Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology 4e

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Understanding Geologic Structures Using Maps



Exploring Geology Using Google Earth

1. Visit digital.wwnorton.com/geolabmanual4

2. Go to the Geotours tile to download Google Earth Pro and the accompanying

Geotours exercises file.

Expand the Geotour10 folder in Google

Earth by clicking the triangle to the left of

the folder icon. First, check and double-click

on the USGS Map Credit placemark to fly to

Split Mountain east of Vernal, UT. Then, take

turns turning on the SplitMtn_TopoMap

and SplitMtn_GeoMap folders to answer

questions about the geologic structure of

this portion of Dinosaur National Monument

(note that you can select a folder/overlay and

use the transparency slider at the bottom of the

Places panel to make items semi-transparent).

(a) Check the SplitMtn_GeoMap folder.

Then check and double-click the North

Fold placemark to fly to a nose-like

protrusion of Split Mountain. Given

that the blue/purple rocks are older

than the green rocks, what type of fold

is Split Mountain and is it plunging or

nonplunging (if plunging, then provide the general direction)? fold type

plunging/nonplunging (and direction if applicable)

(b) Check and double-click the South Fold placemark to fly to a nearby location south of Split Mountain. Given that

the blue/purple rocks are older than the green rocks, what type of fold is this and is it plunging or nonplunging

(if plunging, then provide the general direction)?

(and direction if applicable)

fold type


(c) Check the SplitMtn_TopoMap folder. Then check and double-click the Flatiron placemark to fly to an example

of a flatiron, a laundry iron-shaped landform commonly associated with dipping sedimentary bedding surfaces.

Ignoring the valleys carved by the branching tributary that flows into the Green River (i.e., use the straight segment

of the 5800 contour line pointed to by the placemark) and using the Heading information from the Line tab

on the Ruler tool, draw lines to estimate both the strike direction (approximately parallel to the topographic

contour) and the dip direction (approximately perpendicular to the topographic contour, away from the flatiron

“point”). Hint: check out Sections 07, 12, 13, or 18 to the SE to see topographic contours on a dip slope that is less

eroded and/or turn on the SplitMtn_GeoMap and look for a strike/dip symbol with the amount of dip included.

strike direction (0-360°)


direction (0-360°)



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