Amansinaya Cookbook
Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!
Staying in our resort combines an eco friendly lifestyle close to nature without giving up infrastructure (we have electricity, tapwater and warm watershowers and and 5G wifi- in case you are working while kiting and traveling) and a lot of sports and healthy activities and food. And for people, who want to remember their memories and cook at home Mindoro Style or want to read some of our story- download the book!
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When Moringa leaves are dried and turned into powder
form, it's potency increases. A dried Moringa leaf
has three (3x) to five (5x) times more nutrients than
a fresh Moringa as confirmed by researchers and laboratory
analysis. The dried leaf powder increases its
mineral concentrations due to water loss. Another
advantage of the dried leaf powder is that it has much
longer shelf-life. The dried leaf powder form is also
a nutritious ingredient for baby food, soups, vegetables,
and other food preparations without altering
the taste of the food.
Coconut milk or “gata” is one of the many popular
ingredients used in the Philippines. Any cooking that
has coconut milk in it can be called “Ginataan”. Since
we have no lack of coconut trees, finding a coconut is
not difficult and we never buy canned coconutmilk.
When we run out of coconuts or if the coconuts are
too young and only good to drink (Buko juice) we
can easily find it at public markets. If you are back
home just use canned or powdered coconut milk,
that you can buy nowadays in every supermarket. To
make coconutmilk fresh, the coconut will get halved
and the coconut meat gets grinded into flakes and the
flakes get washed with water and squeezed and you
receive the fresh coconutmilk. The leftover Flakes
can be used as desiccated coconut.
Saba - Cooking Banana
All our neighbourhood are Mangyans who farm the
Saba, cooking bananas and we often see big trucks
leaving completely overloaded and filled with green
bananas. Saba bananas grow in giant bunches at the
top of a tall central stem on the large banana palms.
They are shorter and thicker than a common banana,
with a blockier shape and sharply angled sides. Saba
bananas are often harvested while still green though
they will mature from green to a deeper yellow color.
They have a thick peel, which helps protect them during
any shipment. The flesh is white and dense, with
a starchy consistency. Saba bananas offer a rich flavor
profile, developing a taste somewhat like a sweet
potato when cooked. When ripe they are slightly
sweet with a hint of citrus and peach. Saba bananas
are available year-round. Saba bananas are primarily
used as a cooking banana versus a fresh eating variety.
In their immature, green state, they are cooked like
a vegetable and used in savory dishes. The sweetness
will neutralize any spicy foods. Unlike plantains, they
can be eaten raw when mature and yellow. Another
popular way to eat them is peeled, sliced and caramelized,
then topped with cinnamon, raisins, vanilla and
powdered sugar. They can be sliced, simply sautéed
in butter and topped with syrup. Use Saba bananas
are also used for ice cream or baked goods. Another
popular use for Saba bananas in the Philippines is for
making ketchup, or banana sauce, an alternate to tomato
ketchup. It's made using vinegar, spices, and sugar,
and some recipes call for chile peppers. It is often
mixed with rice or served with meats or chicken.
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