Amansinaya Cookbook

Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!

Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!


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Guests often ask me,

how to make this and that or they

watch us cooking as we have an open

kitchen, where everyone can observe

how meals are prepared and its much

more fun, for the kitchen team to

be part of the resort life and still

interacting with the guests while


New style of cooking had to be learnt - very little

spices, limited vegetables to choose from, fish,

chicken and pork. Many ingredients I normally

used to cook with were just not to be found.

A very inspiring place for shopping is the local

Mangyan market in Bulalacao on Tuesdays and

Saturdays. The tribal people leave their remote

villages in the mountains as early as 3 am to walk

down with torches all the way to Bulalacao town

center to sell the local grown fruits and vegetables.

Some of them are still wearing their tribal clothes

and often you see them chew betelnuthere

you can try.

I love to buy from the Mangyan people because their

products are guaranteed organically grown and free

of pesticides. The market is a good place for a chat

and you don’t need to bargain as prices are fixed and

so cheap anyway.

It started a phase of experimenting. Chefkoch.de was

a good guide in the beginning, you put the

ingredients we could find that day in the market

and picked one of the recipes that were given.

If we didn’t have all ingredients, we got creative

and replaced to imitate and get close to what the

recipe was meant to be. Now after three

seasons we have a good collection of meals - which

are a result of mixing the local cuisine with healthy

Western food. My priorities - it should taste good,

it should have loads of veggies and local ingredients

only and last but not least and actually super important:

It should be prepared fast and easy,

as we don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.

if we have to cook for big numbers of people.

Our Team

good vibes - good food

There is one rule. Everyone helps with everything –

so you will find everyone in the kitchen too,

especially at dinner time when we are busy.


Has been with us from the beginning. He is born in

the neighbouring fishing village and he was the one

who was cooking for all the workers when we were

building Amansinaya. I remember his tomato salty

egg salad from this time. He learnt kiting in the first

year of our opening and supports the daytrips

and kitesafaris as a guide and cook. He also joins

the Philippine Kitesurfing Tour and competes.

You wouldn’t believe Gerry is a Philippino but his

favourite dishes are Pizza, Burger and Mushroomsoup.


Also Roben has been with us from the beginning and

helped with the construction and turned into a beachboy

after the opening, realising soon, that you don’t

get a lot of time on the water for yourself when working

as a beachboy, so he soon changed to the kitchen

and is a guide on almost each safari or daytrip. He is

very motivated in Kitesurfing and same as Gerry he

also joins the Philippine Kitesurfing Tour. Roben loves

his red scooter and if you see the same motorbike in 5

different places, it's because he always moves it to the

shade when the sun moves during the day. The biggest

fan of Roben in the resort is Cabrinha since he was

taking care of her since she was a little piglet. Roben

loves Chicken Adobo, Burger and Mangofloat.

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