Laboratory Manual for Introductory Geology 4e

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Inducing Change on a Global Scale





Exploring Geology Using Google Earth

1. Visit digital.wwnorton.com/geolabmanual4

2. Go to the Geotours tile to download Google Earth Pro and the accompanying

Geotours exercises file.

Human activity has transformed the Earth’s

surface in remarkable (and sometimes very

consequential) ways. Moreover, the effects

of these activities induce measurable global

change over very short time spans. Expand

the Geotour18 folder in Google Earth by

clicking the triangle to the left of the folder


(a) Check and double-click the NOAA

CO-OPS Sea Level Trends folder to see

worldwide sea-level trends. According to

these data, is sea-level mostly rising or

falling (rotate the Google Earth globe to

observe different areas)? What humaninduced

change is responsible for the

majority of these trends?

(b) Check and double-click the Scandinavia placemark (leave the NOAA CO-OPS Sea Level Trends folder checked).

What is happening to sea level at this location, and what is causing it to happen? Hint: What happens to the

underlying land when an ice cap melts?

(c) Check and double-click the Columbia Ice Field/Columbia Glacier placemarks to fly to the Canadian Rocky

Mountains. Study the time-lapse animation in the Columbia Ice Field placemark balloon to observe the rapid

melting of the Columbia Glacier (and other glaciers as well). What is the rate (meters per year) that the Columbia

Glacier terminus receded from 1984 to 2004 (measure the distance between placemarks using the Line tab on the

Ruler tool)?

(d) Check and double-click the Deforestation placemark to fly to the Amazon Rain Forest in South America. Study

the time-lapse animation in the placemark balloon to observe how deforestation is affecting the region. Estimate

the percentage of land in the field of view that has experienced deforestation from 1984 to 2012. Is it 1%, 15%, 25%,

or 75%?


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