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18,500<br />
IN OVER<br />
120 COUNTRIES<br />
FEBRUARY <strong>2023</strong>
MARKET?<br />
How to do profitable<br />
business with China.<br />
PAGE 26<br />
We report from the ASA<br />
Sportfishing Summit.<br />
PAGE 32<br />
Anglers are less likely<br />
to self-harm, report<br />
anxiety or attempt<br />
suicide according to a landmark<br />
study, while fishing has actually<br />
been prescribed by health<br />
services as antidote to mental<br />
health problems.<br />
Research carried out by the<br />
UK’s Anglia Ruskin University<br />
(ARU), European retail giant<br />
Angling Direct Plc and the UK<br />
charity Tackling Minds found<br />
that recreational fishing could<br />
help people suffering serious<br />
mental health issues.<br />
Around 1,900 UK<br />
adults were surveyed, with<br />
significantly fewer of those<br />
who said they participated in<br />
recreational fishing stating<br />
that they suffered from anxiety<br />
disorder (16.5 per cent versus<br />
26.4 per cent), had attempted<br />
suicide (7.5 per cent versus<br />
13.2 per cent) and engaged<br />
in deliberate self-harm (10.4<br />
per cent versus 20.6 per cent)<br />
compared to those who do not<br />
fish.<br />
The main motivators for<br />
fishing were the challenge of<br />
the sport and to relax, with no<br />
difference in motivators for<br />
fishing being shown among<br />
anglers with disabilities<br />
compared to those without.<br />
Meanwhile, a separate<br />
study by Anglia Ruskin<br />
University (ARU), published<br />
in the International Journal for<br />
Environmental Research and<br />
Public Health, also found that<br />
fishing participation is similar<br />
between anglers with and<br />
without disabilities, suggesting<br />
the pastime is relatively<br />
accessible. However, barriers<br />
such as costs, lack of transport,<br />
or lack of companions to fish<br />
with were more commonly<br />
reported by people with<br />
disabilities.<br />
In 2021, Tackling Minds<br />
was successful in its campaign<br />
for angling to be recognised as<br />
an official social prescribing<br />
activity on the UK’s National<br />
Health Service (NHS), thanks<br />
to its many mental health and<br />
wellbeing benefits.<br />
Tackling Minds’ founder,<br />
David Lyons, said: “We<br />
have been told on numerous<br />
occasions by our service users<br />
that if it were not for the<br />
fishing sessions, they don’t<br />
think they’d be alive today. To<br />
now have scientific evidence to<br />
back up what we’ve been saying<br />
all along, is unbelievable, to say<br />
the least.<br />
• Continued on page 8<br />
S E N T T O M O R E T H A N 1 8 , 5 0 0 T A C K L E I N D U S T R Y<br />
<strong>2023</strong><br />
04<br />
<strong>Tackle</strong><strong>Trade</strong><br /><br />
Editor:<br />
John Hunter<br />
+44 7990 542958<br /><br />
A journalist all his life and with 20-plus years<br />
of international business magazine experience,<br />
John was the founding editor of TTW and has<br />
now returned to the helm. He has helped<br />
many brands launch and grow over the years<br />
through B2B publications and via his own<br />
consultancy business.<br />
Co-Editor:<br />
David Haynes<br />
+44 7766 263908<br /><br />
A lifelong angler, David has tried his hand<br />
at most types of fishing and is a great<br />
accumulator of tackle and now focuses on<br />
competition fishing. Having worked at DHP for<br />
the last 16 years on every title in the company’s<br />
portfolio, he brings a wealth of knowledge and<br />
experience to the editorial team.<br />
North America:<br />
Bart Manganiello<br />
+1 914 722 7601<br /><br />
For over 35 years, Bart has been working with<br />
trade magazines, 31 in the tackle industry.<br />
Since 2001, he has been TTW’s North<br />
American Director, providing provide the<br />
best communication programs to companies,<br />
helping them connect with current and<br />
prospective trade partners around the world.<br />
Rest Of The World:<br />
Guido Knegt<br />
+39 3475036436<br /><br />
A born and bred Dutchman, he spent five<br />
years travelling the world as a scuba-diving<br />
instructor and English teacher before settling<br />
down in Sardinia. Guido previously worked for<br />
TTW between 2014 and 2017.<br />
China: Robert Li<br />
Li Ziwei<br />
+86 13451914155<br /><br />
Li Ziwei (Robert) has been working as news<br />
editor for over 20 years. He founded the most<br />
influential Chinese fishing forum in the Straits<br />
and successfully organised many industry<br />
events. His love for culture and tourism has led<br />
him to devote his entire life to the exchanges<br />
between China and southeast Asia.<br />
Magazine Manager<br />
Justin Fox<br />
+44 7813 327966<br /><br />
A hugely experienced communicator with<br />
more than 20 years at parent company DHP,<br />
Justin knows what it takes to grow brands<br />
and businesses across the tackle sector.<br />
Art Editor: Paul Evans<br />
Editorial Design: Brad Sharp<br />
DHP LTD<br />
Editorial, administration, subscriptions and<br />
accounts to: DHP Ltd, 1st Floor, Nene House,<br />
Sopwith Way, Daventry, NN11 8EA, UK<br /><br />
SHOWS –<br />
Over the years, we have become<br />
a new Brussels-based company taking over<br />
accustomed to the large trade<br />
the reins.<br />
organisations or associations also Around the same time, EFTTEX Trading<br />
running trade shows or events in their<br />
Ltd was founded to take on the show,<br />
country too.<br />
which had been scheduled to take place last<br />
It makes perfect sense, of course. The summer in Budapest.<br />
associations, generally, have the membership, The plan is still to hold the show this<br />
the database and the clout to put these things June at the same Hungexpo venue but,<br />
together and lean heavily on their board surprisingly, EFTTA then made a formal<br />
members’ skills to deliver strong events. announcement to the effect that it had<br />
We have seen this everywhere – from nothing to do with the show and was focused<br />
the USA (with TWO shows covering<br />
purely on its lobbying and fishing protection<br />
sportfishing and fly), Europe, Australia, roles. It was an unambiguous ‘distancing’.<br />
Japan, Taiwan and more.<br />
Now, after what I can only imagine was a<br />
Ironically, one of the few that wasn’t run very ‘interesting’ discussion between EFTTA<br />
by a trade body was the UK’s <strong>Tackle</strong> & Guns and EFTTEX, we hear that any profits from<br />
<strong>Trade</strong> Show, which was organised by TTW’s the show will be returned to EFTTA to<br />
one-time sister magazine, <strong>Tackle</strong> & Guns, support its work, with CE Olivier Portrat<br />
when yours truly was the editor.<br />
urging companies to exhibit. And yet, the<br />
To be fair, the UK’s Angling <strong>Trade</strong>s<br />
two entities are no longer linked.<br />
Association at the time was arguably not as Which brings me back to the UK’s<br />
strong as others so it made sense – but more Angling <strong>Trade</strong>s Association. Instead of<br />
on that later.<br />
working on a new trade show, it is using its<br />
So it has been rather intriguing to witness strength to work with the largest outdoor<br />
the seeming fallout and subsequent making consumer event in the UK – The Game Fair<br />
up between the European trade association (and its Scottish and Welsh iterations) – to<br />
EFTTA and the EFTTEX show.<br />
produce the Get Into Fishing event, designed<br />
For many years, EFTTA organised and to encourage newcomers and returners while<br />
ran EFTTEX – with exhibitors required also catering for existing fisherfolk.<br />
to be EFTTA members before they could It’s a fascinating development and is<br />
participate, while the profits were ploughed gathering impressive momentum.<br />
back into the organisation for its vital<br />
You can find out more and how to get your<br />
lobbying work.<br />
brands involved via the ATA by going to:<br />
However, following the cancellation of<br />
the last three EFTTEX shows due to the<br />
Covid-19 pandemic and resulting lockdowns<br />
(not to mention Brexit), the setup changed, John Hunter<br />
with EFTTA in London closing down and Editor<br />
3,511<br />
&<br />
EFTTEX <strong>2023</strong> is live!<br />
Join us on 15-17 June <strong>2023</strong> at Budapest HUNGEXPO<br />
European Exhibitor Starter Package for € 2.190<br />
• 9 sqm octanorm system with white walls<br />
(2,5 m high)<br />
• Coloured front cover<br />
• Grey carpet<br />
• Lighting fascia board (company name)<br />
• 1 spotlamp / 3 sqm<br />
• 1 socket<br />
• Without electric connection<br />
and other measured services<br />
as internet etc.<br />
*Package available only for European Exhibitors and contains all mentioned service’s fee.<br />
Email: I Tel: +36 1 755 58 15
<strong>2023</strong><br />
20<br />
32<br />
18<br />
26<br />
08<br />
Contents<br />
48<br />
8 NEWS<br />
Disappointment over Australian fishing<br />
ban extension, more appointments at<br />
Fairpoint Outdoors and a European<br />
approach for a Japanese brand.<br />
Why the US sportfishing trade show is<br />
positioning itself as an international mustattend<br />
event.<br />
GLOBAL<br />
John Mazurkiewicz explores why bass<br />
fishing contests – once the preserve<br />
of Americans – are attracting wider<br />
audiences.<br />
From a few pounds up to top dollar, there<br />
is a reel to suit every customer’s budget<br />
and needs.<br />
22 SHOP WINDOW<br />
With so many styles, designs and sizes,<br />
which fishing reels should you be stocking?<br />
We have a few pointers.<br />
06<br />
The European Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> <strong>Trade</strong><br />
Exhibition (EFTTEX) is back after four long<br />
years, giving everyone a chance to meet in<br />
person once more.<br />
Despite tricky recent times China still<br />
remains the epicentre of the global fishing<br />
tackle industry.<br />
Although PT Central Sarana Pancing’s<br />
Relix Nusantara brand was developed for<br />
Indonesia, it’s gaining ground elsewhere.<br />
SUMMIT<br />
ICAST might be the highlight event for the<br />
American Sportfishing Association (ASA),<br />
but its annual Sportfishing Summit is just<br />
as crucial.<br />
More products from global suppliers that<br />
will be worth stocking in your outlet.<br />
Three more swimbait rods designed to<br />
provide a better bass fishing experience<br />
have grown St Croix Rods’ techniquespecific<br />
series again.<br />
Daiwa’s Tatula name continues to make<br />
waves, with a proven combination of<br />
baitcasting reel and the right rod for bass<br />
fishing.<br />
GROWTH<br />
Business owners often feel like they<br />
need to make all the decisions but<br />
your employees can be superb brand<br />
extensions for you… if you let them.<br />
50 LAST CAST<br />
Torben Kass, chairman of Danmarks<br />
Sportsfiskerforbund, outlines how it<br />
is improving relations with the tackle<br />
industry and political leaders.
Super<br />
Heat Dissipation<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Super<br />
Low-Friction<br />
Super<br />
Hardness<br />
Super<br />
Fishing found to ease<br />
mental health issues<br />
• Continued from page 3<br />
“The wider implications this<br />
research will have, not only in the<br />
angling sector, but also mental<br />
health provision will be amazing<br />
to see.”<br />
Lee Smith, Professor of<br />
Public Health at ARU, added:<br />
“Recreational fishing is very<br />
popular in the UK, with about<br />
two million people taking part<br />
in the pastime in 2019. Our<br />
published study found that it is<br />
an accessible sport, despite the<br />
presence of some barriers.<br />
“We know from previous<br />
studies that exposure to aquatic<br />
environments, known as blue<br />
spaces, is associated with<br />
improved mental health and<br />
wellbeing.<br />
“The work we have carried out<br />
has highlighted that individuals<br />
Major Craft reveals<br />
European drive<br />
Japanese tackle maker Major<br />
Craft continues its growth with<br />
the opening of a European base<br />
in Madrid, Spain.<br />
The company, which already<br />
has a facility in North America<br />
plus a manufacturing operation<br />
in Vietnam, is keen to develop<br />
products specifically for<br />
European anglers while also<br />
offering a better service to its<br />
buyers on the continent.<br />
Major Craft Co was set up<br />
back in 2001 and has grown<br />
steadily in that time, most<br />
recently launching a new<br />
building in Vietnam to increase<br />
rod building capacity to around<br />
who fish have lower levels of<br />
diagnosed anxiety disorder,<br />
suicide attempts and instances of<br />
deliberate self-harm compared to<br />
those who did not fish.<br />
“This would suggest that<br />
encouraging participation in<br />
fishing could be a good dualmethod<br />
strategy for both<br />
promoting relaxation and<br />
good mental health as well as<br />
encouraging increased levels of<br />
physical activity within those<br />
with mental health issues such as<br />
anxiety disorder.”<br />
Andy Torrance, CEO of<br />
20,000 pieces per<br />
month.<br />
Alongside this it has<br />
an OEM partnership<br />
in China and works<br />
hard to develop all types<br />
of lure fishing rods,<br />
covering everything<br />
from bass and sea bass<br />
to shore jigging, offshore<br />
jigging and much more.<br />
It uses Fuji guides and reel<br />
seats throughout its rod range<br />
while ensuring their high quality<br />
by checking every single rod<br />
Angling Direct , commented: “At<br />
Angling Direct our purpose is to<br />
get everyone fishing. Anglers have<br />
long known that the combination<br />
of the fishing combined with<br />
relaxation in the outdoors in great<br />
for their general wellbeing and<br />
mental health.<br />
“We’re delighted to be working<br />
on this with Anglia Ruskin<br />
University and Tackling Minds<br />
and are very excited about its<br />
potential implications to support<br />
social prescribing and further<br />
public health interventions.”<br />
The research about angling and<br />
mental health is currently being<br />
peer-reviewed ahead of scientific<br />
journal publication.<br />
You can read the full, openaccess<br />
study about accessibility<br />
here: https://www.mdpi.<br />
before it is shipped from the<br />
factory.<br />
Since 2014 it has also<br />
been supplying lures, with its<br />
JIGPARA perhaps its bestknown<br />
and bestselling item.<br />
TELEPHONE +1 (201) 699-4228 | MADE IN THE U.S.A.<br />
Order online:
Fairpoint adds more faces as it grows<br />
Danish company Fairpoint<br />
Outdoors, which includes brands<br />
such as Westin and Kinetic, has<br />
added two more key personnel to<br />
its line-up.<br />
Rikke Storm, a well-known<br />
face within the industry, has been<br />
appointed as product manager,<br />
bringing with her an impressive<br />
track record and wealth of<br />
experience in developing highly<br />
functional clothing from some of<br />
the biggest players in the fishing<br />
and hunting clothing field.<br />
Fairpoint COO Thomas<br />
Sanotra said: “Signing Rikke<br />
Storm is a scoop for our<br />
company and yet another step in<br />
our goal of becoming the most<br />
innovative and passion driven<br />
company in the industry.<br />
“I have had the privilege<br />
to have Rikke in my team in<br />
Zebco chalks up decade of School Of Fish<br />
The Zebco School of Fish, a major US<br />
kids’ fishing education program, has just<br />
completed 10 years of hosting fishing<br />
classes for kids, parents and other adults.<br />
The scheme taught 25 schools in 2022,<br />
graduating 577 “water-ready” kids with 227<br />
adults also attending.<br />
“School of Fish expanded to several new<br />
communities in 2022, but also returned to<br />
many locales where we have been multiple<br />
times in the past” said Mike Frisch, one of<br />
Ban eXtended on iConiC WesteRn<br />
austRalian Fish<br />
Angling groups have reacted<br />
angrily to Western Australian<br />
government plans to double the<br />
length of the current demersal<br />
fish close season for boat<br />
anglers.<br />
Fisheries Minister Don<br />
Punch unveiled a funding and<br />
management package to boost<br />
the recovery of demersal scale<br />
fish stocks and their future,<br />
including the four-month ban.<br />
While it is significantly less<br />
than the original nine-month<br />
proposal, it is still double the<br />
current two-month closure,<br />
although land-based anglers will<br />
previous positions and I know<br />
her as a skilled and hardworking<br />
team member.<br />
“Together with the rest of our<br />
clothing team and the entire<br />
development team, Rikke will<br />
lead the future development of<br />
the clothing department for our<br />
brands Westin and Kinetic. I’m<br />
expecting this signing to be a<br />
‘game changer’ for our company<br />
progression into clothing and<br />
something that all of our valued<br />
customers will benefit from very<br />
soon.”<br />
Meanwhile, avid angler<br />
Mathias Gundestrup is the<br />
newest face and voice in the<br />
customer service department.<br />
Fairpoint’s CEO Jens Buhl<br />
explained: “Our customers<br />
are always at the centre of our<br />
business and providing them<br />
the organisation’s co-founders. “We think it<br />
speaks well of our program and curriculum<br />
when communities have us back year<br />
after year. We continue to graduate waterready<br />
kids who have the knowledge, skills,<br />
and equipment needed to start their fishing<br />
careers. Most importantly, we try to provide<br />
the School of Fish experience in a fashion<br />
that excites them about our sport!”<br />
Started in 2013, the Zebco School of Fish<br />
has expanded to present classes in six states,<br />
still be able to fish year-round.<br />
The open seasons have been<br />
timed to allow people to catch<br />
these popular fish during all<br />
school holidays.<br />
Don Punch said: “Western<br />
Australians have always<br />
demonstrated their desire to<br />
preserve the state’s fisheries,<br />
and I am confident that as<br />
a community we can work<br />
together to recover our demersal<br />
scale fish stocks for the future.<br />
“We have listened to the<br />
feedback – recreational fishers<br />
asked for more time on the<br />
water. I understand the changes<br />
Mathias Gundestrup<br />
with premium service has<br />
always been a cornerstone in<br />
our approach to building a great<br />
company.<br />
“With Mathias on board we<br />
expect to take our service to a<br />
new level and provide even faster<br />
and better service than ever<br />
will be difficult for recreational<br />
fishers. I have delivered the<br />
very best recreational package<br />
possible while also ensuring<br />
that you have sustainable fish<br />
stocks going forward.<br />
“The changes being<br />
introduced balance the fishing<br />
experience with the action<br />
needed to protect these fish.<br />
There is simply no other way.”<br />
But Recfishwest CEO Dr<br />
Andrew Rowland said: “We are<br />
deeply disappointed that these<br />
proposals have been overlooked<br />
in favour of an extended ban on<br />
recreational fishing, which will<br />
mean West Australians being<br />
unable to access dhufish and<br />
Rikke Storm<br />
before.<br />
“On top of that, Mathias is a<br />
great person with huge passion<br />
for our industry and a skilled<br />
angler, so he blends perfectly in<br />
with the rest of the team.”<br /><br />
has now taught over 250 schools and has<br />
graduated 5,696 kids and with 1,945 adults<br />
also involved.<br />
Other School of Fish sponsors include<br />
G3 Boats, Hannay’s Marine, Soderholm<br />
Insurance, KLN Family Brands,<br />
ShoreMaster, Strike King, Lew’s, Women<br />
Anglers of Minnesota, Diamond Buick<br />
GMC, CLAM, Distinctive Cabinet Design,<br />
Artie’s Bait & <strong>Tackle</strong> and Fishing the<br />
Midwest.<br />
pink snapper for six months of<br />
the year.<br />
“At the moment there is<br />
an inequitable division of<br />
resources between recreational<br />
and commercial fishers with<br />
only a 12 per cent reduction<br />
of catch for commercial<br />
operators, compared with<br />
a 50 per cent reduction for<br />
recreational fishers. A buy-back<br />
of commercial licences should<br />
help to address this imbalance<br />
and ensure fairer access to the<br />
Demersal Fishery for all sectors<br />
of the community.”<br />
The new rules were due to<br />
come into effect on <strong>February</strong><br />
1st, <strong>2023</strong>.<br /><br />
eFtta distaNCes<br />
itselF From<br />
eFtteX<br />
The European Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> <strong>Trade</strong><br />
Association (EFTTA) is focused on its<br />
lobbying role as it works to safeguard<br />
sportfishing and has moved to clarify its<br />
position over the EFTTEX trade show.<br />
In a statement, CEO Olivier Portrat<br />
has outlined the work that Brussels-based<br />
EFTTA AISBL now undertakes and<br />
clarified that the European Fishing <strong>Trade</strong><br />
Exhibition (EFTTEX), scheduled for June<br />
15th to 17th in Budapest, Hungary, is an<br />
independent event organised by a private<br />
company, EFTTEX Kft.<br />
He told TTW: “Following Brexit and<br />
the closure of EFTTA Ltd and EFTTEX<br />
Ltd in England in 2021, EFTTA AISBL<br />
was established in Brussels, Belgium in<br />
early 2022.<br />
“Since then, times have become<br />
ever more challenging for the future<br />
of recreational angling within Europe.<br />
Threats come from multiple sides and the<br />
list of tasks for EFTTA AISBL is long.<br />
[It] has been established as a registered<br />
non-profit association with membership<br />
fees entirely dedicated to finance our<br />
lobbying work in Brussels. This important<br />
role is time consuming and demands our<br />
full attention.<br />
Knife f irm goes to Source<br />
Bear Forest Knives, a USbased<br />
knife manufacturer,<br />
has selected Source Outdoor<br />
Group as its marketing and<br />
public relations firm to expand<br />
its recognition further.<br />
This partnership combines<br />
Source Outdoor Group’s years<br />
of experience in branding,<br />
marketing and advertising<br />
in the outdoors market with<br />
Bear Forest Knives’ passion for<br />
quality and excellence.<br />
Only using the best carbon<br />
and stainless steels, 80CrV2,<br />
1095, 52100, 1084, AEB-L,<br />
Nitro-V, and W2 for customs,<br />
Bear Forest Knives says it is<br />
setting the tone for modern<br />
outdoor knives.<br />
Handle scales include<br />
Micarta, G10, elm, dogwood,<br />
10<br />
“In 2022, EFTTEX Kft<br />
was founded in Hungary as<br />
an independent, privately<br />
owned company to organise<br />
the EFTTEX Show. For the<br />
sake of clarity and good order<br />
we highlight that EFTTA<br />
AISBL has no shares within<br />
EFTTEX Kft and there<br />
is no legal or operational<br />
connection between EFTTA<br />
AISBL and EFTTEX Kft.”<br />
Following additional<br />
discussions between the<br />
two parties, Olivier added:<br />
“EFTTEX Trading does not<br />
organise the EFFTEX show on behalf<br />
of EFTTA AISBL but for the benefit of<br />
EFTTA. The profit of the show is being<br />
forwarded to EFTTA and used to save the<br />
future of recreational angling in Europe by<br />
our lobbying work.<br />
“The EFFTA board is grateful to our<br />
board members Ciro Esposito (Europesca),<br />
Rudi Heger (Traun River Products)<br />
and Istvan Pal (Energofish) for all the<br />
energy they invest in order to bring back<br />
our ‘traditional’ EFTTEX show to life<br />
with many new elements serving the<br />
osage orange, poplar, padauk,<br />
ironwood, white oak, red oak<br />
and antler. All sheaths are<br />
made in-house from 0.080<br />
Kydex in various colours,<br />
graphics and textures.<br />
Source Outdoor Group<br />
works with some of the biggest<br />
names in the fishing, outdoors<br />
and firearms industry while<br />
offering top-rate services, for<br />
the past 15 years.<br />
Olivier Portrat, EFTTA CEO<br />
European tackle trade. They have invested<br />
considerable time, energy and money into<br />
that project.<br />
“The EFTTA board wishes all the<br />
best to EFTTEX Trading Ltd for the<br />
organisation of EFTTEX <strong>2023</strong>. May it<br />
be a successful revival! EFTTA invites all<br />
the trading industry around recreational<br />
angling to support the EFTTEX shows in<br />
the future!”<br /><br />
trade eXpert<br />
BriNgs eXperieNCe<br />
to orgaNisatioN<br />
One of the European tackle trade’s bestknown<br />
professionals, André Akkermans<br />
has stepped down from the commercial<br />
side of the industry to focus on a key<br />
Netherlands organisation.<br />
André, who has worked with major<br />
names including Fox, Wolf, Sensas,<br />
Svendsen Sport and, most recently major André Akkermans<br />
retailer Angling Direct, will be assisting<br />
Sportvisserij Zuidwest Nederland to boost the sport’s future.<br />
The body works on behalf of anglers, clubs and associations<br />
to promote the accessibility of sportfishing and to maintain and<br />
safeguard its future.<br />
André said: After working on the commercial side of angling<br />
for almost 30 years I [have] started as a representative at<br />
Sportvisserij Zuidwest Nederland. I am grateful now to be able to<br />
dedicate myself to the sport that has brought me so much, both<br />
professionally and privately.”
Huk protects anglers and oceans<br />
Over 1,000 New Line<br />
items added to the<br />
2022-23 New Catalog<br />
Apparel brand Huk’s Waypoint<br />
Collection is designed to protect<br />
anglers from the cold and the<br />
oceans from discarded plastic,<br />
with its latest addition – full-zip<br />
and half-zip fleece jackets made<br />
of recycled plastic.<br />
Anglers, boaters and outdoor<br />
enthusiasts have long turned to<br />
polyester fleece for comfort on a<br />
cool morning or layering in the<br />
coldest weather.<br />
While it provides warmth, its<br />
breathable construction allows<br />
perspiration to evaporate rather<br />
than trapping it on the skin.<br />
Huk has partnered with<br />
REPREVE to incorporate<br />
Film festival deal helps<br />
improve the great outdoors<br />
The International Fly Fishing Film Festival<br />
and Backcountry Hunters & Anglers have<br />
partnered in a North American effort to<br />
preserve habitat and waterways.<br />
The US-based festival (IF4) and BHA want<br />
to ensure people can access the great outdoors<br />
and then enjoy it to the full.<br />
Jennifer Bird, IF4 executive producer and<br />
Josh Mills, corporate partnership coordinator<br />
of BHA, explained the aim was to “make sure<br />
we have the quality habitat and waterways<br />
when we get there.”<br />
Josh added: “As the voice for North<br />
America’s wild public lands, waters and<br />
wildlife, BHA is dedicated to improving<br />
access for sportsmen and women across the<br />
continent – and making sure we have the<br />
quality habitat and waterways when we get<br />
there.<br />
recycled materials into its<br />
Waypoint line to help reduce<br />
plastic pollution. The collection<br />
will have the same unique<br />
Huk style but an eco-friendly<br />
twist. On average, it takes nine<br />
recycled plastic bottles to create<br />
one item in the Waypoint<br />
collection. The blended fabric<br />
provides flexibility and stretches<br />
while maintaining shape and fit.<br />
Huk’s fleece is made from<br />
100 per cent recycled polyester,<br />
as the brand builds on its<br />
commitment to help reduce<br />
plastic pollution. Using recycled<br />
polyester prevents plastic from<br />
entering the waste stream, which<br />
could end up in the oceans or<br />
other sensitive environments. It<br />
makes producing new material<br />
less necessary, conserving<br />
natural resources and avoiding<br />
emissions-creating processes.<br />
The Waypoint Fleece FZ<br />
and Edisto Fleece FZ full-zip<br />
jackets and half-zip pullovers<br />
feature quick-drying fabric, a<br />
must for anglers who face bow<br />
spray and splashing fish at the<br />
boat. They come in a range of<br />
colours and sizes, designed to<br />
help anglers feel good about<br />
venturing out in cool weather<br />
and helping protect the<br />
environment.<br />
“Anglers are on the frontlines of water<br />
quality, river access, fish stock health and other<br />
key cogs in the wheel for the health of our<br />
watersheds.”<br />
Jennifer added: “At the core of fly fishing is<br />
the pursuit of wild spaces and peaceful places<br />
that are just beyond the reach of day-to-day.<br />
It is in these spaces where fish seem most<br />
willing, the water appears in its purest form<br />
and our community connects and thrives.”<br />
Founded in 2011, the International Fly<br />
Fishing Film Festival is the world’s leading<br />
fly fishing film event. Consisting of short and<br />
feature-length films produced by professional<br />
filmmakers from all corners of the globe,<br />
the IF4 showcases the passion, lifestyle and<br />
culture of fly fishing while creating community<br />
everywhere it travels. The films have captured<br />
the attention of anglers around the world.<br />
Hareline Ceramic<br />
Zirconia Dubbing Rake<br />
The<br />
Bone Comb<br />
Hareline UV Flexi<br />
President<br />
dismounts from<br />
Mustang<br />
Jason Leggatt has resigned his<br />
position as president of life vest,<br />
apparel and PFD expert Mustang<br />
Survival following a number of<br />
changes within the company.<br />
He will now become a member<br />
of the board following his<br />
departure, working for The Wing<br />
Group and the Mustang Survival<br />
business in a governance role.<br />
Book for Aus show<br />
The <strong>2023</strong> Australian Fishing <strong>Trade</strong><br />
Association <strong>Tackle</strong> Show is now<br />
open for exhibitor bookings<br />
Space bookings can be made<br />
online while a new exhibitor<br />
portal offers a centralised hub for<br />
exhibitors to re-visit as often as<br />
needed.<br />
Visit for details<br />
OneWater<br />
completes deal<br />
OneWater Marine Inc has<br />
completed the acquisition of<br />
Harbor View Marine, expanding<br />
the firm‘s presence in the Gulf<br />
Coast region and enhancing new<br />
and pre-owned boat sales, finance<br />
and parts and services offerings.<br />
OneWater CEO Austin Singleton<br />
said: “The acquisition strengthens<br />
our presence in the Gulf Coast<br />
market and expands our portfolio<br />
with their suite of iconic brands<br />
and full-service offerings.”<br />
Mark boards<br />
marine firm<br />
CED Marine has hired respected<br />
sales leader Mark Sullivan as<br />
territory sales manager for the<br />
southeastern United States.<br />
He arrives after more than 15<br />
years at Navico, where he most<br />
recently served as the distributor<br />
channel director.<br />
CED Marine president Greg<br />
Borchardt said Mark’s arrival<br />
continues the company’s<br />
strategic plan of building out<br />
an experienced team of marine<br />
industry veterans to support its<br />
rapid growth.<br />
St Croix simplifies<br />
the complex<br />
US rod maker St Croix has solved more<br />
problems and overcome more challenges<br />
with the unveiling of its X-Trek fresh- and<br />
Sole saltwater fishing systems.<br />
After three years of development, the<br />
spinning rods and reels have been designed<br />
to make complex decisions simple and help<br />
anglers make the most of every second on<br />
the water.<br />
St Croix brand manager, Ryan Teach,<br />
explained: “Three years in the making,<br />
these exceptionally balanced and precisionmatched<br />
spinning rods and reels have been<br />
conceived, engineered and handcrafted from<br />
a blank slate – then extensively tested – to<br />
provide bundled, worry-free performance<br />
that gives anglers the upper hand right off<br />
the rack.<br />
“These fishing systems are going to appeal<br />
to a wide range of anglers… from the<br />
relative newcomer who’s ready to step up to<br />
St Croix performance, to the sage stick who<br />
wants to build up his or her arsenal with<br />
balanced, high-quality rods and reels at a<br />
reasonable cost.”<br />
The X-Trek (pronounced cross-trek)<br />
Freshwater and Sole Saltwater Fishing<br />
Systems begin with handcrafted, premium<br />
SCII carbon blanks. Ryan added: “X-Trek<br />
and Sole each include four versatile, fastaction<br />
spinning models to provide anglers<br />
with distinct, high-performance choices well<br />
suited for the widest variety of freshwater<br />
and inshore saltwater techniques.”<br />
Beyond the blank, the system are finished<br />
with equally impressive componentry, anglertuned<br />
ergonomics and progressive aesthetics.<br />
X-Trek Freshwater models are matched<br />
with precision-engineered 2000-size and<br />
2500-size X-Trek spinning reels, while Sole<br />
Saltwater models receive saltwater-grade<br />
3500-size and 4500-size Sole spinning<br />
reels. Rock-solid yet lightweight, these<br />
skeletonised, composite reels deliver optimal<br />
balance and silky-smooth operation with a<br />
versatile 6.2:1 retrieve ratio, while featuring<br />
proven, stacked-carbon drag systems.<br /><br />
<strong>Tackle</strong> industry specialist<br />
seeking new challenge<br />
Thomas Wæver, a well-known and highly<br />
respected name in the trade, is seeking<br />
a fresh challenge he can bring his varied<br />
repertoire of skills to.<br />
After 10 years as vice president and<br />
outdoor director for premium awardwinning<br />
eyewear specialist Wiley X, he<br />
moved to the high-profile role of export<br />
manager for Danish-based Fairpoint<br />
Outdoors.<br />
Despite facing down both Covid and war<br />
in the Ukraine, Thomas managed to double<br />
the turnover in Fairpoint’s outdoor division.<br />
He told TTW: “It has been a privilege<br />
to work for great companies like Wiley X<br />
and Fairpoint Outdoors and I have really<br />
enjoyed my roles in both, where I have been<br />
very fortunate to turn my positions into a<br />
way of life.<br />
“I’m a strong believer that people buy<br />
from people they like and people they trust.<br />
I have always worked with a high level of<br />
structure; I have thrived in my positions and<br />
I have always been focused on leading by<br />
example.<br />
“Throughout my career I have worked<br />
in sales and, for more than the last 15<br />
years, it has been internationally, where<br />
I have built a great network of business<br />
partners and friendships. I’m an experienced<br />
professional with a global reach in the retail<br />
and distributor industry. I’m determined to<br />
follow international sales responsibility in<br />
my next step.”<br />
Thomas’ ability to develop strong<br />
relationships plus his loyalty to those he has<br />
worked for will stand him in good stead for<br />
the next part of his professional journey. For<br />
both Wiley X and Fairpoint Outdoors he<br />
leaves a significant footprint.<br />
Thomas Wæver<br />
Thomas is now ready to open a new<br />
chapter in his career and he can be contacted<br />
via the following personal details: (phone)<br />
+45 2217 4950 (phone) or<br />
(email).<br />
pREDAtoRtoUR<br />
StoCKS WIth KEY RUlES<br />
The team behind<br />
the popular<br />
Predatortour fishing<br />
event has revealed<br />
details of its plans<br />
for <strong>2023</strong> with<br />
a series of rules<br />
designed to keep<br />
the welfare of the<br />
fish at the top of the<br />
agenda.<br />
For its Swedish<br />
edition, anglers<br />
will follow the guidelines for<br />
pike fishing on lake Vänern,<br />
including catch and release,<br />
barbless hooks, rubberised nets,<br />
unhooking mats and lead-free<br />
lures.<br />
Organiser Evert Oostdam<br />
said: “The Predator Tour always<br />
feels responsible for nature and<br />
the environment. That’s why we<br />
have been lead-free for fishing<br />
lures for many years. Feeling<br />
responsible for our hobby is<br />
our main goal, which is why we<br />
also promote catch and release<br />
fishing. This way our children<br />
also enjoy sport fishing.”<br />
Other key rules for the<br />
Swedish event include clear<br />
maps and information for all<br />
anglers, reporting of all catches<br />
to the County Administrative<br />
Board after the competition<br />
to improve knowledge of<br />
fish stocks and boost their<br />
management while also<br />
controlling the number of other<br />
competitions close to the event,<br />
and limiting ‘test fishing’ days<br />
to conserve stocks and reduce<br />
pressure on the fish.<br />
FUJI ® ULTRA-Poly ®<br />
Wrapping Thread<br />
it’s not just good, it’s FUJI ® good.<br />
Preferred by the best custom rod builders and<br />
factories worldwide. ULTRA-Poly ® is a colorfast<br />
polyester guide<br />
wrapping thread made<br />
exclusively for FUJI ®<br />
to wrap smooth,<br />
burnish without<br />
fuzzies and resist<br />
fading. You’ll enjoy<br />
intense color that<br />
gets better with<br />
every coat of finish.<br />
Contact info@<br />
anglersresource.<br />
net for more information.<br />
Carded<br />
product available<br />
for retail.<br />
Exclusive FUJI Agent North America<br />
Foley, Alabama USA •<br /><br />
Thread ad for TTW.indd 1<br />
5/9/22 9:41 AM
Simms wades in to help<br />
Yellowstone<br />
Simms Fishing Products is<br />
working alongside a local<br />
fishing organisation to<br />
launch a new wader that will<br />
provide financial help to the<br />
Yellowstone ecosystem, which<br />
was devastated by floods last<br />
summer.<br />
Its Watershed stockingfoot<br />
wader has been developed<br />
alongside Montana Freshwater<br />
Partners – a collective of<br />
professionals and individuals –<br />
and is based on Simms’ multiaward-winning<br />
G3 Guide<br />
wader.<br />
Last June, a combination of<br />
an unusual atmospheric rain<br />
event and warm overnight<br />
temperatures coincided<br />
with Montana’s peak runoff,<br />
resulting in a devastating 500-<br />
year flood event, leaving the<br />
park closed, visitors evacuated<br />
and bridges, houses and roads<br />
completely swept away.<br />
To the residents of<br />
southwest Montana, the<br />
Yellowstone River is not only<br />
a vital economic resource, it’s<br />
an ecosystem that’s essential to<br />
their way of life.<br />
The Watershed wader uses<br />
excess Gore-Tex Pro Shell<br />
fabric in a three-layer upper<br />
and four-layer lower portion.<br />
This lightweight fabric is<br />
breathable, durable, waterproof<br />
and offers an unhindered range<br />
of motion.<br />
Featuring an oversized<br />
stretch-woven zippered chest<br />
pocket and a microfleece<br />
lined, zippered, pass-through<br />
handwarmer pocket, the wader<br />
also comes equipped with<br />
adjustable suspenders with<br />
opposing buckles that allow for<br />
a waist-high conversion.<br />
For mobility and durability,<br />
Simms has incorporated<br />
their patented front and back<br />
leg seams. To round out the<br />
feature set, the wader includes<br />
integrated gravel guards and<br />
anatomically correct left and<br />
right stockingfeet with an<br />
antimicrobial finish.<br />
Available in eight sizes,<br />
it will be offered in limited<br />
quantities.<br />
Diane Bristol, Simms’<br />
vice-president of community<br />
and culture, said: “It’s hard<br />
to put into words what<br />
the Yellowstone River and<br />
ecosystem means to us here at<br />
Simms. On the surface, it’s a<br />
picturesque, iconic trout fishery<br />
but, in reality, it’s so much<br />
more than that.<br />
“It’s where we unwind,<br />
recreate, create unforgettable<br />
memories and forge lifelong<br />
family bonds and friendships.<br />
The surrounding communities<br />
and lifestyle that comes with it<br />
truly embody our Fish It Well<br />
philosophy.<br />
“We are thrilled to<br />
collaborate with Montana<br />
Freshwater Partners and<br />
couldn’t be more excited to<br />
utilise a product that’s so<br />
synonymous with our brand<br />
to help restore this a national<br />
treasure that runs through our<br />
backyard.”<br />
Announcing the wader’s<br />
launch, Simms donated<br />
$10,000 to the Yellowstone<br />
River Stewardship Campaign<br />
and, from January when the<br />
product is sold, Simms plans<br />
to make an additional $50,000<br />
contribution.<br /><br />
Rodriguez lights up torch brand<br />
Streamlight Inc, a leading provider of<br />
high-performance flashlights, has appointed<br />
Daniel Rodriguez as regional sales manager<br />
for Latin America.<br />
In his new position, Rodriguez will<br />
be responsible for sales development of<br />
Streamlight products in Latin American<br />
markets, as well as overseeing independent<br />
sales agencies to generate product sales.<br />
He previously served as area manager –<br />
Latin American and Caribbean for Dorian<br />
Drake International, White Plains, New<br />
York, where he won the President’s Award<br />
for Outstanding Achievement in 2020.<br />
He was responsible for international<br />
business strategy and development in<br />
the industrial and environmental sector,<br />
focusing on centrifugal pumps, blowers, and<br />
instrumentation product lines.<br />
He has also worked as commercial<br />
director for EYMAQ, Inc in Miami where<br />
he oversaw international sales in the areas<br />
of mining, material handling and wear plate<br />
technologies as well as co-founding Sigma<br />
Equipment Co, selling used equipment and<br />
replacement parts to international markets.<br />
“We are delighted to have someone<br />
with Daniel’s global experience join our<br />
international team,” said Streamlight’s chief<br />
revenue officer, Michael F. Dineen.<br />
“His knowledge of international markets<br />
will no doubt further enhance Streamlight’s<br />
presence in Latin America.”<br />
SINCE 1877<br />
Freshwater and saltwater predators alike can’t resist our new lip-less sinking pencil, the Vertebrata. Bubble<br />
trail holes in the gill and a vibrating inner core cause an irresistible commotion. As it pulls through the water,<br />
the Vertebrata swims in a swaying, s-shaped action horizonatally follow ing a wiggling vertical fall. Available in<br />
70mm and 90mm lengths and featuring Mustad’s new Jaw Lok inline trebles.<br />
/MustadFishing<br />
@mustadfishing<br />
ICAST<br />
Expanding ICAST cementing<br />
itself AS must-attend<br />
trade show of <strong>2023</strong><br />
ICAST Is not just a US sportfishing trade show, it is the biggest and best attended, so it‘s little<br />
wonder that visitors come from across the globe to see the latest products.<br />
For most of the year, you can<br />
find the team at Davo’s <strong>Tackle</strong><br />
diligently managing Australia’s<br />
pre-eminent online fishing tackle<br />
store from their headquarters near the<br />
Coral Sea.<br />
Located just north of Brisbane, the<br />
burgeoning business is home to some<br />
60,000 products ranging from boating<br />
accessories like trolling motors to<br />
artificial flying fish – many of which<br />
are destined for the sublime saltwater<br />
fisheries surrounding the continent on all<br />
sides.<br />
And, while the Davo’s team joins its<br />
customers in pursuit of offshore quarry<br />
as often as they can, in July you’re most<br />
likely to find members of the team nearly<br />
15,000 kilometres away at the Orange<br />
County Convention Center in Orlando,<br />
Florida for ICAST.<br />
From July 11th to 14th <strong>2023</strong>, the global<br />
sportfishing community will gather for<br />
the trade show that defines the entire<br />
industry.<br />
A global gAThering<br />
Produced by the American Sportfishing<br />
Association, ICAST brings together tackle<br />
dealers, distributors, manufacturers and<br />
media members to showcase the newest<br />
products in fishing. The annual gathering<br />
16<br />
bridges the gap between the manufacturer’s<br />
drawing board and tackle store shelves.<br />
It’s where the entire sportfishing<br />
community can see new products from<br />
leading global brands to up-and-coming<br />
startups hoping to break through with a<br />
game changing innovation.<br />
At ICAST, household names are made<br />
by the intense spotlight of marketing and<br />
media shining down on the show floor<br />
combined with the expertise of tackle<br />
dealers with their thumb on the pulse of<br />
consumer needs.<br />
Last year, individuals from 73 countries<br />
joined a crowd of more than 12,000<br />
industry members on the show floor. They<br />
came from Australia, Europe, Asia, South<br />
America, North America and Africa<br />
to see new products first-hand. And in<br />
<strong>2023</strong>, ICAST promises to showcase more<br />
travel-worthy product innovation than ever<br />
before.<br />
The show’s renowned New Product<br />
Showcase, where retailers and media<br />
members vote for overall Best of Show and<br />
Best of Category awards, is expanding to<br />
incorporate even more tackle and lifestyle<br />
products into its ranks.<br />
Last year, the New Product Showcase<br />
featured more than 900 product debuts for<br />
dealers to peruse. This year, the showcase<br />
will feature six new fly fishing categories<br />
alongside two new categories for boating<br />
accessories for those products to compete<br />
in. Category winners are then pitted<br />
against each other for voters to determine<br />
an overall best of show winner.<br />
Without leaving the show floor,<br />
attendees can settle into daily Lunch &<br />
Learn business improvement seminars<br />
headlined by some of the most creative and<br />
innovative leaders in sportfishing. These<br />
informative sessions highlight key issues<br />
and strategies for tackle dealers to help<br />
improve their business processes.<br />
Outside of the convention hall,<br />
attendees will have the opportunity to try<br />
out products at ICAST On The Water<br />
Product Demo Day. There, dealers can<br />
explore products with the manufacturers<br />
that designed them. Rods, reels, lures,<br />
kayaks, sunglasses and marine electronics<br />
can all be tested at ICAST On The Water.<br />
Meanwhile, at nearby Lake Toho, buyers<br />
and media can register to fish in the<br />
ICAST Cup Bass Fishing Tournament,<br />
produced by Major League Fishing.<br />
Registration for ICAST <strong>2023</strong> is now<br />
open at There,<br />
tackle dealers can browse through more<br />
information about even more events during<br />
show week, learn about the New Product<br />
Showcase and browse a gallery of videos<br />
from 2022.
FOR ROD<br />
FINISH<br />
The TiForged Family of guides is the most requested<br />
by rod designers worldwide. American <strong>Tackle</strong> set<br />
out to design a family of guides that were ideal for<br />
casting, spinning, offshore, and more. With materials<br />
from 316SS or solid Titanium alloy in a snagless frame<br />
design, the TiForged Guide family has options for every<br />
rod builder. Rod designers can choose from single-foot,<br />
double-foot, different ceramic rings or no rings, and<br />
multiple color options. And with a range of sizes from<br />
5.5 ring size all the way up to 50, there is nothing that<br />
the TiForged family of guides can’t do.<br />
(800) 516-1750<br /><br />
MLF<br />
By John<br />
Mazurkiewicz.<br />
The world is getting smaller and competitive tournament<br />
bass fishing is playing its part. Along with growing the sport<br />
– and the sale of rods, reels, lures, line and more designed<br />
for it – it continues to attract anglers from way beyond the<br />
traditional US ‘Bible belt’. It truly has gone global.<br />
When more than 275<br />
participants at the recent<br />
Major League Fishing<br />
(MLF) Toyota Series<br />
Championship arrived on the famed bass<br />
fishing mecca of Lake Guntersville in<br />
Alabama, USA, competing for the top prize<br />
of up to $235,000 (USD) there were not only<br />
anglers from 39 US states but from Canada,<br />
Italy, Mexico, Namibia, Portugal, South<br />
Africa, South Korea, Spain and Zimbabwe.<br />
In its own way, you could call it the ‘World<br />
Cup’ of bass fishing.<br />
According to MLF vice president<br />
operations Dave Washburn, MLF started<br />
its affiliation with bass fishing clubs around<br />
the globe in 2015: “We received a steady<br />
stream of interest from bass anglers in other<br />
countries who would respond to news about<br />
our tournaments found on our website. They<br />
wanted to become involved and we naturally<br />
found the opportunity to grow the interest in<br />
competitive bass fishing beyond our borders.”<br />
The MLF-affiliated clubs around the world<br />
receive guidance and guidelines on how to<br />
conduct an MLF- branded tournament trail<br />
in their own countries.<br />
Through these grassroots efforts that help<br />
foster the competitive juices for anyone who<br />
participates in a sport, bass anglers quickly<br />
identify the relevant tackle offerings from<br />
global brands like Daiwa, Abu Garcia, Rapala,<br />
Pure Fishing and Shimano so dealers in those<br />
countries can now add to their store’s product<br />
assortment.<br />
US-based manufacturers such as<br />
PRADCO, Strike King Lures, Lew’s,<br />
18<br />
Z-Man, AFTCO and Simms are afforded<br />
the opportunity to expand and bring<br />
awareness to their bass fishing products to an<br />
international audience, while names like BKK<br />
Hooks, Molix, Jackall, Evergreen, Weston,<br />
Keitech and others can see residual exposure<br />
in it all to the 20 million-plus US bass fishing<br />
market.<br />
The demographics for bass anglers<br />
worldwide are changing. As the sport<br />
becomes more sophisticated from the<br />
participant side with a rising middle class<br />
in certain countries who have the means<br />
and need to spend more of their income<br />
on fishing for recreation, and as tackle<br />
and gear manufacturers continue to add<br />
more funding and focus to their research,<br />
product development, and marketing efforts,<br />
Washburn says the MLF efforts will continue<br />
to embrace the international bass fishing<br />
market.<br />
“It’s becoming that no matter where you<br />
live, tournament bass fishing is benefiting all<br />
segments of the sport and growing it globally.<br />
“For those participating in our events<br />
where we give anglers from other countries<br />
the opportunity to fish some of the best lakes<br />
in the US, there’s a quick, genuine connection<br />
between the angler no matter if they are<br />
from Tennessee or South Carolina or if they<br />
travelled across the world from Italy, South<br />
Korea or Zimbabwe to see who can catch the<br />
biggest limit and have bragging rights – and<br />
the nice cheque that goes along with it.”<br />
Since participants compete in both ‘pro’<br />
and ‘co-angler’ divisions, the MLF Toyota<br />
MLF – Jose Acero and Cooper Jett<br />
Series Championship boat pairings can at<br />
times team up interesting combinations.<br />
Even though he didn’t speak English and<br />
his partner didn’t speak Spanish, Spain’s<br />
pro angler Jose Acero and Michigan<br />
USA co-angler Cooper Jett landed 18<br />
bass during their time on the water,<br />
with Acero noting that he learned the<br />
importance of changing up his lures for<br />
situation and location from Jett. This is<br />
bass fishing.<br />
While all the international anglers<br />
compete against the full field at the MLF<br />
Toyota Series Championship, there is also<br />
a ‘tournament-within-a-tournament’ just<br />
for them.<br />
From its location in north-central<br />
Alabama, it’s not often (how about never<br />
before) you see the Zimbabwe flag flying<br />
over the docks of Lake Guntersville,<br />
considered by many the best tournament<br />
bass fishing lake in the US. The team has<br />
a large contingent of supporters travelling<br />
with them to help out, which included<br />
letting all the other participants know<br />
that the Zimbabwe team was there to<br />
Your<br />
Best-in-class wholesale<br />
pricing and services.<br />
REELS<br />
REELS<br />
From a few pounds up to top dollar, there is a reel to suit every customer’s budget and needs,<br />
so let’s take a look at a few different types that might end up on your tackle store shelves.<br />
Almost every method or style of<br />
fishing requires a reel – pole<br />
fishing and tenkara being the<br />
obvious exceptions – and there<br />
are hundreds, nay thousands of different<br />
models and sizes, from ultra-lightweight fly<br />
reels to fixed spool ‘spinning’ reels of every<br />
size for every fish and fisherperson, to huge<br />
multipliers capable of holding literally miles<br />
of line for hauling big jigs and lures up from<br />
unfathomable depths on deep sea expeditions<br />
after monster leviathans.<br />
Despite there being so many reels on the<br />
market they can be broken down into just<br />
a few different types, and which types you<br />
mostly stock may very well depend on the<br />
fishing around you.<br />
Fixed spool reels are very popular as they are<br />
easy to use, often cheap to buy and require<br />
little maintenance.<br />
Based around a non-rotating spool that is<br />
fixed in place, a bail arm rotates around this<br />
and winds line around the spool when reeling<br />
in. Generally, the more ball bearings a reel has<br />
the better it will perform. Cheaper fixed spool<br />
reels are likely to have a single ball bearing,<br />
whereas high-end reels will have many more.<br />
Fixed spool reels are either front drag or rear<br />
drag but with either system the aim is to allow<br />
the reel to give out line before the force of a<br />
fighting fish snaps it.<br />
Nowadays through advances in technology<br />
and ever lighter but stronger materials it is<br />
difficult to find a bad fixed spool reel at any<br />
price point.<br />
Major brands will always sell well and will<br />
have a strong range, so you’ll never struggle to<br />
find the right ones for your marketplace.<br />
Multipliers are so called because due to the<br />
gear ratio, turning the handle a single turn<br />
causes the spool to rotate multiple times. The<br />
free-running spool allows greater casting<br />
distance and the cranking power of the spool<br />
design is more effective when reeling in.<br />
Multipliers are popular when beach<br />
casting a very long distance, and the high<br />
ratio provides the retrieve speed to get rigs up<br />
off the sea bed and high in the water, away<br />
from snags. Boat fishing sees multipliers used<br />
because of the need to retrieve lures and pirks<br />
from great depths, and they are powerful reels<br />
for playing big, hard-fighting fish.<br />
A braking system reduces the speed of<br />
the spinning spool during a cast to provide<br />
additional control for the angler. This can<br />
be either a centrifugal system or a magnetic<br />
braking system. Generally, multiplier reels<br />
with magnetic braking systems offer the best<br />
performance but are also the most expensive.<br />
A level-wind system lays line across the<br />
spool evenly when reeling in so that the angler<br />
has no need to do this manually.<br />
The spincast reel is one of the easiest reels<br />
to use, making it perfect for children and<br />
beginners. It has a cover or closed face keeping<br />
all the essential parts of the reel protected. To<br />
use the reel, simply press down on the thumb<br />
button on the back during your forward cast,<br />
letting the line out. Once you let go of the<br />
button, the line will stop peeling out, making it<br />
easy to control.<br />
Baitcasters are a little more difficult to use.<br />
When casting, you must keep the spool under<br />
control or it will turn into a bird’s nest of line.<br />
Experienced anglers will use their thumb to<br />
brake and control the line as they are casting.<br />
Popular with bass anglers in the USA, these<br />
reels are increasing in popularity throughout<br />
Europe for predator fishing, where the<br />
lightweight design, ease of use (after practice!)<br />
and direct contact make working lures<br />
extremely efficient and rewarding.<br />
Baitcasters ensure speed and accuracy for<br />
users and need to be durable, since they will<br />
have to cope with hundreds or even thousands<br />
of casts per session.<br />
A fly reel is probably the simplest of all fishing<br />
reels, a drum to store a fly line and sufficient<br />
backing. Turning the handle wraps the line<br />
around the arbor and to remove line you<br />
simply pull the fly line above the reel with your<br />
hand.<br />
Materials used in their construction<br />
nowadays include aluminium, steel,<br />
magnesium, plastic, carbon fibre and<br />
composites. Many boast interchangeable<br />
spools or cassette systems and can be easily<br />
converted from right to left hand retrieves.<br />
Fly reels tend to differ in three main ways:<br />
size, construction and drag. This affects their<br />
suitability for different types of fly fishing, as<br />
well as impacting their price. They are made in<br />
three main ways: bar stock aluminium, die-cast<br />
aluminium or plastic composite. The majority<br />
tend to be die-cast aluminium as they are<br />
cheaper, easier to produce and work perfectly<br />
well, although barstock aluminium reels are<br />
considered the best; machined from single<br />
blocks of aluminium they’re lighter, more<br />
resilient and can last decades if well looked<br />
after. However, this comes at a higher cost.<br />
Our Power-Pole Blade Shallow Water Anchor fits in so well<br />
with nature you’d almost think it had gills, fins and a tail.<br />
REELS<br />
PENN<br />
For offshore anglers who fish at the highest<br />
levels, the Fathom series has long been a goto<br />
reel for its immense cranking power and<br />
intuitive design. The all-new Fathom II Lever<br />
Drag reels take a class-leading reel and raise<br />
the bar even more with a model for every<br />
application.<br />
Integrating the palm side plate and frame<br />
allows the reels to be more compact in hand<br />
and increases strength. At the Fathom’s core<br />
is a stainless steel main and pinion gear and<br />
a forged and machined aluminium spool<br />
that adds maximum durability. This reel is<br />
machined and designed to help anglers win<br />
big-fish battles!<br /><br />
SAKURA<br />
The classy and refined Furyo FD spinning<br />
reels are equipped with high quality<br />
mechanics, mounted on sealed Japanese<br />
stainless steel bearings. Equipped with<br />
a frame and a rotor made of carbontitanium<br />
FLC composite, the Furyo reels are<br />
remarkably light.<br />
Compact, robust and silent, their design<br />
and high-precision mechanics give them<br />
surprisingly smooth rotation and power.<br />
• S-Curve oscillation system<br />
• Anti-twist line roller<br />
• Anodised CNC aluminium handle<br />
• Micrometric progressive drag<br />
• Extra-large drag knob for better grip<br /><br />
DAGON<br />
The ideal reel for sea fishing from the<br />
beach and the boat. It is equipped with 5<br />
+ 1 steel shielded bearings and a complete<br />
anti-salt treatment. It mounts an extralight<br />
aluminium spool with line safety ring<br />
and worm shaft system. The handle is<br />
ultra-resistant metal and the ergonomic<br />
knob improves performance during fights.<br />
With a metal body and rotor the reliability<br />
and build quality place it at the top in its<br />
category.<br /><br />
Designed for anglers who appreciate compact<br />
and lightweight reel design, the Zenon MG-<br />
LTX is the most finesse focused of the Zenon<br />
casting family, featuring a 30mm spool that<br />
is 10 per cent lighter and a smaller diameter<br />
than MG-X and X models. Ceramalite spool<br />
bearings facilitate a more free and lower<br />
start-up inertia making it the ideal choice for<br />
accurately casting lighter baits.<br />
• EXD concept design to maximise casting<br />
performance<br />
• 8 SS HPCR Bearings + 1 Roller Bearing<br /><br />
22<br />
HARDY<br />
This top-of-the-line reel is built to exceed<br />
the expectations of competitive saltwater<br />
anglers and was designed to deliver<br />
effortless control and power under the<br />
most demanding conditions. With up<br />
to 22lb of drag in a single 360-degree<br />
rotation, you can fight big fish without<br />
missing a beat.<br />
Built around a multi-pad, carbon fibre<br />
disc drag system housed within a sealed,<br />
waterproof hub design it offers the highest<br />
level of sealing yet seen on a Hardy fly reel.<br />
In addition, the large arbor spool delivers<br />
exceptional line pick-up and the narrow<br />
spool profile ensures easy level stacking of<br />
the line during the heat of the battle.<br /><br />
OKUMA<br />
This spinning reel is guided by the concept<br />
of sheer power, thanks to its oversized<br />
HDG-II high-density oversized gearing. With<br />
its 7+1 bearings it operates smoothly while<br />
maintaining its lightweight construction.<br />
The machined aluminium screw-in handle<br />
is in direct contact with gears, reduces<br />
handle play and improves the overall feel<br />
while cranking.<br />
Features a corrosion-resistant graphite<br />
body, frictionless main shaft design and<br />
Even Flow Roller System with DLC Coating.<br />
Available in five sizes, the wide range of<br />
gear ratios and line capacities covers all the<br />
major needs for freshwater angling with the<br />
best price point in its spinning reel category.<br />
REELS<br />
DAIWA<br />
This flagship freshwater spinning reel is<br />
designed for the most serious anglers<br />
seeking the highest level of performance,<br />
weight reduction and rotation. It boasts an<br />
all-new EXIST Air Drive System with ZAION<br />
Air Drive rotor, bail, spool and shaft, making<br />
the rotor 15 per cent lighter, while ensuring<br />
lighter rotation, giving less handle-turning<br />
resistance.<br />
The reel also offers Daiwa’s Advanced<br />
Tournament (ATD) system for a maximum<br />
of 22lb of drag pressure in the 3000, 4000,<br />
and 5000 sizes while the 2000 and 2500<br />
sizes offer 11lb of drag for light, feathery drag<br />
adjustment.<br />
Interchangeable right- and left-handed<br />
versions in three different gear ratios.<br /><br />
Designed in the UK, Wychwood RS2 Fly<br />
Reels are constructed from a lightweight,<br />
tempered 6061-T6 aluminium, making<br />
them extremely robust and durable.<br />
Finished in tasteful anthracite these heavily<br />
ported reels offer a unique, hour glass frame<br />
design, with both spool and frame featuring<br />
inverted spokes adding to the reel’s<br />
overall strength without compromising<br />
overall weight. Add to this the multiple<br />
carbon washer 4kg drag and not only are<br />
they aesthetically pleasing but they offer<br />
exceptional performance in all fishing<br />
situations.<br /><br />
A JENSEN<br />
Built for battling the fish of your dreams,<br />
this powerhouse is named after the famous<br />
mathematician and scientist. Tested in both<br />
fresh- and saltwater on hard-fighting species<br />
the reel is CNC cut from high-grade 6061<br />
aircraft aluminium, which ensures the highest<br />
strength combined with low weight.<br />
The housing is a combination of highstrength<br />
woven carbon fibre and aluminium,<br />
making it lightweight, saltwater-proof and<br />
strong. The spool is ‘V’ cut, to make space for<br />
extra backing when targeting the torpedoes of<br />
the saltwater and freshwater world.<br /><br />
SG8 BC<br />
Offering power, style, performance and a<br />
wide range of unique features – the SG8<br />
series of baitcasting reels has it all. These<br />
reels are built to be strong and rigid thanks<br />
to their one-piece aluminium frames and<br />
are ideal for taming all kinds of predators<br />
including pike, bass, zander and even perch<br />
and trout. Features such as DuraGrease,<br />
Line-ID, external centrifugal brake and finely<br />
tuned gear ratios mean the reel will run<br />
smoothly time and time again.<br />
• Super savage matte camo green colours<br />
• Available in both RH and LH for 250 and<br />
300<br />
• Available with normal gear ratio and high<br />
speed<br />
• Five-year warranty<br /><br />
ORVIS<br />
The popular Hydros fly fishing reel now<br />
makes its debut as a fully caged European<br />
nymphing machine with tightened<br />
tolerances to completely eliminate lines<br />
slipping between spool and frame. The reel’s<br />
weight has been increased slightly to better<br />
balance with the 10ft and 11ft rods common<br />
in Euro circles.<br />
The reel includes an ergonomically<br />
accessible drag knob, a refined seal on the<br />
sealed drag to protect the clutch bearing<br />
in the drag mechanism and a radiused reel<br />
foot for kink-free leader protection plus fully<br />
sealed Hydros drag system with stacked<br />
carbon/stainless steel disc washers and zero<br />
startup inertia.<br /><br />
The Ultegra XTE and XSE are based on<br />
Shimano’s best selling long range casting<br />
models and are set to redefine the mid-priced<br />
long range reel market. Containing many of<br />
Shimano’s leading ‘long cast’ technologies, in<br />
sleek monochromatic bodies – black XTE or<br />
silver XSE – these reels exceed expectations<br />
and are set to become best sellers throughout<br />
Europe.<br />
Inside the lightweight, rigid, CI4+ body<br />
is a selection of Shimano’s most advanced<br />
technology. HAGANE Gear and X-SHIP<br />
combine with Infinity Drive and Silent Drive to<br />
deliver amazing smoothness and lightweight<br />
rotation.<br />
The Super Slow 5 Oscillation generates<br />
amazingly smooth line lay that is proven to<br />
reduce friction and increase casting potential.<br />
Rigid Cast reduces spool deflection at the<br />
moment of release during a cast and Parallel<br />
Body sends the line at the perfect angle<br />
towards the first guide. And as the line flows<br />
over the lip of the aluminium AR-C spool<br />
it ‘coils down’ to reduce friction. The result<br />
is casting brilliance never seen at such an<br />
affordable price.<br /><br /><br />
EFTTEX<br />
EFTTEX<br />
The European Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> Exhibition (EFTTEX) is back after four long years,<br />
where the industry could not meet in person. Indeed, it seems that everybody has accepted<br />
meeting online is the way to work. But EFTTEX <strong>2023</strong> will change all that, writes EFTTEX’s<br />
and Energofish’s Istvan Pal.<br />
It was a great feeling to visit ICAST<br />
in July, shaking hands with partners,<br />
having a beer together.<br />
Energofish is exhibiting at<br />
EFTTEX for the 22nd time at the event’s<br />
39th edition, being held in Budapest,<br />
Hungary, from June 15th to 17th. It’s a<br />
perfect location in a friendly city, which will<br />
offer the opportunity to meet and connect<br />
with clients and suppliers alike.<br />
Major changes took part in early<br />
December 2022. The European Fishing<br />
<strong>Tackle</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> Association (EFTTA) and<br />
the organisers of EFTTEX agreed on a<br />
split, which is good news for EFTTEX and<br />
potential exhibitors.<br />
Now that membership of EFTTA is<br />
not a requirement for a place at the show,<br />
European companies will have a big<br />
advantage and we can offer booths at prices<br />
that were not possible before. In some cases<br />
it could be as much as a third less than<br />
previous years.<br />
While I would thoroughly recommend<br />
all companies within the tackle trade to<br />
support the incredibly important work that<br />
EFTTA does at European Union level,<br />
it should not have been a prerequisite of<br />
attending the show.<br />
A different approach will now be in focus,<br />
placing European companies in the centre,<br />
offering a very convenient package for small<br />
manufacturers and brands.<br />
24<br />
Not only will it be free for visitors to<br />
attend but there will be a strong marketing<br />
campaign to convince them to come.<br />
Attending EFTTEX will offer visitors<br />
the chance to find new manufacturers and<br />
brands in order to increase their sales. They<br />
will be able to find new suppliers to gain a<br />
competitive advantage or simply widen their<br />
product range.<br />
We had seen during Covid times how<br />
sensitive the market is, how easy the change<br />
can happen. Staying on top of the latest<br />
trends is made easier when you see brands<br />
and products up close.<br />
Hungexpo will, for the third time be the<br />
location of EFTTEX. After a major renewal<br />
it is the perfect location, offering a brand<br />
new business lounge and a good number<br />
of meeting rooms, making it possible for<br />
everyone to enjoy all the benefits of meeting<br />
in person.<br />
I understand many companies will not<br />
take big booths in these uncertain times,<br />
indeed we feel the average stand size will<br />
likely be under 20 sq m. Offering companies<br />
the opportunity to display their products at<br />
the Best New Product Showcase without<br />
having a stand in the hall is another new<br />
initiative.<br />
The angling market is changing, so<br />
EFTTEX is changing too. Our exhibitors<br />
expect to reach beyond the hall of the trade<br />
show and not just to their customers in the<br />
industry. They want to reach consumers and<br />
excite them about new products.<br />
We plan to help them do just that. We’re<br />
offering a B2B2C marketing platform for<br />
brands launching new tackle in Europe.<br />
EFTTEX will continue to be a meeting<br />
place for the trade and, with our increased<br />
online presence, we are closing the gap<br />
between EFTTEX and consumers.<br />
You can register and find out more here:<br /><br />
EFTTEX<br />
C O N N E C T I N G S E L L E R S A N D B U Y E R S G L O B A L L Y<br />
Postbox, Inbox…<br />
or both?<br />
UNI PRODUCTS J.G. Cote Inc.<br />
1004 Principale<br />
Ste-Melanie, QC. Canada JOK 3AO<br />
Tel: 450-889-8054<br />
Toll-Free: 1-877-889-8054<br />
Fax: 450-889-5887<br />
Email:<br />
NEW FOR <strong>2023</strong><br />
TTW continues to print and mail thousands of<br />
copies across the globe every month.<br />
What you may not realise is we also publish the<br />
magazine digitally, allowing subscribers to receive<br />
the magazine at the push of a button.<br />
If you haven’t done so already, sign up to this service by<br />
visiting the website and clicking on the ‘subscribe’ tab.<br />
The printed magazine isn’t going anywhere – we can<br />
assure you of that – but to keep your finger on the pulse,<br />
sign up to our digital database today at:<br /><br />
Look to UNI for the best in spooled fly-tying materials!<br /><br />
It’s a<br />
family<br />
thing<br />
EST.<br />
1958<br />
F J Neil has been family owned and operated since the<br />
1950s… and is still going strong! Under the Dolphin brand<br />
we supply all types of terminal tackle and accessories, from<br />
traditional bamboo poles to the latest rigs and lures.<br />
• Competitive pricing<br />
• Large stock inventory – no order delays<br />
• Rapid turnaround • Export specialists<br />
• Able to source any special requirements<br />
FJ NEIL COMPANY INC, 1064 ROUTE 109, PO BOX 617, LINDENHURST, NY 11757-0617 USA<br />
We are looking for experienced agents or distributors for the European market. If qualified, email Neil Miritello at
DBW...<br />
CHinA<br />
d O i n G B u s i n E s s w i T H . . .<br />
d O i n G B u s i n E s s w i T H . . .<br />
CHINA<br />
A huge country with a vast population, despite tricky recent<br />
times China still remains the epicentre of the global fishing<br />
tackle industry.<br />
C<br />
hina is the largest of all Asian<br />
countries and has the largest<br />
population of any country in<br />
the world, about one-fifth of<br />
the world’s population. It covers<br />
approximately one-fourteenth<br />
of the land area of Earth and is<br />
surpassed in area by only Russia<br />
26<br />
and Canada, and it is almost as<br />
large as the whole of Europe.<br />
Beijing, the capital of the<br />
People’s Republic, is also<br />
the cultural, economic, and<br />
communications centre of the<br />
country, while Shanghai is the<br />
main industrial city and Hong<br />
Kong is the leading commercial<br />
centre and port.<br />
Since the late 1970s China<br />
has dramatically increased its<br />
interaction with the international<br />
economy, and it has become a<br />
dominant figure in world trade.<br />
China is the world’s largest<br />
producer of rice and is one of<br />
the world’s largest producers<br />
of a number of industrial and<br />
Beijing is the capital city of China.
ECOnOMy FOCus<br />
$17.73 trillion GDP (USD)<br />
$12,556.33 GDP per capita (USD)<br />
8.1% GDP growth rate<br />
4.2% Unemployment rate<br />
DBW...<br />
CHinA<br />
Top export partners:<br />
– usA<br />
– Hong Kong<br />
– Japan<br />
– south Korea<br />
– vietnam<br />
Top import partners:<br />
– Taiwan<br />
– south Korea<br />
– Japan<br />
– usA<br />
– Australia<br />
Weihai is a centre of the tackle industry.<br />
FACT FiLE<br />
Capital: Beijing<br />
Dialling code: +86<br />
Population: 1.412 billion<br />
President: Xi Jinping<br />
Official language: Mandarin<br />
Time zones: China Standard Time (GMT+8)<br />
Currency: Yuan<br />
Internet domain: .cn<br />
mineral products including<br />
cotton cloth, tungsten, and<br />
antimony and is an important<br />
producer of cotton yarn, coal,<br />
crude oil, and a number of<br />
other products. It has acquired<br />
many highly sophisticated<br />
production facilities through<br />
foreign investment and joint<br />
ventures with foreign partners.<br />
The technological level and<br />
quality standards of many of its<br />
industries have improved rapidly<br />
and dramatically.<br />
In September 2022 China<br />
exported $323 billion and<br />
imported $238 billion, resulting<br />
in a positive trade balance of<br />
$84.7 billion.<br />
The top exports were<br />
telephones, computers,<br />
integrated circuits, electric<br />
batteries and refined petroleum.<br />
Its top imports were integrated<br />
circuits, crude retroleum, iron<br />
ore, petroleum gas and gold.<br />
China exported mostly to<br />
the USA, Hong Kong, Japan,<br />
South Korea and Vietnam, and<br />
imported mostly from Taiwan,<br />
South Korea, Japan, USA and<br />
Australia.<br />
China today accounts for<br />
27 per cent of annual global<br />
carbon dioxide and a third of<br />
the world’s greenhouse gas<br />
emissions – with per capita<br />
emissions now surpassing<br />
those of the European Union,<br />
although slightly below the<br />
OECD (Organisation for<br />
Economic Co-operation and<br />
Development countries) average<br />
and well below the level of the<br />
United States.<br />
The Covid-19 pandemic<br />
continues to make a significant<br />
impact on the Chinese and<br />
global economy. Data from<br />
China’s National Bureau of<br />
Statistics (NBS) shows that<br />
the country’s gross domestic<br />
product (GDP) in the first<br />
quarter fell by 6.8 per cent year<br />
on year, its first contraction<br />
since 1992. Although many<br />
industries in China have<br />
fallen into downturns during<br />
the COVID-19 pandemic,<br />
production lines of the<br />
healthcare industry keep<br />
operating at their full capacity.<br />
The Ministry of Commerce<br />
said in early April that China<br />
will next promote the building<br />
of overseas warehouses, and<br />
encourage enterprises to improve<br />
supporting services. The country<br />
will back domestic cross-border<br />
e-commerce platforms in going<br />
global and support various<br />
foreign trade companies and<br />
manufacturing enterprises in<br />
cooperating with international<br />
e-commerce platforms to<br />
achieve common development.<br /><br />
DBW...<br />
CHinA<br />
H O w d O T H E y F i s H ?<br />
Although China has been a bit of a latecomer<br />
to the global passion for recreational fishing<br />
it is a rising pastime in the country, especially<br />
among the younger generation. In fact,<br />
angling generated equipment sales of over<br />
98.5 billion yuan (US$15.2 billion) in 2019,<br />
double from five years earlier.<br />
According to a 2020 report issued by China<br />
Business Network’s data consultancy affiliate<br />
CBNData, the ranks of recreational anglers<br />
are people born between the mid-1990s and<br />
the early 2010s. They are both blue-collar<br />
and white-collar workers, and most of them<br />
hail from the cities of Chongqing, Shanghai,<br />
Guangzhou, Suzhou and Chengdu.<br />
A fishing industry survey conducted in<br />
2017 found that 46 per cent of Chinese<br />
anglers are between 25 and 44 years old, and<br />
22 per cent are even younger.<br />
For a very long time in China, fishing<br />
carried the reputation of being a low-key,<br />
modest, and somewhat unfashionable<br />
recreational activity. Seemingly once a popular<br />
hobby for people of retirement age and status<br />
only, recently, it has become trendy among<br />
China’s Gen Z and millennial demographics<br />
in an astonishing culture shift.<br />
Apart from becoming a new social trend<br />
on ecommerce sites, fishing has also been<br />
trending all over Chinese social media.<br />
The rise of fishing influencers, who share<br />
fishing videos online, has also significantly<br />
contributed to this.<br />
Deng Gang, the best-known fishing<br />
influencer in China, attracted more than 10<br />
million followers on Douyin (the Chinese<br />
version of TikTok) in just one month and<br />
has now reached around 25 million fans on<br />
the platform. His success can be credited to<br />
his videos, in which he catches an enormous<br />
amount of fish in a short period.<br />
Purchasing fishing gear can cost anywhere<br />
from a couple of hundred yuan to a couple of<br />
thousand, so fishing attracts a relatively welloff<br />
demographic who tend to have both free<br />
time and disposable income.<br />
In China, recreational fishing is an activity<br />
with high socioeconomic importance,<br />
involving 0.80 million employees and<br />
generating 90.23 billion RMB (13.63 billion<br />
US$) in 2018. It can involve a variety of<br />
gear types and takes place both natural and<br />
‘aquaculture’ waters.<br />
In general, the fish caught are eaten by the<br />
fishermen against payment of a fee, especially<br />
in dedicated ponds and marine enclosures.<br />
The Chinese Government identified<br />
recreational fishing as one of the five major<br />
industries among its modern fisheries in 2011.<br />
The style of angling known as Taiwan<br />
fishing, introduced to the mainland from<br />
Taiwan in the 1980s, is the main norm for<br />
freshwater fishing competitions in mainland<br />
China.<br />
It is generally undertaken in large pools<br />
similar to a swimming pool but it can also<br />
be undertaken on natural waters. Crucian<br />
carp or grass carp are the species targeted in<br />
competitions, generally with 90 minutes per<br />
competition, and anglers can fish up to three<br />
to four contests in a day. Many of the Taiwan<br />
style fishing competitions are very prestigious<br />
events and feature on television.<br />
Recreational fisheries have become the<br />
fastest growing fishery industry in China.<br />
It is an important direction for promoting<br />
supply-side structural fisheries reforms,<br />
and the Chinese Government has actively<br />
encouraged recreational fisheries’ development<br />
and places strong emphasis on its healthy and<br />
standardised development.<br />
T A C K L E i n d u s T r y<br />
Pre-Covid there were many<br />
fishing tackle exhibitions in<br />
China, including China Fish in<br />
Beijing, Shanghai International<br />
Lure Fishing Show, China<br />
International Fisheries Expo<br />
in Fuzhou, Weihai Fishing<br />
Gear Manufacturing Center<br />
Expo and China Fishing Gear<br />
Manufacturing Center Expo.<br />
Hopefully we will start to see<br />
these open again as Covid<br />
restrictions are lifted.<br />
China is a stronghold of the<br />
global tackle manufacturing<br />
industry, including<br />
manufacturers, wholesalers<br />
and suppliers for OEM.<br />
There cannot be many tackle<br />
brands around the world that<br />
don’t have something in their<br />
portfolio that bears the legend<br />
Made In China.<br />
The tackle industry is mainly<br />
based in different provinces<br />
such as Zhejiang, Guangdong,<br />
Jiangsu and Shandong. The<br />
main industrial bases of China’s<br />
fishing tackle are in Weihai<br />
City, Shandong Province<br />
(fishing rods, fishing reels),<br />
Guangdong Province (fishing<br />
rods, fishing reels, fishing baits),<br />
Gu’an, Hebei Province, and<br />
Xian County (low-end fishing<br />
rods, small accessories), Henan<br />
DBW...<br />
CHINA<br />
Xiping (fishing nets), Linxiang<br />
City, Hunan Province (buoys),<br />
Zhejiang Jinhua (fishing lines,<br />
integrated wholesale), Hubei<br />
(fishing lures), Sichuan (fishing<br />
lures, accessories) and Hunan<br />
(fishing hooks). The Chinese<br />
have a history of fishing going<br />
back thousands of years, but the<br />
modern fishing tackle industry<br />
was transferred from Japan,<br />
Taiwan, Korea and other places<br />
after 1980.<br />
Starting from Weihai,<br />
perceived as the global epicentre<br />
of fishing tackle production –<br />
since 2008 it has been thought<br />
to produce 80 per cent of<br />
fishing tackle products in the<br />
world – there are two types of<br />
fishing tackle factories in China:<br />
domestic sales and export.<br />
The production of fishing<br />
tackle exported abroad, or the<br />
production of fishing tackle sold<br />
in China, are two completely<br />
different production lines, with<br />
completely different factories,<br />
and the products basically have<br />
no similarities. So much so that<br />
fishing tackle manufactured for<br />
export cannot be used in China,<br />
because the fish, waters and<br />
fishing methods are so different.<br />
i n d u s t r y v i e w s<br />
Zuo Xianjin, Chairman, Chengdu Fisherman Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> Co., Ltd.<br />
Established 2002.<br />
TTW: What are the main<br />
products and business of<br />
your company (fishing tackle<br />
industry)?<br />
ZX: The company owns<br />
three major brand series of<br />
“Fisherman” fishing line and<br />
hooks, “Jinlong” fishing bait,<br />
“Feisunman” fishing line, hooks,<br />
rods, reels, floats, tool boxes, etc.<br />
The products are diversified.<br />
The company’s marketing centre<br />
has established a pre-sale,<br />
in-sale, and after-sales service<br />
system in the form of special<br />
supply monopoly, channel<br />
agency, conference sales and<br />
network. The products cover<br />
36 provinces and cities across<br />
the country. At present, it has<br />
more than 4,000 customers<br />
nationwide.<br />
TTW: In the current period<br />
of normalisation of epidemic<br />
prevention and control, what<br />
has been the impact on your<br />
products and global affairs?<br />
ZX: After the optimisation<br />
of epidemic prevention and<br />
control, the speed of logistics<br />
transportation has been<br />
improved, the waiting time<br />
of products in circulation has<br />
been reduced, logistics costs<br />
have been reduced, capital<br />
turnover has been improved,<br />
and product economic benefits<br />
have been increased. The<br />
current precise prevention<br />
and control measures can more<br />
effectively promote economic<br />
and social development on the<br />
basis of safety, ensuring both<br />
people’s livelihood and economic<br />
development.<br />
TTW: What are your hopes<br />
for this industry or what<br />
are your expectations for the<br />
future?<br />
ZX: Fisherman Co., Ltd.<br />
is a fishing gear enterprise<br />
integrating R&D, production<br />
and sales. The company is<br />
committed to the development<br />
and innovation of fishing gear,<br />
focusing on brand strategy and<br />
construction, and the promotion<br />
of fishing sports. Over the<br />
years, the company has created<br />
two major brands, “Fisherman”<br />
and “Golden Dragon”. The<br />
rich fishing experience and<br />
excellent production and R&D<br />
technology have provided<br />
consumers with various<br />
high-quality products, which<br />
have won unanimous praise<br />
from consumers and are well<br />
received by fishing enthusiasts.<br />
Due to the high recognition<br />
of our company’s products by<br />
consumers and the increasing<br />
brand awareness, the company<br />
has already become an<br />
influential and well-known<br />
enterprise in China and has<br />
achieved remarkable results.<br />
It also provides a broad<br />
development platform and<br />
profit margins.<br />
With the development<br />
of the market economy and<br />
society, the introduction of<br />
various favourable policies<br />
of the country and the strong<br />
support of our customers,<br />
we have more confidence to<br />
operate the market. We are full<br />
of confidence in the company’s<br />
future work. We firmly believe<br />
that with the leap of fishermen<br />
development, the company,<br />
customers and consumers will<br />
achieve a win-win situation.<br />
Zhu Jiayu, Business Manager, Dongyang Yile Fishing <strong>Tackle</strong> Co., Ltd.<br />
Established 2013.<br />
TTW: What are the main<br />
products and business of<br />
your company (fishing tackle<br />
industry)?<br />
ZJ: Fishing line domestic<br />
sales and export.<br />
TTW: In the current period<br />
of normalisation of epidemic<br />
prevention and control, what<br />
has been the impact on your<br />
products and global affairs?<br />
ZJ: The number of export<br />
orders has decreased.<br />
TTW: What are your hopes<br />
for this industry or what<br />
are your expectations for the<br />
future?<br />
ZJ: Hopefully with the<br />
opening up of China, normal<br />
business dealings can resume.<br /><br />
Relix<br />
Nusantara<br />
has all styles<br />
covered<br />
Back in 2015, PT Central<br />
Sarana Pancing launched<br />
its Relix Nusantara brand,<br />
especially developed for its<br />
own Indonesian market. But the<br />
collection is perfect for many<br />
other territories too…<br />
Relix<br />
With 30 years of<br />
manufacturing experience,<br />
not to mention countless<br />
years spent working with<br />
local anglers on product development,<br />
it is no surprise that Central Sarana<br />
Pancing is a leading Indonesian tackle<br />
producer.<br />
Indeed, it covers a wide range of tackle<br />
requirements, most notably fishing lines<br />
– braids, nylon and leaders – fishing rods<br />
and, of course, accessories including a<br />
strong line-up of lures.<br />
Indonesia is an archipelago and tropical<br />
country, offering both fresh and saltwater<br />
fishing while its fishing season is all year<br />
round.<br />
As a result, the development of Relix<br />
Nusantara products covering a wide<br />
spectrum of fishing styles, from popping,<br />
jigging and bottom fishing to spinning<br />
and casting, pond and lake fishing and<br />
even micro styles.<br />
While the Relix Nusantara brand has<br />
been very successful in Indonesia, it has<br />
now begun to find popularity around the<br />
world.<br />
With the rise in social media, most<br />
notably YouTube and Facebook, it<br />
has never been easier to access ‘local<br />
information’ on a global scale. As more<br />
and more people were introduced to the<br />
brand, overseas demand began to grow.<br />
One of the legendary rods developed in<br />
the early days was an ultralight rod under<br />
the name Cangkek.<br />
Back then, only a few ultralight rods<br />
were available in the Indonesian market<br />
but the Cangkek has made it possible<br />
for many Indonesian anglers to enjoy<br />
ultralight fishing styles.<br />
Today, Relix Nusantara has a wide<br />
range of rods and tackle to offer markets<br />
around the world, from the most<br />
ultralight fishing mentioned earlier to<br />
heavy game fishing such as popping and<br />
jigging.<br />
Now, as we move into <strong>2023</strong>, Relix<br />
Nusantara is adding another string to its<br />
tackle bow, in the shape of fishing reels.<br />
Although these are currently still<br />
at development stage, the addition of<br />
reels is just another reason why Relix<br />
continues to be taken seriously as a key<br />
manufacturer in the fishing tackle market<br />
across the globe.<br />
Indeed, Relix Nusantara is now seen<br />
as one of the major players competing<br />
both with local brands in the Indonesian<br />
market, not to mention on the<br />
international stage.<br />
Another reason for the success of<br />
Relix Nusantara – alongside its strong<br />
product development – is the fact that<br />
is developed a great reputation for fast<br />
customer service response and spare parts<br />
availability.<br />
Soon Relix Nusantara will set another<br />
new standard in the fishing industry with<br />
its new reel.<br />
Meanwhile, the brand has also unveiled<br />
a new Penta series for its Capung rod<br />
range. These cover a wide range of<br />
disciplines including spinning and<br />
baitcasting.<br />
For English enquiries contact Whatsapp:<br />
+62877 8002 8925<br /><br /><br />
YOUTUBE CHANNEL:<br /><br /><br />
While the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing <strong>Trade</strong> Show (ICAST) held<br />
each July is the highlight event for the American Sportfishing Association (ASA), the<br />
recreational fishing industry’s body continues to dedicate substantial efforts to its annual<br />
Sportfishing Summit.<br />
By John Mazurkiewicz<br />
At one time more of a<br />
social event for tackle<br />
manufacturer owners and<br />
senior management, the ASA<br />
Summit today is all about business and<br />
industry issues.<br />
It brings together nearly every segment<br />
of the sportfishing industry. Attendees<br />
now include company CEOs joined by<br />
their sales, marketing and conservation/<br />
advocacy executives, manufacturer sales<br />
representatives, retailers and distributors,<br />
fishing and outdoor media companies,<br />
staff from various US state and federal<br />
fisheries agencies, plus a lengthy list of<br />
conservation and allied organisations that<br />
32<br />
focus on various aspects of the fishing<br />
industry.<br />
While ICAST is where the fishing<br />
world gathers to see and talk about new<br />
products, the ASA Summit is where the<br />
leaders, movers and shakers of the US<br />
recreational fishing business gather to<br />
work together all for the same cause –<br />
ASA efforts that impact them all to grow<br />
the sport along with addressing critical<br />
issues impacting recreational fishing.<br />
“At our 2022 Summit, we gathered the<br />
business side of our sport to provide a<br />
forum where our members were informed<br />
about the fishing industry workplace<br />
of the future, projections about the US<br />
economy and its impact on our trade,<br />
what ASA’s Government Affairs team is<br />
doing to address fisheries policy issues,<br />
and developing strategies for next year<br />
and beyond,” said ASA president Glenn<br />
Hughes.<br />
“Along with conducting the business<br />
affairs of our association’s operations, the<br />
Summit includes important committee<br />
meetings focusing on our ICAST<br />
show, government affairs, membership,<br />
marketing and communications, our efforts<br />
with industry data and statistics, and<br />
dealing with trade and commerce issues.
ASA<br />
Summit reception<br />
“Those committee members play an<br />
important role by being ASA’s voice to<br />
their various customer bases, where they<br />
can reach millions about fisheries issues<br />
that affect them and what ASA is doing<br />
to positively have a role in the decision<br />
process.”<br />
Hughes notes the 2022 event was<br />
attended by more the 200 sportfishing<br />
industry leaders presenting 115 different<br />
companies.<br />
“The Summit provides no better place where<br />
our government officials can talk with<br />
sportfishing industry leaders.”<br />
And, as had happened in the past where<br />
US senators and congressmen, Cabinet<br />
secretaries and federal agency chief<br />
administrators have been in attendance,<br />
both US Congressman Garrett Graves<br />
from Louisiana and Janet Coit, assistant<br />
administrator for the National Marine<br />
Fisheries Services, visited with Summit<br />
attendees<br />
“The Summit provides no better place<br />
where our government officials can talk<br />
with sportfishing industry leaders to help<br />
them better understand their journey<br />
being involved in the fishing industry<br />
both personally and for their respective<br />
businesses,” said Hughes.<br />
Attending his first ASA Sportfishing<br />
Summit, American <strong>Tackle</strong> Company’s<br />
marketing manager Kevin Landers came<br />
back to his office more than pleased with<br />
the experience and noted the interaction<br />
he had with other attendees will benefit<br />
him both in his role with American<br />
<strong>Tackle</strong> but also in his own career growth.<br />
“At American <strong>Tackle</strong>, our senior<br />
management has a solid history of<br />
supporting the efforts of ASA, and<br />
attending the Summit allowed me to me<br />
to do my part,” he said.<br />
“From being welcomed by the ASA<br />
stuff as a newcomer to the event, to the<br />
well-planned and educational seminars,<br />
to having open conversations with highlevel<br />
thinkers from our industry at the<br />
various breakfasts and lunches, it was<br />
time well-spent. I can’t see myself missing<br />
an ASA Summit in the future.”<br />
Landers noted that, while ICAST<br />
has an all-business and competitiveness<br />
to it, the Summit<br />
allows many of those<br />
same competitors to<br />
have free-flowing<br />
discussion about<br />
issues and ideas that<br />
will benefit the whole<br />
of the sportfishing<br />
industry.<br />
Daiwa’s regional<br />
sales manager Greg<br />
Johnson has attended<br />
the past three inperson<br />
ASA Summits<br />
(like the ICAST<br />
Show in 2020, the<br />
ASA Summit also<br />
pivoted to an online<br />
Phil Lillo, ASA Board Chair<br />
event), always with a personal goal to<br />
introduce himself to a new contact in<br />
the business and learn something about<br />
them and their journey through the<br />
sportfishing industry.<br />
“Professionally, the Summit offers me<br />
the opportunity to engage in and learn<br />
about real life industry topics,” Johnson<br />
said, “especially those movements that<br />
directly affect the business of some of our<br />
most important customers, which for me<br />
are our independent tackle dealers in my<br />
East Coast and Midwest territories.”<br />
Educating and engaging himself in the<br />
humanistic things that can both threaten<br />
and improve the recreational fishing<br />
industry is his key benefit from attending<br />
the Summit, notes Johnson.<br />
“It provides an additional layer and<br />
sense of pride in our daily life in being<br />
a liaison to my network of industry<br />
contacts, friends, family and fellow<br />
recreational anglers in telling them about<br />
the positive efforts ASA makes in fishery<br />
management and clean water legislation,<br />
programs to grow the sport, and the<br />
outstanding job they do with the ICAST<br />
show.”<br /><br />
Conservation Sesssion Panel – Casey Shedd, Diane Bristol,<br />
Stephanie Vatalaro, Martin Peters and Glenn Hughes.<br />
SUMMIT <strong>2023</strong><br />
While the 200-plus attendees at the<br />
2022 Summit surpassed 2021 figures,<br />
the ASA staff is hoping to see pre-Covid<br />
attendance numbers exceeding 250.<br />
“We will continue our goal to enhance<br />
the educational, information gathering<br />
and networking opportunities to the<br />
Summit,” said ASA member relations<br />
manager Robert Russel.<br />
“With the Hilton Sandestin Resort<br />
in the Florida Panhandle being the<br />
Summit destination next October 3rd to<br />
6th, we want all ASA member to know<br />
they can contribute to the success of<br />
the sportfishing industry by attending,<br />
and also can look forward to some great<br />
fishing opportunities in the area.”<br />
Russel notes the 2022 Summit was<br />
successful thanks to the generous<br />
support from the US Forest Service,<br />
the Recreational Boating & Fishing<br />
Foundation, the Association of Fish &<br />
Wildlife Agencies, the Bass Fishing Hall<br />
of Fame Board, Engel Coolers, Fin-Nor<br />
and Freeman Companies.<br />
For information the <strong>2023</strong> ASA<br />
Sportfishing Summit, reach out to Russel<br />
at<br />
The highlight ‘general session’ at the<br />
2022 ASA Sportfishing Summit was an<br />
armchair discussion with industry leaders<br />
where they shared how their conservation<br />
efforts can impact fishing’s future and<br />
increase participation but can also have a<br />
positive effect on their company’s bottom<br />
line.<br />
With the theme of ‘Future Forward<br />
– Making a Difference’ the session<br />
34<br />
included Casey Shedd, president<br />
at AFTCO, Simms’ VP Culture<br />
& Community Diane Bristol,<br />
Stephanie Vatalaro with the<br />
Recreational Boating & Fishing<br />
Foundation, and Martin Peters,<br />
division manager for External<br />
Affairs for Yamaha’s US Marine<br />
Business Unit.<br />
At the summit’s final evening banquet,<br />
ASA president Glenn Hughes noted that<br />
the 2022 event featured more past ASA<br />
Board chairs than any previous one.<br />
These included ASA president Glenn<br />
Hughes; Chip Powell, president of Mason<br />
<strong>Tackle</strong>; Peter Foley, president, Boone<br />
Bait Company; Dave Pfeiffer, president,<br />
Shimano North American Fishing; Chris<br />
Megan, publisher, On The Water Media;<br />
Jesse Simpkins, vice president/marketing,<br />
St Croix Rod; Dave Bulthuis, president,<br />
Pure Fishing; Kirk Immens, consultant,<br />
Sportco Marketing and Mike Leonard,<br />
ASA VP Government Affairs.<br />
In announcing that “there is no better<br />
person to receive this recognition than<br />
Bill Shedd (AFTCO’s chairman and<br />
CEO)”, ASA president Glenn Hughes<br />
presented the inaugural Gary J. Zurn<br />
Conservation Award to Shedd at the<br />
summit’s final evening reception.<br />
Zurn passed away unexpectedly in<br />
August 2021. He was with Big Rock<br />
Sports for nearly 30 years and gave<br />
countless hours to the ASA Government<br />
Affairs efforts for both freshwater and<br />
saltwater fishing.<br />
Mike Leonard and Glenn Hughes present the<br />
Gary J. Zurn Conservation Award to Bill Shedd.<br />
Serving the business interests of an industry<br />
for 90 years in a world that has changed so<br />
much is quite an accomplishment.<br />
The ASA staff kicked off its year-long<br />
celebration as the trusted voice of the US’<br />
recreational fishing community.<br />
According to ASA president Glenn<br />
Hughes, throughout <strong>2023</strong> the staff will<br />
highlight ASA accomplishments in fisheries<br />
conservation and access issues, working<br />
with government officials and policy leaders,<br />
producing the ICAST show and hosting<br />
the summit, doing market research, and<br />
providing benefits including healthcare,<br />
insurance, and other business needs to its<br />
members.<br />
Hughes said the revamped asafishing.<br />
org that recently went live will include<br />
information on ASA efforts over the past 90<br />
years.<br />
ASA<br />
Welcome to the world of<br />
&<br />
This is where passion, clever design and<br />
practical knowledge results in award<br />
winning quality fly fishing gear, and<br />
now also spin fishing gear, for the most<br />
dedicated, demanding and price/margin<br />
oriented customers.<br />
Following a year where we expanded<br />
into spin fishing with a very positive<br />
response and growth we’re now seeking<br />
new partners globally (distributors,sales<br />
agents and/or retailers), but especially<br />
in Australia, New Zealand, Germany,<br />
UK, Ireland, France, Italy, Canada, USA,<br />
Poland, Austria, Norway, Finland, Iceland<br />
and Spain.<br />
Interested? Contact: A.Jensen Fly Fishing - Denmark<br /> Tel: 45 48264547
MAKING<br />
Making Contact<br />
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Want your products to<br />
be seen by thousands of<br />
potential buyers… FREE<br />
of charge? Then get in<br />
touch, we’d love to hear<br />
from you.<br />
3<br />
1 DAIWA<br />
TANACOM 1200 REEL<br />
3 A JENSEN<br />
+44 7990 542958<br /><br />
DAVID HAYNES<br /><br />
Contact John or David directly<br />
for details of how to send your<br />
product and a short description to<br />
<strong>Tackle</strong> <strong>Trade</strong> World’s office.<br />
This versatile power-assist reel is<br />
easier to operate and offers more<br />
power and more speed than its<br />
predecessors, vastly improving<br />
the angling experience while kite<br />
fishing, deep-dropping or bottomfishing<br />
for halibut, snowy grouper,<br />
tilefish and other beasts of the<br />
deep.<br />
Holding 1,100 yards of 80lb<br />
Daiwa J-Braid – 220 yards more<br />
than the Tanacom 1000, it also<br />
has a 30 per cent faster retrieval<br />
rate and 20 per cent more power.<br />
Maximum drag pressure has<br />
improved, too.<br />
Saltwater-sealed, the main<br />
feature though is new motor<br />
placement and gearing system.,<br />
hidden inside the spool itself for<br />
greater performance.<br />
This six-piece kit features 6in,<br />
7½ in, and 9½in fillet blades, a<br />
thermoplastic rubber handle, a<br />
moulded sheath and a soft storage<br />
case. The knife handle is larger<br />
in diameter than previous Swift<br />
Edge counterparts. The handle<br />
also houses a lanyard/carabiner<br />
mount on the rear. This design<br />
and material are more useful in<br />
wet and slippery environments<br />
as it provides a better gripping<br />
surface. On top of the sheath is<br />
an integrated sharpening rod for<br />
easy use and quick honing. An<br />
integrated belt sheath makes it<br />
easy to carry safely.<br /><br />
Built to meet and exceed the<br />
standards and needs of the<br />
modern fisherman, in salt or<br />
freshwater, these rods benefit<br />
from specialist input from around<br />
the globe.<br />
They are built on the base of its<br />
former top model, Spook Stalker,<br />
but with upgrades throughout<br />
including the best fittings and raw<br />
material on the market. The blank<br />
is made of mega high density,<br />
unidirectional 45 + 50 ton IM8<br />
nano carbon with SBD (Slim Blank<br />
Design) technology.<br />
New models for <strong>2023</strong> include an<br />
8ft 6in 4-wt, 8ft 5-, 6-wt and 7-wts<br />
plus a 9ft 9-wt.<br /><br /><br />
JOIN THE<br />
TODAY!<br />
Fishing and tackle brands from all over the world have been a part of the Wave Army for<br />
years. The Wave Army are brands that utilize the Award-Winning MicroWave Line Control<br />
System. Rod designers and brands have been choosing the MicroWave Line Control System<br />
for its distance, control, and durability. Be a part of this ever-growing group of brands who<br />
have made the choice to join the Wave Army!<br />
The “Wave Army” is comprised of users and enthusiasts of the MicroWave Line Control System, the world’s only award-winning guide system.<br />
MAKING<br />
5<br />
4<br />
7<br />
6<br />
4 WESTIN<br />
W3 LEG BAG<br />
7 WYCHWOOD<br />
Ideal for bank fishing and street<br />
fishing, thanks to the strap<br />
attachment around the waist and<br />
leg the W3 Leg Bag gives more<br />
movement and reduces pressure<br />
on your shoulders compared to a<br />
regular backpack.<br />
Made of 660D/210D diamond<br />
pattern polyester, it swallows<br />
all you need and features three<br />
pockets, one lure box, a Velcro<br />
tool strap and a clip to attach your<br />
accessories. The padded back<br />
means it is comfortable to carry<br />
all day long.<br /><br />
This industry-first saltwaterspecific<br />
profile has been designed<br />
with the popular Ned rig finesse<br />
technique in mind.<br />
Made of 10x Tough ElaZtech for<br />
extreme durability, it features a<br />
lifelike shrimp profile with thin legs<br />
and antennae that quiver with the<br />
slightest movement.<br />
The naturally buoyant material<br />
allows for a slow sink rate and<br />
causes the bait to rise off the<br />
bottom for realistic presentation.<br />
The Shrimpz pair perfectly with<br />
Finesse BulletZ, ShroomZ, NedlockZ<br />
and Texas Eye jigheads.<br /><br />
Ideal for fishing the float, bomb or<br />
light feeder, these reels are super<br />
lightweight and come in three<br />
sizes – 2000, 2500 and 300.<br />
The smaller sizes are great<br />
for float work while the 300 can<br />
handle bombs and feeders or any<br />
length rod for tackling commercial<br />
fisheries.<br />
Each has an ultra-high gear<br />
ratio of 7.2:0, meaning a 30 per<br />
cent faster retrieve compared with<br />
standard reels of this size.<br /><br />
This mini modular system from<br />
Wychwood is just the job to keep<br />
you organised and prepared for<br />
your next trip.<br />
The Mini Packsmart consists<br />
of three compartments that<br />
zip and clip together to form a<br />
single transportable unit. The<br />
main compartment boasts carry<br />
handles on the top and side<br />
plus zips for a the two smaller<br />
compartments.<br />
Carry as one or split on arrival<br />
so everything is to hand and well<br />
organised.<br /><br />
STOPPIONI s.n.c. Firenze Italy<br />
Tel.+39 0558739615 -Fax +39 0558739648<br />
Art.135<br />
Art.137<br />
Art.596<br />
Mis. 0 1 2 2,5 3<br />
Art.722<br />
Mis. 0 1 2<br />
Bait bands for triple or double hook baiting of pellets and boilies. For<br />
double hook baiting cut the third ring.<br />
Mis. 1 2<br />
Art.697<br />
Tool to open the elastic band allowing an easy insertion of pellets and<br />
other baits. Wide opening. Supplied with 24 bait elastic rings size 2-2,5-<br />
3 suitable for baits from 3 to 18 mm.<br />
Ø int 6 mm<br />
Ø int 4 mm<br /><br />
The world’s best-known saltwater anglers trust in PACBAY’s fishing tackle components and accessories for their<br />
reliable and faultless performance. With a view to preserving its valued reputation, PACBAY has maintained a strict<br />
program of quality control in the making of each and every product with the PACBAY name carved on it.<br />
In the same spirit as always, PACBAY has now launched its brand-new Charonosaurus roller guides.<br />
- Aluminum openwork construction reduces weight but doesn’t reduce strength - Deeply embedded roller design restricts line from cramming between<br />
roller and frame - Inbuilt Teflon tube bearing to diminish friction and heat - Tube bearing treated with TEFLON for performance and constant lubrication<br />
- Perfectly shaped guide feet to fit blanks with tip size - The structure of the arch-bridge design reduces weight as well as reducing the restrain between<br />
blank and guide - Structure designed to accommodate knots and connection of wind-on leader – line never gets stuck<br />
- PACBAY roller tip-tops (model # ERT,EMRT,EJRT) are an excellent match for these guides - All products patented.<br />
Build Great Fishing Rods<br /><br />
St Croix<br />
Three all-new swimbait rods with an ergonomic angler interface to provide a better bassfishing<br />
experience have grown St Croix Rods’ top-performing technique-specific series to<br />
27 models.<br />
Building on its expanding and<br />
proprietary expertise with<br />
hybrid blank development,<br />
St Croix’s latest expression of<br />
angler-centric design becomes reality<br />
with the Legend Tournament Bass<br />
rods, said to be lighter, stronger and<br />
poised to boost the fishing experience<br />
with improved balance, performance<br />
and capability in any technique or<br />
presentation.<br />
Unveiled earlier this year at the<br />
2022 Bassmaster Classic, 24 Legend<br />
Tournament Bass casting and spinning<br />
rods became available to anglers.<br />
Then, at ICAST 2022, a trio of<br />
swimbait models featuring St Croix’s<br />
proprietary GRASP reel seat were<br />
revealed, firmly establishing a new<br />
standard in heavy bass lure rod design<br />
and performance.<br />
Designed to excel in the presentation<br />
of swimbaits and Alabama rigs, these<br />
three rods bring the newly reimagined<br />
series to a total of 27 distinct techniquespecific<br />
high-performance models.<br />
These rods feature next-generation<br />
hybrid SCIV+ carbon fibre blanks. Select<br />
reaction bait models will feature the latest<br />
iACT Glass hybrid blanks. In addition to<br />
their unique combinations of proprietary<br />
40<br />
materials, the rods will also incorporate<br />
all of St Croix’s top technologies and<br />
premium components.<br />
Despite all the improvements, some<br />
things will stay the same… they remain<br />
handcrafted in Park Falls, Wisconsin,<br />
USA with a 15-year transferrable<br />
warranty backed by St Croix Superstar<br />
Service. They also retain their iconic<br />
Tournament Blue Pearl colour.<br />
St Croix brand manager Ryan Teach<br />
explained: “Recent launches of Croix<br />
Custom Ice, Legend Xtreme, Victory,<br />
Panfish and other series have proven<br />
the performance advantages that can be<br />
attained using hybrid blank designs.<br />
“We’re building rods for anglers today<br />
that are markedly lighter, stronger and<br />
better balanced than previous models and<br />
these hybrid designs are also allowing<br />
us to dial in specific models within each<br />
series to possess the unique performance<br />
characteristics that allow them to excel in<br />
their intended applications.<br />
“In other words, rods within the<br />
same series may look the same, but each<br />
individual blank contains a different and<br />
distinct combination of materials.<br />
“In the case of these<br />
Legend Tournament Bass rods, those<br />
materials are high modulus SCIV carbon,<br />
super-high modulus SCVI exotic carbon,<br />
and in the case of some of the reactionbait<br />
models, linear S-Glass. The specific<br />
and proprietary percentages, locations,<br />
and combinations are based on exhaustive<br />
research and testing for each length,<br />
power and action.”<br />
He revealed that the exercise of<br />
designing, testing and building the latest<br />
Victory Series opened the door to widerranging<br />
opportunities.<br />
“After we saw what could be<br />
accomplished with the hybrid SCIII+<br />
material in the Victory Series, we knew<br />
SCIV+ would be next, and the anglerfavourite<br />
Legend Tournament Bass<br />
Series was the logical place to deliver the<br />
exciting advantages of this material to<br />
anglers.”<br />
ST CROIX<br />
Registration is now open<br />
July 11-14 | Orlando, FL<br />
Orange County Convention Center<br />
Daiwa<br />
Daiwa’s Tatula name continues to make waves, this time around with a proven combination<br />
of baitcasting reel and the right rod for the job of bass fishing.<br />
Combining quality and<br />
affordability for bass fishing<br />
enthusiasts, Daiwa’s Tatula<br />
TWS reel and rod combos are<br />
a welcome addition to the brand’s bassfocused<br />
tackle.<br />
The baitcasting reels are matched with<br />
the right action and length rod, to cover<br />
all your bass fishing needs.<br />
The line up includes high-speed 7.3:1<br />
gear ratio Tatula 100CT reels in either<br />
right- or left-hand retrieves mounted on<br />
either a 7ft or 7ft 3in Daiwa-designed<br />
graphite rods, with four in all.<br />
Daiwa’s Marc Mills explained: “These<br />
Tatula TWS combos make it easy for<br />
more experienced bass anglers to use<br />
quality tackle when fishing a weeknight<br />
derby and are also perfect in both<br />
performance and price for those taking a<br />
serious interest in high school and college<br />
bass fishing circuits.<br />
“From our interaction with bass<br />
anglers at these levels, product quality<br />
tops the cost in the tackle they want,<br />
but we understand there are limits. The<br />
new Tatula TWS combos meet all those<br />
needs.”<br />
Daiwa’s Tatula baitcasting reels have<br />
the requisite features for every bass<br />
technique, including the T-Wing System<br />
(TWS) for long casts and to reduce<br />
backlashes.<br />
The 100CT with its high-speed gear<br />
ratio matched with a 7ft medium action<br />
rod is ideal for jig and worm rigs, smaller/<br />
medium crankbaits and topwater action.<br />
When combined with the 7ft 3in<br />
medium-heavy rod, the 100CT is<br />
ideal for all-around bass fishing action,<br />
including fishing heavy cover and casting<br />
bigger spinnerbaits and small swimbaits.<br />
Both rods offer all-day fishing comfort<br />
from their EVA split grip handle.<br />
These new combos join Daiwa’s everexpanding<br />
Tatula series of bass fishingfocused<br />
rods and reels.<br />
Marc added: “As we say when<br />
talking about any gear that carries that<br />
product name, with the Tatula TWS<br />
combos we’ve got your bass covered.<br />
“The Tatula TWS combos make it easy<br />
to be on the water with rods and reels you<br />
can have confidence in.”<br />
DAIWA<br /><br />
WORLD<br />
CLASS<br />
TACKLE<br />
Atomic tackle is a 100% Australian<br />
owned tackle company making rods,<br />
lures and line for a wide variety of<br />
fish species all over the world. With a<br />
guaranteed swimming action, and a<br />
huge choice, you can rely on Atomic<br />
when you absolutely have to catch fish.<br />
<strong>2023</strong> FISH TALES CUP<br />
Start registration, welcome to sponsor us<br />
Dates: 18-22 August <strong>2023</strong><br />
Location: Yunbing, Pahang, Malaysia<br />
VENUE:Kuala Rompin,Pahang,Malaysia<br />
Analysis of Chinese fishing tackle and fishing<br />
methods<br />
I also have a long history of fishing in Taiwan. By chance,<br />
I met a friend who was fishing with a thin extension rod by<br />
the side of the Taiwan fishing pond. Out of curiosity, I realized<br />
for the first time that this is a parallel rod. Looking at it I also<br />
started a journey of exploration and continuation with the<br />
wonderful arc of the fish and the happy expression of the fishing<br />
friends, and thus entered the black la fishing method, which is<br />
currently a small and mysterious black la circle in China.<br />
Heila is the transliteration of Japanese crucian carp. The<br />
so-called Heila fishing method is aimed at various methods<br />
of fishing Japanese high-backed white crucian carp. It is very<br />
popular in Japan and South Korea, because Japanese highbacked<br />
white crucian carp has the habit of foraging in various<br />
water layers (domestic Crucian carp basically feeds on the<br />
upper layer and the bottom), resulting in different water layer<br />
fishing methods such as the so-called shallow (fishing floats<br />
about 1 meter), deep (fishing depth 1-3 meters), bottom fishing<br />
(about 5 meters); If the bait is classified from the sub-line, it<br />
can be divided into two groups (two group baits, fishing at the<br />
same time) and combination (atomized group bait on the hook,<br />
and decoy bait like rice grains on the lower hook), so there is<br />
Qianzhou Combination, shallow two groups, deep combination,<br />
deep two groups, section bottom (bottom fishing combination),<br />
bottom fishing (bottom fishing two groups) and other various<br />
fishing methods for different fish conditions. It is precisely<br />
because of the habits of different water layers of Japanese highbacked<br />
crucian carp that it also gave birth to the vigorous<br />
development of business. I personally think that Taiwan fishing<br />
is a simplified version of Japan’s black fishing method or a<br />
modified version suitable for our country’s fish conditions.<br />
Taiwan fishing The three fishing rod sizes of 3.6, 4.5, and 5.4<br />
meters can basically meet the various fish conditions of Taiwan<br />
fishing (except for wild fishing with special lengths of 7.2 and<br />
8.1 meters), while the Japanese black fishing method requires<br />
fishing rods for different water layers In addition to the 12 basic<br />
sizes (7, 8...18 feet) (except wild fishing lengths of 19, 20...27<br />
feet, etc.), there are also non-integer sizes such as 8.1, 9.1..., etc.<br />
Japan has a detailed classification of products and workmanship<br />
The exquisite and shrewd business acumen is also worth<br />
learning from our domestic fishing tackle manufacturers.<br />
Bingji rods are popular in China now. I saw many fishing<br />
friends exchanging their experiences and experiences in Bingji<br />
Bar. I also wrote a few experience articles about Bingji for<br />
novices. I personally think that the reason why most fishing<br />
friends like Bingji so much is first of all. Due to its own plug-in<br />
structure, thin rod and thick wall, it can bring fishermen a more<br />
relaxed and comfortable fishing feel, and enjoy the pleasure<br />
of fishing with thin lines and small hooks; second, exquisite<br />
fishing tackle and various tonality ( First adjustment, basic first,<br />
original adjustment, fine adjustment, etc.), hardness (hard<br />
adjustment, soft adjustment, etc.), style (he rod, synthetic<br />
rod, carbon rod, etc.), brand (Dawa, Shimano, Gamma<br />
Katz, Edogawa, Zhengxing and Hegan masters, etc.), so that<br />
fishermen can't put it down, and there are more choices and<br />
topics of communication. In a sense, following the discussion<br />
of fishing tackle, it has become Continuing with the main<br />
topic and a beautiful landscape, the catch and fishing<br />
method take the second place. I think this is because with<br />
the continuous improvement of the living standards of the<br />
majority of fishing friends, many people have already moved<br />
from the material pursuit of fish catch to the joy of fishing.<br />
The spiritual realm of it.<br />
In the bar, I saw many fishing friends arguing about the<br />
advantages and disadvantages of union, vibration, black,<br />
Taiwan fishing, etc. I personally think that there is no<br />
distinction between high and low fishing, and the one that<br />
suits you is the best. I have two sets of fishing tackle for<br />
table fishing and black fishing. If I want to catch big fish and<br />
other fish species, I bring a fishing chair and a vibrating rod<br />
to experience the addiction of table fishing. I want to slowly<br />
experience the experience of walking fish with a thin line<br />
Feeling, just sit on the ground, use and continue to enjoy the<br />
pleasure of Hei La.<br />
Domestic heila fishing friends generally go through<br />
the journey of fishing in Taiwan first, then continuing, and<br />
finally playing heila. Therefore, the number of people is<br />
also distributed in a pyramid. The reason why Heila is not<br />
popular is because there are few professional Heila pools.<br />
Because Heila fishes different fish layers, it must meet the<br />
two necessary conditions of a water depth of about 5 meters<br />
and Japanese high-backed white crucian carp species. At<br />
present, only Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, and Zhejiang have<br />
very few professional fishing ponds, resulting in very few<br />
audiences. Second, the purpose of Heila Fishing is not to<br />
entertain the fish, but to release it as you catch it. It has a taste<br />
of Zen in the way of fishing. You sit cross-legged and fish<br />
near the water. It is the same as most Chinese people pursue<br />
big fish and catch fast fish. The pursuit of quantity, weight,<br />
and stimulation are very different, so there are very few<br />
people who catch hackers due to different concepts. Third,<br />
there are few professional teachers and videos to teach Heila<br />
fishing. The various fishing methods and Japanese make<br />
many beginners confused, thus dispelling the idea of further<br />
study. Fourth: the price of exquisite fishing tackle and bait<br />
is relatively high. Compared with Taiwan fishing, the socalled<br />
cost performance is not high from the perspective of<br />
fish catch, and some misleading people who make Heila so<br />
magical and unattainable will also cause many Fishermen<br />
are turned away. In fact, in Japan and other countries, this<br />
is a sport that is suitable for all ages. The popularity rate is<br />
very wide and the threshold is very low. It is not necessary<br />
to cross-legged to fish. The price of fishing rods also varies.<br />
Inexpensive, except that there is a big difference between<br />
float and bait and platform fishing (the black float needs to<br />
control the water layer, generally the buoyancy is relatively<br />
large, and the bait also has various special black baits), other<br />
fishing tackles for platform fishing are also fully capable<br />
Of course, there are so many fishing tackles matching<br />
Heila, such as rod hanging, Wanli, Yatou, Duancha, Yuzhi,<br />
nethead, etc., which are really exquisite and hard to put<br />
down. Every fishing friend can adjust them according to<br />
their actual situation and hobbies. choose.
China (Hainan) Sea Fishing Series Events Around<br />
the Island Successfully Held<br />
On December 11, 2022, the Changjiang Station of the China<br />
(Hainan) Round the Island Sea Fishing Grand Prix ended<br />
at Hainan Wanguo Qiziwan Beach Hotel. The champion,<br />
captains No. 23 and No. 19 won the Excellent Captain Award.<br />
So far, the six rounds of the 2022 China (Hainan) Round the<br />
Island Sea Fishing Grand Prix have come to a successful<br />
conclusion.<br />
Wang Shuang, deputy director of the Mass Sports<br />
Department of the Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism,<br />
Culture, Radio, Television and Sports; Wang Changjiang,<br />
deputy county magistrate of Changjiang Li Autonomous<br />
County; Director Liu An, director of the Competition and<br />
Referee Committee of the China Fishing Sports Association<br />
Hao Weidong, deputy chief referee Zheng Xiong of the 2022<br />
China (Hainan) Round the Island Sea Fishing Grand Prix,<br />
and Ke Rui, director of planning and operation of the Hainan<br />
Tourism and Leisure Sea Fishing Association, attended the<br />
closing ceremony of Changjiang Station and present awards to<br />
the winners.<br />
Changjiang is rich in marine ecological resources and the<br />
water is clear. It is one of the "natural fishing grounds" for<br />
sea fishing in western Hainan. Talking about why he chose<br />
Changjiang to hold the last round of the Island Sea Fishing<br />
Grand Prix, Chairman Liu An said in an interview with<br />
reporters that there are four natural fishing ports in Changjiang, Changhua, Haiwei, Shayutang and Xingang, and there are very<br />
rich types of sea fish. To meet the needs of fishing friends from all corners of the country, more importantly, Changjiang has both<br />
the double urban scenery of the sea and the tropical rainforest. The "natural oxygen bar" represented by Bawangling will provide<br />
fishing friends with physical and mental recuperation to relieve stress after the game . Compared with other venues, Changjiang is<br />
the first time to host the Sea Fishing Grand Prix around the island. Taking the event as an opportunity, it will promote the integrated<br />
development of "sea fishing + tourism" in Changjiang, further promote the natural advantages of Changjiang's recreational fishery,<br />
and build a Hainan Province sea fishing service center for Changjiang Contribute.<br />
After two days of competition, the top six winners of the round-the-island sea fishing grand prix Changjiang station are: Hainan<br />
Diaopinge Sea Fishing Club, Lingshui Sea Fishing Alliance Team 3, Jinghaitianyi Team, Hainan Kangtu Team , Rafting Crazy<br />
Dance Team, Jingzhou Yacht Sea Fishing Club; the top three single tail heavy groups belong to Xinqiao Fishing Gear, Lingshui Sea<br />
Fishing Alliance Team 2, and Mingyang Team respectively.<br />
At the end of the year, the cold air moved south, and the temperature dropped in many places in Hainan. The strong winds<br />
blowing from the sea brought uncertainty to the competition in this station. Li Cheng of Hainan Diaopinge Sea Fishing Club<br />
attributed the championship to luck, "Because of the strong wind, all teams in this competition can only fish in the inner harbor.<br />
Fishing spots, thanks to the mutual cooperation of our teammates and everyone’s years of sea fishing experience, we caught a<br />
large number of black bream and grouper, which made us stand out at Changjiang Station, where there are many strong players. A<br />
successful conclusion to the Grand Prix."<br />
With the closing of Changjiang Station, the nearly one-month 2022 China (Hainan) Round the Island Sea Fishing Grand Prix<br />
came to a successful conclusion. And Changjiang exhibits sea fishing techniques to experience the joy of catching fish. During the<br />
period, some fishermen in the province lamented the vast sea area and rich sea fishing resources in different cities and counties in<br />
Hainan, and some fishermen outside the province fell in love with Hainan's superior fishing environment and customs through the<br />
Grand Prix of Sea Fishing Around the Island. Lu Chunjie from Beijing Haitian Team 1 is a native of Beijing. In Hainan, he has an<br />
indissoluble bond with sea fishing. "I used to come to Hainan to play sea fishing every year, but it was usually seasonal. This time I
used the competition as a platform to play sea fishing. I stayed<br />
in Hainan for nearly a month and was deeply attracted by the<br />
unique high-quality sea fishing environment here. , Maybe I will<br />
live in Hainan for a long time in the future, so it will be more<br />
convenient to go to sea." Lu Chunjie laughed and talked about his<br />
feelings after completing the six rounds of the Island Sea Fishing<br />
Grand Prix.<br />
Through the holding of this round-the-island sea fishing grand<br />
prix, the advantages of Hainan's tropical marine resources are<br />
shown to fishermen inside and outside the province, so that more<br />
people can see the unique charm of Hainan's "sea fishing resort",<br />
and promote the vigorous and healthy development of Hainan sea<br />
fishing. Promote the deep integration of sports and tourism, create a beautiful business card for the sports tourism industry, stimulate<br />
tourism consumption, and help build a national sports tourism demonstration zone and an international tourism consumption center<br />
in Hainan Province.<br />
The 2022 China (Hainan) Circle Island Sea Fishing Grand Prix is organized by the China Fishing Sports Association, the<br />
Hainan Provincial Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports, the People's Government of Haikou City, the<br />
People's Government of Wenchang City, the People's Government of Wanning City, the People's Government of Lingao County,<br />
and Lingshui Co-sponsored by the People's Government of Li Autonomous County and the People's Government of Changjiang<br />
Li Autonomous County, Haikou City Tourism Bureau, Wenchang City Tourism Bureau, Wanning City Tourism Bureau, Lingao<br />
County Tourism Bureau, Lingshui Li Autonomous County Tourism Bureau, Changjiang Li Autonomous County Organized by<br />
the Bureau of Tourism and Culture and Hainan Tourism, Leisure and Sea Fishing Association, co-organized by Hainan Provincial<br />
Health Commission, Hainan Provincial Public Security Department, Hainan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural<br />
Affairs, Hainan Maritime Safety Administration, Hainan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and<br />
Hainan Provincial Meteorological Bureau, Hainan Province The whole event planning of the Tourism and Leisure Sea Fishing<br />
Marketing<br />
Business owners and managers often feel like they need to make all the decisions and set the<br />
tone for their company but, in fact, your employees can be superb brand extensions for you…<br />
if you let them.<br />
We’ve probably all heard<br />
the phrase ‘employee<br />
engagement’ but there is a<br />
case to push this concept<br />
further and empower and activate your staff<br />
too.<br />
After all, you can’t do everything in your<br />
business and you can’t always be there 24/7,<br />
which is why you employ staff in the first<br />
place.<br />
And yet, we often see these employees as<br />
simply ‘cover’ or an extra pair of hands when,<br />
in fact, they can be ‘activated’ to really boost<br />
your business.<br />
A great customer experience starts with<br />
your staff – whether that is the person who<br />
answers the phone or the one who greets<br />
customers on their way into your store or<br />
business.<br />
So not only do they need to be<br />
personable and pleasant but they should<br />
be knowledgeable too. Spend some time<br />
training them about your product range or<br />
the ethos of your business and you have a<br />
new brand ambassador who engages at the<br />
earliest opportunity with your buyers.<br />
Customers now know your business cares<br />
about them, can answer their questions<br />
48<br />
and offer advice before they even reach the<br />
manager or owner!<br />
It stands to reason your staff will work better<br />
for you if they enjoy what they do and work in<br />
a good atmosphere.<br />
Make your workplace an attractive place to<br />
be – heating or air conditioning (as necessary),<br />
a kitchen for food and drink preparation and a<br />
pleasant area for breaks.<br />
Keep them informed about what your<br />
business is doing – successes, new products,<br />
key decisions – and get them involved in<br />
discussions about future projects.<br />
That all seems obvious so now it’s time to<br />
move the concept forward.<br />
Activating your staff means empowering<br />
them to become an extension of your company.<br />
Training will help them understand your<br />
culture and your products and it can also help<br />
them climb the ladder of your business. You<br />
have invested in these people so you want<br />
to keep them and help them grow too. The<br />
more skills they develop, the higher up your<br />
organisation they can aim.<br />
If they are tech savvy, encourage them to<br />
post or share online or social media content on<br />
your behalf. Having someone else producing<br />
content about your products, services and<br />
culture will free up some of your time and<br />
increase the output and visibility of your<br />
brand or business.<br />
Can they take photos, make videos or<br />
write blog content for you? You could turn<br />
a shopfloor helper into a digital marketing<br />
executive – which is good news for both of<br />
you.<br />
And once they start sharing all the good<br />
things about your business, it will become<br />
ingrained and will manifest itself in their<br />
face-to-face interaction with customers while<br />
also making the workplace a more dynamic<br />
and exciting place to be.<br />
And who doesn’t want that for their<br />
business?<br />
• John Hunter is the director of HunterMedia,<br />
a global PR, marketing and events consultancy<br />
with more than 25 years of tackle industry<br />
experience.<br />
Hunter Media<br /><br />
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COMING UP…<br />
APRIL <strong>2023</strong> ISSUE<br />
Ad Copy: Feb 24th, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Mailed: March 15th, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Special issue: Saltwater Fishing<br />
Spotlight: Lures<br />
Doing Business With: Denmark<br />
MAY <strong>2023</strong> ISSUE<br />
Ad Copy: March 24th, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Mailed: April 13th, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Special issue: Inshore Fishing<br />
Spotlight: Eyewear<br />
Doing Business With: Texas<br />
JUNE <strong>2023</strong> – EFTTEX PREVIEW<br />
Ad Copy: April 21st, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Mailed: May 11th, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Special issue: Fishing Technology<br />
Spotlight: Bait<br />
Doing Business With: Australia<br />
& New Zealand<br />
To submit news or editorial for<br />
any of these issues, contact:<br />
To advertise or discuss a marketing campaign in any of these editions,<br />
contact our business development team:<br />
EDITOR<br />
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E:<br />
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T: +39 347 503 6436<br />
Last Cast<br />
to shine a light on the entire angling<br />
value chain. Together with tackle<br />
shops, wholesalers, fishing guides,<br />
tour boats, ‘put and take’ waters and<br />
tourism businesses, we are working on<br />
establishing the number of jobs and the<br />
size of the economy related to angling.<br />
We believe firmly that numbers beat<br />
words.<br />
Even before we have the statistics in<br />
place, we have seen political interest in<br />
the outcome. Our minister of fisheries<br />
has asked us to arrange a conference<br />
about angling as a driver for local<br />
economy and jobs.<br />
With such a conference, we can<br />
produce numbers that tell a story of a<br />
The Danish Sports Fishing Association<br />
Federation House is an active place for<br />
anglers, while at the same time housing<br />
the Sports Fishermen’s Association’s<br />
administrative part.<br />
LAST CAST...<br />
The work of fishing associations in every country is vital.<br />
Torben Kass, chairman of Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund,<br />
outlines how the Danish organisation is improving relations<br />
with the industry and political leaders to improve fishing<br />
and the trade for everyone.<br />
We all want the same<br />
thing – cleaner waters,<br />
more fish, improvements<br />
in nature. This applies<br />
regardless of whether we are anglers,<br />
tackle shops, or owners of local<br />
businesses living from fishing tourists.<br />
We are in the same boat.<br />
In the national angling associations,<br />
we are used to working on these topics.<br />
We go to our authorities and politicians<br />
to make them aware of the problems<br />
and of our wishes for better possibilities<br />
for our members. And if it doesn’t hurt<br />
agriculture or commercial fishing too<br />
much, we get small concessions and<br />
minor changes of regulations.<br />
Recreational activities do not beat<br />
commercial interests. And there is very<br />
little awareness that angling relates to<br />
real economy like jobs, tax base and<br />
turnover in local communities. In the<br />
heads of our parliamentarians, angling is<br />
pure recreation, and it is free of cost to<br />
ignore our problems.<br />
In Denmark, we now try to join forces<br />
between the national Danish angling<br />
association and the commercial side<br />
fish caught by an angler being 100 times<br />
worth the value of the same fish caught<br />
by a commercial fisher. This is what<br />
we need to argue for funds to develop<br />
angling and make space for anglers –<br />
even if it means less space for some<br />
commercial activities.<br />
In the past we have experienced staff,<br />
particularly in tackle shops, as being<br />
sceptical of our angling association.<br />
Often, the tackle shop staff are the first<br />
and most important source of knowledge<br />
on how to get catch that first fish for a<br />
newcomer.<br />
While, for experienced anglers, it is<br />
the place where they complain about<br />
not catching enough! We need the staff<br />
to convey a message that the national<br />
association works hard to change things<br />
and that we need members to have the<br />
legitimacy and the economy to do that<br />
job properly.<br />
Right now, we are building cooperation<br />
with tackle shops all over the country<br />
where the staff get free membership of<br />
our association and we give them courses<br />
on fish biology, new techniques – and<br />
the importance of our work. And, in<br />
return, the staff will tell their customers<br />
about the importance of joining our<br />
association.<br /><br />