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What Is Digital Mastery? 15


If Digital Masters like Nike and Asian Paints represent excellence on

both digital and leadership dimensions, what about other firms? Each

dimension is different, and each is important for different reasons.

Putting the two dimensions together yields four levels of digital mastery

(figure 1-1). Digital Masters excel at both dimensions, but most

companies do not. Some companies are strong on digital capabilities

but weak on leadership capabilities. Some are the reverse. Still others

are weak on both dimensions; they have not yet begun the digital


Beginners are just at the start of the digital journey. Many of them

adopt a wait-and-see strategy, trying to gain certainty before they act.

Some believe the digital opportunity is right for other industries, but

not for theirs. Others lack the leadership to make something Âhappen.

As a result, Beginners have only basic digital capabilities. And they

Figure 1.1

Four levels of digital mastery


Digital Masters

Digital capability



Leadership capability

Source: Adapted from George Westerman, Maël Tannou, Didier Bonnet, Patrick Ferraris,

and Andrew McAfee, “The Digital Advantage: How Digital Leaders Outperform

Their Peers in Every Industry,” Capgemini Consulting and MIT Center for Digital

Business, November 2012.

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