

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Philippine Cuisine

local specialities and useful things to know

What you must know about

the traditional Filipino cuisine

Filipinos are constantly eating. Three meals a day isn’t

enough, so they have added two meryenda, which

literally means snack. The afternoon snack can

include pan de coco (sweet bun with a coconutfilling)

or Bibingka (fluffy race cakes topped with cheese)

and super sweet 3 in 1 instant coffee.

Filippino food is compared to other Asian countries

poor in reputation. Have you ever heard

of a Philippino restaurant in the Western World.

If you ask Filipinos though, they think their

home cooked food is the greatest thing in the world.

When I travelled with Filipino friends for the international

kite competitions like the World Championships

in Sardinia, they were the happiest people to

meet other Filipinos there and to get invited for rice

and chicken Adobo.

If you ask me, Pinoy food is not as bad as the

international reputation, nor as delicious as locals

consider it. For Western taste it is normally

too sweet, too much meat, not enough vegetable

and too heavy. Influence of American food

are very obvious with fast food on every corner

and their Filippino version of Mc Donalds,

Jollibee with sweet hamburgers or sweet spaghetti.

What to order if you travel around

the philippines


Let’s start with the breakfasts.

Rice, very often garlic rice with a fried egg on top

(Eggsilog), rice with honey-cured pork (Tocinolog),

Tapsilog is Rice served with salty beef stripes or

Longsilog is rice with pink coloured sausages.

Main dishes

No matter where you are in the Philippines you will

always find Adobo in versions of Chicken Adobo, Pork

Adobo any meat stewed in vinegar, soysauce and

garlic. Very often you find in the restaurants Bulaloa

beef soup or Sinigang- a meat or seafood tamarind

flavoured soup. Pancit Canton are fried noodles

with vegetable. Lumpia rolls are springrolls with

normally vegetarian filling of cabbage, sprouts

or carrots. Lechon, roasted pig, is served at



I must admit though I am a fan of Philippino desserts.

My favourite – and even my favorite dessert

worldwide – congrats to the Pinoy cuisine is

Mangofloat. It’s a frozen icecream cake with layers

of sweet condense milk and all-purpose cream,

graham cookies and mangos.

Halo-Halo ia a glass with fruit preserves, sweet corn,

young coconut, sweet condense milk and crushed ice.

Leche Flan is similar to Crème Brulee in Italy and

Inipig is glutinous riceflour fried with caramalized

sugar on top.

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softdrinks, beer and Gin

Vegeterians & Vegans

all you need to know regarding special diets

NON - alcoholic drinks

Often it is easier to find carbonated

soft drinks like Sprite,

Coca Cola, Royal in the local

sari-sari stores than bottled

water. Tap water quality varies

from island to island, to be safe

carry your water bottle. Calamansi

is a local citrus that makes

a healthy and tasty juice.

alcoholic drinks

San Miguel has a monopoly in

the Philippines- with the most

sold beer San Miguel pale, San

Miguel Light, flavoured San

Miguel Apple or Lemon and

Red Horse, which is an extra

strong beer by the same brand.

No Philippines visit without a

Rum Coke. The local Tanduay

Rum is cheaper than the Coke,

so the mix could be very dangerous.

In the province locals drink

the cheap Emperador (Brandy)

or Gin.

If you are vegetarian or vegan,

you will have a hard time

eating in the provinces of the

Philippines, as the cuisine is

dominated by meat.

Vegetables are very rare on the

local menu. So if you are not

vegan you will likely end up

with rice & egg, rice and mixed

vegetable or pancit cantonfried

noodles (check if meat is


Kangkong Adobo is waterspinach

boiled in soysauce. If you

are lucky you can find Calabasa

ginataang- pumpkin in coconutmilk

or Petchay guisado-

Petchay stir fried with onion

and tomato.

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fast, delicious and easy to prepare

Here are the recipies of Amansinaya restaurant.

If you caǹ t find some specific ingredients in your country, doń t worry

and experiment as we once did. We would be happy to hear,

if you succeeded,messed up or if friends liked it.

Coconut porridge


• 3 cups of fast

boiling oats

• 5 cups of water

• coconutmilk

• coconutflakes

• 3 spoons of sugar

or honey

• raisins

• peanuts

• seasonal fruits


Soak 3 cups of fast boiling oats in 5 cups of water and

bring it to boil, simmer for 2 minutes, add coconut milk,

coconutf lakes, 3 spoons of sugar or honey, raisins,

peanuts and add fresh seasonal fruit.



• 1 cup of milk

• 1 cup of water

• a little bit of oil

(for greasing the pan)

• 1 teaspoon vanilla


• cinnamon

• 1/3 cup of sugar

• 1/2 loaf of tasty bread

or left over bread from

the day before, cut into

2 - inch cubes (it should

be 5-6 cups of bread)

• pinch of salt

• 2 eggs - beaten

We normally use all our leftover bread from

the day before and it`s one of our breakfasts without

much work. Consider adding fresh or dried fruit.


Heat the oven to 230°C, oil a baking tray. In

a big bowl mix warm water, milk, sugar, salt,

vanilla and cinnamon and add the eggs and mix again,

pour the bread cubes in, mix everything and pour

the mixture into the baking tray. Bake for 30 minutes

or until the custard is set but still a little wobbly

and edges of bread turns golden brown. Serve warm

or at room temperature.

French Toast


• toastbread

(as many as you

want to eat)

• eggs - beaten

(one egg for

2 pcs. of bread)

• cinnamon

• milk

• syrup

Tomato Onion Omelete


• 2 eggs

• 1 small onion

• 1 small tomato

• salt and pepper

The toastbread in the Philippines is called “Tasty Bread”.

Is it by accident or on purpose, that’s what we

asked ourselves when we ate that super sweet sponge!


Anyway you can use any bread and soak it in a

mixture of beaten eggs with milk and cinnamon. Toast

it in a frying pan and serve with syrup.


Chop the onion and the tomato, add the eggs in a bowl

and whisk them, Pour any cooking oil in a frying pan

and heat the pan for a few seconds, pour the egg mixture

in, after 2-3 minutes put the tomato onion mix on

top and fold the omelette and let it cook another 30

seconds- ready to serve. You can also add Eden cheese

to the tomato and onion. Ready to serve!

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• long green chili

• cheese

• lumpia wrapper

(springroll wrap)

Sweet Potato Chips


• sweet potatoes

• corn starch

• oil

• salt


small, healthy filipino starters

Dynamites are a kind of spring roll- a unique

version because it involves the use of stuffed long

green chili and will be a surprise when you eat

it if spicy or moderate spicy. Making dynamites is

easy and straightforward.


First prepare the chili and slice it lengthside on one

side. Remove the seeds and then stuff it with a stripe

of eden cheese. Wrap each stuffed chili in a lumpia

wrapper (springroll wrap) and fry until golden brown

and crispy.


Cut your sweet potatoes into thin fries. Toss your sliced

fries in cornstarch before oil, as cornstarch helps

to get the outsides crispy. Put your fries on a greased

baking tray. Bake at 230°C. In the middle of baking

turn with a spatula. If golden brown and crispy. You

can add salt. A healthy and easy to make snack.



• flour

• vegetable oil

• warm water

• tomato paste

• onions

• cheese

• salt



• 3 cups all

purpose flour

• salt

• baking powder

• vegetable oil

• hot water

• boneless chicken

• oil

• lime juice

• cumin

• red pepper flakes

• salt & pepper

• bell peppers

• onion


2 cups of flour, 4 table spoons of vegetable oil, ¼ cup

warm water, salt, make a soft dough. The flour should

stick on your fingers. Make the dough into 4 equal size

balls that you flatten on the table. Put a bit of tomatopaste

on to each piece. Chop 2 onions into small pieces

and fry it until golden brown. Put the fried onion on

the flattened dough and add a piece of Eden cheese on

top of each. Fold the samosa once and push the edge of

the samosa with a fork to make it stick together. Fry in

a frying pan with oil until golden brown.

We can’t really buy all ready to eat Fajitas, so we

tried to make them. And what can I say? It’s worth

every roll and spatula flip.


Combine flour, salt and baking powder, add some

vegetable oil, mix in warm water and make it into a

soft, dough ball. Then roll those balls out on the table

thin and boom- you have your tortilla- cook it

1 min in a non-stick pan.

For the filling: Chop boneless chicken in cubes into

a large bowl. Season chicken with salt and pepper.

Whisk together 1/2 cup oil, lime juice, cumin, and

red pepper flakes. Then add in to the bowl and toss

to coat. Cook the chicken in a frying pan until golden

and cooked through. Let it rest 10 minutes, then slice

into strips. Add bell peppers and onion to skillet and

cook until soft, 5 minutes. Add chicken and toss until

combined. Serve with tortillas.

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Amansinaya Burger

Vegetarian Jackfruit Burger


• burgerbuns

• groundpork

• onions

• egg

• fine dried

bread crumbs

• mustard

• salt & pepper

• onions

• gherkins

• tomatoes

• lettuce

• cheese

• BBQ - Sauce:




We introduced a burger night. In the beginning we

were shy- cause we thought people would tell us: how

can you serve junkfood. But then the opposite happened.

People love the change in a while and are happy to

have a burger and chips on their plate. So here is how

we do our version. We use ready made burgerbuns,

that we even find in the bake shops here and that, I

believe, they are available everywhere.


For the burger: groundpork , onion, egg, 1/4 cup fine

dried bread crumbs, a little bit of mustard, salt , pepper.

In a bowl, mix the ground pork, egg, onion, bread

crumbs, mustard, salt, and pepper until well blended.

Divide the mixture into four equal portions and shape

each one into a patty about 4 inches wide. Cook burgers,

turning once, until browned on both sides.

BBQ Sauce:

In a frying pan with oil add a little soysauce, tomatopaste

and sugar and stir until it gets a creamy sauce.

To make the burger: Thinly slice the onion, gherkins

and tomato as relish. Chop the lettuce. Give the burger

buns a quick toast under the grill or in a toaster. To

serve: 1 tbsp BBQ on the bottom of one bun. Lay over

some lettuce, then the burger. Next come the raw onion,

gherkin and tomato. Add another dollop of sauce

on the top half of the bun – and pop it on top. Done!


• burgerbuns

• Jackfruit

• onions

• salt & pepper

• olive oil

• egg

• all purpose flour

• onions

• gherkins

• tomatoes

• lettuce

• cheese

• BBQ - Sauce:




As we always try to prepare a vegiterian version of our

meals - here is the vegetarian jackfruit burger.


200g jackfruit, 2 tbsp olive oil, ½ tbsp salt, 1 onion.

The boiled jackfruit (if not boiled yet, slice it and fry

in a a frying pan with salt and pepper and oil) mix with

egg and flour and make burger patties, which you fry

in a pan

BBQ Sauce:

In a frying pan with oil add a little soysauce, tomatopaste

and sugar and stir until it becomes a creamy sauce.

To make the burger: Thinly slice the onion, gherkins

and tomato as relish. Chop the lettuce. Give the burger

buns a quick toast under the grill or in a toaster.

To serve: 1 tbsp BBQ sauce on the bottom of one bun.

Layer over some lettuce, then the jackfruit burger.

Next comes the raw onion, gherkin and tomato. Add

another dollop of sauce on the top half of the bun –

and pop it on top. Done!

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Mungo soup - Lentilsoup


• 2 cups dry monggo

beans, mung beans or

green lentils

• 6 cups

vegetable broth

• oil

• onion

• garlic

• freshly grated ginger

• 1 cup coconut milk

• 1 bunch chopped or

pulled malunggay

leaves (or spinach)

• salt


best after a long adventurous day

Dinners are set meals in Amansinaya and start always with

a soup, which is a perfect and healty starter. We love soups that are

fast to prepare and variety of soup that we can use leftover

ingredients with - sorry to our pig Cabrinha - you can not eat it all.

Monggos are the same thing as mung beans.

They are widley used in Asian countries and

they cook almost exactly like lentils. Lentils are

my favorite! Something you can surely buy

wherever you live.


Bring the broth to boil in a large pot. Add the rinsed

monggo beans and cook, uncovered for about 40 minutes.

You want the consistency to be like a very thick

soup. Saute the onion, garlic, and ginger in the oil in a

large non-stick pan. Add to the monggo pot and allow

the mixture to simmer together for a few minutes. Stir

in the coconut milk and malunggay leaves. Remove the

monggo pot from the heat. Not sure if it’s a Western

thing, but I like lentil soup sweet and sour, so I add

vinegar and sugar at the end.

Pumpkin Coconut Soup


• 1 tablespoon

unsalted butter

• 1 diced medium


• 1 fingersize ginger

cut into pieces

• 4 cloves minced garlic

• 1 teaspoon yellow

curry powder

• 1/2 pumpkin

• 1 cup ckicken stock

• coconut milk

• 1 l water

• salt & pepper

• pinch of sugar

• Equipment:


Tomato Soup


• chopped tomatoes

• sliced onion

• ginger

• garlic

• tomatopaste

• vegetable stock

• water

• salt & pepper

• pinch of sugar

• oil

• Equipment:


There is one vegetable always available in Bulalacaothe

only one you are guaranteed to get- pumpkin and

before moving to here, the only recipe I had with

pumpkin was pumpkin soup. By now I would probably

make a whole cookbook just for pumpkin recipes. But

still one of my favourites is the soup.


Fry the onions in oil together with the garlic, ginger,

curry, chicken stock and 1 l of water. Cut the pumpkin

into cubes and add it. Let the whole thing boil until the

pumpkin is soft. Let it cool down a bit and transfer the

mixture to a blender. After mixing the soup put it back

into a pot and pour the coconut milk into the soup and

warm up on medium heat stirring occasionally, season

it with salt, pepper and a little sugar.

Probably well known to everyone. A very easy

soup. Ready to serve in 5-8 minutes.


Fry the onions, garlic and ginger in some oil. Add a

vegetable stock and 1/2 cup of water. Add the chopped

tomatoes and 4 spoons of tomatopaste, add more

water and let the soup boil. Let it cool down and blend

the soup. Season the soup with salt, pepper and tiny bit

of sugar. Warm it up again – ready to serve.

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• oil

• 5 sliced medium


• 2 minced garlic

• 1/3 cup dry white


• 6 cups beef stock

• 2 teaspoons white

wine vinegar

• salt & pepper

• 2 tbsp. cornstarch

Mushroom Soup


• 1 tablespoon oil

• 2 diced onions

• 4 minced cloves garlic

• 2 cans of sliced mushrooms

(fresh mushrooms

if available)

• 4 teaspoons chopped


• 1 cup white wine

• 6 tablespoons flour

• 4 cups chicken stock

• salt & pepper

• 1 cup all purpose


• chopped fresh parsley

We don’t know how it happened, but a huge percentage

of our guests are French. There is almost no week

without French guests. As we never wanted to serve

the same soup twice a week and as there is never a lack

of onions in the kitchen, we thought lets make onion

soup- not what the French know from home because

of the lack of Cheese and baguettes, but we try to get

close. So here is a simple and quick to serve onionsoup.


In a pot with oil add onion, garlic and fry until the

onions are glassy. Season with a healthy pinch of salt

and pepper, then add beef stock and vinegar. In a cup

mix the corn starch with water and add to the mix.

Boil the soup until thickens and add white wine and a

little bit of sugar.

When we kite long and we are short on time - this is

our rescue soup. So if you need something quick on

the table when you have unexpected guests - this is the

right thing to cook.


Heat the oil in a large pot, sauté onion for 2 to 3 minutes

until softened. Cook garlic until fragrant, about 1

minute. Add mushrooms and 2 teaspoons thyme, cook

for 5 minutes. Pour in wine and allow to cook for 3

minutes. Sprinkle mushrooms with flour, mix well and

cook for 2 minutes. Add stock, mix again and boil, season

with salt, pepper and allow to simmer for 10-15

minutes, while occasionally stirring, until thickened.

Reduce heat to low, stir in cream. Adjust salt and pepper

to your taste. Mix in parsley and ready to serve.


• 2 lbs. pork belly

• 1 bunch spinach

or kangkong

• 3 tablespoons

fish sauce

• 12 pieces string beans

or green beans cut in

2 inch length

• 2 pcs. tomato,


• 3 pcs. chili

• 1 tablespoon

cooking oil

• 2 quarts water

• 1 piece sliced onion

• 2 pieces

quartered gabi

• 1 pack sinigang mix

good for 2 liters


Sinigang is a sour soup native to the Philippines.

This recipe uses pork as the main ingredient.

Other proteins and seafood can also be used. Beef,

shrimp, fish are commonly used to cook sinigang.

The chicken version, on the other hand, is called sinampalukang



Heat the pot with cooking oil, sauté the onion until

it's layers are separated from each other. Add the pork

belly and cook until outer part turns light brown. Putin

the fish sauce and mix with the ingredients. Pour

the water and bring it to a boil, then add the gabi and

tomatoes and simmer for 40 minutes or until pork

is tender. Put-in the sinigang mix and chili. Add the

string beans (and other vegetables if there are any) and

simmer for another 5 to 8 minutes. Put the spinach in,

turn off the heat, and cover the pot. Let the spinach

cook using the remaining heat in the pot. Serve hot.

Share and enjoy!

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Glassnoodle salad


• glassnoodles

• chili

• bell pepper

• tomato

• onion

• ginger

• pinch of sugar

• fish sauce

• oil

• vinegar

• crushed peanuts

• celery

• fresh coriander

Tomato Banana salad


• tomato

• saba

(cooking banana)

• onion

• salt & pepper

• fresh basil

• additional:

cheese cubes

• for the dressing:

vinegar, oil, dried

basil leaves


fresh and creative combinations


Boil the glass noodles. In a separate frying pan fry sliced

onion, ginger and sliced bell peppers. Add to the

glass noodles and add fresh chopped tomato and chilis.

Mix in a separate container 1 spoon of fish sauce with

half cup vinegar and ½ cup olive oil and 3 spoons of

sugar a bit of salt and pepper and mix into the salad.

Add fresh celery chopped in rings, fresh coriander and

smashed peanuts,t hen mix everything. Ready to serve.

First look you may think you've read something

wrong, but you didn’t. A rare combination but it

tastes amazing.


Slice the tomato and saba (cooking banana), onion and

add salt and pepper and fresh basil for the taste. If you

have you can even add some Eden Cheese cubes. We

don’t have many choices for salad dressing so we mix

vinegar and Oil and some dried Basil leaves and use

this as a dressing.

Carrot salad


• carrots

• apple

• raisin

• salt & pepper

• for the dressing:

oil, vinegar,

pinch of sugar

Cucumber salad with peanuts


• onion

• cucumber

• peanuts

• oil

• vinegar

• salt & pepper

• pinch of sugar

• additional:

fresh chilis


Grind the carrots and add grinded apple and raisins.

Salt and pepper to boost the taste and for the sauce

mix some oil, vinegar and sugar and add to the salad.

Fast, easy and tasty and a surprise for everyone!

Almost not worth a mention because its

soooo easy to make.


Slice the onion, cucumber and mix in a bowl. Add

crushed peanuts and oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar.

If you have guests who like it spicy add some fresh

chilis. Ready to serve and perfect sidedish for fish dishes

or mashed sweet potatoes.

20 21

Vegetable curry


Vegeterian Main Dishes

healthy and fresh not only for vegeterians

• potato cut into cubes

• 1 tablespoon

vegetable oil

• 1 diced

medium onion

• 4 minced cloves garlic

• 4 teaspoons curry


• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1 teaspoon black


• 2 centimeter

pieces ginger

• minced 400g tomato

• 4 bellpepper

• a handful green beans

• 1 can green peas

• 2 glass / 1 can

coconut milk

This vegan & vegetarian dish is easy and fast to make

and you can be creative with the choice of vegetable

to add in, whatever you have at home.


Place the potatoes into a large pot and cover with

well-salted water. Bring it to boil, then reduce the heat

to simmer, cover and let the potatoes cook until fork

tender–about 12 minutes. Once cooked, drain the potatoes

and set them aside. Return the pot to the stove

and add 1 table spoon of oil. Add onion and garlic and

sauté over medium heat until onion is tender. Add

curry powder, salt, pepper and ginger. Stir to combine

before adding tomatoes, bellpepper, green beans

and peas. Increase heat to medium-high and stir in the

coconut milk. Bring it to a simmer before adding the

potatoes back to the pot.

Eggplant Omelette


• 3 pieces eggs

• 1 medium eggplant

• 1/4 teaspoon garlic


• 1/4 teaspoon salt

• ground black pepper

• 4 tablespoons

olive oil

Pumpkin in Coconutmilk

One of my favourite traditional dishes in the Philippines.

Sometimes a little different from region to region

but simple and fast and perfect for breakfast or lunch.


Beat the eggs in a large bowl. Add salt, ground black

pepper and garlic powder. Continue to beat until all

ingredients are well blended. Set aside. Use a fork to

create tiny holes all over the eggplant. Cook the eggplant

by either baking it in the oven at 400F for 20 to

25 minutes or exposing it in fire over a stove top until

the skin gets burnt and turns black. Let the eggplant

cool down. Peel the skin then cut the stalk off. Arrange

the eggplant flat in a plate. Gently mash using a fork.

Transfer the mashed eggplant to the bowl with beaten

eggs. Beat until the eggplant is well incorporated with

all the ingredients. Meanwhile, heat olive oil in a pan.

Once the oil gets hot, pour the mixture into the pan.

Continue to cook in low to medium heat for 3 to 5

minutes. Flip the eggplant omelette, make sure that

the cooked part is facing down. Continue to cook for

3 minutes on the other side.


• 500g pumpkin

• 300g topped and

tailed green beans

• 10 chopped cloves


• 1 medium onion

• 1 can coconut milk

• 2 tablespoon sautéed

shrimp paste

• fish sauce & oil


In a pan heat oil then sauté the garlic and onion till

lightly browned, add the green beans and cook for

2-3 minutes, add the chopped pumpkin, coconut milk

and 1/2 can of water. Season with the fish sauce and

shrimp paste.

22 23

Sweet potato adobo


• 1 tbsp. vegetable oil

• 2 chopped onions

• 4 miced cloves garlic

• 1/4 cup water

• 1/4 cup soy sauce

• 1/4 cup white


• pepper

• 500g sweet potatoes

Ginataang Gabi

Taro Leaves in Coconutmilk


• 2 medium size

gabi or taro roots

(alternative: spinach)

• 3 cups coconut milk

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

• 1 tablespoon chopped

spring onion leaves

Warm and hearty is the name of the game with this

dish, ready for your table in just one hour.


In a cookingpot with oil, add onions and garlic. Peel,

slice and add the sweet potatoes. Add water, soy sauce,

vinegar, pepper. Bring it to a boil; cover and simmer

over medium-low heat until potatoes are tender 25 to

30 minutes.

This vegan vegetarian Ginataang Gabi is mainly made

of taro leaves and coconut milk. It’s easy to make and is

delicious, creamy, and best served with steamed rice!

Preparing Ginataang Gabi is going to be the easiest Filipino

food you will make. All you would need to do is

simply combine the initial ingredients and allow it to

cook without mixing the ingredients for at least 15 to

20 minutes. Basically, the longer you allow it to sit without

mixing it- the better. Coconut milk is preferred

over water because it makes this dish creamy.

Bananaflower Ginataag Puso ng Saging


• 2 large banana hearts

• 2 tablespoons

rock salt

• oil

• 1 peeled and chopped


• 3 minced cloves garlic

• 1 shot fishsauce

• 2 cups coconutmilk

• 2 thai chili peppers

• salt & pepper

I guarantee you every person in the world knows bananas,

but before coming to the Philippines I have neither

heard nor eaten banana heart and same happens to

our guest, who can not identify what is served on their

plate, when we have banana heart.


Peel and discard the outer, fibrous skin layers of the banana

heart until you reach the lighter, softer core. Trim

off the stem and discard. Cut into half and slice thinly.

In a large bowl, place the shredded banana heart

and rock salt. Let it stand for about 10 to 15 minutes

or until it begins to release the liquid. Using hands,

squeeze to release bitter sap. Rinse very well with cold

water and drain. In a wide pan over medium heat oil.

Add onions and garlic and cook until softened. Add

banana heart. Add fish sauce and continue to cook for

about 1 to 2 minutes. Cook, stirring occasionally, for

about 3 to 5 minutes or until releases liquid. Add coconut

milk and chili peppers. Lower heat, cover, and

continue to cook until vegetable is tender and sauce is

thickened. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


Peel the gabi roots and wash, then chop into cubes about

an inch size.Put gabi roots, coconut milk and salt

altogether in a casserole and let boil for 15 minutes or

until gabi is done.Turn off heat and add spring onion

leaves. Serve hot. Can be eaten alone or with steamed

rice and fried fish.

24 25

Layered Cabbage


• cabbage

• oil

• onion

• vegetable stock

• potatoes

• corn starch

• vinegar

• pinch of sugar

• cumin

• salt & pepper

Jackfruit - Ginataang Langka

Young Jackfruit in Coconutmilk


• 1 kilo sliced unripe

jackfruit (langka)

• oil

• 5 minced cloves garlic

• 1 tablespoon gin

• 1 sliced onion

• 3 cups fresh coconut

milk (gata)

• salt

• 5 pieces sliced red

pepper chilies

(siling labuyo)

This is a recipe of my grandma and has little to do with

the Philippines, but the ingredients are easy to get here

and it’s a simple and fast to make delicious dish, which

makes it perfect for us.


Chop the cabbage into stripes. In a big pot heat up

oil and onion and add the cabbage until its really getting

brown and soft. Add pepper, salt, cumin and the

vegetable stock and let it cook for 20 minutes. Mix

cornstarch with a little water and add to the cabbage

until the sauce thickens, add vinegar and sugar for the

sweet and sour taste. Best eaten with boiled potatoes

that can be added in slices and cooked in the same pot.


Place the jackfruit in a saucepan and add enough water

to cover it. Boil for 15 minutes or until tender. Drain

and set aside. Add oil to a preheated pan. Sauté garlic,

ginger and onions until soft and fragrant. Cook for 5

minutes. Add boiled jackfruit and coconut milk. Boil

until sauce thickens. Season with salt and pepper. Add

sliced chilies and serve hot.

Green Papaya - Ginataang Papaya


• 1 small green papaya

• 2 cups coconut milk

• 1 cup malunggay


• 1 small sliced onion

• 4 miced cloves garlic

• cooking oil

• 1 thumb minced


• 1/4 teaspoon ground

black pepper

• 3 pcs. chili (optional)

• 1/2 cup water

Bechamel Potatoes


• 9 small potatoes

• 1 teaspoon cumin

• oil

• 1 sliced onion

• 40g flour

• 250ml

vegetable stock

• 250 ml milk

• salt & pepper

Ginataang Papaya or unripe papaya cooked in coconut

milk is one of my favorite ginataan dishes. Green

papaya has a good distinctive taste, which I really like,

we sometimes add malunggay (moringa) leaves to

make this dish tilt to the healthy side. You can also use

spinach as a substitute for malunggay.


Heat the oil in a pan. Saute the garlic and ginger and

add the onion. Continue to cook until the onion

becomes soft. Pour in the coconut milk. Simmer for 5

minutes. Cut the papaya into wedges and add it. Cover

and cook in medium heat for 15 minutes. Add water if

necessary. Put in the malunggay leaves. Stir and cook

for 2 minutes and add the ground black pepper and

chili (chili is optional).

A very German dish, introduced to Asia, easy to

prepare and loved by everyone.


Wash the potatoes and boil 20 min in water with cumin.

While potatoes are boiling, fry onions in oil and

add flour – add slowly the vegetable stock and at the

end the milk and salt and pepper- at medium heat simmer

for about 7 min. Slice the potatoes and add in to

the sauce.

26 27



• 2 big Upo/ cucumber

• 4 big tomatoes

• 1/2 l vegetable stock

• vinegar

• salt & pepper

• pinch of sugar

• cornstarch

For us it would be fried cucumbers for Philippinos it

is Upo, normally eaten with glass noodles, but not really

my favourite. So I mixed that Philippino vegetable

with a recipe with my grandmother's again and it turns

out pretty well.


Peel the Upo or cucumber , take out the seeds and

cut into pieces 2-3 cm cubes. Fry the upo in oil. Add

tomatoes cut in pieces and add vegetable stock, salt

and pepper and let boil. Mix cornstarch with 4 spoons

of water. Let everything boil until it thickens and add

some vinegar and sugar for the sweet and sour taste.

Best served with potatoes. Enjoy!

Groundpork Cabbage


• 1/2 lbs. cabbage


• 1kg ground pork

• 1/4 kg sliced


• 1 sliced

medium onion

• 1 teaspoon

minced garlic

• 2 tablespoons

cooking oil

• salt & pepper

Main Dishes with Pork

delicous dishes all around pork


Heat the oil in a pan. Once the oil is hot, sauté the garlic

and onion. Add the diced tomatoes. Stir and cook

until the liquid evaporates. Add the ground pork.

Cook for 8 to 12 minutes, then add the cabbage. Stir

and cook for further 5 minutes. Season it with salt and

pepper for extra taste.

Stuffed Bellpeppers


• 1/2 kg ground pork

or mix of ground

pork and beef

• 1/2 cup cooked rice

• 1 cup water

• 6 bell peppers

• 2 cups tomato sauce

• garlic

• onion

• salt & pepper

• mint

• egg


Glaze the onions in a frying pan with some oil, add the

groudpork. In a bowl, mix the pork chop with cooked

rice, egg, mint , salt, and pepper. Remove and discard

the tops, seeds, and membranes of the bell peppers.

Fill each hollow peppers with the equal amount of

mixture with a spoon. Aarrange them in a cooking pot

with the hollowed sides facing upward. (Slice the bottoms

of the peppers if necessary so that they will stand

upright.) Mix the remaining tomato sauce and Italian

seasoning in a bowl and pour over the stuffed peppers

and boil 10 minutes. Best served with rice.

28 29

Pork Menudo


• 1 kg pork chopped in


• 1 cup diced potatoes

• 1 cubed carrot

• 1/2 cup soy sauce

• 1/2 piece lemon

• 1 piece onion chopped

• 3 garlic cloves minced

• 1 teaspoon sugar

• 3/4 cup tomato sauce

• 1 cup of water

• 4 pieces of hotdogs

sliced diagonally

• 2 tablespoons of

cooking oil

• salt & pepper

In almost every Philippine town fiestas or gatherings,

Pork Menudo can be seen in the dining table. This is

one of the most favorite “putahe” (dish) served. Many

Pork Menudo recipes include hotdogs, green peas, or

garbanzos and others would add sun dried raisins too.


Combine pork, soysauce, and lemon in a bowl. Marinate

for at least 1 hour. Heat the oil in a pan and saute

garlic and onion. Add the marinated pork. Cook for

5 to 7 minutes. Pour in tomato sauce, water and then

add the bay leaves. Let it boil and simmer for 30 minutes

to an hour depending on the toughness of the pork.

Note: Add water as necessary. Add-in the hot dogs.

Cook for 5 minutes. Put-in potatoes, carrots, sugar,

salt and pepper. Stir and cook for 8 to 12 minutes.

Chicken Adobo


Main Dishes with Chicken

delicious and easy, typical filipino meat dishes

• 1 cup of white


• 1/4 cup of soy sauce

• 1 whole garlic bulb

(smashed and peeled)

• 2 teaspoons of


• 1 teaspoon of

ground pepper

• 1 bay leaf

• 2 pounds bone in

chicken thighs or


• 1 tablespoon oil

• 1 cup of water

Chicken in Peanutbuttersauce


• 1 boneless

chicken breast

• 4 spoons of


• 2 onion

• oil

• salt & pepper

• pinch of sugar

• tomato sauce

• 1/2 cup water

• sweet potatoes

cut in cubes

• sliced

This is probably the most known dish of the Philippino

cuisine, the Adobo. If you ask people what dish

they connect with Philippino food 95% of the people

would most probably answer with Chicken Adobo

right after the rice.


Combine the first six ingredients. Fry the chopped

chicken in a frying pan with oil and add it into the mixture.

Bring to a boil and simmer for 20-25 minutes.

Its so unbelievable easy to make and a favourite

of everyone who loves peanutbutter. Good thing,

it can’t go wrong and always tastes good.


Fry thegarlic and onion in oil. Add the diced chicken

breast, and cook for a few minutes, add tomatoes and

sweet potatoes. Stir in the peanut butter, wait until the

peanut butter is melted. Pour in the water. Add the tomato

sauce and seasoning with salt, pepper and sugar.

Cook and stir until the sauce has thickened, about 5

minutes more.

30 31

Chicken drumsticks

with mashed sweet potatoes and caramelized carrots


• low sodium soy sauce

• extra-virgin olive oil

• 3 miced cloves garlic

• juice of 1 lemon

• salt & pepper

• 8 chicken drumsticks

• sweet potatoes

• carrots cut in stripes

• milk



• 2 tbsp. oil

• 1 kg chicken cut

in pieces

• 1 glass white wine

• salt & pepper

• 1 chopped

large onion

• 1 peeled and chopped

large carrot

• 1 can mushrooms

• 2 tbsp. all

purpose flour

• 1 glass chicken stock

• 1 all purpose cream

• 2 tbsp. freshly

chopped parsley


In a large bowl, combine soy sauce, oil, garlic, and lemon

juice. Season it with salt & pepper. Add drumsticks

and toss to coat. Refrigerate and let marinate

at least 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 450°. Place the

chicken on a large baking sheet and bake until golden,

20 to 25 minutes, flipping halfway through. Mash the

sweet potatoes and add some milk and salt. Fry the

sliced carrots with oil and sugar in a frying pan.


Heat the oil, season the chicken on both sides with

salt and pepper and cook until golden. Remove from

the pan and set aside on a plate. In the same cooking

pot add onion, carrot and mushrooms and cook until

soft, approximately 5 minutes. Add flour and cook 1

minute. Pour in white wine, add broth and cream and

season it with parsley, thyme, salt and pepper. Add chicken

back to pan and simmer until chicken is cooked

through and sauce is thickened for15 minutes.

Chicken Curry


• 1 cup white vinegar

• 1/4 cup soy sauce

• 1 garlic

• 1 teaspoon pepper

• 1 bay leaf

• 1 whole chicken

cut into pieces

• 1/4 cup curry


• 2 tbsp. oil

• 1/2 cup sliced


• 2/3 cup sliced


• 1/4 cup fish sauce

• 3 cup coconutmilk

• 2 tbsp. milk

• 3 cup cubed


• 2/3 cup

bell pepper

• 1 can pineapple


• fish sauce


Marinate chicken in curry powder for 15 minutes.

Peel and smash garlic. Sauté the garlic, ginger and

onion in oil. Add chicken and fish sauce. Cook for 5

minutes. Add the reserved pineapple syrup and coconut

milk. Boil then allow to simmer for 10 minutes or

until chicken is cooked.

Add milk and potatoes. Allow it to boil then simmer

for about 10 minutes. Slice and add bell pepper, Pineapple

Chunks and simmer for 5 more minutes.

Ready to serve.

32 33

Fish sweet & sour


Main Dishes with Fish

fish in many different variations

• 1 kg fish (we normally

use tuna or

barracuda) cut into

2-inch pieces

• 2 tablespoons soy


• 1 cup flour

• salt & pepper

• 1 egg, well beaten

• oil

• 1/2 small yellow bell

pepper cut into cubes

• 1/2 small red bell

pepper cut into cubes

• 1 small onion (peeled

and sliced thinly)

• 1 cup pineapple juice

• 1/2 cup vinegar

• 1/4 cup ketchup

• 1/2 cup brown sugar

• 1 tablespoon



In a bowl, combine fish and soy sauce. Marinate for

about 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Get one bowl

with egg ready and in another bowl combine flour and

salt and pepper to taste. Individually dredge the fish in

flour, dip in the beaten egg and then dredge again with

flour to fully coat. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add

battered fish fillets until golden and cooked through.

In a bowl, combine pineapple juice, vinegar, ketchup,

sugar and salt, when dissolved together, add some

cornstarch. In a pan with oil cook the bell peppers

and onions, put in a bowl aside. Heat up the sweet and

sour sauce in that pan whisking regularly, for about 2

to 3 minutes or until thickened. Add bell peppers and

onions and cook for about 1 minute or until tender

yet crisp. At the end add fried fish fillets and cook for

about 1 to 2 minutes until heated through.

Fish curry


• 1 kg tuna cut

in cubes

• curry powder

• 1 tablespoon finely

grated fresh garlic

• 1/2 kg tomatoes

• 1/4 cup vegetable oil

• 1 finger sized ginger

• 1 medium onion

halved and

thinly sliced

• 5 sliced bell peppers

• 1/2 tsp. salt

• 1 can coconut milk

• 1 tablespoon

brown sugar

• 2 tbsp. lime juice

• fresh herbs as basil

and mint

Tuna in Coconutmilk


• sliced tuna

• 1 ½ cup fresh coconut


• 1 cup eggplant sliced

• 3 cloves garlic finely


• 2 onions sliced

• 1 medium size ginger


• 2 bellpepper sliced

• 2 sweet potatos chopped

in pieces

• 1 tbsp. vinegar

• 1 tbsp. white sugar

• salt & pepper


Heat oil in a large pan, glaze the onion, garlic and ginger.

Add peppers and tomato, continue cooking until

vegetables begin to soften, 3 to 4 minutes. Add curry

powder and 1/2 table spoon of salt and cook further,

stirring often, add coconut milk, brown sugar, and 3

table spoons of water; add 1 to 2 table spoons of extra

water if it seems thick. Reduce the heat to medium-low

and simmer 5 minutes, uncovered. Dip the

tuna pieces into the sauce and gently simmer, covered,

turning the fish once, until almost cooked through,

about 3 minutes. Stir in lime juice and seasoning and

salt. Top with the fresh herbs.


Heat the oil in a large cooking pan, saute the onion,

garlic and ginger, add the eggplant until the colour

turns slightly brown, add the sweet potato cubes and

the bellpepper and add some water and simmer 4-5

minutes. Add the coconut milk, chili and last but not

least add the tuna. As we want the fish only halfcooked

and not overcooked "this happens in most regions of

the Philippines". The tuna gets very dry if you leave

it cooking too long. Let it simmer over medium heat

maximum another 5-7 minutes. Add sugar and season

it with salt and pepper.

34 35



• 1 debonned fish

or fishfilet

• 1 cup vinegar

• 4 pieces calamansi

or half of a lemon

• 2 thumbs ginger

• 1 minced red onion

• 2 pcs. minced

green chili

• salt

• fresh ground pepper

• optional:


We buy our fish in the mornings on Bulalacao fishmarket

and choices are limited, so you take what you

get- most of the time it is Tambakol (yellow fin tuna)

or Tunlingan (Chubby mackerel - Tuna) or Batalay

(Barracuda). A good fish for Kinilaw is Tanigue (Spanish

Mackerel), but it’s a bit pricey. If you want to do

the Kinilaw in Europe you can use any saltwater fish.

Just remember that since it will not be cooked in heat,

choose only the freshest fish or seafood.


Wash the fish meat and tap dry with paper towels. Cut

into 1-inch cubes. Place the fish cubes in a bowl. Pour

in the vinegar and the juice from calamansi. Season

with salt and pepper. Add the ginger, onion, and chili.

Toss gently until well blended. Cover and marinate for

an hour or up to 3 hours in the fridge. The fish should

lose its translucent and pinkish color and should turn

whiter. Personally I love to add coconutmilk before


Tuna in breadcrumbs


• 1 juice of one

medium lemon

• 120g fresh


• 2 garlic cloves

crushed to a purée

• 1 teaspoon dry

chilli flakes

• 3 tablespoons oil

• 4 tuna steaks

• salt

• 1 lemon

cut into 4 wedges

Looking for a delicious recipe with a difference? If you

are, you’ve found it! Here’s our grilled tuna steak with

garlic breadcrumbs for you to enjoy. Tuna is such tasty

meaty fish and the breadcrumbs add a bit of luxury to

it. A crisp salad is all you need to round off the meal.


Preheat the pan. Use your fingertips to mix together

the lemon juice, breadcrumbs, garlic, parsley, chilli

and oil in a medium bowl. If the mixture seems too

wet, add more breadcrumbs. Season the tuna steaks

with salt and dip each side into the breadcrumbs mixture.

Press down with your hands to ensure that the

breadcrumbs coat the tuna evenly. Cook on the hot

pan for 3 minutes on each side until brown and crispy

all over. Place the tuna steaks on a chopping board and

use a sharp knife to cut them in half. Serve immediately

with a wedge of lemon and some crunchy mixed

salad – fantastic served with a glass of dry Italian white


Tuna in Tomatosauce


• sliced tuna

• tomatopaste

• 2 chopped onion

• 1 cloves garlic

finely chopped

• 1 medium size

ginger sliced

• 3 eggplant chopped

into pieces

• 4 tomatoes

• 2 bell pepper sliced

• 1 tbsp. white sugar

• salt & pepper


Heat oil in a large cooking pan, saute the onion, garlic

and ginger, add the eggplant until colour turns slightly

brown and the bell pepper and chopped tomato and

add some water and simmer 4-5 minutes. Add tomatopaste

and water, a little chili and last add the tuna- as

we want the fish only halfcooked. Let it simmer over

medium heat maximum another 5-7 minutes. Add sugar

and season with salt and pepper.

36 37

Inihaw na Pusit

Stuffed Squid


• 2 large squid cleaned

• 2 medium ripe

tomato sliced into

small cubes

• 2 medium yellow

onion sliced into

small cubes

• 2 thumbs ginger


• 3 tablespoons soy


• 4 tablespoons oil

• 1 lime or 2 pieces


• 1 teaspoon salt

• 1/4 teaspoon ground

black pepper

Squid Adobo


• 1 kg squid, cleaned

• 1/2 cup water

• salt & pepper to taste

• 2 tablespoons

olive oil

• 1 small minced onion

• 2 minced cloves garlic

• 1 chopped tomato

• 1 tablespoon

soy sauce


Arrange the squid in a bowl. Add soy sauce and lime.

Marinate for 12 minutes. Combine the onion, tomato,

ginger, salt and ground black pepper in a bowl. Stuff

the marinated squid with onion mixture. Secure the

head of the squid using a toothpick to prevent it from

falling off. Heat the grill and start to grill one side of

the squid. Brush some oil on top of the squid. Continue

to grill for 2 minutes. Turn the squid over to grill

the opposite side. Brush oil on top. Continue to grill

for another 2 minutes. Note: Flip the squid every 2 to

3 minutes until it gets fully cooked. Do not overcook

squid as the texture will be spoiled.


Combine the squid, vinegar and water in a small pot

over medium heat; season with salt and pepper. Cook

for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a saucepan

over medium heat; cook and stir the onion and

garlic in the hot oil until softened, 5 to 7 minutes. Stir

the tomato and soy sauce into the mixture. Pour the

squid mixture into the saucepan and bring it to a simmer;

cook together another 20 minutes.

Mango Float


• 2 pack all purpose


• 1 can sweet

condense milk

• 1/2 teaspoon pure

vanilla extract

• 1 ½ cups graham

cracker crumbs

• 3 ripe mangoes, diced

Pumpkin dessert


• pumpkin

• all purpose cream

• sugar

Desserts & Sweets

filipino and international desserts

The best way to finish a wonderful day after being on the water -

a tasty filipino dessert. Filipinos love sweet dishes,

for europeans the sweet spaghetti version

feels a bit weird, but others - such as Mango float - are

definitly among the top desserts worldwide.


Combine the cream, sweet condensed milk and vanilla

extract in a large bowl. Beat it until it's double

in volume, about 4 minutes. Spread 2 cups of cream

in an 8-inch square baking dish, followed by 1/2 cup

graham cracker crumbs and a third of the mangoes.

Continue alternating these layers ending with mangos

each time,3 to 4 layers. Let it set it in the freezer at

least 8 hours or overnight.


Slice the pumpkin roughly 2 cm thick pieces and remove

the skin.Lay the pumpkin into a large pot while

using one layer of pumpkin and one layer of sugar to

cover it. Let it soak overnight or at least for 5 hours.

The pumpkin will be covered with the liquid it releases

naturally. Bring it to a boil, when it's soft enough for

the fork to penetrate, rest it in a cool place then keep it

in the fridge till it's chilled. Serve with a small amount

of all purpose cream as a topping.

38 39

Turon - Bananaspringroll


• 16 pieces bananas

Saba, cut in half


• 1 ½ cup sugar

• 12 pieces lumpia

wrapper (springrollpaper)

• 2 cups cooking oil

Caramelized banana


• 2-3 bananas

• 4-6 tablespoons sugar

• oil

• Rum

Turon is a type of Filipino snack (Meryenda). It is also

called deep-fried banana rolls or banana lumpia. A typical

Filipino dessert.


Roll the banana on the sugar plate and ensure that the

banana is coated with enough sugar. Place the banana

with sugar coating in a spring roll wrapper. Fold and

lock the spring roll wrapper, use some water to seal

the edge. In a pan, heat the oil and put-in some sugar.

Wait until the brown sugar floats. Put-in the wrapped

banana and fry until it turns golden brown and the extra

sugar sticks on wrapper. Serve them hot as dessert

or snacks.


Slice bananas into thick coins or lengthwise strips, depending

on your preference. Pour sugar onto a plate.

Roll bananas in the sugar, until completely coated.

Grease a medium size nonstick pan with oil and heat

over medium high heat. Add bananas and sugar and a

shot of rum. Cook the bananas until light to golden

brown underneath, about 4-5 minutes. Be careful not

to overcook or burn them (if you smell them browning,

or see color in the pan, flip them right away).

Gently flip bananas over to brown other side, turning

heat down to medium. The second side will brown in

about one minute.

Apple Crumble


• 4 apples peeled,

cored and sliced

to 1 cm thick

• 2 tbsp. golden

caster sugar

• 175g plain flour

• 110g golden

caster sugar

• 5 spoons soft margarine

• 1/2 cup oats

• 1 clotted cream



• 1 pack grahams

or plain chocolate


• 1 can sweetened

condensed milk

• 1 shotglass Rum

• 1 teaspoon pure

vanilla extract

• 1/2 cup unsweetened

cocoa powder

• 1/2 cup finely shredded

or desiccated


• pinch of salt


Heat the oven to 190 C. Toss the apples with 2 tbsp of

sugar and put in a 23cm round baking dish at least 5cm

deep, or a 20cm square dish. Flatten down with your

hand to prevent too much crumble falling through.

Put 175g plain flour and 110g sugar in a bowl with a

good pinch of salt. Add margarine and rub it in with

your fingertips until the mixture looks like moist bread

crumbs. Shake the bowl and any big bits will come

to the surface – rub them in. Pour the crumb mix over

the apples Gently press on the surface with the back of

the fork so the crumble holds together and goes crisp.

Sprinkle 1 tbsp of rolled oats and 1 tbsp of sugar over

evenly, if you wish. Put in the preheated oven for 35-

40 minutes, until the top is golden and the apples feel

very soft when you insert a small, sharp knife. Leave to

cool for 10 minutes before serving.


Add the crushed cookies, coconut, cocoa powder,

condensed milk, rum and vanilla to the large bowl.

Mix the ingredients well using a wooden spoon, then

your hands once it gets too thick. (If mixture is too

thick, mix in 1-2 tablespoons milk). Scoop out a tablespoonful

of mixture and roll into a 1 - 1 1/2 inch ball,

then roll in coconut until completely covered. Place

on a baking sheet or tray and repeat until all the mixture

has been rolled into balls. Refrigerate until ready

to serve.

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Carrot Cake


• 3/4 cup white sugar

• 1 cup brown sugar

• 1 cup oil (vegetable

or canola)

• 1 cup crushed


• 4 large eggs

• 2 tsp. cinnamon

• 1/2 tsp. nutmeg

• 2 tsp. baking powder

• 1 tsp. baking soda

• 1 tsp. salt

• 2 cups flour

• 2 cups freshly grated

carrots (was about 5

medium carrots

for me)

Easy to make and a big surprise as its not too sweet and

not so dry. A must try- we love it.


Preheat the oven to 350 C degrees. In a large bowl,

whisk together your sugars, oil, and crushed pineapple

until well combined. Add in the eggs and stir

until just combined. Dump in the cinnamon, nutmeg,

baking powder, baking soda, salt, and flour. Stir into

the mixture. Fold in your grated carrots. Pour mixture

into a greased 9x13 pan. Place into the preheated

oven and bake for 37-45 minutes (Mine took 40) or

until a toothpick comes out clean. Remove from oven

and allow to cool it down completely before frosting.

(Place in the fridge to speed up cooling.)

Banana - Peanutbutter cake

NON - bake


• 1 pack grahams


• peanutbutter

• a little bit of water

• bananas

• Equipment:


There is a funny little story to this recipe, as it got

invented by Dian. We had literally no ingredients nor

time for a dessert, that we hadn’t served this week yet.

All she could find was a package of graham cookies, 1

glass of peanutbutter and bananas. But now this one

is one of our favourites and we couldn’t believe when

many of our guests asked for the recipe.


Mix the grahams with the peanutbutter and tiny bit

of water and use them as a bottom layer in a greased

baking tray. Blend all the bananas without water or any

liquid to a thick banana pudding and put it on the cak

as the top layer. Put the tray into the fridge until serving!

Leche Flan


• 10 pieces eggs

• 1 can condensed milk

• 1 cup fresh milk or

evaporated milk

• 1 cup granulated


• 1 teaspoon vanilla


Leche Flan is a dessert made-up of eggs and milk with

a soft caramel on top. This delicious dessert is known

throughout the world. It has been a regular item in the

menu of most restaurants because of it's taste, ease in

preparation and long shelf life.


Using all the eggs, separate the yolk from the egg white

(only egg yolks will be used). Place the egg yolks

in a big bowl then beat them using a fork or mixer.

Add the condensed milk and pour-in the fresh milk

and vanilla. Mix it well and put the mold on top of the

stove and heat using low fire. Add the granulated sugar

on the mold and mix thoroughly until the solid sugar

turns into liquid (caramel) having a light brown color.



• 115g butter, cut

into small pieces plus

extra for greasing

• 225g flour

• 115g sugar

• 100g desicated

coconut plus extra

for sprinkling

• 2 large eggs, lightly


• 4 tbsp. milk


Heat oven to 160C. Grease a loaf tin. Sift the flour and

a pinch of salt into a mixing bowl and rub in the butter

with your fingertips until the mixture resembles

fine breadcrumbs. Stir in the sugar, coconut, eggs and

milk and mix to a soft runny consistency. Spoon the

mixture into the prepared tin and smooth the surface.

Bake for 30 mins. Remove the cake from the oven and

sprinkle with the extra coconut. Return the cake to

the oven and bake for an additional 20-25 mins, until

well risen and golden and a skewer inserted into the

centre comes out clean. Leave the cake to cool slightly

in the tin, then turn it upside down to take it out onto

a wire rack to cool completely.

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Sticky rice with Mango


• 3 cups sticky rice,

soaked overnight in

water or thin coconut

milk and drained

• 2 cups canned or

fresh coconut milk

• 3/4 cup brown sugar

• 1 teaspoon salt

• 4 ripe mangoes or

substitute sliced ripe


• Optional garnish:



Steam the sticky rice until tender. Meanwhile, place

the coconut milk in a heavy pot and heat over medium

heat until hot. Do not boil. Add the sugar and salt and

stir to dissolve completely. When the sticky rice is tender,

put it in a bowl and pour 1 cup of the hot coconut

milk over; reserve the rest. Stir to mix the liquid into

the rice, then let it stand for 20 minutes to an hour to

allow the flavors to blend. Meanwhile, peel the mangoes.

The mango pit is flat and you want to slice the

mango flesh off the pit as cleanly as possible. One at

a time, lay the mangoes on a narrow side of a cutting

board and slice lengthwise about 1/2 inch from the

center — your knife should cut just along the flat side

of the pit; if it strikes the pit, shift over a fraction of

an inch more until you can slice downward. Repeat on

the other side of the pit, giving you two hemispherical

pieces of mango. The cook gets to snack on the stray

bits of mango still clinging to the pit. Lay each mango

half flat and slice thinly across. To serve individually,

place an oval mound of sticky rice on each dessert plate

and place a sliced half-mango decoratively beside it.

Top with mint if you wish.


I had never heard of Moringa ( in the Philippines it's

called Malunggay ) until a year ago when it got big

also in Western media, as the new powerfood mentioned

in one line with Matcha. I realised that it's growing

everywhere in our bay and hasn’t been anything

special for us. Balatasan locals were used to add it to

their monggo beans to get the dish a sourly taste.

Some amazing facts: The nutritional contents of fresh

moringa leaves compared to common foods, gram

for gram is as follows: 7 times the vitamin C of oranges;

4 times the calcium of milk; 3 times the potassium

of bananas; 4 times the vitamin A of carrots; 50

times the vitamin B3 of peanuts; 36 times magnesium

of eggs; 25 times iron of spinach; 4 times vitamin B of

pork; 63 times potassium of milk; 50 times vitamin

B2 of bananas; 13 times vitamin A of spinach.

The malunggay tree known as the moringa oleifera

(simply referred to as moringa for short) has an economic

life span of 30 to 50 years. Each tree can produce

10,000 seeds per year. The seeds of Moringa produce

38-40% oil. Moringa is not only a natural ingredient

with cosmeceutical, nutraceutical food and pharmaceutical

applications but it is a highly promising

source of bio-fuel (renewable source of energy). Of

all the parts of the Moringa, leaves are used the most.


Philippino Ingredients explained



When Moringa leaves are dried and turned into powder

form, it's potency increases. A dried Moringa leaf

has three (3x) to five (5x) times more nutrients than

a fresh Moringa as confirmed by researchers and laboratory

analysis. The dried leaf powder increases its

mineral concentrations due to water loss. Another

advantage of the dried leaf powder is that it has much

longer shelf-life. The dried leaf powder form is also

a nutritious ingredient for baby food, soups, vegetables,

and other food preparations without altering

the taste of the food.


Coconut milk or “gata” is one of the many popular

ingredients used in the Philippines. Any cooking that

has coconut milk in it can be called “Ginataan”. Since

we have no lack of coconut trees, finding a coconut is

not difficult and we never buy canned coconutmilk.

When we run out of coconuts or if the coconuts are

too young and only good to drink (Buko juice) we

can easily find it at public markets. If you are back

home just use canned or powdered coconut milk,

that you can buy nowadays in every supermarket. To

make coconutmilk fresh, the coconut will get halved

and the coconut meat gets grinded into flakes and the

flakes get washed with water and squeezed and you

receive the fresh coconutmilk. The leftover Flakes

can be used as desiccated coconut.

Saba - Cooking Banana

All our neighbourhood are Mangyans who farm the

Saba, cooking bananas and we often see big trucks

leaving completely overloaded and filled with green

bananas. Saba bananas grow in giant bunches at the

top of a tall central stem on the large banana palms.

They are shorter and thicker than a common banana,

with a blockier shape and sharply angled sides. Saba

bananas are often harvested while still green though

they will mature from green to a deeper yellow color.

They have a thick peel, which helps protect them during

any shipment. The flesh is white and dense, with

a starchy consistency. Saba bananas offer a rich flavor

profile, developing a taste somewhat like a sweet

potato when cooked. When ripe they are slightly

sweet with a hint of citrus and peach. Saba bananas

are available year-round. Saba bananas are primarily

used as a cooking banana versus a fresh eating variety.

In their immature, green state, they are cooked like

a vegetable and used in savory dishes. The sweetness

will neutralize any spicy foods. Unlike plantains, they

can be eaten raw when mature and yellow. Another

popular way to eat them is peeled, sliced and caramelized,

then topped with cinnamon, raisins, vanilla and

powdered sugar. They can be sliced, simply sautéed

in butter and topped with syrup. Use Saba bananas

are also used for ice cream or baked goods. Another

popular use for Saba bananas in the Philippines is for

making ketchup, or banana sauce, an alternate to tomato

ketchup. It's made using vinegar, spices, and sugar,

and some recipes call for chile peppers. It is often

mixed with rice or served with meats or chicken.

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