Bay Harbour: January 18, 2023

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY <strong>18</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Connecting Your Local Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Bid to buy<br />

Llew Summers<br />

sculpture<br />

It takes a village<br />

to save<br />

penguin colony<br />

Buy, Sell,<br />

Discover.<br />

with...<br />

Lynton Hubber<br />

A fresh<br />

approach to<br />

Real Estate<br />

thinking.<br />

Fo<br />

Page 6<br />

Page 14<br />

M 027 433 4141<br />

Harcourts Grenadier Ferrymead -<br />

Licensed Sales Consultant REAA 2008<br />

Police station burglars snapped<br />

• By Tony Simons<br />

THESE ARE the brazen<br />

burglars who broke into the<br />

Lyttelton police station last<br />

month, stealing a police cap and<br />

high visibility jacket.<br />

Police have released the<br />

photos from security cameras at<br />

the station.<br />

The offenders have not yet<br />

been identified.<br />

The security camera<br />

footage shows a white<br />

four-door hatchback<br />

pulled up outside the<br />

station on Sumner Rd<br />

about 1am on December<br />

14.<br />

Three occupants try<br />

to get into the station<br />

building before breaking<br />

into the police garage next door.<br />

Sergeant Anna Partridge said<br />

Anna<br />

Partridge<br />

the offenders broke the<br />

security camera on the<br />

station building before<br />

going to the garage.<br />

She said it was likely<br />

the offenders were<br />

from outside Lyttelton.<br />

The car was stolen in<br />

Christchurch where it was<br />

later found.<br />

“We’ve now increased<br />

security in the garage area as a<br />

result,” said Partridge.<br />

Lyttelton police are currently<br />

located in four separate<br />

temporary buildings as a result<br />

of the earthquakes.<br />

•Anyone with<br />

information about the<br />

break-in should contact<br />

police on 105 and<br />

reference file number<br />

P052930460, or call Crime<br />

Stoppers - 0800 555 111.<br />

Teenager<br />

linked to<br />

Lyttelton<br />

business<br />

break-ins<br />

found<br />

• Tony Simons<br />

POLICE BELIEVE they have<br />

located at least one of the<br />

offenders allegedly responsible<br />

for the break-ins at Lyttelton<br />

businesses last month.<br />

No arrests have been made,<br />

but police confirmed a young<br />

person, aged in their early teens,<br />

who was involved in the London<br />

St break-ins has been spoken<br />

to and is going through a youth<br />

process. Inquiries are ongoing<br />

to identify and locate others<br />

believed to be involved.<br />

No arrest is possible because of<br />

the age of the alleged offender.<br />

The SuperValue, sushi<br />

shop and Lyttelton Arms<br />

were all broken into early on<br />

Boxing Day with a cash register<br />

and cigarettes among the<br />

items stolen. Police intercepted<br />

a vehicle on Rutherford St,<br />

Woolston, using road spikes,<br />

about 30min later. The occupants<br />

fled but the stolen property was<br />

recovered.<br />

•Turn to page 8<br />



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2 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


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Your local community newspaper connects<br />

neighbours in the following suburbs<br />

Brookhaven • Heathcote • Ferrymead<br />

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Jo-Anne Fuller<br />

Ph: 027 458 8590<br />

jo.fuller@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Nielsen Media NRS<br />

Surprise over liquor ban criticism<br />

A KEY driver of the<br />

Woolston liquor ban is<br />

surprised and concerned<br />

businesses have little faith in<br />

the police to enforce it.<br />

Businesses on Ferry Rd<br />

say they have contacted<br />

police many times since<br />

the ban came into force in<br />

December, but they have<br />

seen little action from the<br />

police.<br />

Waitai Coastal-Burwood-<br />

Linwood chair Paul<br />

McMahon<br />

(right) said<br />

he would like<br />

to hear more<br />

from the<br />

community so<br />

he can discuss<br />

with police and see what the<br />

issues might be.<br />

“In my role as chair of the<br />

community board, I will be<br />

having regular catch up with<br />

police constables.”<br />

He said it is still early days<br />

News<br />

on the ban and he recommended<br />

people to continue<br />

reporting breaches.<br />

McMahon was elected<br />

to the community board<br />

in the local body elections<br />

in October. He had been a<br />

vocal voice in the Woolston<br />

community about alcoholrelated<br />

issues. Liquorland<br />

manager Evan Baker said he<br />

and his colleagues phoned<br />

police nine times and sent<br />

an additional email to 105 in<br />

the week after Christmas.<br />

Over the weekend, he<br />

and another member of<br />

the community actively<br />

contacted Crime Stoppers to<br />

move on some “streeties.”<br />

While they have moved<br />

on from the initial location,<br />

which was outside the<br />

Red Cross Woolston shop<br />

and the Discount Vapor<br />

Woolston, Baker said they<br />

are now sitting in front of<br />

the community library.<br />

Tribute for cancer campaigner<br />

When Greg Manson’s horses step out onto the race track they carry with<br />

them a very special memory of his mate.<br />

Rob Davison<br />

Ph: 021 225 8584<br />

rob.davison@starmedia.kiwi<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


www.starmedia.kiwi<br />

Page 10<br />

Treasures from the past<br />

Lyttelton’s well of unique discoveries<br />

Beneath Lyttelton lies a marvel of Victorian engineering in a significant<br />

network of brick barrel drains.<br />

Page 12<br />



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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

NEWS 3<br />


ON THE WATER: Tim Grammer, pictured<br />

running the Kepler Track, was on his<br />

ocean racing ski in Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

when a boat hit him.<br />

Multi-sporter hospitalised after<br />

being hit by boat on harbour<br />

• By Sam Sherwood<br />

LYING IN his hospital bed with<br />

broken ribs, cracked vertebrae,<br />

and a collapsed lung after being<br />

run over by a boat while going<br />

for a paddle, Tim Grammer says<br />

he “couldn’t be any luckier.”<br />

The former international<br />

multisport athlete was out with<br />

some friends on their ocean<br />

racing skis in Lyttelton <strong>Harbour</strong><br />

on Saturday afternoon.<br />

Grammer, 55, said the group<br />

had paddled into the wind before<br />

turning around and heading<br />

towards their next marker when<br />

he heard a boat coming from<br />

behind.<br />

“I looked around and thought<br />

‘oh he’s heading straight at me’,<br />

so I tried to turn left to get out<br />

of the way and I realised I’m<br />

not fast enough to get out of the<br />

way,” he said.<br />

“It was just sheer terror<br />

building up in my mind the<br />

horrific thought of the bow of the<br />

boat coming over the top of me<br />

at full speed.”<br />

The bow hit his back, pushing<br />

him under the water as it went<br />

over him. When he resurfaced,<br />

he saw his fiberglass ski split in<br />

two.<br />

“The first thing I did was ‘can I<br />

feel my legs, is my spine severed,<br />

and have I got any major cuts<br />

from the propellers’.<br />

“It was just this big wash of<br />

relief over me that I could still<br />

feel my legs.”<br />

He then called out to the boat,<br />

which had stopped about 20m<br />

away, and asked them to help<br />

him.<br />

“I kind of knew I didn’t have<br />

any major injuries but I knew<br />

something was wrong and I<br />

needed to get to the hospital real<br />

quick.”<br />

The boat returned to him<br />

and he was dragged onboard.<br />

Grammer recalled lying on the<br />

floor of the boat struggling to<br />

breathe.<br />

“I thought I was going to<br />

suffocate and die in the boat. I<br />

was trying to suck in air and I<br />

was terrified.”<br />

Eventually, they were able to<br />

get to the boat ramp where an<br />

ambulance then took him to<br />

Christchurch Hospital.<br />

Grammer had a cut to his<br />

head which required stitches,<br />

four broken ribs, a punctured<br />

and collapsed lung, and several<br />

cracked vertebrae. He remained<br />

in hospital on Monday, and<br />

expects his recovery to take a<br />

couple of months.<br />

“If I didn’t have my lifejacket<br />

on the spinal damage would’ve<br />

been a lot worse . . . I couldn’t<br />

be any luckier. It’s like a death<br />

situation, isn’t it.”<br />

He’s determined he will get<br />

back in the water as soon as he’s<br />

allowed.<br />

– NZ Herald<br />

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4 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Get StuCK into Summer With<br />

mitre10 meGa Ferrymead<br />

Care for your Garden<br />

Early watering is your best way<br />

to care for plants during the hot<br />

summer months. Water in the<br />

morning before the day gets too<br />

hot; however, if you have to water<br />

a thirsty plant at night, do so!<br />

It’s time to fertilise, another<br />

application of fertiliser to hungry<br />

plants like tomatoes will ensure<br />

your plants are giving their best<br />

yield. Liquid fertilisers reach plants<br />

quickly, pellets are slow release.<br />

Use bird netting to protect your<br />

summer fruits from birds and<br />

other pests. The flexible netting<br />

will still allow garden pollinators<br />

like bees to get to the yummy<br />

flowers of your trees.<br />

Planting Time<br />

It’s a great time for heat-loving<br />

plants as long days and warm<br />

nights are right for producers<br />

such as courgettes, tomatoes<br />

and cucumbers. Companion<br />

plant with marigolds and basil to<br />

help ward off pests. Have you<br />

got space? Pumpkins are an<br />

excellent crop but require lots<br />

of room to stretch their legs.<br />

If you are looking to top up your<br />

vegetable crops, try sweetcorn,<br />

spring onion, lettuce, and<br />

eggplant.<br />

Give your Soil a Break<br />

As the summer sun beams<br />

down on your garden,<br />

consider helping your soil<br />

retain water by laying organic<br />

matter such as straw or<br />

bark. Bark is available in a<br />

variety of colours and sizes<br />

to suit your garden aesthetic.<br />

Strawberries love a bit of<br />

straw to wick away moisture<br />

from their crowns and send it<br />

down into the soil and roots.<br />

Big range, Low Price, Local advice<br />

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stocks last. Accessories not included.<br />

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Opening Hours:<br />

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Ferrymead<br />

The House of Now and Then<br />

by Jo Dixon<br />

You should leave the past in the past ... or should you? A vividly<br />

told, jaw-droppingly twisty and wholly engaging story about<br />

the consequences of discovering the truth. For readers of Sally<br />

Hepworth, Nicola Moriarty and Adele Parks.<br />

After a humiliating public scandal, Olivia is hiding from the press<br />

in a remote Tasmanian house when an unknown man knocks on her<br />

door, seeking Pippa, a woman who once lived there. His father, Jeremy,<br />

has died, leaving behind a letter for this mysterious woman. Olivia wants to<br />

help, but can she risk revealing her own sordid past?<br />

Thirty years earlier, bohemian wild-child Pippa and her best friend Jeremy<br />

spend a perfect summer in the house. Pippa falls deeply in love with local<br />

boy Leo, and they begin to plan a life of adventure together, much to the<br />

displeasure of his conservative and controlling family. One night Leo leaves<br />

the house to confront his parents ... and is never seen again.<br />

As Olivia is drawn into solving the mystery, the unexpected and tragic story<br />

of Pippa, Jeremy and Leo is slowly uncovered. At the same time, a path to<br />

reclaiming her own life opens, if only she has the courage to take it.<br />

Secluded Cabin Sleeps Six<br />

by Lisa Unger<br />

Three couples rent a luxury cabin in the woods for a weekend getaway to<br />

die for in this chilling locked-room thriller<br />

What could be more restful, more restorative, than a weekend getaway<br />

with family and friends? Hannah’s loving and generous tech-mogul brother<br />

found the listing for the secluded dream house online. It’s his birthday gift<br />

to Hannah and includes their spouses and another couple. The six friends<br />

need this trip with good food, good company and lots of R & R, far from<br />

the chatter and pressures of modern life.<br />

But the idyllic weekend is about to turn into a nightmare. A deadly storm<br />

is brewing. The rental host seems just a little too present. The personal<br />

chef reveals that their beautiful house has a spine-tingling history. And the<br />

friends have their own complicated past, with secrets that run blood deep.<br />

How well does Hannah know her brother, her own husband? Can she<br />

trust her best friend? And who is the new boyfriend, crashing their party?<br />

Meanwhile, someone is determined to ruin the weekend, looking to exact a<br />

payback for deeds long buried. Who is the stranger among them?<br />

ENTER TO<br />

WIN<br />

book<br />

release<br />



We have one copy of The House of Now and Then to give away, courtesy of Take Note Ferrymead. To<br />

be in the draw, email giveaways@starmedia.kiwi with The House of Now and Then in the subject line or<br />

write to Take Note Book Giveaway, The House of Now and Then, Star Media, PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />

8140. To be eligible for the draw, all entries must include your name, address and contact number. Entries<br />

close Tues <strong>January</strong> 31, <strong>2023</strong>. The book winner of In her Blood was Maryn Curry of Akaroa .<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>Harbour</strong> water testing under fire<br />

• By Tony Simons<br />

THE CONFUSION over health<br />

warnings at Lyttelton beaches has<br />

prompted Te Pataka o Rakaihautu<br />

Banks Peninsula Community<br />

Board chairman Reuben<br />

Davidson to call for better coordination<br />

and communication<br />

between the many agencies<br />

involved in<br />

beach water<br />

testing.<br />

The only<br />

harbour beaches<br />

now graded<br />

safe to swim at<br />

are Cass <strong>Bay</strong>,<br />

Reuben<br />

Davidson<br />

Charteris <strong>Bay</strong><br />

and Church<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>, but that<br />

only became clear after confusion<br />

over sampling, testing and<br />

communication last month.<br />

Excrement bacteria in Cass<br />

and Corsair <strong>Bay</strong>s was found<br />

to be 10 times over the safe<br />

limit on December 29 and the<br />

readings caused immediate public<br />

confusion over which harbour<br />

beaches were safe to swim at.<br />

Community and Public Health<br />

Te Mana Ora immediately put a<br />

“no swimming” warning in place<br />

at Cass <strong>Bay</strong>. It turns out Corsair<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> had already been graded not<br />

suitable for swimming, but there<br />

were no warning signs out.<br />

Beach water sampling and<br />

testing is done by Environment<br />

Canterbury. Te Mana Ora issues<br />

warnings as needed, another<br />

agency, Land Air Water Aotearoa<br />

reports on beach safety, and the<br />

city council is responsible for<br />

putting up signs.<br />

“What could possibly go<br />

wrong,” Davidson said.<br />

“The testing and<br />

communicating of water quality<br />

results has simply not met public<br />

expectations,” he said.<br />

This multi-agency approach<br />

can lead to a lag from testing to<br />

notification which is particularly<br />

bad across Christmas and New<br />

Year, which are peak times for<br />

visitors to the bays, he said.<br />

“The testing and reporting issue<br />

needs to be urgently addressed<br />

while we continue work on<br />

solutions to ensure good harbour<br />

health for the future.”<br />

Samples taken by ECan at Cass<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> after December 29 showed<br />

bacteria levels had dropped but<br />

it took 12 days and several tests<br />

before the all-clear was finally<br />

given by Te Mana Ora.<br />

Medical Officer of Health Dr<br />

Cheryl Brunton said the very<br />

high bacteria count had no clear<br />

Flood protection<br />

works meeting<br />

Learn more about flood works planned in<br />

Little River:<br />

• Community meeting<br />

Tuesday, 24 <strong>January</strong> at 6pm<br />

Banks Peninsula Rugby Club<br />

44 Western Valley Road, Little River<br />

(entry via Community Centre driveway)<br />

Ratepayers in Little River are invited to the<br />

upcoming River Rating District meeting to have<br />

their say on flood protection and land drainage for<br />

their properties as we work towards improving our<br />

resilience to flood events.<br />

For more information<br />

ecan.govt.nz/flood-works or call us on<br />

0800 324 636<br />

E23/7621<br />

www.ecan.govt.nz<br />

source and wasn’t rainfall affected,<br />

which is why the decision was<br />

made to keep the warning in<br />

place for so long. She said it was<br />

unlikely to have been caused by<br />

large numbers of swimmers in the<br />

water that one day.<br />

ECan surface water science<br />

team leader Shirley Hayward<br />

agreed no one was sure what<br />

caused the pollution but it<br />

could have been caused by large<br />

number of people using the bays<br />

at the time, or it could have been<br />

someone dumping wastewater, or<br />

even dog faeces.<br />

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News<br />

NEWS 5<br />

Tribute to<br />

man who<br />

brought trout<br />

to NZ stolen<br />

• By Natalie Pham<br />

A PLAQUE commemorating<br />

Andrew Mensal Johnson<br />

who introduced brown trout<br />

and perch into New Zealand<br />

waterways has been stolen in<br />

Woolston.<br />

Johnson also established a fish<br />

hatchery and aquarium called<br />

Troutdale Farm in <strong>18</strong>75 after<br />

retiring from his position as a<br />

curator of the Canterbury Acclimatisation<br />

Society.<br />

The farm was popular for its<br />

picnic grounds and ponds until<br />

it closed in the early 1930s. A<br />

part of the farm is now Radley<br />

Playground.<br />

Woolston’s Annette Hobby<br />

hopes someone will find the<br />

plaque, which was stolen near<br />

the Johnson Bridge, Heathcote<br />

River.<br />

“I was saddened that someone<br />

would have done such a thing.<br />

They should feel ashamed of<br />

themselves for taking historic<br />

plaques from the city. The<br />

council goes to great lengths<br />

to beautify our city and then<br />

[people] go and do things like<br />

this,” she said.<br />

Hobby notified city council<br />

through the Snap Send Solve<br />


<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

6<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Bid to buy Summers sculpture<br />

• By Tony Simons<br />

A SMALL GROUP of Mt Pleasant<br />

residents are well on the way to<br />

buying a Llew Summers sculpture<br />

for $95,000 that will be placed<br />

at the Mt Pleasant Community<br />

Centre.<br />

The sculpture named Flight is<br />

a bronze piece with a wingspan<br />

of more than 2m. Its origins were<br />

a small marble work Summers<br />

carved in 2014, which he then cast<br />

in bronze before upscaling it.<br />

Once installed it will be visible<br />

to all traffic travelling on the<br />

causeway.<br />

Resident Lynne Ritchie said<br />

they got the idea to buy Summers’<br />

piece because he lived and worked<br />

in Mt Pleasant, and they are all big<br />

fans of his work.<br />

After just five months they are<br />

more than two-thirds towards the<br />

target.<br />

Summers died in 2019 aged<br />

72. His funeral was held at the<br />

community centre in 2019.<br />

His partner Robyn Webster<br />

said Mt Pleasant was his<br />

türangawaewae.<br />

“He had a deep and abiding love<br />

of birds and spent many hours<br />

planting their property to attract<br />

them back,” she said.<br />

The sculptor spent most of his<br />

life in Christchurch and this will<br />

be the first of his large bronze<br />

pieces to be owned by the city.<br />

The city council owns others<br />

works by Summers but they are<br />

stone or concrete.<br />

Summers’ large figures earned<br />

him fans and critics and were<br />

often controversial, celebrating<br />

the nude human body and<br />

including strong religious<br />

messages.<br />

Wings were also a big part of<br />

Summers’ later works.<br />

Flight is described as a semiabstract<br />

work paying homage<br />

to the albatross flying over very<br />

large stretches of ocean, carrying<br />

its message and its dreams of<br />

landfall.<br />

The fundraising group has<br />

so far raised more than $60,000<br />

and is hoping to reach the target<br />

by April.<br />

Summers also famously<br />

carved 14 stations of the cross<br />

stone panels to mark the 2005<br />

centenary of the Cathedral of the<br />

Blessed Sacrament on Barbadoes<br />

St. All were recovered from the<br />

earthquake-damaged basilica,<br />

except one. It was missing and<br />

presumed stolen.<br />

• Donations to help<br />

buy Flight can be made<br />

at www.facebook.com/<br />

takeflightfundraiser<br />

SOUGHT AFTER: Flight at the Tai Tapu Sculpture Garden where it has been since<br />

early 2019. Llew Summers (inset) completed the work, his last large bronze sculpture,<br />

in April 20<strong>18</strong>.<br />


CONTROVERSIAL: Other sculptures by Llew Summers include The Wrestlers, a granite piece in the Botanic Gardens’ woodlands, and the concrete Joy<br />

of Eternal Spring between Ensors Rd and Isabella Pl.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 7<br />

huge Manufacturers<br />

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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

8<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Police reassure businesses<br />

Sunday 19th March <strong>2023</strong><br />

Choose your distance 6km or 12km!<br />

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Proudly supporting our<br />

charitable partner the New<br />

Zealand Flying Doctor Trust<br />

DAMAGE: Thieves broke a door to get into Lyttelton SuperValue and then<br />

ransacked the premises in search of a cash register and cigarettes.<br />

Rob De Thier<br />

•From page 1<br />

Lyttelton SuperValue owner<br />

Rob De Thier spoke of his<br />

annoyance at the thousands<br />

of dollars in theft and damage<br />

the break-in caused. I wonder<br />

if they realised the local police<br />

station isn’t manned 24/7 and<br />

they would have time up their<br />

sleeves, he said.<br />

Lyttelton police station<br />

supervisor Sergeant Anna<br />

Partridge says it was good to be<br />

able to report progress with the<br />

investigation.<br />

“We also want to assure<br />

businesses and the public that<br />

we are continuing to monitor<br />

the area, and are carrying out<br />

patrols to ensure the safety of<br />

our community,” she said.<br />

We’re<br />

strengthening<br />

our electricity<br />

network<br />

Orion is installing a new 66kV underground power<br />

cable at the intersection of Ferry Road and Hopkins<br />

Street, as part of a major project we are undertaking<br />

in Christchurch city to replace older cables.<br />

We will have traffic management in place as we are laying these<br />

cables. There may be traffic delays on Ferry Road from Monday 16<br />

<strong>January</strong> for approximately 4 weeks. These are essential upgrades to<br />

the network, to enhance the resilience and security of the network.<br />

Please allow extra time for your journey and follow all signage and<br />

instructions from our team on site. Thank you for your patience.<br />

Find out more about this essential project:<br />


ng<br />

Awards Applications<br />

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 9<br />

s2021 2021 Scholarships Scholarships & &<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Awards Scholarships Applications &<br />

Locals<br />

2021 Awards Scholarships Applications &<br />

Awards Applications<br />

Helping<br />

Locals<br />

ad Foundation is seeking<br />

Locals Helping<br />

ge of scholarships and awards.<br />

Locals<br />

teria and conditions, along<br />

s, Helping<br />

are available on<br />

Locals<br />

our website.<br />

April<br />

Helping<br />

15th, 2021.<br />

The Sumner Ferrymead Foundation is seeking<br />

eeking applications<br />

ls<br />

for a range of The scholarships Sumner Ferrymead and awards. Foundation is seekin<br />

Full and<br />

Locals<br />

details awards. on the criteria and applications conditions, for a along range of scholarships and<br />

with s, along application forms, are Full available details on the our criteria website. and conditions, alo<br />

our Applications The website. Sumner Ferrymead close on Foundation April Foundation with 15th, is seeking application 2021. applications is seeking forms, a range are available of scholarships on our w<br />

applications<br />

and awards. Full<br />

for<br />

details<br />

a range<br />

on the criteria<br />

of scholarships<br />

and conditions,<br />

and<br />

along<br />

awards.<br />

with application forms,<br />

$5000 The Humanities<br />

Applications<br />

Sumner are available Ferrymead on our website. Foundation Applications $5000<br />

close<br />

close Health<br />

April 15th, 2021.<br />

is seeking<br />

on April 2nd, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Full details on the criteria and conditions, along<br />

ead Scholarship<br />

The applications<br />

with<br />

Foundation Sumner Ferrymead<br />

application<br />

is for seeking a range Foundation of scholarships Science is seeking Scholarship and awards.<br />

forms, are available on our website.<br />

nge applications<br />

Applications<br />

Full of scholarships details for on a<br />

close<br />

the range and on<br />

criteria<br />

April awards. of scholarships<br />

15th,<br />

and<br />

2021.<br />

conditions, and awards.<br />

$5000 Science<br />

$5000 Humanities<br />

$5000<br />

along<br />

Health<br />

riteria Full with and details application conditions, the criteria forms, Scholarship along and are conditions, available on along<br />

Scholarship<br />

$5000 Health<br />

for a 2nd year student $5000 $5000 Science Science<br />

Scholarship for Science $2500 our a<br />

$5000<br />

2nd website.<br />

Scholarship<br />

year<br />

Humanities<br />

student<br />

$5<br />

with Internship<br />

ms, with Science studying are Applications application Scholarship<br />

available the humanities on close forms, our at university. on website. are Scholarship<br />

April available 15th, studying 2021. on<br />

the<br />

our<br />

health<br />

website. Scholarship<br />

Sc<br />

sciences at<br />

Scholarship<br />

n April<br />

Applications for a 2nd year student<br />

15th, 2021.<br />

close on Scholarship April for 15th, a 2nd year 2021. student<br />

for a 2nd year student<br />

studying the sciences at university.<br />

studying Scholarship the humanities for a 2nd<br />

university.<br />

year at university. student<br />

Scholarship<br />

studying the health for<br />

funded<br />

a 2nd sciences year student<br />

by the<br />

nt Scholarship for a 2nd year student<br />

Scholarship for a 2nd year student Scholarship for a 2nd year at student<br />

rsity. The scholarship studying the $5000 Science is health in memory sciences of at<br />

Michael university. McMullan Scholarship Sponsored B.Vet Sci by funded RJ Begg by and the<br />

Associates Scholarship<br />

(Sydney O.A. University) Brauer Ltd Family - Oral Trust. and Maxillofacial<br />

Surgery.<br />

$5000 Science<br />

Funding for a 21 day classic<br />

Leadership<br />

leadership programme for<br />

Programme<br />

<strong>18</strong>-26 year olds<br />

$5000 Humanities<br />

Scholarship<br />

Scholarship for a 2nd year student Scholarship for a 2nd year student Scholarship for a 2nd year student<br />

$5000 Bound<br />

studying<br />

Science<br />

Outward<br />

the sciences at university.<br />

$5000 Bound<br />

studying<br />

Humanities<br />

$3000<br />

the humanities at university. studying<br />

$5000<br />

Scholarship<br />

Scholarship<br />

$3000 the<br />

Health<br />

Science Environment<br />

health sciences Scholarship at<br />

Leadership Outward $3000 Environment<br />

Scholarship<br />

$5000 The scholarship Humanities<br />

Bound<br />

Outward Bound<br />

is memory of Adapted Scholarship<br />

$5000 $2000 Health Apprentice<br />

$3000 Environment<br />

Outward Bound<br />

and Sustainability<br />

Leadership<br />

and university. Science and Adapted Sustainability<br />

Scholarship funded by the<br />

Programme Adapted<br />

Award<br />

Scholarship<br />

Michael McMullan B.Vet Sci Programme Science Award<br />

Programme Scholarship and Sustainability<br />

O.A. Award Brauer Programme Family Trust.<br />

(Sydney University)<br />

Scholarship for a 2nd year student Scholarship for a 2nd year student Scholarship for a 2nd year student<br />

Programme<br />

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starting their<br />

Scholarship<br />

studying the humanities at university.<br />

studying Outward The scholarship the<br />

for<br />

sciences studying the health sciences at<br />

Bound humanities<br />

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at university.<br />

in at memory student<br />

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university. of Scholarship<br />

the humanities<br />

Outward building, plumbing Bound<br />

2nd<br />

or electrical<br />

year<br />

at university.<br />

student<br />

studying Up to $3000 the health Awarded sciences to an at<br />

Funding<br />

The<br />

Up for to<br />

scholarship<br />

$3000 a 21 day Awarded classic<br />

is in memory<br />

to an outstanding<br />

This Leadership<br />

Michael scholarship the McMullan humanities is in memory B.Vet at university. Sci of studying Adapted apprenticeship. the health Sponsored sciences by Laser at<br />

Outward Funding Bound Adapted for a 21 day course classic Up<br />

of<br />

$3000 university. outstanding to $3000 Outward Environment<br />

university. Awarded<br />

Scholarship project<br />

Bound Scholarship or<br />

Adapted to<br />

funded concept an outstanding<br />

O.A. the<br />

course<br />

by in funded the by Up th<br />

leadership studying<br />

Michael<br />

programme project or<br />

McMullan B.Vet<br />

for concept in the<br />

Sci<br />

for people leadership with disabilities programme for<br />

for<br />

Sustainability<br />

Brauer environmental project people O.A. Family Brauer with or<br />

Trust.<br />

concept realm.<br />

disabilities Family in Trust. the sta<br />

<strong>18</strong>-26 environmental<br />

(Sydney<br />

year Richard university.<br />

Programme<br />

(Sydney olds<br />

University) Brinkman. University) realm.<br />

Programme<br />

Plumbing <strong>18</strong>-26 Christchurch Scholarship year olds East. funded by the environmental realm.<br />

O.A. Brauer Family Trust.<br />

Award Sponsored by a Sumner resident.<br />

en<br />

Outward Bound Adapted course<br />

for people with disabilities<br />

Outward Bound<br />

Bound<br />

Leadership<br />

Outward Bound<br />

Programme<br />

Adapted<br />

Programme<br />

Funding<br />

Funding<br />

Funding<br />

for<br />

for<br />

for<br />

a<br />

a<br />

21<br />

21 day classic<br />

leadership programme a<br />

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for classic <strong>18</strong>-25<br />

Outward Bound Adapted course<br />

for Bound people Adapted with disabilities<br />

leadership programme for<br />

for people with disabilities<br />

year Apply leadership olds. today programme for make a donation<br />

for people with disabilities<br />

<strong>18</strong>-26 year olds<br />

<strong>18</strong>-26 year olds<br />

Up to $3000 Awarded to an out-<br />

sumnerferrymeadfoundation.co.nz<br />

Apply today or make a<br />

environmental<br />

donation<br />

realm.<br />

Apply www.sumnerferrymeadfoundation.co.nz<br />

today or make a donation<br />

Outward Bound Adapted course<br />

for people with disabilities<br />

studying studying the sciences the sciences at university. at university. university. studying studying commerce, communuications<br />

Sponsored by Mr A. Williams. $5000 & marketing, Health Scholarship the humanities funded by university. the<br />

The scholarship is in memory of O.A. Brauer Family or te reo Trust. Maori at<br />

Michael McMullan B.Vet Sci Science university. Scholarship<br />

Sponsored by FANZ Private<br />

(Sydney University)<br />

Wealth.<br />

$5000 Humanities<br />

Outward Outward Bound Bound<br />

Adapted<br />

$3000 Environment<br />

Programme<br />

and<br />

Programme<br />

Sustainability<br />

Award<br />

Apply today or make a donation<br />

$5000 Health<br />

$3000 $3000 Environment Environment<br />

Up to $3000 Awarded to an outstanding<br />

Sustainability<br />

and project Sustainability<br />

or concept the<br />

environmental realm.<br />

Apply today or make a donation Apply today environmental or make realm. a donation<br />

Award Award<br />

sumnerferrymeadfoundation.co.nz sumnerferrymeadfoundation.co.nz<br />

a donation<br />

ndation.co.nz<br />

O.A. Brauer Family Trust.<br />

Up to $3000 Awarded to an outstanding<br />

project or concept in the<br />

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to an outstanding<br />

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to an outstanding<br />

project or concept in the<br />

environmental realm.<br />

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standing project or concept in the<br />

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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

10<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Cancer campaigner remembered<br />

through harness racing colours<br />

• By Barry Clarke<br />

WHEN GREG Manson’s horses<br />

step out onto the race track<br />

they carry with them a very<br />

special memory to a mate who<br />

is remembered for his fight<br />

for better cancer care in New<br />

Zealand.<br />

That special memory is<br />

Manson’s colours – the initials<br />

BV emblazoned on black, red<br />

and white.<br />

BV stands for Blair Vining,<br />

who became a national<br />

identity as he battled terminal<br />

bowel cancer, presenting a<br />

140,000-strong petition to<br />

Parliament with his wife Melissa,<br />

three months before he died in<br />

October 2019.<br />

The black, red and white are<br />

the colours of Vining’s beloved<br />

rugby club Midland in Winton.<br />

A lock, who played about 400<br />

senior matches, Vining was<br />

renowned for his toughness.<br />

“He was a strong man; my<br />

horses have to be tough like he<br />

was,” Manson said.<br />

The colours were to the fore<br />

when veteran and tough as teak<br />

pacer Copperfield Rose finished<br />

third at the Motukarara trots.<br />

“They are very proud<br />

moments,” said Manson, who<br />

trains a small team at Lincoln.<br />

Each time Manson’s horses<br />

win, there is a tribute to Vining<br />

in the winner’s circle.<br />

“Blair’s mentioned every time.<br />

I love it . . . the awareness of<br />

cancer, the hospital,” Manson<br />

said of the Southland Charity<br />

Hospital Trust, established in<br />

2019 following Vining’s highlypublicised<br />

battle providing free<br />

services to those in the southern<br />

half of New Zealand who are<br />

unable to access care through<br />

the public or private health<br />

systems.<br />

While Copperhead Rose is<br />

probably in the twilight of his<br />

career, another Manson pacer<br />

Franco Marek could carry the<br />

colours to the top.<br />

“Copperhead Rose has raced<br />

for six years. He’s such a tough<br />

GOOD MATES: Manson and Vining together in <strong>January</strong><br />

2019.<br />

animal. A bit of that is rubbing<br />

off on Frankie,” he said of<br />

Franco Marek.<br />

Franco Marek won over<br />

Christmas New Year at<br />

Motukarara, his fifth win from<br />

just seven starts.<br />

“He is still just a boy, but he<br />

is a smart horse. We have been<br />

patient with him and tried to give<br />

him time to mature. He has got a<br />

wee way to go, but he knows what<br />

THRILL: Franco Marek winning at Motukarara over<br />

Christmas New Year.<br />

it is about,” Manson said.<br />

“He is getting more<br />

professional every day. The plan<br />

is to go all of the way with him.”<br />

Manson became mates with<br />

Vining when he lived in Southland<br />

through their respective<br />

wives Karla and Melissa who<br />

were friends.<br />

The Mansons and Vinings<br />

and a handful of other families<br />

would go to Twizel on holiday<br />

each year.<br />

“We still do that with Blair’s<br />

family,” Manson said.<br />


Trainer Greg<br />

Manson with<br />

up and coming<br />

pacer Franco<br />

Marek and sons<br />

Jay (left) and<br />

Beau wearing<br />

the BV colours<br />

which carry<br />

the memory<br />

of good friend<br />

and cancer<br />

campaigner<br />

Blair Vining.<br />


MANSON<br />

Vining was not a horse racing<br />

person as such.<br />

But when Manson<br />

decided to get back into<br />

training after an absence<br />

from the game he suggested<br />

to Vining that he wanted to<br />

change his original colours to<br />

the BV on black, red and white.<br />

Vining agreed.<br />

Vining’s family now take a big<br />

interest in the horses which carry<br />

their colours , keeping up with<br />

how they are going and “putting a<br />

dollar each way on them.”<br />

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WESTERN NEWS Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> [Edition <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> datE] News 27 11<br />

keep it local<br />

and support businesses in your community<br />

School footwear a specialty<br />

at long-standing retail store<br />

The Footwear Factory in Garlands Road<br />

Woolston has been part of the Christchurch<br />

retail scene for more than a quarter of a<br />

century.<br />

Over that time, thousands of people have<br />

visited the store for great deals in quality<br />

footwear.<br />

One of The Footwear Factory’s specialties<br />

is good-quality school shoes with such major<br />

brands as McKinlays, Ascent, Keen, New<br />

Balance and Hi-Tec to choose from.<br />

The proudly New Zealand-made McKinlays<br />

brand from Dunedin consists of Rio, Kate,<br />

Molly and Kristen for girls, and Hunter Junior<br />

and Delta for boys.<br />

Ascent has the wonderful lightweight but<br />

durable Apex and Contest for boys and Eve for<br />

the girls, while New Balance and Hi-Tec have<br />

a variety of sports shoes and sandals. Keen has<br />

the Kanyon and Newport sandals, but these are<br />

limited in numbers.<br />

All in all, this can be seen as a great selection,<br />

with the Footwear Factory well worth a visit.<br />

Located on a high-profile site at 47C<br />

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<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

12<br />


Samuel Farr and Lyttelton’s<br />

brick wells and barrel drains<br />

BENEATH Ōhinehou Lyttelton<br />

lies a marvel of Victorian<br />

engineering in a significant<br />

network of brick barrel drains<br />

that dissect the street layout of<br />

the planned township.<br />

This approximately 5.4km<br />

web of large round drains was<br />

built of two layers of clay bricks,<br />

with a round or occasionally<br />

egg-shaped opening. Some<br />

sections beneath roads utilised<br />

large basalt rocks in place of the<br />

earthenware bricks.<br />

Originally designed to channel<br />

both storm water and sewage<br />

over Lyttelton’s steep terrain,<br />

they still function as storm water<br />

reticulation, with sewage now<br />

carried separately. Built by the<br />

Lyttelton Hard Labour gang<br />

(prisoners from the local gaol),<br />

they were utilised for many years<br />

by the Lyttelton Volunteer Fire<br />

Brigade for Confined Spaces<br />

training.<br />

Ground conditions in the early<br />

colonial settlement, especially<br />

in steep gully areas, were often<br />

diabolical.<br />

“Norwich Quay is a filthy<br />

slough, Oxford St worse than any<br />

newly ploughed field, London<br />

St an alternation of watery mud<br />

and muddy water... In Oxford<br />

St in the centre of the crossing<br />

between London St and the<br />

Sumner Road is another swamp<br />

of even worse description, where<br />

the unwary traveller, groping his<br />

way in the usual pitchy darkness,<br />

finds himself suddenly engulfed<br />

nearly to his knees.”<br />

Hence it was that in <strong>18</strong>70,<br />

architect Samuel Farr, having<br />

earlier been involved in<br />

surveying Lyttelton and the<br />

formation of road infrastructure<br />

and then holding the position<br />

of Lyttelton Borough Council<br />

Surveyor for two years, designed<br />

a drainage and water supply<br />

network. His enthusiastic and<br />

innovative use of concrete in<br />

curbs and channels (and in some<br />

of his building designs), earned<br />

him the somewhat disparaging<br />

A well was discovered underneath Kinsey’s while<br />

clearing the site for a new building in 1966. Right – the<br />



COLLECTION/11280<strong>18</strong><br />

appellation “The King of<br />

Concrete”.<br />

The structure visible in our<br />

photo was Lyttelton’s first<br />

European well at 14 Oxford St<br />

(next to the now restored Taylor’s<br />

Plumbers building at 16 Oxford<br />

St); likely a Farr design it displays<br />

the double skin of bricks laid<br />

in the round as also used in the<br />

brick barrel drains.<br />

Prior to the construction of a<br />

reservoir and pumping station<br />

in Heathcote in <strong>18</strong>77, which<br />

delivered water via pipes through<br />

the rail tunnel to Lyttelton, this<br />

well was a crucial water source<br />

for early English immigrants.<br />

It was uncovered in 1966<br />

when the Kinsey building was<br />

demolished; Kinsey’s was an<br />

important early shipping agency<br />

whose greatest claim to fame<br />

was serving both the Scott and<br />

Shackleton polar expeditions.<br />

Farr, born in North<br />

Hertfordshire, England in<br />

<strong>18</strong>27, was influenced by his<br />

father’s profession as a builder.<br />

Arriving in Akaroa in <strong>18</strong>50 on<br />

the “Monarch” along with his<br />

future wife’s family, his marriage<br />

to eldest daughter Mary Ann<br />

Pavitt on 15 June <strong>18</strong>50 holds<br />

the distinction of being the first<br />

officially recorded marriage in<br />

the new settlement. It was one<br />

of many firsts in his long life; as<br />

secretary of the Acclimatisation<br />

Society for 22 years he was<br />

largely responsible for stocking<br />

Canterbury’s rivers with fish and<br />

instrumental in the introduction<br />

of the bumblebee to the region.<br />

In <strong>18</strong>52 he was the driving force<br />

in the development of the track<br />

from the Akaroa Heads to Purau<br />

<strong>Bay</strong> and was an accomplished<br />

painter for good measure.<br />

Farr and his young family<br />

moved from Akaroa to Otautahi<br />

Christchurch in <strong>18</strong>62. He<br />

was denied membership to<br />

the Canterbury Association<br />

of Architects alongside other<br />

colonial architects William<br />

Armson, Benjamin Mountfort,<br />

Alexander Lean and Frederick<br />

Strouts because he was not<br />

formally trained. Nevertheless<br />

he was responsible for a<br />

number of notable public<br />

and private buildings. A few<br />

well known examples include<br />

St Paul’s Church in central<br />

Christchurch (St Paul’s Trinity<br />

Pacific Presbyterian Church<br />

in more recent years), St John’s<br />

Presbyterian Church in Lyttelton<br />

and the Normal School at<br />

Cranmer Square (latterly known<br />

as Cranmer Courts); all these<br />

examples sadly destroyed due<br />

to the Canterbury earthquake<br />

sequence of 2010/2011. Happily,<br />

a fine example of his domestic<br />

architecture survives; the <strong>18</strong>65<br />

Dalcroy House at 16 Godley<br />

Quay was built as both residence<br />

and Presbyterian school.<br />

But back to the brick barrel<br />

beauties beneath Lyttelton’s<br />

surface. Although not<br />

individually listed by Heritage<br />

New Zealand, the network is<br />

recognised as an important<br />

example of pre 1900 engineering<br />

and for contributing to the<br />

historical and archaeological<br />

significance of the township.<br />

Post earthquakes, some of the<br />

drains have had new manhole<br />

inspection points installed,<br />

Coleridge Tce being a recent<br />

example with work completed<br />

in 2022. One of the main lines<br />

runs diagonally beneath Albion<br />

Square and is referenced in the<br />

design of the water feature in the<br />

current playground area.<br />

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Student Centre, Cnr St Asaph & Hagley Ave

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 13<br />

Christchurch<br />

16 Watts Rd, Sockburn.<br />

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90 l<br />

447mm<br />

W I D E<br />

$<br />

999<br />

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W I D E<br />

$<br />

475<br />

945mm<br />

W I D E<br />

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388<br />

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3514<strong>18</strong><br />

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Room Size: 9 ~ 20m²<br />

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Air Cooler Tower<br />

Noise Level 55db<br />

Visible Water Level<br />

3-Speed 3 Modes<br />

1~7hrs Timer<br />

Remote Control<br />

Air Cooler Tower<br />

4.8 l<br />

Noise Level 55db<br />

Visible water level<br />

3-speed 3 modes<br />

1~4hrs timer<br />

Remote Control<br />

4 l<br />

Pedestal or Table Fan<br />

Table/stand fan<br />

Tilt function<br />

3 speed<br />

Adjustable height<br />

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$<br />

750<br />

$<br />

199<br />

$<br />

249<br />

$<br />

59<br />


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3730<strong>18</strong><br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


373019<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />


373530<br />

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60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

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9 Function<br />

$<br />

899<br />


908292<br />

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60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

Canopy Rangehood<br />

350m3/h<br />

Midea Wall Oven<br />

9 Function<br />

Ceramic Cooktop<br />

4 Hob<br />

Comffee<br />

Dishwasher<br />

$<br />

1299<br />


908<strong>18</strong>1<br />

24 Month Warranty<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

60cm<br />

W I D E<br />

Luxury Black<br />

Bathroom Combo<br />

Avalon Shower Door<br />

Edge Wall Vanity<br />

Wall Side Cabinet<br />

Vita Toilet Suite<br />

$<br />

2199<br />


902820<br />

5 Year Warranty<br />

800mm<br />

W I D E<br />

1200mm<br />

W I D E<br />

Core Round shower<br />

Shower Liner<br />

Corner Waste Shower Tray<br />

Novo Floor Vanity<br />

Classic Ceramic Top<br />

Nero Toilet Suite<br />

P Pan | S Convertible<br />

$<br />

1295<br />


908114<br />

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750mm<br />

W I D E<br />

900mm<br />

W I D E<br />

Prices Guaranteed as of 22/01/23 Subject to change.<br />


CAN-C 42

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

14<br />

NEWS<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

It takes a village to save penguins<br />

A CONSERVATION trust<br />

and eco-tourism business have<br />

welcomed the work done by<br />

Diana Isaac Retirement Village<br />

residents to help safeguard a<br />

precious penguin colony on<br />

Banks Peninsula.<br />

Both the Helps Pōhatu<br />

Conservation Trust and Pōhatu<br />

Penguins work closely on<br />

removing predators from the<br />

peninsula to help maintain little<br />

penguin.<br />

The residents from the<br />

retirement village in Mairehau<br />

have been making the especiallydesigned<br />

wooden trap housings<br />

to catch pests, such as stoats<br />

and rats. The white-flippered<br />

penguins nest at Flea <strong>Bay</strong> near<br />

Akaroa, where predator control<br />

has been ongoing for the last 40<br />

years.<br />

Geraldine Guillemot-Peacock<br />

helps maintain the traps on<br />

behalf of the trust and Pōhatu<br />

Penguins, which runs wildlife<br />

and peninsula tours. Recently,<br />

a group of residents from the<br />

Diana Isaac village, including<br />

Bruce Gray, Gary Archbold,<br />

Norm Reid and Brian Hill<br />

handed more than 25 traps to<br />

Guillemot-Peacock.<br />

The conservation trust protects<br />

little penguins at Flea <strong>Bay</strong> and<br />

the wider Banks Peninsula<br />

through predator control,<br />

rehabilitation of injured birds,<br />

weekly monitoring of the colony,<br />

surveys and education and<br />

CONSERVATIONISTS: Diana Isaac village residents (from left) Brian Hill, Gary Archbold,<br />

Norm Reid and Bruce Gray, along with Geraldine Guillemot-Peacock, are protecting the<br />

white-flippered penguins which nest at Flea <strong>Bay</strong>.<br />

advocacy. The traps have been<br />

laid for decades, so there is a<br />

need for replacement for rusted<br />

mechanisms and the housings.<br />

There were also traps lost during<br />

a 2021 floodwater event on the<br />

property. Stoats are the worst<br />

pest. Other introduced species<br />

like rats, hedgehogs, cats, ferrets,<br />

unsupervised dogs as well as<br />

human disturbances also impact<br />

and have led to a decrease in<br />

penguin numbers. At one point<br />

the colonies around the Banks<br />

Peninsula were declining at an<br />

alarming rate and some have<br />

disappeared altogether.<br />

There were <strong>18</strong>2 traps, split<br />

across 10 trap lines, within the<br />

property that stretches hundreds<br />

of metres inland.<br />

These traps are checked<br />

weekly for the pests as well as for<br />

any required maintenance, so<br />

damaged traps can be repaired<br />

and gaps in the plan can be<br />

filled.<br />

“We know, for example, stoats<br />

like going near fence lines…<br />

Some of the traps are in the bush,<br />

higher out of the (immediate)<br />

penguin colony, some are within<br />

the penguin colony,” Guillemot-<br />

Peacock said.<br />

“It’s always nice to have good<br />

traps that work well.”<br />

Last year there was a slide<br />

show and presentation to teach<br />

Diana Isaac residents about the<br />

penguins and how they need to<br />

be protected from such predators.<br />

Bruce, Gary, Norm and Brian are<br />

thankful of the help they have<br />

received from others in a wider<br />

project, particularly from a team<br />

of builders at Charles Upham<br />

village, led by resident Lynn<br />

Andrews.<br />

Lynn, a former watchmaker,<br />

has been helping ensure the<br />

wooden trap housings are built<br />

to specification for conservation<br />

groups.<br />

Given the staged purchase<br />

and delivery of wood and other<br />

screws and partitions for the<br />

traps, the assembly process has<br />

been speedy and well executed,<br />

Bruce says.<br />

ALL OVER<br />

SUMNER<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>leys is moving to town.<br />

<strong>Bay</strong>leys Canterbury is proud to announce the opening of our<br />

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Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 15<br />

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chargers and a full tank of fuel. The Clean Car Fee of $4,082.50 will be paid for by Mitsubishi Motors New Zealand for<br />

vehicles registered before the 31st of March <strong>2023</strong>. Optional accessories shown, available at additional cost. Visit<br />

www.mmnz.co.nz for full Diamond Advantage Warranty conditions.<br />

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MOTORS<br />

Drive your Ambition

<strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

16<br />



1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7 8<br />

9<br />

10 11<br />

12<br />

13 14 15 16<br />

17<br />

<strong>18</strong> 19 20<br />

21<br />

22 23<br />

20/1<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Across<br />

1. Falsely devise the material consumed (9)<br />

5. Flax prepared to take one on behind (3)<br />

7. Words sworn in a hot and bothered way (4)<br />

8. One is refusing to handle shoe polish (8)<br />

10. Threatening one man to turn<br />

Conservative (8)<br />

11. It is only just by that of one’s teeth (4)<br />

13. A new convert without any bad habits (6)<br />

15. Is not there, so is minded to be forgetful<br />

(6)<br />

<strong>18</strong>. Put the tie in the shoe and the brandy in<br />

the coffee (4)<br />

19. Go on with the unit, once it’s been<br />

adapted (8)<br />

22. Norwegian sprat showing anger at being<br />

disheartened (8)<br />

23. Such ornamental woodwork may irritate<br />

one (4)<br />

24. It is not a professional song (3)<br />

25. Is lucky to find true fan to turn to (9)<br />

Down<br />

1. Servant to somebody in the infantry? (7)<br />

2. Some French bread is passed in relay (5)<br />

3. Attraction of everyone sure of going<br />

topless (6)<br />

4. Get to losing the right per person (4)<br />

5. Cards taken by the French in a succession<br />

of drops (7)<br />

6. Having no alcohol on this cart (5)<br />

9. A heap of aircraft waiting to land (5)<br />

12. Beat a roundabout and subside (5)<br />

14. Empty-headed state of Virginia city<br />

around the university (7)<br />

16. Where plays are put on and operations<br />

carried out (7)<br />

17. Boxer comes out of it for a free shot (6)<br />

<strong>18</strong>. The tag a bell is made from (5)<br />

20. Roman version of an opera by Bellini (5)<br />

21. Cycle frequently uses this character on<br />

stave (4)<br />

SUDOKU<br />

Fill the grid so that every column, every row and 3x3<br />

box contains the digits 1 to 9.<br />

24 25<br />


1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

7<br />

8 9<br />

10 11 12<br />

13 14 15<br />

16 17 <strong>18</strong><br />

19 20 21<br />

22<br />

23 24<br />

Across<br />

1. Periods of reduced<br />

prices (5)<br />

4. Awning or overhead<br />

cover (6)<br />

7. In favour (3)<br />

8. Set alight (6)<br />

9. Silly person (inf) (6)<br />

10. Spray (8)<br />

12. Devastation (4)<br />

13. Camera stand (6)<br />

15. Without lumps (6)<br />

16. Operator (4)<br />

17. University term (8)<br />

19. Cheerful (6)<br />

20. Book of the Bible (6)<br />

22. Remains of a fire (3)<br />

23. Collection of tunes (6)<br />

24. Express gratitude (5)<br />

Down<br />

1. Course leading to<br />

disaster (8,5)<br />

2. Boy (3)<br />

3. Tiny spot (5)<br />

4. Own up (7)<br />

5. Infamous (9)<br />

6. Bothersome person<br />

(colloq) (4,2,3,4)<br />

11. Unbiased (9)<br />

14. Exhibit (7)<br />

<strong>18</strong>. Power (5)<br />

21. Ocean (3)<br />



Across: 1. Sales, 4. Canopy, 7. Pro, 8. Kindle, 9. Nitwit, 10. Sprinkle,<br />

12. Ruin, 13. Tripod, 15. Smooth, 16. User, 17. Semester, 19. Jovial, 20.<br />

Gospel, 22. Ash, 23. Medley, 24. Thank.<br />

Down: 1. Slippery slope, 2. Lad, 3. Speck, 4. Confess, 5. Notorious, 6.<br />

Pain in the neck, 11. Impartial, 14. Display, <strong>18</strong>. Might, 21. Sea.<br />


Across: 1. Fabricate 5. Tow 7. Oath 8. Blacking 10. Minatory 11. Skin<br />

13. Novice 15. Absent <strong>18</strong>. Lace 19. Continue 22. Brisling 23. Fret 24. Lay<br />

25. Fortunate.<br />

Down: 1. Footman 2. Baton 3. Allure 4. Each 5. Trickle 6. Wagon 9. Stack<br />

12. Abate 14. Vacuity 16. Theatre 17. Corner <strong>18</strong>. Label 20. Norma 21.<br />

Clef.<br />

TARGET<br />

acini aril cairn carpi cilia clip<br />

ilia iliac laic lain lair liar linac<br />

lira nail pail pain pair panic pica<br />

plain plica PRINCIPAL rail rain<br />

rani rial ricin<br />


EASY<br />

TARGET<br />

P N L<br />

A I R<br />

C P I<br />

Good 14<br />

Very Good 19<br />

Excellent 23+<br />


How many words of four letters or more can you<br />

make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />

Each letter may be used only once and all<br />

words must contain the centre letter.<br />

No words starting with a capital, no plurals<br />

ending in s unless the word is also a verb, e.g.<br />

he fires the gun.<br />

Mon-Thurs: 7am - 4pm<br />

Fri-Sun: 7am - 5pm

Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 17

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<strong>18</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Tough Mazda ute with all the frills<br />

I WAS SCHEDULED into the<br />

range-topping Mazda BT-50<br />

Takami and was very anxious for<br />

it to arrive.<br />

We had had a series of<br />

disasters in the Kiddie-home<br />

and I needed a ute to take away<br />

and recycle a hot water cylinder<br />

we had replaced along with<br />

other associated debris that had<br />

accumulated in the back yard.<br />

True to form the BT-50<br />

completed the tasks and now the<br />

property is looking a lot more<br />

respectable.<br />

That’s just many of the tasks<br />

today’s modern ute is recognised<br />

for, it is the quintessential load<br />

carrier – one-tonne on the deck<br />

and 3500kg on the towbar – and<br />

over the years I’ve always tried to<br />

make good use of the load space<br />

offered in all of the utes I’ve had<br />

for evaluation.<br />

However, BT-50 Takami is a<br />

little different to the run of the<br />

mill pick-ups that dominate the<br />

Kiwi light commercial market.<br />

It is a high-spec model that in<br />

specification sits with all other<br />

Mazda Takami product. It is high<br />

on luxury, which makes it more<br />

sport utility vehicle-like – it’s full<br />

leather khaki/black-coloured<br />

trim, heated seats, electric seats<br />

and a host of other specification<br />

makes it a ute for the family, it’s a<br />

genuine five-seater and all those<br />

on board are treated to luxury<br />

and comfort.<br />

There’s also a blackout kit, black<br />

wheels and other trim elements<br />

along with a retractable roller<br />

deck lid, sports hoop bar and roof<br />

rails. The combination looks very<br />

aggressive.<br />

It’s not just the comfort and<br />

convenience factor either than<br />

makes the BT-50 Takami a<br />

standout, it has all the safety<br />

kit Mazda has available<br />

through its ute engineering<br />

programme, easily earning it a<br />

five-star Australasian New Car<br />

Assessment Program rating.<br />

Interestingly, while the<br />

Takami has an abundance of<br />

specification, I’ve never felt<br />

the BT-50 in other forms was<br />

lacking for kit, the Limited<br />

variant I evaluated last year<br />

was also high on spec, but<br />

nevertheless the Takami has<br />

everything and, what’s more, it<br />

isn’t priced any distant to other<br />

high spec four-wheel-drive<br />

double cab brands.<br />

At $69,190 it sits $6500 above<br />

the Limited which to me still<br />

represents value, the BT-50 as we<br />

know it is a tough, quality-built<br />

ute that will last the distance in<br />

terms of strength and reliability.<br />

Even though it’s been around<br />

STYLISH: The Mazda BT-50 Takami’s leather trim is twotone<br />

black and khaki.<br />

MAZDA BT-50: Comprehensively equipped for comfort, convenience and safety.<br />

for a year or so now, the latest<br />

generation BT-50 gets what I<br />

call a new engine. Gone is the<br />

old Ford-sourced five-cylinder<br />

unit, today’s BT-50 gets the fourcylinder<br />

turbocharged diesel<br />

engine that is sourced from Isuzu<br />

and is shared in its D-Max.<br />

The 3-litre unit is rated at<br />

140kW and 450Nm, power and<br />

torque reached at traditional<br />

points of the rev band – 4000rpm<br />

and 1600-2600rpm. Unlike many<br />

large capacity diesels, this unit is<br />

quiet and refined, sound is well<br />

isolated from the cabin and it<br />

works smoothly through a sixspeed<br />

gearbox.<br />

On the subject of transmission,<br />

the BT-50 works traditionally,<br />

drive is sent rearwards through<br />

to a live axle located by leaf<br />

springs. When four-wheel-drive<br />

is required a console-mounted<br />

dial system will usher in low or<br />

high ratio as needed, power is<br />

then directed through a transfer<br />

system to the front wheels – fourwheel-drive<br />

is then initiated.<br />

Given the underpinnings<br />

are not only load-bearing and<br />

able to tackle off-road tracks<br />

and trails, the BT-50 has a<br />

remarkable in-cabin ride. The<br />

spring and damper rates are<br />

set so that occupant comfort is<br />

also a priority. Sure, there’s an<br />

underlying jiggle that is common<br />

to all utes of this type, but it’s not<br />

significant and it would seem that<br />

• Price – Mazda BT-50<br />

Takami, $69,190<br />

• Dimensions – Length,<br />

5280mm; width, <strong>18</strong>70mm;<br />

height, 1790mm<br />

• Configuration – Fourcylinder,<br />

four-wheel-drive,<br />

2999cc, 140kW, 450Nm,<br />

six-speed automatic.<br />

• Performance – 0-100km/h,<br />

10.5sec<br />

• Fuel usage – 8l/100km<br />

Mazda has put a lot of thought<br />

into seat design, for the driving<br />

position and comfort beneath<br />

seems perfect.<br />

In terms of performance<br />

and handling, the BT-50 has solid<br />

mid-range boost which in turn<br />

provides peace of mind when<br />

negotiating that highway overtake<br />

– 80-120km/h can be achieved<br />

in 6.6sec, while for the record<br />

a standstill to 100km/h time of<br />

around 10sec is up to<br />

par.<br />

More importantly, Mazda<br />

also claims an eight-litre per<br />

100km/h combined cycle fuel<br />

usage average. In today’s market<br />

where diesel prices are sitting not<br />

that far distant to what we pay<br />

for petrol, fuel thrift is of genuine<br />

importance.<br />

During my evaluation time the<br />

BT-50 Takami was constantly<br />

listing around a 10l/100km<br />

average. On a long highway run<br />

the instantaneous readout was<br />

sitting at 8.2l/100km with the<br />

engine turning over very relaxed<br />

at 1400rpm at 100km/h.<br />

Riding on high grade<br />

Bridgestone Dueler tyres<br />

(265/60 x <strong>18</strong>in), there is lot of<br />

rubber meeting the road surface,<br />

that connection transmitted<br />

firmly back to the steering wheel;<br />

centre and off-centre feel is<br />

involving, providing surety to the<br />

driver.<br />

If a tight corner is entered a<br />

bit on the quick side, there is still<br />

positive turn-in and a definite feel<br />

of control and balance through<br />

the rear driving wheels. Grip<br />

is never brought into question<br />

thanks to quick electronics that<br />

intervene quickly, oversteer<br />

needn’t be considered.<br />

I’ve driven several variants of<br />

the new BT-50 series including<br />

the base model that I took on a<br />

long South Island road trip. I’ve<br />

come away from each experience<br />

quite satisfied with the level of<br />

refinement, Takami has only<br />

served to prove Mazda has taken<br />

that sophistication one step<br />

further.<br />

It would be the ute that I would<br />

buy, but I have to admit I am a<br />

little biased, my wife and I are<br />

new members of the Mazda<br />

owner-family, and we are very<br />

pleased with the experience and<br />

quality of the product.<br />

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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 19<br />

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To be a supervisor you will need:<br />

• A suitable van, mobile phone and computer with internet access<br />

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• Ability to manage your own team of deliverers<br />

DELIVERERS wanted across the South Island<br />

To be a deliverer you will need:<br />

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20 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />


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Keara Corner<br />

Suite<br />



FROM<br />

$<br />

2999<br />

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Rustic Chair $229 $199<br />

WAS $1950<br />

$<br />

1749<br />

Pearl <strong>Bay</strong><br />

Collection<br />

500<br />

DAYS<br />

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WAS $329<br />

$<br />

289<br />

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Forged <strong>18</strong>00<br />

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WAS $1369<br />

$<br />

1229<br />

FREE<br />



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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 21<br />

Ray White Ferrymead<br />

Lyttelton & <strong>Bay</strong>s<br />

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rwferrymead.co.nz /RayWhiteFerrymead Prier Manson Ltd. (Licensed REAA 2008)

22 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Coastal<br />

Auction<br />

Series <strong>2023</strong><br />

Be part of our next Auction event<br />

Wednesday 22 February <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 1 March <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 22 March <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 19 April <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 17 May <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 14 June <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 5 July <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 23 August <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 20 September <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday <strong>18</strong> October <strong>2023</strong><br />

Wednesday 15 November <strong>2023</strong><br />

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Merewyn grew up in Sumner, Christchurch. Before moving into Real Estate, Merewyn had<br />

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Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News 23<br />

Applications via email to james.shepherd@raywhite.com with cover letter & CV<br />

or call James on 027 554 5046 to discuss further<br />

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3. Get the job done: We’ll contact you<br />

within 24 hours of receiving your request.<br />

Our Movologists are moving experts and<br />

will navigate the process for you.<br />

Ask us about Movinghub today!<br />

Ray White Ferrymead | rwferrymead.co.nz | 03 384 4179 | prier.manson@raywhite.com | Prier Manson Limited Licensed REAA 2008

24 <strong>Bay</strong> <strong>Harbour</strong> News Wednesday <strong>January</strong> <strong>18</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Ray White Ferrymead<br />

Auction Campaigns 2022<br />

73.9%<br />

Sold at auction*<br />

88.7%<br />



**<br />

6.8%<br />

Withdrawn<br />

3.4%<br />

Still available<br />

1%<br />

Under offer<br />

14.8%<br />

Sold after<br />

auction<br />

Auction Sales Results | 01 <strong>January</strong> - 31 December 2022<br />

*Sold at auction includes sold before auction day, on auction day or within one day of auction.<br />

**For properties sold through the auction campaign process in total for 2022.<br />

Ray White Ferrymead<br />

Phone (03) 384 4179 | Email prier.manson@raywhite.com<br />

rwferrymead.co.nz | /RayWhiteFerrymead Prier Manson Ltd. (Licensed REAA 2008)

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