Basic Wax Modeling
The author of Basic Wax Modeling, Mr. Hiroshi Tsuyuki, is the Japanese authority on Jewelry Wax Modeling. In this book he presents 11 basic projects, each one designed to teach the use of certain tools and types of waxes in a progressive manner as one’s skills improve. Each step of every project is accompanied by a photo and text and in some cases supplementary sketches and notes are provided to clarify those particular processes. Mr. Tsuyuki states that by conscientiously completing each project, the student should be well on the way to becoming a designer/modeler. Hiroshi Tsuyuki's second book, Practical Wax Modeling, co-written with Yoko Ohba, starts off where Basic Wax Modeling leaves off. List of Projects in Basic Wax Modeling: • A High Domed Ring • A Ripple Patterned Ring • A Signet Ring • A Box Type Ring • A Carved Flat Band Ring • A Textured Pendant with Open Work • A Wax Build-Up Pendant • A Wax Build-Up Ring • A Ring with Flower and Leaf Motif • A Lozenge Pendant with a Cut-Out • A Brooch with a Flower and Leaves Hardcover, 112 pages, 283 black and white photos and illustrations.
The author of Basic Wax Modeling, Mr. Hiroshi Tsuyuki, is the Japanese authority on Jewelry Wax Modeling. In this book he presents 11 basic projects, each one designed to teach the use of certain tools and types of waxes in a progressive manner as one’s skills improve.
Each step of every project is accompanied by a photo and text and in some cases supplementary sketches and notes are provided to clarify those particular processes. Mr. Tsuyuki states that by conscientiously completing each project, the student should be well on the way to becoming a designer/modeler.
Hiroshi Tsuyuki's second book, Practical Wax Modeling, co-written with Yoko Ohba, starts off where Basic Wax Modeling leaves off.
List of Projects in Basic Wax Modeling:
• A High Domed Ring
• A Ripple Patterned Ring
• A Signet Ring
• A Box Type Ring
• A Carved Flat Band Ring
• A Textured Pendant with Open Work
• A Wax Build-Up Pendant
• A Wax Build-Up Ring
• A Ring with Flower and Leaf Motif
• A Lozenge Pendant with a Cut-Out
• A Brooch with a Flower and Leaves
Hardcover, 112 pages, 283 black and white photos and illustrations.
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Having marked the limits for hollowing,<br />
use a small spoon shaped carver. Scrape<br />
out the wax as shown.<br />
A flexible shaft machine could be used<br />
but the purpose here is to develop<br />
manual dexterity.<br />
Carver<br />
<strong>Wax</strong><br />
Measure the thickness with a caliper.<br />
Hold the ring up to a strong light source.<br />
Light and dark areas will indicate relative<br />
thicknesses.<br />
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Irregular surfaces may be smoothened<br />
further by using a larger carver which<br />
more closely fits the contour of the cavity.<br />
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