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free appraisal today<br />
2547403<br />
Delivered free to all homes, lifestyle blocks and farms in Mid Canterbury.<br />
JANUARY <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong> | |Phone: 308 7664<br />
2548069<br />
Peak petanque performance<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
Lani andAdelys Taraunu will<br />
represent New Zealand in the<br />
upcoming trans Tasman<br />
petanque challenge.<br />
It will be the first time a<br />
married couple will play<br />
together in the national team’s<br />
mixed combination.<br />
Thecouple are members of<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque<br />
Club and have beenplaying<br />
petanque for manyyears; it’s<br />
like anational sport in Adelys<br />
native country Tahiti.<br />
He has been playing off and<br />
on since he was seven years<br />
old.<br />
Adelys moved to Auckland,<br />
aged 27, and joined the<br />
Panmure Pioneers Petanque<br />
Club proving himself on<br />
the Petanque piste before<br />
taking asporting break.<br />
He returned to the<br />
sport following the<br />
death ofhis father andthe<br />
inheritance of his petanque<br />
set. It reignited Adelys<br />
enjoyment of the sportand<br />
reconnected him to his<br />
heritage.<br />
Lanihas only being playing<br />
since 2016.<br />
She initially thought it was<br />
an older persons sport and<br />
Adelys challenged her to prove<br />
it. She is still trying.<br />
It’s the first time the couple<br />
will team upinan<br />
international match and,<br />
despite their successful<br />
pairing, it did get off to arocky<br />
start.<br />
Lani said they werewarned<br />
by others that being in a<br />
relationship would not help<br />
their game.<br />
She felt pressure<br />
playing<br />
alongside<br />
Adelys in the<br />
early days,<br />
as he had ahigh standing<br />
within the petanque fraternity.<br />
‘‘Wehad afew arguments (at<br />
the start),’’ Lani said. She<br />
admitted to being anervous<br />
wreck until Adelys gave her<br />
some much needed advice.<br />
‘‘Hesaid ‘‘it’s just agame<br />
and Idon’t careifwewin or<br />
lose, concentrate on your own<br />
game ...we’llmakeithappen.’’.<br />
They now justplay the best<br />
they can with both having good<br />
days, andbad days.<br />
Formerly with<br />
the Aucklandbased<br />
club<br />
Panmure<br />
Pioneers, the<br />
couple moved<br />
to Mid<br />
Canterbury<br />
with their 14<br />
year old<br />
daughter,<br />
Nevaeh, in March last year,<br />
after apostcovid era rethink<br />
about their lives.<br />
They wanted adifferent<br />
lifestyle, away from the hustle<br />
and bustle of Auckland.<br />
We worked out what we<br />
would do differently to slow<br />
down, reconnect and enjoy our<br />
family, Lani said.<br />
Their move south decided<br />
on by Nevaeh’s research into<br />
school opportunities which<br />
landed on <strong>Ashburton</strong> College <br />
came as asurprise to family<br />
and friends, but has proved to<br />
be the best decision for their<br />
family.<br />
Continued Page16<br />
Lani and Adelys<br />
Taraunu, of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA<br />
Petanque Club.<br />
Riverside<br />
planting<br />
PAGE 3<br />
PAGE 30<br />
Athletics<br />
medal haul<br />
PAGES 31 32<br />
Fire brigade<br />
memories<br />
• 16” steel cutting deck<br />
• 1.0kwbrushless motor<br />
• 20-74mm cutting height<br />
• 36v batterypowered<br />
New Year,<br />
New Build?<br />
Enticing House and Land Packages available now inStrowan Fields.<br />
Talk to ourfriendly team today and let us help with aset of<br />
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$<br />
799<br />
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Haydon South 021 244 7043<br />
2547397<br />
Jennian Homes Canterbury<br />
Michele Strange<br />
M 027 491 5266<br />
E<br /><br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Display Home<br />
1Waterford Place<br />
Tinwald, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Exterior Awning<br />
specialists<br />
118 TancredStreet, 03 308 3973,<br />
paint |wallpaper |curtains |blinds |flooring |interiordesign
NEWS<br />
2 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Build customers,<br />
sales and profits<br />
withus...<br />
Delivered to all homes,<br />
lifestyle blocks and farms in<br />
MidCanterburyand Geraldine<br />
news<br />
Daniel Tobin<br />
Editor<br />
308 7664<br />
027 628 7679<br /><br />
Reporter<br />
Toni Williams<br /><br />
advertising<br />
Jann Thompson<br />
Sales Manager<br />
308 7664<br />
027 587 6351<br /><br />
Karen Gane<br />
Sales Account Manager<br />
308 7664<br />
021 510 804<br /><br />
get in touch<br />
Editorial<br /><br />
Advertising<br /><br />
CreativeManager<br /><br />
Accounts<br /><br />
Distribution/Deliveries<br /><br />
Office<br /><br />
03 308 7664<br />
<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
Baring Square East contract<br />
A$2.45 million contract to redevelop<br />
BaringSquare East has been<br />
awarded to TruLine Civil the<br />
contractor who workedonthe<br />
revitalisationof<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s CBD.<br />
The squareredevelopment<br />
involves creating anew oneway<br />
road with angle parking in front of<br />
council’s new libraryand civic<br />
building,and amajor replant and<br />
renovation of the square itself.<br />
Council infrastructure and open<br />
spacesgroup manager Neil McCann<br />
said the work would breathe new life<br />
into the area, whileretaining some<br />
original features of the space, like<br />
the whalebones,oval path and water<br />
feature. The town’s iconic clock also<br />
stays.<br />
“As partofthe redevelopment<br />
work we willalso be movingthe Boer<br />
War Memorial to Baring Square<br />
West. We applied for resource<br />
consent to relocate the memorial and<br />
that has been granted.”<br />
Relocatingthe war memorial will<br />
be undertakenbyspecialistsand it<br />
will be movedacross the rail tracks<br />
to Baring Square West, where<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>’s other main war<br />
memorials are located.<br />
“We’veconsultedwith the<br />
community over this sensitive<br />
relocation and have included the<br />
adviceofheritage experts in the<br />
movingplan that has been<br />
Split site weigh station work<br />
Workisfinally under wayonthe<br />
StateHighway 1weighstation, just<br />
north of the Rakaia River.<br />
After morethan twoyears in the<br />
planning, workstarted late last<br />
week.<br />
Waka KotahiNZTransport<br />
Agency said motorists would notice<br />
the work with contractorsstarting to<br />
constructthe splitsite Commercial<br />
Vehicle Safety Centre(CVSC),<br />
previously calledweighstations.<br />
Technically, the weigh station<br />
siteisin theSelwyn District<br />
Council and out of the<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
DistrictCouncil’s patchbut an<br />
easement on land south of the<br />
Rakaiabridgewill have asign<br />
alerting truckdrivers to theweigh<br />
stationahead.<br />
Waka Kotahi director regional<br />
relationships James Caygill said<br />
‘‘the centre isbeingbuilt with<br />
facilitiesonboth sides of SH1 so<br />
truck driversonlyneedtoturnleft<br />
in and left out.<br />
‘‘The northboundsite is between<br />
Weavers Road and North Rakaia<br />
*<br />
approved,” Mr McCann said.<br />
The $2.45mcontracttoredevelop<br />
the squarewas awarded to TruLine<br />
Civil at council’s December meeting.<br />
“The work is designedto<br />
complement what has already been<br />
accomplished in the CBD and it will<br />
include apavedplaza entrance to<br />
the new civic building, Te Pātaka o<br />
kā Tuhituhi and Te Waharoa aHine<br />
Paaka.<br />
Road and thesouthbound siteison<br />
theoppositesideofSH1nearNorth<br />
Rakaia Road.<br />
‘‘Work willinvolvethe<br />
construction of the centre’s<br />
buildingsand site access, along<br />
withinroad scalesand electronic/<br />
Variable Message Board signage.<br />
‘‘The southbound site works will<br />
start first, with the northboundsite<br />
laterin<strong>2023</strong>. It is anticipated that<br />
both siteswill be complete and<br />
operational by theend of 2024,<br />
subject to consent,contractor<br />
availability andweather<br />
conditions.’’<br />
Mr Caygill said thesite was<br />
chosenasitisonabusy transport<br />
route in aspot hard to avoid.<br />
“The Rakaiasite is one of adozen<br />
beingrolled outnationally.All of<br />
these sitesare locatedonstate<br />
highways wherethere are more<br />
than 1200 heavy motorvehicles per<br />
day,” he said.<br />
“Given we already have aweigh<br />
station north of Christchurch,near<br />
Waipara,thissouthern siteisa<br />
1. Drop your school list in-store<br />
2. Payfor order<br />
3. Collect order<br />
“We see the redeveloped area as<br />
being apleasantspot where people<br />
can meet or taketheirlunch breaks<br />
and it willbeideal for big and small<br />
events,with some street furniture<br />
able to be moved. The new plantings<br />
are also designed to giveyearround<br />
colour.”<br />
Work is expected to get under way<br />
soon.<br />
great stepforward.”<br />
CommercialVehicle Safety<br />
Centres aresites where<br />
enforcementofficers candochecks<br />
on vehiclesand their drivers<br />
including vehicle/loadweight,<br />
brakes, road user charges,<br />
certificate of fitness, logbook, and<br />
alcohol and drug impairment.<br />
Theprogrammeinvolvesusing<br />
electronicscales andother<br />
scanningequipment whichare<br />
built into theroad.<br />
As atruckpassesover thescales<br />
at normal speeds, software<br />
identifiesifitisoverloaded.<br />
Thosetruck drivers are directed<br />
intothe safety centre.Trucks<br />
within weight limits willmostly<br />
keep on travelling, uninterrupted.<br />
“The Commercial Vehicle Safety<br />
Programme supports theRoad to<br />
Zero strategy and our aim foraroad<br />
system free of death and serious<br />
injury.<br />
‘‘It will help deliver amorelevel<br />
playing fieldfor the heavy vehicle<br />
industry,” Mr Caygillsaid.<br />
1. Order online,byemail or phone<br />
2. Paywhen youpick up in-store or<br />
3. Pay&have your order delivered<br />
2542412<br />
2532928<br />
212 East Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone 308 8309<br />
Planting for the future<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
RossHawthorneisonaone<br />
mancrusade to tidy up,and<br />
planttrees andshrubsalong<br />
theriverbed between<br />
Chalmers Avenueand Trevors<br />
Road.<br />
Ross, aregular userofthe<br />
walking track, had noticedthe<br />
fast growing weed Old Man’s<br />
Beard was taking over and<br />
smotheringplants.<br />
‘‘So Icleared it back and<br />
foundplants, andplaced plant<br />
guards aroundthem.’’<br />
The715 plant guardswere<br />
donatedbyAnzco where Ross<br />
works his boss Chris Hindson<br />
was keentohelp Rosswith the<br />
project.<br />
Ross estimates he has<br />
rescued and planted over 600<br />
plantsina260metrearea.<br />
Most of those he has planted<br />
werefoundselfseeded in the<br />
area andheeither clears<br />
space around them to help<br />
them grow,orrelocates them<br />
to another area.<br />
He is only planting natives<br />
andplants originally in the<br />
area likePittosporums,<br />
Ribbonwood, Broad leaves,<br />
flax, Lancewood, Olearia,<br />
native grasses,Kowhai and<br />
Coprosma.<br />
Hisson alsodonated<br />
Manuka plants forthe project.<br />
Ross said it was importantto<br />
plant the areabecause of the<br />
bird life andfor future<br />
generations.<br />
‘‘I’d actually like to see some<br />
of the native birdscoming back<br />
to the area, more than just<br />
fantails and Iwould like to<br />
leave it in abetter statefor<br />
peopleinthe future.’’<br />
One of the main challenges<br />
in the area is flooding from the<br />
river.<br />
After floodinglastyear Ross<br />
almost gave up becausemostof<br />
his plantswhere smothered by<br />
silt.<br />
But he managed to find most<br />
of his pink markersticks<br />
(identifying plantings) anddig<br />
them out. ‘‘I spent freezing<br />
cold morningstrying to find<br />
them and dig them up.’’<br />
Ross Hawthorne<br />
Ross startedinApril last<br />
year and spends most<br />
weekends downatthe river<br />
clearing and planting.<br />
‘‘It’s abit of ahobby, it’s<br />
pretty satisfying especially<br />
when youchop into apiece of<br />
Old Man’s Beard,’’ he said with<br />
agrin.<br />
Usersofthe track who see<br />
Ross at work give him<br />
encouragementsaying ‘‘good<br />
on you.’’<br />
Ross is keen for anybody<br />
interested in helping to getin<br />
touch with him on:028 409<br />
8185.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Domain dinos<br />
Prehistoric action will take<br />
over asection of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Domain next week with the<br />
arrival of The Amazing<br />
Dinosaur Discovery Show<br />
roadshow.<br />
The roadshow, on in the<br />
domain from <strong>January</strong> 28 to<br />
February 5, is run in 90minute<br />
sessions so people can explore<br />
and learn all about the<br />
prehistoric world, including<br />
interactive dinosaur walkthroughs.<br />
More than 30 lifelike<br />
dinosaurs are on show, which<br />
includes outdoor displays and<br />
indoor activities and plenty of<br />
learning opportunities.<br />
‘‘You don’t want to miss the<br />
crowd favourite Tyrannosaurus<br />
Rex, the 12m long neck of<br />
Brachiosaurus or the much<br />
raved about robotic raptors!<br />
‘‘Watch them move and hear<br />
them roar.<br />
‘‘There are activities galore,<br />
with something for everyone –<br />
from two to 102, including the<br />
dinomite playground, fossil<br />
panning, the discovery depot,<br />
learning lab, walking live<br />
dinosaurs, rides and more!<br />
‘‘Get ready to be amazed and<br />
thrilled as the greatest<br />
creatures ever to walk the earth<br />
return and come alive before<br />
your eyes.’’<br />
The show is travelling New<br />
Zealand for one tour only and is<br />
visiting all major cities and<br />
towns. It will be on wet or fine.<br />
‘‘Take your family for avisit,<br />
because it is truely The<br />
Amazing Dinosaur Discovery.’’<br />
3<br />
General admission, costing<br />
$25 per person or family (two<br />
adults, two children from $88),<br />
gives access to meet the<br />
dinosaurs, fossil digging, the<br />
walking dinosaurs, dinosaur<br />
tracing station and crafts,<br />
inflatable playground, face<br />
painting and the hidden stamp<br />
treasure hunt.<br />
There is no charge for<br />
children under two years of<br />
age.<br />
However there are additional<br />
activities such as dinosaur<br />
rides, baby dinosaur<br />
interaction, throwtowin<br />
dinosaur game, build a<br />
dinosaur skeleton craft or a<br />
fossil chipping kit, which<br />
require atoken that can be<br />
purchased during the event.<br />
Session bookings essential<br />
via the Eventfinda website,<br />
www.<br /><br />
nz or at the onsite ticket office<br />
an hour prior to each session.<br />
&TRUSTED<br />
Whiteware Specialists<br />
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• 5.5kg,compactmodel<br />
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• 1060mmH,560mm W,<br />
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10 YEAR MOTOR<br />
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998<br />
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• 373 litres(250 fridge/123 freezer)<br />
• Glass shelves,strong and easy to<br />
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• 1620mmH,635mm W, 695mm D<br />
BONUS<br />
c<br />
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was$2399<br />
$<br />
<strong>19</strong>98<br />
$13.37 weekly<br />
NEWS<br />
4 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Rakaia School celebrations<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
TheBanshees of<br />
sisherin<br />
ReviewedbyStacey Broadbent<br />
Somethingabitdifferent.<br />
Setin<strong>19</strong>23ontheislandofInisherin,<br />
off the coast of Ireland, Padraic is<br />
devastated when his best friend<br />
Colm decides henolonger wants<br />
hisfriendship.<br />
Awell told story that focuses on<br />
thedifferentwayspeopledeal with<br />
feelings of despair. Itwas nice to<br />
see Colin Farrell in adifferent type<br />
of role,and youcould really feel his<br />
anguish throughout.<br />
The beautiful scenery and Irish<br />
humour add aray ofsunshine on<br />
this otherwise emotional story.<br />
bookings ph 307 1230<br /><br />
2547394<br />
2542578<br />
Agiant corten steel plaqueto<br />
commemorate the Rakaia School’s<br />
150th jubileehas beenhung<br />
prominentlyinthe school grounds.<br />
Theplaque, made by Rakaia steel<br />
fabricator Michael Evenblij of Steel<br />
Life,was unveiled at the end of last<br />
term by thenacting principal Morgan<br />
Platt, jubilee organising committee<br />
members Carol Muckle andfourth<br />
and fifth generationpupils Danaka<br />
Hislopand BlairRobinson, aged 10<br />
and five respectively.<br />
Mr Platt said thetiming of the<br />
unveiling wasaway to commemorate<br />
the end of the term and sealthe end<br />
of the school’s 150th yearonthe last<br />
day of school.<br />
Principal Mark Ellis made a<br />
surprise return fromsabbaticalfor<br />
the unveiling and expressed his<br />
thanksfor the efforts of the jubilee<br />
organising committee.<br />
‘‘We hadanamazing weekendand<br />
it’s justsonicetohavesomethingto<br />
remember because we’ve said this<br />
many times, this year wasaspecial<br />
year that’s whyyou got yourjubilee<br />
badges,’’ he said, speaking to pupils<br />
presentduringthe unveiling.<br />
‘‘You were jubilee pupilsand not<br />
everyone is going to have that<br />
honour, so it is awonderful,<br />
wonderfulyear,’’ he said.<br />
Theplaque was another reminder<br />
of the special weekend andofa<br />
memorable year for the school,one of<br />
the first in the district.<br />
The150th jubileewas originally<br />
planned for March 2022 but was<br />
postponedbycovid restrictions.<br />
It was eventually held at Labour<br />
Weekend with activities,<br />
opportunitiesand socialcatchups<br />
planned for past and present pupils,<br />
teachers and support staff.<br />
Rakaia Schoolduo Pauline Doody<br />
and Mrs Muckle also completed a<br />
150th reunion booklet covering<br />
eventsand changes at theschool over<br />
the past25years andsince the<br />
school’s 125th celebration, already<br />
recorded.<br />
Theschool has been the learning<br />
institute of many families over its 150<br />
year history.<br />
It startedits journey at theSouth<br />
Rakaia Hotel in 1872, where the first<br />
school committee was formed.<br />
Sincethen it has remained an<br />
integralpart of the community and<br />
taught pupils through three major<br />
world wars, aflu epidemic, heavy<br />
snowfalls, district wideearthquakes<br />
and, of late, Covid<strong>19</strong>.<br />
Rakaia School's 150th jubilee plaque is unveiled by thenacting principal<br />
Morgan Platt, jubilee organising committee member Carol Muckle, and fourth<br />
and fifth generation pupils Danaka Hislop, 10, and Blair Robinson, 5.<br />
266 Havelock Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Ph.308 7149<br />
MSA<br /><br />
Super TOP PICK spirits<br />
700ml Range<br />
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Single bottle<br />
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Tuesday<br />
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Sunday<br />
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LABEL,<br />
KAHLÚA or<br />
MALIBU<br />
700ml<br />
Also available:<br />
Malibu Passion Fruit<br />
*Terms and conditions apply<br />
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Letour<br />
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foryou!<br />
Call our<br />
friendly<br />
sales<br />
team at<br />
<strong>19</strong>9 BurnettStreet,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
(03) 308 7664<br />
with dressmakerand designer, Paula Preece<br />
Classes on Wednesdayevenings,<br />
7-9pm for3weeks.<br />
First class Wednesday,8Februaryfeaturing<br />
skirtpattern of your choice.<br />
Cost:<br />
$18 per class ($54). Paymentfor<br />
all 3classes required on signupto<br />
secure your position.<br />
What to bring: Materials needed foryour project,<br />
patternand sewing machine<br />
03 307 6277<br />
2546953<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
5<br />
Housing demand challenges<br />
DANIEL.TOBIN<br /><br />
Contractors were busy felling<br />
trees and clearing space last<br />
week at the back of Kāinga Ora<br />
(formerly Housing New<br />
Zealand) properties on Adams<br />
Street.<br />
The space is being cleared to<br />
build new homes for Kāinga<br />
Ora customers.<br />
However not all residents<br />
are happy.<br />
GeorgeWhyte wasn'tpleased<br />
with the amount of notice<br />
receivedaboutthe work,which<br />
will take away40percent of his<br />
backyard space he needs for<br />
his Bantamchickens.<br />
He has also requested the<br />
boundary is altered so there is<br />
more room for his chooks.<br />
Kāinga Ora regionaldirector<br />
Canterbury Liz Krause said<br />
Kāinga Ora recognises there is<br />
ahigh demand for housing in<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
‘‘One of the ways we are<br />
increasing the numberof<br />
homes available for peoplein<br />
need in <strong>Ashburton</strong> is by<br />
building additional homes on<br />
sites where there are existing<br />
homes.Weare also removing<br />
homes that are at the end of<br />
theirlife, and replacingthem<br />
with more modern, goodquality<br />
Hampstead residentGeorge Whyte isnot happy with communication fromKāinga Ora.<br />
homes on the samesites.’’<br />
Kāinga Ora are building,or<br />
are planning to build, 12 new<br />
homes across anumber of sites<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong>. This includes<br />
eight onebedroom homesand<br />
four twobedroomhomes, with<br />
two twobedroom homes in<br />
Adams Streetexpected to be<br />
completed in mid<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
‘‘We are mindful of the<br />
impactthis work may have on<br />
our customers and neighbours.<br />
Where aproperty is earmarked<br />
for redevelopment, we work<br />
closely with customers and<br />
neighbours, including several<br />
facetoface visitswith our<br />
customers, over anumberof<br />
months as our plans progress.<br />
Thisisthe process we have<br />
followed with affected<br />
customers in Adams Street.’’<br />
shesaid.<br />
Charges laid over racing fatality<br />
An apprentice jockeyhas been charged<br />
with careless riding as aresult of aRacing<br />
Integrity Board investigation into arace<br />
late last year at <strong>Ashburton</strong> that resulted in<br />
thedeathofapprentice MeganTaylor.<br />
TheRacingIntegrity Board did notname<br />
theapprentice jockey when releasing the<br />
news ofthe rider being charged in thecase.<br />
An adjudicative panelisinthe process of<br />
being assigned to hearthe charge.<br />
Taylor (26) wasriding Red Orchid in the<br />
$14,000 maiden race at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
thoroughbred race meeting on December<br />
15 when there was afourhorse fall<br />
enteringthe straight.<br />
Ahorse made contact with Taylor while<br />
shelay on the track. She was pronounced<br />
dead soon after.<br />
Three other jockeys, SamanthaWynne,<br />
Tina Comignaghi and Diego Monte de Oca,<br />
were alsoonmountsthatfelland sustained<br />
injuries. No horses were badlyinjured.<br />
Theremainder of themeeting was<br />
abandoned.<br />
Taylor was remembered as “a beautiful<br />
soul” by friend Alex Coleman, whospoketo<br />
TheNew Zealand Herald soonafter the<br />
incident.<br />
“I’m not sure anyone is going to be able<br />
to findthe wordstodescribe howtragic the<br />
lossofMegan is,”Colemansaid.<br />
“She was such abeautiful soul that was<br />
Megan Taylor<br />
loved by so many and the shock of her<br />
being taken so tragically and so young is<br />
completely numbing.”<br />
~NZHerald<br />
JANUARY 20<br />
Teens OpenMic Nightatthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Public Library, from<br />
6.15pm to 7.30pm. Open to any<br />
teenage singer andmusicians.<br />
JANUARY 22 26<br />
TuhuraTuarangi free virtual reality<br />
experience at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art<br />
Gallery from10amto 4pm. Use<br />
virtual reality to explorespace. Two<br />
experiencesincludeafully<br />
explorable versionofthe<br />
InternationalSpaceStationand a<br />
SolarSystem explorer,whereyou<br />
can takeyourfirst giantleaps into<br />
space and explore thesolarsystem<br />
and beyond.<br />
JANUARY 24 <br />
FEBRUARY 21<br />
Summer Park Seriesevery<br />
Tuesday,Run or Walk –1,3,5km<br />
starting from the Walnut Avenue<br />
Pavilionat<strong>Ashburton</strong>Domain –opp<br />
CreekRoad-6pm start.<br />
Registrations from 5.30pm.All ages<br />
and abilitieswelcome. Spot prizes.<br />
JANUARY 28 <br />
FEBRUARY 5<br />
The Amazing Dinosaur Discovery<br />
Show setupinthe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Domain.Prehistoric action setto<br />
impress young and old in a<br />
90-minuteinteractive dinosaur<br />
walk-through. Morethan 30 lifelike<br />
dinosaurs on display, activitiesand<br />
learning opportunities.Cost of<br />
generaladmission from $25per<br />
person,orfamily (two adults, two<br />
children from $88). Bookingsvia<br />
Eventfindawebsite,<br /> or<br />
at the onsite ticket officepriortothe<br />
session.<br />
JANUARY 29<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Kite Day at LakeHood<br />
from midday. Achance to see a<br />
rangeofkites flownbykite<br />
enthusiasts from around New<br />
Zealand.Will include artkites and<br />
largeinflatable kitessuch as sting<br />
rays, dragons, whalesand many<br />
more.See the kites and join in flying<br />
yourown.<br />
Your Flooring &Tile Experts<br />
Making Mid Canterbury<br />
at home<br />
Visit Us: 174 Burnett Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br /> |03308 5269<br />
Redmonds have been Mid Canterbury'sflooring expertsfor<br />
over50years. From small room refreshes to large<br />
renovations, new residential and commercial builds,wehave<br />
the expertise and experience to guide youthrough the<br />
process. We have ahuge range of vinyl, laminate, and timber<br />
flooring plus wool and syntehticcarpet styles.Redmonds<br />
can help youchoose the bestproduct at the best price.<br />
See Louiss and Kelli in-store<br />
today.<br />
NEWS<br />
6 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Flashing sabers at the library<br />
Fifteenyearold Lucas Wong<br />
has taken out the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Public Library’s inaugural<br />
Beat Saber Battle.<br />
It’s apopularvirtual reality<br />
game wherecontestants strike<br />
moving boxes with saber<br />
swords. Each levelisset to<br />
musicand it getsprettyfast.<br />
Six teens ofvarying<br />
experience took part in the<br />
library elimination<br />
competition.<br />
It is settobecomearegular<br />
holiday event.<br />
In the first round they<br />
battled to Beat Saber,normal<br />
level with 116 boxes to hit.<br />
Children’s librarian<br />
JonathanNixon setthe base<br />
rate for the teens to target in<br />
the firstround; he scored<br />
84714after plentyofearly<br />
practice.<br />
Lucasbeat it by just over<br />
10,000 points.<br />
By round two, against three<br />
other competitors, Lucas was<br />
hittinghis strideand hit a<br />
Lucas Wong, pictured with children’s librarian Jonathan Nixon,<br />
has taken out the inaugural <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public Library Beat Saber<br />
Battle title.<br />
score of 334722 battling to the<br />
musicofCurtainsAll Night<br />
Long,anormal levelwith 394<br />
boxes.<br />
In the final, Lucashit an<br />
impressivescore of 333539<br />
muchtothe amazement of all<br />
five fellow competitors.<br />
He was battling to themusic<br />
Baberic Pumping,anexpert<br />
level with 459 fast moving<br />
boxes.<br />
For his efforts, Lucas won<br />
the inaugural BeatSaber<br />
Battle trophy, atwenty dollar<br />
voucher for TheWarehouse<br />
and will have his name on an<br />
honoursboard to be displayed<br />
in thelibrary.<br />
The battle was one of many<br />
activities the library has<br />
aimed at getting youth,aged 13<br />
to 18, using the library<br />
facilities.<br />
Upcoming events include a<br />
create aCVand cover letter<br />
session on February 21 and 28<br />
and buildingawebsite/blog in<br />
March andJune.<br />
Anyone interested can<br />
check out upcoming events on<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>District Council<br />
website.<br />
Motorhome show set for big weekend<br />
If you have the urge to hit the<br />
road in acampervan or<br />
caravanthis summer make<br />
sure youget along to The<br />
South IslandMotorhome<br />
Show.<br />
The twoday show, aproject<br />
of the <strong>Ashburton</strong>LionsClub, is<br />
back again this year after<br />
being cancelledlastyear due<br />
to covid.<br />
Show convener Philip Lynch<br />
said there will be plentyon<br />
offer for anyonewho owns a<br />
motorhome or is thinking of<br />
buying, as well as beingafun<br />
family day out.<br />
There will be an assortment<br />
of newcaravans and<br />
motorhomes for sale and<br />
around 40 trade stalls and<br />
private stallholders selling all<br />
things motorhomeand<br />
campingrelated.<br />
Philipsaid at present there<br />
were 13 private sellers<br />
registered. ‘‘Mostofthe bigger<br />
sites have been taken by people<br />
from previousyears, so we geta<br />
lotofrepeat customers.’’<br />
Socialcampers will arrive on<br />
Friday and set up in a<br />
designated areaand will be<br />
campingduringthe show.<br />
At thelast show in 2021<br />
around 280social campers<br />
were on site.<br />
There will be at least six food<br />
stalls at the show offering a<br />
variety of food anddrinks.<br />
‘‘The Lions caravan will be<br />
here andwill be run by agroup<br />
of parentswho are fundraising<br />
for their son to go to Japan,’’<br />
Philip said.<br />
Just$5willget youintothe<br />
Philip Lynch at the <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Showgrounds.<br />
show with under 15 free and<br />
eftpos available, all proceeds<br />
go back into the community.<br />
‘‘Thewhole idea is to getthe<br />
people here forthe vendors,<br />
it’s not for ourbenefit,’’ Philip<br />
said. ‘‘If we can get 10,000<br />
people through here who have<br />
supported the vendorswe’ve<br />
done areally good job.’’<br />
On Sunday there will be a<br />
bouncy castle for kids, and<br />
Philip hopes to have Highland<br />
Dancers performing as well.<br />
The show runs at the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Showgrounds on<br />
February 11 and 12, gatesopen<br />
at 9am.<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
Shoppers who purchasedPam's<br />
frozen berriesatNew World<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and other South Island<br />
retailers lastweekend are being<br />
urged to check whether theyare<br />
from acontaminatedbatch. The<br />
mixed berriessourced from Serbia<br />
havearisk of containing Hepatitis A.<br />
The packets in questionweresold<br />
on <strong>January</strong> 15 withabestbefore<br />
date of August14, 2024. New<br />
Zealand Food Safety said mostof<br />
the bagswereremoved before they<br />
wentontosupermarketshelves but<br />
six bagsweresoldand anotherfour<br />
are unaccountedfor.<br />
‘‘Bringingthem to the boil will<br />
make themsafe to eat, or theycan<br />
be returned to the place of purchase<br />
for afull refund.” If you have<br />
consumedany of this productand<br />
are concerned for your health,<br />
contactyour healthprofessional, or<br />
call Healthline on 0800 611116.<br />
Thefrozen berries were also sold<br />
at Three ParksNew World in<br />
Wanaka; and Pak'nSave in Hornby<br />
and Wainoni in Christchurch.<br />
People driving through Mid<br />
Canterbury from Mondaynight<br />
between 7pmand 6am willface a<br />
shortdetourrouteatChertsey forup<br />
to five nights.<br />
Waka Kotahi NZ TransportAgency<br />
crews are repairing and resurfacingan<br />
areaofhighway adjoiningthe rail level<br />
crossing.The sectionofhighwaynear<br />
therail level crossing (on thesouth<br />
side) is being milledupand stabilised<br />
withfoambitumentreatmentand will<br />
then be resurfacedwithnew chip seal.<br />
Drivers will be detouredeastofthe<br />
highway on to ChertseyLineRoad<br />
andChertsey Kyle Road.<br />
Friday 20th <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>: Devon<br />
Tavern Hampstead Slow-Pitch<br />
6.30pm Start<br />
Devon Tavern D1: Once Were<br />
Winners Vs S&Giggles<br />
Laser Electrical D2: Retyred Vs<br />
Laser Attack<br />
First National Real EstateD3:<br />
Marines &Angels Vs Once Were<br />
Hawkies<br />
Hurst Automotive D4: Hakatere<br />
Hitters Vs The Misfits<br />
Saturday21st<strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>: Mid<br />
Canterbury Softball Association<br />
1.00pm D1:DevonTavern<br />
HampsteadHeat Vs DevonTavern<br />
HampsteadPhoenix (PLATERebels<br />
BASE All Sorts)<br />
3.00pmD1: Fairfield All Sorts Vs<br />
Rakaia Dairy Services Demons<br />
Rebels (PLATE Heat BASE Phoenix).
$69 99<br />
each<br />
Nouveau<br />
OutdoorBeanBags<br />
Easy care. 100% polyester UV<br />
resistant and water repellent fabric.<br />
Beanbag coveronly.<br />
Requires filling of approximately<br />
350 litres of beans.<br />
100 x110cm (afterfilling).<br />
Assortedcolours.<br />
382555 382556<br />
$<br />
64<br />
99<br />
each<br />
Kiwi Camping<br />
Butane Stove Single Burner<br />
Pressuresensitivesafetyshut-off device.<br />
Stainless steel cooktop.Carry and storagecase.<br />
233494<br />
$<br />
37<br />
99<br />
each<br />
Kiwi Camping<br />
Water<br />
Carrier<br />
with Tap<br />
Great storage for<br />
water while<br />
camping or<br />
caravanning.<br />
23 litre.<br />
Strong &durable<br />
construction.<br />
362204<br />
$34 98<br />
each<br />
Nouveau<br />
Striped Hammock<br />
Earth Tones<br />
Relax in style this summer.<br />
382770<br />
$<br />
$<br />
17<br />
Nouveau<br />
98<br />
each<br />
Cooler Bag<br />
Idealfor keeping food chilled.<br />
Comfortable carryhandle.<br />
Food safelining.<br />
382761<br />
499<br />
Kiwi Camping<br />
Gazebo<br />
382367<br />
each<br />
H: 3400mm,<br />
W: 3000mm,<br />
D: 3000mm.<br />
Sayprotected<br />
from the<br />
elements.<br />
Ideal forbeach,<br />
camping<br />
and sports<br />
events.<br />
Easy to put up and take down.<br />
449each<br />
49<br />
$ $<br />
Weber<br />
BabyQ1000LPG BBQ<br />
Portable. Black.<br />
317366<br />
$25 99<br />
each<br />
Kiwi Camping<br />
Whistling Kettle<br />
2.5 litre, stainless steel.<br />
Auto spout opener.<br />
Cool to touch<br />
plastic handle.<br />
Suits all types of<br />
stove tops.<br />
239630<br />
$<br />
59<br />
99<br />
each<br />
Kiwi Camping<br />
Tiki Tour<br />
Camping Chair<br />
Durable 300D polyester.<br />
Sturdy steel frame.<br />
Insulated cup<br />
drinks cooler.<br />
Lightweight.<br />
Handy carrybag.<br />
368838<br />
Nouveau<br />
98<br />
each<br />
Deluxe Oxford Camping<br />
Chair with TriStool<br />
Foldable.Cotton padded.<br />
Black powder<br />
steel frame.<br />
Water resistant<br />
coating.<br />
363726<br />
$14 98<br />
each<br />
Nouveau<br />
Beach<br />
Umbrella<br />
Premium polyester with silver<br />
coating that is UV 50coated for<br />
extra sun protection.<br />
Includes tilting function.<br />
1.6m, rainbowstripe.<br />
363745<br />
$179 each<br />
All Blacks<br />
4Person Dome Tent<br />
185T 63D with PU coating Front &back doors with<br />
zippers &roll up function. Awning with triangular<br />
windows.All Blackdesign. Carrybag included.<br />
3825588<br />
$109 each<br />
Bestway<br />
Tritech AirMattress - Queen<br />
Build-in AC pump.Great forindoor and outdooruse.<br />
Inflatesin4minutes.<br />
397687<br />
Big Range,<br />
Low Price,<br />
Local Advice<br />
Offer valid from Thursday<strong>19</strong>th <strong>January</strong>till Wednesday25th <strong>January</strong><strong>2023</strong> or while stocks last.<br />
23 Bank Street, Timaru PHONE 03 687 2033<br />
Dee Street, Oamaru PHONE 03 434 9860<br />
West Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE 03 308 51<strong>19</strong>
LOCAL<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
Methven 2378 MethvenHighway<br />
Hatfield 1002Somerton Road<br />
Allenton 299Racecourse Road<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
Elgin Smithfield Road<br />
Allenton RacecourseRoad<br />
Elgin 7Innes Road<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
SOLD<br />
Winchmore 1763 Pole Road<br />
Barrhill 556 LauristonBarrhill Road<br />
Hinds Framptons Road<br />
<strong>2023</strong>brings newopportunitiesfor change,and we have buyers actively<br />
looking forlifestyle,grazing/dairy support, arable,dairy,and sheep and<br />
beef properties.<br />
If you arethinking of selling orleasing your property, please don’t<br />
hesitate to contact us foraconfidential chat.<br />
Mike Preston<br />
027 430 7041<br /><br />
Simon Sharpin<br />
027 631 8087<br /><br />
Residential / Commercial / Rural / Property Services
Live.<br />
Earn.<br />
Sell.<br />
Be.<br />
Better at Bayleys<br />
Bayleys Mid Canterbury are looking to expand their<br />
residential sales team. Lifeasareal estateagentis<br />
Better at Bayleys. Workingunder NewZealand’s<br />
leadingrealestatebrand meansyou getthe best<br />
marketingsupportand thebest team environment,<br />
Wouldn’t youwanttoworkwiththe best?<br />
If you are alicensed Real Estate salesperson<br />
we would love to hear from you, or if you are<br />
considering getting into real estate, wecan<br />
help you gain your real estate license.<br />
Work with us, and let Bayleys work for<br />
you. Contact Sarah Smith on027 662 6209<br />
or<br /><br />
Family Notices<br />
Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths Deaths<br />
BALLARD, Joan Lesley<br />
(Lesley), on <strong>January</strong> 9,<strong>2023</strong>,<br />
peacefully at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Hospital, aged 79 years.<br />
Loving wife ofBruce. Much<br />
loved mother of Jason, and<br />
Nicky, and grandmother of<br />
William, and Melissa. Thank<br />
youtothe staff of Coldstream<br />
Lifecare, and Ward One<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital for their<br />
care ofLesley. Messages to<br />
the Ballard family P O Box<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. In<br />
keeping with Lesley’s wishes,<br />
aprivate cremation has been<br />
held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
BAGRIE, Simon James -On<br />
<strong>January</strong> 16, <strong>2023</strong> peacefully<br />
at home, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
surrounded by his loving<br />
family. Aged 51 years.<br />
Dearly loved husband of<br />
Sandra. Adored and loving<br />
dad of Matty and Tempany,<br />
Ashleigh, and Laura. Loved<br />
by his extended family and<br />
friends. Messages to the<br />
Bagrie Family, POBox 472,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Donations<br />
to the Cancer Society would<br />
be appreciated and maybe<br />
made online at<br />
sjbagrie1601. Acelebration of<br />
Simon’s life will be held at the<br />
Hotel <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Racecourse<br />
Road, onFriday <strong>January</strong> 20,<br />
commencing at 1.30pm,<br />
followed byinterment atthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Cemetery,Seafield<br />
Lawn, Seafield Road.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
BAGRIE,Simon James, on 16<br />
<strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong> at <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Much loved son of Judy<br />
and the late Norman and<br />
brother and brother-in-law<br />
of Nicholas and Lois, and the<br />
lateSarah Bagrie. Loveduncle<br />
of Jaxon and Alex. Loved<br />
stepson of Alan Cone.<br />
Family<br />
Notices<br />
Enquiries phone<br />
Mary,Jann or Karen<br />
on<br />
308 7664<br />
or call into<br />
<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett Street.<br />
BECKLEY Gaylene Thelma<br />
(Gay), on <strong>January</strong> 14, <strong>2023</strong>,<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 75 years.<br />
Gay passed away peacefully<br />
with her family at her side.<br />
Dearly loved wife ofthe late<br />
David, loved mother and<br />
mother-in-lawofAndrew and<br />
Sheree, Jan and Michael and<br />
treasured‘Grandi B’of Sophie,<br />
Jaeden, Zoe, Brody, and Max;<br />
Bianca, and Lucia and great-<br />
‘Grandi B’ to Asher, and Ezra.<br />
Loved daughter of the late<br />
Gerald and Maisie Campbell.<br />
Loved sister and sister-inlaw<br />
of the late Guyon, and<br />
Trish Campbell, and amuch<br />
loved aunty to all her nieces<br />
and nephews. Messages<br />
to the Beckley family, c/-<br />
POBox 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong>7740.<br />
In lieu of flowers donations<br />
to <strong>Ashburton</strong> StJohn Health<br />
Shuttle Replacement,<br />
would be appreciated and<br />
may be made online at<br /><br />
service to celebrate Gay’s<br />
life will beheld at St David’s<br />
Union Church, Allens Road,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Monday<br />
<strong>January</strong> 23, commencing at<br />
2.00pm. Followed byprivate<br />
cremation at the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Crematorium.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
LESLIE, Colleen Myrna (nee<br />
Lee), on <strong>January</strong> 3, <strong>2023</strong>,<br />
at <strong>Ashburton</strong>, surrounded<br />
by her family. In her 93rd<br />
year. Loved wife of the<br />
late Graham, and loved<br />
mother and mother-in-law<br />
of Raymond and Christine,<br />
Desmond, Gregory and<br />
Carole, Philip and Vicki,<br />
Bruce and Anne, Lynette and<br />
Stephen. Loved Nana, great-<br />
Nana, and great-great-Nana.<br />
Lovedsister of Rosemaryand<br />
the late Bill. Messages to the<br />
Leslie family P O Box 472,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. Following<br />
Colleen’s wishes, a private<br />
family servicehas been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
LESLIE, Colleen Myrna,<br />
passed away peacefully<br />
on <strong>January</strong> 3rd <strong>2023</strong>, at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital, in her<br />
93rdyear.<br />
Dearly loved mother and<br />
mother-in-law of Ray and<br />
Christine (<strong>Ashburton</strong>),<br />
cherished and loved Nana<br />
and great-Nana of Rachel<br />
and Damon, Tyler and Evie<br />
Scott (Dunedin), Anna and<br />
Sean, Alfie and Milo Bryant<br />
(Papamoa), and David and<br />
Hannah, Hudson and Declan<br />
Leslie (<strong>Ashburton</strong>).<br />
Special thanks to the staff at<br />
Rosebank and Coldstream<br />
Resthomes and <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Hospital for the care of Mum.<br />
As per Mum’swishes aprivate<br />
intermenthas been held.<br />
A<br />
GREENWOOD, Lucy: Passed<br />
away peacefully on 6<strong>January</strong><br />
<strong>2023</strong> at Bert Sutcliffe Rest<br />
Home,Birkenhead,Auckland,<br />
aged 96 years. Beloved wife<br />
of the late Don Greenwood<br />
and dearly loved Mum of<br />
Sue, loved mother-in-law<br />
of Grant Amos. Cherished<br />
Nanny of Natalie and Nick<br />
Summerfield,<br />
HURLEY, Effie Elizabeth,<br />
on <strong>January</strong> 13, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Unexpectedly but peacefully<br />
at Christchurch Hospital,<br />
aged 3 years. Beautiful<br />
wee princess of Shaun and<br />
Symone. Adored by her<br />
brothers,Huxley, and Macklin.<br />
Fun loving precious wee<br />
Effie girl to Chris and Mary-<br />
Jean Hart and beautiful Effie<br />
Bear to Geoff and Susan<br />
Allnutt. Loved niece ofSarah<br />
and Jack and loved by her<br />
extended family. “How lucky<br />
am Itohave something that<br />
makes saying goodbye so<br />
hard.”— Winnie the Pooh.<br />
Messages to Effie Hurley’s<br />
family,POBox472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
7740. Acelebration of Effie’s<br />
life will be held at the Hotel<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Racecourse Road,<br />
today, Thursday <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>,<br />
commencing at 1.00pm,<br />
followed by interment at<br />
the Seafield Lawn Cemetery,<br />
Seafield Road,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
Brittany<br />
and Chris Montague and<br />
much loved great-Nanny to<br />
Genevieve, Ben and Emma.<br />
A private cremation has<br />
been held in Auckland and a<br />
Memorial servicewill be held<br />
in the reception lounge at<br />
Paterson’s Funeral Services,<br />
corner East and Cox Streets,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on Monday 23<br />
<strong>January</strong>, <strong>2023</strong> at 11.30am.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
GEAR, Beatrice Betty (nee<br />
Evans) Born Greenwich<br />
England <strong>19</strong>30. Sadly,<br />
passed away Thursday 12th<br />
<strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>, in the care of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital. Devoted<br />
and loving wife of the late<br />
Reverend Frank William Gear,<br />
minister of the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Berean Bible fellowship.<br />
The grieving mother of two<br />
sons, Richard died age two<br />
of Leukemia and eldest son<br />
Geoffrey tragically lost at age<br />
40 years.‘Deathnolongerwill<br />
partus, or distancedivide,for<br />
when Iawake, Iwill rise by<br />
their side.’ Betty is survived<br />
by her granddaughter Zoe<br />
Gear. Noflowers by request.<br />
Messages to Betty’s family,<br />
P O Box 472, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
7740. Aservice tocelebrate<br />
Betty’s life will be held in our<br />
chapel, corner East and Cox<br />
Streets, <strong>Ashburton</strong> onFriday,<br />
<strong>January</strong> 20, commencing at<br />
11.00am, followed byprivate<br />
interment.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
ROBERTS, Leicester David,<br />
peacefully at Terrace View<br />
RetirementVillage,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
(formerly of Pleasant Point)<br />
on Monday, 9<strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>,<br />
aged 83 years. Gone to be<br />
with his Lord and Saviour.<br />
Dearly loved husband of<br />
Ngaire for 62 years. Adored<br />
and loved father and fatherin-law<br />
of Faye and Neil<br />
(Pleasant Point), Suzanne<br />
(Waipahi), Eon (deceased)<br />
and Theresa (Reno USA), Karl<br />
and Jane (Lauriston), Ilene<br />
(Temuka), Vicki and Evan<br />
(Christchurch), Melvin and<br />
Megan (<strong>Ashburton</strong>), Vaughan<br />
and Amanda (Fergus Falls<br />
USA). Much loved granddad<br />
of 31 grandchildren and<br />
great-granddad of 28 greatgrandchildren.<br />
His legacy<br />
lives on! Loved eldest son<br />
of Clifford and Susie (both<br />
deceased). Brother and<br />
brother-in-lawofElsie and Ray<br />
(both deceased), John and<br />
Margie,and Philip. Brother-inlaw<br />
toNgaire’s family, Janice<br />
(deceased), Des (deceased),<br />
Donand Sheryl,and Margaret<br />
(deceased). Uncle and greatuncle<br />
to many more. All the<br />
family wish to thank the staff<br />
at Terrace View Retirement<br />
Village for caring for dad over<br />
the last few years –wethank<br />
you somuch. We have had a<br />
cremation and are planning a<br />
service tocelebrate Dad’s life<br />
at alater date.<br />
This will be<br />
at St Albans, Pleasant Point.<br />
We will contact friends and<br />
family to let you know the<br />
date. Otherwise messages to:<br />
Faye Gillies. 21Kyber Street,<br />
PleasantPoint. 0210561277<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
SMITH, Mary Florence<br />
(née Ambler): Passed<br />
away peacefully in the<br />
care of Rosebank Lifecare,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, on Monday <strong>19</strong>th<br />
December, 2022, in her 91st<br />
year. Dearly loved wife ofthe<br />
late Ken Smith. Much loved<br />
mother and mother-in-law<br />
of Jillian and Peter George,<br />
Christine and the late Dougal<br />
Moore, Richard Smith and<br />
Louise Green. Treasured Nana<br />
and Nana Mary of Nicholas,<br />
Cheyenne, Jayden, William<br />
and Charlotte; Hamish,<br />
Courtney and Harry; James,<br />
Laura, Jack, Annabel and<br />
Daisy; Tori, Jamie, Jakob,<br />
Liam and Zac; Jaclyn, Jonny<br />
and Olivia; Sam; Matt and<br />
Esther; and Maddie and Kate.<br />
Thank you to the staff at<br />
Rosebank for the loving care<br />
they have given Mary over<br />
the past 4 years. Messages<br />
to the Smith family PO Box<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. A<br />
Memorial service tocelebrate<br />
Mary’s life will be held at the<br />
Hakatere Presbyterian Parish,<br />
Oxford Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
on Wednesday <strong>January</strong> 25,<br />
commencing at 1.30pm.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
STUCK, Janet Mary (nee<br />
Jill Hanham) Saturday 14th<br />
<strong>January</strong><strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Dearly lovedmother of Cindy.<br />
Loved sister of Michael and<br />
Di, Polly (dec), Helen and Paul<br />
Bradley, Barry and Lyn, Mary<br />
and Warwick Johnson (dec.)<br />
Loved byall her nieces and<br />
nephews.<br />
Aprivate family service has<br />
been held as Jill requested.<br />
Family<br />
Notices<br />
Birth, engagement,<br />
anniversary, death,<br />
acknowledgement, and<br />
in memoriam notices<br />
will be charged $20<br />
foramaximum of 35<br />
words, thereafterona<br />
per-line basis of $2.50<br />
for5words.<br />
Deadline forthese<br />
notices 4pm Tuesday<br />
prior to Thursday<br />
publication date.<br />
Philip Crozier organises youth for abike ride<br />
activity during the Summer Camp Adventure<br />
programme this week at ManiaORoto Park.<br />
Orienteering, boating,tramping andbiking<br />
weresomeofthe activitiesthis weekfor 30<br />
youth at the Summer CampAdventure.<br />
The holiday programmehas beenrun in<br />
differentforms since 2017,usingexperienced<br />
leaders.<br />
It is afive day experience for boysand girls,<br />
aged 10to13 years of age, and is based on<br />
scouting adventure camps.<br />
The programme endstonightwith a<br />
campingsleepover experience.<br />
Shelley’s<br />
dance, trek<br />
Shelley<br />
McDougall is<br />
walking the<br />
length of New<br />
Zealand and<br />
stopping at Latin<br />
Dance Schools to<br />
raise funds and<br />
awareness for<br />
the Gumboot<br />
Friday appeal.<br />
She started<br />
her nationwide<br />
walk in Cape<br />
Reinga on<br />
Gumboot Friday November 4and is steadily<br />
making her way down the country towards<br />
Bluff her finish line.<br />
She has given herself up to five months to<br />
complete the journey.<br />
Shelley reached the South Island early last<br />
week and will be making her way through Mid<br />
Canterbury in around two weeks.<br />
She decided to take on the epic challenge<br />
after experiencing some mental health<br />
challenges of her own, and watching family<br />
and friends go through it too,’’ she says, on her<br />
Givealittle page.<br />
‘‘I am doing this to let those close to me and<br />
the thousands of Kiwis struggling with mental<br />
health to know they are not alone.<br />
‘‘Part of what helped me with my mental<br />
health journey was to dance and connect with<br />
people.<br />
‘‘I joined Latin Dance Invercargill and it<br />
changed my life. Iamgoing to be stopping at<br />
Latin Dance schools along the way, where we<br />
will dance and connect together to raise<br />
funds.’’<br />
Her Givealittle page is walkwithmeshelleysjourneyformentalhealth<br />
Funds raised will go to IAmHope and the<br />
Gumboot Friday appeal.<br />
Complete<br />
Local Care<br />
Since <strong>19</strong>82
Makethe mostofthe<br />
Kiwisummer, whatever<br />
the weather decides to do.<br />
IosCorner LoungeSetting<br />
Just becauseit’saclearoutprice,<br />
doesn’tmeansummerisover.<br />
$<strong>19</strong>99<br />
SEASON<br />
Makeshopping for<br />
whiteware abreeze.<br />
Seen better?<br />
We’llpricematch,<br />
ANDyou’llearn<br />
AirpointsDollars^<br />
Available in Silver Streak<br />
(pictured) and Jake Grey.<br />
Preston 6SeaterLoungeSuite<br />
This lookslikeyournew afternoonsiestaspot.<br />
$3749<br />
was<br />
$<br />
5399<br />
9062648<br />
Ottoman & accessories<br />
not included.<br />
LESS<br />
PER<br />
WEEK<br />
TOTAL PAYMENT: $3933<br />
on 36 months interestfree*<br />
THAN $ 26<br />
60on beds $999 &over*<br />
50”4KQNED80 LED-LCD SmartTV<br />
Be sunsmart this Summer.Watch more TV.<br />
LESS PER<br />
WEEK<br />
TOTAL PAYMENT:$1738<br />
on 24 months interestfree*<br />
THAN $ 17<br />
Samsung Jet 70 Pet<br />
Handstick Vacuum<br />
Cleaner 9067814<br />
The Summer clean.<br />
AhugeheadstartonSpring.<br />
$1599 $749<br />
9072849<br />
was<br />
$<br />
849<br />
Dreaming of<br />
thekids being<br />
back at school?<br />
Startplanning<br />
forit, at Smiths.<br />
ChiroHDX Latitude PlushQueenBed<br />
Afteralongday,you deserve agood night.<br />
$3999<br />
was<br />
$<br />
8899<br />
9067769<br />
LESS PER<br />
WEEK<br />
TOTALPAYMENT:$4273<br />
on 60 months interest free*<br />
THAN $ 17<br />
AlbanyQueen 4PieceBedroom Suite HP G9 EE 11”<br />
Chromebook<br />
Refresh the retreatyou spendathird of your life in.<br />
LESS<br />
PER<br />
WEEK<br />
TOTAL PAYMENT: $3183<br />
on 36 months interest free*<br />
THAN $ 20<br />
was<br />
$2999 $<br />
4289 9074128<br />
$449<br />
9067814<br />
24<br />
MONTHS<br />
36<br />
on purchases $499 &over*<br />
on<br />
MONTHS<br />
furniture$999&over*<br />
Offers validdates vary.Available whilestockslast. Some products on displayinselectedstoresonly —please call 0800 764847 to checkavailability. *Apple products,selectedcomputers,gameconsoles,giftcards andsomepromotional<br />
items are notavailable in conjunctionwith interest free offers.Flooringavailable on amaximum of 18 monthsinterest free. 60 months interest free offerhas been extended. Only available on Sleepyhead beds.Exclusions,terms,conditions<br />
andcreditcriteriaapply.Equal instalment amountsinclude aone-off establishment feeof$45.00and amaintenancefee of $3.75per month.Current fixed interestrateof23.95%p.a.appliestoany balanceremainingafter expiry of any<br />
interest free period. details.**Terms, conditions,and credit criteriaapply. Available in-store andonline. Weekly equalinstalmentsare basedona52 week finance period commencing7<br />
days from the date interest is first calculated.Setting up an automaticpayment authoritywillhelpyou to avoid missedpayments andadditional interest charges.Thereare no set-up,annual, or account maintenancefeesbut fees may<br />
apply on default. Current interest rate of 25.95%p.a.appliesafter expiry of theinterestfreeperiod. Seein-storeorvisit more details, or to apply for your EasyCard.#Discount is offour full retail price. Not<br />
available in conjunctionwithany other offer.^Terms, conditions andexclusions apply, details, for Airpointsterms andconditions.
5BaringSquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong> |POBox 94, <strong>Ashburton</strong>, NewZealand 7740 | Telephone (03) 307 7700 | Website<br />
Thursday,<strong>19</strong><strong>January</strong><strong>2023</strong> |ISSUE 112<br />
Better Off Funding fornew toilets<br />
New toilets at Digby Park and<br />
moneyfor new footpaths areamong<br />
Council projects to benefit from<br />
$4.<strong>19</strong> million received as part of<br />
the Three Waters Reform support<br />
package(termed Better Off Funding)<br />
from the Government.<br />
Seven projects, including $2.3m to help<br />
relocate <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s rail freight hub to<br />
Fairton, received funding. The funds do<br />
notrequireCouncil to change itsposition<br />
on the reforms, which Council continues<br />
to actively oppose in their currentform.<br />
7pm -8:30pm<br />
Pool inflatables<br />
Council applied for and has been given<br />
fundsfor the following projects:<br />
• $2.3m forFairfield Freight Hub –tohelp<br />
fund the relocation ofthe rail freight<br />
yard from the <strong>Ashburton</strong> town centreto<br />
apurpose-built facility at Fairton<br />
• $900,000 foradditional newfootpaths<br />
• $200,000 for urgent repairs to five<br />
playgrounds<br />
• $<strong>19</strong>0,000 for equipment in specialist<br />
spaces in the new <strong>Ashburton</strong> Public<br />
Libraryand Civic Centre<br />
• $200,000 for changing rooms at the<br />
Rakaia and Hinds swimming pools,<br />
water treatment upgrades for all five<br />
district pools, and design work for a<br />
futureupgrade of the Tinwald pool<br />
• $150,000 to relocate the South African<br />
WarMemorial from Baring SquareEast<br />
to Baring Square West, as part of a<br />
major redevelopment of Baring Square<br />
East<br />
Business Support Group Manager Leanne<br />
Macdonald said the various projects were<br />
nowbeingadvanced by staff.<br />
“Theprojectshadtomeetcertaincriteriato<br />
qualifyforfunding,likebeinginfrastructure<br />
that improves community wellbeing, or<br />
enabling growth, or supporting amove to<br />
asustainableorlow emissions economy.<br />
“Wewillcertainlyputthefundstogooduse<br />
and these are projects that were outside<br />
our annual and long term plans.<br />
“For example, significantly reduced Waka<br />
Kotahi funding for Low Cost Low Risk<br />
projects overrecent yearsmeans we have<br />
notbeenabletodoasmanynewfootpaths<br />
as we would like, but now wewill be<br />
able todothis around the perimeters of<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, Methven and Rakaia where<br />
there has been rapid urbangrowth.<br />
“There are also some much-needed<br />
repairs at playgrounds in Methven, Mt<br />
Somersand Rakaia Huts.”<br />
New toilets at Digby Park were asked for<br />
by thecommunity during consultation on<br />
recent long-term and annual plans, and<br />
on the Play, Active Recreation and Sport<br />
Strategy.<br />
The projects were all approved bythe<br />
Department of Internal Affairs, which<br />
will monitor their progress and manage<br />
funding.<br />
SUMMER<br />
27 JANUARY<br />
Pool entry<br />
$4.50 children<br />
(8 -18years)<br />
Adult supervision Advised.<br />
Thompsons Track –current to 31<br />
March. ThompsonsTrack between<br />
WinchmoreLauristonRoadand Line<br />
Road is temporarily closed forroading<br />
maintenanceand reseal works. Detour<br />
available.<br />
Mayfield Valetta Road –current to 6<br />
April. MayfieldValetta Road between<br />
Tinwald Westerfield Mayfield Road<br />
and Anama Valetta Road is temporarily<br />
closedduringthe dayfor rehabilitation.<br />
Resident access remains, detour<br />
available.<br />
Holmes Road–current to 17 March.<br />
HolmesRoadbetween Mt Hutt Station<br />
Road and Barkers Road is closed fora<br />
full road reconstruction and drainage<br />
installation. Detour options available.<br />
RailwayTerraceEast(Rakaia) –<br />
current to 28 February. Railway<br />
TerraceEastfromRolleston Street to<br />
BridgeStreetSH1 is temporarily closed<br />
forwork associatedwith Waka Kotahi’s<br />
weigh bridge project.<br />
Cass Street –23<strong>January</strong>to30<br />
<strong>January</strong>. Thenorthbound lane of Cass<br />
Street betweenVictoria Street and<br />
PeterStreetwill be closedtoenable<br />
an upgrade of powerlines.Detours<br />
available.<br />
Viewamap of all current andupcoming<br />
road closures in the district by goingto<br />
our website<br />
NeilBrown, Mayor<br />
Backing forour community<br />
The beginning of theyearisa<br />
logical time to shake out your<br />
thoughtsabit and re-assess<br />
your positiononkey issues…<br />
sometimeswediscovernew<br />
informationorcircumstances<br />
change, andwemustadapt.<br />
One thing thathasn’t changed is my<br />
oppositiontothe commercialvehicle<br />
weighstations thatWakaKotahi is<br />
planning to build justnorthofRakaia.<br />
Council hasopposed these on road<br />
safetygrounds sincetheywerefirst<br />
proposed severalyears ago.<br />
Their plan is to build twostations -one<br />
fornorthboundtraffic at WeaversRoad<br />
(wedon't opposethis one) andone for<br />
southboundtraffic between the river<br />
and rail bridge (this one we oppose).<br />
It makes no sense to haveaslowmoving<br />
heavytruck pull out into<br />
a100km/h or 80km/h zone after<br />
visiting the weigh station –that’sjust<br />
an accidentwaiting to happen on an<br />
already-tricky pieceofroad.<br />
Technically it might notbein<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Districtbut the<br />
consequences of acrash therewill<br />
affectus, so youcan be surethatI’ll be<br />
revisiting this issue again withWaka<br />
Kotahi soon.<br />
Councillorswill be back around the<br />
table next week forthe first big budget<br />
workshop of the year.Therewill be<br />
plentyofinformationtodigestand<br />
decisions about our district’scritical<br />
needs,wantsorluxuryitems. Idoubt<br />
we’ll be having many of the latter in this<br />
current economic climate with the cost<br />
of goods and services remaininghigh.<br />
Community groups planning big or little<br />
projects might also feel the pinch and<br />
thatiswhy theyshould take note that<br />
the next round of Councilcommunity<br />
grantsopensinFebruary.<br />
The first clusterofgrantsincludes<br />
financial help forcommunity projects,<br />
biodiversity and heritagework,and<br />
newcommunityevents. In March,<br />
groupswill be able to apply forfinancial<br />
help from aregional event fund,a<br />
mountain biketrail maintenancefund,<br />
the NewZealand CreativeCommunities<br />
Schemeand Sport NewZealand’srural<br />
travel fund.<br />
Don’t<br />
be put<br />
off by the<br />
documentation<br />
required –that’sjustour wayofmaking<br />
sureweare accountablefor the money<br />
handed out to community groups.<br />
Council staffare morethan happyto<br />
answer questions about the process<br />
and giveyou ahand if needed, so have<br />
alook as your projectmay qualify.<br />
The annual listofrecipients is hugely<br />
varied, from moneytosupport<br />
organisations like<strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Neighbourhood Support to covering<br />
printing costsfor the Methven Historical<br />
Society, or resourceand building<br />
consent costsfor the newwalkwayinto<br />
Sharplin Falls.<br />
Another projectthatyou’llbehearing<br />
moreabout soon is our involvement in<br />
the MayorsTaskforce ForJobs national<br />
project, which encourages local<br />
employers to take on local youth.<br />
It will be aprivilege givingmysupport<br />
to this newinitiative, which comes with<br />
moneyfromthe Government to getit<br />
underway.<br />
1 Thursday,<strong>19</strong><strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong> |ISSUE 112<br />
Rakaia presents newscene fortourists<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncilgives public<br />
noticeofaproposaltotemporarily<br />
closearoad to ordinary vehicletraffic<br />
to enable the holdingofacommunity<br />
event, Gravel Sprint Meeting.<br />
• UPPERDOWNS ROAD, from Quarry<br />
Road to approximately #518Upper<br />
DownsRoad<br />
Period of closure: From 8am to 6pmon<br />
Saturday,18February<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
This proposed closureismade under the<br />
LocalGovernment Act<strong>19</strong>74 –Schedule<br />
10 (11 (e) andwill be consideredatthe<br />
next Council meeting on 1February<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Any person objectingtothe proposal<br />
shouldlodgeanoticeoftheir objection<br />
and groundsfor theirobjection in writing<br />
by post or email to theCouncil, 5Baring<br />
SquareWest, <strong>Ashburton</strong>by4pm, Friday<br />
20 <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
GroupManager Infrastructureand<br />
OpenSpaces<br />
The Rakaia Salmon Reserve on<br />
SH1 has gained two more colourful<br />
features that will help tourists<br />
discovermoreabout the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District.<br />
Twohugevinyl imageshavebeen fixed to<br />
the ends of the reserve’s newpublic toilets<br />
–one is an aerialshotofthe iconic, braided<br />
Rakaia River and the otherisamap of the<br />
district showing main roads and tourist<br />
attractions. Both images are about 2.7<br />
metresx2.5 metres and havebeen applied<br />
to the exterior walls of the building.<br />
The artwork is acollaboration between<br />
Council and the Rakaia Lions, and both<br />
organisations have worked together over<br />
thepasttwo yearstorevitalise the reserve,<br />
which is famous for its giant fibreglass<br />
salmon.<br />
The transformation over time has<br />
included the new public conveniences,<br />
which aresome of the flashest andbusiest<br />
in the district, and an historical walk with<br />
interpretive signs that tell the story of<br />
Rakaia.<br />
Thehistoric panels coverarangeoftopics,<br />
A$2.45millioncontracttoredevelop<br />
Baring Square East has been<br />
awardedtoTru-LineCivil, the same<br />
contractor who worked on the<br />
revitalisationof<strong>Ashburton</strong>’sCBD.<br />
The square redevelopment involves<br />
creating anew one-way road with angle<br />
parking in front of the new library and<br />
civic building, and amajor replant and<br />
renovation of the square itself.<br />
Infrastructure and Open Spaces Group<br />
Manager Neil McCann said the work<br />
would breathe newlifeintothe area,while<br />
retaining some original features of the<br />
space, likethe whale bones, oval pathand<br />
waterfeature. The town’s clock also stays.<br />
The iconic Rakaia River,captured by Methven photographerBill Irwin, is anew<br />
attraction in the Rakaia Salmon Reserve off State Highway 1.<br />
from facts about the nearby Rakaia River<br />
to early inhabitantsofthe town and how<br />
the surrounding land is farmed. The first<br />
settlers had to navigate the tricky Rakaia<br />
River before rail and road bridges were<br />
built,and many drowned in itsfast-flowing<br />
waters.<br />
The newartwork wasinstalled recently by<br />
JuiceSigns on behalf of Council.<br />
The photograph of the river wastakenby<br />
Methven photographer Bill Irwin and it<br />
shows the winding shingle riverbed and<br />
channels. The mapshows Mid Canterbury<br />
from the sea to the mountains and<br />
highlights main travel routes and other<br />
towns and touristattractions.<br />
Tourists can also see features of the<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Lakes /Ōtuwharekai, where<br />
the national walking trailTeAraroacrosses<br />
the district, and the location of the Mt<br />
Somerstrack.<br />
Council’s Democracy and Engagement<br />
“Aspart of the redevelopment work we<br />
willalso be movingthe BoerWar Memorial<br />
to Baring Square West. We applied for<br />
resource consenttorelocate thememorial<br />
andthathas been granted.”<br />
Group Manager Toni Durham said the<br />
artworkhadbeenattractinglotsofpositive<br />
attentionsince it wasinstalled.<br />
“Rakaia isthe gateway tothe <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District from Christchurch International<br />
Airport and this project helps people<br />
navigate their journey along the coast or<br />
inland to the high country.<br />
“Creating images ofthat size for printing<br />
was achallenge, and Council staff spent<br />
alot of time makingsurethe images were<br />
sharp and the information accurate.<br />
“The Rakaia Lions have provided<br />
information,labour and plenty of passion<br />
forthe reserve’s redevelopment too, so it’s<br />
beenareally good collaboration.”<br />
Another new facility opened in Rakaia<br />
recently to help tourists and travellers<br />
is the motor caravan wastewater dump<br />
station at the end of Ferguson Street, on<br />
land between Railway Terrace and the<br />
railway lines.<br />
Contractawarded forBaring Squareredo<br />
Relocating the war memorial will be<br />
undertaken byspecialists and it will be<br />
moved across the rail tracks to Baring<br />
Square West, where <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s other<br />
main warmemorials arelocated.<br />
“We’ve consulted with the community<br />
over this sensitive relocation and have<br />
included theadviceofheritageexperts in<br />
themoving plan thathas been approved,”<br />
Mr McCann said.<br />
The $2.45m contract to redevelop the<br />
square was awarded toTru-Line Civil at<br />
Council’sDecember meeting. The work is<br />
designed to complement the revitalised<br />
CBDand the newlibraryand civicbuilding<br />
currentlyunderconstruction.<br />
AlfordForest ReserveBoard -<br />
Tuesday 24 <strong>January</strong>, 7.30pm in the<br />
AlfordForesthall<br />
Rakaia Memorial Hall -Wednesday<br />
1February,7pm in the hall supper<br />
room<br />
Mayfield Reserve and Hall Board<br />
-Tuesday 28 March, 7.30pmatthe<br />
Mayfield hall<br />
Meetings areheld in theCouncil<br />
Chambers, 137 HavelockStreet,<br />
(unless otherwise advised).<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> WaterZoneCommittee<br />
-Tuesday 24 <strong>January</strong>, 2pm (livestreamed)<br />
BudgetWorkshop -Thursday 26<br />
<strong>January</strong>, 10.30am<br />
Methven Community Board -<br />
Monday 30 <strong>January</strong>, 10.30am at Mt<br />
HuttMemorialHall<br />
Council Meeting -Wednesday1<br />
February, 1pm (live-streamed)<br />
BudgetWorkshop -Thursday 2<br />
February, 10.30am<br />
RoadSafetyCo-ordinating<br />
Committee -Tuesday 7February,<br />
9.30am<br />
BiodiversityAdvisoryGroup -<br />
Tuesday 7February, 1pm<br />
Council Activity Briefings -<br />
Wednesday 4February, 9.30am<br />
(live-streamed)<br />
Audit &RiskCommittee -<br />
Wednesday 4February, 1.30pm<br />
(live-streamed)<br />
Council Meeting -Wednesday 15<br />
February, 1pm (live-streamed)<br />
Council Agencies (6 month report<br />
presentations) -Wednesday22<br />
February, 9.30am<br />
5Baring Square West<br />
Mon, Tue, Wed &Fri 8.30am -5pm<br />
Thursday 9am -5pm<br />
180 Havelock Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 7700<br />
Mon -Fri 9.00am -8.00pm<br />
Sat10am -1pm | Sun 1pm -4pm<br />
20 River Terrace<br />
Mon -Fri 6am-9pm (pools 7pm, gym8pm)<br />
Sat&Sun 7am-7pm (pools 5pm, gym6pm)<br />
327 WestStreet<br />
10am -4pm daily<br /> Thursday,<strong>19</strong><strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong> |ISSUE 112<br />
NEWS<br />
14 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Trish’s figures feature in life award<br />
Trish Small has been awarded aLife<br />
Membership for Mid Canterbury Rural<br />
Women NZ Provincial.<br />
It was one of three presentations last<br />
month at the organisation’s 90th<br />
celebrations in <strong>Ashburton</strong>; the other two<br />
were to Marg Verrall (Life Membership)<br />
and Pauline Hewson (Member of Honour<br />
Award).<br />
Trish has held the position of Mid<br />
Canterbury Rural Women NZ Provincial<br />
treasurer sinceAugust 2014.<br />
‘‘Trish has ensured that the finances of<br />
the provincialare kept in order all being<br />
done with pen, paper and sometimes a<br />
calculator,’’ Marg Verrall said, reading<br />
the citation.<br />
‘‘Whetherithas been raffle proceeds,<br />
branch donations, Roseglentea,Village<br />
PressOil, Finns Fudge, baking paper/foil/<br />
cling wrap, Fairlie pies Trish has<br />
managedtokeep all these details<br />
accounted for in their different columns.<br />
‘‘Add to this several movie fundraisers<br />
that have proven to be beneficial for the<br />
provincial's bank account, all is taking<br />
care of very diligently.<br />
‘‘Then there is the comprehensive<br />
funding applications to supportthe<br />
provincial's scholarship to the<br />
Trish Small and her Life Membership for Mid Canterbury Rural Women NZ Provincial<br />
with Marg Verrall.<br />
Canterbury Charitable Fund to be<br />
completed annually followed up by a<br />
report.<br />
‘‘New forms to deal with from national<br />
office for the organisation to maintain it's<br />
charitable status. Aseparatestatement of<br />
accountsisrequired to be completed so<br />
members can understandwhere the<br />
funds come from and where they have<br />
gone to.<br />
‘‘The biggest change has been the<br />
removal of cheques for our payments. The<br />
new online system for the payment of<br />
Invoices has createdsomeentertaining or<br />
should Isay frustrating moments in the<br />
early days, but now we seem to have it all<br />
sorted.<br />
‘‘Covid over the past years has certainly<br />
restricted ourevents and fundraising<br />
opportunities but Trish still has asmile<br />
on her faceeach meeting when<br />
presenting her report.’’<br />
She has contributedgenerously of her<br />
time and skills to the provincial.<br />
Some of the comments from president's<br />
annual reports have included ‘‘Trish <br />
thank you for your work in managing the<br />
finances in ameticulous and sincere<br />
manner’’, ‘‘Trish your loyalty to your role<br />
is evident with your full reporting to our<br />
meetings andcongratulations onthis<br />
year's profit, ‘‘Trish your time accorded<br />
to your role is appreciated by all. So<br />
dedicated, efficientand nothing is a<br />
bother’’, ‘‘Trish, our Treasurer, is very<br />
exact with her figures and Ifeel<br />
comfortable knowing the financial<br />
commitment, is in hercapablehands.’’<br />
Pauline’s roles gain award honour<br />
PaulineHewson has beengiven a<br />
Member of HonourAward for Mid<br />
Canterbury Rural WomenNZ<br />
Provincial.<br />
It was one of three presentations last<br />
month at the organisation’s 90th<br />
celebrations in <strong>Ashburton</strong>; the other two<br />
weretoTrish Small andMarg Verrall<br />
(both Life Membership).<br />
Pauline's connection with RWNZ has<br />
been actively involvedthroughthe<br />
Anama Branch, said Sandra Curd,<br />
reading the citation. Shehas held<br />
positions of president, secretaryand<br />
treasurer withinthe branchand then<br />
accorded branchlife membership<br />
recognising her contribution.<br />
Her interestinRural WomenNZalso<br />
led her to regularly attend the monthly<br />
provincialmeetingswherein2007<br />
Paulinewas part of the ‘‘Here's Hilda’’<br />
PlanningTeam for afundraiser evening<br />
forthe National ProjectLeptospirosis.<br />
In 2008 she wasalso aRural Women<br />
Representative to the Mid Canterbury<br />
Emergency Relief Trust.<br />
At the2009Provincial AGM,Pauline's<br />
involvement with the scholarship<br />
committee startedwhich led to her<br />
convening thecommittee in 2015, which<br />
Pauline Hewson with her Member of Honour Award and Sandra Curd.<br />
she still continues.<br />
Each yearscholarships are advertised<br />
forpersons studying who have ahome<br />
base within theboundaries of Mid<br />
Canterbury Rakaia to Rangitata Rivers.<br />
Pauline isthe applications contact<br />
person.<br />
The committee then has the task of<br />
selecting suitable recipients forthe<br />
scholarships offered. Pauline's<br />
backgroundasateacherhas ensured she<br />
has shown alot of interestinthe<br />
applications received.<br />
Pauline then meetssuccessful<br />
recipientstodiscussand learn more<br />
abouttheir studies and aspirations. The<br />
mediaoften capture this moment to<br />
promote the recipients and<br />
acknowledging funding. Each year some<br />
of therecipients attend ourannual<br />
general meeting to outline their studies<br />
and meet members.These days the<br />
recipientsare presented witha<br />
certificatereflectingtheir scholarship.<br />
‘‘All this work from beginning to end is<br />
capably handled by Pauline in an<br />
efficient andvery considerate manner.’’<br />
‘‘In addition to herscholarship role,she<br />
took on the positionasprovincial minute<br />
secretary in 2018 andthen provincial<br />
secretary in 20<strong>19</strong> diligentlyrecording and<br />
assisting with monthly meetings and<br />
events.<br />
‘‘Her skillswith pen to paper in our<br />
annualshort story May Greenslade<br />
Trophy AGMCompetition has seenher<br />
claim successonseveral occasions<br />
together with your photography skills.<br />
Paulinehas contributed generously of<br />
her time to the Provincial andtoday it is<br />
our pleasure to honour her with a<br />
Member of Honour Award for Mid<br />
CanterburyRural WomenNZ<br />
Provincial.’’<br />
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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
15<br />
Picture perfect in every sense<br />
Got your eye on anew TV? Whoever would<br />
have thought there was so much to<br />
consider prior to your purchase?<br />
Before you shop<br />
Determine the size you require.<br />
Consider the purpose.<br />
Are you asports fiend, moviebuffs,<br />
news addicts,orgeneral allpurpose<br />
lovers of the screen.<br />
Or maybe your just love to play music<br />
throughyour TV.<br />
Oftenoverlookedisthat your<br />
measurement should be the overall width,<br />
height, and depth (includingthe TV’s base<br />
if there is one) not the advertised<br />
measurement which is takenonthe<br />
diagonal. Keepinmind that you will need<br />
aspace behind the TV.<br />
The best guideline for height is for the<br />
centre of your TV to be at, or just below,<br />
eye level when seated.<br />
StyleSelection<br />
WallMountsare very popular now and<br />
present one with many optionsMuch<br />
depends on the way you wish to handle the<br />
wiring.<br />
ATVmay be recessed into the wall<br />
which gives one the option to hide those<br />
pesky wires. It’s agreatway to mount aTV<br />
but does involveabuilder and an<br />
electrician which does affect the budget.<br />
Are you looking for astand or aconsole?<br />
Astand or consolereferstoaplace on<br />
which to sit aTV.<br />
There are significant differences<br />
between what we know as astands,<br />
entertainment centres and media<br />
cabinets.<br />
Entertainment centres offer drawers,<br />
shelves, compartments, and storage for<br />
unsightly cables and plugsand anything<br />
else that needs to be hiddenaway.<br />
If you are not needingtoconsider<br />
storageacoupleofcantilevered shelves<br />
under the unit mightsuffice. Handy for a<br />
pile of magazines or aprecious ornament<br />
or two.<br />
Fireplace consoles, are oftenused when<br />
wishingtocombine<br />
heating, entertainment, artefacts, and<br />
books.<br />
Corner cabinetsare popular,easy to<br />
tuck awayand useful for that awkward<br />
area.<br />
Considering television requirements.<br />
You may think that dimensions don’t<br />
need to play apart in this decision,<br />
however they are importantasavery large<br />
TV will often overpowerasmallroom<br />
whileasmallTVinalarge room will be<br />
difficult to see and much dependsonthe<br />
number of people you wish to entertain.<br />
General viewing distance is twice the<br />
length of your screen.<br />
Try to keep our TV awayfrom heating/<br />
cooling vents,and windowsand out of<br />
direct sunlight to avoid daytime glare.<br />
The important thingtoremember is that<br />
the TV decisionneeds to be made in<br />
tandem with its partnerthe stand,<br />
console, shelf, or whateveringenious<br />
piece of furniture you can dream up.<br />
Happy hunting.<br />
Supporting<br />
native birds<br />
from home<br />
Around half of New Zealand<br />
households feed birds in their<br />
backyards and Dr Margaret<br />
Stanley, aprofessor of ecology<br />
at the University of Auckland,<br />
says most of us feed birds with<br />
bread and seeds, which is<br />
unlikely to attract our native<br />
species who prefer asweeter<br />
treat.<br />
‘‘We take what's happening<br />
overseas and kind of plonk it on<br />
the New Zealand context,<br />
which doesn't really work," she<br />
says.<br />
‘‘In the UK and in the US,<br />
places like that, they have alot<br />
of species that eat seed and<br />
grain, what we call granivores<br />
and in New Zealand, our native<br />
species just don't eat those<br />
things. We've got alot of the<br />
honey eaters, things that eat<br />
nectar and fruit.<br />
‘‘So when we put out this seed<br />
and this grain and bread, then<br />
all we do is attract large<br />
numbers of sparrows and<br />
pigeons and things like that and<br />
it tends to push out our little<br />
native species.’’<br />
To attract and support native<br />
birds like tui, some people put<br />
out sugar water for them to feed<br />
on which Stanley says can be<br />
helpful for the birds in winter,<br />
but at other times could prove a<br />
distraction.<br />
‘‘What they actually need is<br />
good nesting sites, so really<br />
good vegetation in the backyard<br />
…but also some natural food<br />
sources yearround."<br />
We tend to focus on flowers<br />
and fruit when thinking about<br />
food for birds, but insects are<br />
also an important protein<br />
source, particularly during<br />
breeding season soconsider<br />
planting some native plants<br />
that attract alot of native<br />
insects, such as manuka, she<br />
says. ~RNZ<br />
Vegetables<br />
Although winter is along wayoff,<br />
most wintergreens should be planted<br />
by now.<br />
Cabbages, broccoli, kale,<br />
cauliflowers and silverbeet all need<br />
rich ground to givegood crops and<br />
ground where earlypotatoes have<br />
beengrownisgenerally suitable.<br />
Agenerous dressing of limewill<br />
helpprevent clubroot.<br />
Avoidgrowingany membersofthe<br />
cabbageand turnip families in the<br />
samespottwo years in arow to lower<br />
the risk of getting this soilborne<br />
fungus.<br />
Water seedlings well until theyare<br />
established and hoe around them to<br />
prevent the soilcaking.<br />
Grey aphids can be controlled by<br />
sprayingwithasolutionofsoapand<br />
water.<br />
Thebigger members of the<br />
Cucurbita family marrows,<br />
pumpkinsand cucumbers shouldall<br />
be formingfruits.<br />
Limitthe numberbynipping the<br />
endsofgrowingshootstoreflectthe<br />
plant’s capacityand,especially with<br />
pumpkins,keep in mindthe size the<br />
mature fruit willreachwhen deciding<br />
how many to letgrow.<br />
Flowers<br />
Roses appreciate amulchof<br />
compost at this time of year.<br />
This feeding willimproveearly<br />
autumn displays and adressingof<br />
potash will help keep black spotat<br />
bay.<br />
Keep roses wateredand be diligent<br />
with deadheading, cuttingeach faded<br />
bloom off justabovethe bud of the<br />
nextfivefingered leaf.Prune<br />
ramblers as soon as flowering is over,<br />
removing old, weak growth.<br />
Fruit<br />
Raspberries send up suckers at this<br />
time of year. They often pop up some<br />
distancefromthemain plantand<br />
should be cutasfarback as possible,<br />
taking care not to damage the parent<br />
plant.<br />
Check young apple, pear and plum<br />
trees put in last winter andcut any<br />
overly strong shootstokeepthe tree’s<br />
growth balanced.<br />
.<br />
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NEWS<br />
16 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Couple ready for trans Tasman battle<br />
From Page1<br />
National petanque<br />
representatives Lani and<br />
Adelys Taraunu are living in<br />
Methven,while their house is<br />
being built in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Theylove living in asmaller,<br />
closeknit community, despite<br />
it being abit of acultureshock<br />
to start with. It’s abig change<br />
from living in Auckland.<br />
People sayhello to you,<br />
because that’s what people do,<br />
Lani said.<br />
‘‘They genuinely justsay<br />
hello. They’re open and inviting<br />
down here in the South Island.<br />
‘‘We (often) rave to our<br />
friends. The people are<br />
amazing.’’<br />
Since moving south Adelys,<br />
50, has been workingatTalley’s<br />
and Lani, 47, at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Toyota.<br />
Theyhad been welcomed into<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>MSA Petanque<br />
Club and were happy, giving<br />
advice and connecting with<br />
members.<br />
‘‘We enjoy beingwiththis<br />
club,’’ Lani said, even after<br />
multiple approaches from<br />
Christchurchclubs.<br />
Winning therecent Silver<br />
Tray title against Papanui Club<br />
for thefirst timewas the<br />
highlight so far, theysaid.<br />
‘‘It meant so much to the club<br />
... the whole teamplayed<br />
amazing.’’<br />
Adelys andLani will don the<br />
Silver Fern for thethird and<br />
second times respectively,and<br />
have their sights on playing<br />
more international eventssuch<br />
as the World Petanque<br />
Championships. They arein<br />
Benin, Africa this year and<br />
France next year.<br />
They were invited lastyear to<br />
trial for the NewZealand<br />
national trial squadmadeupof<br />
10 women and 15 men andhave<br />
attended numerous<br />
competitions since to prove<br />
their form.<br />
That squad has since been<br />
whittled down to ateam of six<br />
women and six men. Alsointhe<br />
team is fellowclub member<br />
Stephen Fitzgerald,who lives<br />
in Christchurch.<br />
Intense training,up to 24 hours<br />
aweek, will increase in the lead<br />
up to thetransTasman challenge<br />
at Herne Bay inmidMarch.<br />
The trio have discipline drills,<br />
shooting exercisesand strategy<br />
trainingtodo, along with<br />
recordingdataand videos for<br />
Petanque NewZealand national<br />
coaching director Michael<br />
Emerson (thenational men’s<br />
coach) and Tiki Ruta (the<br />
women’s coach).<br />
Theyneedtoshow accuracy<br />
andconsistency,aswell as know<br />
howtocoverbothpointer and<br />
shooterpositionsinthe game.<br />
Adelys and Lani also have their<br />
NewZealand Opentriples titleto<br />
defendinAucklandnext month<br />
playing alongsidetheir former<br />
clubmemberTom Paulo.<br />
It willgivethem more game<br />
exposureand help lift their<br />
playing level.<br />
National petanque<br />
representatives Adelys and Lani<br />
Taraunu in training at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> ahead of the Trans<br />
Tasman competition.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
17<br />
Amelia earns Young Totara for service<br />
Amelia Swan has moved up the<br />
ranks of St John, from avery shy<br />
and junior member to an<br />
outstandingyoung woman who<br />
is already making adifference<br />
in theworld.<br />
Elaine Vallender, of St<br />
John’s, nominated Amelia for a<br />
Young Totara awardthrough<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Plains Rotary<br />
Club.<br />
She said during hertime at St<br />
John, Amelia has gained the top<br />
award in each division,<br />
culminating in being presented<br />
withher Grand Prior Award,<br />
the highest awardavailable to<br />
youth members in St John,by<br />
Dame Cindy Kiro, Governor<br />
General, in 2022.<br />
‘‘Amelia is agreat role model<br />
for younger members of St<br />
John,’’ she said.<br />
TheYoung Totara Award<br />
recognises the positive<br />
achievements of our young<br />
people, promotes sound role<br />
models forour youth and<br />
fosters responsible attitudes<br />
towards the community.<br />
Amelia was presented her<br />
awardby Carolyn O’Brien,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Plains Rotary Club<br />
president, and, together with<br />
Rotary’s community service<br />
director, John Duncan,planted<br />
aTotara tree in Amelia’s<br />
honourat the Totara Grove on<br />
SmallboneDrive, in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Amelia Swan and John Duncan,<br />
Rotary’s community service<br />
committee director, plant a<br />
Totara tree.<br />
Health<br />
&<br />
Wellbeing<br />
Ready forchange? Createthe life youdeserve!<br />
Hi,myname is Joanne Summer.<br />
Iamafully qualified Transformational LifeCoach,as<br />
well as amother of twobeautiful daughters and nan<br />
to one delightful granddaughter.<br />
Born and raised in Christchurch, but <strong>Ashburton</strong> has<br />
been my home since2003.<br />
Ihave overcome many obstacles inmylife, not all<br />
of them easily. Iremember feeling stuck, unfulfilled,<br />
and dissatisfied. Irealised that Ineeded to make<br />
changes in my lifeifIwanted to be truly happy.<br />
Duringmyown journey Ilearnt from some of the best<br />
life coaches in the world, from Australia, America,<br />
and Europe. Through these teachings Idiscovered<br />
my passion, which is to help other people transform<br />
their ownlives.Tobethe best version of themselves.<br />
Areyou unhappy? Areyou at acrossroad on your<br />
journey, in need of direction?<br />
Here’show Ican be of service:<br />
Ioffertwo different typesofcoaching:<br />
• Traditional: these sessions use aseries of selfenquiryquestions<br />
to unlock theclient’spotential<br />
and discover hidden values.<br />
• Dynamic: This is an 8-week coaching programme<br />
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NEWS<br />
18 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Jay Graybill reeling in along career<br />
He has been at thehelm of<br />
Central South Island Fish &<br />
GameCouncil since the<br />
organisation came into being in<br />
<strong>19</strong>91.<br />
But,comenext month, chief<br />
executive Jay Graybill will<br />
standdowntomakeway for<br />
only the second personto take<br />
the role in the organisation’s<br />
history.<br />
He is thelongestserving<br />
chief executiveofaFish&<br />
Gamecouncil in New Zealand<br />
—the sole survivor of thefirst<br />
appointees nearly 32 yearsago.<br />
It is time, Mr Graybill said,<br />
for him to retire, but he will<br />
missthe people and the daytodayengagement<br />
with people<br />
in thisregionand throughout<br />
New Zealand.<br />
‘‘But someone else can come<br />
along anddothe job, I’m quite<br />
sure.Noone is irreplaceable.’’<br />
Americanborn, Mr Graybill<br />
arrived in NewZealand in <strong>19</strong>82,<br />
armed withbachelorand<br />
masters science degrees from<br />
the University of Washington,<br />
in Seattle.<br />
His qualifications in fisheries<br />
science, specialising in the<br />
biologyofsalmon and trout, and<br />
abackground of work in various<br />
research roles and withthe<br />
Federal Energy Regulatory<br />
Commission in Washington DC,<br />
saw him snapped up by New<br />
Zealand’s then Ministry of<br />
Agriculture and Fisheries.<br />
Workinginthe fisheries<br />
research division, Mr Graybill<br />
was the consultant assessing<br />
the fisheries values of the lower<br />
Waitaki River at the time the<br />
hydroelectric schemeProject<br />
Aquawas being mooted.<br />
Themove was somewhat<br />
‘‘sight unseen’’ and something<br />
of aculture shock —moresofor<br />
his wife Lesley.<br />
Mr Graybill had comefrom<br />
the smalltownof Wenatchee,in<br />
Washington State,whereas Mrs<br />
Graybillwas from Washington<br />
Generation<br />
Next OurFutures’Sheep<br />
andBeefFarmers<br />
About the programme<br />
Atechnical programme for practical people involving the delivery of<br />
three physical workshops and one online webinar over afour to-sixmonth<br />
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Modules<br />
• Understand the farm business –financial basics and management<br />
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personal wellbeing<br />
• Understand the overall industry goals and aims<br />
20 places per region available with<br />
6programmes nationwide.<br />
Apply by visiting<br />
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or by emailing<br /><br />
Applications close 10 February <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Central South Island Fish &Game Council chief executive Jay Graybill is retiring after 31 years in<br />
the job.<br />
DC, where three million people<br />
lived in a56km radius, andthe<br />
smallest places she had ever<br />
lived had populations of atleast<br />
one million people.<br />
‘‘So ourfirst comparisonwas<br />
three millionpeople, and60<br />
million sheep.’’<br />
‘‘Beforewecameover, Iwas<br />
keentoreadany news about<br />
NewZealand, so Iwas checking<br />
The Washington Post ,and I<br />
lookedand looked and never<br />
found anything.<br />
‘‘Then one day,Ifound aone<br />
columnarticle that mentioned<br />
aSouth Africanrugbyteam<br />
coming to NewZealand and<br />
there being protests.<br />
‘‘I didn’t quite understand ...<br />
and the team was called the All<br />
Blacks?’’ Atrip to the New<br />
ZealandEmbassy yielded little<br />
more.<br />
‘‘I found apicturebook, in<br />
blackand white, of New<br />
Zealandfromthe air.Inevery<br />
town,nomatter how bigor<br />
small, there was ahorse race<br />
track, so that made quite an<br />
impressiononme.’’<br />
Mr Graybill was on athree<br />
year contract, whichstretched<br />
to nine, andthen, in <strong>19</strong>91, the<br />
Conservation Law<br />
ReformAct came about,<br />
which merged<br />
acclimatisation societies<br />
to form Fish &and Game<br />
councils.<br />
He puthis name<br />
forward, becoming the<br />
first manager of the newly<br />
formed CentralSouth<br />
Island Fish &Game<br />
Council.<br />
‘‘It was awholenew<br />
world, anew organisation<br />
withnew challenges.’’<br />
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With atransitional council in<br />
place until thefirst election<br />
washeld, bringing together<br />
staff from the three former<br />
societies,and appointing new,<br />
there was plenty to do.<br />
The Resource Management<br />
Act wasthen introduced,and<br />
wastobecome amajor focus for<br />
Fish&Game.<br />
The new organisation set up<br />
shop—literally —inaformer<br />
shoestore in Temuka’s main<br />
street, before moving to<br />
makeshift offices in Richard<br />
Pearse Dr, with council<br />
meetings held in an adjacent<br />
building.<br />
While not ideal,the setup<br />
served the council until 2000<br />
when approval wasgiven for<br />
purposebuiltpremises.<br />
Chairmen and councillors<br />
have been and gone,ashave<br />
staff —althoughnot many;<br />
Central South Island has ahigh<br />
retention rate, anddecadesof<br />
service are not uncommon.<br />
Mr Graybill speaks highly of<br />
the staff —those with him atthe<br />
start, and the current<br />
workforce.<br />
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‘‘The staffhave alwaysbeen<br />
dedicated to the valuesofFish<br />
&Game, always thinking, ‘what<br />
is best for the angler and the<br />
game bird hunter?’ They have<br />
been loyal to me,and to the<br />
organisation.’’<br />
There have beenchallenges<br />
in the role.<br />
‘‘Aschiefexecutive of an<br />
organisationwithcouncil<br />
members that come and go,<br />
there were always going to be<br />
personalities and politics to<br />
deal with.<br />
‘‘I have always taken that as<br />
just part of the job. To do the<br />
best job you are capable of and<br />
do it withthe utmostintegrity,<br />
andlet that integrity flow on to<br />
build the credibilityofthe<br />
organisation.’’<br />
He has workedfor anumber<br />
of chairmenoverthe years, but<br />
says three are standoutsinhis<br />
view —GaryRooney, Matthew<br />
Hall andAndrewSimpson.<br />
Mr Rooney andMrHall were<br />
both in the chair during the<br />
fiveyearprocesstogaina<br />
waterconservation order for<br />
theRangitata River, and Mr<br />
Simpson was centralto<br />
improvements made to the<br />
council’s governance policies.<br />
Mr Graybill said Central<br />
South Island had outstanding<br />
fishing resources; and the<br />
national angler survey carried<br />
out every seven years had<br />
reflected that.<br />
‘‘Ifyou consider thehydro<br />
canals as ‘a river’, they would be<br />
the mostfished river in the<br />
country,interms of angler days.<br />
And Lake Benmore is second<br />
only to Lake Taupo, so those are<br />
big responsibilities for aregion<br />
to deal with and manage.’’<br />
Mr Graybill will continue<br />
working until early March, after<br />
that, atrip to the US is on the<br />
cards.<br />
And while he won’t be<br />
breathing down his successor’s<br />
neck, he can offer some advice.<br />
‘‘Remember the importance<br />
of communicating with your<br />
staff andwith your colleagues<br />
and licence holdersina<br />
transparent andgoodfaith way,<br />
and remember the importance<br />
of integrityineverything that<br />
you and your staff do to build<br />
credibility and trust in your<br />
organisation.<br />
‘‘I think those principles have<br />
served mewell, andIthink they<br />
would serve my successor well.’’<br />
~Timaru<strong>Courier</strong><br />
0800 BEEFLAMB (0800 233 352) BY FARMERS. FOR FARMERS<br />
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NEWS<br />
20 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Time toturn the corner<br />
Happy New Year, Ihope you<br />
have all had asmall chance to<br />
recharge your batteries and<br />
hit the reset button for <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
After the many kilometres<br />
travelled by New Zealanders<br />
this summer, travel is front of<br />
mind, and so this first column<br />
for <strong>2023</strong> has atransport<br />
theme. It’s clear we need<br />
significant change in our<br />
transport sector. Our current<br />
strategy seems to be to make it<br />
as hard as possible for people<br />
to get around. Instead, we<br />
should be making it as simple<br />
as possible for good people to<br />
make the right decisions.<br />
Here’s an example. Our<br />
family recently took ashort<br />
trip to Auckland to fulfil a<br />
longoverdue promise to my<br />
nephews to visit Kelly<br />
Tarlton’s and Rainbow’s End.<br />
During our time north, we<br />
travelled along the gradeseparated,<br />
worldclass<br />
Waikato Expressway, all at<br />
110km/h. The journey was fast,<br />
smooth, and most importantly,<br />
safe. Using the expressway<br />
was anobrainer.<br />
Contrast this with avisit I<br />
made to Akaroa last week to<br />
speak with arange of locals<br />
and Mid Cantabrians. The big<br />
issue raised by several locals?<br />
The lowering of the 100km/h<br />
speed limit to 80km/h,<br />
especially along the long,<br />
straight stretches of road from<br />
Halswell to Little River. Aside<br />
from being incredulous at the<br />
lack of common sense about<br />
what speed is safe on those<br />
roads, locals pointed out that<br />
lowering the speeds would be<br />
good for two things: revenue<br />
gathering by the Government,<br />
and increased risky behaviour<br />
from frustrated drivers<br />
making poor overtaking<br />
decisions.<br />
Consider the contrast<br />
between these two scenarios:<br />
pristine, safe roads in the<br />
Waikato where journeys are<br />
encouraged at 110km/h, and<br />
the drastic reduction of<br />
speeds in Canterbury purely,<br />
in my view, because of<br />
continued underinvestment<br />
in the roads in our region.<br />
Imagine aWaikato<br />
Expressway kind of road<br />
quality and design from<br />
Christchurch to <strong>Ashburton</strong>. I<br />
can’t think of abetter way to<br />
assist NZTA’s “Road to Zero”<br />
campaign than to rapidly<br />
upgrade the safety and quality<br />
of our roads. Unfortunately, I<br />
fear the default answer from<br />
officials may be to instead cut<br />
the 100km/h limits on State<br />
Highway 1.<br />
There’s nothing wrong with<br />
sensible speed reductions in<br />
the right areas: variable<br />
reductions around our<br />
country schools, for example.<br />
But this blanket approach to<br />
speed hasn’t worked. The 2022<br />
road toll was 378. You have to<br />
go back to 2009 to find ahigher<br />
figure. We need atransport<br />
strategy based on proper<br />
investment in quality roads.<br />
It’s time to actually spend<br />
road taxes on the roads. It’s<br />
also time to look at whether<br />
our local councils are getting<br />
afair deal from the NZTA<br />
funding model, considering<br />
our very large GDPgenerating<br />
regional roading<br />
network. It’s time to turn the<br />
corner on roading.<br />
James Meager is the<br />
National Party candidate for<br />
Rangitata and can be<br />
contacted on 027 427 5<strong>19</strong>7 or at<br /><br />
nz.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Motorcycle Show<br />
Originals<strong>Ashburton</strong> would like<br />
to thankthe following sponsors<br />
for their supportin<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
MotorcycleShow2022:<br />
Hancocks NZ (Jack Daniels<br />
sponsorship), T&G<br />
Investments,Cheesey'sParts &<br />
Servicing, <strong>Ashburton</strong> Forks<br />
Engineering, Rolling Thunder<br />
HarleyDavidson, Plumbing<br />
World, CMG Motorcycles, Mico<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>,Engineering<br />
Repairs Ltd,Darryl Phillips<br />
Motor Company,SimsBakery,<br />
EastCoast SMCInc, Blacklows<br />
TradezoneIndustrial, Ken<br />
BodyPlumbing,Tommy,<br />
Spring Lynne Motorcycles<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Powder<br />
Coating,RichardBegbie<br />
Plumbing &Gas fittingLtd,Jeff<br />
Marshall Motorcycles,<br />
Originals,Tinwald Tavern,<br />
Lusk Engineering,<br />
ChristchurchMotorcycles,<br />
LKtraz Motors,Liquorland<br />
Tinwald, Canterbury<br />
Motorcycles Rakaia,<br />
Trudgeons Painters &<br />
Decorators, Kelly'sCafé,<br />
McIver &Veitch Harley<br />
Davidson, Zombies, Talbot<br />
SecurityGroup, MJD<br />
Contractors,Roger Hart &<br />
Bernard Egan Motoring<br />
Writers,Hinds WaysideInn,<br />
TheBlue Pub,Methven,Don<br />
Smith MotorsMethven,<br />
Methven Panel &Paint,<br />
Perkins Engineering<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>,Americar Rod&<br />
Custom Club<strong>Ashburton</strong>, South<br />
Pacific Seeds NZ Ltd Methven,<br />
TheBrown Pub,Methven,<br />
Neumann'sTyreServices,<br />
Robbie's UndercarSpecialists,<br />
Little Mobile Engineering,<br />
Black RoseTattoo Emporium,<br />
Skin Show Tattooing, Kaiapoi,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Signs &Graphics,<br />
Railway TavernRakaia, Power<br />
Farming <strong>Ashburton</strong>,Allenton<br />
AutoCentre,WelshyDigger<br />
Hire, Blacklows Tradezone<br />
Industrial, Dave &Karen<br />
Stockdill, Bridgestone Tyre<br />
Centre,Palmers Agri Parts<br />
Direct, CranfieldGlass,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Powdercoating,<br />
Trudgeons Painters &<br />
Decorators, Dynoworx, NBS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>,and T&Coffee.<br />
Aspecial thankyou to our<br />
showjudges:Mike,Ginna,<br />
Nigel, Albert,Amy,andJimmy.<br />
We are grateful forthe<br />
supportofDel Phillips<br />
Landscaping, Dynamic<br />
GymnasticSports, and Kai for<br />
Kids.<br />
Andahugethanks to allthe<br />
peopleand ourpartners that<br />
worked behind the scenes and<br />
out front, to make the eventrun<br />
successfully.<br />
THE<br />
geraldinenews<br />
THURSDAY, <strong>19</strong> JANUARY, <strong>2023</strong> |16,000+ copies distributed with the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong><br />
view online<br />
GeraldineFloralArt Grouphaveawiderange of annual activities. TOP ROW: Last year theannual club competition, including the RubyDivers Memorial Trophy,last year raninconjunction with the<br />
AlpineEnergy ArtExhibitionatthe Geraldine Festival [seethe clubsFacebook page forfull listofwinners andphotos of their designs]. MIDDLE ROW: Themonthly meetings oftenhavethemeslike<br />
sustainability; designingwithoutfloral form;createadesign on apieceofwood, or,for theend-of-year finale, in ateacup(bottom left). BOTTOMROW LEFT: AdesignbyCatie Rowe,second placewinnerinthe<br />
clubs 2022noviceawardcategory. BOTTOMROW CENTRE In May2022, club presidentAnnette Wallers designtitledWaterfallwon theFASNZ <strong>2023</strong>Diary Front CoverAward. PHOTOS:Facebook/Geraldine FloralArt<br />
Geraldine Floral Art Group: almost<br />
60 years creating world class design<br />
The Geraldine Floral Art Group was established<br />
almostsix decadesago. Members comefrom<br />
as farawayasTimaru and <strong>Ashburton</strong>todevelop<br />
their skills in what president Annette Waller<br />
says is an art form today.<br />
She says, We mix contemporary and<br />
traditional. Itsabout using naturalfinds,using<br />
whats around us as well as flowers from our<br />
gardensand other natural products like paper.<br />
The ephemerality ofafloralartworkiswhere<br />
its beauty is. You never createthe same design<br />
asecond time.<br />
The Geraldine group, one of five floral art<br />
clubs in South Canterbury, is adiverse bunch<br />
of working and retired people and includes<br />
threeFloral Art SocietyofNew Zealand (FASNZ)<br />
judges, six qualified teachers, anational<br />
demonstrator, andaformer FASNZ president.<br />
Its avery enthusiastic, sharing group;<br />
apositiveenvironment to be in, Annette says.<br />
Itsagood club to be learninginbecauseyouve<br />
got all that experience. The group is active at<br />
national level, and four of us haverepresented<br />
New Zealand overseas at WAFA [World<br />
Association of Floral Artists] in Boston and<br />
Dublin.<br />
She joined the group when her children<br />
were small because Ihad acrystal vase my<br />
grandmother gave me, and Iwanted to know<br />
how to put flowers in it. The club hasanannual<br />
programmethatfosters floral artistry and gives<br />
access to FASNZ education units.<br />
Meeting monthly,the Geraldine club tries<br />
to do things that suitthe season.Somemembers<br />
need tobeextended, and some need to be<br />
nurtured with fun, flowers, and friendship.<br />
We offer demonstrations and tutoringathome<br />
and away Ateach meeting, members bring<br />
designs which we evaluate.Recent workshop<br />
and demonstration topics include trends and<br />
techniques, indigenous materials, Christmas<br />
displays, and making paper roses. The group<br />
frequently hosts visiting tutors from around<br />
New Zealand.<br />
And we support the community wherever<br />
we can, says Annette.We haveayearlyAugust<br />
daffodil display at Geraldine Pharmacy<br />
[to support the Cancer Society of New Zealands<br />
Daffodil Day], andinApril, we do Anzac wreaths.<br />
The Ruby Divers MemorialTrophy,named<br />
for afounding member of the GeraldineFloral<br />
Art Group, has been awarded atthe clubs<br />
annual competition for 32 years. Entries are<br />
judged againstthe FASNZs visualassessment<br />
criteria. Anovice award has recently been<br />
introduced to the competition.<br />
Annette says the practice of floral art gives<br />
afreshgazeonthe world. Youlook at everything<br />
in adifferent light. You see pattern, and<br />
you see colour differently. It keeps your mind<br />
going with aseeing eye. But, she says, we are<br />
all happy with avase of flowers in our<br />
homes, too.<br />
The Geraldine Floral ArtGroup welcomes<br />
new members. It meets at the Geraldine RSA<br />
clubrooms at 7.15pm on the second Monday<br />
of each month,except <strong>January</strong>. To learnmore,<br />
contact Annette Waller on 03 6922829orat<br />, or visit the groups<br />
Facebook page Geraldine Floral Art.<br />
WHĀRANGI 2|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>19</strong>KOHITĀTEA, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Who wouldnt want to go for atour in one of these<br />
vintage treasures. PHOTO: Facebook/ Geraldine Vintage Car<br />
and Machinery Museum<br />
When youworkintourism, yougiveupyour right to<br />
abad day,saysTop 10 HolidayParksnew co-manager<br />
Howard Brockie (page 5). Indeed, those of us who<br />
work in people-facing jobs need apositive attitude<br />
to the public we serve;howeverwell the day is going<br />
forus. As the buses returntoGeraldine, it is adelight<br />
to see visitors enjoying our town once more and<br />
watching our people step up to welcome them.<br />
The word on the street isthat our retailers and<br />
hospitality peoplehaveenjoyedagood summer. One<br />
local remarked that although they had to queue at<br />
Subwaybecause of the visitornumbers, [It is] so good<br />
to see things returning to pre-covid times, although<br />
it is ashock toour systems.<br />
This week we learned of arecent initiative bythe<br />
Geraldine Vintage Carand MachineryMuseum: drive<br />
anumber of vintage cars to Timaru, meet acruise<br />
ship, pick folk up and bring them back toGeraldine<br />
for atour around the museum, lunch inone of our<br />
eateries and atour around the Geraldine area. What<br />
agreat package. Next time we hope theytakeaphoto<br />
or two and let us know.<br />
Congratulations tothe winners of the Light Up<br />
Geraldine event.I,for one,enjoyedmypartinhelping<br />
it come together and wasinspired to add moretothe<br />
festivity onmyown front porch. Looking forward to<br />
planning nextChristmasalready(just339 daystogo).<br />
Congratulations to Geraldine Preschool onthe 10th<br />
anniversaryoftheir High Street site. My howtime flies<br />
-and it looks like they had alot of fun celebrating.<br />
While some of us havebeen enjoyingsome downtime,<br />
our athletes arealready backout theregoing further,<br />
higher and faster.The Lovelock games on theweekend<br />
of 7-8 <strong>January</strong> was apretty rainy affair, whereas it<br />
washot andsunny forlastweekends Colgategames.<br />
Jan Finlayson will bring us the story next week.<br />
Meanwhile, congratulations to all the competitors.<br />
For those still inholiday mode, enjoy your break.<br />
For the rest of us, heres toabrilliant <strong>2023</strong>. FI<br />
A vacation is having<br />
nothing to do and all<br />
day to do it in.<br />
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: Tamarikiand kaiakosingcarolsfor their whānau; whānaugathered in Te Ngahere(the Forest)for kai; teacher<br />
Tarsh Clemens with (fromleft)Annabelle(4),Charlie (4), Leo(3), Ayla (3), Jack(6), Mila(4), andLily (3);Jolenne Sowden cuts theribbon<br />
to openthe double slide while four-year-olds Charlie,Oliviaand Mila Snow keep an eyeonproceedings; PHOTO:Becky Talbot-Van Beers<br />
Geraldine Preschool celebrates 10th anniversary<br />
There were smiles all around at the<br />
Geraldine Preschool whānau Christmas<br />
picnic held on 15 December, as whānau<br />
and kaiako (teachers) gathered to celebrate<br />
the end of the year and an important<br />
milestone. Centre manager Jolenne Sowden<br />
says, It was great to welcome whānau<br />
back after being unable to holdthe event<br />
the last two years.<br />
Earlierin2022, the preschool marked<br />
the 10th anniversaryofthe purpose-built<br />
centre on the High Street site. Jolenne<br />
says the end-of-year picnic was an<br />
appropriate time to finally celebrate.<br />
We started on this site in August 2012<br />
thanks to aproactive, forward-thinking<br />
boardwho sourced the land and managed<br />
the building project. Having recognised<br />
that community demand was growing<br />
and thatwewerequicklyoutgrowing the<br />
spaceatStMarys church hall. [The entire<br />
teaching team] moved from the old<br />
preschool, and were all still here today<br />
to celebrate this milestone.<br />
The occasionwas marked by theopening<br />
of anew double slide, generously funded<br />
by the Winchester Lodge, and alarge<br />
chocolate cake, both of which were ahit<br />
with the children.<br />
Afterthe cutting of the cake,the tamariki<br />
gatheredtogethertosing some Christmas<br />
songs before the big man in red arrived<br />
to greet and deliver bookstoall the children<br />
in attendance. Jolenne says, A highlight<br />
is always the tamariki singing the carols<br />
and, of course, the visit from Santa. We<br />
have had many comments from parents<br />
about how theyappreciated the gift.<br />
Geraldine Preschool is back up and<br />
running during itsusual term hoursand<br />
welcomes anycommunity memberswho<br />
would like to come and look around.<br />
Nobodyloves Geraldine<br />
likewedoso nobody can<br />
sellGeraldine likewedo<br />
#Proudtobehere<br />
NEWS: | 027 899 0703<br />
ADS: | 027 899 0703<br />
DISPLAY ADDEADLINE: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: 12pm Monday<br />
PUBLIC HOLIDAYS: 5pm previous business day<br />
ADDRESS: 24 Hislop Street, Geraldine<br />
HOURS: Monday-Friday 10am-4pm<br />
Whileevery effortismade to ensurethe accuracy of informationinthispublication,<br />
GNews doesnot accept anyresponsibilityfor errors or omissions,orfor anyconsequences<br />
arisingfromreliance on information published. The content of submittedmaterial<br />
is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. The editor reserves the right to make<br />
decisions on publication of stories and the quality/suitability ofsubmitted ads.<br /><br />
Property Brokers Licensed REAA 2008
THURSDAY, <strong>19</strong>JANUARY, <strong>2023</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 3<br />
CLOCKWISE FROM TOPLEFT: NickyTaylor presents town category winner MariaHema witha$500 Meridian credit; Graeme Dwyeraccepts thebusiness categoryprize on behalf of the Geraldine Volunteer<br />
Fire Brigade; members of Pleasant ValleyPlaygroupand Light Up GeraldineorganisersAngeBlairand Nickywiththe winning ruraldisplaywhich earned them a$500 cash prizefrom<br />
South Canterbury Rural Support. PHOTOS: Becky Talbot-Van Beers<br />
Light Up Geraldine onagain next Christmas<br />
Geraldine was well and truly lit up over the<br />
festive season with over 50 entries inthree<br />
Light Up Geraldine categories. Co-organiser<br />
Ange Blair says, 2022 was ahard year, and<br />
people seemed exhausted by the end of it, but<br />
it was great to see everyone get behind Light<br />
Up Geraldine.<br />
Aftermorethan150 votesweretallied, Maria<br />
Hema and David Galbraith at 71 Peel Street<br />
took out the town display category for the<br />
second year, winningthemthe $500Meridian<br />
credit. Everything was bigger, better, and<br />
brighter thanlast year,sonow the pressure is<br />
on to see if they canmake it ahat trick in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
We were so surprised to winasecondyear<br />
in arow; this year was even more special<br />
as we managed toraise nearly $500 for the<br />
IAMHOPE charity which helps fund nearly<br />
five counselling sessions for people in need,<br />
says Maria.<br />
Pleasant Valley Playgroup won the rural<br />
display category with aprizeof$500cashfrom<br />
South Canterbury Rural Support.Jackie Trotter<br />
from the playgroup committee says she is<br />
stoked with the prize. Jackie says, Weve<br />
already been brainstorming what wecould<br />
spendthe money on. It willdefinitely be going<br />
to the kids, either new equipment or toys or<br />
maybeevenagroup activity.<br />
No strangers to flashing lights,the Geraldine<br />
Volunteer Fire Brigade was voted tops in the<br />
business category and will enjoy acake and<br />
coffee shout from Sweet Little Treats and the<br />
Running Duck.We were thinking about entering<br />
last year but never got around to it. This year<br />
we thought,right -lets get some lights up. The<br />
team will be fightingover who gets the cupcakes<br />
at training tonight, said Graeme Dwyer.<br />
This year, the Tree of Remembrance at<br />
Mundells was anew addition to Light Up<br />
Geraldine and afundraiser for the Geraldine<br />
Resource Centres community Christmas present<br />
drive. Angesays, There were somereallylovely,<br />
touching messagesleftonthe tree.<br />
It wasanother busy year for the organisers<br />
juggling entries and votes. Extra assistance<br />
was called upon in the form of Fi McCafferty,<br />
who not only helpedbehind the scenes to get<br />
the event over the line but also donated prizes<br />
on behalf of GNews.<br />
Fellow coordinator NickyTaylor says,Wed<br />
like tosay amassive thank you toeveryone<br />
who got in the Christmas spirit and entered.<br />
Each year wehave been blown away by the<br />
support from our community. The Light Up<br />
Geraldineeventwillcertainly be back in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
For pictures ofthe winning entries, visit<br />
the Light UpGeraldine page on Facebook.<br />
IN BRIEF<br />
Lions Christmas raffle winner over the moon<br />
Local man David Nicholson (left) has won<br />
the playhouse headlining the Geraldine<br />
Lions Clubs Christmas raffle.<br />
David says, I wasoverthe moon to win<br />
it.Itlooksreally cute, and itsverywell built.<br />
Itsgoingtomydaughters place in Rolleston,<br />
but itsbeenhijackedbymefor now; itllbe<br />
used as aplant nursery inthe meantime.<br />
The playhouse was designed and<br />
built by local design consultant joiner<br />
Gavin Prenticeusing timber from aformer<br />
McKenzie Lifestyle Village Redwood tree<br />
(GNews 24.11.22).<br />
Lions publicity officer David Mackenzie<br />
says, Thanks tothe community for their<br />
support; it wasagood fundraiser. The money<br />
is staying locally. JAN FINLAYSON<br />
GeraldineLionsPresident RichardCoutts<br />
(right) withChristmas Rafflefirst prizewinner<br />
DavidNicholson in front of the unique<br />
Redwood playhouse. PHOTO:Jan Finlayson
WHĀRANGI 4|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>19</strong>KOHITĀTEA, <strong>2023</strong><br />
283<br />
Scan and email your entry<br />
Post to Crossword, 65Connolly Street, Geraldine<br />
NAME:<br />
Sophia (11) and Camil (9) practise their newly learned skills. PHOTO: Anna Veaux<br />
Local children learn emergency<br />
response skills with St John<br />
ADDRESS:<br />
PHONE:<br />
EMAIL:<br />
ACROSS<br />
1 Nexttorobes, there’sno<br />
alternative to die out (6)<br />
4 Runnerfinds it’snothing for each<br />
job list back (8)<br />
10 Medical man should be dry (7)<br />
11 In France, such atune may delight (7)<br />
12 Possibly wide, dodgy item to go<br />
after tie (5,4)<br />
13 Leapt about for one of many to<br />
make abloomer (5)<br />
14 Anetwork point’ssign is aplus(5)<br />
15 Wild endless spree about class<br />
does (8)<br />
<strong>19</strong> Why you need to move where<br />
potholes annoy (2,3,3)<br />
21 Dash for sense (5)<br />
25 Portion some find down in<br />
the order (5)<br />
27 Dance topic is with it (2,3,4)<br />
28 Follow ‘The Chase’ (2,5)<br />
29 They have to pay for her first<br />
appearance -afunny sort (7)<br />
30 Not even set right. Left out and<br />
they’re just walking (8)<br />
31 Embellishes road working<br />
towards poles (6)<br />
DOWN<br />
1 Harponthe mustelid (6)<br />
2 Maybe some rubbish or<br />
tentativelydock (7)<br />
3 Boxermay put an oar in to keep<br />
head above water (3,6)<br />
5 Empty cans, deeperpreparation<br />
goes first (8)<br />
6 Report itmay inhibit spillage (5)<br />
7 His betrayal is characteristic<br />
with nothing right (7)<br />
8 Girl with not as much lack<br />
of sympathy (8)<br />
9 Pride possibly may be all<br />
about thanks to soil (5)<br />
16 Wolf returns to breed loosely<br />
at Daphne’s place (6,3)<br />
17 Where ‘G’ is found at the<br />
end of day (8)<br />
18 He workswherechemists might<br />
with our late monarch (8)<br />
20 It’slight brown but could be<br />
dark with draught (7)<br />
22 What aracket! Soundslike<br />
he’sdiggingfor shellfish (7)<br />
23 Room for perusal could be con (5)<br />
24 They make fast catches (6)<br />
26 Travellers’ stop the lot losing time<br />
and worry (5)<br />
CongratulationstoMichaelReilly,<br />
winners of Cryptic Crossword No. 282<br />
Geraldine children have been given the<br />
opportunity to learn how they could<br />
respond in amedical emergency. ASB<br />
St John in Schools Educator for South<br />
Canterbury, Megan Holden, ran two<br />
sessions on Wednesday, 11 <strong>January</strong> at<br />
the Geraldine Library andService Centre.<br />
The first session, designed for five- to<br />
eight-year-olds, practised rolling an<br />
unresponsive personontheir side,treating<br />
severe bleeding andcalling 111. The second<br />
session for nine- tothirteen-year-olds<br />
focused on responding to an emergency<br />
and how to take action.<br />
Megansays, Thesesessionsare being<br />
heldtogive tamariki in the areaachance<br />
to prepare and learn lifesaving skills in<br />
acalm, safe environment. Accidents and<br />
life-threatening conditions can happen<br />
anywhere at any time, and the more that<br />
people know what they can do to help,<br />
particularlyinlife-threatening situations,<br />
the better<br />
The courseproved popularwithlocals,<br />
while others travelled from Timaru to<br />
attend the interactive sessions, which<br />
included opportunities for the children<br />
to practice their new skills. Often in an<br />
emergency,adults will panic, get flustered,<br />
overthink,and delayactiontime,whereas<br />
Passionate about<br />
pestmanagement?<br />
tamariki tend to getinthere,takequick<br />
action and just get the job done. They<br />
canhave an important roleinresponding<br />
in an emergency.<br />
Graham Payne, who attended the<br />
coursewithhis son Ethansays,Thiswas<br />
agreat opportunity forthem both.Ithink<br />
it is very important for Ethan to know<br />
what to do if there was no adultaround.<br />
Sophia Cisneros, 11, summed up the<br />
session; Ifound it agreat experience<br />
and enjoyed learning about first aid.<br />
282 SOLUTIONS: ACROSS: 9. Obese 10. Landlords 11. Imposed 12. Empower<br />
13. Astonished 14. Levy 16. Extreme<strong>19</strong>. Theorem 21. Digs 22. At all costs 26. Pilgrim<br />
27. Mundane 28. Connector 29. Erode DOWN: 1. Motivate 2. Despot 3. Bee’sknees<br />
4. Eludes 5. Indecent 6. Slope 7. Draw near 8. Astray 15. Descended 17. Tagalong<br />
18. Estimate 20. Mastered 21. Depict23. Lemurs 24. Shadow 25. Order<br />
Yourlocal<br />
Biosecurity Advisory<br />
Group needsyou.<br />
Provide advice onpest issues<br />
in your area, liaise with the<br />
community and help shape<br />
our biosecurity work.<br />
Applications close 23 <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Learn moreand
THURSDAY, <strong>19</strong>JANUARY, <strong>2023</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 5<br />
Our services include<br />
•Trenches • Siteworks•Building<br />
foundations •Vegetation<br />
clearing/control •Landscaping<br />
•Cleaning out dairysheds<br />
•Certifying drainlayer<br />
Denys-027 6862237<br />
Jared-027 277 95<strong>19</strong><br />
or 03 692 2963 (ah)<br />
Our Geraldine office at3Wilson Street<br />
is permanently staffed toservice your legal needs.<br />
We have along history in South Canterbury,<br />
providing high-quality legal services<br />
with passionate client care.<br />
Our office is open Monday to Friday<br />
from 8.30am to 5.30pm. Come inand see us<br />
or call 03 693 8207 to make an appointment.<br />
Howard and Leanne Brockie, new managers and soon to be new owners of Geraldine Top10Holiday Park. PHOTO: Jan Finlayson<br />
Changing ofthe guard at Top 10<br />
Phone 03 693 8207<br />
or visit our website:<br />
The Geraldine News welcomes new<br />
Geraldine Top 10 HolidayParkmanagers<br />
Howardand Leanne Brockie to the district.<br />
With years of holiday park management<br />
under their belts, alongassociation with<br />
owners Brian and Kathryn Horrell, and<br />
adeep affection for Geraldine, theyve<br />
hit the ground running.<br />
In fact, new management is the first<br />
of two changes at the central Geraldine<br />
business. Howard says, Kathryn and<br />
Brian approached us about purchasing<br />
the park from them. It was too good an<br />
opportunity to turn down. They will<br />
complete the deal in around 18 months.<br />
The Brockies park management<br />
experience hasmade thesegue to running<br />
the Top 10 mostly seamless. It also tells<br />
them the parks kaupapa isspot on.<br />
Howard, board member,<br />
says, Most of our guests are domestic,<br />
and theyre often repeats. Thats down<br />
to the work Kathryn and Brian have put<br />
in over the years.<br />
Leanne says, Whenyouve got repeat<br />
business, its importantfor the guests to<br />
knowitll carry on as usual.Any changes,<br />
according to Howard, will be subtle<br />
(to-date additions are in line with that<br />
description -and have been welcomed<br />
by guests). The pair say theparks grounds,<br />
including mature specimen trees and<br />
birdsong, are important in enticing<br />
customers back over and over.<br />
Other things driving that loyalty are<br />
encapsulated inthe Geraldine parks<br />
regularappearance in the annual Top 10<br />
group awards. OnBrian and Kathryns<br />
watch, it gained first and runner-up<br />
placings in the supreme category, took<br />
home the most highly recommended<br />
medium park gong, and was honoured<br />
for that critical measure of park quality<br />
-cleanliness.<br />
Holiday park management is in Howard<br />
and Leannes bones. Attention to detail<br />
andleadership in areassuchascleanliness<br />
is vital, says Leanne. Its important to<br />
do 110 . We have the attitude that we<br />
do what it takes to get thingsdone And<br />
we wouldnt wantour staff to do chores<br />
that we dontdo, so we clean toilets, mow<br />
grass, and serve the guests.<br />
In the end, managers enthusiasm is<br />
just as necessary as park ambience and<br />
functionality. Howard says, When you<br />
work in tourism, you give up your right<br />
to have abad day.Leanneisclear: Were<br />
passionate about it; we enjoy it.<br />
With four on-call staff and backup<br />
fromBrian andKathryn, the new managers<br />
get alittle regular time away from the<br />
park. Part of Leannes downtime goes to<br />
learning piano. Howard contributes his<br />
wisdom to In asmall town,<br />
weveall got to work together. They also<br />
haveagrowingnumber of grandchildren<br />
to keepupwith.<br />
As usual, Christmas and New Year<br />
have brought alist of guestswhose paths<br />
have carried them anywhere between<br />
tens and tens of thousands of kilometres<br />
to thepark.And everyone whohas stayed<br />
has been treated to amenu offestive<br />
season events throughout -because<br />
Howard and Leanne love what theydo.<br />
[GNews congratulates Brian and Kathryn<br />
for their manyyearswork in cementing<br />
agood futurefor Geraldine Top 10 Holiday<br />
Park. We wish them all the best in their<br />
future endeavours. -Ed]<br />
7TALBOT STREET |PH03693 8877<br />
CURRY OF THE DAY $18<br />
TUESDAY : Beef Jalfrezi<br />
WEDNESDAY : Lamb Pasanda<br />
THURSDAY : Chicken Rogan Josh<br />
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WHĀRANGI 6|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>19</strong>KOHITĀTEA, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Now in two sizes<br />
$15.50<br />
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The OldPost Office, Geraldine<br />
PHONE 03 6939070<br />
OPEN 7 DAYS<br />
Jacob Cunniffe, drivingcar number 30. BELOW: Jacobatthe wheel, readytogo out thereand have fun. PHOTO:Facebook/Jacob CunniffeRacing<br />
Tough year for Jacob Cunniffe<br />
The Geraldine Golf Club<br />
is seeking afull-time<br />
Course Superintendent<br />
/Greenkeeper<br />
Please refer to our detailed<br />
ad on the NZGCSA website:<br /><br />
Geraldines young speedster JacobCunniffe<br />
(15), has not had an easy ride since moving<br />
up to the Formula Ford classlast season.<br />
He is now halfwaythrough the six-session<br />
South IslandF1600 Championshipseries<br />
and is placed eleventh out of afield of 24<br />
with 187 points. By contrast, in first<br />
place is Invercargills Alex Crosbie with<br />
578 points.<br />
After his rookie season, the car has<br />
now beenrebuilt. Jacob says, It has great<br />
potential, but we have had mechanical<br />
andelectricalproblems.Thismeant that<br />
of nine races started, he did not finish<br />
three. Once its going, it goes well; its<br />
somuch quicker than last season.<br />
As Jacobheadsintothe NewYear, he<br />
hopes that the mechanical troubles are<br />
behind him and that the end of the series<br />
in March will see some improvement.<br />
The first session will beatLevels on<br />
4March.<br />
Jacob says that he is grateful to his<br />
sponsors. Iamglad the team doesnt<br />
put pressure on me, even if it goes badly<br />
and Icant finish arace. My attitude is<br />
to go outthere and have fun.<br />
It is not all racing on the track. Late<br />
last year,Jacob gave atalk to Rotary and,<br />
in December, took part in the Pleasant<br />
Point Christmas Parade. He says. Its<br />
good to show off the sponsors. He also<br />
supportsyouth mentalhealth, promoting<br />
theIAMHOPEmessage prominentlyon<br />
his page. Jacob stillfinds time to race his<br />
grass kart too. Itsmuchmore accessible,<br />
andIve moved up agrade. While sporting<br />
successremains agoal, Jacob is pursuing<br />
Happy New Year<br />
school work to position himself for a<br />
career in design and engineering.<br />
To follow Jacob go to his Facebook<br />
page Jacob Cunniffe Racing. To follow<br />
the series, go to<br />
APPLICATIONS CLOSE 31 JANUARY, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Thank you to all our clients<br />
for your support in 2022<br />
& we wish you all a very happy<br />
& prosperous <strong>2023</strong><br />
from the Team @<br />
LJ Hooker Geraldine
THURSDAY, <strong>19</strong>JANUARY, <strong>2023</strong> |THE GERALDINE NEWS |PAGE 7<br />
gnewsCLASSIFIEDS<br />
eatingout<br />
GNews NOTICES<br />
DIDN’TGET YOUR GNEWS? If for some reason<br />
you don’t receive the <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong> containing<br />
GNews, email or call or txt<br />
027 920 8751. We’ll try to get one to you and try<br />
to ensure any delivery issues are resolved.<br />
10am til 4pm weekdays. Please come to the front<br />
door and fill out the form on the clipboard. If we’re<br />
not home, just leave the form on the clipboard<br />
and payment in the tin,orwecan arrange payment<br />
at alater date. Ads are 63 cents per word.<br />
Thefirstofthisyear’s<br />
monthly morning teas will be held on Friday,<br />
27 <strong>January</strong>, 10am atthe Seniorcare Function<br />
Room, Waihi Lodge. All seniors welcome and<br />
entertainment will be provided. For further<br />
information, contact Marg on 022 600 5316.<br />
GENTLE EXERCISES will commence for the year<br />
will commence at 10.00amonTuesday,7February<br />
at the Seniorcare Function Room, Waihi Lodge.<br />
All welcome. For any further information, please<br />
contact Marg on 022 600 5316.<br />
Happy anniversary? Just 63c perword.<br />
or drop in to 24 HislopStreet. 63c per word. Death<br />
notices: first 15 words free.<br />
Motors, phone 03 693 8673.<br />
for dogs. 208 Woodbury Road.Phone 03 693 9929.<br />
BUILDER Qualified LBP,20years experience, for<br />
all building work. PhoneAnts 027309 0798.<br />
CARPET CLEANING Powerful equipment, fastdrying.<br />
Upholstery, mats, rugs. Experienced<br />
owner-operator.Phone John 0274 351 042.<br />
CLEANING SERVICE Maria Cabrera021 048 7001.<br />
CLOTHING ALTERATIONS and mending. Phone<br />
Raylene 03 264 8<strong>19</strong>6.<br />
Glass 03 693 9927.<br />
HEAT PUMPS Clean, service, repair and install.<br />
Please call Silvery Bauman 021 544 760.<br />
DISCOUNT 15% off all and labour prices only.<br />
PhoneGeraldine Auto Restorations03693 1401.<br />
Stephen Foster painting and decorating on<br />
021 041 3318.<br />
professional service, good rates, excellent local<br />
references. Phone Wolffie 03 693 9803 or<br />
027 962 4841.<br />
PC UPGRADES /REPAIRS GeraldineComputer<br />
Solutions 03 693 9496.<br />
Clover Honey Special 1kg$15, 2kg$25.Apicare<br />
products available.<br />
DISPLAY AD: 5pm Friday<br />
CLASSIFIED: 12pm Monday<br />
✔<br />
✔<br />
✔<br />
BARKER’S FOODSTORE &EATERY Retail shop space and innovative café<br />
menuincorporating Barker’s productswith seasonal ingredients. Monday-Sunday<br />
8.30am-4.30pm. Phone03693 9727.<br />
THE GREEN MAN PEEL FOREST Come relax in the forest. Cafe &Bar open<br />
Thu-Sunand Fri &Sat evenings. Phone 03 696 3567.<br />
MUNDELLS CAFÉ Open 7daysweek.Roast meals availableFriday-Sunday<br />
11.30am-2pm.Please notethat IZAKAYAFriday nightisclosedfor next 3weeks<br />
(13, 20 and 27 <strong>January</strong>). Daytime Japanese menu still available 8am-3pm.<br />
Phone 03 693 1101.<br />
THE VILLAGE INN Mon-Sun 11am-9pm. For restaurant bookings, please<br />
phone03693 1004. SUPER LIQUOR Check out our weekly specials instore.<br />
WOODBURY STORE CAFÉ Enjoy seasonal menu and cabinet options at the<br />
restored historic store and country garden setting. Open 5days, Wednesday<br />
-Sunday 8.30am-4pm. Only 6km from Geraldine. Phone 03 971 6292.<br />
Combined Service! -Fix Both Vehicle &Home Glass<br />
Direct billing to Insurance Companies<br />
TIMARU OWNED -NoRemote call Centre<br />
TIME FOR ANOIL CHANGE? Castrol offers arange of<br />
advanced engine oils for your vehicle, including<br />
synthetic, part synthetic and diesel grades. With more<br />
than 100 years of expertise, Castrol is recognized as<br />
the world's leading provider of lubricant solutions.<br />
M&G AUTO CENTRE | 13 PEEL STREET, GERALDINE | 03 693 9664 | 027 208 7590<br />
23 Theodosia St, Timaru. Call 0800 441-331<br />
decemberweather<br />
RAUKĀPUKA For December we had 105.6mm of rainover 21 days.Maximum<br />
temperature for the monthwas 32.3C recorded on Thursday 29,with the month's<br />
minimumbeing 7.5Crecorded on the morningofThursday 1. For December we<br />
had 105.6mm of rain over 21 days.Totalrainfall for the yearwas 1011.9mm over<br />
170 days.<br />
TRIPP SETTLEMENT In December we had repeated days of thunder and<br />
lightning which were very impressiveand damaging to many folks electrical<br />
sources. We quicklyremembered to switch equipment offwhen the lightning<br />
was arriving. Thankyou to theall-night workers who got our house lit up again.<br />
Temperature high32˚C, low was 7˚C. Rainfall133mm.2022temp highfor the<br />
yearwas 32˚C, lowfor theyearwas -5˚C.Rainfall for the year 1202.5mm.<br />
PHONE 03 6938118 Country hospitality atits best<br />
Sally Hawkins stars in this amazing true story<br />
FRI 5.15PM |SUN 3PM<br />
MEGAN isamarvel ofartificial intelligence,<br />
alife-like doll programmed to be achild's<br />
best friend and aparent's greatest ally... until...<br />
The all-new horror of <strong>2023</strong> filmed right here inNZ!<br />
MEGAN<br />
THU 3PM |SAT 7.30PM<br />
Filmmaker Guy Ritchie reunites with<br />
Jason Statham &Hugh Grant for this all new<br />
“team-on-a-mission” action film.<br />
Co-starring Aubrey Plaza &Josh Hartnett.<br />
FRI 7.30PM |SAT 5PM<br />
FRI 1.30PM |MON 2.30PM FINAL!<br />
The all new children's animated feature<br />
(PG) NO COMPS<br />
THU 1PM |SAT 2PM<br />
SUN 1PM |MON 12.30PM<br />
WHĀRANGI 8|NGĀ PŪKŌRERO OTEWIKI KI RAUKĀPUKA |TAITE, <strong>19</strong>KOHITĀTEA, <strong>2023</strong><br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
T<br />
Excavators: Track &Wheeled<br />
Bobcat •Chain Trencher •Graders<br />
TipTrucks &Trailers •Loaders •Cherry Picker<br />
Shingle, Landscaping Rock, Bark Chip<br />
Laser Level available on all machines<br />
NOPERA10Geraldine-Fairlie HighwayGeraldine<br />
Ph 0274 340570 or a/hph/fax 693 7985<br />
S<br />
Four Peaks<br />
Seido Karate<br />
VENUE: Geraldine BowlingClub rooms on the Domain<br />
STARTING: Thursday 2February, 6pm-6.50pm<br />
CONTACT: Gisell Johnson 021 0228 7049<br />
Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by<br />
an adult please;Parent(s) are encouraged to join in.<br />
The cost will be just $2 asession per person.<br />
First session FREE.<br />
•Great Fitness Training for the New Yeardeveloping stamina,<br />
strength and co-ordination skills<br />
•Builds upconfidence and self-esteem as well as<br />
resilience in asupportive environment<br />
•Great Self Defence &Martial Art that will give you<br />
the skills and confidence to cope in any situation<br />
•Ideal for families as parents and children<br />
can train together in the same classes<br />
•Quality coaching<br />
We are starting back training on Tuesday 24 <strong>January</strong>.<br />
Normal classes for all grades, with classes on<br />
Tuesday 6pm-7-30pm, Thursday 5pm-6pm<br />
andFriday 6pm-8pm.See youthere.<br />
Harcourts Happenings - <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />
Our 昀 rstsales meeting for theyear andthe usual<br />
resolutions and soul searchingaswewonder<br />
what theyearahead will bring for realestate.<br />
<strong>January</strong> has been unusuallyquiet with only two<br />
salesinGeraldine so far, both from this office -<br />
the reason probably being that the solicitorsare<br />
all shuttered anditisnot agreat time to conduct<br />
business.Also all the uncertainty in the world,<br />
and the media comment on houseprices and<br />
interestrates.Iam doing a“PrinceHarry”but the<br />
papers and mediahave alot to answer for in<br />
terms of sweeping generalisationsand doom and<br />
gloom. Theold farts among us remember the<br />
daysof20% interest andweare nowhere near<br />
approaching that, with many economists<br />
predicting it will ease again mid year.<br />
As farasSouth Canterburyisconcerned,prices<br />
havenever reachedthe stratosphere so no<br />
massivecorrections areinorder.People say even<br />
Christchurch is stillundervalued so we must be.<br />
Takealook around Wanaka if you want atoecurlingexperience.<br />
Iwould prefer to live here and<br />
holiday there(in atent!).<br />
December wasmore typical with eight house sales,<br />
five from theHarcourts stable -interestingly mostof<br />
themsat in the $500-$600,000 range but we have<br />
unsatisfiedbuyers looking for$1m plus properties<br />
too. There are also first home buyers readytostep<br />
onto theladder.<br />
As to resolutions,collectively we are going to work<br />
even harder,get betterand do what bringsjoy.<br />
Inthe holidaysImade anew rose gardeninspite of<br />
the last threeprospective buyers Ispoketolastyear<br />
all saying “wehate roses!”<br />
Thenext personmight digthemall outbut they<br />
give me immense pleasure.Gratitude is not abad<br />
oneeither; we liveinapretty cool community so<br />
Ihopewecan continue ourinvolvement and<br />
perhapseven bringyou some joyasyou achieve<br />
your propertygoals this year.<br />
Kind regards,<br />
Susie<br />
GeraldineSales Manager<br /><br />
looking forastandalone, compact house, first<br />
home oraproject, this sweethouse is in agreat<br />
area,offers vacant possession and is just aching<br />
foranew owner.You could do so much with this<br />
and have something amazingafterwards -itis<br />
charm personified.<br />
Harcourts GeraldineTeam<br />
Blackham&Co Real EstateLtd<br />
LicensedAgentREAA2008<br />
Susie Williams<br />
Sales Manager<br />
027 346 9676<br />
Janine Huddleston<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 437 1086<br />
Chrissy Gardner<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 643 4742<br />
Rachael Sullivan<br />
Administrator<br />
03 6939005<br />
YvonneHohenberger<br />
Administrator<br />
03 6939005<br />
La 琀 ciaHarvey<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 406 2021<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
29<br />
Young farmer giving all to community<br />
After ayearofdevastatingpersonal<br />
loss LeviHart is determined to make<br />
the most of all life hasto offer.<br />
The29yearold Mid Canterbury<br />
farmer has secured aspot at theFMG<br />
YoungFarmerofthe Year Aorangi<br />
Regional Final, an annual<br />
competition dedicated to showcasing<br />
the very best talent of New Zealand’s<br />
food and fibre sector.<br />
Each contestant competed against<br />
14 people fromtheir district. Levi is<br />
one of eight contestants headedfor the<br />
Regional Final.<br />
With afeed assessment job that<br />
takes him and his partner around the<br />
country, Hart loves to be social and<br />
meet new people, learning about<br />
different farming systems andhow<br />
different placesoperate.<br />
“Farming is achanging beast, and it<br />
puts alot of people through adversity,<br />
butyou see that passion and the drive<br />
that people have to do better. Ithink<br />
it’s fantastic, ultimately, we’re<br />
caretakersofthe land.”<br />
People, he’s found, are what is most<br />
Levi Hart<br />
important when ‘the going gets tough’.<br />
In the past year,heand hispartner<br />
have suffered multiple bereavements.<br />
❛If having one conversation<br />
with oneperson changes<br />
their outlook on what’s<br />
happeningthen that’s a<br />
massive win.❜<br />
—Levi Hart<br />
Grateful for the support they<br />
received from the farming community,<br />
this year he wanted to give back by<br />
volunteering at RuralSupportTrust.<br />
“If having oneconversation with one<br />
person changes their outlook on<br />
what’s happening then that’s a<br />
massive win.”<br />
The competition is now in its55th<br />
year, and NewZealand Young<br />
Farmers Board Chair Jessie Waite<br />
says Season 55 is shaping up to be an<br />
excitingone.<br />
“It’s great to see the involvement our<br />
competitors have in their local<br />
community,and how they aregiving<br />
back to help others.”<br />
There are sevenRegional Finals<br />
runningacross Aotearoa between<br />
February and April <strong>2023</strong>; the Aorangi<br />
Regional Final will be heldin<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> on April 15.<br />
No competition is the same, and<br />
contestantsstart the day not knowing<br />
which of their skills will be put to the<br />
test.<br />
Each Regional Final will decide<br />
whowillbecompetingatthe FMG<br />
Young Farmer of the Year Grand<br />
Final in July <strong>2023</strong> and the winner will<br />
receive around $70,000 worth of<br />
prizes.<br />
The FMGYoung Farmer of the Year<br />
Contest Series would not be possible<br />
without support from its family of<br />
sponsors: FMG, Ravensdown,<br />
WorkSafe, MPI, Environmental<br />
Protection Authority, Honda, STIHL,<br />
Massey University, Lincoln<br />
University, NewHolland, PTS<br />
Logistics andBushbuck.<br />
Richard Williams, left, with Farmlands <strong>Ashburton</strong> business manager Kane Chambers, following<br />
his CanAm win during the opening weekend of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> store.<br />
Farmlands prize winner<br />
Farmlands celebrated the openingofits new<br />
store in <strong>Ashburton</strong>last month with prize<br />
drawsand instorespecials. Amongthoseto<br />
take awayaprize was Richard Williams,who<br />
won abrandnew CanAmvehicle.<br />
The flagship <strong>Ashburton</strong>store,onWest<br />
Street, is being touted as the crown in the<br />
jewel of Farmlands entire 82store retail<br />
network, due to its new look andits offer of<br />
unique customer experiences.<br />
Farmlands cooperativechief executive<br />
officerTanya Houghton said the opening<br />
weekend’s eventswereintended showcase<br />
the new approach Farmlands was taking.<br />
“We think ournew <strong>Ashburton</strong>store is an<br />
awesome space, one that fits with our future<br />
visionfor Farmlands. We’ve already gotten<br />
positive feedbackfromour farmers and<br />
growers and lifestyleproperty ownerswho’ve<br />
visited the store.”<br />
“Our new store in <strong>Ashburton</strong>isthe first in<br />
our network built to reflect the future vision<br />
for the Farmlands’ storenetwork. It provides<br />
easyaccess to farming fundamentals such as<br />
nutrition, grain and seed, dairy and<br />
horticulture products and agreat layout for<br />
other rangessuch as clothing and shoes. We<br />
also have brandnewconcepts such as apetwash<br />
and the ‘FeedBarn’, whichexpands the<br />
range of nutrition products available to<br />
customers.”<br />
The nextstore to undergo atransformation<br />
will be inRangiora.<br />
“It’s all aboutdelivering great customer<br />
service –making sure that Farmlands is a<br />
natural place for customersto meet, hangout<br />
and get advice.”<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>store, managedbyKane<br />
Chambers, was packed with visitors during a<br />
threeday opening event. ‘‘Itissomething that<br />
we’re really proud of,‘‘ Mr Chambers said.<br />
‘‘Someofthe new instore ideas show what<br />
we can do as cooperative –with alot more<br />
space and somecool new concepts like our<br />
feedbarn.<br />
‘‘I’m personally really proudthat my local<br />
community getstoexperience these things<br />
beforeany other part of NewZealand.”<br />
Floodprotection<br />
worksmeeting<br />
Learn moreabout flood worksplannedin<br />
your area:<br />
•Dry Creek<br />
Monday, 23 <strong>January</strong>at2pm<br />
Mt HuttMemorial Hall Methven, 160 Main St<br />
• MtHarding Creek<br />
Monday, 23 <strong>January</strong>at 4pm<br />
Mt HuttMemorial Hall Methven, 160 Main St<br />
• <strong>Ashburton</strong> HindsDrainage<br />
Tuesday,31<strong>January</strong>at10am<br />
Eiffelton Hall, 979Longbeach Road<br />
• Upper andLower Hinds<br />
Tuesday,31<strong>January</strong>at6pm<br />
Hinds Community Centre,20 Rogers Street<br />
Ratepayers in the DryCreek,MtHarding,<strong>Ashburton</strong>Hinds,<br />
and Upper and Lower Hinds River and Drainage Rating<br />
Districts areinvitedtotheseupcoming meetings to have<br />
their sayonflood protection and land drainage for their<br />
properties as we work towards improving our resilience to<br />
flood events.<br />
Formoreinformation<br /> us on<br />
0800 324636<br />
E23/7621<br /><br />
03 3076388 •490 WESTSTREET<br />
NEWS<br />
30 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Young athletes haul in the medals<br />
Thirty six budding junior<br />
athletes from <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Athletics Club took part in the<br />
annual South Island Colgate<br />
Games in Timaru.<br />
They collected gold and<br />
bronze medals in the three day<br />
games hosted by Aoraki<br />
Athletes South Canterbury<br />
from<strong>January</strong>13to15.<br />
Track runner Parker Roddick<br />
collected <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s first<br />
medalonday onewith abronze<br />
medalinthe boys 100m dash<br />
grade 10. He ran his<br />
preliminary race in atime of<br />
14.09seconds.Then took the<br />
semifinal in atimeof14.56 and<br />
the final in 14.33.<br />
Gold wasstruck on day two in<br />
the field discuseventwithMadi<br />
Edmond throwing 28.60m in the<br />
girls grade 12 section. Brooke<br />
Edmond continued her form<br />
fromthe North Island Colgates<br />
andcollected another bronze in<br />
discuswith athrow of 20.87m in<br />
the girls grade 10, 43 athletes in<br />
that section.<br />
On the final day Malaika<br />
Dunleaclaimed bronze in the<br />
grade13girls shotput 8.20min<br />
afield of 21 competitors.<br />
The team, madeup ofplenty<br />
of first timers,saw many<br />
athletes ranked in top 10<br />
placings including Olivia<br />
Easton(girlslong jump),<br />
Brooke Edmond (girls 200m<br />
dash), Parker Roddick (boys<br />
200m final), Brooke Edmond<br />
(girls grade 10 shot put), Kalym<br />
Chalmers (grade 14 boys 1500m,<br />
and boys 800m grade 14 final),<br />
Ellie Eketone (girls grade 11<br />
discus), Ashlee Estreich (girls<br />
grade13200mfinal), Olivia<br />
Copland (girls grade 10,1500m,<br />
and grade 10 girls 800m),Kate<br />
McDonald (girls800mgrade 12<br />
final) Tyler Sibley(boys grade<br />
10 high jump) andBlake Dippie<br />
(boysgrade 11 long jump).<br />
Right: Malaika Dunlea, Brooke<br />
Edmond, Parker Roddick and<br />
Madi Edmond with their<br />
medals. Below; competing<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Athletics Club<br />
members. Bottom; Parker<br />
Roddick aged 10 competes in<br />
the boys grade 10, 100m final .<br />
Plastic welding<br />
We repair all types of plastic products<br />
andequipment.<br />
•Water tanks •Calf feeders •FuelTanks<br />
•Car bumpers •Cab roofs<br />
ARTHUR<br />
CATES<br />
TEL 308 5397<br /><br />
2547429<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
31<br />
Fire brigade’s 50th flares memories<br />
TONI.WILLIAMS<br /><br />
Bruce Leonard has been<br />
volunteeringwithLauriston<br />
Fire Brigade since he was a<br />
teenager.<br />
The61yearold is the son of<br />
the late John Leonard, who<br />
instigated theestablishment of<br />
the Lauristonbrigadeby<br />
organising acommunity<br />
meeting in December <strong>19</strong>72.<br />
John is oneofeight members<br />
awarded Life Membership at<br />
the station.<br />
At thetimeJohn,and now<br />
Bruce, operated the<br />
mechanicaland engineering<br />
workshop in Lauriston. It’sa<br />
longstanding community<br />
business establishedinthe<br />
1880s;the Leonardshave been<br />
involvedsince the <strong>19</strong>50s<br />
operating under JR Leonard<br />
Ltd.<br />
John had astaff house that<br />
burnt downinthe late<strong>19</strong>60s.<br />
‘‘Itwas acounty call outthat<br />
took two and ahalf hours before<br />
(fire crews) arrived,’’ Bruce<br />
said,who was agedaround nine<br />
at the time.<br />
After more fires in the<br />
districtand more loss of<br />
property, John instigatedthe<br />
community meeting at the<br />
Lauriston Hall in late<strong>19</strong>72 to<br />
garner interest in having local <br />
and closer fire responders.<br />
Theclosestfire responders<br />
Bruce Leonardin front of the Gwynne trailer pump which was<br />
Lauriston Fire Brigade’s firstunit. The pump wasahandmedown<br />
fromMethvenand used between <strong>19</strong>46 and<strong>19</strong>73.<br />
were from <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Methven<br />
and Rakaia.<br />
It was aresounding success,<br />
scoresofcommunitymembers<br />
turned out in support.<br />
At that meeting aunit was<br />
formed and after that aletter<br />
was putintothe council<br />
requesting gear, which they<br />
received early in <strong>19</strong>73. It was<br />
secondhand, but appreciated.<br />
‘‘Prior to that it had just been<br />
localswith shovels, buckets and<br />
sacks going outand putting out<br />
these fires,’’ Bruce said.<br />
‘‘A Gwynne trailer pumpwas<br />
received from Methven ... that<br />
was our first unit.’’<br />
Thepump was used in<br />
Methven between <strong>19</strong>46 and<br />
<strong>19</strong>73.<br />
‘‘It was basicallyaWorld War<br />
The late John Leonard.<br />
II fire unit, and came with a<br />
trailer and removable pump.It<br />
had aslightly temperamental<br />
fourcylinderengine on it<br />
drivingapump.<br />
‘‘It certainly delivered plenty<br />
of water.<br />
‘‘It was stationed here in the<br />
village in an open shed. The<br />
first person to arrive either<br />
after beingcalled or a<br />
neighbourmight have called<br />
them theywouldcome,hook<br />
on their vehicle and it wouldbe<br />
towed to the fire.’’<br />
In those days we turned up in<br />
our workclothes, putthe fire<br />
out andwent backtowork, he<br />
said.<br />
It’s abit different for today’s<br />
fire crews.<br />
‘‘Thesedays it’s abit<br />
different, there’s afew more<br />
protocolsrequired, abit more<br />
red tape and everybody’s got<br />
uniforms andgeartowear.’’<br />
Thefire stationisalso a<br />
purpose built spacewith<br />
training roomsonLauriston<br />
Barrhill Road, on the edge of<br />
the village.<br />
TheGwynnepumpwas later<br />
addedtowith aSeriesOne<br />
Land Roverit hadbeen<br />
originallyacquiredbythe<br />
residents of Rakaia but, as<br />
surplustotheir needs when the<br />
national fire servicetook over,<br />
wasgifted to the Lauriston<br />
brigade on the basis it wouldbe<br />
returned to the Rakaia district<br />
once Lauriston had finished<br />
with it.<br />
‘‘The council provided us<br />
with asingle cab, three man<br />
brandnewIsuzu<br />
approximately 12 to 18 months<br />
before thisnew stationwas<br />
built and, with the<br />
establishment of thenew<br />
station on this main<br />
thoroughfare,wethen had a<br />
place to put the new unit.’’<br />
It was beingstored in anearby<br />
farmer’s hayshed. ‘‘It was too big<br />
forour small shed, and that saw<br />
ahuge increase in numbers of<br />
members. We went from astable<br />
force of three or four that were<br />
doing the majority of calloutsto<br />
afull complement of 20.’’<br />
Continued Page32<br />
FREE TertiaryEducation<br />
Opportunities at the YMCA<br />
<strong>2023</strong> brings another year of the<br />
YMCA (the Y),continuing to Invest in<br />
the Next Generation.<br />
TheYoffers alternative FREE tertiary<br />
education options to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
school leavers and young people for<br />
whom mainstream education isn’t<br />
working. In<strong>2023</strong>, our Y•Education<br />
Tutor team look forward to<br />
continuing to deliver alternative<br />
Level 1 and 2 education options<br />
within our Y•Education classrooms<br />
based at our Y•Education &Training<br />
Centre in Tancred Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Our classrooms are complimented<br />
by aseparate youth coaching space,<br />
providing a safe space to support<br />
and meet with young people not<br />
in education, employment and/or<br />
training in <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Y•Education, offers rangatahi aged<br />
16-24 years the opportunity to<br />
complete foundation level 1and/or<br />
level 2education qualifications and<br />
NCEA level certificates. Enrolments of<br />
15-year-olds can also be considered<br />
subjecttoanearlyleavingexemption.<br />
The Y’s FREE tertiary education<br />
courses aim to raise self-esteem,<br />
confidence, and motivation to<br />
develop life skills in each student<br />
so they can realise their potential.<br />
All courses aim to engage students<br />
with education in apositive learning<br />
environment that issupportive, fun,<br />
and relevant to their needs. The<br />
courses support the development<br />
of numeracy and literacy skills that<br />
are required for further training, the<br />
workplace, and everyday life.<br />
“The Yare well-known for our wraparound<br />
support for rangatahi”, says<br />
Diane Schenkel, Senior Manager<br />
Education &Employment Pathways.<br />
“We use a strengths-based<br />
approach to guiding the growth<br />
and development ofpeople during<br />
astudent’s time enrolled with us, so<br />
we are excited to continue to offer<br />
opportunities to complete NCEA<br />
Levels 1 and 2 to young people<br />
no longer in education and/or<br />
employmentherein<strong>Ashburton</strong>.”<br />
Small classroom sizes, personal and<br />
individualised tutor guidance and<br />
support means that students are<br />
provided with an opportunity to<br />
thrive, and achieve an education<br />
qualification(s), before commencing<br />
employment. TheY’s courses placea<br />
strong focus on “workreadiness”and<br />
providing young people with the<br />
skills necessarytosecuresustainable<br />
employment.<br />
<strong>2023</strong>, so whether you are a<br />
young person, parent, caregiver,<br />
communityagencyorstakeholder,<br />
come along to our OPEN DAY on<br />
Wednesday the 25th of <strong>January</strong><br />
between 10 a.m. and 2p.m. and<br />
discover all the awesome stuff we<br />
offer!<br />
For further information, please<br />
contact Diane Schenkel, Senior<br />
Manager Education &Employment<br />
Pathways on 021 299 5312 or<br /><br />
NEWS<br />
32 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Half acentury of growth, development<br />
From Page 31<br />
In the past two years the<br />
Lauriston Fire Brigade has<br />
gone from asingle cab, to a<br />
double cab six crew unit which<br />
is carrying 3000 litres of water,<br />
as opposed to 1500 to 1800 litres<br />
of water.<br />
In those early days of the<br />
brigade, call outs were “pretty<br />
much all fire and pretty much<br />
all vegetation, with the odd<br />
structure” fire.<br />
Longstanding firefighter<br />
Bruce Leonard said the brigade<br />
could fight the fire from the<br />
outside, but had to wait for<br />
assistance from Methven and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
“They had the BA breathing<br />
apparatus sothey could enter<br />
the buildings.”<br />
“The last four/five, years we<br />
have been medical coresponse.<br />
We have seen ahuge jump in<br />
the attendance at vehicle<br />
accidents, health related issues<br />
and other medical events and<br />
quite adrop off in actual fires.<br />
The brigade is also the midpoint<br />
between <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
Methven St John.<br />
“We are first response with<br />
the defib and we’re there really<br />
to provide manpower for the<br />
ambos, who in alot of cases do<br />
Firefighter Bruce Leonard with the shovels, buckets and sacks<br />
used in the early days by Lauriston fire community.<br />
beat us to the medicals,<br />
because they are obviously first<br />
call being amedical.”.<br />
Bruce attended his first main<br />
fire call out to ahouse fire at<br />
aged 13, back in <strong>19</strong>73.<br />
It was on the edge of the<br />
Lauriston township on aFriday<br />
afternoon about 4pm.<br />
“We were frantically rolling<br />
up hoses which had been laid<br />
out on the fences of the cricket<br />
pitch to dry, because they were<br />
canvas hoses, and we only had<br />
two left on the unit and needed<br />
every hose.<br />
“So we were rolling those up,<br />
biffing them into the back of a<br />
vehicle and being driven up to<br />
the house fire.”<br />
As ayoungster Bruce did<br />
anything from laying out the<br />
hoses to being on the nozzle<br />
spraying water if they were<br />
short of people,<br />
“Quite often it would just be<br />
(dad) John and myself that<br />
would go out to fires from the<br />
workshop (which was the first<br />
point of call).<br />
“My mother would then<br />
phone the ‘members’ that were<br />
in the particular sector of the<br />
district where the fire was so<br />
they would be the closest ones.<br />
Farmers with their tankers,<br />
just farmers on their own, to<br />
assist.<br />
“In some cases it could just<br />
be John would take the unit, or<br />
if we could get the doors shut<br />
fast enough John and Iwould<br />
go. It was just the two of us<br />
there so the workshop had to be<br />
closed for us to go.”<br />
John passed away five years<br />
ago and was the first Life<br />
Member of the Lauriston Fire<br />
Brigade.<br />
In the brigade, members were<br />
only officially registered as<br />
members once they attended an<br />
annual general meeting.<br />
Bruce was officially<br />
registered at aged 17, in <strong>19</strong>77.<br />
“That’s the case with quite a<br />
number of our members my age<br />
or abit younger, they’ve come<br />
along with their parents, gone<br />
to the practices, gone out on<br />
fire calls as teenagers or young<br />
adults but not actually gone to<br />
an AGM and become amember<br />
until some years later.”<br />
“Now of course it’s all<br />
changed.<br />
‘‘You become amember,<br />
before you even get anywhere<br />
near afire ground you have<br />
initial training, you have initial<br />
paperwork to do and the<br />
process is alot more<br />
regulated.”<br />
Bruce received his 46 year<br />
long service award last month<br />
at the Lauriston Fire Brigades<br />
50th celebration.<br />
The event included a<br />
community event, and an<br />
evening dinner for past and<br />
current Lauriston fire crew and<br />
invited guests with long service<br />
awards presented.<br />
Service awards:<br />
Bruce Leonard 46 yrs, Charlie<br />
Tomlin 44 years, Barrie Begg 28<br />
years, Bernard Daley 15 years,<br />
Simon Wilson 9years, Sam<br />
Letham 6years, Tom McKendry<br />
6years, Rhys Wade 6years and<br />
Marthie Wright 3years.<br />
Bernard Daley long service and<br />
good conduct,<br />
Des Symes long service and<br />
good conduct.<br />
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<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
33<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7 8<br />
9<br />
10 11<br />
12<br />
13 14 15 16<br />
17<br />
18 <strong>19</strong> 20<br />
21<br />
22 23<br />
20/1<br />
Across<br />
1. Falselydevisethe material consumed(9)<br />
5. Flax preparedtotakeone on behind (3)<br />
7. Wordssworn in ahot and bothered way(4)<br />
8. Oneisrefusing to handle shoe polish(8)<br />
10. Threateningone man to turn<br />
Conservative(8)<br />
11. It is onlyjust by that of one’steeth (4)<br />
13. Anew convertwithoutany badhabits(6)<br />
15. Is not there, so is minded to be forgetful<br />
(6)<br />
18. Put the tie in the shoe and the brandyin<br />
the coffee (4)<br />
<strong>19</strong>. Go on withthe unit,once it’sbeen<br />
adapted (8)<br />
22. Norwegian spratshowing angeratbeing<br />
disheartened(8)<br />
23. Such ornamental woodworkmay irritate<br />
one (4)<br />
24. It is not aprofessionalsong(3)<br />
25. Is luckytofind true fan to turnto(9)<br />
Down<br />
1. Servanttosomebody in the infantry?(7)<br />
2. SomeFrenchbread is passed in relay (5)<br />
3. Attraction of everyone sure of going<br />
topless (6)<br />
4. Get to losing theright perperson (4)<br />
5. Cardstaken by theFrenchinasuccession<br />
of drops (7)<br />
6. Having no alcoholonthiscart (5)<br />
9. Aheapofaircraft waiting to land (5)<br />
12. Beat aroundaboutand subside(5)<br />
14. Empty-headed state of Virginia city<br />
aroundthe university (7)<br />
16. Whereplays are put on andoperations<br />
carried out (7)<br />
17. Boxercomesout of it forafreeshot(6)<br />
18. Thetag abell is madefrom(5)<br />
20. Romanversion of an opera by Bellini(5)<br />
21. Cyclefrequentlyuses this characteron<br />
stave (4)<br />
SUDOKU<br />
Fill the grid so that everycolumn, everyrow and 3x3<br />
box contains the digits 1to9.<br />
24 25<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6<br />
7<br />
8 9<br />
10 11 12<br />
13 14 15<br />
16 17 18<br />
<strong>19</strong> 20 21<br />
22<br />
23 24<br />
Across<br />
1. Periodsofreduced<br />
prices(5)<br />
4. Awning or overhead<br />
cover (6)<br />
7. In favour(3)<br />
8. Setalight (6)<br />
9. Sillyperson(inf) (6)<br />
10. Spray (8)<br />
12. Devastation(4)<br />
13. Camera stand (6)<br />
15. Without lumps(6)<br />
16. Operator (4)<br />
17. University term (8)<br />
<strong>19</strong>. Cheerful(6)<br />
20. Bookofthe Bible (6)<br />
22. Remainsofafire (3)<br />
23. Collection of tunes(6)<br />
24. Express gratitude(5)<br />
Down<br />
1. Course leading to<br />
disaster (8,5)<br />
2. Boy(3)<br />
3. Tiny spot (5)<br />
4. Own up (7)<br />
5. Infamous(9)<br />
6. Bothersomeperson<br />
(colloq)(4,2,3,4)<br />
11. Unbiased(9)<br />
14. Exhibit (7)<br />
18. Power(5)<br />
21. Ocean(3)<br />
Across: 1. Sales, 4. Canopy, 7. Pro, 8. Kindle, 9. Nitwit,10. Sprinkle,<br />
12.Ruin,13. Tripod, 15.Smooth, 16.User,17. Semester, <strong>19</strong>.Jovial, 20.<br />
Gospel, 22.Ash,23. Medley,24. Thank.<br />
Down: 1. Slippery slope,2.Lad, 3. Speck,4.Confess, 5. Notorious,6.<br />
Pain in theneck, 11.Impartial, 14. Display,18. Might, 21. Sea.<br />
Across: 1. Fabricate 5. Tow7.Oath8.Blacking 10. Minatory 11. Skin<br />
13. Novice 15.Absent18. Lace<strong>19</strong>. Continue22. Brisling 23. Fret 24. Lay<br />
25. Fortunate.<br />
Down: 1. Footman2.Baton 3. Allure4.Each 5. Trickle6.Wagon9.Stack<br />
12. Abate 14. Vacuity 16.Theatre 17. Corner 18. Label20. Norma 21.<br />
Clef.<br />
TARGET<br />
acini aril cairn carpi cilia clip<br />
ilia iliac laic lain lair liar linac<br />
lira nail pail pain pair panic pica<br />
plain plica PRINCIPAL rail rain<br />
rani rial ricin<br />
EASY<br />
TARGET<br />
P N L<br />
A I R<br />
C P I<br />
Good 14<br />
Very Good <strong>19</strong><br />
Excellent 23+<br />
How many words of four letters or more can you<br />
make? There is at least one nine-letter word.<br />
Each letter may be used only once and all<br />
words must contain the centre letter.<br />
No words starting with acapital, no plurals<br />
ending in sunless the word is also averb, e.g.<br />
he fires the gun.<br />
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worth.”<br />
TraceyFrost<br />
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“I’d love tohelp with that. Let’s organise a<br />
time to meet soIcan prepare afree no<br />
obligation market appraisal onyourhome.”<br />
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NEWS<br />
34 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Tinwald CyclingClub<br />
It was womenpowertothe<br />
fore in Tinwald Cycling Club’s,<br />
Wylie Family, 45km handicap<br />
race around theChristies Road<br />
block on Sunday, withfourof<br />
the top sevenplacesbeing<br />
claimed by theladies.<br />
Tesh McIntosh proved the<br />
strongest in the charge to the<br />
finishline to claim ahard<br />
fought victory and lift the Alan<br />
Wylie Memorial Cup.<br />
Nigel Chatterton was hot on<br />
her heels to take the second<br />
place spoils,continuing his run<br />
of good form.<br />
Charlotte Cox wasinthe thick<br />
of thefinishtoclaim the final<br />
podiumposition.<br />
Natalie Breading will be<br />
happy with her afternoons<br />
work,producing agreat rideto<br />
securefourth place.<br />
Mark Smitheram, Paul<br />
Williams, and Katherine Gorrie<br />
were asolid part of the winning<br />
break away, that rounded out<br />
the top seven.<br />
Christchurch visitorsAdam<br />
Chapman and Michael Audeau<br />
could not be separated on the<br />
line and sharedthe fastesttime<br />
honours, riding thecourse in<br />
61.08. Kyle Gray secured third<br />
time.<br />
The juniors and division 2<br />
contested an 18km handicap<br />
event.<br />
Charlotte Neal producedan<br />
awesome ride to hold out the<br />
chasing back markers and<br />
claim the major spoils.<br />
Olivia Ewing stormed into<br />
secondplaceand also picked<br />
upfastest time honours,<br />
covering thedistance in 31.04.<br />
JackGorrie had atop ride<br />
securing thirdplace.<br />
LouieAudeauand Ryan<br />
Gallagher roundedout the top<br />
five.<br />
Nigel Leary got thebetter of<br />
his comarkers to take division<br />
2honours fromBrian Ellis and<br />
AllanJohns.<br />
Next weekthe club travels to<br />
the lowlandsofMethven to<br />
contest a45kmhandicap event.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> BowlingClub<br />
Our first <strong>2023</strong> Saturday<br />
rollovertriplesonthe 14th<br />
<strong>January</strong> saw asmall group<br />
assembled.The winners wereT<br />
Blain, AGibbs, TWatson, WLee<br />
with 3wins and 12 ends. So a<br />
very happy NewYear everyone<br />
and good bowling to youall!<br />
Our <strong>2023</strong> campaign began<br />
with the Inhouse Murray Grey<br />
triplesat5.30pmonthe 9th<br />
<strong>January</strong> and was played on a<br />
lovely evening. The placing<br />
were as follows: 1st TBlain, W<br />
Lee,MWatson –2wins, 10 ends<br />
2ndKWalker, RKeeling–2<br />
wins, 9ends,3rd GTaylor, P<br />
Quinn,AGibbs –1win, 10 ends.<br />
Our first homeFriday triples<br />
of <strong>2023</strong>, sponsors Toyota &<br />
Skip2it, wasplayed on the 13th<br />
<strong>January</strong>. Theplacings are: 1st<br />
MQuinn,GDowie, WWatson –<br />
3wins, 17 ends, 29 points, 2ndA<br />
Miller, MGrice,BEwing –3<br />
wins, 14 ends, 29 points,3rd G<br />
Bishop, JFord, BMolloy –2<br />
wins, 16 ends, 27 points<br />
4thLKearns,JBell, DBell –<br />
2wins, 15 ends, 27 points, 5thG<br />
Taylor,CLeech, RKeeling–2<br />
wins, 15 ends, 26 points,6th M<br />
Hill, PCollins, TPearce–2<br />
wins, 15 ends, 21 points.<br />
Before the Christmas break,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Club bowlers<br />
featured well in theFriday<br />
TriplesatAllenton on the 16th<br />
December. Thosesuccessful<br />
were: 1st DKinvig, D<br />
Gretchen Ross, of <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Athletics Club, in action during<br />
the 100m mixed medley at the<br />
South Island Colgate Games in<br />
Timaru. Story page 30.<br />
Prendergast, PQuinn with 3<br />
wins,3rd RMcGarry, LSpargo,<br />
HGoodallwith2.5 wins, 4th M<br />
Hill, PCollins, TPearce with<br />
2.5 wins. Welldoneall!<br />
Allenton Bowling Club<br />
The last Friday triplefor 2022<br />
was held with 22 team<br />
competing, therain, that wasa<br />
concern in the morning<br />
disappeared, turningthe<br />
afternoon into being extremely<br />
hot andmuggy,challenging for<br />
everyone. The Christmas spirit<br />
remained with everyone<br />
coming in for arefreshingdrink<br />
accompanied by chipsand dip.<br />
Our thanksgoto our sponsor”<br />
Skip to It” for your support. The<br />
drawing of the Christmas raffle<br />
keptevery one hopeful,<br />
howeveronly seven lucky<br />
people went home with the<br />
spoils. 1st Bish, 2nd Graeme<br />
Dowie, 3rd Lois Alexander 4th<br />
Dan,5th Fungi, 6th Pete<br />
Whinham, 7th Trish Clarke.<br />
Thank you to all who<br />
supported the raffle.<br />
TheLadies Christmas<br />
luncheontook place last<br />
Tuesday, twentytwogirls on<br />
the bus withBernie, off to The<br />
TinShedfor alook,Country<br />
Café for acoffee, alook around<br />
the Geraldine Shopsthenout to<br />
the Café atOrari for our very<br />
nice lunchand agame of mini<br />
golf. Avery enjoyableday.<br />
Thegreen remains busy most<br />
evenings with championship<br />
gamesdrawing to finals time,<br />
we nowhaveappointedtwo<br />
club coaches,mainly to help the<br />
under five players, however<br />
everyone can gethelp if they<br />
wishtomake contact. Our<br />
sevens girls playedthe strong<br />
Elmwood team in therain, and<br />
werebeaten in the singles and<br />
pairs, so thefours called their<br />
game off with theconditions<br />
being so dismaland no win<br />
achievable. Good effort ladies.<br />
Mid CanterburyCentral<br />
Friendship Club<br />
December 2022 meeting:<br />
president Merv welcomed 50<br />
members and two visitors to the<br />
meeting and received 11<br />
apologies.<br />
Ourmini speaker wasJohn<br />
Humm who was born in<br />
Kaikoura and went to primary<br />
school up there before going to<br />
Waitaki Boys HighSchoolin<br />
<strong>19</strong>60 for twoyears.<br />
He thenworked on his<br />
parents dairy farm before<br />
moving to Rangiora thenonto<br />
Highbank. One of his jobs was<br />
bag sowing on aSunshine<br />
header which was quiteaskill.<br />
He joinedhis parentswhen<br />
theyboughtafarmatMt<br />
Somers andin<strong>19</strong>65hemarried<br />
Clare andthey lived in an old<br />
house on the farm.Asaside<br />
linehebecameagame buyer<br />
for AlliedPackers and bought<br />
deerfrom the localhunters.He<br />
waspaid 2c/lb and had to<br />
transportthe carcasesto<br />
Christchurch. The biggest<br />
carcass weighed 420lb.A<br />
profitable sideline.<br />
In <strong>19</strong>77 the farm was split<br />
between hisbrotherand him<br />
when their parentsretired He<br />
made many of thefarm<br />
implements. Years laterhesold<br />
the farm andbought aboat<br />
charterbusiness in the<br />
Marlborough Sounds at<br />
Havelock. Theboat was<br />
licensed for40passengers and<br />
he had lots of fishingcharters<br />
as well as private trips<br />
including overnighttrips.<br />
His wifeClare also had ajob<br />
as the Harbour Masterat<br />
Havelock for 25 years.<br />
Eventually they sold the<br />
business but kept the boat, and<br />
Clare resigned from her job as<br />
well.<br />
They now live in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
andare closerto family<br />
members.<br />
After adjourning for morning<br />
tea and coffee (whichincluded<br />
Christmas cake )wewere<br />
entertained by Manny Sim and<br />
his guitar. He sang avariety of<br />
old popularsongs that many of<br />
us hummed to including a<br />
selection of Christmas tunes.<br />
Manny was thanked by<br />
presidentMerv. He thenalso<br />
thanked the members for<br />
attending and wishedusall<br />
wellfor the festive season.<br />
ContinuedPage 35<br />
Rangiora A&P Showgrounds<br />
Saturday 28th &Sunday 29th <strong>January</strong><br />
F<br />
or some reason the Selwyn district<br />
and the <strong>Ashburton</strong> seem to be areal<br />
“hot bed” for classic cars and hot<br />
rods. Large numbers of enthusiasts from<br />
these areas come to Rangiora’s Muscle<br />
Car Madness each year.<br />
This year will be the 33rd year of<br />
this ‘mammoth ‘event. Wehave cars<br />
coming from all over the country as far as<br />
Northland and Waiheke island. Another<br />
large group is coming from Wairoa in the<br />
Hawkes Bay.<br />
Pete Schimanski returns this year<br />
with another car from his collection,<br />
an extremely wild, street legal early<br />
Holden Monaro. Matt Elliot is bringing<br />
his Chevrolet c10 pickup, itsits on the<br />
ground and is one of the top trucks in the<br />
country.<br />
Phil Dunstan will have his remarkable<br />
classic caravan on display, certainly one<br />
of the most detailed and creative art<br />
works to ever be seen.. all the way at<br />
the other end of the spectrum ia Morris<br />
1100 powered byasupercharged 383<br />
Chevrolet engine.<br />
The burnouts will also be aspectacle,<br />
not to be missed. The finals were<br />
cancelled due to weather last year so<br />
there isalot of unfinished business!<br />
Ricky Ireland is bringing down his ex<br />
Summernats winning late model Holden<br />
ute which has around 2,000 horsepower.<br />
For the Ford fans Arnie donaldson<br />
returns with his chopped falcon ute, plus<br />
all your favourite regulars. Oh and there is<br />
acertain morris 1100!!<br />
Melbourne ‘rockabilly’ band the Flyin’<br />
Saucers return for the first time since<br />
2020 and everyone loves Belinda on the<br />
double bass. Irecently heard agreat<br />
band at the ‘Beach hop’ called the Sons,<br />
who play awide variety of infectious rock<br />
‘n roll and are joined by Brothers grimm,<br />
Late Starters, Yeah the Boys, Nexus and<br />
several high school bands which will give<br />
us agreat variety of music.<br />
The pageant is another great<br />
spectacle that ‘kicks off ‘at12noon<br />
on Saturday, with all ages catered for.<br />
Registrations are onsite onSaturday<br />
morning with old style hairdressers<br />
available on site.. Ifyou need anew<br />
dress for the event there are several<br />
sites on site,and the man in your life can<br />
purchase heaps of man cave stuff and the<br />
youngsters have rides in the kidz zone.<br />
Event tshirts are available but always sell<br />
out fast. Saturday seems to be the big<br />
one these days. Check the weather first.<br />
Cold ice cream or cold beer. Its all here.<br />
It is afull day, don’t arrive mid afternoon<br />
on Sunday. you need the whole day. Info<br />
027545-7877<br />
Muscle Car Madness public show days<br />
this Saturday and Sunday. Includes<br />
car displays, food &retail stalls, kids<br />
entertainment, live bands, Rockabilly<br />
Beauty Pageant, Burnout Competition.<br />
Day entries available if you have a<br />
showable classic car.<br />
Admission is $20 adult, under 16’s FREE.<br />
Discounted 2day pass (public hours<br />
9am–4pm only) for just $30.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
35<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pakeke Lions Club<br />
December 2022 meeting:<br />
president JimYoung welcomed<br />
members, partners andnew<br />
members to the December<br />
meeting and Lion PeterO’Neill<br />
readthe apologies and<br />
welcomedthe socialladies.<br />
LionMalcolm McCormick<br />
reported on themoving of the<br />
Club’s Containertoanew<br />
location atthe racecourseand<br />
alsothatavenue is stilltobe<br />
found to accommodate the<br />
Charity Market.LionRobert<br />
Spencer reported on the<br />
success of theChristmas Raffle<br />
andthankedall membersfor<br />
their help. President Jim<br />
thanked Robertfor awonderful<br />
job he had done in organising<br />
this year’s raffle.LionJim<br />
Martinspokeonthe great<br />
importance of obtainingnew<br />
members andamembership<br />
drive is under way.Flyersare<br />
to go out to all organisations.<br />
He alsospokeonthe<br />
importance of the Charity<br />
Market, New Projects etc. Lion<br />
Milner Jacob thanked those<br />
members who had recently<br />
collectedfor Dementia.<br />
LionJeanette Tarbotton<br />
introduced agroupoflocal<br />
ladies called“TheDecibelles”<br />
whowere theentertainment for<br />
the evening, They sanga<br />
bracket of Christmas Songs and<br />
their singing and harmonising<br />
was justbeautiful. Theywere<br />
accompanied on thepianobyJo<br />
Castelow. Members thoroughly<br />
enjoyed thisgreat local<br />
entertainment and they were<br />
thanked by Diane Young who<br />
wished the group allthe best<br />
for theirfuture.Members then<br />
hadthe taskofanswering<br />
questionstoaChristmasQuiz<br />
organised by Lion Dave<br />
Bennett. Now weknowwhat<br />
gender Santa’s Reindeer are<br />
(female) and 40 million turkeys<br />
areeaten at Christmas around<br />
theworld.<br />
Raffleswere drawn and<br />
Tailtwister Robert Spencer<br />
entertained andextracted fines<br />
frommembers. LionJim<br />
thanked membersfor their<br />
attendanceand wished<br />
members avery happy<br />
Christmas andBest Wishes for<br />
ajoyful holidayseason. The<br />
meeting closed with thesinging<br />
of the NationalAnthem.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> MSA Petanque<br />
Club<br />
CongratulationstoAdelys<br />
andLaniTaraunu, and Stephen<br />
Fitzgerald who have been<br />
chosen for the NZ Team,and<br />
will play againstAustralia in<br />
March <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Unfortunatelythree other<br />
members missed outonthis<br />
occasion but what afine<br />
achievement to have six of our<br />
64 membersinthe running.<br />
Theyear finished with<br />
severalgames andanafternoon<br />
tea.<br />
TheUnDeux TroisTrophy<br />
waswon by Bruno Falco, 2nd<br />
was Richard Browne and<br />
Suzanne Watson 3rd.<br />
We have had abusyand<br />
successfulyearwith severalof<br />
our members achieving good<br />
results throughout the country.<br />
Afew of us venturedout of<br />
our comfort zones andtravelled<br />
to Dunedin, Oamaruand<br />
Christchurch to participate in<br />
various tournaments having<br />
somesuccessand fun in doing<br />
so.<br />
In <strong>2023</strong> we are startplay<br />
again on 10 <strong>January</strong>andgames<br />
will be playedoff at 1.15pm<br />
eachTuesday, Thursday and<br />
Saturday. Please be thereby<br />
1pm for the usual preparation.<br />
We lookforwardto<br />
welcoming new members to our<br />
club,you are welcometojoinus<br />
on any of the clubdays above,<br />
try something new for the New<br />
Year. Thank youtoall of the<br />
committee and members who<br />
makeour club suchafriendly<br />
place to be.<br />
CreativeFibre<br />
Alargeand noisy crowdwas<br />
welcomed by the cochairperson,and<br />
eachother,<br />
afterbeing ‘apart'over the<br />
holidayperiod.<br />
Somemembershad new<br />
babies arrive and another<br />
member'ssoninlawisto<br />
attend an Investiture withKing<br />
Charles III at the end of<br />
<strong>January</strong> in the UK.Hewas<br />
awarded aCompanion of the<br />
BathbyQueen ElizabethII<br />
before she passed.<br />
The Christmasdinner in<br />
Decemberwas enjoyed by<br />
members as alovely ‘catchup'<br />
time before the holidays.<br />
Thelibraryhas some new<br />
booksaddedcourtesy of an<br />
older member andanew<br />
magazine.<br />
After the housekeepinghad<br />
been attended, the reporter<br />
announcedshe would be<br />
retiringatthe end of the year.<br />
An invitation has been<br />
received fromPositiveAgeing<br />
to have astandattheir‘day' to<br />
which themembers agreed.<br />
It wasannounced thatRotary<br />
areorganisingregular Car Boot<br />
Salesatthe West Street car<br />
park on Sundays.Areminder to<br />
supportour Sales Tablewith<br />
goodsand sales was given.<br />
A‘new'member madeherself<br />
known to us and wasgivena<br />
warm welcome.She hasjust<br />
moved to <strong>Ashburton</strong>from<br />
Masterton andwas averyactive<br />
member there.<br />
Show and Tell: Acollectionof<br />
10 teddy bears (in picnic<br />
formation) is to be donated to<br />
RanuiHouse, several<br />
children'sknitted garments<br />
some being donated to<br />
Grandparentsbringing up<br />
Grandchildrenand othersfor<br />
family two knitted then felted<br />
bags and apair of feltedmitts, a<br />
McBethtartan woven rugand<br />
10 woven scarvesusing ablack<br />
yarn warp.<br />
Amember also displayedher<br />
newelectricspinningwheel<br />
with someskeinsshe had made.<br />
Memberswere impressed<br />
with thesize of the skeins.<br />
Afew members produced<br />
their loomsafter lunch and<br />
proceededtoweave and share<br />
ideas.<br />
Softball<br />
Friday 13th <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>:<br />
Devon TavernHampstead<br />
SlowPitch, Laser Attack 2216<br />
The Misfits,Marines&Angels<br />
251 Once WereWinners, S&<br />
Giggles 262Retyred and<br />
HakatereHitters 294 Once<br />
Were Hawkies.<br />
Allenton Bowling Club<br />
On Saturday14th<strong>January</strong>the<br />
RonWhite Memorial Cup was<br />
played at the Allenton Club,<br />
results were as follows:First:<br />
JohnForde, KelvynO’Connor,<br />
JaniceBell3wins16ends 33<br />
points, Second: Bernie<br />
Osborne, Colleen McFarlane<br />
JohnCudworth 2wins1draw12<br />
ends28pointsandThird: Doug<br />
Thorne, Lindsay Kearns,Jan<br />
Suttie 2wins16ends 32 points.<br />
Congratulations to the<br />
Allenton Team of GClarke,L<br />
Fickling, TFickling,GSparks<br />
whowon the Doug Hood<br />
MemorialFours contested at<br />
MethvenClubonSunday 15th.<br />
Upcoming Events: Thursday<br />
<strong>19</strong>th ClubDay, Saturday 21st<br />
ClubDay, Tuesday24th Ladies<br />
Club Daymorning, Allenton<br />
eveningpairs5.30 pm,Friday<br />
27th Allenton FridayTriples.<br />
Goodbowling everyone<br />
Looking to increase<br />
milk production?<br />
Grow with us.<br />
What you get out of yourdairyproduction depends on what you put into it. Fortunately, with<br />
Cates, you won’t be putting in all the hard work alone. Our team of Agronomists are here toensure<br />
you get the best results possible from your pasture, and that you can reap the full benefits of the<br />
latest advancements in research and development. So, speak to us and let’s grow together.<br />
OPEN HOME l 10.00am -10.30am<br />
OPEN HOME l 10.45am -11.15am<br />
OPEN HOME l 10.00am -10.30am<br />
OPEN HOME l 10.30am -11.00am<br />
5ElizabethAvenue,<br />
Rakaia<br />
•Three bedrooms,low maintenance<br />
•Double glazing and heatpump<br />
•411sqm section on freehold title<br />
•Single garage with internal access<br />
Enquiries over<br />
$500,000<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 228 7843<br />
7Elizabeth Avenue,<br />
Rakaia<br />
•Three bedroom, twobathroom 160sqm<br />
brick home<br />
•Spacious open plan living,kitchen and<br />
dining areas with aconservatory’<br />
•1012sqm section with agenerous,<br />
privatebackyard<br />
•West side location, close to shops etc.<br />
Roberta Counsell<br />
027 228 7843<br />
2/7 Havelock Street<br />
Havelock<br />
• Twodouble bedroomswith built-in<br />
wardrobes<br />
• Kitchen/dining is open plan<br />
• Heatedbyfloor heatpump<br />
• Alarge conservatory<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$399,000<br />
Debbie Boon<br />
027 448 4006<br />
17 Davidson Street,<br />
Allenton<br />
•Threegood sized bedrooms<br />
•Lovely new kitchen with softclose<br />
drawers and plenty of cupboardspace<br />
•Updatedbathroom, with aseparate<br />
toilet<br />
•Retrodouble glazed aluminium<br />
windows<br />
Enquiries Over<br />
$468,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
OPEN HOME l 10.45am -11.15am<br />
OPEN HOME l 11.30am -12.00pm<br />
133 Middle Road,<br />
Allenton<br />
•3bedrooms<br />
•Master with en suiteand WIR<br />
•Spacious kitchen with pantry<br />
•Sunnyliving opening to the outdoors<br />
$625,000<br />
Debbie Boon<br />
027 448 4006<br />
100 Walker Street,<br />
Allenton<br />
• Central location<br />
• Fourbedrooms<br />
• Familybathroom,plus an en suite<br />
• Log burner withtransferkit<br />
EnquiriesOver<br />
$690,000<br />
Debbie Boon<br />
027 448 4006<br />
280 Tancred Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
•Open plan living and dining<br />
•Three bedrooms,the master with an<br />
en suiteand huge walk-in robe<br />
•Polished concreteflooring,quality<br />
carpeting<br />
•Double garage with internal access<br />
which opens to servicearea<br />
Enquiries over<br />
$879,000<br />
Debbie Boon<br />
027 448 4006<br />
7C Carters Road,<br />
Allenton<br />
•Great location<br />
•Main bathroom with vanityand tiled<br />
shower<br />
•Open plan kitchen<br />
•Three bedrooms<br />
$650,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
96A Thomson Street,<br />
Tinwald<br />
•Three bedrooms<br />
•Two bathrooms one being an en suite<br />
•Open plan kitchen, dining and living<br />
•Single garage internal access<br />
7E Carters Road<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
•Three bedrooms, master with en suite<br />
•Plenty of storage throughoutthe house<br />
•Open plankitchen and dining<br />
•Double garage with internal access<br />
7A Carters Road,<br />
Allenton<br />
•Three bedrooms<br />
•Open planliving,dining and kitchen<br />
•Lawns,paths,fencing and driveways<br />
will be completed<br />
•Double internal garage<br />
208 Seafield Road,<br />
Elgin<br />
•Minutes from town<br />
•Beautifully landscaped gardens with<br />
orchard<br />
•Four large bedrooms,master with<br />
en suite<br />
•10,000m² land area<br />
Enquiries over<br />
$599,0000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
$650,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
$650,000<br />
Mark Williams<br />
027 442 2281<br />
Enquiries over<br />
$1,150,000<br />
Craig Philip<br />
027 952 8722<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
<strong>19</strong> MICHAEL STREEET 4 1 2<br />
Wonderful home has plenty room for the<br />
family. Touch of Spanish appeal, with<br />
rumpus room bonus, sleep out privately<br />
in the garden, plus large double garage.<br />
Beautiful gardens to relax in at end of day &<br />
plenty of room for all to run around in.<br />
Must view call us today. Offers Over $699,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 10.00 -10.30am<br /><br />
Agent Julie Srhoy 021 354 885 or<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
If diverse space is what your lifestyle<br />
requires, then this is the property for you! A<br />
solid brick home with 3large bdrms, afully<br />
powered sleepout &a2nd lounge with its<br />
own entrance. Log burner on wet back, plus a<br />
single garage, storage sheds, glass house &<br />
room for vegegardens. Offers Over $469,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 11.30 -12.00pm<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
59 OXFORD STREET 3 1 2<br />
This cute bungalow has plenty on offer with<br />
some good new updates done, lick of paint<br />
here and there will make abig difference.<br />
Good rental return for investors or first<br />
home buyer starter to own ahome. Owner<br />
happy to sell ‘as is, where is’. Don’t miss this<br />
opportunity. Offers Over $3<strong>19</strong>,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 10.00 -10.30am<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
8WINDSOR STREET 2 1 -<br />
Character home is close to shops, schools<br />
& town. Buy the whole property on the<br />
proposed subdivision pending titles approx<br />
end of Jan, & build a home on the back<br />
section, OR simply buy the front home on<br />
the new title. *sub to final survey. Offers Over<br />
$329,000 or Offers Overs $99,000 for section.<br />
View<br />
Saturday 11.00 -11.30am<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
96 ROLLESTON STREET 3 1 2<br />
This wonderful townhouse offers the ultimate<br />
easy living. 3bdrms with dble wardrobes, &<br />
bthrm between. Outdoor patio with lovely<br />
garden to relax &enjoy summer barbecues<br />
&fruit berries/trees to enjoy in the warmer<br />
months. Convenience of local amenities<br />
right on your doorstep. Offers Over $529,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday 12.30 -1.00pm<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
3DAVIS CRESCENT 6 2 1<br />
•Six Bedrooms •Sunny North Facing Lounges<br />
•Separate Kitchen, Laundry &Toilets •Large<br />
Double Garage •Rented at $590p/w •1002m2<br />
Section with potential to subdivide (subject<br />
to survey). This is an oustanding opportunity<br />
to secure this unqiue property &benefit from<br />
it’s rental return. BEO $500K -$550K BIR PBN<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Julie Srhoy 021 354 885<br />
38 OXFORD STREET 3 1 1<br />
3Double bdrms -Double street entrance -<br />
Double brick -Soooo many things to love,<br />
new bthrm, toilet & laundry. Int access<br />
garage with auto door. Fully fenced, tidy<br />
corner section, close to schools, parks &city<br />
centre. Will be empty at the end of <strong>January</strong> &<br />
is PRICED tosell. Offers over $399,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
<strong>19</strong>46 ARNOLD VALLEY ROAD<br />
These exceptionally private sections offer the<br />
ultimate lifestyle with the Moana township<br />
just astroll away. Situated approx 50 mins<br />
from Hokitika, Lake Brunner is amagnet for<br />
tourists &Christchurch residents. Everything<br />
is right at your doorstep. 2freehold titles left.<br />
Asking Price $259,000 +GST (if any)<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
1425 LAKE BRUNNER RD 3 1 -<br />
This could be the place you call home or it<br />
could be your holiday home, plenty of room<br />
for all the toys. So close to the gorgeous<br />
Iveagh Bay &Lake Brunner. Put your stamp<br />
of style on this 3bedroomhome. Alittle bit of<br />
love would really bring this hot spot property<br />
to life. Offers Over $499,000<br />
View<br />
By Appointment<br /><br />
Agent<br />
Manu Otene 022 308 6885<br />
31 JANUARY <strong>2023</strong><br />
TO BE IN TO WIN!<br />
Phone us today on<br />
0800 554 274<br />
to find out more!<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
021 354 885<br />
Manu Otene<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
022 308 6885<br />
Matt Body<br />
Sales &Listings<br />
021 0274 5596<br />
LJ Hooker <strong>Ashburton</strong>: When you know, you know | Phone 0800 554 274 | Visit<br />
Robertson Real Estate Limited MREINZ - Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 *Sources: <strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council, Property Guru, Vendor Report, Property Management Company
28 Farmstead Lane, Lake Hood 10:00-10:30am Section AHB30459<br />
96 Middle Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:00-11:00am 3 1 2 AHB30452<br />
16 Bathurst Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 10:30-1100am 3 1 3 AHB30389<br />
45 South Belt, Methven 10:30-11:00am 3 1 2 MVN30048<br />
17 Suffolk Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:00-11:30am 2 1 2 AHB30448<br />
7Elmwood Grove,Tinwald 11:15-11:45am 4 2 2 AHB30109<br />
6Mason Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:15-11:45am 3 2 2 AHB30249<br />
10 Cameron Street, Methven 11:30-12:00pm 3 1 1 MVN30043<br />
186 Harrison Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 11:45-12:15pm 3 1 2 AHB30439<br />
31a Colcord Place, Methven 12:30-1:15pm 2 1 1 MVN30050<br />
38 Geoff Geering Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:30-1:00pm 3 2 2 AHB30367<br />
Open Home<br />
42 Geoff Geering Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:30-100pm 4 2 3 AHB30375<br />
<strong>19</strong>b Aitken Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 12:45-1:15pm 2 1 1 AHB30435<br />
186 Harrison Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3 1 2<br />
Open Home<br />
16 Bathurst Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Finally asuperbly presented, solid, permanent<br />
material home in one of <strong>Ashburton</strong>s’favourite locations-<br />
Allenton. Equipped with ahuge three car garage, the<br />
vehicle enthusiast or hobbyspace loverwill want to buy<br />
this one onthe spot!<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Auction<br />
To be auctioned 16 February<br />
<strong>2023</strong>, at TBC<br />
(Unless Sold Prior)<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:30am -11:00am<br />
3 1 3<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
*Hidden haven onHarrison<br />
*Three double bedrooms with storage<br />
*Modernised family bathroom with separate toilet<br />
*Open plan kitchen, dining<br />
*Opening to alarge west facing lounge<br />
*Compliant log fire<br />
*Internal access double garage<br />
*Fully fenced lovely mature grounds<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
Offers over$535,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday11:45 -12:15pm<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Open Home<br />
7Elmwood Grove, Tinwald<br />
*4double bedrooms<br />
*High spec kitchen with huge breakfast bar<br />
*Separate lounge<br />
*Open plan kitchen/dining/living<br />
*Fully fenced and very private<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
$829,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday11:15am -11:45am<br />
4 2 2<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
Open Home<br />
28 Farmstead Lane, LakeHood<br />
Lake Hood lifestyle at its finest. Even the address<br />
sounds posh! Secure this stunning platform to begin<br />
building your newhome in <strong>2023</strong>. There are limited titled<br />
sites available in this area that are ready foryour forever<br />
home to be built now. Fully fenced 5078m2 site.<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
ForSale<br />
Price onapplication<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:00am -10:30am<br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 236 8627<br />
27b Cox Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2 1 1<br />
Open Home<br />
96 Middle Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
3 1 2<br />
PRICE REDUCTION -$399,000<br />
*Ideal central<strong>Ashburton</strong> CBD location<br />
*Solid <strong>19</strong>70s concrete block cladding<br />
*Aluminium windowjoinery<br />
*Two bedrooms with built in robes<br />
ForSale<br />
$399,000<br />
View<br />
by appointment<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
This well loved treasure has been tastefully renovated<br />
with aneutral decor and isreadytowelcome new<br />
owners. Thewarm and inviting home is accommodating<br />
in every wayincluding indoor/outdoor flowtoaprivate<br />
wooden deck with built in seating.<br />
ForSale<br />
Offers over$565,000<br />
View<br />
Saturday10:00am -11:00am<br />
Denise Russell<br />
027 432 9717<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA2008)<br /><br />
Real Estate Mid Canterbury Property Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 236 8627<br />
Denise Russell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 432 9717<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Manjit Singh<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
020 4079 3871<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 220 1528<br />
Tracey Frost<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 279 <strong>19</strong>72<br />
Carey VonLubke<br />
PropertyManager<br />
027 697 6948<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6216<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 242 7677<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 751 009<br />
Trevor Goldsmith<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 225 5669<br />
Janene McDowell<br />
Property Manager<br />
027 287 3388<br />
96 TancredStreet,<strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032
RAKAIA<br />
7Princes Street<br />
Acharming character home situated on a1012sqm<br />
section close to all amenities. Four spacious<br />
bedrooms, large living and sunny aspect private<br />
section.<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $529,000<br />
VIEW 11.00-11.30am, Saturday 21 <strong>January</strong><br />
Stephen Watson |M027 433 9695<br />
17 Andrew Street<br />
Three bedroom, 130sqm character home with original<br />
features situatedona1012sqm section. Open plan<br />
kitchen/dining,alarge lounge,two toilets, asunroom.<br />
Close to all amenities and schools.<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $490,000<br />
VIEW 10.00-10.30am,Saturday 21 <strong>January</strong><br />
Deb Roberts |M021 0752 180<br />
3/257 Cameron Street<br />
This very tidy and private standalone two bedroom<br />
townhouse oozing with charm. Open plan living, two<br />
spacious bedrooms, separate laundry, large single<br />
garage, plenty of storage and covered patio.<br />
VIEW 11.00-11.30am,Saturday 21 <strong>January</strong><br />
Deb Roberts |M021 0752 180<br />
31 Mackie Street<br />
First home, investment or downsizing... this property<br />
suits them all. This modernbrick home sits on afully<br />
fenced easy care section.<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $520,000 All offers considered<br />
after 2pm, 24 <strong>January</strong> (unless sold prior)<br />
VIEW 12.30-1.00pm,Saturday 21 <strong>January</strong><br />
Deb Roberts |M021 0752 180<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
RAKAIA<br />
81 Archibald Street<br />
Weatherboard home is set on a1012sqm section.<br />
Perfect for those who are lookingfor arenovation<br />
project, investors and developers.<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $369,000<br />
VIEW 10.00-10.30am, Saturday 21 <strong>January</strong><br />
Stephen Watson |M027 433 9695<br />
Sue Prendergast |M027 322 8422<br />
B/17 Elizabeth Avenue<br />
Averytidytwo bedroom Oamarustone unit built<br />
approximately <strong>19</strong>95 with half share of aquarter acre<br />
section which is fully fenced and secure, so there's<br />
plenty of room out the back!<br />
VIEW 1.30-2.00pm, Saturday 21 <strong>January</strong><br />
Deb Roberts |M021 0752 180<br />
31 Westward Way<br />
"Kakariki View" is the ultimate choice for alifestyle<br />
section in Methven.Situated next to the golf and near<br />
bike trails. Vendors are genuine sellers. Make your<br />
offer today!<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $420,000<br />
VIEW By Appointment Only<br />
Stephen Watson |M027 433 9695<br />
Lot 2, Lot 363Glassworks Road<br />
Fantastic opportunity here to build your dream home<br />
just minutes from all <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Two lifestyle sections<br />
to choose from, both 4970 sqm with titles &resource<br />
consents in place for septic &wastewatersystems.<br />
ENQUIRIES OVER $3<strong>19</strong>,000<br />
VIEW By Appointment Only<br />
Stephen Watson |M027 433 9695<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
EIFFELTON 165 Dawsons Road<br />
Low Cost Dairy Unit Less Than 15km From Town<br />
• 151ha dairy unit milking 520-560 cows, 40 bail<br />
rotary shed with in-shedfeedingand new ACRs<br />
this season<br />
• Sitting on Longbeach and Waterton soils, the<br />
farm is irrigated from abore with longterm<br />
consent for 90L/sec via rotorainers<br />
• 4-bay calf shed, 3-bay calf shed and a2-bay high<br />
stud shed plus workshop<br />
• 950m of lanewaysbeing recapped this season,<br />
and the shed was overhauledin2020<br />
• Accommodation includes two homes and a<br />
single persons unit<br />
PlusGST (if any)<br />
(UnlessSold Prior)<br />
Closes3.00pm,Thursday 9February<br />
Tim Gallagher<br />
M 027 801 2888<br />
ASHBURTON 185 Stevens Road<br />
Arable, Lamb Finishing &Dairy Support -294ha<br />
• Very well presented spray irrigated property in<br />
five titles<br />
• Irrigated from acombination of MHV and long<br />
term surface consents with 132,000m3 pond<br />
• Two homes, numerous implement/storage<br />
sheds and a2-stand woolshed and sheep yards<br />
• A-grade FEP Audit with max winter grazing area<br />
of 117.3ha with ALU completed<br />
• Outstanding production history<br />
• This property has numerous purchase options<br />
available being 56ha, 90ha, 150ha or any<br />
combination up to 294ha<br />
$12.7M<br />
Plus GST (if any)<br />
Tim Gallagher<br />
M 027 801 2888<br />
Dan van der Salm<br />
M 021 918 233<br /><br /><br />
PGG Wrightson Real Estate Limited, licensed under RE<br />
<strong>19</strong>1Burnett Street &<br />
447West Street<br />
Phone: 03 3086173<br /><br /><br />
Linda Fogarty<br />
Business Development<br />
Manager<br />
M027 294 4818<br />
Robin Ford<br />
Rural &Lifestyle<br />
M027 433 6883<br />
Mark Hanrahan<br />
Rural &Lifestyle<br />
M027 432 4028<br />
Dan vander Salm<br />
Rural &Lifestyle<br />
M021 918 233<br />
TimGallagher<br />
Rural &Lifestyle<br />
M027 801 2888<br />
Sue Prendergast<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
& Property Management<br />
M027 322 8422<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M027 433 9695<br />
Sam Gregory<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M021283 8791<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
lifestyle & Residential<br />
M021 075 2180<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M027 543 5799<br />
Helping growthe country<br />
Tomoko Wright<br />
Lifestyle &Residential<br />
M021 124 6412<br />
Deb Jolly<br />
Office Administrator<br />
B03308 6173<br />
PGG Wrightson Real EstateLimited,licensedunder the REAA2008<br />
Helping growthe country
Methven 29 Lochhead Crescent<br />
736sqm 3 1 1 1 2<br />
Deadline Sale (unlesssoldprior) 2pm, Tue24Jan <strong>2023</strong><br />
View Sat 12-12.30pmorbyappointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />
Emma Phillips 027483 3110<br />
Lock in Lochhead<br />
Our vendor's intentions are clear, this stunning property on Lochhead Crescent isnow on the market, vacant,and<br />
ready fornew owners. The 160sqm (more or less)floorplan revealsthree spaciousbedrooms, complimented by an<br />
office or additional single bedroom, afamily-sized bathroom, andaseparatetoilet. Themaster bedroom is apeaceful<br />
retreat,withits owndoors that open outontoasunnydeckwith agarden outlook that is sheltered andsecluded.This<br />
roomis accompanied by awalk-in wardrobeand convenient separate access to the familybathroom. The attached<br />
double garage integrates thelaundryfacilities.Along withlarge storage cupboards, perfect forstashingrecreational<br />
gear so youare seasonallypreparedfor theamazing pursuits this tourismtownhas on offer.Thishome is move-in<br />
ready,withstylish newflooring in the kitchen and bathroom, and freshcarpetthroughout.<br /><br />
Methven 7Cameron Street<br />
1,012sqm 3 1 2 1<br />
PricebyNegotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />
Emma Phillips 027483 3110<br />
New year, new home<br />
Achange in direction forour vendors presents thiswellmaintained,permanentmaterialhometothe market. Peace<br />
and serenityprevail on this fully fenced1,012sqm(moreorless) section, with beautifully establishedgardens, two<br />
outdoor entertaining areas, single car garage, workshop and carport.This three bedroom, twobathroomhome is<br />
spaciouslyarrayed over 153sqm (moreorless) with highstudded ceilings, exhibiting apresenceofspace. Keptcosy<br />
with twoheatpumps or an attractive log burner to set theambience throughout theski season.Ideal for family<br />
buyers, activedownsizers or agreat asset to haveinthe familywhere everyonecan cometogether forshared<br />
holidays in an amenity dense location, close to The MethvenGolf Club, The Garden of Harmony and withinwalking<br />
distancetothe centreoftown.<br /><br />
Methven 7Burbank Place<br />
658sqm 3 1 2 2<br />
PriceonApplication<br />
View by appointment<br />
Rosa Dekker 0274 655<br />
Brandnew, modern and convenient<br />
Set amidst Camrose Estate just ashortstrollfrom Methven town centre andOpuke ThermalPools, thisbrand-new<br />
homecurrentlyunder construction offers an exceptional lifestyle.Designed by DetailConsultancy with aview to<br />
efficient and easy living,indoor and outdoorlivingbask in anorth-facing aspect.<br />
With an impressivecontemporary streetfrontage, amodern mix of shadowcladding and cedar guidesvisitors to the<br />
front entrance. Inside,the entryfoyer flows throughtoopen plan living anddining, and ahigh-spec kitchen.Inthis<br />
natural hub forliving and entertaining, engineered stone benchtopsare complemented by quality appliances. Large<br />
doors connecting to aprivatecourtyardgarden/entertaining areacreateaneasy indoor-outdoor living. Threedouble<br />
bedrooms including amasterwith atiled ensuite bathroom.<br />
Artist's impression<br /><strong>19</strong>360<br />
Mayfield Lot 1/155 Lismore MayfieldRoad<br />
6.6ha<br />
Asking Price $460,000 +GST (ifany)<br />
View by appointment<br />
Fee Ensor 021 705014<br />
Emma Phillips 027483 3110<br />
Their loss is your gain<br />
Boundary lines are indicative only<br />
The time hascome for theseMayfield vendorstodownsize, theirloss is your gain.You will be blownaway by the<br />
beautiful mountain views that this6.60hectare(subject to final survey) bareland sectionhas tooffer.Located within<br />
1.5kms of Mayfieldtownship thesiteprovides convenience to thelocal garage, PanthersRockpub, cafe/dairy,farm<br />
supply shop andextremely popular second handshop,all whilemaintainingthe country outlookand feel.<br />
This lifestyle section gives the purchaserthe opportunity to build their dreamhome in aquiet location. Conveniently<br />
located just one and ahalf hours to theChristchurch airport,and 25 minutestoMethven, <strong>Ashburton</strong> and Geraldine.<br />
The titlefor this section is dueearly <strong>2023</strong>, so the buildingdreamisnot far away.For more information on this property<br />
call now or pleasevisit:<br /><br />
Mayfield 615 Shepherds BushRoad<br />
Grazing and support<br />
Located in the popular upper plains area of MidCanterbury, in twotitles, with irrigationwatersourced fromthe MHV<br />
pressurisedscheme, thisproperty is of very goodshape,withpivotirrigationcovering approximately73hectaresplusK-line<br />
in the corners. Currently used fordairy support withtotal RSU'sat<strong>19</strong>02 and 13 hectares of winterfeed, allowingheifers and<br />
winter cows. There is alarge set of cattleyards and afourbay shed, and aformed central lane accesses 12 evenly-sized<br />
paddocks.<br />
Acomfortable four-bedroomhomewith open plan living, setinan established and shelteredsetting,providesstafforfamily<br />
accommodation.Thisrepresents agreat opportunityasafarm start or add-on to alarger operation.The currentleaseis<br />
expiringand clear instructions from the Vendors aretosell.<br /><br />
80.9368ha<br />
Price by Negotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Mike Preston 027 430 7041<br /><br />
Simon Sharpin 027 6318087<br /><br />
Rangitata 1068Orari-Rangitata Highway<br />
2,792sqm 3 1 1 4<br />
Asking Price $540,000+GST (if any)<br />
View by appointment<br />
Mick Hydes 027<br />
Home and income<br />
Fantastic opportunity here to purchase ahome with the abilitytogenerateanincome.Located on SH1atRangitata,<br />
thecurrent owners are usingthe separate building as ashop, operatingasOasis Cafeand Takeaways.With high<br />
traffic volumes,arest stop directly opposite andalarge parking areaonthe property, it is ideally positioned for<br />
passing tradeinbothdirections.The home comprises threedouble bedrooms,bathroom,and alargeopen-plan<br />
kitchen/dining and livingwhich is heated by acompliant log fire.Inaddition,there is afour-cargarage plus workshop<br />
which is currently usedfor storage on the 2792sqm (more or less) freeholdsection. There arenumerous opportunities<br />
here to increase turnover by modifying theexisting business,alternatively chooseacompletelydifferentpath.<br />
Viewing by appointment only, phoneoremail Micktoarrangeasuitable time.<br />
Boundary lines are indicative only<br /><br />
Netherby 81 Bridge Street<br />
3 1 1 1<br />
For Sale offers invitedover $425,000<br />
View Sun 2.30-3pmorbyappointment<br />
Emily Smith 027222 4596<br />
BeginningonBridge<br />
This well-maintained three-bedroom homeisthe perfectstart wherethe hard work hasbeendone. Recentupdates<br />
include anew bathroom, newcarpet throughout,arecently installed Masportlogfire, andgas hot water. The kitchen<br />
andliving area capturethe morning sun, whilethe large master bedroom is the perfect sunny spottorelax in at the<br />
end of the day. Thelow-maintenance section is fullyfenced, includesasingle garage and carport, raised vegetable<br />
gardens and aglasshouse. Also includedisanaviary for thebirdfancier. Located closetothe Netherby shops,<br />
Netherby School and minutes from the centre of town, this propertyisready for itsnew owners. Contact me today for<br />
more information.<br /><strong>2023</strong>3<br />
Allenton B/51 ChurchillAvenue<br />
2 1 1 1<br />
For Sale offers invitedover $385,000<br />
View Sat 12-12.30pmorbyappointment<br />
Cayla Collins 027341 0949<br />
Ray Knight 027 434 0139<br />
Embrace this opportunity<br />
Situated in averydesirable pocket of Allenton,thissunny 90sqm two-bedroom property has beenrecently<br />
renovated withnew flooring andinsulation throughout. Theinterior andexterior have also been painted, freshening<br />
up thehome. The bathroom hasbeenmodernisedand includes astandaloneshower;aseparate laundry addstothe<br />
easeofthis home.This property includes agenerousliving area that extends outtoasunny patio, the perfect spot to<br />
relaxand soakupthe sun. Established, easy-care gardens make this the idealhome for retireesoractivecouples. A<br />
standalone single garagewith an automatic doorcompletes thislovely package.Conveniently bordering the Allenton<br />
Shopping centre,this property is not onetomiss.<br /><strong>19</strong>8<br />
Allenton 86 BeltRoad<br />
665sqm 2 1 2<br />
PricebyNegotiation<br />
View Sun 1.45-2.15pm or by appointment<br />
Emily Smith 027 2224596<br />
Opportunity not to be missed<br />
This is awonderful opportunity forthose looking to downsize, purchase afirsthomeormove closer to <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Township. Located on Belt Road,this two-bedroom, two-bathroomhome has been well-maintained and cared for<br />
overthe years. Open plan kitchenand dining capture allday sun, aperfect spot for your morningcoffee or to host<br />
friendsand family.The generouslivingareaprovides plenty of spaceand includes acosylog fire and heat pumpfor<br />
the coolermonths. Fullyrevamped,thishome has been lovingly styled by an interior designer as herforever home.<br />
Valuetothe sum of $100,000has been added keeping theclassicalstyle tastefully intact. Recent renovations in the<br />
kitchen andbathrooms includeclassic details such as Perrin &Rowe tapware,wooden interiorshutters, and LED<br />
lighting, alongwiththe added bonus of double glazing in the master bedroom.<br /><strong>19</strong>713<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> 721WinchmoreDromore Road<br />
<strong>19</strong>.8011ha 3 2 2 1 2<br />
PricebyNegotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Jon McAuliffe 027 432<br />
Emily Smith 027222 4596<br />
Lifestyle living closetotown<br />
Situated minutesfrom <strong>Ashburton</strong>,this <strong>19</strong>.8ha (moreorless) property is currentlyrun as asmall deerfarmand is fully<br />
deer fenced withsheepyards, an accredited deer shed andmultiple storage andimplement sheds.The propertyis<br />
part of the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Lyndhurst Irrigation Scheme and has 12 paddocksand an excellent laneway system to the<br />
yards.The home boasts three bedrooms andanoffice (or fourth bedroom),and themasterincludes an ensuite and<br />
walk-in robe. The openplankitchen, dining and livingarea is light and bright, with alovely rural outlook. Contactus<br />
now for more information aboutthis exciting opportunity to secureanenviable lifestyle in asought-after location.<br /><strong>19</strong>741<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
300East Street<br />
Price by Negotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Ray Knight<br />
027434 0139<br /><br />
Tenanted investment<br />
WelllocatedinCentral<strong>Ashburton</strong> sitsthis two-storey<br />
commercial building withalong-term tenantinplace.<br />
Leased at $53,021per annum plus GSTplus outgoings<br />
until October<strong>2023</strong>.<br />
The tenant runs an established business with a<br />
restaurant, bar, kitchenand toiletsdownstairs and<br />
additional seating for larger groups upstairs.<br />
The building is 270sqm on alandarea of 139sqmwitha<br />
45% seismic rating as perthe registeredengineer's<br />
assessment.<br /><strong>19</strong>979<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
132 BurnettStreet<br />
909sqm<br />
Price by Negotiation<br />
View by appointment<br />
Ray Knight<br />
027 434 0139<br /><br />
Central <strong>Ashburton</strong>office building<br />
Perfectly positioned in theheartof<strong>Ashburton</strong>'s CBD<br />
are theseattractive andmodern officepremises.<br />
Recently refurbished with an extension added in 2013,<br />
this building couldpresent the perfect opportunity to<br />
occupy or tenant and enjoy thereturns.<br />
With an NBS rating of 67%, the property is currently<br />
vacant andhas previously beenleased for$85,500<br />
plusGST plus outgoings.<br />
Included with the property aresix off-street carparks.<br /><br /><br />
Plan for herds depopulation<br />
Destocking of the last<br />
remaining propertieswith<br />
confirmed Mycoplasma bovisis<br />
expected to be completedby<br />
the end of this month.<br />
Six properties with the<br />
infectionall in the Wakanui<br />
area were due to be<br />
depopulated.<br />
BisosecurityNew Zealand<br />
Mboviseradication<br />
programme director Simon<br />
Andrewacknowledged and<br />
thanked the farming<br />
community for their continued<br />
effortand dedication to the<br />
Mboviseradication effort.<br />
‘‘Alongsidefarmers and our<br />
industry partners Beef +Lamb<br />
NZ and DairyNZ, the<br />
programme has continued to<br />
make significant progress over<br />
2022, he said.<br />
‘‘We are on track to clearall<br />
confirmed infectionwhichis<br />
isolated to asole pocket in the<br />
Wakanui area.<br />
‘‘By the end of <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>,<br />
depopulation is scheduled to<br />
be completedonall six<br />
currently known Active<br />
Confirmedproperties, and<br />
farms covered by the Wakanui<br />
Controlled Area Notice will<br />
have been destocked.<br />
Mr Andrew said clearingall<br />
confirmed cases of infection<br />
was an important milestone in<br />
the eradication effort.<br />
‘‘Onceinfection is removed<br />
from all active confirmed<br />
properties, the programme will<br />
move intoanew phaseof<br />
eradication during which the<br />
focus willbegathering<br />
evidence that Mbovis is absent<br />
from New Zealand.’’<br />
He said background<br />
surveillance throughBulk<br />
Tank Milk and NationalBeef<br />
and Dry stock Cattle<br />
Surveillance, would be key in<br />
this phase of the programme.<br />
‘‘It willinvolve collecting<br />
several years of surveillance<br />
data in the absenceoffinding<br />
Six properties with Mycoplasma bovis all in the Wakanui area will be depopulated.<br />
infection to provide<br />
confidence thatM.bovis is no<br />
longer present on New Zealand<br />
farms.<br />
‘‘To ensure the programme<br />
continues to adapt to the work<br />
that remainsaheadand make<br />
the most of the significant<br />
gainsmade to date, the<br />
programmepartners MPI,<br />
Beef +Lamb New Zealand and<br />
DairyNZ the Programme from<br />
MPI to aspecialist agency<br />
undersupport amove of a<br />
National Pest Management<br />
Plan (NPMP).<br />
‘‘Workingwith our industry<br />
partners, we are continuing to<br />
make progress towards<br />
developing aNPMP proposal<br />
that is specifically tailored for<br />
the workin<strong>2023</strong> and beyond.’’<br />
The numbers:<br />
There are currently six Active Confirmed Properties (as of December<br />
16). This compares to three this time last year, 10 in 2020 and 23 at<br />
the end of 20<strong>19</strong>. The total number of Notice of Directions to impacted<br />
properties continues to trend down.<br />
In 2022, there was 158, down from 385 last year and 587 in 2020.<br />
Mbovis The National Surveillance programmes continue to provide<br />
confidence that is not widespread in New Zealand and to have played<br />
asignificant role in finding pockets of infection outside of the known<br />
network.<br />
As at 1December 2022, the beef surveillance programme has tested<br />
280,775 animals in 2022 resulting in 31 detects and one confirmed<br />
infected property. As at 30 No vember 2022, BTM surveillance has<br />
seen 146,706 ELISA tests conducted in 2022.<br />
This resulted in 96 detects in 2022 and one confirmed infected<br />
property identified. In 2022 (14 <strong>January</strong> 1December), 94<br />
compensation claims were closed, totalling $16.7 million .This<br />
compares to last year around the same time when 316 compensation<br />
claims were closed, totalling $23.7 million.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
43<br />
New study<br />
to help<br />
workplace<br />
Anew DairyNZstudy is looking<br />
toexamine farm practicesand<br />
technology, to create more<br />
modern,productive andsafe<br />
dairy farm workplaces now and<br />
in thefuture.<br />
DairyNZ senior scientist<br />
Callum Eastwood says with one<br />
in three farmscontinuingtobe<br />
shortstaffed, many farm teams<br />
are looking for different<br />
strategies andtools to increase<br />
efficiency.<br />
“This Workforce Productivity<br />
study will provideanational<br />
dataset to allow New Zealand<br />
dairy farmerstobenchmark<br />
their farm andlook at how<br />
productiveit is, including<br />
identifying ways to improve<br />
efficiencyand save time,” Dr<br />
Eastwood said.<br />
DairyNZ, with delivery<br />
partnerQCONZ, will conduct<br />
the onfarm Workforce<br />
Productivity survey this<br />
summer.<br />
The survey will be under way<br />
in early <strong>2023</strong> with around 150<br />
dairy farmownersand<br />
managers nationwide.<br />
“The study will look at the<br />
timerequirements of dairy<br />
farm activities andpriorities to<br />
betterunderstand how systems,<br />
technology andmanagement<br />
influence how productive our<br />
farm teamsare,” Dr Eastwood<br />
said.<br />
‘‘Thesefarm activities<br />
include analysing time spent<br />
milking and herding cows,<br />
along with pasture assessment,<br />
calving andgeneral daytoday<br />
planning,during different<br />
periods of the year.”<br />
Farmers are stillable to get<br />
involved, with spaces available<br />
for thesurvey.<br />
Register interestbyemailing<br /><br />
nz or registeronline.<br />
Negotiable Over $495,000<br />
4<br />
1 1 2<br />
82 Oxford Street -Hampstead<br />
AHome With Potential Plus!<br />
New to the market is this lovely, spacious,<br />
character bungalow with huge potential! An<br />
opportunitytoenhance,redecorate and transform<br />
this house is right here at hand for the astute<br />
buyer.<br />
• 4 Large double bedrooms<br />
• Open plan kitchen/dining/lounge<br />
• Modern kitchen with dishwasher<br />
• Woodsman log burner installed 2017<br />
• Underfloor and ceiling insulation<br />
• 618m2 (approx) easy-care section<br />
Open Home: Sat 21 Jan <strong>2023</strong>, 1-1.30pm<br />
Price: $5<strong>19</strong>,000<br />
3<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
1 1 2<br />
116 Melcombe Street -Tinwald<br />
The Perfect Home<br />
This exciting, perfect home has been extensively<br />
refurbished to ahigh standard and is ready for its<br />
new owners.<br />
• 3 Bedrooms<br />
• New appliances<br />
• Heat pump<br />
• Hobby room with power<br />
• Large double garage with auto door opener<br />
• Re-wired, re-plumbed<br />
and re-roofed<br />
• 809m2 (approx) easy-care<br />
established section<br />
Your <strong>Ashburton</strong> Agent:<br />
Julz Evans -027 393 6472 Email:<br />
Just makes total sense -0800 663 737 - total<br />
SOLD<br />
*GST, admin &minimum fee apply Total Realty Ltd, MREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />
Advertising<br />
that works!<br />
Talk to Jann or<br />
Karentodayabout<br />
ways youcan reach<br />
potential customers<br />
or advertising with<br />
thatspecial difference<br />
-professional service<br />
with asmile.<br />
Phone:308 7664<br />
<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Letour<br />
HIGH<br />
readership<br />
stats ...<br /><br />
for you!<br />
Call our friendly<br />
sales team at<br />
<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett Street,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
(03)308 7664<br />
2441368<br />
23761<strong>19</strong><br />
We have aposition available in our Tinwald bakery.<br />
MondaytoFriday–early start.<br />
Experience with pastry and pie making an<br />
advantage but training can be given.<br />
If you’re interested in this position,<br />
please apply in person at the bakerywith your CV.<br />
‘Individual ExcellenceinaSupportive<br />
Learning Environment’<br />
Counselling Team Member<br />
This is apart-time position of up to<br />
16 hours per week (negotiable),<br />
to commenceassoon as practical.<br />
Anyapplicantwith Social Work,Counsellor or<br />
similar experiencewill be considered.<br />
Applications close noon,<br />
Monday30<strong>January</strong><strong>2023</strong><br />
2548433<br />
Information package enquiriesand applications<br />
pleasecontact<br />
Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary<br />
Email:<br />
44 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Secretary/Treasurer<br />
We seek to employ asecretary/treasurer for our<br />
vibrant golf club on a part-time Employment<br />
Agreementfor 20 hours per week.<br />
1. The key attributes we seek in a successful<br />
applicant, are:<br />
a. ateam player;<br />
b. acollaborativeworker by nature;<br />
c. apositiveand friendly outlook;<br />
d. excellentself and time-management skills.<br />
2. Experienceinthe following areas is essential:<br />
a. Basic accounting and computer systems<br />
including payroll, GST and Microsoft<br />
Office;<br />
b. Health and safetysystems; and<br />
c. Bar experience and manager’s licence<br />
preferable<br />
3. We offer aflexible work environment, including<br />
the abilitytoworkfromhome on some occasions,<br />
a stunning view out of your office, and a<br />
supportive Management Board and Club. Some<br />
weekend work is involved.<br />
4. Acopyofthe job descriptioncan be obtained by<br />
emailing<br />
5. Applications close at 5pm on 3February<strong>2023</strong> and<br />
can be emailed to<br />
2546685<br />
‘IndividualExcellenceinaSupportive<br />
Learning Environment’<br />
Learning SupportAssistant –<br />
Te WhareManaaki(x3)<br />
Therole of the Learning SupportAssistantisto<br />
supportstudents with high to very<br />
high learning and physical needs.<br />
Thesuccessfulapplicants would ideally have a<br />
passionfor,orexperiencein, working<br />
with high needs students as partofateam, a<br />
willingnesstopositively work in avarietyof<br />
settings,usingarange of learning support<br />
methods to remove barriers to learning,and<br />
celebrate the successes of these students.<br />
These arefixed-term, term-time only positions<br />
to commence30<strong>January</strong><strong>2023</strong>to31October <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
Hours: 10-15 hours per week<br />
(negotiable with the successful applicants).<br />
Employmentisunder the SupportStaff inSchool’s<br />
CollectiveAgreement, Grade B.<br />
Initial paymentstep<br />
commensurate with experience.<br />
Applications close noon, Tuesday24<strong>January</strong><strong>2023</strong><br />
Information package enquiries andapplications<br />
please contact<br />
Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary<br />
Phone (03) 308 4<strong>19</strong>3 ext809<br />
Email:<br />
Ref:TWM23<br />
Look out foryour<br />
copy everyweek!<br />
2376116Realty<br />
2544482<br />
Retail Salesperson Full Time<br />
• Join one of New Zealand’s biggest retail brands<br />
• Inalocally owned family business<br />
• Generous remuneration and staff discounts<br />
• Full time position commences mid February <strong>2023</strong><br />
Take the next step in your career by joining one of New Zealand’s most<br />
successful retail stores. BedsRus and La-Z-Boy are the largest independent<br />
bedroom motion furniture specialists in the country, and we are looking to<br />
grow our team with the appointmentofaRetailSalesperson at our <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
store.<br />
The role is full time 30 to 40 hours including weekends, undertaken on a<br />
shared roster. Itwill suit someone who has atarget driven attitude,thrives on<br />
providingahigh qualityofservice and maintains solid customerrelationships.<br />
Bring your excellentcommunication skills and apositive can-doattitude to this<br />
position.<br />
Candidates must be fit and able to undertake heavy lifting. Ability towork<br />
unsupervisedisessential. Weare looking forsomeone who is passionate,keen<br />
for achallenge and looking for growth. Company funded training, upskilling<br />
and developmentwill be provided.<br />
We are passionate about our commitment toensuring every Kiwi gets their<br />
perfect sleep and their best relaxation in our range of motion furniture –and<br />
the successful candidate will be key to this success.<br />
Applicants for this position will either have avalid NZ work permit or NZ<br />
residency.<br />
Pleaseapply with CV &cover letter to<br />
We will respond as soon as we’veprocessed your application. Please note, only<br />
successfulcandidateswill be notified.<br />
Don’tsleep on it ...apply today and let your dreams begin.<br />
Shssssssh’s<br />
2543650<br />
Ourclassified advertising Really works,<br />
and it WON’T cost youanarm and aleg.<br />
Usethe form in our paper or call into<br />
<strong>19</strong>9 Burnett St, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
24 wordsfor $8.50. That’sabargain!<br />
here’s how wecan help grow yours too!<br />
Deliver your mailers to your<br />
customers with us:<br />
.<br />
We can deliver your mailer targeted locally to the customers most<br />
likely to buy from you or offer you mass reach via our South Island<br />
network.<br />
Your mailer can be delivered as an insert in our paper or separately<br />
in the letterbox.<br />
Contact us today for<br />
aplan to suit your<br />
business.<br />
SUPERVISORS wanted across the South Island<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
DELIVERERS wanted across the South Island<br />
To be adeliverer you will need:<br />
‘IndividualExcellenceinaSupportive<br />
Learning Environment’<br />
Learning SupportAssistant(Mainstream)<br />
To supportstudents with their learning needs.<br />
This is afixed-term, term-time only position<br />
forthe <strong>2023</strong> school year.<br />
Hours: Approximately 26.5 hours per week,tobe<br />
confirmed with successful applicant.<br />
Employmentisunder the SupportStaff inSchool’s<br />
CollectiveAgreement, Grade B.<br />
Initial paymentstepcommensurate<br />
with experience.<br />
Applications close noon, Tuesday24<strong>January</strong><strong>2023</strong><br />
Application is by wayofletter and<br />
curriculum vitae to:<br />
Jodee Ross,Principal’s Secretary<br />
Phone (03) 308 4<strong>19</strong>3 ext809<br />
Email:<br />
REF:LSAMAIN23 2546230<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> A&P Association is looking for aneager individual to take on<br />
the role of administrator toprovide support and keep everything running<br />
smoothly for the Association year round. Inthis role, you will be required to<br />
oversee administrativeactivities in relation to our showand grounds,workwith<br />
others around the community, collect, organise and retrieve information and<br />
documents, make arrangements and keep minutes for meetings, manage our<br />
social media, finances,information systems and bookkeeping software.<br />
The following requirements arekey to be successful in this role:<br />
1. Financial literacyand understanding of bookkeeping software<br />
2. Understanding of managementinformation systems<br />
3. Familiarity with office technology and equipment, including computers,<br />
scanners,printers,phone systems,etc<br />
4. Exceptional verbal and written communication skills.<br />
5. Organised approach to multitasking.<br />
6. Professional appearance, courteous manner,and clear,friendly phone voice.<br />
7. Communitydriven.<br />
8. Abilitytomanagesocial media and adapt to changing technology.<br />
9. Adaptable,proactive, supportive, and detail-oriented.<br />
This role is aflexible parttime role (20-30 hours aweek). Some weeks mayrequire<br />
more work, some less, inparticular leading up to the show. Hours can be set<br />
by you, howeveryou will be required to attend Boardmeetings and committee<br />
meetings acouple of evenings amonth and be onsite leading up to the show.<br />
Location flexible with abilitytoworkfromhome or showgrounds.<br />
If you are interested, please enquire and send through acopy ofyour CV to<br />
Emma by 4.00pm on Monday13th February.<br />
2549314<br />
HardwareDepartment<br />
Salesperson<br />
Full time<br />
Mitre 10MEGA <strong>Ashburton</strong> has avacancy for a<br />
salesperson in their Hardwaredepartment. This<br />
is afull time position 40 hours per week with a<br />
Tuesday–Saturdayroster.<br />
The suitable applicant will need the following<br />
attributes:<br />
• Excellentcustomer serviceskills<br />
• AninterestinDIY<br />
• Physically fit as lifting is involved<br />
• Good computer skills<br />
• Attention to detail<br />
• Beable to work in ateam environment<br />
If you think you have the necessary skills,<br />
please send your c.v. and covering letter to<br />
HR.<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Applications close on Friday 27th <strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong>.<br />
ALPS<br />
2548647<br />
2548431<br />
BAREFOOT Trimmer, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
based, reasonable<br />
price and reliable. For further<br />
discussion contact<br />
Chris Rogers on 021 1<strong>19</strong><br />
1815 or on Facebook,<br />
under Chris Rogers Barefoot<br />
Trimming.<br />
BUILD work to do? Contact<br />
Kiwi Building and Maintenance<br />
Ltd. Alterations,<br />
Renovations, New builds<br />
and repairs. Qualified<br />
Tradesmen. Phone Cawte<br />
027 418 7955.<br />
CARR’S Chimney Cleaning,<br />
servicing <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
surrounding districts, $70<br />
per chimney. Phone<br />
Rodney on 03 324 2999<br />
and leave amessage.<br />
- For all repairs, sales,<br />
training, setup of wireless -<br />
networks, spyware<br />
cleanup. On-site day or<br />
evening. Low fees. Call<br />
Robin Johnstone, Networks<br />
Firewalls and PC’s Ltd. 03<br />
308 1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />
COMPUTER Help - need<br />
personalised help with<br />
computer programs,<br />
backups? Trouble with your<br />
PC/Mac, iPhone/iPad,<br />
Internet, printer or internet/<br />
electronic stuff. Call Frank<br />
021 120 9292.<br />
ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />
farm equipment<br />
service and maintenance,<br />
WOF repairs, machining<br />
and welding. Odd jobs a<br />
speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />
Can Collect. Phone<br />
Malcolm 0274 754 241.<br />
FIRE Extinguisher sales and<br />
servicing. On farm/<br />
contractors - trucks/tractors/balers/combines/cars/<br />
boats/caravans etc. Phone<br />
Mack at Doors and More on<br />
027 396 0361.<br />
FURNITURE Removals. For<br />
all your household removal<br />
needs - urban, rural, lifestyle,<br />
office relocations, call<br />
Nudges Furniture<br />
Removals, phone 027 224<br />
0609.<br />
HEATPUMP and Ventilation<br />
Systems: Service, clean,<br />
repair and install. Please<br />
call Silvery Bauman, Ph<br />
021 544 760<br />
Builder, specialising in<br />
Decking, Carports, Cladding<br />
restoration and Timber<br />
window repairs. General<br />
home-handyman work.<br />
Phone Lindsay 027 230<br />
0205.<br /><br />
2546217<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />
45<br />
Forall other medical assistanceoutside of normal<br />
hours please phone your general practiceteam,<br />
24/7, to speak with ahealth professional who<br />
will giveyou free health adviceonwhattodoor<br />
wheretogoifyou need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregular general practice,<br />
call any GPteam 24/7 forfree<br />
telephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders to bring some form of ID.<br />
Wises Pharmacy, CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on ...<br />
Saturday from 9am until 1pm<br />
Sunday from 10am until 1pm<br />
Closed all public holidays<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open:<br />
MondaytoFriday, 9am until 5.30pm<br />
and Saturday 9.30am -1.30pm<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the Healthline on 0800 611 116<br />
Brought<br />
toyouby<br />
CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755<br />
A NEW LOOK<br />
that lasts!<br />
Existing kitchens, doors,<br />
furniture &appliances<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
03 307 8870 2542581<br />
NUSPACE Painters - Town<br />
and Country. Exterior and<br />
Interior. Free quote. Work<br />
guaranteed. Phone Kerry<br />
on 027 303 2<strong>19</strong>6 or email<br />
nuspacepainter@outlook.<br />
com<br />
LOCKSMITH/DOOR repairs.<br />
Keys/locks, sliding and<br />
bifold door roller repairs.<br />
Mobile service. Call Nigel at<br />
Doors and More and 027<br />
516 7104.<br />
2524855<br />
ROOF SERVICE -Moss and<br />
mold treatments, roof and<br />
gutter leak repairs, residential<br />
and commercial. For<br />
prompt service - call your<br />
local contractor - Tim on<br />
021 <strong>19</strong>7 8128.<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional,<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />
027 200 16<strong>19</strong>.<br />
SPIDER and Fly treatment.<br />
Weed spraying and lawn<br />
treatment, plus insects. Call<br />
Allan from AA Performance<br />
Services on 027 209 5026.<br />
"I’ll take care of them"<br />
SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />
Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />
control for homes, offices<br />
and cars. Phone Craig<br />
Rogers 307 6347, www.<br /> Member<br />
of Master Tinters NZ.<br />
TILING - For all your tiling<br />
requirements, including kitchen<br />
splash backs, flooring<br />
etc. (Full water proofing)<br />
Call Kevin on 027 496<br />
8314.<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone 0800 368 468<br />
now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br /><br />
Having problems with your internal gutter systems?<br />
2521095<br />
Do your drains keep blocking,causing leakage into the soffits and even your house?<br />
Areyour soffits falling out due to water rot?<br />
We canconvert your internal gutters to standard external gutters.<br />
Allworkmanship guaranteed<br />
Ben Kruger 021 808 739 or 308 4380<br />
232 BoundaryRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
E;<br />
46 <strong>Ashburton</strong> <strong>Courier</strong>, <strong>January</strong> <strong>19</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br /><br />
Come andtalktothe people who know<br />
...<br />
Notice is givenunder section 56(1)<br />
(b)ofthe Fire and Emergency New<br />
ZealandAct2017thataChangeof<br />
Fire Seasonstatus has been declared<br />
from 11.00pm FRIDAY20JANUARY<br />
<strong>2023</strong> in the followinginland highcountryareas:<br />
•<strong>Ashburton</strong>High Country<br />
•Mackenzie BasinHigh Country<br />
•Hakataramea Valley<br />
until revoked or amendedbyFireand<br />
Emergency NewZealand:<br />
Youcommit an offenceifyouknowingly<br />
or recklessly light, or allowanother<br />
person to light, afire in open air in an<br />
area thatisinaRestrictedFireSeason<br />
unless under apermit issued by Fire<br />
and EmergencyNew Zealand and in<br />
accordancewith anyconditions of the<br />
permit.<br />
Areminder thatthe following areas are<br />
still in aRestrictedFireSeason 365 days:<br />
•Geraldine Forest zone<br />
•WaimateForest zone<br />
•All public Conservation land<br />
Areminder thatthe FireworksBan is still<br />
in placeuntil 31 March<strong>2023</strong>inthe:<br />
•Mackenzie Basin area.<br />
Anypermits issued during aRestricted<br />
Fire Season aresuspended if Fire and<br />
Emergencydeclares aProhibitedFire<br />
Season or prohibits fireinopen air in the<br />
area.<br />
R.A. Hands<br />
Mid-South Canterbury<br />
To apply forapermit online or check<br />
the season status in an area please visit<br /><br />
or call 0800 658 628.<br />
2548561<br />
Peter Blacklow<br />
PETE’S<br />
PICK<br />
Full range of engineering supplies and accessories forall your repairs<br />
&maintenance. Kerrick hot &cold waterblasters &industrial vacuumcleaners.<br />
Esseti welders &accessories. Stockists and distributors of Trailer Equipment.<br />
Locally owned &operated family business for 70 years<br />
TradeZ one<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
South Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong> PHONE (03) 308-3147<br />
Email FREEPHONE 0800 452 522<br />
206 CLUB - provides company,<br />
fun, entertainment,<br />
games, speakers and more<br />
for those 65 years and over.<br />
Friendly, supportive<br />
environment, two course<br />
hot mid-day meal, very<br />
minimal cost. Come and<br />
join us. We now have<br />
vacancies on a Monday,<br />
Tuesday and Wednesday,<br />
10am to 2.30pm. Run by<br />
Age Concern <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
Seniors Centre, 206 Cameron<br />
Street. Enquiries to<br />
Julie, phone 308 6817 or<br />
027 281 9113.<br />
TRAVEL<br />
Airport transfers, Shows,<br />
Shopping or Tours in Limousine<br />
Class vehicles. Customer<br />
Service Excellence in your<br />
vehicle or ours. Bookings<br />
0276221475<br />
HONDA Civic, <strong>19</strong>97, manual,<br />
red,143000km. Warranted<br />
and registered. Two<br />
owners. Good condition.<br />
Phone 027 602 4885.<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage 03 307 0401 or<br />
phone/text 021 554 570<br />
STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />
units available, long or<br />
short term. <strong>Ashburton</strong> Storage<br />
Facilities. Contact us<br />
on 0274 362 636 or www.<br />
ashburtonstoragefacilities.<br /><br />
MEADOW Hay; this season,<br />
small bales. $10.per bale.<br />
Phone 027 602 4885.<br />
SELL<br />
HOWARD Rotovator. Model<br />
G20, SN 350A 6138,<br />
Kohler engine. Three, one<br />
in going order, others all<br />
parts are there. Please<br />
phone 03 302 0836.<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 308 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
2542572<br />
Saturday 18th February<br />
<strong>2023</strong> at 2pm<br />
Presidentofthe MethodistChurch,<br />
Reverend PeterTaylorwill also join<br />
us andafternoontea willfollowthe<br />
official opening.<br />
Call in and see the team<br />
forall your grease,bearing &<br />
seal requirements.<br />
Over 60 years of maintenance<br />
and mechanical support.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong>MethodistParish<br />
Followingthe 2011 earthquake ourservices were held in thehall.<br />
After thedemolitionand saleofthe hall in March20<strong>19</strong> we movedour services to<br />
Paterson’s Chapel. Wenow have abeautifullyrestoredChurchthatweare excitedto<br />
sharewiththe community so please join us on<br />
Forcateringpurposesplease<br />
RSVP before25th<strong>January</strong> <strong>2023</strong> to<br />
Daphne Whiting<br />
03 308 2951 or<br />
2548981<br />
Dr Christopher McGrath<br />
PhD(Otago), MSc, DO(BCOM, London)<br />
Consulting Musculoskeletal Healthcare<br />
Allenton, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Appointments/contact throughweb site<br /><br /><br />
021 02226378<br />
ASHBURTON Scrap Metal<br />
Recyclers buy heavy metal<br />
etc. Free light-grade metal<br />
in-yard dumping 9.30am-<br />
4pm weekdays. Closed<br />
Saturday. 117 Alford Forest<br />
Rd, (behind PlaceMakers).<br />
Phone 03 308 8033 or 027<br />
249 6625.<br />
PRE 2000'S vehicles,<br />
mopeds, motorbikes for<br />
resurrection and restoration,<br />
not wrecking.<br />
Anything considered. Please<br />
phone 020 4016 3302.<br />
SATURDAY’S 14th, 21st,<br />
28th <strong>January</strong>. Large estate<br />
incl; antiques, vintage cars,<br />
farm machinery, and all<br />
household goods. Some<br />
very collectable items. Milton<br />
Road South, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Signs out 9am -1pm.<br />
$140 per cord<br />
GREEN<br />
$120 per cord<br />
$150 per cord<br />
$350 per load<br />
C.O.D. in town<br />
Adams Sawmill<br />
Malcolm McDowell Rd<br />
Phone<br />
308-3595<br />
2539473<br />
2386381<br />
Thur <strong>19</strong>th &Fri 20th<br />
10.00<br />
10.00<br />
11.45<br />
12.00<br />
1.45<br />
2.00<br />
3.50<br />
4.00<br />
6.20<br />
7.30<br />
8.15<br />
10.00<br />
10.00<br />
11.45<br />
12.00<br />
1.30<br />
2.00<br />
3.40<br />
4.00<br />
6.15<br />
7.30<br />
8.20<br />
10.00<br />
10.00<br />
12.00<br />
12.00<br />
1.40<br />
2.00<br />
3.40<br />
4.00<br />
6.20<br />
7.30<br />
8.15<br />
TheLost King<br />
Tadthe Explorer 3<br />
TheBig Trip 2<br />
TheBanshees of Inisherin<br />
Puss in Boots<br />
Tadthe Explorer 3<br />
AMan Called Otto<br />
Avatar 2<br />
M3GAN<br />
Babylon<br />
Operation Fortune<br />
Sat21st &Sun 22nd<br />
Puss in Boots<br />
Tadthe Explorer 3<br />
TheBig Trip 2<br />
TheBanshees of Inisherin<br />
AMan Called Otto<br />
Tadthe Explorer 3<br />
IWanna DanceWith Somebody<br />
Avatar 2<br />
Operation Fortune<br />
Babylon<br />
M3GAN<br />
Mon23rd, Tue24th &<br />
Wed25th<br />
Puss in Boots<br />
TheLost King<br />
TheBanshees of Inisherin<br />
TheBig Trip 2<br />
AMan Called Otto<br />
Tadthe Explorer 3<br />
IWanna DanceWith Somebody<br />
Avatar 2<br />
M3GAN<br />
Babylon<br />
Operation Fortune<br />
NO COMPS<br />
Babylon, M3GAN,<br />
OperationFortune,<br />
Tadthe Explorer 3<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
R18<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
R18<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
PG<br />
M<br />
M<br />
M<br />
R18<br />
M<br />
UNHAPPY with your life?<br />
Ready for change? Hi Iam<br />
Joanne Summer, I am a<br />
fully qualified Transformational<br />
Life Coach. Contact<br />
me to start transforming<br />
your Life! Ph 022 162 2013,<br /><br />
HOSPICE Mid-Canterbury -<br />
here when you need us. If<br />
you or someone you care<br />
about has a life limiting<br />
illness. Phone 307 8387 or<br />
027 227 8387.<br />
RotaryClub of <strong>Ashburton</strong>Plains Charitable Trust<br />
Sunday5th February<strong>2023</strong><br />
10 am –1pm monthly<br />
West St. CarPark, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Sellers register by TXTname and<br />
email address to 027 231 7285<br /><br />
2546336<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>Bridge Club<br />
Do youwanttolearn to playbridge?<br />
Join afriendly clubtolearn this exciting card<br />
game and makenew friends.<br />
LessonsstartonMonday13thFebruaryat<br />
7pm and run foraround 12 weeks.<br />
$50 which includes your<br />
1st year’s subscription<br />
Formoreinformation or to register phone<br />
Sheryl on 027 438 3739 or email<br /><br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />
2547434<br />
NEW Season Potatoes. Nardine<br />
$2.50kg, digging daily.<br />
Phone 03 308 3<strong>19</strong>5 or 027<br />
531 9103; 81 Elizabeth<br />
Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.
Stand out in Strowan Fields.<br />
Sections available now.<br />
• Let us help you stand out in Strowan Fields<br />
• Sections available to design your own dream home<br />
• Enticing House and Land Packages to select from<br />
• Delight in aJennian home<br />
We can help build your dream home.<br />
Jennian Homes Canterbury<br />
1Waterford Place, Oaklea,<br />
Tinwald, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
P 03 741 1436<br />
E<br />
Michele Strange<br />
M 027 491 5266<br />
E<br />
2022 ASX LS<br />
2022<br />
2ONLY<br />
AT THIS<br />
PRICE<br />
RED<br />
NOW ONLY<br />
$27,990<br />
• 2L, auto, petrol<br />
5door hatch<br />
• Low kms<br />
2022 ECLIPSE CROSS VRX 2022<br />
NOW ONLY<br />
$40,990<br />
• 2.4L, 2WD, 5door wagon<br />
(Next Generation)<br />
• Auto, petrol<br />
1<br />
ONLY<br />
LEFT<br />
NOW ONLY<br />
$39,990<br />
• 2WD,1.5L, auto<br />
5door hatch<br />
• Leather, topspec<br />
NOW ONLY<br />
$41,990<br />
• 2.4L double cab,2WD,<br />
auto, diesel. (Complete with<br />
towing packaging,bonnet<br />
protectorand mats)<br />
2022 Mitsubishi Triton GLX-R<br />
4X4, hard lid,<br />
towing pack,<br />
liner,<br />
11,000kms<br />
NOW<br />
$52,990<br />
2020 Suzuki Swift Sport,<br />
Just arrived! NZ new,<br />
1.4L petrol turbo,<br />
manual,<br />
<strong>19</strong>,000kms,<br />
push button<br />
start/stop.<br />
NOW<br />
$22,990<br />
2018 Holden Captiva LTZ,<br />
2.2L, diesel, 7seater auto,<br />
1owner, electric drivers<br />
seat, Bluetooth,<br />
38,000kms<br />
2016 Mitsubishi Outlander XLS,<br />
4WD, 90,500kms,<br />
auto, 7seater,<br />
1owner<br />
NOW<br />
$25,990<br />
2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo<br />
3.6L, petrol, auto,<br />
5seater wagon,<br />
reverse camera,<br />
1owner,<br />
98,113kms<br />
NOW<br />
$32,990<br />
20<strong>19</strong> Holden Colorado LT,<br />
2.8L turbo diesel, 4X4,<br />
auto, tow kms<br />
2012 Mitsubishi Triton GLX<br />
2.4L diesel, auto,<br />
179,150kms,<br />
NZ new, 2WD,<br />
tonneau<br />
cover<br />
NOW<br />
$16,990<br />
20<strong>19</strong> Holden Trax LTZ<br />
1.4L petrol, 6speed, auto,<br />
alloys, reverse camera,<br />
heated front<br />
seats,<br />
66,326kms<br />
NOW<br />
$18,990<br />
2017 Mitsubishi Mirage,<br />
1<strong>19</strong>0cc, 5door hatch,<br />
petrol, auto,<br />
alloys, great<br />
fuel economy<br />
NOW<br />
$26,990<br />
NOW<br />
$39,990<br />
NOW<br />
$13,990<br />
Catherine<br />
03 307 9028<br />
Talk to Catherine about<br />
our competitiveand<br />
flexible financepages.<br />
177 Archibald Street,Tinwald,<strong>Ashburton</strong> phone:03307 9028<br />
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