Adventure #236
Feb-Mar 2023 Travel issue
Feb-Mar 2023 Travel issue
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adventure<br />
where actions speak louder than words<br />
where actions speak louder than words<br />
ISSUE 236<br />
FEB/MAR 2023<br />
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TRAVEL<br />
TRAVEL<br />
ISSUE<br />
<strong>#236</strong><br />
the human touch<br />
It's all about the people you meet - <strong>Adventure</strong> Magazine's<br />
"away team" in Tahiti<br />
I have been fortunate enough to have<br />
travelled my whole life, with my family<br />
as a child and as an adult. It has always<br />
been a significant part of my work, firstly<br />
surfing, then diving, then photography,<br />
then a mixture of all of that was simply an<br />
adventure.<br />
People often ask ‘what is the best, the<br />
most beautiful place you have ever been?’<br />
There is an extensive list of amazing and<br />
unique places that this job has taken us<br />
to. Right now, as I am writing this, I am in<br />
Rarotonga on the foreshore under a palm<br />
tree; the sky is blue and clear, the trade<br />
winds warm around 15 knots, and here<br />
the reef edge is close to the beach, so we<br />
have crashing waves, it’s impressive.<br />
But there are a lot of equally beautiful<br />
places in the world, all very different;<br />
some hot, some cold, some green, some<br />
desolate, but what is it that makes them<br />
unique? The simple answer is ‘people’.<br />
I have stayed at some stunning resorts<br />
and could not wait to leave because the<br />
people were just not …. Well, not nice.<br />
And I have stayed at resorts like Friendly<br />
Bungalows on Tanna in Vanuatu, where<br />
the lady who met us had no teeth but a<br />
very gummy smile, the rooms were made<br />
entirely of natural materials, and the only<br />
manufactured addition was the toilet.<br />
As we arrived at our room, our toothless<br />
guide stamped on the veranda floor, and<br />
we heard scuttling, and she smiled and<br />
whispered, ‘Micky Mouse’. She asked us<br />
if we would like crayfish for dinner, and<br />
of course, we did. We sat on handmade<br />
chairs at a handmade table eating freshly<br />
caught crayfish, which had been cooked<br />
to perfection, but had been cut up into<br />
tiny little pieces, as had all the vegetables<br />
(remember, the lady had no teeth!)<br />
While we were at dinner, a family of four<br />
adults arrived from France, obviously<br />
upset and demanding to be taken to<br />
another resort as this was not up to<br />
their standard. If they had given it just<br />
a few moments, they would have seen<br />
how utterly remarkable and unique the<br />
place was; the people, the setting, the<br />
jungle, and the black sand beach, all in<br />
the shadow of Yasur volcano. The rooms<br />
were comfortable and clean, the food –<br />
(although cut up small) was delicious,<br />
and the people could not have been more<br />
friendly and welcoming.<br />
That is what makes somewhere special;<br />
not the five stars on the review, not the<br />
fluffy towels, or Sky TV, or a well-stocked<br />
mini-bar (but that can help.) What makes<br />
any destination, any resort, and any<br />
holiday special is the people.<br />
It’s less about the white sand beach and<br />
more about the smiling face, it is less<br />
about the scenery but more about those<br />
you meet. A memorable travel experience<br />
is one with that human touch, that<br />
interaction.<br />
Lastly, travel is a two-way street. As we<br />
branch out around the world and we meet<br />
people who are caring and welcoming,<br />
we, too, have a responsibility to be<br />
welcoming. As the world shares its magic<br />
with us as we travel, so we need to be as<br />
enthusiastic and welcoming to those who<br />
arrive on our shores.<br />
We live in a fantastic country, and it is no<br />
wonder so many people want to come<br />
here and experience what we have, but<br />
remember, it’s the people that make it<br />
unique, and that’s where we can all play<br />
our own small part!<br />
Steve Dickinson - Editor<br />
your <strong>Adventure</strong> starts with Us<br />
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Images by Mike Dawson<br />
They've endured waves of ice, high altitudes, extreme<br />
winds and punishing sub-zero temperatures and late<br />
yesterday the Antarctic Heritage Trust’s Inspiring Explorers<br />
ExpeditionTM team have reached the South Pole.<br />
The expedition set off from Ronne Ice Shelf on 18<br />
November. Each member skied almost 1,000km journey<br />
towing their equipment on a sledge behind them.The<br />
Inspiring ExplorersTM team was Auckland firefighter and<br />
medical first responder Laura Andrews (28); two-time<br />
Olympian and coach of the New Zealand canoe slalom<br />
team, Mike Dawson (35); and Norwegian intelligence<br />
analyst Marthe Brendefur (31).<br />
A typical routine was skiing for an hour at a time for up to 12<br />
hours a day, camping on the ice overnight. Mike Dawson,<br />
both exhausted and beaming with pride could hardly put his<br />
feelings into words.<br />
“It’s overwhelming to be here. It was a surreal feeling seeing<br />
the South Pole marker after such a long journey. Compared<br />
with my white water adventures, this was a long slow burn,<br />
every day walking towards that goal for 50 days.”<br />
Guided by Norwegian polar guide Bengt Rotmo from<br />
Ousland Explorers and led by Antarctic Heritage Trust<br />
Executive Director Nigel Watson, the 50 day expedition<br />
followed the Messner Route from the Ronne Ice Shelf, on<br />
the Weddell Sea side of Antarctica, to the South Pole.<br />
Full story next issue...<br />
Steve Dickinson<br />
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PAGE<br />
6<br />
CONTENTS:TRAVEL ISSUE <strong>#236</strong><br />
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SAMOA<br />
NIUE<br />
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28<br />
IN SPAIN<br />
THE ROAD<br />
LESS<br />
Words and photos by Derek Cheng<br />
I winced in agony. I’d tumbled down a part of the<br />
trail that was, embarrassingly, not difficult. In my<br />
haste to rush towards a tantalisingly delicious<br />
300m-wall of orange-streaked limestone, I’d<br />
rolled my ankle—badly. As I waited for the pain to<br />
subside enough to stop clenching my eyes shut,<br />
I knew it was probably best to head back to camp<br />
and rest.<br />
But we were on the road, in a remote part of<br />
Spain, for the first time since the world was<br />
gripped in the Covid pandemic. We had driven a<br />
day to arrive at Mont-Rebei, a dramatic canyon<br />
with imposing 300m walls of limestone rising up<br />
on both sides of a river. And we were time-limited,<br />
having to return our rental car to Barcelona in a<br />
couple of days.<br />
In other words, it was a ‘carpe diem’ scenario.<br />
Having had my share of unexpected accidents, I<br />
was prepared for such scenarios, and was soon<br />
swallowing ibuprofen and tramadol pills. It was<br />
another half hour to the base of the cliff, and<br />
by the time we arrived, there were already six<br />
climbers ahead of us. We weren’t very prepared<br />
for this, having been told that Mont-Rebei was a<br />
‘no picnic’ climbing destination, and would likely<br />
be deserted. (We later learned that we’d arrived in<br />
the middle of a national four-day holiday weekend,<br />
hence the crowd.)<br />
Luckily, the last climber in the conga line gave us<br />
a map for a nearby route - called Delfos - which<br />
we humbly accepted. We scrambled higher to<br />
arrive at the base, my ankle by now having burst<br />
from the swell-gate. But with tramadol vibes<br />
humming through my veins, we started up the<br />
wall.<br />
It was soon obvious that this was ‘adventure<br />
climbing’, a euphemism for climbing loads and<br />
loads of fragile rock. Climbers tend to prefer solid<br />
rock, given that the last thing they want is to pull<br />
off a handhold and be airborne, with nothing but<br />
the rope to prevent them from free-falling to the<br />
ground. We were happy to quickly pass the only<br />
other party on the route, thankful they hadn’t<br />
accidentally thrown any rocks on us from above.<br />
The limestone cliffs of Siurana are known for<br />
6//WHERE ACTIONS demanding SPEAK technical LOUDER climbing THAN on tiny WORDS/<strong>#236</strong> holds
"There’s enough rock in Spain to<br />
last a lifetime. There’s actually<br />
enough in Catalonia alone, in<br />
northeast Spain, with famous sites<br />
Siurana and Margalef."<br />
The route traverses some tricky terrain<br />
where you don’t want to touch any<br />
part of the cliff that doesn’t have chalk<br />
on it; this at least indicates handholds<br />
that have been used and are yet to<br />
be pulled from the cliff. It culminates<br />
in two beautiful corners - where you<br />
literally have to climb through a tree or<br />
two - before topping out onto a glorious<br />
summit ridge.<br />
By then my ankle was well fat, with my<br />
limp becoming increasingly pronounced<br />
during the 90-minute descent. But it<br />
was worth it, so worth it, in fact, that<br />
I repeated the ankle punishment the<br />
following day when we climbed Diedre<br />
Gris, the route we'd wanted to do on day<br />
one. ‘Diedre’ means corner and, after<br />
an airy and exposed traverse, the route<br />
basically follows an enormous corner<br />
for hundreds of metres. Again, the rock<br />
was of ‘adventurous’ quality, but the<br />
movement was thrilling. At one point, we<br />
had to negotiate a giant flake of rock by<br />
following its edge, hand over hand, as<br />
tierra firma growled hungrily from below.<br />
Having successfully seized the days, we<br />
left Mont-Rebei the following day - but<br />
not without a particular kind of mishap<br />
that threatens any adventurous travel<br />
story. The first indication I was facing a<br />
poo-tastrophe was when I emerged from<br />
the tent that morning; somehow lying in<br />
a sleeping bag keeps the poo-situation<br />
under control. I’d already let my partner<br />
Rachel take the bog-roll that morning,<br />
telling her that I needed to go too but<br />
she could go first.<br />
I started packing up our things inside<br />
the tent - sleeping bag, sleeping mat,<br />
pillows. As soon as I stood up, my<br />
situation declared itself far more urgent<br />
than I’d realised. ‘I should busy myself,’<br />
I thought to myself. Bowels are easily<br />
distracted, aren’t they? I collapsed<br />
the tent, collected the pegs, rolled<br />
everything up. She’s been at least 10<br />
minutes, and she knows I have to go.<br />
Where is she?<br />
8//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
I thought to myself, ‘I could just go<br />
somewhere, dig a hole in the dirt and<br />
do my business, and then wait for her<br />
to return and hand me some bog-roll<br />
while I'm still squatting.’ But what an<br />
undignified start to the day! No. I am not<br />
a passive player in this. I have agency.<br />
I’ll take a load to the car, collect another<br />
bog-roll, and do my business.<br />
It’s amazing how much more urgent the<br />
poo-situation became in the few minutes<br />
it took to walk through the forest to our<br />
car, parked by a dirt road. I’d already<br />
pulled my long-johns to my knees, in<br />
case I was about to be ambushed, by<br />
the time I reached the road. I popped<br />
the trunk, found some toilet paper,<br />
shuffled quickly a few metres from<br />
the car, and unloaded. It couldn’t wait<br />
another second. I hated such scars on<br />
the roadside, though, so mid-unloading,<br />
I hobbled - my long-johns still hugging<br />
my calf muscles - to the other side of the<br />
road. (Please let no cars drive by at this<br />
moment.) I ambled clumsily up a small<br />
rise to find somewhere more suitable for<br />
my deposit.<br />
It was then, squatting in my new<br />
position, that I saw it: The Horror.<br />
I’d pooped on myself. The evidence<br />
was plainly seen between my sock<br />
and my flip-flop. Actually, there was<br />
a shitty stain on my long-johns, too.<br />
Something repugnant of my own making<br />
had dropped onto my calf and then<br />
somehow squished itself between my<br />
heel and jandal.<br />
At this point, I heard Rachel near the car<br />
and called out a warning to her. ‘There’s<br />
poo near the car!' When I’d cleaned<br />
myself up as best I could, I joined her<br />
and explained what had happened,<br />
and my gross underestimation of how<br />
desperate the situation was. It was<br />
hilarious, in hindsight, to picture her<br />
all this time relaxing on the hillside,<br />
transfixed at the reddening horizon as<br />
the day dawned, inhaling the splendour<br />
of the outdoors with no worries - or<br />
haste - to consider.<br />
Such was the frenzied urgency gripping<br />
me that I’d dropped my first bomb right<br />
by the car’s trunk without even realising.<br />
Before we drove off, I made sure to grab<br />
a stick and flick it from the roadside, lest<br />
anyone stand on it.<br />
—-<br />
Like everyone else, I’d put all travel<br />
plans on hold while the pandemic<br />
gripped the world and borders were shut<br />
down. As they opened up again, I was<br />
itching to resume my old dirtbag life,<br />
and Europe was top of the list. After a<br />
summer in Chamonix, France, sampling<br />
the magnificent granite towers of the<br />
alps, Rachel and I headed to Spain, a<br />
country famous for its sport climbing.<br />
There’s enough rock in Spain to last<br />
a lifetime. There’s actually enough in<br />
Catalonia alone, in northeast Spain, with<br />
famous sites Siurana and Margalef. The<br />
former is a series of orange and grey<br />
limestone cliffs weaving up a valley to<br />
the top, where the remains of an 11th<br />
century Arabic castle sits. The climbing<br />
is technical, steep, and typically with tiny<br />
holds to wrap your fingertips around. The<br />
latter is pocketed conglomerate, often on<br />
extremely steep terrain where sometimes<br />
you’re using the tip of a digit or two to<br />
lift most of your body weight. But these<br />
sites, deserving as they are of their<br />
reputations, were expectedly crowded.<br />
Thankfully, a Catalonian friend in<br />
Chamonix had provided us with an<br />
east-to-west road trip to less frequented<br />
spots, the first of which was Montgrony,<br />
at the foothills of the Pyrenees. An<br />
ancient site with a religious sanctuary<br />
literally carved into the side of the<br />
limestone cliff, this was a gorgeous<br />
setting to test our tufa-climbing prowess.<br />
The walls are decorated with curved<br />
columns that often have to be pinched,<br />
lobster-style, a kind of climbing of which<br />
New Zealand has little. We stayed in an<br />
old refugio nearby, a massive cottage<br />
with a stone floor and a fireplace - a<br />
perfect, and free, base.<br />
Some of the hardest climbs in the world are in Margalef, with its steep walls of pocketed conglomerate<br />
Montgrony offers tufa-blessed limestone, a nearby stone cottage to hang out in,<br />
and a religious sanctuary literally carved into the cliff
Above: The ruins of an ancient Arabic castle sit stop the<br />
limestone cliffs of the Siurana valley.<br />
Next on the list was Coll de Nargo, a small<br />
mountain hamlet to the north of its more<br />
famous neighbour Oliana, which is home<br />
to some of the world’s hardest climbs. The<br />
countryside around Nargo is littered with<br />
limestone crags. We sampled a couple, and<br />
then headed to a cliff-line called Perles, where<br />
we found some bolted multipitch lines of<br />
excellent quality, as well as some single pitch<br />
climbs under an enormous rock arch.<br />
Spain is not known as an international<br />
destination for multipitch climbing, but it has<br />
an abundance. Our next stop, Roca dels Arcs,<br />
near the small town of Villanova de Meia, is<br />
a cliff of limestone 250m high and several<br />
kilometres across. The route we climbed, El<br />
Senor de los Bordillos (translation: the guy<br />
in the kerb), turned out to be deceptively<br />
difficult, weaving through a roof and then up<br />
vertical terrain with nothing but razor-edge<br />
holds to cling to. At the base of the cliff, after<br />
descending, some French climbers directed<br />
us to a nearby monastery at the top of a hill,<br />
a perfect place to pitch a tent and wander<br />
through some ancient ruins.<br />
The next valley over contains the Terradets<br />
canyon - again, a lifetime of climbing here -<br />
and from there we headed to Mont-Rebei, a<br />
place so alluring that we returned once we’d<br />
driven to Barcelona and grabbed another<br />
rental car. (For some reason, it’s cheaper to<br />
rent for 30 days than for 60, so we drove back<br />
and swapped cars after 30.) In the spirit of our<br />
Spanish travels so far, we slept in an old stone<br />
cottage under Cap de Ras, the eastern part of<br />
the same cliff line, and finished our multipitch<br />
adventures on a climb called El Tercer Hombre<br />
(translation: the third man). The climb has the<br />
luxury of being fully bolted, and finishes on a<br />
difficult, vertical face with long moves between<br />
tiny holds.<br />
At the summit, we surveyed the arid, orangespeckled<br />
beauty in all directions. A few ancient<br />
towers could be seen in distant hilltops, where<br />
tiny mountain hamlets survive on goat farming<br />
and tourist visitors. The pace of Spanish life<br />
had been far less frenzied - poo-trastophe<br />
aside - than the mountains around Chamonix.<br />
But, as we discovered, that doesn’t mean<br />
there isn’t much multipitching adventures to be<br />
had: several lifetimes’ worth, in fact, if we only<br />
had several lifetimes at our disposal.<br />
10//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
Main image: Chris Baker stretches while climbing ‘The<br />
death of the sponsor’ (7b+, 26) in Siurana
Words by Jenny Hodder<br />
Big Risk Equals Big Reward, Right?<br />
I was not raised to embody the “big risk equals big<br />
reward” mindset, but it’s a way of living I’ve adopted<br />
as I’ve aged– for better or for worse (depends on<br />
who you ask). Over the course of my early 20’s, I<br />
embarked on a turbulent journey of trial and error,<br />
testing the reliability of this philosophy, however<br />
frivolous the “testing” might’ve been. It’s worked both<br />
in my favour and against me. Each time it’s worked<br />
in my favour, I’ve experienced richness I wouldn’t<br />
have without the risk and stacked another brick on the<br />
stature of my self-trust. Each time it’s worked against<br />
me, I uncovered lessons that were crucial to the<br />
journey and laughed at my misguided mistakes.<br />
This philosophy goes alongside my foremost agenda<br />
of “figure out what makes me happy and just do it.”<br />
One risk led me across Canada, 7 000 kilometers<br />
away from my network of friends, my family, and my<br />
home near the ocean. I left the people, life, and culture<br />
that was familiar to me for a community I had no idea<br />
how to be a part of and a life among mountains I had<br />
no idea how to live. The reward: the life I wanted to<br />
live (in Sun Peaks, British Columbia).<br />
Mahalo My Dude rider getting air on Sundance Mountain, summer 2022<br />
“Once the fear<br />
dissolves, the stoke<br />
of feeling weightless<br />
takes over and you<br />
question why you<br />
didn’t start biking<br />
sooner,”<br />
Mahalo My Dude rider getting air on Sundance Mountain, summer 2022.<br />
This summer, I translated “big risk<br />
equals big reward” to mountain biking in<br />
the Sun Peaks Bike Park. Here’s what<br />
I learned:<br />
• Always evaluate the risk and<br />
determine the impact of the<br />
reward.<br />
• The reward does not always<br />
balance the risk.<br />
• If the risk is riding a trail you’re not<br />
ready for and the reward is your<br />
own satisfaction or a fist bump,<br />
you’ll probably discover what it<br />
feels like to go OTB (over the<br />
handlebars).<br />
• “I’m just going to send it,” isn’t<br />
viable reasoning for a risk on your<br />
bike.<br />
• Lastly, the voice of your risk will<br />
often be your ego telling you you’re<br />
better than you are, don’t listen to it.<br />
Sweat, Callouses, and Fatigue.<br />
Late July sun melts over the soft, inviting<br />
mountains that encircle Sun Peaks. It<br />
trickles through thick greenery lining the<br />
trail beneath my bike and dyes the air<br />
gold. Laughing and eccentric chaos fill<br />
the plumes of golden air. I narrow my<br />
field of vision so the only thing within it<br />
is the soil laden surface of my favourite<br />
flow trail, Stella Blue. Mindfully inhaling<br />
and exhaling, I breathe with the smooth<br />
transition of each jump and berm.<br />
Clouds of earthy dust gather in my wake,<br />
a layer of buttery sunshine spreads over<br />
my goggles, and I gulp down traces of<br />
wildflowers in the air. The world feels<br />
suspended in a moment – the kind I’ve<br />
been chasing for my whole life, but<br />
never knew how to create. Turns out I<br />
needed to buy a bike and ride the Sun<br />
Peaks Bike Park.<br />
Pools of sweat soak the inner padding<br />
of my helmet, my calloused hands are<br />
cramping with fatigue. If you’ve never<br />
biked before, I’m sure it all sounds<br />
exhausting and intimidating, and<br />
honestly it is; but I’ve never felt so close<br />
to flying. Once the fear dissolves, the<br />
stoke of feeling weightless takes over<br />
and you question why you didn’t start<br />
biking sooner.<br />
“In Sun Peaks,<br />
we’re passionate<br />
about mountain<br />
biking.”<br />
North of 20 years ago, Sun Peaks OGs<br />
and core mountain bikers initiated the<br />
beginnings of a legendary bike park.<br />
Scraping trails into Tod Mountain by<br />
hand, they didn’t realize they were<br />
foraging the path to a world-class<br />
downhill biking experience.<br />
Rider Jenny Hodder on Canada Line,<br />
summer 2022.<br />
“No matter where I<br />
go, a fraction of my<br />
heart will always<br />
lay among the soil<br />
on Stella Blue in<br />
the Sun Peaks Bike<br />
Park.”<br />
Lacee Smith whizzing through wildflowers on<br />
Tod Mountain, summer 2022.<br />
Photo: Dylan Sherrard.<br />
16//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
Rider Jenny Hodder on Canada Line, summer 2022.<br />
In its beginning era, the bike park<br />
reflected the heart and soul of what<br />
mountain biking was at the time –<br />
gnarly and rowdy. Legendary trails<br />
like Steam Shovel, Gnar-Boom, and<br />
Insanity One are notoriously known in<br />
Sun Peaks for their calibre of difficulty<br />
and are trails that attract riders who<br />
push their limits. Years unfolded and<br />
with each one, the Sun Peaks Bike<br />
Park evolved. In the time leading up to<br />
this summer, the bike park experienced<br />
significant growth and the approach<br />
became “come one, come all.”<br />
The staff and riders behind each<br />
chapter of the bike park’s development<br />
were fueled by their insatiable passion<br />
for riding. They laid blueprints and dug<br />
trails with a vision to elevate riding<br />
and make Sun Peaks the best place<br />
to do it. Fast forward to June, 2022.<br />
The Sun Peaks Bike Park is now “built<br />
for progression” and the diversity of<br />
terrain is dialed for both beginners<br />
and pros. After a $1.5M investment,<br />
the bike park expanded onto an<br />
entirely separate mountain, opened a<br />
second summer chairlift, and added 19<br />
kilometers of new downhill terrain.<br />
Riders now have the freedom to<br />
explore all three mountains in Sun<br />
Peaks on their bikes. As I rode the<br />
new trails on Sundance Mountain this<br />
summer, it was common to overhear<br />
remarks like, “That was the best blue<br />
flow trail I’ve ever ridden” (referencing<br />
the oh so magnificent Stella Blue).<br />
The Risk That Wasn’t a Risk at All.<br />
The ambiguity of the unknown is<br />
unsettling; it is for me at least. As much<br />
as I seek spontaneity, I struggle with<br />
lack of structure and the element of<br />
not knowing. Prior to moving to Sun<br />
Peaks, there was little about my life<br />
that was unpredictable. I worked,<br />
went to the same local pubs, and<br />
consistently saw the same people.<br />
Leaving that predictability behind<br />
for something so foreign felt like a<br />
significant risk. Now, I watch the sun<br />
sink behind the mountains after a day<br />
in the bike park. I ride the chairlift to<br />
embark on an alpine hike after work.<br />
I’ve discovered skills and passions<br />
etched into mountain culture that<br />
have become integral to my quality of<br />
life. I’ve experienced the support of<br />
community.<br />
The “big risk” of moving to Sun Peaks,<br />
wasn’t really a risk at all – it brought to<br />
light a piece of my identity that I didn’t<br />
know I was missing. No matter where<br />
I go, a fraction of my heart will always<br />
lay among the soil on Stella Blue in the<br />
Sun Peaks Bike Park.<br />
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First hike in the Dolomites, Italy, to Refugio re Alberto<br />
On world-class winning wave at Nias, Indonesia<br />
Image by WSL<br />
PAIGE<br />
HAREB<br />
HAVE BLOG...<br />
Words by Paige Hareb, Images by Lauren Murray<br />
I’ve been a pro-surfer, and a<br />
self-proclaimed pro-traveller for<br />
over 14 years now. Sitting here<br />
reflecting on the last six months<br />
of my travel, I’m feeling a lot of<br />
gratitude. After semi-deciding and<br />
semi-being forced to stay in NZ<br />
for two whole years because of<br />
the pandemic, I felt it was time to<br />
make the most of travelling again.<br />
Ironically, the week before<br />
I started my first adventure<br />
overseas, I got Covid for my<br />
birthday, June 6. My week of<br />
isolation just finished in time for<br />
me to fly out to Indonesia for two<br />
surf competitions.<br />
I had contests at Krui and Nias,<br />
which were amazing! The finals<br />
day at Nias has been a real<br />
standout moment for me this<br />
year, the waves were absolutely<br />
pumping, the best I’ve ever had<br />
for a contest! The win there<br />
made it that much sweeter too.<br />
My travel agent was telling me<br />
not to do it before South Africa<br />
because she didn’t think I would<br />
get my boards in time. I’d always<br />
wanted to go there so I just<br />
ignored her and risked it. I’m so<br />
happy I went, it paid off. It was<br />
the very first time I’d travelled<br />
alone to an event and stayed by<br />
myself, maybe I should try doing<br />
that more. All I wanted to do was<br />
keep getting through more heats<br />
just to surf perfect waves with no<br />
one out. Two weeks in Indo and<br />
I was already head over heels<br />
in love with travelling again.<br />
Next stop the United States of<br />
America baby!<br />
"I didn't<br />
realise how<br />
much I missed<br />
travelling"<br />
I didn’t realise how much I<br />
missed travelling. I was in<br />
California for the US Open at<br />
Huntington Beach, but I stayed<br />
on for a few months with my<br />
girlfriend and pro-photographer,<br />
Lauren Murray, exploring<br />
the area, and hiking through<br />
Big Pine Creek, the Grand<br />
Canyon, Yosemite, Joshua Tree,<br />
Colorado and Big Sur. America is<br />
such a big country with so much<br />
to do, I think it will always be in<br />
the top 10-holiday list for me.<br />
Next we headed to Italy, I had<br />
never been there before so<br />
wanted to do the classic tourist<br />
thing and visit Venice before<br />
we headed to the Dolomites in<br />
Northern Italy. We did several<br />
hikes here as well as one just<br />
across the border in Austria. The<br />
hiking ‘Huttes’ in Italy and Austria<br />
were very impressive, positioned<br />
in some crazy, amazing spots in<br />
the mountains.<br />
After a quick competition Near<br />
Lisboa, Portugal and an even<br />
quicker road/surf trip South to<br />
Algarve, a place that seemed a<br />
bit like a Bali destination for the<br />
UK and other Europeans.<br />
With a quick overnight in<br />
Denmark (another new fav city<br />
of mine), we then headed to the<br />
Faroe Islands. A self-governing<br />
archipelago, part of the Kingdom<br />
of Denmark, that I had only just<br />
heard of and had no idea where<br />
it was or what to expect. I felt<br />
lucky to be there because not<br />
many people get to go there.<br />
The landscape was amazing,<br />
waterfalls everywhere and huge,<br />
steep cliffs dropping straight into<br />
the wild sea. I managed to fit a<br />
surf in there too, it was small but<br />
Right: A grand view in the Grand Canyon.<br />
Iceland, cool and cool.<br />
"It felt a little scary<br />
being the out in such a<br />
huge bay."<br />
it’s definitely got a lot of potential, and I left there<br />
already wanting to go back and explore more. It<br />
reminded me a lot of New Zealand.<br />
As if I didn’t think our trip could get any cooler (pun<br />
intended), we headed to Iceland. It’s always been a<br />
country on my bucket list so I could barely contain<br />
my excitement about going there. We were lucky<br />
enough for Happy Campers to give us their latest<br />
4WD camper van for 10 days. It wasn’t their winter<br />
yet, but it sure felt and looked a lot like winter still.<br />
We pretty much drove around the whole country,<br />
exploring waterfalls, hikes, the f-roads, thermal<br />
pools and of course the beaches. I had always<br />
wanted to surf the famous right-hander there,<br />
surrounded by the snow-covered mountains.<br />
I was warm in the water with all the right gear. The<br />
wave was small but so perfect and fun. It felt so<br />
surreal and a little bit scary being the only one out<br />
in a huge bay, the snow all around was amazing. It<br />
was such a unique experience I will never forget.<br />
We were lucky enough to see some of the Northern<br />
lights too. I would definitely recommend a trip to<br />
Iceland, I promise you I will be going back there.<br />
I then spent a week in Anglet, France visiting my<br />
French brother and sister, who stayed with my<br />
family throughout the first lockdown in NZ. France<br />
is always a good place to visit, one of my alltime<br />
favourite countries. Possibly one of the only<br />
countries I would consider living in. I love their food<br />
and way of life in the South of France.<br />
Right: Lago di Sorapis, another hike in Northern Italy.<br />
Clockwise from top left: A quick but beautiful hike up from a family<br />
cabin in Colorado, USA. / Chasing waterfalls in Iceland. / Stayed the<br />
night up by this swing bridge in Austria, first day was all rocky, next<br />
day was covered in snow.<br />
I then headed back to Brazil for another competition. I<br />
always moan about flying all the way to Brazil, but once<br />
I’m there, I do enjoy it, it’s one of those countries that have<br />
seemed to slowly grow on me over the years.<br />
A new contest then came up in Taiwan. I had never been<br />
before, this year felt like it was my year to go to as many<br />
new countries as possible, so the decision to fly straight<br />
there from Brazil was pretty easy, even though it took 50+<br />
hours. I didn’t really know what to expect there, but I was<br />
very impressed. The water and weather were very tropical,<br />
the waves were very consistent and fun, oh and how good<br />
was the food! I think it could be my new destination instead<br />
of Bali. A lot of similarities but a lot fewer people in the water<br />
when surfing.<br />
Last but not least, to finish the six months of travel, Hawaii.<br />
I was meant to have my last competition there but with<br />
the horrible exchange rate USD to NZD and the high<br />
accommodation rates there, it just wasn’t feasible to stay for<br />
so long. However, we did still manage to fit in a few days on<br />
Kauai island, an island I hadn’t been to before. It was small<br />
to drive around with huge Jurassic park-like scenery but I<br />
think I still prefer either Maui or Oahu. It was nice to finish<br />
the six months of travel in somewhere that was tropical and<br />
actually felt like a holiday and slightly closer to home, which<br />
we were nearly ready for.<br />
Follow Paige on:<br /><br /><br /><br />
24//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
M<br />
This image of an Eagle Hunter in action was taken in<br />
the remote Altai mountains of Mongolia whilst running<br />
one of my photography expedition workshops. For<br />
this image I lay flat on the ground to get the lowest<br />
possible angle. This gives the feel of extra power to<br />
the horse galloping directly towards the camera as it<br />
dominates from above. The low angle also allowed me<br />
to show less of the ground directly in front of and behind<br />
the horse which in turn gives the perception of even<br />
shallower depth of field helping to isolate the horse, rider<br />
and eagle from the backdrop.<br />
Careful choice of camera settings were in play here. I<br />
needed high enough ISO to ensure a fast shutter speed.<br />
I shot relatively wide f stop which gave shallow depth<br />
of field but also allowed a bit of a buffer for focus and<br />
the different elements in the image to be sharp. I use<br />
continuous focus and locked onto the eye of the rider. It<br />
was a real bonus to have a catchlight in the eagle's eye<br />
and the horses hooves off the ground throwing dust and<br />
stones around for a bit of added drama.<br />
Nikon Z9, Nikkor 180-400mm lens at 390mm<br />
ISO 800. f 6.3 for 1/2500 second<br />
Chris can help you to perfect your photographic skills<br />
whilst seeing some of the most spectacular subjects on<br />
the planet. Chris McLennan leads photo expeditions in<br />
Mongolia as well as Africa, Alaska, Svalbard and Papua<br />
New Guinea.<br /><br />
FB:<br />
IG: chris_mclennan1<br />
Words and images by Eric Skilling<br />
“Who would choose to walk this<br />
trail?”, I found myself asking out loud<br />
even though there was nobody within<br />
earshot. Perhaps if you were a multiday<br />
adventure-racer, training for one of<br />
those endurance events. Perhaps if you<br />
really liked walking alongside exposed<br />
tussock - lots and lots of tussock. Or<br />
perhaps you had just had a knee or hip<br />
reconstruction and felt a need to test<br />
the success of the operation.<br />
Okay, maybe I was still grumpy after<br />
the disappointment of cancelling a third<br />
attempt to tackle Gillespie Pass and<br />
get my first look at Lake Crucible. In<br />
the face of a rapidly worsening weather<br />
forecast we had sought the advice of<br />
the charming and informative folk at<br />
the DOC centre in Wanaka the day<br />
before we were to set out to Makarora.<br />
“I wouldn’t go there! You need to<br />
stay east of the divide” was the very<br />
disheartening but very prudent advice.<br />
Motatapu is not an easy tramp. It<br />
doesn’t promise close-up views of<br />
alpine peaks or glacial lakes, or mile<br />
after mile of tranquil beech forest.<br />
Walking alongside fence lines and the<br />
odour of fresh livestock dung has a way<br />
of taking away that wilderness feel but<br />
nevertheless this trail is a challenge<br />
worth accepting. Where else can you<br />
climb well over 3,000 metres in 3 days,<br />
only lose it all again without the reward<br />
of reaching a single peak.<br />
By the time we reached around 1,100<br />
metres on the first day, almost 200<br />
metres short of Jack’s saddle at 1,275<br />
metres, my enthusiasm had reached<br />
a low ebb. It was uncomfortably hot,<br />
which made me doubt the accuracy of<br />
the weather forecast that had got us<br />
here in the first place. Our group of 5<br />
was stretched out along the exposed<br />
track as it meandered around steep<br />
ridges and dived into damp gullies, but<br />
always it went up again - a long way up.<br />
To make matters worse, we knew we<br />
would lose 500 metres before reaching<br />
that day’s destination. This was a slog.<br />
But it got better, a lot better. Later that<br />
day five sweaty trampers would round<br />
the final ridge and the longed-for sight<br />
of the Highland hut. The effort involved<br />
in reaching that point would have<br />
made the most dilapidated shelter look<br />
magnificent, but this hut must rate as<br />
one of the most amazing settings for a<br />
night’s stop.<br />
Andrew searching his way through the tussock on the lightly formed track<br />
Sited on a sloping basin, with its<br />
back to an amphitheatre of towering<br />
mountains, it faces northwards, giving<br />
views down the rugged V-shaped river<br />
valley of the Highland creek to snowtopped<br />
peaks of the Harris Mountain<br />
range. Providing shelter for many<br />
adventurers since 2008, including a<br />
steady stream of Te Araroa trekkers,<br />
the cabin was in great condition. It<br />
has been well designed with plenty of<br />
space to accommodate the 12 people it<br />
was intended to lodge.<br />
It wasn’t long before all those things<br />
that makes tramping so enjoyable<br />
had begun clicking into place. After a<br />
quick unpack and wash, a few of us<br />
had gathered on the deck replete with<br />
hot coffee and chocolate to watch the<br />
valley darken and the snow on the<br />
faraway peaks turn pink. That was one<br />
of those priceless moments that makes<br />
you forget the efforts of the day.<br />
"Motatapu is not<br />
an easy tramp. It<br />
doesn’t promise<br />
close-up views of<br />
alpine peaks or<br />
glacial lakes, or<br />
mile after mile<br />
of tranquil beech<br />
forest."<br />
Shane on the steep and narrow descent to Highland Hut<br />
Banter with a few mates over dinner,<br />
making friends with travellers from<br />
around the world, and then venturing<br />
outside to enjoy a sparkling night sky<br />
framed by the soaring peaks around us,<br />
before heading back inside for the night.<br />
Once out on the track again the next<br />
day, I had begun to look at the terrain as<br />
a challenge and not some masochistic<br />
trail-blazers idea of a wake-up call for<br />
the unfit, unprepared, or over-packed. I<br />
began to appreciate the determination<br />
involved in designing, developing,<br />
and maintaining the track. Those<br />
atmosphere-killing fences became<br />
symbols of the resolve and endurance of<br />
high-country farmers. Respect.<br />
This is big country, big like Texas. In<br />
the words of Geoff Chapple, founder<br />
of the Te Araroa track “within the trail’s<br />
wider landscapes, [you] may see it’s<br />
human figures diminished by scale<br />
and distance, yet in that reduction,<br />
enhanced.” Each of the next 4 saddles<br />
we crested became a stunning view into<br />
a vast countryside with a thousand folds<br />
and creases. Huge weather-beaten<br />
boulders stuck out on the skyline<br />
like ancient, ruined temples, or hung<br />
precariously from the sides of the steep<br />
ridges. Faraway peaks seemed to be<br />
laid in a deceptively smooth looking<br />
carpet of tussock. Streams snaked<br />
across the gently sloping valley floor.<br />
Energy sapping drops into gullies<br />
became welcome sources of cool, clear<br />
refreshing water.<br />
Over the course of the 3-days we<br />
kept reminding ourselves this route<br />
is graded “advanced”, and there was<br />
plenty of debate about what defined<br />
that term. It made sense that the track<br />
would require a decent amount of<br />
sweat. Expect plenty of scrambling on<br />
the steep sections. The track ranges<br />
from narrow to very narrow (or, as the<br />
guide states – is “lightly formed”) and<br />
occasionally disappears into foliage or<br />
eroded away in many small slips. Some<br />
hair-raising drop-offs will reawaken<br />
the lapsing concentration, especially<br />
on some downward ridges. There are<br />
plenty of streams to cross and rivercrossings<br />
to evaluate.<br />
All three huts - Fern Burn, Highland<br />
and Roses were clean, well-insulated,<br />
spacious, and well placed. Successful<br />
predator management in the forested<br />
sections must be congratulated, but<br />
don’t expect many bird calls near the<br />
huts or the open parts of the trail.<br />
Be wary of the Spaniards –<br />
appropriately named aciphylla horrida,<br />
hiding in the huge tussock stacks along<br />
"This is big country,<br />
big like Texas. In<br />
the words of Geoff<br />
Chapple, founder of<br />
the Te Araroa track<br />
“within the trail’s<br />
wider landscapes,<br />
[you] may see it’s<br />
human figures<br />
diminished by scale<br />
and distance, yet<br />
in that reduction,<br />
enhanced.”"<br />
Highland Hut with the snow-topped Harris Mountains in the distance<br />
John making his way off the last ridge on the way to Arrow River Valley and Macetown<br />
Fresh faced Steve and John in the forest on day 1<br />
"Motatapu is<br />
to quote, “an<br />
extraordinary gift<br />
to the nation”.<br />
Unashamedly and<br />
unapologetically<br />
demanding,"<br />
Shane feeling the heat on the way to Jacks Saddle<br />
the traverse between Highland and<br />
Roses hut. We must have endured<br />
more stabbings from these unwelcome<br />
native shrubs on that stretch than<br />
the English in 1588. Matagouri are<br />
flourishing alongside and in some<br />
cases, on, the challenging segment<br />
between Roses saddle and Macetown,<br />
ready to snag any uncovered skin,<br />
coats and packs.<br />
All this was anticipated. The trail could<br />
do with some TLC in places. There were<br />
plenty of fallen trees to negotiate in the<br />
few forested areas and a fair bit of bushbashing<br />
around some eroded sections.<br />
We all felt sympathy for the Te Araroa<br />
folk who get to face these obstacles<br />
with their heavier packs, often in poor<br />
weather conditions, making for several<br />
successive days of tough tramping.<br />
Don’t plan to wimp out of the last<br />
day from Roses hut or overcome<br />
the logistical issues by crossing the<br />
private station back to the Glendu Bay<br />
car park. There is very clear signage<br />
explaining that if you dare to cross into<br />
the Station, you will be retracing your<br />
steps back to the trail.<br />
Weather forecasts for mountainous<br />
regions are understandably unreliable,<br />
but the general gist of the forecast<br />
during our stay was for snow to 1600<br />
metres, the height of Gillespie Pass<br />
on our second day (in late-November),<br />
which turned out to be accurate.<br />
The long-range forecast was for<br />
deteriorating conditions and the snow<br />
level lowering to 1100 metres, which<br />
also turned out to be accurate. The<br />
blessing of heading east of the divide<br />
was most of the foul weather only<br />
reached us after nightfall, except for<br />
the last day when we spent many hours<br />
trudging in cold rain.<br />
the final 10km stretch from Roses hut<br />
with its 500 metres of climb over the<br />
saddle and down again to Macetown,<br />
followed by 15km of four-wheel track<br />
across and alongside the river.<br />
This turned out to be a very wise<br />
decision. The stormy weather that had<br />
dumped snow on Gillespie pass had<br />
finally made its way off the mountain<br />
range to unleash on us by the time we<br />
reached Macetown. I believe a few<br />
friendships would have been written<br />
off had we pitched tents in the misty<br />
rain, and then endured a night camping<br />
out on sodden ground exposed to the<br />
wind as it raged down the narrow Arrow<br />
River valley. The historic significance<br />
of this settlement will have to wait until<br />
another visit.<br />
Our feet were numb with cold before<br />
we had even managed less than 10<br />
of the 23 river crossings between<br />
Macetown and Arrowtown, with the river<br />
rising each time we stepped into the<br />
fast-flowing waters. Luckily for us we<br />
reached the mountain bike track and its<br />
bridges at that stage which saved us a<br />
night camping out.<br />
Arrowtown - what a wonderful place<br />
to finish a trail. With the benefit<br />
of hindsight this is a great spot to<br />
celebrate and spend the night. The<br />
logistical arrangements were already<br />
difficult enough, so the option of an<br />
overnight stop in Arrowtown never got<br />
to be discussed anyway.<br />
Motatapu is to quote, “an extraordinary<br />
gift to the nation”. Unashamedly and<br />
unapologetically demanding, it provided<br />
us with a very different experience<br />
to the nearby sub-alpine and higher<br />
journeys, and one we will all reminisce<br />
about for some time to come.<br />
All-inclusive<br />
package from<br />
$440 per person<br />
(twin share)<br />
Package includes:<br />
• Track transfers<br />
• Coffee and cake on arrival at<br />
On the Track Lodge<br />
• 2 nights in comfortable chalet<br />
accommodation*<br />
• All meals (Day 1 dinner & dessert,<br />
Day 2 breakfast, packed lunch & dinner<br />
& dessert, Day 3 breakfast & packed<br />
lunch). Vegetarian/vegan/gluten free<br />
meals available)<br />
• Use of On the Track Lodge kayaks<br />
and all other amenities, including a<br />
hot-tub.<br />
*Upgrade to stay in the newly<br />
renovated vintage train carriages<br />
(with private bathroom).<br />
Discover the hidden wonders of the Nydia Track, it is not as well known or<br />
busy as the Queen Charlotte Track but just as beautiful.<br />
The track takes you through coastal forest (rimu, nikau and beech) with<br />
superb views and is suitable for people with a reasonable level of fitness,<br />
boots are recommended and some of the streams are not bridged.<br />
• Start from Havelock and take a shuttle to historic Kaiuma Bay, (4-5 hours).<br />
• Dine then stay at On the Track Lodge in a comfortable chalet<br />
or train carriage accommodation.<br />
• Spend the next day relaxing at the lodge, kayaking or taking some shorter walks.<br />
• The next day complete the rest of the tramp (carrying your freshly<br />
prepared packed lunch) to Duncan Bay in time for another shuttle ride back to Havelock.<br />
On The Track Lodge<br />
Nydia Track, Marlborough Sounds<br />
+643 579 8411 |<br /><br />
The steep and narrow descent<br />
Fortuitously we had planned to avoid<br />
spending a third night camping at<br />
Macetown. We had chosen to complete<br />
I choose to use Jetboil, Macpac,<br />
Backcountry Cuisine and Keen.
Words and images compliments of Red Bull<br />
500m at 200m high in windy 50°C weather.<br />
With the backdrop of the picturesque landscapes of Kazakstan,<br />
Estonian Jaan Roose became the first person to cross the iconic<br />
“fangs” on a slackline, limestone pillars that make up the Bozzhyra<br />
tract, also known as the 'Sugar Castles' and were crafted by the<br />
ancient Tethys Ocean, millions of years ago.<br />
we ARE climbing<br />
Jaan Roose - Red Bull Content Pool<br />
Roose took up slacklining 12 years ago and is well known for being the<br />
first and only athlete to do a double backflip (legs) while, in 2019, he<br />
won the World Slackline Masters in Munich, Germany.<br />
The three-time world champion, who has also worked as a stuntman<br />
in Hollywood movies like Assassin's Creed and taken part in a concert<br />
tour with Madonna, is a world-record holder in many unusual locations.<br />
After navigating a 28m line between Sarajevo skyscrapers last year,<br />
Roose headed next to Kazakhstan where he made a difficult 500m<br />
crossing at a height of 200 metres in 50°C with a strong wind.<br />
The 30-year-old revealed: "Bozzhyra is a challenge and is one of<br />
the most difficult, but at the same time, beautiful projects I have<br />
ever undertaken. When I saw photos of Bozzhyra I was impressed,<br />
but when I got here, I was blown away by the unearthly beauty of<br />
the place. The fact there used to be an ocean here really fuels the<br />
imagination."<br />
Many years ago, the Great Silk Road used to cross the Mangistau<br />
desert region and one of the ledges, which resembles a fortress, is<br />
even depicted on Kazakhstan's 1,000 tenge banknote.<br />
Roose added: "It's just a fantastic place. I'm glad I visited it and saw<br />
this unique location with my own eyes and was also able to combine<br />
physical ability with the beauty of nature."<br />
One of the group's main goals was to treat the unique nature of the<br />
area with care, making sure they observed all ecological requirements<br />
in the real historical location as the camera team spent five days in<br />
Mangistau Region at the site to film their piece and open this unique<br />
location.<br />
John Palmer at Sunnyside, Wanaka<br />
Photo: Tom Hoyle<br />
For over thirty years Bivouac Outdoor has been proudly 100% New Zealand owned and committed to providing<br />
you with the best outdoor clothing and equipment available in the world. It is the same gear we literally stake our<br />
lives on, because we are committed to adventure and we ARE climbing.<br />
Talgat Amanbayev, Board Chairman of NC Kazakh Tourism JSC, said:<br />
"Today, Mangistau Region is a priority tourist destination in Kazakhstan<br />
and one of the top five in terms of overseas visitors for the year.<br />
Mangistau is capable of becoming a real film-tourism centre, and as<br />
such, we are always ready to support initiatives that give exposure to<br />
its phenomenal beauty. At the same time, we will make sure it is treated<br />
with the care and attention it deserves to help preserve it."<br />
Supporting Aotearoa's Backcountry Heritage<br />
Above Left: Camping out at Joshua Tree National Park<br />
*<br />
*<br />
JOSHUA<br />
TREE<br />
ZION<br />
**<br />
BRYCE<br />
CANYON<br />
*PAGE<br />
PARK<br />
*ESTES<br />
#VANLIFE<br />
Before the world was in a semi-permanent state of<br />
lockdown, we used to satisfy our #vanlife each year<br />
exploring the States in our Roadbear RV. Over the<br />
years we have covered some fairly extensive miles and<br />
here’s our pick of the top places to go for an adventure.<br />
Above: No hiding the joy of that first glimps of Yosemite<br />
Joshua Tree National Park is in southern California (not far<br />
from Coachella Valley) and named for the twisted, bristled<br />
Joshua trees that litter the park.<br />
Climate: Joshua Tree is located in a sub-tropical desert so<br />
the winters are mild and the summers scorching hot with<br />
temperatures reaching mid-late 30’s throughout the summer<br />
months.<br />
Must do: Some of the best short hikes (around 1.5km) are<br />
Hidden Valley, Barker Dam, Arch Rock, and the Discovery<br />
Trail, all are very scenic.<br />
Best time to visit: As this is desert country, the best time to<br />
visit is during spring or autumn, when the temperatures are<br />
more tolerable (they still range between 21-29 degrees C).<br />
Why we loved it: The park was beautifully maintained and<br />
the campsites truly unique. Parked beneath rugged rock<br />
formations and Joshua trees, listening to wolves (might<br />
have been coyotes) while watching the dark night sky was a<br />
truly special experience.<br />
“There can be nothing in<br />
the world more beautiful<br />
than the Yosemite, and<br />
our people should see<br />
to it that they are<br />
preserved for their<br />
children and their<br />
children’s children<br />
forever, with their<br />
majestic beauty all<br />
unmarred.”<br />
~ Theodore Roosevelt<br />
Taken straight from their website, Yosemite is descirbed<br />
as “Not just a great valley, but a shrine to human<br />
foresight, the strength of granite, the power of glaciers,<br />
the persistence of life, and the tranquility of the High<br />
Sierra.” Couldn’t have put it better myself…<br />
The park is best known for it’s waterfalls and climbing<br />
walls but with nearly 1,200 square miles there is so<br />
much more to see from deep valleys, vast meadows,<br />
giant sequoias and a vast wilderness area.<br />
Climate: Yosemite experiences highs in summer up to<br />
30 degrees celsius and in winter of 8 with temperature<br />
dropping to 14 degrees in summer and into the minus<br />
during winter. Most of Yosemite is covered in snow<br />
between November and May.<br />
Best time to visit: Anytime between May and<br />
September means you will avoid 95% of the areas rain.<br />
However, as with all USA’s national parks, the peak of<br />
summer is always super busy so spring and autumn<br />
make for an ideal time.<br />
Above: Waking up to snowfall in Tioga Pass, Yosemite<br />
Must do: Visiting Yosemite Valley goes without saying, but<br />
if you have time, drive over Tioga pass (not open during<br />
winter). You get another perspective of the area and the<br />
scenery is just as impressive. We drove the pass during<br />
September and woke up the following morning to snow<br />
covered surrounds.<br />
Why we loved it: The grandeur. It’s hard to describe but<br />
driving into Yosemite Valley was awe inspiring. The granite<br />
walls have to be stood beside for you to really appreciate<br />
their size.<br />
Above: Cliff-nicking in Estes Park, Colorado<br />
Estes Park in northern Colorado, is considered “basecamp” for<br />
the Rocky Mountain National Park and the adventure capital of<br />
the region. There is every outdoor activity available from hiking,<br />
mountain climbing, mountain biking, rafting, fishing and skiing.<br />
Climate: During the summer temperatures range from highs<br />
around 23 degrees C and lows of 10 degrees. In the winter<br />
temperatures range from 2 degrees to as low as -10.<br />
Page is a city in Arizona close to some<br />
spectacular scenic attractions: Lake<br />
Powell, Glen Canyon Dam, Horseshoe<br />
Bend, Antelope Canyon.<br />
Lake Powell straddles both Utah and<br />
Arizona and is a major vacation spot for<br />
boaties and fishermen. Although Lake<br />
Powell is officially an artificial reservoir<br />
do not let that put you off. Lake Powell is<br />
one of the most picturesque and intriguing<br />
places we have visited.<br />
Lake Powell’s main body stretches up<br />
the Glen Canyon but has also filled over<br />
90 side canyons. It also weaves its way<br />
up the Escalante River and San Juan<br />
River and merges with the Colorado<br />
River providing access to many natural<br />
geographic features, including Glen<br />
Canyon Dam and Rainbow Bridge, (one of<br />
the world’s largest natural bridges). Hire a<br />
houseboat for a few days, it’s a great way<br />
immerse yourself in the environment.<br />
Climate: Lake Powell area has extremes<br />
in temperature, dropping to a high of 8 o C<br />
in January to a scorching 37 o C in July.<br />
Must see:<br />
Horseshoe Bend: Just a short drive from<br />
Antelope Canyon is Horseshoe Bend. It<br />
is a part of the Colorado River that has<br />
naturally created a horseshoe bend,<br />
creating one of the most spectacular<br />
landscapes in Arizona. Horseshoe Bend<br />
is visible from high above the river bed,<br />
just pay for parking and walk to the most<br />
incredible viewing area. When we last<br />
visited in 2016 there were no railings<br />
and although it made for some incredible<br />
photos they have since installed a barrier<br />
at the main viewpoint. As of 2023, at least<br />
17 confirmed deaths have happened<br />
on the Angels Landing hike, and some<br />
sources put that figure closer to 20. Most<br />
of these were falls from steep cliffs.<br />
The best time to photograph Horseshoe<br />
Bend is either early morning or late<br />
afternoon due to the angle of the sun.<br />
Antelope Canyon: Known for its narrow<br />
rock walls, smoothed by water and wind,<br />
can be visited not far from Lake Powell but<br />
you have to take a guided tour. Well worth<br />
the money.<br />
Above: Horseshoe Bend, Arizona<br />
Above: Cliff jumping in Lake Powell<br />
Why we loved it: Lake Powell and the surrounding area<br />
is unique and incredibly different from anything we have in<br />
New Zealand. The canyon walls are a vibrant salmon colour<br />
and contrast against the green of the water. We spent a day<br />
on the lake fishing for bass and exploring the canyon walls,<br />
which also make for great jumping platforms.<br />
Must do: This area is a climbers paradise but if you want to<br />
experience the thrill of climbing without having the technical<br />
knowledge, then via ferrata is an excellent option. Set up and<br />
guided by Kent Mountain <strong>Adventure</strong> Center, the Estes Park Via<br />
Ferrata climbs roughly 600 vertical feet and includes a traverse<br />
with incredible views.<br />
Cliff camping: If you want to take your experience a step further,<br />
cliff camping is an option (but not for the faint hearted). Strapped<br />
to a harness your rappel down to a small portaledge secured<br />
to the cliff face where you will spend the night. An incredible<br />
experience!<br />
Best time to visit: The park is a year round destination, however<br />
to experience the most the area has to offer, June to September is<br />
your best option.<br />
Why we loved it: Although busy during the summer months, this<br />
town still holds a quaint feeling. It was also a great place to base<br />
ourselves while exploring the Rocky Mountain National Park.<br />
The hoodoos of Bryce Canyon<br />
Image by Ellis Dieperink<br />
Not far from Zion is Bryce Canyon National<br />
Park. The limestone rock formations, created<br />
by erosion and rain, create an otherworldly<br />
landscape, completely different to it’s<br />
neighbouring Zion National Park. The tall<br />
skinny spires of limestone are called hoodos<br />
and Bryce Canyon boast more hoodoos than<br />
any other place in the world.<br />
Climate: Due of its high elevation, the<br />
weather at Bryce Canyon through autumn,<br />
winter, and spring can be highly variable,<br />
snowstorms in October are not unusual.<br />
From October to May, temperatures fall below<br />
zero at night with the coldest period being<br />
between December and February. Summer<br />
temperatures reach the early to mid 20’s.<br />
Must do: There are numerous hiking trails<br />
in the canyon, and you can find something<br />
to suit any level. We chose to explore the<br />
canyon on horseback. Not only did that give<br />
us a different perspective, it also allowed us<br />
to cover a larger area of the canyon that we<br />
could have achieved on foot alone.<br />
Stargaze - Due to the limited light pollution<br />
in Bryce Canyon, it is the perfect place for<br />
stargazing. In 2019, the International Dark-<br />
Sky Association designated Bryce Canyon<br />
and International Dark Sky Park. Although<br />
you can stargaze on your own, the park also<br />
offers several ranger programs offering 20<br />
minute constellation tours.<br />
Best time to visit: Although the summer<br />
months offer the warmest weather, Bryce<br />
Canyon is pretty spectacular to see during<br />
the winter months too. But if you want to<br />
participate in the ranger activities then you’ll<br />
need to visit between May and September.<br />
Why we loved it: It was like nothing we<br />
had seen before and as we explored on<br />
horseback all the was missing was John<br />
Wayne and a few Indians and we could have<br />
been on the set of any cowboy movie.<br />
On horseback is a great way to explore Bryce Canyon<br />
Image by Danika Perkinson<br />
Zion National Park is located in the<br />
South East corner of Utah, a state<br />
known for its rich reddish and tancoloured<br />
Navajo Sandstone that have<br />
been eroded by the Virgin River.<br />
Horse Ranch Mountain is the highest<br />
point in the park at 2,660m, and Coal<br />
Pits Wash is the lowest at 1,117m.<br />
Climate: In the summer months (July-<br />
September) temperatures average<br />
around 30 0 C. Due to the nature of the<br />
park, evening temperatures do drop<br />
considerable even in summer (down<br />
to 12 0 C). Winter months have higher<br />
levels of rainfall (and snow). Spring<br />
and autumn temps average around<br />
20 0 C.<br />
Must do: There are numerous hikes<br />
in the area, the most famous are<br />
the Narrows which is accessible to<br />
everyone but as a result can get very<br />
crowded, and Angels Landing.<br />
The Narrows is an 8-15km round<br />
trip, depending on how far you want<br />
to walk, and you will be walking in the<br />
water for most of the day. Good hiking<br />
shoes are recommended<br />
Right: The Narrows,<br />
Zion National Park<br />
Image by Karan Chawla<br />
Angels Landing is a 8.6km roundtrip,<br />
not for the faint of heart. It’s a<br />
spectacular return hike and scramble<br />
to the summit of Angels Landing, do<br />
not go if you have a fear of heights.<br />
It is considered one of the most<br />
spectacular day hikes in the world.<br />
The hike climbs up roughly 1,500<br />
vertical feet along the narrow fin of<br />
stone that reaches a top elevation<br />
of 5,790 feet. There have been 13<br />
known deaths from falls at Angels<br />
Landing since 2000, so yes, this is a<br />
hike to take seriously.<br />
Best time to visit: To avoid<br />
the crowds and the scorching<br />
temperatures, visit in March, April,<br />
October, or November. The busiest<br />
time in the park is June and July with<br />
over 500,000 monthly visitors.<br />
Why we loved it: Walking in the<br />
valleys of the rich red canyons of Zion<br />
is a feeling I will never forget. It was<br />
the first time that I really felt the power<br />
and wonder of nature.<br />
Both Zion and Bryce canyon offer great outdoor activities for all ages. For<br />
canyoneering and rappelling, Zion beats Bryce. You'll find world-class hiking<br />
in either Park, but in Zion you can find yourself hiking through streams or on<br />
sandstone ledges, like Angels Landing – one of the scariest hikes in the world!<br />
Okefenokee is a haven for alligators and they seem to be everywhere! Above, the view from our punt...<br />
"It’s a world<br />
wonder — this wild<br />
botanical garden<br />
serves as a haven<br />
for alligators<br />
and black bears,<br />
woodpeckers and<br />
ibises, bitterns and<br />
cranes."<br />
~ Janisse Ray<br />
The swamp straddles the Georgia-<br />
Florida line, however access to<br />
the swamp is from Georgia. The<br />
Okefenokee Swamp is a shallow<br />
wetland and is considered one of the<br />
seven natural wonders of Georgia.<br />
There are a few access points to the<br />
swamp, we visited from Stephen Foster<br />
State Park entrance where we hired a<br />
small<br />
Climate: This is a semi-tropical climate<br />
zone with hot and humid summer<br />
temperatures and winter temperature<br />
drops to around 11 degrees C.<br />
Must do: Hire one of the punts from<br />
the visitor centre and explore the<br />
swamp. You get given a map and then<br />
self drive around the swamp. There are<br />
so many alligators to see but also keep<br />
an eye out for the other wild life in the<br />
area; racoons, boars, otters and more.<br />
Best time to visit: Between late spring<br />
and early summer the weather is at its<br />
best and plants are in bloom making<br />
it a colourful and beautiful place. Also<br />
the animals are more active this time of<br />
year. To see the wildlife, early mornings<br />
and late evenings are the best time.<br />
Why we loved it: I have never seen so<br />
many alligators in my life. They were<br />
everywhere, they were massive, and<br />
they were just swimming in the water<br />
beside our small punt.<br />
44//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
Part of the thl global travel system
TROUT<br />
NATURE<br />
Words and images by Dion James<br />
Phrases that are used to describe trout fishing in<br />
Aotearoa are; adventure, peace, and tranquillity,<br />
but not always in that order.<br />
Walking along the quiet riverbank, you can<br />
hear the subtle sounds of a trout feeding on the<br />
surface. Your eyes now peer across the crystalclear<br />
water for any sign of that wild, unsuspecting<br />
trout. Yet it is easy to be distracted by the calm<br />
whispers of the wind, bird songs and the subtle<br />
noises found only in New Zealand's untouched<br />
environment miles from nowhere. Even the snowcapped<br />
mountains add to the distraction and make<br />
up a stunning backdrop, yet you are focused on<br />
the trout.<br />
After finally ensuring where the trout lies, you<br />
make that cast and hold your breath. As you watch<br />
a big trout rise to your floating fly, breaking the<br />
surface water, mouth wide, all that serenity, in an<br />
instant, turns to action!<br />
Just as easily, you could find yourself on a calm<br />
still-water lake surrounded by lush native forests.<br />
The silence is deafening, and then across the oillike<br />
water comes small bow waves towards your<br />
fly as you slowly retrieve. Suddenly, the serenity<br />
vanishes as quickly as your line tightens, the water<br />
erupts as a trout breaks the surface, peeling the<br />
line from the grasp of your hands, and the contest<br />
begins. Trout fishing is that juncture position of<br />
moments, sometimes hours of quiet serenity<br />
impacted by moments of complete drama.<br />
What I personally enjoy the most about hunting<br />
trout is the challenge. Seeing a massive fish and<br />
then planning, which could take half an hour or<br />
so before I move in. Stalking in on it like a tiger<br />
to a deer, getting into a position close enough to<br />
get a cast and then delivering it. Sometimes you<br />
only get one shot, and the cast must be pinpoint<br />
perfect. Then once that is achieved, if you are<br />
lucky enough for the fish to eat your fly, it all turns<br />
to chaos. The fish thrashes around, and they will<br />
take you for a wade and run down the river. Here,<br />
it requires a lot of skill, experience and, as with<br />
all fishing, a certain amount of luck. Eventually, if<br />
you get the trout under some control and it makes<br />
it to your net after the contest of the fight. Then<br />
there is a moment of pure joy and satisfaction that<br />
your planning, practice, skill and some luck came<br />
together, which is absolute fishing gold!<br />
Clockwise from top left: A back country rainbow trout taken in a prestine environment. / A tailing brown trout working the top for food<br />
on a stillwater lake / A typical sight of a Rainbow trout as it rises to the surface for insects floating down stream./ My Great Uncle<br />
Hoka Downs pictured with Zane Grey from the Book "Tales from an Anglers Eldorado"<br />
These are just a few draw cards on the<br />
sport of trout fishing and why I love it,<br />
mainly the places it takes you and the<br />
people you meet. Plus the skills it requires<br />
and the challenges.<br />
Plus, it is also a way of coming together;<br />
fishing with buddies on annual trips is a<br />
way of getting together with like-minded<br />
mates. We also fish as a family, my wife<br />
and children have caught trout fly fishing,<br />
and my son Reign caught his first at 4<br />
years old! It is not just the fishing but<br />
sharing the environment and the beauty<br />
of the places trout fishing can take you.<br />
Plus, there is the bonus that trout is also<br />
a culinary delicacy; you can't buy it here<br />
in New Zealand. You have to catch it, and<br />
on occasion, I’ll take some for the whanau<br />
who enjoy it.<br />
I was raised in a small forestry town east<br />
of Rotorua, which was surrounded by<br />
rivers and lakes. As a young fella, my<br />
father used to take me out hunting deer<br />
on the weekends. Then during the day<br />
after school, I would bike down to the local<br />
river searching for trout. My passion grew<br />
each time I went out on an adventure<br />
and even biked to locations nearly 30 km<br />
away. We are fortunate here in Aotearoa<br />
48//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
to be surrounded by stunning freshwater<br />
fisheries. It’s no wonder New Zealand is<br />
regarded as one of the top trout fishing<br />
destinations in the world.<br />
Trout fishing has been in my heritage for<br />
well over a century. My great grandfather,<br />
Morehu and my great uncle Hoka Downs<br />
were once pioneers for guiding for trout.<br />
They set up a business near Turangi,<br />
where my mum’s indigenous side is from.<br />
They started on family-owned land called<br />
the Kowhai flats, perched on the mighty<br />
Tongariro River banks. It is here they<br />
guided the likes of the Duke and Duchess<br />
of Wales and a famous American fishing<br />
writer named Zane Grey, who mentions<br />
my great ancestor Hoka Downs in his book<br />
“Tales of an anglers Eldorado”. This book<br />
is instrumental in putting the Tongariro<br />
River on the world map as a mecca for<br />
overseas fishermen to visit.<br />
This fishing linage from my forebears led<br />
me to be a trout fishing guide myself. I<br />
was based out of Rotorua and did it for a<br />
few years. I have helped tourists and kiwis<br />
alike have an experience they will never<br />
forget, from catching their first-ever trout to<br />
catching their biggest. The joy of guiding<br />
is not about catching fish (that does help),<br />
but it is witnessing the pure joy and delight<br />
from clients who were so thrilled to be<br />
in that location and to catch their first or<br />
biggest fish. That is something to cherish,<br />
and I will have those memories forever.<br />
Over the years of fishing and guiding, I<br />
have formed some great relationships with<br />
people who are now lifelong friends and<br />
also a few top tackle companies. I became<br />
a sponsored ambassador for a New<br />
Zealand based family fishing company<br />
called Kilwell Sports, which distributes<br />
Orvis Fly Fishing rods and Scientific<br />
Anglers fly lines. I am lucky enough to<br />
test some of the very best fishing gear on<br />
the planet, which in turn has helped me<br />
significantly with my catch rates.<br />
If you want to see more of what I capture<br />
on my adventures from around the<br />
country, you can find me on Facebook and<br />
Instagram titled ‘Fueled by nature’.<br />
Dion uses:<br /><br /><br />
M<br />
This is ex-world champion big wave surfer; Jamie<br />
Sterling surfing at huge perfect Pipe.<br />
"I’ve always preferred to “shoot differently” so I shot<br />
this picture on a 600mm lens at just 1/8th of a second<br />
at f32. It takes a highly steady hand to pan with the<br />
action at such a slow shutter speed. Considering<br />
that most photographers are shooting this at around<br />
1/000th of a second, this exposure captures 30 times<br />
more time and movement. Thus, it looks like he is<br />
going so incredibly fast."<br />
Instagram@seandaveyphotography<br /><br />
usiness<br />
Go against the flow.<br />
inspire & enable<br />
Since it’s humble beginnings,<br />
paddleboarding has grown to great levels<br />
and is enjoyed by everyone of any age<br />
and ability in just about every corner of<br />
the globe, presenting an opportunity to<br />
make it more accessible, more fun and<br />
more inclusive than ever before. The aim<br />
is simple. To help customers get out there<br />
and do more of what they love, for longer.<br />
Red Paddle Co’s mission is to inspire<br />
and enable adventure through innovative,<br />
environmentally responsible products<br />
that never compromise on performance,<br />
safety and reliability. Red carries out<br />
extensive due diligence on all suppliers<br />
to ensure quality and ethics go hand in<br />
hand, ensuring products are responsibly<br />
sourced.<br />
The Red range consists of 28 models of<br />
inflatable paddleboards covering surfing,<br />
touring, white water, travel, adventure and<br />
family fun. It’s about making so many of<br />
our lakes, rivers and beaches accessible.<br />
Boards are designed for disassembly<br />
for ongoing maintenance and hence,<br />
longevity of your board. Red Paddle<br />
Co have a customer experience team<br />
dedicated to providing the best advice,<br />
recommendations and solutions to help<br />
keep your gear in tip-top condition.<br />
Red have spent over 14 years learning,<br />
refining and testing new techniques to<br />
tailor precise performance and consistent<br />
characteristics into their boards. Their<br />
strategy is to always improve and better<br />
the products, problem solve and overcome<br />
barriers, test all products before launch,<br />
never compromise on design which means<br />
it must be the best.<br />
Red Paddle Co boards are now sold<br />
in over 60 countries worldwide and<br />
their design approach ensures that the<br />
boards are built to last and on average,<br />
take 72 hours to build each and every<br />
board. Award winning and patented<br />
technology offers unrivalled performance<br />
and stiffness, which is backed by<br />
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registered online.<br />
“You haven’t tried paddleboarding until you<br />
have tried a Red”<br />
Available throughout NZ from certified Red<br />
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Our amphibious outcast is water friendly and friendly to water.<br />
Transforming polluted water and air with BLOOM EVA,<br />
a performance foam that uses 10% recycled algae biomass.<br />
Available in many colours for Men, Women and Kid’s.<br /><br />
ironskinn Surf Pants AU$850.00<br />
Get out on the water and live to tell the tale.<br />
ironskinn makes world-leading ocean armor that is<br />
tough, light-weight and flexible. Built to protect you.<br />
Shark-bite, Foil and Reef Resistant Ocean Armor.<br />
Merrell Hydro Moc $109.99<br />
Built with the outdoors in mind, the Hydro<br />
Moc has taken the world by storm. This<br />
amphibious outcast is water friendly and<br />
friendly to water. Transforming polluted<br />
water and air with BLOOM performance<br />
EVA. Made using advanced construction<br />
techniques, this easy on / easy off shoe is<br />
more durable than others of its kind.<br />
Red Paddle Co Sport Range $2,199.95 - $2,499.95<br />
For paddlers who are looking for speed and<br />
performance, the Sport Inflatable SUP Range offers a<br />
step up from the Ride family - available in a choice of<br />
colours….purple or classic blue. Imagine how excited<br />
you'll feel unrolling your new board in anticipation of<br />
enjoying the open water.<br />
Red Waterproof Cool Bag 18 & 30L<br />
from $329.95<br />
With thermal lock insulation and Armour<br />
Tech fabric, drinks stay colder for longer,<br />
keeps water out, ice frozen for up to 72<br />
hours and a tension system secures the<br />
bag to your board.<br />
Red Pro Change Robe Evo $349.95<br />
Uniquely breathable with the softest lining,<br />
moisture wicking and super warm yet<br />
lightweight providing maximum warmth<br />
whilst outdoors, this premium robe<br />
ensures users stay dry and warm.<br />
This is UNLTD.<br />
• 13 calories per bottle/can, one of the<br />
lowest-calorie beers on the market.<br />
• low in carbs, rich in vitamin b12, vegan<br />
friendly and low gluten<br />
• brewed with a special brewing technique<br />
that restricts the alcohol to a tiny 0.5%<br />
ABV, but keeps the flavour at 100% proof.<br />
54//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
Red Waterproof Kit Bag 40 & 60L<br />
from $249.95<br />
A waterproof duffel and backpack,<br />
with stitched and taped seams,<br />
heavy-duty straps and pockets<br />
made from strong rip stock material<br />
that is abrasion resistant.<br />
New Zealand’s first online store solely dedicated to<br />
Non -Alcoholic adult drinks. No matter your reason...we’ve got you covered:<br />
Beers - Wines - Spirits - RTD’s - Ciders - All delivered to your door.<br />
PROVEN<br />
cotopaxi Travel Cube Bundle – Del Día $99.99<br />
Made with repurposed materials, these<br />
simple organisers store clothes, toiletries,<br />
and other must-have items. Receive all<br />
three travel cube sizes in one colourful<br />
bundle.<br />
sunsaver classic 16,000 mah solar power bank $129.00<br />
Built tough for the outdoors and with a massive<br />
battery capacity you can keep all your devices<br />
charged no matter where your adventure<br />
takes you.<br />
PLB1<br />
Personal<br />
Locator<br />
Beacon<br />
The World’s<br />
smallest PLB<br />
30% (typ) smaller 7 year battery life<br />
cotopaxi Bataan 3L Hip Pack – Del Día $69.99<br />
Travel easy this summer & keep your<br />
necessities secure and close at hand.<br />
Made from 100% repurposed fabric,<br />
each Bataan is sustainably designed.<br />
exped Centrum 30 Pack $169.99<br />
Sleek, minimalistic pack designed<br />
for urban commuting. Ergonomically<br />
padded shoulder straps and a fine<br />
thermo-molded back for comfort.<br />
Features include a top zip that<br />
opens to two spacious mesh<br />
pockets and a laptop sleeve sized<br />
for 15" notebooks.<br />
Crocs Classic Realtree $99.99<br />
Wildly comfortable clog offering<br />
the signature comfort of Croslite<br />
material with the rugged style of an<br />
authentic camouflage print. Wide,<br />
roomy footbeds with heel-hugging<br />
straps. Croslite material for<br />
maximum lightweight cushioning.<br />
Crocs Classic All Terrain Clog $109.99<br />
Rugged lug outsoles with enhanced<br />
tread for increased traction and support.<br />
Adjustable turbo heel straps for a<br />
snug, accommodating fit. Easy to clean<br />
Croslite foam material and quick to<br />
dry. Available in more colours.<br />
66 channel GPS<br />
– Fast accurate positioning<br />
EPIRB1<br />
Essential<br />
for safe<br />
boating<br />
The World’s Most<br />
Compact Emergency<br />
Position Indicating<br />
Radio Beacon<br />
RAB escape kit bags 50, 70 and 90 litres $169.95-$199.95<br />
Focusing on lightweight durability, the Escape Kit Bags are durable, have a<br />
water repellent outer, a tough Ballistic base to withstand the rigours of travel<br />
and feature a handle that converts to a harness for easy haulage.<br />
osprey Ultralight Packing Cube Set $59.99<br />
Make it easier to organize and pack<br />
your gear when travelling so that you<br />
can spend more time enjoying your<br />
experience.<br />
• Convenient grab handle<br />
• Zipper secures contents<br />
• Set includes a small, a medium and a<br />
large cell<br />
• Available in two colours<br />
Find a Stockist:<br />
osprey Arcane Card Wallet $49.99<br />
Our Arcane Card Wallet, with six<br />
dedicated card slots and a central<br />
slot for folded bills, features the same<br />
beautifully sustainable and durable<br />
fabrics our Arcane Family is renowned<br />
for. Its thin design keeps a low profile,<br />
so you can ditch any bulky wallet that's<br />
been weighing you down. Constructed<br />
with a recycled polyester fabric that<br />
is refined to the touch yet durable for<br />
everyday wear.<br />
Find a Stockist:<br />
osprey Ultralight Roll Organizer $49.99<br />
Whether you’re outdoors for an<br />
afternoon hill walking or on a monthlong<br />
expedition to the far-flung<br />
reaches of Nepal ensuring your kit is<br />
organized and protected is essential.<br />
Find a Stockist:<br />
LAB0684<br />
30% (typ) smaller 10 year battery life<br />
5 year warranty 406-link via<br />
satellite to<br />
Emergency Services<br /><br />
Lowe alpine Escape Tour Bag 55 + 15L<br />
$459.95<br />
The Escape Tour is a rear-access,<br />
loaded with features 55-litre<br />
backpack and detachable 15-litre<br />
daypack, offering volume and<br />
flexibility making adventure fun,<br />
safe and simple. Unisex options<br />
available.<br />
Chickfly Bamboo Leggings High Rise<br />
or Low Rise (USD $119.00)<br />
Chickfly leggings are made<br />
with soft, strong, stretchy<br />
and sustainable bamboo<br />
fabric, coloured with organic<br />
dyes. Our patented fly is held<br />
together by tension, creating<br />
a seamless, flattering, soft,<br />
and easy-to-use feature in the<br />
most comfortable and stylish<br />
black legging that every<br />
woman needs not only for<br />
style but for convenience and<br />
functionality.<br />
rescueme PLB1 $589.98<br />
Wherever you are, at sea, on land,<br />
the rescueME PLB1 provides the<br />
reassurance that global emergency<br />
services can be alerted by the press of<br />
a button.<br />
The rescueMe PLB1 can be operated<br />
with a single hand in even the most<br />
challenging situations. A simple springloaded<br />
flap covers the activation button<br />
preventing inadvertent use. rescueME<br />
PLB1 works with the only officially<br />
recognised worldwide dedicated search<br />
and rescue satellite network (operated<br />
by Cospas Sarsat). As this is funded by<br />
governments there are NO CHARGES<br />
to use this service.<br />
Available through all leading sports and<br />
recreation retailers and online.<br />
kiwi camping Mamaku Trek 0°C Sleeping Bag $119.00<br />
The Mamaku Trek sleeping bag is ideal<br />
for trekking or camping adventures. The<br />
semi-tapered design features a drawstringadjustable<br />
contoured hood that packs down<br />
into the handy compression bag for easy<br />
pack and carry.<br />
kiwi camping Rover Lite 3cm Self-Inflating Mat $109.00<br />
Compact to pack and carry, the Rover Lite selfinflates<br />
in minutes. The tapered design can fit in<br />
a sleeping bag, 1830mm long and 550mm wide.<br />
sea to summit Aeros Ultralight Pillow $59.99<br />
The Aeros Ultralight pillow has been<br />
refined from three design principles to<br />
be light, compact, and comfortable.<br />
• Curved internal baffles create<br />
contours that cradle your head<br />
• Inflate pillow in a couple of breaths<br />
with the multi-function valve<br />
• Easily secured to any Sea to Summit<br />
sleeping mat through the Pillow Lock<br />
System<br />
Find a Stockist:<br />
Klymit Insulated Static V $259.95<br />
A comfortable backcountry pad<br />
providing winter insulation and allseason<br />
comfort, the Insulated Static V<br />
packs light and small, and delivers an<br />
R-value of 4.4.<br />
exped ULTRA 7R Mummy Sleeping Mat $369.99<br />
Insulated with responsibly-sourced down<br />
for comfort on your adventures yeararound.<br />
Lightweight, compact packed<br />
size, a recycled 20D ripstop face fabric<br />
and 9cm-thick chambers. Certified carbon<br />
neutral by myclimate 183cm long.<br />
R-value 7.1. 620g<br />
Kiwi Camping Pukeko Hiker Tent $249.00<br />
A spacious hiker tent that’s easy to pitch and<br />
keeps you warm and dry even in the worst<br />
conditions. Featuring dual pitch design, 4000mm<br />
aqua rating and tri pegs.<br />
Kiwi Camping Weka 2 Hiker Tent $339.00<br />
Kiwi Camping's most popular hiker tent with double-sided entry, sturdy<br />
vestibules, and a user-friendly design. With a fly that handles rain and<br />
snow, the Weka 2 is perfect for hiking adventures.<br />
exped Trekkinglite -5 Down Sleeping Bag $549.99<br />
Excellent warmth-to-weight ratio and<br />
a minimal packed size for extended<br />
adventures from spring through to autumn<br />
and an excellent choice for cold sleepers<br />
in summer. Supple, durable shell, a<br />
next-to-skin comfortable lining and 580g<br />
of 700-fill, high-quality European duck<br />
down insulation. Proportional differential<br />
cut, multi-chambered footbox, and plush,<br />
adjustable draft collar. 1150g<br />
sea to summit Expander Liner $59.99<br />
The Expander liner is made from a<br />
premium stretch knit poly-cotton, making<br />
it super stretchy and even warmer than a<br />
standard cotton weave liner.<br />
• Premium stretch knit fabric that can<br />
expand twice its width.<br />
• Luxuriously comfortable to sleep in.<br />
• Extends the life of a sleeping bag by<br />
keeping it clean<br />
• Anti-Microbial protection keeps liner<br />
fresh, hygienic and odour-free<br />
• Double folded and reinforced seams<br />
• Easy care, machine washable<br />
• Standard rectangular shape<br />
Find a Stockist:<br />
kiwi camping boost lED light with Powerbank $89.99<br />
Bright LED light with power bank to illuminate<br />
your tent and charge devices on the go.<br />
Features 11 light modes including SOS<br />
signal, built-in magnets and hanging hook.<br />
Klymit pillow x $59.95<br />
A supportive, ultralight and<br />
comfortable camping pillow,<br />
featuring the self-centering<br />
X design which positions<br />
and cradles your head for<br />
supportive, stable comfort.<br />
When you are camping, you need a shoe that is<br />
good on all surfaces including inside the tent or<br />
the hut. Made from 100% natural wool, glerups<br />
provides an instant comfy at home feeling. They<br />
are light, versatile, and well worth the space in<br />
your backpack. Get natural, get cosy and get<br />
yourself some glerups.<br />
Gasmate Turbo Butane Stove & Pot Set<br />
$149.00<br />
For quick boiling when you need<br />
it! A super lightweight aluminium<br />
stove with quick boil technology,<br />
piezo ignition and accessories<br />
all packaged in a handy mesh<br />
carry bag.<br />
Vango Krypton UL2 Tent $999.99<br />
2-person tent for extreme adventures,<br />
suitable for the harshest of conditions.<br />
Free-standing, strong geodesic<br />
construction. Offset height allows room<br />
for sitting and streamlined, wind-shielding<br />
shape. Twin doors. Packaged weight 2.1kg<br />
merrell Moab 3 $229.00<br />
For over a 15 years, the Merrell® Moab has been the choice of hikers when a<br />
choice needs to be made. Famous for its out-of-the-box comfort, durability and<br />
all-purpose versatility. The new Moab 3 features a new more supportive insole,<br />
a softer more cushioned midsole, and a best-in-class Vibram® outsole. This<br />
newest generation is the most environmen-tally friendly Moab ever, utilising<br />
recycled materials in construction.<br />
merrell Bravada 2 Eco $239.00<br />
This women-specific hiking favourite is made even more eco-friendly<br />
with added recycled content throughout. Treat your feet to a trail-ready<br />
versatile hiking sneaker that hugs the ankle. Made with a sticky rubber<br />
sole and rock plate, it provides underfoot confidence and safety on all<br />
types of hiking terrain.<br />
The breathable recycled cotton and hemp canvas upper is protected<br />
by a full 360° TPU rand. Our 3F system with nylon-coated Kevlar®<br />
cables provides additional support and greater stability at the heel, while<br />
ensuring a precise fit. The dual density eco Ortholite® footbed promotes<br />
superior cushioning, and the Pomoca outsole offers secure grip during<br />
light hiking approach activities.<br />
Fit: STANDARD / Weight: (M) 305 g (pictured) (W) 256 g<br />
SALEWA ALP TRAINER 2 GTX $369.90<br />
The Alp Trainer 2 GTX has a suede leather and stretch fabric upper<br />
with a protective rubber rand for protection against rock, scree and<br />
debris. Featuring a GORE-TEX® Extended Comfort lining for optimal<br />
waterproofing and breathability. The EVA midsole provides superior<br />
cushioning and excellent comfort for a technical shoe. Climbing Lacing<br />
right to the toe allows for a more precise fit, while the Vibram® Alpine<br />
Hiking outsole covers a wide spectrum of mountain terrain.<br />
Fit: STANDARD / Weight (M) 470 g (pictured) (W) 370 g<br />
SALEWA WILDFIRE 2 $329.90<br />
Engineered for technical terrain, the Wildfire 2 is a lightweight, agile and<br />
precise tech approach shoe with a breathable recycled synthetic mesh<br />
upper, and a 360° protective rand. It’s equipped with climbing lacing for<br />
fine adjustment in the toe-area and a lateral net system with Kevlar®<br />
cables for better overall performance and sensitivity. The POMOCA®<br />
outsole with Butylic compound rubber is designed for precision and<br />
sensitivity in mixed mountain terrain and ensures good grip on rock in<br />
both dry and wet conditions.<br />
Fit: STANDARD / Weight: (M) 355 g (W) 305 g (pictured)<br />
Made for alpine hiking and long backpacking routes – our lightweight,<br />
comfortable and supportive mid-cut boot performs well on rock and<br />
technical terrain. The waterproof, breathable GORE-TEX® lining makes it<br />
ideal for 3-season use, from higher activity levels in summer, to rain, mud<br />
or lingering snow.<br />
Fit: WIDE / Weight: (M) 565 g (W) 465 g (pictured)<br />
SALEWA RAPACE GTX $579.90<br />
The Rapace GTX is a lightweight mountaineering boot with a hard-wearing<br />
nubuck upper with waterproof breathable GORE-TEX® protection. The<br />
3F System provides ankle support, flexibility and a perfect fit. Our Bilight<br />
TPU technology and Nylon + 27% Fiberglass in the midsole ensures an<br />
ergonomic hold and allows the use of semi-automatic crampons. There’s<br />
a full rubber rand for protection against rock and scree, and the Vibram<br />
WTC outsole has an aggressive tread pattern that gives good traction yet<br />
provides a natural feel and secure grip on mixed terrain.<br />
Fit: WIDE / Weight: (M) 740 g (pictured) (W) 615 g<br />
G e a rr f ooo rr g ooo ooo d ..<br />
Weeeeeeee cccrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeaaaaaatttttttteeeeeeee sssssssuuuuuuusssssssttttttttaaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnaaaaaabllly ddddddddeeeeeeeesssssssiiiiiiiiggnnnnnnnneeeeeeeedddddddd<br />
pppppprrrrrrrroooooooodddddddduuuuuuucccttttttttsssssss ttttttttoooooooo iiiiiiiimmmmmpppppprrrrrrrroooooooovvveeeeeeee tttttttthhhhheeeeeeee hhhhhuuuuuuummmmmaaaaaannnnnnnn<br />
cccoooooooonnnnnnnnddddddddiiiiiiiittttttttiiiiiiiioooooooonnnnnnnn,, iiiiiiiinnnnnnnnsssssssppppppiiiiiiiirrrrrrrreeeeeeee aaaaaaddddddddvvveeeeeeeennnnnnnnttttttttuuuuuuurrrrrrrreeeeeeee,, aaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd<br />
mmmmmoooooooovvveeeeeeee ppppppeeeeeeeeooooooooppppppllleeeeeeee ttttttttoooooooo ddddddddoooooooo ggoooooooooooooooodddddddd.<br /><br />
Seeeeeeeek<br />
Adveeeentureeee.<br />
Exppppppllloooooooorrrrrrrreeeeeeee fuuuuuuurrrrrrrrtttttttthhhhheeeeeeeerrrrrrrr tttttttthhhhhiiiiiiiisssssss sssssssuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr wiiiiiiiitttttttthhhhh oooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrr<br />
eeethiiccaaalllly ddeeesssiiggneeedd Paaaccksss & Baaaggsss..<br />
Outdoor Research Women’s Echo Printed<br />
Hoody $119.99<br />
Slim-fit, made with moisture-wicking,<br />
breathable, quick-drying recycled<br />
fabric and features long sleeves and<br />
hood, with pony port. Odour control<br />
technology, anti-chafe flat seam<br />
construction and a UPF 20<br />
sun protection rating.<br />
cotopaxi Do Good 5-Panel Hat $49.99<br />
A classic five-panel hat made from 100% cotton. It shares<br />
our Do Good mission to make an impact, and inspires<br />
others to do the same.<br />
MERRELL Tencel Long Sleeve Tee $99.00<br />
Your anything but basic, basic long<br />
sleeved tee made from plant-based<br />
Tencel fibers for a super soft luxurious<br />
feel, moisture wicking, anti odour and with<br />
UPF protection to keep you outside or<br />
moving for longer.<br />
Patagonia PFC-Free Torrentshell Jacket $249.99<br />
Simple and unpretentious, Patagonia's trusted<br />
Torrentshell 3L Jacket uses 3-layer H2No®<br />
Performance Standard technology for exceptional<br />
waterproof/breathable performance, all-day comfort<br />
and long-lasting waterproof durability. What's<br />
more, this season, all Torrentshell products have<br />
been redesigned to be fully PFC-free. Fair Trade<br />
Certified sewn, this travel staple is available in W's<br />
and M's styles in a wide range of colours.<br />
RAB Arc Eco Jacket $469.95<br />
The waterproof and breathable Arc Eco Jacket is made with recycled<br />
Pertex® Shield Revolve and featuring an adjustable mountain hood,<br />
drawcord hem, A-line chest pockets.<br />
64//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
RAB Nexus Pull-on $139.95<br />
The Nexus Pull-on is a staple go-to,<br />
lightweight technical mid-layer made with<br />
Thermic stretch fleece for mobility and<br />
comfort with a YKK® chest zip and pocket.<br />
ONE FOR THE ROAD - proceed with caution amber<br />
ale $7.95<br />
This all season medium-bodied lager<br />
showcases both malt and hops. It follows<br />
with a toasty malt character with only a<br />
subtle hop bitterness.
Like a ‘perfect storm’, we have seen a dramatic growth and<br />
development in online stores over the past 5 years.<br />
We are dedicating these pages to our client’s online stores; some<br />
you will be able to buy from, some you will be able drool over. Buy,<br />
compare, research and prepare, these online stores are a great way to<br />
feed your adventure addiction.<br />
Waterfront accommodation on Nydia Track, Marlborough, NZ<br /><br />
Meals bursting with flavour, combined with home compostable<br />
packaging, means you really can have it all in the mountains.<br />
Designed by ‘foodies’ for maximum plant-based deliciousness<br />
and wrapped in earth positive, lightweight, packable pouches.<br /><br />
Never have a dead phone<br />
again! Because now you can<br />
charge straight from the Sun<br />
with SunSaver. Perfect for<br />
that week-long hike, day at<br />
the beach, or back-up for any<br />
emergency. Check us out at:<br /><br />
Building versatile and reliable gear so you<br />
can adventure with purpose.<br /><br />
Bivouac Outdoor stock the latest in quality outdoor<br />
clothing, footwear and equipment from the best<br />
brands across New Zealand & the globe.<br /><br />
Shop for the widest range of Merrell footwear, apparel<br />
& accessories across hiking, trail running, sandals &<br />
casual styles. Free shipping for a limited time.<br /><br />
Temerature. Taste. Transport.<br />
Hydroflask, more than just a water bottle.<br /><br />
Norsk designs and builds ice coolers that without fail,<br />
will not fail. Perfect for your hard out adventures.<br />
Free shipping within New Zealand.<br /><br />
Living Simply is an outdoor clothing and equipment<br />
specialty store in Newmarket, Auckland. Your go-to place<br />
for quality footwear, packs, sleeping bags, tents,<br />
outdoor clothing and more.<br /><br />
Our mission is to produce<br />
the best quality beers<br />
possible across a range of<br />
flavours and styles and to<br />
have fun doing it!<br /><br />
Gear up in a wide selection of durable, multifunctional<br />
outdoor clothing & gear. Free Returns. Free Shipping.<br /><br /><br />
glerups shoes, slippers<br />
and boots are known for<br />
their exceptional comfort<br />
and unique design.<br />
Over the years we have<br />
perfected the wool mix<br />
by blending Gotland<br />
wool with quality wool<br />
from New Zealand<br />
farmers.<br />
Fast nourishing freeze dried food for adventurers.<br /><br />
Stocking an extensive range<br />
of global outdoor adventure<br />
brands for your next big<br />
adventure. See them for travel,<br />
tramping, trekking, alpine and<br />
lifestyle clothing and gear.<br /><br />
Specialists in the sale of Outdoor Camping Equipment, RV,<br />
Tramping & Travel Gear. Camping Tents, <strong>Adventure</strong> Tents,<br />
Packs, Sleeping Bags and more.<br /><br />
Sustainably designed outdoor gear that fuels both<br />
adventure and global change, by dedicating a<br />
percentage of revenues to nonprofits working to improve<br />
the human condition.<br />
Supplying tents and<br />
camping gear to Kiwis<br />
for over 30 years, Kiwi<br />
Camping are proud to<br />
be recognised as one of<br />
the most trusted outdoor<br />
brands in New Zealand.<br /><br />
Our very own online store where<br />
you will find hard goods to keep you<br />
equipped for any adventure.<br /><br />
With stores in Clyde and<br />
Cromwell, Bike it Now! is<br />
your access point to the<br />
Central Otago Bike trials: T<br />
> Lake Dunstan Trail<br />
> Otago Central Rail Trail<br />
> Roxbourgh Gorge<br />
and more...<br />
New Zealand’s first online<br />
store solely dedicated to<br />
Non Alcoholic adult drinks.<br /><br /><br />
t r a v e l<br />
Do you LOVE waking up on the water?<br />
Want to see a different place every day<br />
on your holiday? Want to spend a week<br />
with a group of like-minded individuals?<br />
As a diver do you want uncrowded,<br />
pristine dive sites?<br />
Sounds like liveaboard diving is the<br />
way to go for your next dive holiday.<br />
Liveaboard diving (where you live<br />
on the boat you dive from) offers the<br />
ultimate dive experience, with up to 5<br />
or 6 dives per day including night dives.<br />
In general the boats have a range of<br />
double or twin share accommodation,<br />
full dive facilities, nitrox and are the way<br />
forward for real dive enthusiasts!<br />
The best way to try liveaboard diving is<br />
to try a shorter trip somewhere like the<br />
Great Barrier reef in Australia. There<br />
are 4, 5 and 8 day itineraries on various<br />
boats from Cairns and Port Douglas.<br />
These trips explore dive sites further off<br />
the beaten track like The Cod Hole and<br />
the renowned Ribbon Reef and will give<br />
you a taste of what liveaboard diving is<br />
all about.<br />
Mantas Shrimp<br />
Sa Pa - Image by Aaron Joel Santos<br />
Once you have whetted your interest<br />
with one of these closer trips it may<br />
be time to explore further afield.<br />
Most liveaboards are between 7 – 10<br />
nights and there is a huge variety of<br />
destinations and boats!<br />
Where you choose to head all<br />
depends on what kind of diving you’re<br />
interested in, below is a summary of<br />
the best sites around the world:<br />
Wreck diving – Truk Lagoon, The<br />
Thorfinn is a legendary boat based<br />
in Truk lagoon. Truk is where a huge<br />
Japanese fleet was ambushed in<br />
WW2 and has an incredible range of<br />
wreck dives.<br />
The Solomon Islands has Bilikiki<br />
liveaboard and the Solomons Master,<br />
both of which are based out of<br />
Honiara. The diving is a mix of coral<br />
gardens, remote dive sites and WW2<br />
wrecks. Once again there is a vast<br />
range of wreck diving opportunities<br />
including Kennedy’s PT boat, aircraft<br />
wrecks and both shallow and deep<br />
shipwrecks.<br />
What better way to explore the ocean than on a<br />
liveaboard boat - Image by Marcelo Ogato<br />
Muck diving, small creatures, coral gardens<br />
–Micronesia which is close to the equator,<br />
doesn’t get the big storms like much of the<br />
South Pacific, so the dive sites are incredible.<br />
Indonesia offers Komodo, The Forgotten<br />
islands and Raja Ampat which all have remote<br />
dive sites with extraordinary nudibranch action,<br />
beautiful coral gardens and unique wildlife.<br />
Big Pelagic fish and open water diving – the<br />
legendary Galapagos has a mind blowing<br />
range of species to be seen on one dive<br />
trip. There are many boats operating out of<br />
Galapagos, so you just need to find one which<br />
will suit your budget and time frame. Palau is<br />
also well known for sharks, mantas, turtles and<br />
large fish.<br />
Remote dive sites – If you really want to<br />
get off the beaten path French Polynesia has<br />
some incredible experiences. Generally with<br />
smaller ships and sailing catamarans these<br />
expedition style craft offer itineraries from<br />
Tahiti to Rangiroa, the Tuamotos’s and the<br />
Society islands. There is also diving available<br />
in Antarctica for the really intrepid diver. The<br />
Hondius has itineraries which offer hiking,<br />
sea kayaking and diving on their Antarctic<br />
journeys.<br />
Papua New Guinea is another serious<br />
destination where I wouldn’t want to be living<br />
ashore, but a dive boat is perfect and Febrina<br />
and Oceania are two liveaboards which have<br />
almost cult status in the dive fraternity. These<br />
boats have a range of itineraries which make<br />
the most of the local weather conditions.<br />
So if you wish at add a little adventure to your<br />
diving, if the call of a more dive lifestyle holiday<br />
appeals to your sense of <strong>Adventure</strong>. The a live<br />
about could be right for you.<br />
If the idea of a before breakfast dive, or a late<br />
night after dinner dive appeals a liveaboard<br />
might be for you!<br /> | Marcelo Johan Ogata<br />
Experts at adventure travel since 2000<br />
Your dive travel specialists, with over 20 years<br />
experience ensures you have a fantastic<br />
trip, crafted by people who really care.<br />
New Zealand owned and operated<br />
"We live what we sell"<br />
0800 623 872<br /><br /><br />
v i e t n a m<br />
VIETNAM:<br />
9,158KMS<br />
Distance from New Zealand<br />
18HOURS<br />
By air from Auckland<br />
14.0583"N.<br />
108.2772"E.<br />
GPS Location<br />
96 MILLION<br />
Population<br />
Vietnam Fishing Boat<br />
Image by Aaron Joel Santos<br />
Kayaking Trang An Ninh Binh<br />
Image by Christian Berg<br />
Georgraphic Location:<br />
Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a<br />
country in Southeast Asia, at the<br />
eastern edge of mainland Southeast<br />
Asia, Vietnam borders China to the<br />
north, and Laos and Cambodia to the<br />
west. It shares maritime borders with<br />
Thailand through the Gulf of Thailand,<br />
and the Philippines, Indonesia, and<br />
Malaysia through the South China Sea.<br />
Climate:<br />
Vietnam’s location and topography<br />
create a tropical monsoon climate.<br />
The country’s climate is variable.<br />
The north has quite a severe winter,<br />
with a pleasant spring, and hot,<br />
rainy summers and autumns. In the<br />
highlands, the climate is extreme, with<br />
very hot summers and occasional<br />
snow in the winter. In central Vietnam,<br />
Rebecca Rusch & Huyen Nguyen on the Ho Chi Minh<br />
Trail - Image by Josh Letchworth/Red Bull Content Pool<br />
Sa Pa - Image by Aaron Joel Santos<br />
summers are typically hot and sunny.<br />
Lăng Cô in the north is hotter in<br />
summer and cooler in winter, while Da<br />
Nang and southern cities have milder<br />
conditions. The southern climate is<br />
hot and sunny, with frequent rains in<br />
June and July, and a cool, dry season<br />
from December to February.<br />
• Cultural activities<br />
• Caving<br />
• Diving<br />
• Rock climbing<br />
• White water rafting<br />
• War tours (surprisingly<br />
active)<br />
• Boating<br />
• Biking<br />
• Hiking<br />
Best time of year to travel<br />
Vietnam is suitable for travel throughout the<br />
year, however the best time is during their<br />
winter (December to March). While in summer<br />
(June to September), which is the rainy<br />
season, there are often thunderstorms, but the<br />
price will be cheaper. So, the best time really<br />
depends on your needs.<br />
Accommodation:<br />
Accommodation is diverse, with a wide<br />
range of options - hotels, resorts, hostels,<br />
and homestays. There are luxury hotels and<br />
unique homestays specifically near key tourist<br />
attractions which are rally popular<br />
Locals tips:<br />
• There are a lot of scams in Vietnam<br />
so book any tours in advance or with a<br />
reputable supplier.<br />
• Although you won’t have to worry about<br />
malaria in the major tourist areas of<br />
Vietnam, Dengue fever and the Zika virus<br />
aren’t uncommon. Make sure to use good<br />
bug spray every day.<br />
• If purchasing be prepared to haggle its all<br />
part of the cultural process<br />
• Do not drink the tap water and keep your<br />
mouth shut in the shower and use bottled<br />
water when brushing your teeth.<br />
• You need to be aware, carrying large<br />
sums of money is not a good idea, be<br />
aware of scams, don’t put yourself at risk.<br />
• Similar to the other Southeast Asian<br />
countries, local merchants in Vietnam<br />
are more willing to accept cash, since<br />
credit cards are more likely to be stolen<br />
and swiped in this region. The USD is<br />
the most popular and the most readily<br />
convertible currency in Vietnam, and the<br />
exchange rate is one of the best.<br />
Home to a tiny island<br />
community of 212 people<br />
72//WHERE ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS/<strong>#236</strong><br />
v a n u a t u<br />
VANUATU:<br />
2938KMS<br />
Distance from New Zealand<br />
3HOURS 15MIN<br />
By air from Auckland<br />
15.4493"S.<br />
167.5954"W.<br />
GPS Location<br />
319,000<br />
Population<br />
Pentecost Island in Vanuatu is<br />
known around the world for Naghol,<br />
a land-diving ritual conducted by<br />
the men of the island and open for<br />
visitors to see between April and<br />
June. There are three key sites<br />
where this takes place, and the tour<br />
you take will impact which site you<br />
visit (though similar rites, each site<br />
is slightly different in its setting). It’s<br />
what the popular activity of bungee<br />
jumping is based on, and brings<br />
people to witness it year after year.<br />
Beyond Naghol, Pentecost has<br />
much to offer year-round, from<br />
cascading waterfalls and rich<br />
cultural diversity. You’ll be exposed<br />
to the traditional way of life, from<br />
kava tastings to experiencing the<br />
warm hospitality of locals in village<br />
guesthouses that are scattered<br />
along the island’s coastline.<br />
How to experience Naghol<br />
Naghol, otherwise known as land<br />
diving, is a rite of passage for the<br />
men of Pentecost Island. It's the<br />
inspiration for modern-day bungee<br />
jumping and is what Pentecost<br />
is famous for. We’ve compiled a<br />
quick cheat sheet to help you with<br />
planning your trip, whether it be as a<br />
day trip or multi-day visit.<br />
Naghol, or land diving, Pentacost Island<br />
Vanuatu is a country in<br />
the southwestern Pacific<br />
Ocean, consisting of a<br />
chain of 13 principal and<br />
many smaller islands.<br />
<strong>Adventure</strong> activities:<br />
• Cultural activities<br />
• Exploring<br />
• Diving<br />
• Fishing<br />
• Surfing<br />
• Sailing<br />
• All water-based sport<br />
• Biking<br />
• Hiking<br />
Best time to visit:<br />
Vanuatu weather is<br />
typically great all year<br />
round however conditions<br />
are generally at their best<br />
from April to October when<br />
the weather is fine and<br />
temperatures are warm<br />
yet comfortable, averaging<br />
between 18 degrees<br />
Celsius and 28 degrees<br />
Celsius.<br />
10.00am Pentecost Island<br />
What is Naghol, and when is it?<br />
Locals say that Naghol started from<br />
a time when a woman was running<br />
from her husband and was chased<br />
to the top of a coconut tree. She<br />
jumped off (with vines attached<br />
to her legs) and survived and he<br />
followed, yet did not survive. Naghol<br />
marks the start of the yam harvest<br />
season, with the better jumping<br />
resulting in better yams. It's not<br />
specifically a ceremony that occurs<br />
for tourists, though it draws visitors<br />
from around the world to witness the<br />
marvel that is Naghol.<br />
Tours to Pentecost Island to<br />
experience Naghol take place on<br />
Saturdays in the months of April<br />
to June. These day tours coincide<br />
with the rite of passage taking place<br />
(because the vines are strong for the<br />
ceremony to take place after the wet<br />
season).<br />
Why take a tour?<br />
A tour will make your Naghol<br />
experience far smoother. Tours will<br />
depart in the early morning from<br />
Port Vila (some also depart from<br />
Luganville) to fly you to Pentecost,<br />
where you'll then be driven to one<br />
of the sites for the land diving.<br />
Many tours will also include lunch.<br />
The tours will also ensure that<br />
appropriate fees are paid by a 'fixer'<br />
from your tour company to the<br />
traditional land owners where you<br />
are observing Naghol.<br />
Check out Vanuatu Eco Tours who operate a fantastic 3 day/2 night tour to the Naghol:<br /><br />
Day Trips are operated by: and<br />
For further information please visit:<br />
Enjoy the warm hospitality of<br />
the locals<br />
Hiking Diving Culture<br />
Volcanos<br />
Go explore at<br />
s a m o a<br />
SAMOA:<br />
ebikes at Falealupo<br />
Don't spend your health on<br />
your career," we were advised<br />
at a lecture on health for<br />
CEOs. The final challenge<br />
was: “You can all write<br />
business plans. This time write<br />
a life plan."<br />
My response was my 50/50<br />
plan: spend 50% of my time<br />
running adventure tours<br />
around the world, 50% as a<br />
business and IT consultant<br />
with some additional time<br />
studying risk management.<br />
And to achieve this by the time<br />
Kayaking in Antarctica. amongst<br />
the brash ice.<br />
I was 50. I was then 49 and<br />
had became bored with the<br />
repeating cycle of challenges<br />
in winning and delivering<br />
complex IT projects.<br />
Our holidays had always<br />
involved cycling, tramping<br />
and rafting adventures. Now<br />
that the kids had left home, I<br />
had been forced to look wider<br />
for willing participants, and<br />
the trips had become more<br />
extreme. I enticed my running<br />
club mates into a month-long<br />
adventure in South America,<br />
By Ross Bidmead<br />
where we ran the Inca Trail,<br />
cycled into the Amazon and<br />
swam with the pink dolphins.<br />
The trip was extreme in<br />
terms of physical and mental<br />
effort, but also rewarding<br />
watching the group extended<br />
themselves and grow.<br />
Frances, my wife, was<br />
comfortable with the reduced<br />
income and pleased with the<br />
thought of a less stressed<br />
husband. However, she<br />
pointed out that this was 150%<br />
of my time commitment.<br />
2,887KMS<br />
Distance from New Zealand<br />
4HOURS 4OMIN<br />
By air from Auckland<br />
13° 45' 29.92"S.<br />
172° 06' 17.16"W.<br />
GPS Location<br />
192,001<br />
Population<br />
Our first commercial trip,<br />
chartering a yacht and sailing<br />
to Antarctica to explore with<br />
the kayak, was an exuberant<br />
introduction to the new<br />
lifestyle. The trip began with<br />
an extreme stress test. Our<br />
yacht, Spirit of Sydney, was<br />
knocked down by a wave on<br />
the preceding voyage. The<br />
damage, including a bent mast<br />
and destroyed electronics<br />
and heating systems, had<br />
necessitated a stay in the<br />
Falklands for repairs. Our<br />
group arrived in Ushuaia,<br />
Building our house and workshop<br />
was all hands on deck. Ross in<br />
yellow shirt.<br />
Argentina, to find the yacht was still<br />
a day away from limping into port.<br />
Decidedly concerned about the large<br />
amounts I had been paid by each trip<br />
member and what I would do if we<br />
couldn't sail, we improvised exploring<br />
the nearby National Park.<br />
Once Spirit arrived, the crew worked<br />
magic, provisioning the yacht, and<br />
replacing much of the electronics in two<br />
days. A stormy crossing of the Drake<br />
Passage bonded our group, and as the<br />
seas calmed, a cooking competition<br />
developed as we sought to bake the<br />
best bread and cook the best meals<br />
when our watches corresponded with<br />
galley duties. The Antarctic peninsula<br />
exceeded our expectations as we<br />
kayaked amongst whales and leopard<br />
seals, spent a day in a remote penguin<br />
colony and camped out on a glacier.<br />
The Antarctic trip occurred before I had<br />
found a CEO to replace me, but in 2008<br />
I handed over the reins. To celebrate,<br />
Frances and I chose a warmer<br />
destination and cycled independently<br />
around Savai'i, Samoa, on a journey<br />
of surprising discovery. My images of<br />
the Pacific Islands mainly had been<br />
formed by reading "Pacific <strong>Adventure</strong>"<br />
by Willard Price, and I imagined and<br />
hoped for pristine white sand beaches<br />
beside crystal clear lagoons fringed<br />
with palms and occasional simple<br />
native huts.<br />
Our trip to Samoa was the least planned<br />
and researched adventure we ever did,<br />
and initially, we paid the price. The plane<br />
landed at midnight at Faleolo Airport,<br />
an hour from Apia. My quick glance at<br />
a map before we left showed an airport<br />
in Apia, but Fagalii Airport in Apia was<br />
tiny, and all jets landed at Faleolo.<br />
Eventually, we found a bus that would<br />
take our bike boxes, and we made it to<br />
our backpacker’s hotel by 2 am.<br />
In the morning, we assembled our<br />
bikes and started cycling towards what<br />
we thought was the ferry terminal.<br />
But the road ran out at the end of the<br />
peninsula, and we sheepishly returned<br />
to town to hunt down a better map.<br />
Finally, on our way around noon, we<br />
cycled in the midday heat back out<br />
past the airport on the busiest road in<br />
Kayaking through the mangroves out to the<br />
turtle lagoon.<br />
Samoa to the ferry terminal. There<br />
were no beaches along the way and<br />
continuous villages on both sides. We<br />
were tired and sweaty and beginning<br />
to wonder if this was one of our better<br />
ideas.<br />
Eventually, after a short ferry<br />
crossing of the Apolima Strait, we<br />
arrived at a small resort in Salelologa<br />
on Savaii, just a kilometre from the<br />
ferry terminal. The bar was humming,<br />
serving unbelievably cheap drinks<br />
to a mostly younger and lightly clad<br />
clientele. After a long refreshing<br />
swim, we relaxed on the covered jetty<br />
as the sun set. It seemed perfect, but<br />
the best was still to come.<br />
Cycling out of Salelologa the next<br />
morning was completely different<br />
from the first day. There was very<br />
little traffic on the well-sealed road.<br />
We rode slowly in the morning<br />
cool, admiring the numerous family<br />
meeting fales [far-lays] set back<br />
from the road behind immaculately<br />
maintained gardens bursting with<br />
colour. The road soon joined the<br />
coast, and we cycled beside a<br />
sparkling lagoon.<br />
Descending Lemaire Island in<br />
Antarctica.<br />
The Beach Fales at Lano had a slightly<br />
abandoned look, with the dining fale<br />
undermined by a recent flood. As we<br />
wondered what to do, the proprietor<br />
appeared and welcomed us. We quickly<br />
unpacked and jumped into the warm<br />
sea, getting out only to grab our masks<br />
and snorkels to explore the numerous<br />
coral outcrops teeming with fish. It was the<br />
perfect place to gain confidence<br />
in snorkelling, and we swam for an hour and<br />
were lucky enough to spot a turtle.<br />
Beach Fales are Samoa’s equivalent of<br />
campgrounds. Located on village land and<br />
usually run by a family, the fales have a<br />
wooden sleeping platform, thatched or steel<br />
roof and matting sides. The sea breeze<br />
provides air conditioning and is far more<br />
comfortable than tents. They cost less than<br />
a basic campground cabin in New Zealand,<br />
but the rental includes dinner and breakfast.<br />
That night we were treated to a fiafia<br />
(traditional show). The traditional dances<br />
had similarities to kapa haka but somehow<br />
felt more personal, and we felt privileged<br />
to be allowed to participate. The fiafia<br />
culminated with a siva afi or fireknife dance<br />
where a traditional fighting axe with blazing<br />
petrol-soaked rags tied to the handle and<br />
blade was twirled at high speed. Drums<br />
beat out a fierce tattoo at an ever-increasing<br />
tempo, and the siva complexity grew with<br />
the dancers spinning a knife in each hand. It<br />
looked dangerous, and all the dancers had<br />
new knicks and burns.<br />
The rest of our cycle around Savaii<br />
continued in the same way, with each night<br />
at a stunning beach. We would cycle in<br />
the mornings and swim and snorkel every<br />
afternoon. The bikes also introduced us to<br />
the locals who were always interested in the<br />
bikes and where we were going.<br />
The mountain bike track we are building from our base<br />
Captivated by Samoa, we<br />
immediately began offering guided<br />
cycle trips there. At first, these<br />
involved everyone bringing their<br />
bikes, but I got tired of packing<br />
them up at the end of each trip, and<br />
we bought a small fleet of rental<br />
bikes that we kept at a local motel.<br />
It became known that we had<br />
bikes, and requests for freedom<br />
rentals increased without any real<br />
intention or marketing. Before<br />
long, we found we had 35 bikes in<br />
Samoa and needed a better plan<br />
and maintenance system.<br />
Initially, we rented a motel unit for<br />
three months, planning to only stay<br />
for the peak season. But being<br />
based in Samoa meant more time<br />
to explore, and it wasn't long before<br />
I had convinced Frances that we<br />
should buy the local kayak tour<br />
business.<br />
The kayaks provided an opportunity<br />
to explore the coast better. We<br />
had some challenging adventures<br />
with friends and clients as we<br />
discovered turtle breeding grounds,<br />
offshore islands teaming with<br />
seabirds, uninhabited islands with<br />
palm-fringed lagoons and remnants<br />
of an old leper colony. We even had<br />
close encounters with whales.<br />
With the kayaks, we needed<br />
more storage space, so gradually<br />
expanded over the next few years.<br />
By 2019 we had 100 bikes, 25<br />
kayaks, and permanent residency<br />
in Samoa. Our part-time hobby<br />
business had become a full-time<br />
job for both of us.<br />
Our focus had gradually changed<br />
from running large, challenging<br />
guided trips in the Himalayas and<br />
South America to almost solely<br />
Samoa tours.<br />
Looking back over the last 16<br />
years, it has been a continuous<br />
adventure. Not just an adventure in<br />
the outdoors but in understanding<br />
a different culture and running a<br />
business in a developing country.<br />
Some events have been highly<br />
demanding at the time but more<br />
enjoyable on reflection. Building our<br />
house involved navigating a different<br />
building consent process, dealing<br />
with an often minimal and constantly<br />
changing range of building materials<br />
and learning to work alongside local<br />
builders. Desperately attempting to<br />
float off the concrete floor before it set<br />
under a baking sun on a 34-degree<br />
day was as tough as a typical<br />
adventure race day.<br />
The rewards have included listening<br />
to clients when they return from their<br />
trips, often lots of little things went<br />
wrong, as is inevitable in a developing<br />
nation, but so often we would be told:<br />
"it's the best holiday we have had".<br />
I still love watching people as they<br />
spot dozens of turtles or seeing them<br />
step out of their comfort zones and<br />
conquer their fears. Teaching one<br />
of our young guests to snorkel and<br />
watching her worry turn to amazement<br />
as we floated over coral gardens<br />
remains a cherished moment.<br />
Sunset at Falealupo Beach<br />
It has been satisfying to see our staff develop<br />
new skills as guides and bike mechanics<br />
while learning new ways to build, repair<br />
and cook with different and often limited<br />
resources. Although I still can't cook an umu<br />
or efficiently husk a coconut.<br />
The 50:50 Plan remains a goal. We expect a<br />
hectic year with the country fully open after<br />
Covid. Making time for new adventures will<br />
require some discipline, but there are many<br />
opportunities for new activities in Samoa and<br />
many places to explore in New Zealand.<br />
A perfect lunch swim spot<br />
"Looking back<br />
over the last<br />
16 years<br />
it's been a<br />
continuous<br />
adventure."<br />
Siva afi with two flaming knives while<br />
the support band beat out an ever<br />
increasing tempo.<br />
Beautiful Samoa awaits you, and we are welcoming our international aiga<br />
with open arms! Experience Samoa’s untouched beauty, unique cultural<br />
experiences and rich heritage. Self drive, bike or stroll through the wonders<br />
that make this island life one to cherish just like the locals do.<br />
Contact Ross and Frances at: to organise a custom tour or to join a<br />
n e w c a l e d o n i a<br />
c a l e d o n i a<br />
New Calendonia is a water lovers paradise<br />
For a destination offering a<br />
range of activities to kick your<br />
adrenaline into overdrive,<br />
look no further than the<br />
heart of the South Pacific,<br />
New Caledonia. As an active<br />
traveller in New Cal, you’ll<br />
have access to a range of<br />
activities, such as skydiving<br />
over the stunning lagoon,<br />
taking part in a series of water<br />
activities, or testing your limits<br />
on a strenuous hike, there is<br />
a hot pick for every type of<br />
adrenaline junkie.<br />
Exploring New Cal on foot<br />
New Caledonia is New<br />
Zealand’s closest neighbour<br />
and is accessible with a short<br />
3-hour flight from Auckland,<br />
making it the perfect<br />
destination for a short active<br />
holiday.<br />
Explore on foot<br />
While hiking may not be the<br />
first thing that comes to mind<br />
for some when considering<br />
New Cal for a holiday, the<br />
range of walking trails from<br />
beginner to expert will be<br />
sure to convince you. Take<br />
on the Mont-Dore trail that<br />
will have your heart racing as<br />
you traverse through a range<br />
of terrains and finish off with<br />
some of the best views of<br />
Noumea. If you want more<br />
of a challenge, tackle the 96<br />
km long GR® NC1 hiking trail<br />
that cuts across the southern<br />
tip of the Grand Terre.<br />
Divided into seven main<br />
stages is estimated to take<br />
a total of 6 days, and you’ll<br />
enjoy the beautiful nature<br />
2,388KMS<br />
Distance from New Zealand<br />
3HOURS<br />
By air from Auckland<br />
22°16'32.8836''S.<br />
166°27'28.7748''E.<br />
GPS Location<br />
285,000<br />
Population<br />
while you hike through the<br />
red landscapes of the Great<br />
South to the lush Dumbéa<br />
rainforest.<br />
Other hot trails include the<br />
mountain that overlooks<br />
Noumea, Pic Malaoui (or<br />
policeman’s hat) or if you’re<br />
looking for a more peaceful<br />
experience the Source trail in<br />
Yaté is another great pick for<br />
a shorter hike.<br />
New Cal surf<br />
Image by Oneye Production<br />
Across the dirt on two wheels<br />
The elevations across the main island<br />
mean that New Caledonia is becoming<br />
a top destination for biking enthusiasts.<br />
Your pulse will be rising as you jump on<br />
a mountain bike to take on the rough<br />
trails of the mainland, known as the<br />
Grand Terre. There are countless tracks<br />
to discover on the west coast, from<br />
Deva in Bourail to the paths traced in<br />
the land of Koné, such as the Grande<br />
Boucle of the Tango plateau.<br />
As with hiking, the Great South is an<br />
ideal spot for biking where there are<br />
7 different bike trails laid out, ranging<br />
from green pats under 5km to daunting<br />
red and black trails extending from 10<br />
to 33km.<br />
Touch the sky<br />
Not just your ordinary flight, the ultralight<br />
aeroplane (ULM) flight is perfect<br />
for those who want to taste the thrill and<br />
enjoy the scenery all wrapped up in one<br />
experience. Float above the heights of<br />
the mountain chains and ranges where<br />
you may even spot a bale of sea turtles<br />
or the jump of a dolphin. Our pick is to<br />
fly above the literal heart of the South<br />
Pacific, the famous naturally formed<br />
Heart of Voh on the North-West side<br />
as you are wowed by the beauty of the<br />
mangroves and the lagoon.<br />
Kayaking at Plage Ouvea<br />
Image by Escape Your Life<br />
Horseriding is a great way to<br />
explore the regions top attractions<br />
Image by JC Robert<br />
New Caledonia is a top location for biking<br />
enthusiasts<br />
If extreme adrenaline is not<br />
quite your thing, then choose<br />
from the endless selection of<br />
water activities that are set<br />
to provide the rush you are<br />
longing for. New Caledonia<br />
boasts stunning scenery, great<br />
conditions, and an abundance<br />
of spots for water activities to<br />
take place. For beginners try out<br />
kayaking, not only will it get your<br />
heart rate pumping, but you will<br />
find yourself amongst the wild<br />
nature of the lagoons. If you<br />
want to kick things up a notch,<br />
then kitesurfing might be the<br />
activity to participate in. Not only<br />
are the waters ideal for wave<br />
riding but the opportunity to spot<br />
fish, dugongs and other marine<br />
species in the world’s largest<br />
lagoon cannot be missed.<br />
See New Cal on horseback<br />
For an adrenaline rush that isn’t quite the norm,<br />
partake in horseback riding. Horse riding in New<br />
Cal is a great way to explore the region’s top<br />
attractions that are more difficult to get to by car<br />
or foot. Choose from a range of tours to suit the<br />
adventure you would like to enjoy, whether it is<br />
to stride past the wide-open plains where you<br />
might also witness wild horses, gallop along<br />
the water's edge, or indulge in some good oldfashioned<br />
cowboy culture.<br />
Glide above the forest<br />
A top activity that is sure to raise the hairs on<br />
your skin is zipping through the tree line of New<br />
Cal, via a tree climb or zip line – the perfect<br />
opportunity to see the land from a different<br />
angle. Strap yourself in as you are catapulted<br />
through the air with only a harness to support<br />
you, the sense of freedom will be thrilling<br />
enough! Don’t forget to look out for the wildlife<br />
that can be spotted around you and in the lush<br />
greenery you are travelling through.<br />
Dive into your wild side<br />
Those who want to dive deeper and explore<br />
the depths of the lagoon will have an incredible<br />
opportunity in New Caledonia. With abundant<br />
wildlife on the reefs and a steady water<br />
temperature all year round, it is an experience<br />
like no other. A popular activity is free diving,<br />
with many local courses available in the safe<br />
and controlled environment of the Caledonian<br />
lagoon. If diving is a little beyond your limits,<br />
there’s an abundant number of locations that<br />
are ideal for snorkelling. Follow the underwater<br />
path at Ile aux Canards (Duck Island) or take a<br />
dip with the fishes in the natural pool in Oro Bay<br />
on the Ilse of Pines.<br />
Plongee sous-marine - Image by Alize Diving Satosha Masuda<br />
For more experiences to raise the pulse in New Caledonia visit:<br />
n i u e<br />
NIUE:<br />
THE ROCK<br />
2,828.6KMS<br />
Distance from New Zealand<br />
3.5HOURS<br />
By air from Auckland<br />
19°03'15.37"S.<br />
169°51'43.51"W.<br />
GPS Location<br />
1,620<br />
Population<br />
Georgraphic Location:<br />
Niue is an island country in the South<br />
Pacific Ocean, 2,400 kilometres<br />
(1,500 mi) northeast of New Zealand.<br />
Niue is located in a triangle between<br />
Tonga, Samoa, and the Cook<br />
Islands. It is 604 kilometres northeast<br />
of Tonga .<br />
Formed by volcanic upheavals,<br />
the island sits atop 100-foot cliffs<br />
rising straight out of deep ocean.<br />
All fourteen villages are situated<br />
on a narrow terrace that encircles<br />
the island. The interior consists of<br />
a central saucer-shaped plateau,<br />
-five meters higher than the terrace,<br />
covered in ferns, scrub, and secondgrowth<br />
trees.<br />
There is no surface water except in a<br />
few caves with small, brackish pools.<br />
There are no surrounding protective<br />
reefs or sheltered lagoons. Niue is<br />
very exposed!<br />
Scenic Matavai Resort Niue<br />
The fishing is first-class<br />
Climate:<br />
The climate of Niue is tropical, with<br />
a hot, muggy and rainy period from<br />
December to April and a cooler and<br />
drier period from June to October,<br />
during which the south-east trade<br />
winds prevail.<br />
• Diving<br />
• Whale watching<br />
• Fishing<br />
• Biking<br />
• Hiking<br />
Niue's unique landscape creates some impressive<br />
swimming and diving holes<br />
Best time of year to travel<br />
The most popular time of the year to visit Niue<br />
is July to October, when the humpback whales<br />
are visiting. April, May and June are also a good<br />
pick, because temperatures are comfortable<br />
(average temperature 24°C).<br />
Accommodation:<br />
There is one main resort, The Scenic Matavia,<br />
and a few motels. guest houses and private villas<br />
– be prepared to book as there are not a huge<br />
number of rooms available.<br />
Locals tips:<br />
• This is an island of 1600 people everyone<br />
knows everyone, so it is relaxed, friendly<br />
and quiet.<br />
• The fishing in Niue is off the scale good<br />
and a half day charter is the best fishing<br />
experience you will ever get on the big blue<br />
wobbly stuff.<br />
• The water in Niue, because there is<br />
no runoff, is crystal clear and although<br />
there are very limited beaches there<br />
are some amazing swimming holes and<br />
chasms. The chasms are very tidal but<br />
there is a brochure you can get in your<br />
accommodation that tells you the best time<br />
to go and where, they are all different.<br />
• Because the water is very deep close to<br />
the island and no rain runoff diving in Niue<br />
is some of the best in the world.<br />
• You will not have access to roaming in<br />
Niue. We suggest booking into some<br />
accommodation with free Wi-Fi. If you will<br />
need a lot of data, it’s worth purchasing a<br />
data plan with Telecom Niue, Niue’s only<br />
phone network and fixed internet operator,<br />
some cafes and bars offer Wi-Fi as well.<br />
There is a free Wi-Fi hotspot in Alofi only<br />
allows you access to certain websites (so<br />
don’t get too excited).<br />
Imagine sitting back and watching the<br />
incredible warming colours of a Pacific<br />
sun set, cocktail in hand, as you tell<br />
stories with friends about the day’s<br />
adventures of swimming crystal clear<br />
waters and exploring hidden caves<br />
and chasms… In the South Pacific<br />
hidden gem that is Niue, this dream<br />
soon becomes the daily routine.<br />
As the island’s only full service resort,<br />
the Scenic Matavai Resort offers<br />
the perfect place to unwind, with<br />
the stunning clifftop location offers<br />
uninterrupted views of a spectacular<br />
ocean scape and stunning sunsets.<br />
The Scenic Matavai Resort offers the<br />
perfect place to unwind<br />
Boasting a swim up pool bar, alfresco<br />
dining and a range of evening<br />
entertainment options, the resort is a<br />
popular place for hotel guests, other<br />
visitors and locals alike.<br />
The resort is perfectly positioned to be<br />
able to take in the myriad of activities<br />
on island, and is right next door to<br />
Niue Blue, one of the island’s premier<br />
diving operations. Various tours leave<br />
right from the resort door, and it is only<br />
a few minutes drive from the township<br />
and some of Niue’s most popular<br />
walks and swimming spots like the<br />
Limu Pools and Avatele Beach.<br />
Within the resort, guests can enjoy a<br />
range of settings from tropical gardens to<br />
poolside to the privacy of their own balcony<br />
with a view. Rooms are spacious, cool and<br />
well equipped to ensure that whether the<br />
day has been packed with adventure, or<br />
chilled by the pool, there is a comfortable<br />
place to rest your head and be ready for<br />
the next day in paradise.<br />
All of this relaxation is just a click away<br />
with Scenic Matavai Resort. It is quick and<br />
simple to book online… plus you receive<br />
an additional discount for booking direct<br />
and the opportunity to see exclusive offers,<br />
deals and the added reassurance for any<br />
changes or cancellations you may need to<br />
make should anything arise.<br />
If you are looking for the ultimate getaway<br />
to recharge mind, body and soul then look<br />
no further than to the tropical and tranquil<br />
surrounds of the island of Niue. Just over<br />
3 hours from Auckland and a world away<br />
from the hustle and bustle of city life.<br />
J U S T A C L I C K A W A Y<br /><br />
A room with a view<br />
a r o t o n g a<br />
t o n g a<br />
Biking allows you to explore the many secluded beaches the island has to offer.<br />
It’s hot, it’s sticky, it’s sunny, did I say it’s<br />
hot.<br />
“Let’s ride around the island” she said.<br />
She could see by the look on my face that<br />
all the planets were not aligned for a 35km<br />
bike ride.<br />
Trying to up its appeal, she added “we’ll get<br />
E-bikes”<br />
An hour later we are standing outside<br />
Ride Raro. Sandy, not the beach but the<br />
delightful in-store person, ran us through<br />
the ‘how too’. We have E-bikes and pretty<br />
much understand how they work but we<br />
listened intently to the briefing. Seats and<br />
helmet adjusted we peddled away not<br />
really knowing what to expect.<br />
As with most travel the closer you can get<br />
to the local community the more enriching<br />
it is.<br />
Did I say it was hot?<br />
It was hot, as the sun beat down, we<br />
started our trip to circumnavigate the island<br />
of Rarotonga.<br />
We started off at Ride Raro base just near<br />
the city market, the word CITY conjures<br />
up a range of metropolis images, but think<br />
in terms of a few cars, a few stressed<br />
chickens and a man with an arm full of<br />
coconuts biking up the middle of the road.<br />
I would not normally suggest anyone ride on<br />
the road, but in Rarotonga it’s like riding on<br />
the footpath, possibly a little bumpier in parts.<br />
The first thing that strikes you on a bike<br />
as opposed to car, a taxi, or a bus, is the<br />
smell, every second tree is a frangipani,<br />
there are pungent tropical scents from<br />
flowers to ripe mangos, lunches being<br />
cooked over BBQ’s and smoke for a<br />
hundred fires.<br />
DID I say it was Hot!<br />
Within half an hour we came to a public<br />
white sand beach. Across the road was<br />
a store selling beer, the sun beat down,<br />
the water called to us, and the beer tasted<br />
amazing. We rested the bikes against a<br />
banyan tree, laid on the white sand beach,<br />
swam in the sea and never saw another<br />
living soul.<br />
3,400KMS<br />
Distance from New Zealand<br />
4HOURS<br />
By air from Auckland<br />
21.2292°S.<br />
159.7763°W.<br />
GPS Location<br />
17,500<br />
Population<br />
Stopping at Club Raro on our way round<br />
the island for a wee cocktail!<br />
A bike gives you a degree of<br />
independence, and an E-bike makes<br />
it easy, it’s like a vesper with big<br />
wheels, you can go anywhere you<br />
want, and we did. We swam, laid in<br />
the sun then dried off and headed<br />
inland.<br />
There is a main road that runs<br />
around the island, but there is a<br />
secondary road behind it. It’s a<br />
little rough, but you get an insight<br />
into island life; people wave, dogs<br />
look – no one barks, chickens are<br />
everywhere, its lush and green and<br />
the air is thick, there is little breeze<br />
yet it’s still comfortable. Nothing<br />
is flash, some of the houses are<br />
ramshackle, but there is washing<br />
everywhere, and the garden and<br />
lawns are perfect.<br />
Every other house has its own<br />
cemetery, their own memorial, many<br />
are nicer than the homes, most are<br />
beautifully kept, whitewashed with<br />
beautiful gardens and fresh cut<br />
flower in vases.<br />
I think that self-biking is the best way<br />
to see Rarotonga, its flat, it safe,<br />
there are beaches, and markets and<br />
stores and restaurants and bars.<br />
As with all roads you need to be a<br />
little careful but the local are used to<br />
seeing tourists.<br />
We had only hired the bike for<br />
the day but we could have kept it<br />
overnight if needed. However, biking<br />
at night in Rarotonga is not highly<br />
recommended due to the lack of<br />
lights and footpaths.<br />
Exploring the inland trails<br />
Memorials to lost<br />
loveones graces many<br />
home<br />
Club Raro on the north-eastern<br />
shores of Rarotonga<br />
Paradise<br />
"“Kia Orana” is<br />
the greeting used<br />
to say “hello”.The<br />
literal translation<br />
is actually “May<br />
you live a long and<br />
fulfilling life.”<br />
Rarotonga, is the largest island in the<br />
southern group of the Cook Islands.<br />
The island is volcanic in origin and<br />
has a rugged interior rising to 652<br />
metres at Te Manga (which you can<br />
walk up). Surrounding its mountainous<br />
core is a plain, a raised fringing coral<br />
reef covered with sediment. The<br />
island itself is fringed by a protective<br />
coral reef.<br />
Best time of year / seasons:<br />
Overall, the shoulder months of April, May,<br />
September, and October are a great time<br />
to visit as the weather in these months<br />
is usually the perfect balance of warm<br />
temperatures and dry skies. During July to<br />
October bring the humpback whales.<br />
Accommodation:<br />
Accommodation varies from 5 star hotels, to<br />
back-packers, homestays and everything in<br />
between. We based ourselves at Club Raro;<br />
with comfortable rooms, an amazing<br />
reef side setting, great service, an awesome<br />
restaurant and bar, close to everything and<br />
priced not to break your bank balance.<br />
<strong>Adventure</strong> activities:<br />
• Diving<br />
• Fishing<br />
• Surfing<br />
• Any water-based sport<br />
• Boating<br />
• Biking<br />
• Hiking<br />
Locals Tip:<br />
• Eat and go shopping at Punanga Nui<br />
Market & Muri Night Markets<br />
• If you want to rent a car or a scooter you<br />
will have to purchase a local licence, but<br />
the local bus service is good.<br />
• Always eat the fresh fish.<br />
• Climb Te Rua Manga (The Needle)<br />
Biking the island allows you to find your own piece of paradise<br />
Ocean Front Villas open out onto a<br />
private deck, white sandy beach and<br />
uninterrupted views to the horizon<br />
Ocean View, two-story Villas are spacious and<br />
beautifully decorated, incorporating modern<br />
living and keeping he fresh ocean feel alive.<br />
While biking round the island we<br />
discovered Ocean Escape Resort & Spa,<br />
so we popped in and booked an afternoon<br />
massage for the following day.<br />
The new Eco-resort had come highly<br />
recommended from some locals, so<br />
we booked in for their 75-minute pure<br />
indulgence massage. One of the things<br />
that contributes to their unique massage<br />
experience is the use of bespoke100%<br />
Organic Essential Oils menu, the expertise<br />
of the therapists, but, also the environment,<br />
and Ocean Escape Resort & Spa scored<br />
highly on all fronts.<br />
As one of Rarotonga’s top spas, they<br />
offer a full range of pampering packages,<br />
which is outlined on their website,<br />
includes massages, facials, pedicure, and<br />
manicures.<br />
Ocean Escape Resort boasts a unique<br />
Ocean water swimming pool, with a<br />
coral reef (the only one of its kind on<br />
Rarotonga) This pool is replenished daily<br />
from the ocean tides, and it is chlorine and<br />
chemical-free, just like the ocean.<br />
The eco-friendly experience is at the core<br />
of the resort, from the sanitation and solar<br />
power to grey water keeping the gardens<br />
green. Even the drinking rainwater is safe<br />
and beautiful to drink, unlike much of<br />
Rarotonga.<br />
A phrase you will often hear linked to the<br />
resort is ‘sustainability and luxury all rolled<br />
into one.’ As the name suggests, Ocean<br />
Escape Resort & Spa is right on the beach<br />
and everything about the resort reflects<br />
that, from the colours, the 12 villas and<br />
resort stylish layout.<br />
Each Villa has its own private balcony with<br />
a day bed, either stepping directly into the<br />
saltwater pool or the coastal beach.<br />
You can sleep to the sound of breaking<br />
waves and in season you can closely<br />
watch humpback whales migrating just<br />
a short distance from the sandy casual<br />
beach lounge area.<br />
Not far away is the renowned Muri Beach,<br />
where you can snorkel over the pristine<br />
coral reefs and interact with the marine life.<br />
Or you can explore the densely forested<br />
landscapes dotted with volcanic peaks.<br />
This eco-friendly, adults-only oasis (16+)<br />
is a haven for sun-soaked days, serenity,<br />
and is perfect for couples seeking a<br />
boutique getaway escape.<br />
BJ’s Tapas Bar will be opening soon,<br />
presenting another first in Rarotonga,<br />
bringing a top shelf cocktail bar,<br />
complemented by dishes with a fusion<br />
of local and Mediterranean Tapas style<br />
cuisine.<br />
Rarotonga’s Premium Bike shop | Sales, Service, Rentals | Road , Comfort, Mountain and E bikes<br />
Resort & Spa<br />
Essential<br />
Ocean Escape Resort<br />
Rarotonga's Newest Eco-friendly boutique resort! 12 Casual-luxury villas offering an Adults-only holiday Escape.<br />
1 Ara Tapu, Turangi Village, Rarotonga, 3385, Cook Islands<br />
T+682 21621 | T+682 78881 | T+682 58375<br />
E |<br />
SPA<br />
+682 74844 | +6427 3852555 |<br />
frenchpolynesia<br />
polynesia<br />
TAHITI:<br />
4,095KMS<br />
Distance from New Zealand<br />
4.5HOURS<br />
By air from Auckland<br />
17.6509°S.<br />
149.4260°W.<br />
GPS Location<br />
282,534<br />
Population<br />
Georgraphic Location:<br />
Tahiti and The Islands of Tahiti, also<br />
known as the Society islands (of which<br />
there are 14 main islands) are in the<br />
southern part of the Pacific Ocean.<br />
Commonly referred to as The Islands of<br />
Tahiti, French Polynesia is a collection<br />
of 118 islands and atolls scattered<br />
across an impressive nautical surface<br />
area the size of Western Europe. Still,<br />
these tiny islands—many of which<br />
remain uninhabited—make up a total<br />
landmass of only 4,100 sq. km<br />
They are roughly the same distance<br />
from California as they are from<br />
Australia. Tahiti itself is the largest of<br />
the Society Islands of French Polynesia<br />
which has a population of 275,918<br />
inhabitants.<br />
The population of the islands is<br />
concentrated in the coastal regions and<br />
becomes increasingly sparse towards<br />
the mountainous centre of the islands.<br />
The main island of Tahiti (Iles du Vent),<br />
where 50% of the inhabitants live, is<br />
also home to the capital of French<br />
Polynesia, the city of Papeete.<br />
The Matavai Hotel, Niue<br />
The fishing is first-class<br />
Description:<br />
Tahiti, the main islands is often referred<br />
to as the Queen of the Pacific. A circle<br />
of majestic peaks crowns the island<br />
of Tahiti, towering over the ocean.<br />
The mountainous interior shelters<br />
deep valleys, clear streams, and high<br />
waterfalls. The flat coastal lands,<br />
edged with a rugged coastline, is<br />
home most of the island's population.<br />
Papeete, the capital city, and gateway<br />
to the region, boasts world-class<br />
resorts, spas, fine restaurants, and<br />
endless shopping at the markets,<br />
pearl shops, and boutiques. Each of<br />
the other outer islands has something<br />
unique to offer, Bora Bora with is<br />
stunning lagoon, Raetia, the birthplace<br />
of Polynesia has a rich culture, each<br />
island has something special, too long<br />
to list here.<br />
Best time of year to travel<br />
The best time to visit Tahiti is between May<br />
and October. Although the temperatures are<br />
pleasant year-round, Tahiti's winter season<br />
has less humidity. Tahiti only experiences<br />
two distinct seasons: Winter which brings<br />
less rain and pleasant temperatures while<br />
the summertime – November through April<br />
– can be quite hot and humid (especially<br />
December), and often rain.<br />
• Cultural activities<br />
• Diving<br />
• Fishing<br />
• Surfing<br />
• Any sort of water activity<br />
• Boating<br />
• Biking<br />
• Hiking<br />
Accommodation:<br />
Accommodation in Tahiti is varied from some<br />
of the most amazing resorts and hotels in the<br />
world to pensions(homestays). Pensions are<br />
very family focused and you can be housed<br />
and fed and escorted or just left on your own.<br />
There are also air BnB type options and a<br />
variety of hotels and motels to fit every budget.<br />
Locals tips:<br />
• The best way to eat in Tahiti is not in your hotel but at<br />
the local Roulette, these are basically food carts that<br />
pop up at night at local carparks, shopping areas etc –<br />
just look around at night and you will find them or ask<br />
locals. They are inexpensive and the food is great, the<br />
way to pick the best one is to choose where the most<br />
locals are eating.<br />
• The local raw fish is always specular – try the local dish,<br />
poison cru (raw fish and coconut).<br />
• If you are lucky (or maybe not) try the fafaru – you<br />
can’t really buy it, but locals might share it with you.<br />
It is basically fresh fish served in a fermented sauce<br />
(fermented is a nice word for rotten) taste a lot better<br />
than it smells. You will get major kudos for eating it.<br />
• Bread (which is amazing) cheese, wine, beer is all<br />
inexpensive, buying readymade baguettes at the local<br />
store (they are everywhere) is a great inexpensive lunch<br />
option.<br />
• Don’t surf in Tahiti on the reef breaks unless you know<br />
what you are doing. There are a few beach breaks that<br />
are safe for everyone. If surfing for the first time in Tahiti<br />
it would pay to get a guide – with a boat.<br />
• There are a lot of tourist options in Tahiti, but anything to<br />
do with water is worth the experience. The diving is off<br />
the scale in terms of big fish, sharks, barracuda, manta<br />
rays etc. Even the snorkelling can be amazing.<br />
• Fishing is great close to the main city, on the island<br />
of Moorea, 30 mins by ferry from Papeete is Moorea<br />
Fishing <strong>Adventure</strong>s (www.mooreafishingadventures.<br />
com). Captain Matahi will show you an amazing day,<br />
they have great success and know how to catch fish, a<br />
great way to spend the day on.<br />
• Any of the island are worth a visit, but if you stay in<br />
Papeete it is only a short ferry ride to Moorea.<br />
• Further north, by plane Bora Bora is the quintessential<br />
tropical paradise and a visual experience to remember.<br />
• If you ever thought about getting a tattoo, get it in Tahiti<br />
– it is a huge part of their culture, and they have some<br />
of the best tattooist in the world – don’t ask for Donald<br />
Duck! But choosing from any of the cultural patterns or<br />
simply asking them to create will be a great memento<br />
for life.<br />
• Internet coverage is pretty much<br />
throughout Tahiti but can be patchy,<br />
some hotels and resorts have free<br />
Wi-Fi, but a better option is to get a<br />
portable router called Tahiti Wi-Fi. These<br />
can be booked in advance, picked<br />
up at the airport or delivered to your<br />
accommodation – these work great<br />
everywhere and are portable.<br />
Sailing<br />
A typical pension home accommodation<br />
Outrigging in the calm waters of the<br />
lagoon<br />
Tahiti has the stereotype of being every<br />
expensive, which it can be as it has some<br />
of the most exclusive resorts in the world,<br />
whole islands in fact dedicated to one or<br />
two visitors. But as with all destination<br />
if you choose with care where you stay,<br />
how you travel and what you eat, it can<br />
be very cost effective. Be prepared, it is<br />
not Southeast Asia, but cost should not<br />
limit your decision to see one of the most<br />
beautiful places on earth.<br />
Tahiti is world famous for its surfing<br />
Tahitian <strong>Adventure</strong>s<br />
With 118 islands to explore, getting ‘lost’ in the<br />
Islands of Tahiti sounds like the perfect adventure.<br />
A l p i n e R e s o r t<br />
Terrace Restaurant & Bar Open daily<br />
Tongariro Alpine Crossing Shuttles from the door<br />
Backpacker to Superior Family Accommodation<br />
Alpine Hiking Gear Hire on-site<br />
Skotel Alpine Resort | SkotelAlpineResort<br />
Ngauruhoe Place | Whakapapa Village, SH 48<br /> |<br />
+64 7 892 3719 | 0800 756 835<br />
The Old Nurses hOme<br />
GuesThOuse<br />
Welcome to The Old Nurses Home Guesthouse<br />
© Grégoire Le Bacon<br />
This historic renovated building in Reefton allows you to enjoy the stunning<br />
Victoria Conservation Park with access to outstanding bush walks, historic<br />
mining sites, and withing walking distance to the famous Inangahua River and<br />
some of the best fishing for trout in NZ. White water raft or kayak the exciting<br />
rivers in the area. Reefton offers a perfect base for MTB riders to explore The<br />
Old Ghost Road from Lyell through the ranges to Seddonville on the West Coast.<br /><br />
+6437328881<br />
adventure<br />
where actions speak louder than words<br />
AND SAVE<br />
Get adventure<br />
delivered straight<br />
to your door<br />
go to<br />
Feed your adventure!<br />
Boots<br />
Packs<br />
Rainwear<br />
Sleeping Bags<br />
All your tramping & trail essentials!<br />
Same shop & family since 1988.<br />
Vegan<br />
Sustainable<br />
Totally delicious<br />
Order online:<br />
get the<br />
professional<br />
edge!<br />
Keep powered on any adventure<br /><br />
Skye Candle and Body Care is home to a natural and<br />
environmentally kind range of home fragrance and<br />
self-care products.<br /><br />
The V-SHARP® CLASSIC II Elite uses two high-quality, 325<br />
grit diamond rods that simultaneously sharpen the blade<br />
on both sides using calibrated Spring Tension. Ideal for<br />
Kitchen, Fillet, Hunting and most other flat-blade knives.<br />
w w w . k n i f e s h a r p n e r s . n z
“Escape ordinary”<br />
Caring luxury | Local flavour | One of a kind<br />
Mountain bike clean up area and a secure mountain bike storage area available<br />
1191 Pukaki Street, Rotorua<br />
p: +64 7 348 4079 | w:<br />
A digital currency<br />
designed for everyday<br />
payments<br /><br />
S.A Shuttles are a specialists when it comes to Auckland Airport shuttle<br />
services. We pick-up passengers from the Airport and deliver to; hotels,<br />
motels, CBD and the suburbs (door to door). This service is available to<br />
meet every flight arriving into Auckland Airport.<br />
• BOOKED shuttle services to meet flight<br />
• On demand shuttle services for group bookings<br />
• Direct shuttle for individual needs<br />
• Corporate Transfers for Business Client<br />
Available to download on<br />
We also do tours around the North Island | | | 0800 300 033 (Toll free)