Co-op News review 2022
Co-op News' end of year review, with a timeline of the co-op stories we have covered, memories of those the movement has lost in 2022, and Q&As with some of the leading lights of the global movement.
Co-op News' end of year review, with a timeline of the co-op stories we have covered, memories of those the movement has lost in 2022, and Q&As with some of the leading lights of the global movement.
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<strong>Co</strong>ntents<br />
Message from the chair & executive editor<br />
Timeline<br />
Obituaries<br />
4-5<br />
6-9<br />
10-12<br />
<strong>Co</strong>-<strong>op</strong>erative Voices<br />
Rose Marley - <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>op</strong>eratives UK<br />
Ana Aguirre - ICA Youth <strong>Co</strong>mmittee<br />
Ariel Guarco - ICA<br />
Bhima Subrahmanyam - International <strong>Co</strong><strong>op</strong>erative<br />
Banking Association (ICBA)<br />
Derek Walker- Cwmpas<br />
Chiyoge Sifa - ICA Africa<br />
Dr Chandrapal Singh Yadav - ICA Asia-Pacific<br />
Melina Morrison - Business <strong>Co</strong>uncil of <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>op</strong>eratives<br />
and Mutuals (BCCM)<br />
Ali Kurji- Heart of England <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>op</strong>erative<br />
Carlos Zarco - International Health <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>op</strong>erative<br />
Organisation (IHCO)<br />
Elissa McCarter LaBorde - WOCCU<br />
Julie LaPalme - <strong>Co</strong><strong>op</strong>erative Housing International<br />
Shirine Khoury-Haq - The <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>op</strong> Group (UK)<br />
Susanne Westhausen - <strong>Co</strong><strong>op</strong>eratives Eur<strong>op</strong>e<br />
Neil Calvert - <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>op</strong>erative <strong>Co</strong>llege<br />
13<br />
14<br />
15<br />
16<br />
17<br />
18<br />
19<br />
20<br />
21<br />
22<br />
23<br />
24<br />
25<br />
26<br />
27<br />
Review <strong>2022</strong><br />