Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology 4e

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minerals melt, and (3) how plate-tectonic settings produce specific rock types.

The first two questions are addressed in this section and question three is dealt

within section 5.5.

5.4.1 Where and Why Do Rocks and Minerals Melt?

Some science-fiction movies and novels suggest that the rigid outer shell of the

Earth floats on a sea of magma. In fact, most of the crust and mantle is solid rock.

Melting occurs only in certain places, generally by one of the following three


1. Decompression melting: Stretching of the lithosphere at a divergent boundary

(mid-ocean ridge) or continental rift lowers the confining pressure on the asthenosphere

below. The amount of heat in the asthenosphere cannot by itself

overcome the chemical bonds in the rock and the confining pressure, but

once the pressure decreases, the heat already present in the rock is sufficient

to overcome the bonds and cause melting. This process, called decompression

melting, requires no additional input of heat.

2. Flux melting: Some minerals in subducted oceanic crust contain water in

their structures. The water is incorporated in two processes: reactions of

oceanic rock with seawater shortly after its erupting from an ocean ridge,

or from the island are itself, and weathering of rocks erupted from islandarc

volcanoes. When the subducted crust reaches a critical depth (about

150 km), water and other volatiles are released from these minerals and rise

into the asthenosphere, where they cause melting. In this process, called

flux melting, no additional heat is needed because the added water lowers

the melting point of the rock.

3. Heat-transfer melting: Iron in a blast furnace melts when enough heat is added

to break the bonds between atoms, and some magmas form the same way

in continental crust. Some very hot mafic magmas that rise into continental

crust from the mantle bring along enough heat to start melting the crust,

much as hot fudge melts the ice cream it is poured on. This process, called

heat-transfer melting, occurs mostly in four settings: (1) oceanic or continental

hot spots, where mantle plumes bring heat to shallower levels; (2) continental

volcanic arcs, where mafic magma transfers heat from the mantle to

the continental crust of the arc; (3) during late stages of continental collision,

when the base of the lithosphere peels off and the asthenosphere rises to fill

that space, melts, and sends large amounts of basaltic magma upward; and

(4) in continental rifts, where mafic magma from the asthenosphere rises to

the base of thinned continental crust.

5.4.2 How Do Rocks and Minerals Melt?

We can’t directly observe melting in the mantle or in a subduction zone, but we can

study it in the laboratory. In the 1920s, N. L. Bowen and other pioneering geologists

melted minerals and rocks and chilled them at different stages of melting and

crystallization to learn how magma forms. They learned that magma melting is very

different from the way ice melts into water, and their results paved the way for our

understanding of the origins of the four compositional groups.

■ Most rocks melt over a range of temperatures. This is because some of their

minerals have lower melting points than others. The minerals with low melting


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