Amansinaya Cookbook
Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!
Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!
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Glassnoodle salad
• glassnoodles
• chili
• bell pepper
• tomato
• onion
• ginger
• pinch of sugar
• fish sauce
• oil
• vinegar
• crushed peanuts
• celery
• fresh coriander
Tomato Banana salad
• tomato
• saba
(cooking banana)
• onion
• salt & pepper
• fresh basil
• additional:
cheese cubes
• for the dressing:
vinegar, oil, dried
basil leaves
fresh and creative combinations
Boil the glass noodles. In a separate frying pan fry sliced
onion, ginger and sliced bell peppers. Add to the
glass noodles and add fresh chopped tomato and chilis.
Mix in a separate container 1 spoon of fish sauce with
half cup vinegar and ½ cup olive oil and 3 spoons of
sugar a bit of salt and pepper and mix into the salad.
Add fresh celery chopped in rings, fresh coriander and
smashed peanuts,t hen mix everything. Ready to serve.
First look you may think you've read something
wrong, but you didn’t. A rare combination but it
tastes amazing.
Slice the tomato and saba (cooking banana), onion and
add salt and pepper and fresh basil for the taste. If you
have you can even add some Eden Cheese cubes. We
don’t have many choices for salad dressing so we mix
vinegar and Oil and some dried Basil leaves and use
this as a dressing.
Carrot salad
• carrots
• apple
• raisin
• salt & pepper
• for the dressing:
oil, vinegar,
pinch of sugar
Cucumber salad with peanuts
• onion
• cucumber
• peanuts
• oil
• vinegar
• salt & pepper
• pinch of sugar
• additional:
fresh chilis
Grind the carrots and add grinded apple and raisins.
Salt and pepper to boost the taste and for the sauce
mix some oil, vinegar and sugar and add to the salad.
Fast, easy and tasty and a surprise for everyone!
Almost not worth a mention because its
soooo easy to make.
Slice the onion, cucumber and mix in a bowl. Add
crushed peanuts and oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar.
If you have guests who like it spicy add some fresh
chilis. Ready to serve and perfect sidedish for fish dishes
or mashed sweet potatoes.
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