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engineering reports, or any recent appraisals? As the buyer, you must receive all of these

before the due diligence period begins.

• What is the time frame to perform the pest control inspections?

• What are the time frames for the physical inspections of all interior and exterior

spaces,including units and common areas?

• Does the seller have any information with regard to lead-based paint or mold and

other allergens?

*An ALTA survey is a boundary survey of your property to reveal the actual property lines and


Again, the contract law governing the sale of commercial property varies by state, so

you’ll want to make sure you consult a qualified attorney. By now, however, you should

have one on your team and he or she should be familiar with your specific goals. Work

closely with your attorney and your broker to make sure you receive the items promised in

the agreement on time.


Your attorney will be able to advise you about contingencies. Contingencies are

provisions within a contract that give you recourse to cancel the deal in the event of

unforeseen circumstances. A few examples of typical contingency statements include loan

contingencies and due diligence contingencies. These are critical and I recommend they be

in every purchase and sale agreement.

A loan contingency states that the sale is contingent on you qualifying for the loan. This

gives you an out should the lender refuse to finance the deal. I won’t do a contract that

doesn’t have a loan contingency. We were property-managing a project where a buyer put a

deposit of $200,000 in earnest money on a property that didn’t have a loan contingency. He

didn’t get the loan. The sad ending is that he lost his $200,000. True story.

Due diligence contingencies are equally important. This language in a purchase and sale

agreement states that you as the buyer are entitled to any and all documents related to the

property. It also states that you as the buyer may ask any questions about the property and

that you are due answers from the seller to the best of his or her knowledge in a timely

manner. As you will come to find out in the next chapter, the results of the due diligence

process are ultimately what decides your purchase or decline of the property. They also help

you formulate your property plan and operating budget, two steps critical in maximizing

your investment. This clause ensures that you get all the information you need.

Signing the Agreement

Once both the buyer and the seller agree upon all the terms of the agreement, you have a

completed purchase and sale agreement that is ready to sign and date. This agreement is

binding, and in most cases you will be asked to put down an earnest money deposit on the

date you sign the contract. Again, this earnest money is fully refundable and you can walk

away from the deal until you have completed and waived the contingencies such as due

diligence and getting the loan. And that’s what we’ll cover in the next chapter.

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