the-abcs-of-real-estate-investing-ken LifeFeeling

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What to Do with Your Money

If you do sell your property, you need a plan for what to do with your money. I have a

friend who had a small property in San Diego. Although the property was not listed for sale,

he was approached by a prospective buyer. They made an offer for a sum of money way

higher than what he paid for the property. He took the deal and decided to sell.

Unfortunately at the time, the San Diego apartment market was really hot and he could not

find another deal that was worthy of reinvesting his money. Had he known that at the time,

he might have thought twice about taking the offer. To avoid a large tax bill on his huge

capital gain, he was forced to look in other markets in other cities and states to reinvest his


Now he is out of his comfort zone. He has had to quickly assemble a team, learn another

market, actually multiple markets, visit numerous potential properties, all while working at

another job. This deal threw his life into total upheaval. And the clock was ticking. On

exchanges such as this, you have a limited amount of time to reinvest the money and

declare it tax-free. He had to cut corners on things like assembling his team and even due

diligence. He barreled headlong into a property he didn’t know enough about, just to avoid

the big tax bite. It was the wrong property, bought too high and with a lot of deferred

maintenance. It was a bad deal, but one he had little choice but to take.

My point is not to slam the practices of this investor, but to warn future sellers that if

you don’t have a plan for your capital gain, you should not sell the property. It is easy to be

lured by the cash. If you are truly a property investor, you will likely have irons in the fire

and have some properties on the horizon. That’s great. But if you are a passive investor with

no properties in process, you may have to scramble and be left with a bad investment or a

large tax liability.

I would never sell a property without having at least three or four deals in the works for

which I could use the money to reinvest. That’s the only way to prevent a hefty tax bill and

avoid making foolish decisions that will cost you money in both the short and long run.

A Final Word

There will come a day when the properties my partner and I own will be sold. But until

that day, the cash flow generated from them, and their appreciation in value, ensures that we

have the ability to do the things we love today, and in the future. There is a freedom that

comes with that knowledge. It was what I was searching for when I set my own personal

goal of financial freedom. Little did I know that the freedom would go far beyond the

dollars. Freedom to spend time with my family. Freedom to do the things that I want to do.

Freedom to share my experiences with others. Property investing particularly buying and

holding property started out as a means to an end. But it has become something much more.

It is an end in itself and a thrilling journey.

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