Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology 4e

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FIGURE 5.11 The four major types of volcanoes.

(a) Shield volcano (fluid lava), Mauna Loa, Hawaii.

(b) Lava dome (viscous lava) in the crater of Mt. Kelud volcano,


(c) Cinder cone (pyroclastic material), Sunset Crater, Arizona.

(d) Stratovolcano (pyroclastic material plus lava), Mt. Mayon,


two kinds of material. Two types are made almost entirely of lava. Shield volcanoes

(FIG. 5.11a) are formed by eruptions of highly fluid lava. The lava’s fluidity produces

broad structures with gentle slopes—the largest volcanoes on the Earth (and Mars)

are shield volcanoes. Because ketchup or maple syrup has a consistency similar to

that of highly fluid lava, you can simulate the formation of a shield volcano by pouring

one of them onto a flat surface.

Lava domes (FIG. 5.11b) are much smaller than shield volcanoes, often forming

in the craters of other types of volcanoes. As their name implies, they too are

made of lava, but in this case the lava is extremely viscous, more like pizza or cookie

dough than ketchup. As a result, the lava can pile up to form steeper slopes than

those of shield volcanoes. To simulate formation of a lava dome, squeeze a blob of

toothpaste onto a flat surface.

Eruptions of lava domes and shield volcanoes are the least violent of all volcanic

eruptions, but even so can pose serious hazards. Lava from Hawaiian shield volcanoes

has buried homes, forests, and fields, displacing people and blocking roads at

a cost of millions of dollars.

Cinder cones (FIG. 5.11c) are made mostly from relatively fine-grained pyroclastic

material. Unlike other volcanoes, they are formed partly from above, when ash

erupted from the volcano’s vent falls to the ground, like sugar being poured into

a pile on a plate. Eruptions that build cinder cones are relatively peaceful, and the

resulting volcanoes are much smaller than shield volcanoes, with moderate slopes.



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