HGT Magazine #121 January/February 2023

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.

Haida Gwaii articles, local business information, events, classifieds including real estate ads.


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An Ocean Reforestation Project<br />


A Historical Exhibit<br />


Vernon Williams Jr.<br />

NEW!<br />

Science Corner – Birds, Big Sky & Bananas<br />

Vanquishing the Evils of Torpor - The Magic of Movement<br />

A Day in the Life – Stu Crawford<br />

+A Healing Conversation – Talking Man to Man<br />

Issue 121<br />

Jan / Feb <strong>2023</strong><br />

$6.50 (INCL. GST)<br />

<strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 1

Subscribe<br />

Get the <strong>HGT</strong> magazine delivered<br />

right to your post box and save<br />

10% off the retail price. Onisland<br />

for one year (six issues):<br />

$35.10 plus GST. Off-island<br />

(anywhere in Canada): $51.00<br />

plus GST. US: $74.85 plus GST.<br />

Advertise<br />

Haida Gwaii Trader is<br />

committed to help spread the<br />

word of businesses of all sizes<br />

with affordable options for<br />

everyone. Rates start as low as<br />

$45 per month plus GST.<br />

Submit<br />

We welcome you to send us<br />

your family-oriented stories,<br />

news, illustrations, cartoons,<br />

poems, etc., for publishing<br />

consideration.<br />

Contact Information<br />

Phone: 250-557-2088<br />

Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Mail: PO Box 313, Port<br />

Clements,<br />

BC V0T 1R0<br />

Website: haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

<br />

Deadline for MarApril/23 issue<br />

Content we layout: <strong>February</strong><br />

10 th <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Classifieds and print ready<br />

submissions: <strong>February</strong> 20 th<br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Haida place names as per the<br />

This is Haida Gwaii Kaats’ii hla<br />

| Káats’a hlaa 2022 publication.<br />

The views and opinions<br />

expressed by the various<br />

authors do not necessarily<br />

reflect the opinions, beliefs<br />

or viewpoints of Haida Gwaii<br />

Trader. © 2022 Haida Gwaii<br />

Trader. All rights reserved.<br />

Features<br />

8<br />

Ts'uu Cedar in<br />

Haida Life<br />

A Historical Exhibit<br />

16<br />

All Things Music<br />

Vernon Williams Jr.<br />

24<br />

Helping the Kelp<br />

An Ocean Reforestation Project<br />

On the cover: Kelp and Red Urchins | PC Markus Thompson / thalassia.ca<br />

Also In This Issue<br />

Dear Huckleberry.................................... 6<br />

A Naturalists Almanac ....................... 10<br />

Science Corner NEW! ......................... 12<br />

Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project ..... 13<br />

Gwaii Trust <strong>2023</strong> Grant Updates ...... 14<br />

The Magic of Movement .................... 20<br />

A Day in the Life .................................. 22<br />

A Healing Conversation ..................... 26<br />

Yippieneck ............................................ 29<br />

Kid’s Musings ...................................... 30<br />

Crossword ............................................. 31<br />

Horoscope ............................................. 32<br />

Classifieds ............................................. 33<br />

Tide Tables ............................................ 43<br />

Community Calendar ......................... 44<br />

2 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 3

Haida Gwaii<br />

Trader Values<br />


We proudly serve the<br />

unceded traditional territory<br />

of the Haida Nation along<br />

with all those who live,<br />

work and play on Haida<br />

Gwaii. We offer affordable<br />

advertising for all local<br />

businesses and exemplary<br />

off-island businesses whose<br />

products and/or services are<br />

in limited, local supply.<br />

UNITED<br />

Our focus is to build,<br />

maintain and enhance<br />

bridges between the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders<br />

of all ages, genders and<br />

income, between nature and<br />

humanity, and between spirit<br />

and ego.<br />


We support basic,<br />

equitable needs shared<br />

by all, including social<br />

sustainability, clean air,<br />

water and energy, affordable<br />

housing, wellness, and<br />

nutritious, locally produced<br />

food.<br />

<strong>HGT</strong> commits to the Truth and<br />

Reconciliation’s Call to Action<br />

#85: continuing to develop<br />

media initiatives that inform<br />

and educate the Canadian<br />

public, and connect the Haida<br />

people and fellow islanders.<br />

Our Valued Contributors<br />

Lin Armstrong loves reading,<br />

writing, jigsaws, theatre, sports and<br />

volunteering at the Thrift Store.<br />

She lives in Daajing Giids with<br />

hubby Jack and cat Lady Bean.<br />

armstrongs@haidagwaii.ca<br />

Jasmine Beachy is a wife and<br />

proud mother of two active boys.<br />

She is a local StrongStart facilitator<br />

and has lived in Wáan Kún/<br />

Gamadiis Port Clements for 15<br />

years. jasmine970@hotmail.com<br />

Monica Caulfield, a professional<br />

astrologer since 2007, is passionate<br />

about helping people develop tools<br />

of awareness and purpose in life.<br />

sageadvisor2u@gmail.com<br />

Stu Crawford is an ecologist<br />

who lives in Masset and enjoys<br />

learning, eating things, and<br />

exploring Haida Gwaii.<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

Margo Hearne is a 46-year Masset<br />

resident, naturalist and writer.<br />

She uses her skills to build things.<br />

hecatebird@gmail.com<br />

Behind the Scenes<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

Owner/Editor in Chief<br />

shellene.patience@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Claude Adams<br />

Assistant Editor<br />

assistant.editor@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Dear Huckleberry, an observer<br />

of human conduct and love<br />

interactions, is passionate about<br />

finding creative ways to navigate<br />

love, friendships and familiar<br />

relationships<br />

dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com<br />

Rhonda Lee McIsaac is an<br />

Anishnaubek writer, storyteller,<br />

and researcher. I write to<br />

share important stories about<br />

people, places, and the issues<br />

that affect them. For content<br />

and photography needs email<br />

gooseeyes@gmail.com<br />

Rosemary “Ro” Millham is<br />

a retired university professor,<br />

geologist, NASA scientist and<br />

educator. She enjoys the peace,<br />

beauty, people and nature of<br />

Haida Gwaii and loves taking<br />

her dog for walks on the beach.<br />

ro.rosemary@gmail.com<br />

Greg Morris a Wáan Kún/<br />

Gamadiis Port Clements man<br />

on the mission for that elusive<br />

answer of "question everything?"<br />

gmorris.5707@gmail.com<br />

Jamie McDonald<br />

Events Manager<br />

Contributing Writer<br />

events.manager@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Contributing Writer<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Graphic Design and Desktop Publishing Team: Direct Design & Andre Favron<br />

IT: Northern Rogue Technologies Inc., JAMAXX Web Design, Direct Design<br />

Bookkeeper: J. Pigeon Bookkeeping & Accounting<br />

Letter from the Editor<br />

Year of the Black Water Rabbit<br />

Well paint me red and call me a fire truck… here we are<br />

again. It’s safe to say <strong>2023</strong> may not be blindingly sparkly,<br />

but it’s still bona fide and brand-new. As with many fresh<br />

things, it does inspire a sense of reinvigoration and hope<br />

of things that may have never been… but could be. And<br />

that’s kind of exciting, isn’t it? Aptly articulated by the late<br />

musical icon David Bowie, “I don’t know where I am going<br />

from here, but I promise it won’t be boring.”<br />

Anticipated titillations aside, this time of the year also inspires<br />

wisdom. Past year self-reflections of what we did<br />

well or what might serve us better. You know, the “wiser<br />

with age” belief? I think this is true. We’ve entered the era<br />

where sitting is known as the new smoking, sugar the new<br />

stress and tenderness the new sexy – all sound sensible to<br />

me.<br />

During a recent chat with talented local Silversmith Laura<br />

Dutheil, she mentioned that <strong>2023</strong> is the Year of the Rabbit.<br />

Wanting to learn more I sought council with ‘almighty’<br />

Google and discovered that on Jan. 22nd, the Chinese New<br />

Year, we will enter not just the Year of the Rabbit, but the<br />

Year of the “Black Water” Rabbit. It is said to be the fourth<br />

and happiest year of the lunar cycle and only comes once<br />

every sixty years. It is characterized by many things soft:<br />

tact, gentleness, peace, calm, harmony, forgiveness and<br />

kindness. “A powerful energy wave of goodness…,” says<br />

Astropsychologist Valentina Wittrock.<br />

I say, “Whoo hoo!”<br />

But if those traits are too wussy-woodle-foo-foo for you,<br />

Wittrock also foretells that “vertical power will completely<br />

change in some countries.” A rather kick-butt prediction.<br />

Best Wishes to Carol Bulford, our valued<br />

Sales Manager who, due to health reasons,<br />

is moving on to focus on her wellness.<br />

By Shellene Patience<br />

Speculations of relationships in the Year of the Black Water<br />

Rabbit are good, so long as we’re especially conscious<br />

and considerate of our partner’s needs. For careers, this<br />

is a good year to express those ideas that have been mulling<br />

around in your<br />

head, as initiative<br />

is exactly what<br />

movers and shakers<br />

are looking for.<br />

No silver platters,<br />

but earnest hard<br />

work will yield excellent<br />

results. It<br />

is also an essential<br />

time to spend and<br />

live within our<br />

means.<br />

PC Mark Taylor<br />

Especially fascinating to me are the indications of planet-wide<br />

shifts in consciousness. The world is now undeniably<br />

woven-together in ways unlike any other time. With<br />

the advent of the internet, in as little as four decades,<br />

we’ve witnessed an exponential transformation in the way<br />

people think, socialize, work, communicate and gather, to<br />

name a few. “Societal myths - false gods of money, power,<br />

fame, beauty, status and class - are rubbish ideals that lead<br />

us to feelings of failure when these ‘dreams’ don’t materialize,”<br />

shares Buddhist meditation teacher Tara Brach. She<br />

goes on to recommend that, “instead of being paralyzed<br />

by pie in the sky fantasies: set realistic and kind goals.”<br />

I will end with a few hand on heart words by poet Lynn<br />

Ungar, “…and when your body has become still, reach<br />

out with your heart. Know that we are connected in ways<br />

that are terrifying and beautiful. Know that our lives are<br />

in one another’s hands. Reach out your heart. Reach out<br />

your words. Reach out all the tendrils of compassion that<br />

move, invisibly, where we cannot touch. Promise this<br />

world your love - for better or for worse, in sickness and in<br />

health, so long as we all shall live.”<br />

Shellene Patience<br />

Shout Out! It’s high time we formally<br />

welcome Terri-Lynne Penner who<br />

joined <strong>HGT</strong> in the role of Administrative<br />

Assistant. We are thrilled to have<br />

you as a part of the team Terri!<br />

4 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 5

Dear Huckleberry,<br />

Dearest Don’t Know,<br />


A week ago, I found out that I’m pregnant. To be honest, because of some health issues I struggle with I was<br />

under the impression that I couldn’t get pregnant. And a long time ago I convinced myself that I didn’t want<br />

to be a mother, not only because I wasn’t ready to be one but also to avoid disappointment.<br />

My husband shared the same thoughts and feelings as me; he too thought he couldn’t have kids and didn’t<br />

want to either so it was all kind of perfect. But apparently we were both wrong. Right now, he still doesn’t<br />

know about it, because I just don’t know what to say. I don’t even know what I want or what I’m going to do<br />

about it, so what if I decide to have it and I tell him and he doesn’t want it, or what if he does and I decide<br />

that I can’t go through with the pregnancy?<br />

My worst fear is not even that. I fear a future where whatever our decision ends up being, he will resent me,<br />

or regret it or just not rise up to the task. I love him, but I also know him and I don’t know if either of us<br />

has what it takes to raise a child, and as much as it pains me to say, I don’t know if our love for each other is<br />

strong enough to face together the consequences of whatever decisions we’ll make.<br />

Got any advice for me? - Don’t Know<br />

Dear Huckleberry is an advice column aiming to use a bit of sound advice to<br />

nurture healing and growth, while hopefully making you laugh a little too. This<br />

column is not a substitute for working with a licensed counsellor. Please seek<br />

professional help if you are struggling.<br />

I know right now you are full of doubt and uncertainty, but your life is being blessed with change, the best<br />

kind of change. This is a change you always thought was impossible for you to experience, yet it’s here, the<br />

universe is telling you that it is still your choice and whatever you decide, this is the moment you get to<br />

choose what direction you want your life to follow. So please don’t overlook this moment to enjoy and celebrate,<br />

because no matter what happens, this is a gift.<br />

What do you envision for your future? What is lacking in your life? What goals and dreams are still waiting<br />

for you? What are your fears and insecurities stopping you from doing?<br />

These questions are hiding within the answer you are looking for, and you will find certainty as soon as you<br />

find the courage to answer them.<br />

Your husband has his own choices to make. Don’t take that away from him. It’s not for you to decide if he<br />

has what it takes to be a father, or to try to predict what will happen. Life is like a circus, we are all trapeze<br />

artists, jumping from swing to swing. We want to hold on to the safety of one, but we always have to let go<br />

and take the leap. And those seconds when we are in between trapezes, free-falling in the air, that is change,<br />

it’s growth and it’s what makes life interesting. All we can really do is hope there is another swing waiting for<br />

us to catch it. So just talk to your husband. Maybe the future he envisions is different from yours. Maybe his<br />

answers match yours and this becomes the moment you realize your love is strong enough to face anything<br />

together.<br />

Have a letter you would like to submit for consideration? Email dearhuckleberry.hgt@gmail.com or send via mail to<br />

Dear Huckleberry c/o Haida Gwaii Trader, PO Box 313, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0. Do explain your full situation<br />

- unlimited text – but also include a 100-word maximum overview question. If your submission is chosen, only the<br />

overview question will be published.<br />


LOCAL<br />


Haida Gwaii Museum<br />

Gina DaahlGahl Naay<br />

The Trading House<br />

Art . Jewelry . Books . Music<br />

Beauty . Fashion . Home . Toys<br />

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Shop in-house or online at<br />

haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />

Haida Heritage Centre<br />

Memorabilia<br />

Shop in-house or online at<br />

haidaheritagecentre.com/shop<br />


TUESDAY — SATURDAY 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM<br />


+ PROGRAMS<br />




250.559.4643 . haidagwaiimuseum.ca<br />

250.559.7885 . haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

6 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 7

The Ts’uu Cedar in Haida Life<br />

A Historical Exhibit<br />

Article by Lin Armstrong | Photos courtesy Sean Young<br />

Something very special happened in Berlin Germany<br />

on December 7, 2022. The recently renovated Stiftung<br />

Humboldt Forum (HF) in Berliner Schloss, a museum<br />

in the capital’s center dedicated to human history, art<br />

and culture, opened a display that includes loans from<br />

two museums on Haida Gwaii. The exhibition is called<br />

Ts’uu-Cedar: Of Trees and People.<br />

Saahlinda Nay - Haida Gwaii Museum (HGM) Collections<br />

and Lab of Archaeology Manager Gid yahk’ii Sean<br />

Young co-curated the display over a two-year period on<br />

MS TEAMS with the Forum’s professional natural history<br />

curator Daniela Kratzsch. Sean flew to Berlin for<br />

the opening and guided the first visitors through the<br />

collection that focuses on the giant living cedar, referred<br />

to as the wet red cedar, and the SGaahlan Nootka false<br />

cypress known as yellow cedar. The project explains the<br />

Northwest Coast Indigenous peoples’ relationship with<br />

red and yellow cedars and includes a timeline to show<br />

how the relationship has changed over the years.<br />

The exhibit’s Haida storyline was developed by Sean, Daniela<br />

and HGM staff. It deals with the history of the Haida<br />

from when they first used stone tools to harvest and carve<br />

cedar. Prior to contact, the Haida only used what they<br />

needed from the bountiful riches these islands support.<br />

A huge change came just before World War 1 when the<br />

government realized how lucrative tree harvesting could<br />

be and the forests became a commodity.<br />

The exhibit focuses on the cedar’s extraordinary role in<br />

the resurgence of First Nations culture, in “anti-forestry<br />

movements; in land and sea resource use…or in the reappropriation<br />

of cultural practices and traditions.” It presents<br />

over 130 objects, including tools for working with<br />

wood, media installations, cultural historical and natural<br />

history exhibits. It quotes Gidansda Guujaaw, artist and<br />

former president of the Haida Nation: “When the trees<br />

are gone, we’ll just be like everyone else.”<br />

Among the items on loan from the HGM is a six-foot<br />

crosscut saw used for bucking logs that predates 1930.<br />

Bucking saws have large teeth with the cutting edge angled<br />

in an alternating pattern. Each tooth acts as a knife edge.<br />

Fallers would often stand on a springboard off the ground<br />

to maintain the crosscut saw’s angle.<br />

The HGM also sent a 14-foot yellow cedar canoe carved<br />

prior to the Loo Taas by Yaahl Sgwansung Bill Reid and<br />

Six-foot<br />

crosscut saw<br />

Woodboss one-man saw<br />

Stone and bone carving tools<br />

Gitkinjuaas Ron Wilson. Sean said the<br />

canoe and saw needed to be specially<br />

crated for delivery to the exhibit. The<br />

crates were custom-built, and the<br />

items wrapped in acid free polyfoam<br />

and sent overland to be flown out of<br />

Vancouver and Toronto.<br />

Several Haida artists were commissioned<br />

by the HF to create items for the<br />

exhibit. Kun Kayangas Marlene Liddle<br />

wove a cedar hat, Jaalen Edenshaw<br />

carved a mask and Guud San Glans<br />

Reg Davidson carved a raven rattle.<br />

Animator and illustrator Christopher<br />

Auchter produced panels to explain<br />

how the various tools were used and<br />

filmmaker Patrick Shannon Nang<br />

K ‘uulas videotaped Jaalen Edenshaw.<br />

T-shirts by Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas<br />

and Jaad Gudgihljiwah Michaela<br />

McGuire are also included.<br />

The Port Clements Historical Society’s<br />

(PCHS) museum also contributed<br />

to the exhibit in Berlin. They<br />

have loaned a Woodboss one-man<br />

chain saw originally donated by Eric<br />

Ross, late of Daajing Giids. The saw<br />

had been on display with other items<br />

concerned with the history of logging<br />

on the islands.<br />

Sean said there is a distinctive feature<br />

that makes this exhibit different from<br />

other cultural displays. The HF asked<br />

for his input at the beginning of the<br />

project and appointed him co-curator.<br />

He said that this is a first and a huge step forward for<br />

museums because he was asked to be fully involved in<br />

the design of the collaborative exhibit.<br />

The museum in Berlin has an extensive collection of<br />

Haida belongings. Over 12,000 Haida belongings have<br />

been traced and identified around the world and the HGM<br />

(left to right) Haida mask, Haida hat, raven rattle<br />

continues to add to that number.<br />

Google humboldtforum.org to find out more about<br />

Ts’uu-Cedar.<br />

A virtual tour will be available later in <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Exhibitions | Programs | Trading House Giftshop<br />

250.559.4643 | haidagwaiimuseum.ca | haidagwaiimuseumgiftshop.ca<br />

8 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 9

A Naturalist’s Almanac<br />

Life on Winter’s Edge<br />

For many local creatures, it’s a lean time of year. Most<br />

of the wild berries are gone, the ground is either soaked<br />

or frozen and fresh shoots won’t appear for another few<br />

months. But food is still available. It’s the best part of<br />

being an island in a vast ocean. Tides bring in fresh food<br />

twice a day and provide year-round sustenance.<br />

Even the tiny Saw-whet Owl, normally a tree dweller, finds<br />

fortune in the wracks of seaweed. They feed at night on<br />

crustaceans and other insects that will see them through<br />

the coldest times. Saw-whets are a favourite island bird.<br />

They are hard to see, being night feeders, so it’s a special<br />

treat to see one in daylight. They perch silently on low<br />

stumps, fences and mid-height spruce and their eyes are<br />

usually closed or half-closed against daylight. They don’t<br />

like to be disturbed.<br />

After feeding on the beach at night, Saw-whets sometimes<br />

fly across the highway adjacent to the water. Unfortunately,<br />

they fly at vehicle height; the tiny owls are no match<br />

for the tons of metal speeding by and many are killed or<br />

injured. We once had an ‘owl delivery’ of one that had<br />

been picked up from the roadside. The driver was on his<br />

way home from work and had nothing to put it in except<br />

one of his long cork boots. When he brought it into the<br />

house, we looked down into the boot at the tiny owl looking<br />

up at us with big round eyes. It survived the ignominy<br />

of its capture and, after a night’s rest in a box by the stove,<br />

it flowed silently away to the adjacent forest.<br />

Most folks love owls and don’t want to see them harmed.<br />

They are precious little island residents and are the only<br />

owl species that nest on Haida Gwaii. Their quiet tsootsoo-tsoo<br />

can be heard throughout the winter, especially<br />

on calm, moonlit nights.<br />

Article and photos by Margo Hearne<br />

Dunlin at Skonun Point<br />

Meanwhile, back on the beach, shorebirds, gulls and the<br />

occasional songbirds feed. Winter shorebirds are an island<br />

phenomenon. Recently, when the land was frozen and<br />

the temperature in the minuses, shorebird flocks rose and<br />

fell restlessly over the beach. They kept on the move as<br />

the big lunar tides fell rapidly and more of the flats were<br />

exposed. The fierce northeast winds of the past few days<br />

had died down and the birds called like tinkling bells in<br />

the silent air. A gull flew up and dropped a clam on the<br />

shingle which broke with a crack. Seals watched the action<br />

from offshore, and all in all, despite the chilly air, it<br />

was a piece of paradise for the birds, the mammals and<br />

all that live by the ocean. Where there are birds there is<br />

rich life; long may the tides flow freely.<br />

Saw-whet Owl<br />

Forbes Pharmacy<br />

at the Hospital in Daajing Giids<br />


9 am to 5:15 pm<br />

Closed for lunch 1-2 pm<br />

250-559-4910 rxdm1005@nbly.ca<br />

www.forbespharmacy.ca<br />




For more information on the Village check out our website and Facebook Group<br />


36 Cedar Ave. West, PO Box 198 • Tues-Fri 9:30am-3pm<br />

250-557-4295 •<br />

emergencies, call 250-557-4272<br />

Find us on Facebook!<br />

www.portclements.ca<br />

office@portclements.ca<br />


like to welcome DAVE FRANCIS to DRIFTECH<br />

MECHANICAL as our new Technician. Dave<br />

came with his family to join our team. He is highly<br />

qualified and will be a big asset to our company.<br />

Come in and meet him. Lets welcome Dave and<br />

his family to Masset.<br />

Lawrence (L) and Dave, at your service!<br />

10 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 11

R<br />

G<br />

O<br />

A<br />

S<br />

Resilient Seabirds<br />

The Science Corner<br />

Birds, Big Sky & Bananas<br />

By Ro Millham<br />

As we know, SGin Xaana Ancient Murrelets breed and nest<br />

here. Pairs nest in burrows excavated in soil among tree roots,<br />

under logs and in rock crevices. Parents incubate eggs in shifts<br />

lasting an average of three days traveling under the cover of<br />

darkness. One adult arrives two to four hours after dark, and<br />

its mate departs about 90 minutes before sunrise. When the<br />

chicks hatch, the adults do not feed them in the burrow. One<br />

to three days after hatching, the parents call their chicks from<br />

the burrow and they make a mad dash to the sea. Chicks can<br />

be snapped up by predators on the way, but those that survive the trek swim out into the ocean in the dead of<br />

night. On average, the family will swim up to 30 miles for at least 12 hours. They spend less time on land than<br />

any other bird species on earth.<br />

Unfortunately, their nests are in constant danger. Non-native species of deer eat the underbrush that murrelets<br />

nest in, black rats eat eggs and chicks, and raccoons can kill adults and chicks. Eradication eforts are continuing<br />

and populations are monitored yearly.<br />

Consider the Banana<br />

Rosemary (Ro) Millham is an accomplished scientist and teacher who<br />

has worked as an aerospace specialist with NASA. She lives in Daajing Giids.<br />

What’s Up?<br />

Keep an eye on the sky this winter. On the morning of <strong>January</strong> 29th, the<br />

Moon is near Mars. In the southeast, Venus is rising as the Morning Star<br />

for nine months! And Mars is returning to view after passing behind the<br />

Sun. During the two weeks Mars is behind the Sun, scientists cannot<br />

communicate with the equipment on Mars. Jupiter is the only planet visible<br />

at night in <strong>February</strong>. However, Venus is at peak brightness in the a.m.<br />

for nine months!<br />

Mars, Moon and Venus<br />

PC EarthSky.org<br />

Bananas, both organic and non-organic, are a hot item on Haida Gwaii grocery<br />

shelves. So here’s a little-known fact about the popular fruit: Bananas are<br />

curved for a reason - so they can retrieve sunlight through a process called<br />

“negative geotropism.” This means that bananas grow away from the ground,<br />

instead of towards the ground. Never underestimate these quirky healthy<br />

snacks. Bananas originate in the rainforest and if they grew toward the small<br />

rays of light that pass through the thick foliage, they would grow crooked and<br />

risk toppling over. So, bananas do not grow directly toward the sun’s rays but<br />

grow upward to break through the canopy.<br />

Swimming Ancient Murrelet<br />

PC Glenn Bartley<br />

HAIDA<br />

HAIDA<br />

GWAII<br />

GWAII<br />

LOCAL<br />

LOCAL<br />



For the Love of Squash | Good Eats Tips from Locals<br />

Haida Gwaii Farmers’ Markets 2022<br />

“Shaved raw with a vegetable peeler (nice thin & long ribbons),<br />

feta, cumin, mint, olive oil and fresh lemon (+ salt soning, diced toma-<br />

Add a little Greek sea-<br />

& A pepper). farmer’s Simple market is and more delicious!” than just a – cornucopia Gather Food of local food, plants, toes artisan and feta.” handicrafts and other bounty. It’s also an occasion to<br />

share some relaxing time with friends and neighbours, to savor some – Stacy local culture, Ross Packard<br />

“Butternut squash...cut it in half, scrape out the seeds... in<br />

and to contribute to the community’s economy.<br />

the And hollow, you might add a even tbsp. get of to butter enjoy and a hot a meal! splash Haida of honey Gwaii or has four “Squash such markets, patties. three One on Graham Island, and one on Moresby<br />

maple syrup. Cook it at Island, 300... covered so most of until us are soft. only Yummy!” minutes away washed from an and enriching grated weekly experience.<br />

– Janice Holdershaw<br />

squash. Acorn squash<br />

Masset Market- Make it! Bake it! Grow it!<br />

“Judy has been frying them in peanut oil in a cast-iron<br />

skillet to the point Date/Time: of caramelization. Fridays, 11am-2pm, With a year-round little Greek<br />

yogurt on top, they’re Location: highly Across reminiscent from the HG of Co-op, eggplant.” 1575 Main<br />

– Karl Puls Street in Masset.<br />

“The [zucchini] I did manage to harvest were quick fried<br />

with What garlic we offer: and Locally toasted grown sliced and almonds.” prepared foods – Christine including Rowan vegetables,<br />

greens and microgreens, eggs, preserves, ferments, baked<br />

“Roasted<br />

goods and<br />

then<br />

treats,<br />

put<br />

plant<br />

atop<br />

starts<br />

turmeric<br />

and seedlings,<br />

rice and drizzled<br />

cut flowers,<br />

with<br />

mushrooms<br />

tahini green<br />

and berries<br />

sauce.<br />

are<br />

Droool….”<br />

available<br />

–<br />

in<br />

Katie<br />

season.<br />

Greene<br />

Locally handcrafted<br />

“I items really include recommend soap and the body Magda products, [kind jewellery, of zucchini]. pottery, I’ll and<br />

never knitted, grow painted, a green felted zuke and again, beach-combed because Magdas treasures are and a more!<br />

firmer, Delicious tastier, hot lunches far more are prolific a new regular alternative feature that the loves market.<br />

Haida Gwaii in every kind of summer.” – Karl Puls<br />

Contact: Natalie Affolter / 250-626-9181 / massetmarket@gmail.<br />

“Spaghetti squash roasted with salt, pepper and olive oil.<br />

com<br />

Tll.aal Tlell Farmers’ Market<br />

Date/Time: Sundays, 11am—2pm, starting June<br />

5, 2022, until the last week of October.<br />

Location: Highway 16, behind and to the left of<br />

the Tlell Fire Hall. Look for the giant carrot!<br />

What we offer: Spring greens, hot lunch items, farm fresh eggs,<br />

baked goods, jams and jellies, canning, sourdough bread, kombucha,<br />

strawberry, raspberry, rhubarb and currant seedlings and<br />

much more!<br />

Daajing Giids Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market<br />

size. 1 grated onion. Marylynn Hunt’s 13lb<br />

1 egg, 1/4 cup Date/Time: of Saturdays, 11am—2pm, spaghetti year-round squash!<br />

flour. Salt and (with pepper a short break around Christmas/<strong>January</strong>).<br />

and any other Location: seasoning Gather, of your 223 choice. Oceanview Mix Drive, and fry Daajing<br />

medium hot oil. Giids. I like to get them dark as they caramelize<br />

a bit. So, they should be crispy on the outside soft inside.<br />

What Keep we in hot offer: oven You’ll until find finished delicious frying. baked Serve treats with of all sour kinds,<br />

locally cream grown or yogurt. fresh The produce, only way gorgeous I could flowers, get the foraged kids to mushrooms,<br />

squash.” locally – Dawn harvested Neault kelp products, and<br />

eat<br />

more!<br />

“Soup with curry.” – Myrna Lauzon<br />

Contact: Heidi Archer, Market Manager / queencharlottemarket@gmail.com<br />

“Pickled squash is / made Instagram: this time @qc_market if year where / Facebook: I am @<br />

QueenCharlotteFarmersMarket<br />

from.” – Kresti Waher<br />

“Butternut with a bit of olive oil, drizzled with honey and<br />

maybe some chili flakes.” – Dayan Charton<br />

Moresby Artisan Market (K’il Kun Sandspit)<br />

Date/Time: Sundays, 11am-1pm, starting Sunday,<br />

June 12, 2022, through mid-September<br />

Location: In front of ALM Elementary School,<br />

406 Copper Bay Road<br />

What we offer: Baked goods, occasional fresh produce, art by<br />

local kids, pottery, handmade sea salt and soaps, sewing, photography<br />

and more!<br />

Contact: Kelsey Kricheldorf / moresbymarket@gmail.com /<br />

“Included is the lone Butternut squash Facebook: to reach @MoresbyMarket actual maturity, as well as Magdas,<br />

Crooknecks, Spaghettis, 8-Balls, a couple of Goldys, and a photo-bombing cucumber.<br />

Contact: Marylynn Hunt / 250-559-8282 These highly / stmarysspring@ caterpillar-and-deer-resistant crops produce very well on HG.”<br />

gmail.com / Facebook: Tlell Farmers Market<br />

Quote and photo by Karl Puls<br />

Thank You HGLFP Sponsors, QC Farmers’ Market, Moresby Market, and<br />

12 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 13<br />

A<br />

H<br />

A<br />

M<br />

I S<br />

L<br />

A<br />

N<br />

D<br />

FARM ERS'<br />


To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

E<br />

A<br />

S<br />

T<br />

C<br />

T<br />


Happy New Year, we hope you all had a wonderful<br />

holiday season! We have over $2.6 million available<br />

for grants this year, so be sure to visit gwaiitrust.<br />

com to check out what’s available. Here are a few updates<br />

to existing grants for <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Travel Assistance Grant<br />

There has been an increase to the amount available for<br />

individuals and groups as follows:<br />

Individuals: Up to $300 per return trip.<br />

Groups: Up to $300 per group member to a maximum<br />

of $4,800 per return trip for an adult group. Up to<br />

$6,000 per return trip is available for youth groups<br />

As before, adults can apply for up to two trips a year,<br />

and there is no limit for youth (ages 2-18).<br />

The Travel Assistance grant is open to all residents of<br />

Haida Gwaii, as well as schools and non-profit organizations.<br />

The grant helps individuals and groups travel<br />

off-island to participate in educational, cultural, arts,<br />

sports, and seniors’ events.<br />

To be eligible for this grant you must be a resident and<br />

have lived on Haida Gwaii for the past 24 consecutive<br />

months. An individual who has left Haida Gwaii to<br />

attend school, to seek medical treatment or for a vacation<br />

but otherwise maintains their residency is considered<br />

a resident.<br />

Questions about the Travel Assistance grant? Contact<br />

Pam Hill at 250 559 8104 / travel@gwaiitrust.com.<br />

COVID19 Emergency Response Grant /<br />

Staycation Grant<br />

After three successful years supporting individuals and<br />

organizations on Haida Gwaii during the pandemic,<br />

the Staycation grant and the COVID19 Response grant<br />

have now wound down. In 2022 there were over 250<br />

individuals who used their Staycation grant, and over<br />

the past three years we saw over 430 applications from<br />

individuals and families. As a result over $175,000 has<br />

gone into our communities to support local businesses.<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Grant Updates<br />

As well, over $1 million in grants have gone to a variety<br />

of nonprofit and local government agencies through<br />

the COVID19 Response grant, supporting over 70<br />

projects and programs across Haida Gwaii related to<br />

relieving mental health challenges and social isolation<br />

for vulnerable populations.<br />

Major Contributions Grant<br />

The Major Contributions Grant is designed to support<br />

larger projects in community infrastructure and planning.<br />

There will be one intake in <strong>2023</strong>, and applications<br />

must be received by March 1st at 11:59pm.<br />

For questions about the Major Contributions grant<br />

contact Meghan Cross at 250 559 5806 /<br />

meghan.cross@gwaiitrust.com.<br />

Community Services Recovery Fund<br />

Through Gwaii Trust, the Haida Gwaii Community<br />

Foundation is taking part in the Community Services<br />

Recovery Fund, a $400 million investment from<br />

the Government of Canada to support charities and<br />

non-profits as they focus on how to adapt their organizations<br />

for pandemic recovery.<br />

The Community Services Recovery Fund responds<br />

to what charities and non-profits need right<br />

now and supports organizations as they adapt to<br />

the long-term impacts of the pandemic. Apply from<br />

<strong>January</strong> 6, <strong>2023</strong>, until <strong>February</strong> 21, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

This fund is a collaboration between Canadian Red<br />

Cross, Community Foundations of Canada, and United<br />

Way Centraide Canada to provide funding to Community<br />

Service Organizations including non-profit<br />

organizations, Indigenous Governing Bodies and<br />

Registered Charities located in Canada.<br />

Visit www.communityservicesrecoveryfund.ca to find<br />

out how to apply, explore resources for applicants, and<br />

sign up for upcoming webinars.<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Grant Application Deadlines<br />

Application Deadline<br />

Arts Grant<br />

Arts Mentorships<br />

Arts Workshops<br />

Youth Grant<br />

Youth Centred Communities<br />

Major Contributions<br />

Food Sovereignty<br />

Community Innovation<br />

Special Projects<br />

Open Call<br />

Continuing Education<br />

Travel Assistance<br />

Community Events<br />

Winter Holidays<br />

Feb 1, Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Feb 1, Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Feb 1, Oct 1 by 11:59pm<br />

April 1 by 11:59pm<br />

March 1 by 11:59pm<br />

March 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Feb 1, April 1, June 1, Sept 1, Nov 1, by 11:59pm<br />

Feb 1, April 1, June 1, Sept 1, Nov 1, by 11:59pm<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year until Dec 1 by 11:59pm<br />

Applications accepted throughout the year until Dec 1 by 11:59pm<br />

For more information or to apply for funding, contact our office or visit www.gwaiitrust.com/grants<br />

Information about our grants and how to apply<br />

is available on our website. Grant guides<br />

are also available to view online or download.<br />

Visit gwaiitrust.com<br />

For a list of other funding sources, visit<br />

gwaiitrust.com/grants/other-funding-sources<br />

Old Massett Office:<br />

PO Box 588<br />

Masset BC, V0T 1M0<br />

162 Raven Ave, Old Massett<br />

Toll Free: 1 800 663 2388<br />

Local: 250 626 3654<br />

Gwaii Trust<br />

<strong>2023</strong> Application Deadlines<br />

gwaiitrust.com<br />

Skidegate Office<br />

PO Box 1257<br />

Skidegate BC, V0T 1S1<br />

226 Front St, Skidegate<br />

Toll Free: 1 877 559 8883<br />

Local: 250 559 8883<br />

1 800 663 2388<br />

14 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 15

All Things Music<br />

Meet Gaamdaamaay Sgaalanglaay<br />

Vernon Williams Jr.<br />

Gaamdaamaay Sgaalaanglaay belongs to Kuunlaanaas<br />

Raven Grizzly Bear of Yakin Point Haida Gwaii. His grandmother<br />

was from Gingolx, a Nisg̱a’a Village in the Nass<br />

River valley. “She met my grandfather at a dance and<br />

ran away with a Haida instead of going through with<br />

an arranged marriage,” said Vernon. This union makes<br />

Vernon both Haida and Nisga’a.<br />

Vern’s musical journey started approximately 15 years<br />

ago, when he saw an old picture of a whistle in a museum<br />

and decided to make one himself. “I made it out of red<br />

cedar and it sounded like a flute.” He also plays and makes<br />

traditional hand drums. “I build my own drums. I make<br />

them out of red or yellow cedar frames and deer hides<br />

and wax linen or wax silk in lieu of sinew.<br />

“When I started making music, I was playing these instruments<br />

I had seen in pictures but I didn’t know how they<br />

were meant to be played, what they were supposed to<br />

sound like. I didn’t have any real musical training. I just<br />

made noise that made people happy! Then, I was gifted a<br />

song.” He heard the song in his mind; it just came to him<br />

and he subsequently learned how to play it. “The first<br />

songs I received were with me since I was a little baby,”<br />

he said, “but I had no understanding of them until I wrote<br />

them down and talked with my mother about them. She<br />

helped me understand their meanings. I asked one of the<br />

elders what they called what I was playing. The elder said<br />

‘Kukaju’, whistling from the heart.”<br />

Vernon talked about how much he loves playing music<br />

that helps people feel better. His songs are like prayers,<br />

giving thanks and helping to ground oneself. He sees himself<br />

as a messenger who brings the songs forward, as they<br />

are gifted to him. The ones he composed were crafted with<br />

the help of the language-keepers in his community. These<br />

strong relatives have done many things to help Vernon<br />

along the way and have left him a lot of incredible tools.<br />

“I am really lucky to have connection with elders since<br />

the time I started. Hope, my aunt, got me into travelling<br />

and meeting people from other communities because she<br />

wanted me to share Haida singing. I was reluctant at first<br />

By Jamie McDonald<br />

but she allured me with the promise of naked women! I’m<br />

so glad I was convinced because it’s been an incredible<br />

journey. Hope and my son motivated me and taught me<br />

to open up and let go of the fear I had been carrying. My<br />

son started singing and doing all these dances my brother<br />

was famous for. He was leading the dance group by the<br />

time he was 13. I decided to start learning for his sake but<br />

he taught me that it’s possible.<br />

Vernon Williams<br />

Photo courtesy Vernon Williams<br />

“It’s tough that a lot of our elders are all gone. We need to<br />

continue sharing their knowledge, it belongs to the earth<br />

and to the people. If we don’t share them, they get lost.<br />

We need to sit and be still and listen. That’s when songs<br />

and messages come to us. So much of us get stuck looking<br />

back at our trauma and wondering about our future that<br />

we can’t even live in the moment and we get lost going<br />

in circles until we learn to make peace with ourselves.<br />

“Our older history and songs speak to us about who we<br />

were and inform who we are. I want people to feel that<br />

connection when they hear the songs. I compose new<br />

songs as well because this is another generation and we<br />

have things we can pass on too. In the end, the singing,<br />

dancing, ceremony and sitting in silence…it is all connected<br />

and teaches us about belonging.”<br />

For more information on Vernon, check out “Our First<br />

Voices” on the Knowledge Network, Episode 11: Songbringer.<br />

You can also hear him singing and playing on<br />

YouTube/Haida Gwaii Studio Sessions – Cove & Vernon<br />

Williams or on Facebook/Haida Gwaii Museum playing<br />

his composition, “Eagle You Fly So High.” found at<br />

fb.watch/hz1JSngOq4/. Vernon can be reached via email<br />

at Vernonwilliamsjr60@gmail.com.<br />

Vernon playing the drone<br />

Photo courtesy Vernon Williams<br />

16 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 17

Haida Gwaii Coffee House: Come to the Community<br />

Hall in Daajing Giids starting at 6:30 p.m., bring a bowl,<br />

a spoon and something to drink, share a meal with fellow<br />

community members and sign up for the Open Mic<br />

which starts at 7:30 p.m., followed by the feature artist<br />

starting around 8:30 after an intermission. Admission is<br />

by donation. Come check out the next featured artists:<br />

<strong>January</strong> 27th - The Alkemist: a one-man band (Jay<br />

Myers) who plays a type of music that could be described<br />

as a fusion of folk, blues and psychedelic rock.<br />

<strong>February</strong> 24th - K’aajuu G’aaya Gregory Williams aka<br />

GiG of the Skedans Clan: a tattoo artist, Haida jewelry<br />

maker and multi-instrument musician.<br />

For more Haida Gwaii Coffee House info check out their<br />

website at haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com, their Facebook page<br />

or email Haidagwaiicoffeehouse@gmail.com.<br />

Other Local Music News<br />

Congratulations to Joey Stylez for winning Best Pop<br />

Video at the 2022 Native American Music Awards for<br />

“Indian Girl Driving Me Crazy.” “Working with Northern<br />

Cree Singers was a very proud moment for me,” Joey<br />

shares. “They are pow wow royalty; when I saw them<br />

perform at the Grammys it sent chills up my spine. My<br />

director Aurelien Offner made a cool animated music<br />

video with 80’s vibes. I had a great team behind me, which<br />

made the process that much easier. My longtime collaborator<br />

Boogey the Beat produced the song, so winning<br />

a Native American Music Award in Buffalo, New York<br />

felt special.”<br />

YOUR<br />




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Shelby International Inc @shelby_int www.shelbyint.com<br />

GiG<br />

PC haidagwaiimediacollective.com<br />

The Alkemist<br />

PC Kent Bernadet<br />

Joey Stylez<br />

Photo courtesy Joey<br />






778 230 9871<br />


18 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 19

Vanquishing the Evils of Torpor<br />

The Magic of Movement<br />

By December I was ready to settle down into my version<br />

of hibernation; books and DVDs stacked up beside my<br />

recliner, blanket at the ready for many a long winter’s<br />

nap. Not too long into my blissful state of torpor, a friend<br />

casually mentioned that sitting is now the new smoking.<br />

That can’t be right! Turns out she is right and there are<br />

loads of studies to prove that sitting still for long periods<br />

of time is not good for our bodies, minds and emotions.<br />

Here are the facts. Are you sitting down?<br />

Apparently, the average adult now spends 70% of their life<br />

sitting or lying down and many kids spend 50% of their<br />

time bent over a school desk or a gaming device. Older<br />

adults spend 80% of their time barely moving a muscle.<br />

Scientists have proven that we are all moving 30% less<br />

By Lin Armstrong<br />

than in the 1960s, mostly because new technology has<br />

made most movement unnecessary.<br />

More scary news. Middle-aged adults who spend more<br />

than two hours a day sitting still are losing their mental<br />

sharpness faster than their more active peers. Turns out<br />

a sedentary lifestyle is linked to falling I.Q.s, a rise in<br />

antisocial behavior, anxiety and depression.<br />

In study after study, the results are the same: physical<br />

activity is on the downturn and scientists are warning of<br />

dire consequences. Sitting still is the enemy of focused<br />

attention, memory, planning ability and our creativity.<br />

Ready for some good news?<br />

The same scientists studying the effects of a sedentary<br />

lifestyle are finding that even simple kinds of body move-<br />

ment can be a short-cut to changing the way we think<br />

and feel. When we exercise, the brain responds by adding<br />

more capacity to our memory banks. If they are left idle<br />

the brain begins to trim unused capacity. So, Use It or<br />

Lose It!<br />

Now that I’d convinced myself to move, I began to look<br />

into the kinds of movement that could be most helpful at<br />

this time of year. One of the best ways is to walk because<br />

the rhythmic repetitive movement of walking changes<br />

the way we think and feel by giving us a mental boost.<br />

Why? Again, scientists have proven what every Reflexologist<br />

knows, that the soles of our feet have pressure<br />

points. Putting your full weight on your feet compresses<br />

the foot’s major arteries and boosts blood to the brain<br />

by up to 15%. Movement is essential the older one gets,<br />

and walking can provide a sense of getting somewhere<br />

which improves how we feel about ourselves. Walking<br />

in nature is a major reset button. Just amble along at a<br />

comfortable pace.<br />

Now you are moving, it’s just a hop, skip and jump to a<br />

beat and you’re dancing.<br />

It turns out that dance has the edge on improving mood.<br />

Rhythmic movement regulates our emotions and yet only<br />

seven per cent of adults dance for fun! You remember fun.<br />

Put on some music and move. Stomp, march, arm punch<br />

(the air), jump up and down or just nod, tap your feet or<br />

clap to the beat. Can you walk a hallway or climb some<br />

stairs? Get out some tunes and bust a few moves because<br />

any movement that strengthens muscles and bones can<br />

change our sense of who we are and what we can achieve.<br />

Stretching is a full body reset. Pleasurable, slow fluid<br />

stretching can help with three features of modern life:<br />

stress, obesity and aging. Even sitting up straight and<br />

smiling can change our mood. Well-aged people can do<br />

gentle exercises like chair yoga. We can strengthen our<br />

core with a belly laugh which in turn tackles stress. If<br />

you are able, get up daily at least every two hours and do<br />

a slow stretch.<br />

Crawling and getting up without support and squatting<br />

again is also recommended because crawling engages<br />

multiple muscle groups. So does Tai Chi.<br />

So, basically, I’ve learned that I just need to move a little<br />

more and more frequently. I need to build movement into<br />

my everyday life.<br />

Sorry recliner. I need to boogie and dust!<br />

For some of the latest, movement-inspiring events that are available<br />

on-island this winter, check out these great resources!<br />

• Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Commission: FREE! Seniors’ Yoga in Wáan Kún/Gamadiis Port<br />

Clements. Starts <strong>January</strong> 26, <strong>2023</strong> / Thursdays / 11am-noon / Multiplex Senior’s Room. For info about<br />

the many HGREC programs go to hgrec.com, email info@hgrec.com or call 250-637-1192.<br />

• Taoist Tai Chi: a wonderful strength, flexibility and stillness practice. haidagwaii@taoist.org<br />

• Earth Temple in Daajing Giids: for Yoga, Dance and their full list of health and wellness events go to<br />

earth-temple.square.site or scan the following QR code:<br />

(L to R) R. Dickson, A. Olsen<br />

and trainer S. Sansome<br />

PC K. Walhout<br />

Members of the Haida Gwaii<br />

Taoist Tai Chi Society<br />

PC Lin Armstrong<br />

• Island Wide Events: check out Haida Gwaii Trader’s Community Calendar at the back of this magazine<br />

and at www.haidagwaiitrader.com.<br />

20 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 21

A Day in the Life<br />

Stu Crawford – From Lichens to Leviathans<br />

On a crisp Sunday morning in December, Stu Crawford<br />

climbs down a steep embankment to a stretch of beach<br />

on Masset Inlet. It’s low tide, and ravens are caw-cawing<br />

overhead. Stu is dressed in his get-down-and-dirty clothes<br />

and high boots and he’s carrying a half dozen razor-sharp<br />

knives and a machete.<br />

It’s time to work - a job of epic butchery - and Stu has a<br />

few hours before a rising tide makes it impossible. Stu<br />

was originally trained as an ethnobotanist and studied the<br />

relationship between people and plants. He also specialized<br />

in lichens, but his current work includes teaching<br />

youth at Mount Moresby Adventure Camp and working<br />

as a marine biologist for the Council of the Haida Nation.<br />

By Claude Adams<br />

Today, however, he’s doing some unusual field work that’s<br />

not a normal part of his job description. He’s going to<br />

carve the carcass of a 37-foot humpback whale that’s been<br />

recovered and towed onto the beach. It weighs 20 to 25<br />

tons, as much as four elephants.<br />

Stu, 43, is on a deadline. Winter weather is approaching,<br />

and so are the scavengers. There are signs of bears<br />

nearby, and he’s concerned about a scattering of the<br />

bones, decomposition and tidal action.<br />

The carcass is easy to find. Just follow your nose and the<br />

fragrant smell of dead flesh will lead you there. Bruises<br />

on the spine suggest that this humpback was struck and<br />

killed by a vessel. Stu has dealt with dead humpbacks<br />

Stu and Jenny flensing whale<br />

PC Claude Adams<br />

before, but this is the biggest yet. (Two other humpbacks<br />

have died in Masset waters in recent months but the cause<br />

of their deaths is unknown.)<br />

“This one is nearly full grown, the whale equivalent of<br />

a 17-year-old boy,” he says. Stu’s objective is straightforward:<br />

To strip the blubber and the underlying red meat<br />

and viscera off the carcass and preserve the bones of the<br />

humpback for educational display, possibly somewhere in<br />

Gaw Tlagée Old Massett. Once all the flesh is removed, the<br />

bones will be buried with compost, mostly wood chips, for<br />

several months so that bacterial action can get rid of the<br />

whalebone oil. Then comes the final stage: Re-articulating<br />

the bones into a finished skeleton.<br />

Stu has had the help of volunteer “sous-butchers” like<br />

Jenny Kellar, who today is tearing off hunks of flesh while<br />

sloshing around in the soft pungent remains. “I’ll never<br />

eat paté again,” she jokes with a grimace. As if to illustrate<br />

the hazards of the job, Jenny drops her cell phone into<br />

the whale meat and worries that she may never be able<br />

to use it again.<br />

Stu says the work, called flensing, is physically demanding.<br />

“When you are butchering something like a deer,<br />

you can just lift pieces up and move them around so you<br />

can cut in the right place. But with a<br />

whale you usually can’t do that, so you<br />

really have to think about how you are<br />

going to accomplish each part. Also,<br />

the whale is incredibly tough, and it<br />

dulls your knives very quickly.”<br />

Anybody who’s read “Moby Dick” will<br />

remember how whalers of old used to<br />

flense whales, suspending the carcass<br />

from the ship’s rigging by the tail and<br />

cutting into the blubber so it can be<br />

peeled off like an orange skin. Stu’s<br />

carving is much more time-consuming.<br />

He believes there are important environmental<br />

benefits to the work. A necropsy<br />

(an autopsy on an animal) can<br />

provide important clues as to how the<br />

whale died and hopefully inspire more<br />

protective measures for the 35,000 to<br />

40,000 humpbacks remaining. “Also,”<br />

Stu says, “education is important. The<br />

more people know about whales, the<br />

more they appreciate them, and the<br />

more they are motivated to help them.<br />

Seeing a live whale is pretty incredible,<br />

but you usually don’t get to be that<br />

close to them. A dead whale or a whale skeleton is an<br />

amazing opportunity to really appreciate these animals.”<br />

Marni York and Jaalen Edenshaw were out on the Inlet<br />

in their 20-foot boat on November 5 when they spotted<br />

the floating humpback carcass. Marni says they managed<br />

to “lasso” it with a halibut skate line. Worried that the<br />

tide was dropping, she and Jaalen wrapped the line three<br />

times around a large boulder near the shore to secure it.<br />

“The line held and one good tide brought the whale up<br />

to here,” says Marni. “Yeah, it was quite a catch!”<br />

Stu often helps the Department of Fisheries and Oceans<br />

in establishing the cause of the whale deaths. “Out of<br />

the local people, I have the most experience at cutting<br />

up whales and I’m the most willing to get dirty, so it is<br />

often me. I would be getting samples of specific organs,<br />

looking for anything that looks odd or potentially like a<br />

cause of death, and taking pictures.”<br />

But it’s the not-so-dirty work that Stu is most anticipating:<br />

Putting the finished bones together, a job that will<br />

require experienced hands and funding. Meanwhile, he’s<br />

quite willing to put up with the noxious, smelly job of<br />

carving. “It’s a small price to pay,” he says, “for something<br />

so interesting.”<br />

Stu in his fungi element<br />

Photo courtesy Stu Crawford<br />

22 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 23

Helping the Kelp<br />

An Ocean Reforestation Project<br />

A five-year project to replenish a kelp forest along a<br />

stretch of coastline in Gwaii Haanas National Park<br />

Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve,<br />

and Haida Heritage Site has achieved some outstanding<br />

results, according to project partners. This marine<br />

reforestation holds great promise for furthering the<br />

diversity of ocean life in Haida Gwaii waters.<br />

Kelps are fast-growing brown seaweeds that grow in<br />

forest-like clusters close to shore and serve as a kind<br />

of nursery for marine life. Kelp forests are sometimes<br />

By Claude Adams<br />

called the ocean’s cafeteria – a feeding ground for many<br />

species of fish and other creatures.<br />

The project, co-led by Parks Canada and the Council<br />

of the Haida Nation and supported by other partners,<br />

is focused on three kilometres of the Gaysiigas Gwaay<br />

Murchison Island shoreline. The kelp forest in the<br />

oceans there had been severely diminished by a hyperabundance<br />

of guuding.ngaay red sea urchins who feed<br />

on growing kelp. This created a significant imbalance<br />

in the marine ecosystem.<br />

By removing more than 95% of the urchins in this<br />

underwater forest, project participants managed to<br />

nurture the regrowth of the lost kelp. “Before we did<br />

the work there was only a fringing band of kelp along<br />

the edges of the shoreline,” says Lynn Lee, a marine<br />

ecologist with Parks Canada. “Now we have kelp growing<br />

down to 40 and 50 feet deep because the urchins<br />

are not grazing all the kelp as it’s growing and there’s<br />

less grazing pressure.”<br />

What is involved here is the correction of a humanmade<br />

problem. A natural predator of the sea urchin<br />

– the sea otter – was hunted to near extinction in<br />

the mid-1800s in the maritime fur trade and this<br />

led to an explosion of the urchin population. These<br />

hyper-abundant urchins then grazed the kelp with<br />

uninhibited abandon. Imagine a kind of marine<br />

equivalent of woodland forest clear-cutting.<br />

The regrowth of kelp is good news for the entire ecosystem<br />

– for the abalone, salmon, rockfish and herring<br />

and more that are dependent on the kelp forest habitat<br />

and that are culturally important to the Haida. There’s<br />

also a benefit to the urchin fishing industry. “Those<br />

urchins left in the ecosystem,” says Lynn Lee, “have<br />

a lot more food to eat so they’re growing a lot more<br />

of their roe, and that’s what people eat; so there are<br />

fewer urchins but they are more full of roe and the roe<br />

is much sweeter and of better quality.”<br />

As part of the project, some of the harvested guuding.<br />

ngaay red urchins were donated to local communities<br />

and schools, and many people tasted this culturally<br />

important food, some for the first time.<br />

Under the guidance of the Gwaii Haanas Archipelago<br />

Management Board (AMB), Parks Canada, the Council<br />

of the Haida Nation, and academic partners will<br />

continue to survey the kelp forest restoration site to<br />

monitor for continuing kelp forest changes. They’ve<br />

already observed a growing diversity in the kelps and<br />

other species there, as the forest expands in depth and<br />

diversity. The AMB has permitted the commercial<br />

fishing industry to harvest urchin there to help keep<br />

urchin populations low – in this way, the commercial<br />

sector is working with project co-leads to help maintain<br />

conservation gains.<br />

For more information on the kelp project and the relationship<br />

between kelp and sea otters:<br />

parks.canada.ca/gwaiihaanas-nurture<br />

www.haidanation.ca/sea-otter-return/<br />

Red sea urchin<br />

PC Wikipedia<br />

The Ageless Red Urchin<br />

The urchin gets its name from the Middle English<br />

word for “hedgehog,” but it makes for a significantly<br />

tastier meal. The red sea urchin of the<br />

northeastern Pacific has within him and her a<br />

delicious portion of flesh called roe, or uni, which<br />

is best eaten raw, or as a flavor enhancer. Roe is<br />

outstanding for the healthy diet, full of sugar, salt<br />

and amino acids, along with vitamins C and A and<br />

omega-3 fatty acids.<br />

But you’ll want to keep in mind while you’re<br />

indulging that the urchin is the Old Man (or<br />

Woman) of the Sea: If not eaten by a sea otter<br />

or other predator especially when smaller, the<br />

red sea urchin (Latin name: Mesocentrotus franciscanus)<br />

can live well beyond 100 years. Some<br />

have been dated as old as 200 years. Not bad for a<br />

creature that has no eyes or legs, and lives mostly<br />

on algae. And remarkably, they show no signs of<br />

senescence, or old age. The spines, meanwhile,<br />

offer good protection from other predators.<br />

With a five-toothed jaw on its underside, the urchin<br />

feeds on seaweed and other encrusting life. When<br />

there are too many urchins, their grazing can leave<br />

a barren ocean floor that does not have a lot of<br />

biodiversity. This is the kind of natural imbalance<br />

that the Gwaii Haanas kelp restoration partners<br />

are seeking to remedy.<br />

Background image by Markus Thompson | thalassia.ca<br />

24 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 25

A Healing Conversation<br />

Talking Man to Man<br />

Men, it’s said, don’t talk about their vulnerabilities as<br />

freely as women. Often, they are confused and stressed<br />

about the expectations of masculinity, but are reluctant<br />

to admit it. That’s one reason suicide rates for men in<br />

Canada are higher than women. “We’re all struggling,”<br />

says Danny Robertson. “Men are the last at the table when<br />

it’s time to talk about their feelings.”<br />

But men on Haida Gwaii are breaking the silence. To help<br />

them do that, Robertson, along with Percy Crosby and<br />

Robert Russ, organized a healing conversation. They are<br />

co-facilitators of the GaaGagaay Men’s Group, which will<br />

be meeting every second week starting this <strong>January</strong> at the<br />

Haida Child and Family building in HlGaagilda Skidegate.<br />

It’s a confidential forum for men to share the pressures<br />

imposed on them by colonialism, religious beliefs, loss of<br />

culture and heritage, and the media.<br />

By Rhonda Lee McIsaac<br />

In the short days of winter, many men may get the seasonal<br />

blues, face higher stress, and feel more isolated.<br />

“The emotional, physical, and mental health of a community<br />

depends on the men,” says Robertson, who hopes to<br />

change the toxic male mentality. Adds Crosby, “The men<br />

attending are beginning to do just that, acknowledging<br />

their issues.” Through community engagement and group<br />

healing, their mental, physical, spiritual and emotional<br />

health is being bolstered.<br />

“The men’s group grew from a need to provide a safe haven<br />

for men from all the communities to gather,” says Russ.<br />

“This allows us to express ourselves without judgement<br />

or interference. A space like this has not been established<br />

before.”<br />

“The strongest man,” adds Robertson, “is a man who is<br />

comfortable with his vulnerabilities and accepts them.<br />

It’s a tough thing for men to do but this group helps with<br />

that issue and many more.”<br />

Confidentiality and trust are key to the work the Men’s<br />

Group is doing. To that end, they have a strict Code of<br />

Ethics that seeks to build a brotherhood of trust for men<br />

from all walks of life who attend the meetings.<br />

The men-only workshops have been offered since 2018 and<br />

have seen an increase in participation. Recently,<br />

Jordin Tootoo, a professional hockey player of<br />

Inuit/Ukrainian/English descent, presented to<br />

over 70 men who came from all communities on<br />

Haida Gwaii. Tootoo spoke of his struggles being<br />

from the North, his addiction issues, problems<br />

associated with fame, and suicide ideation. His<br />

perspectives touched on some of the common<br />

struggles that men face at all levels of society.<br />

Calls to action by the Truth and Reconciliation<br />

Commission of Canada (TRC) emphasize the<br />

urgent need for culturally relevant health and<br />

wellness practices. Men’s health and wellness is<br />

one such need, and allows the conversations and<br />

confidence to grow deeper, says Crosby.<br />

For more information about meetings and supports<br />

call Percy Crosby (250) 637-1944.<br />

A Few Mental Health Tips for Men<br />

• Select one of your male friends as a confidential chat buddy and schedule an ongoing “open heart” meeting<br />

to discuss personal issues. Choose a neutral comfortable setting without distractions, definitely NOT a<br />

bar or restaurant.<br />

• Often the best remedy for anxiety is rigorous physical exercise once or twice a week; give pickleball or<br />

volleyball a try. You may be surprised to find how much easier it is to talk after a vigorous workout.<br />

• Meditation for at least 10 minutes every day can ease a troubled mind: And yes, meditation, mindfulness<br />

and introspection are manly exercises!<br />

• Listen to podcasts that deal candidly with relationships, such as the Canadian comedian Chris Locke and<br />

his podcast, Happy Good, which provides a positive, fun, and free flowing weekly experience.<br />

• There’s plenty of reading material available about how so-called “iconic” male athletes, politicians and<br />

artists deal with emotional issues. One example: Andre Agassi’s superb tennis memoir “Open.”<br />

• Take advantage of Haida Gwaii’s nature and outdoor sports activities like hunting, fishing, tracking, and<br />

hiking or walking.<br />

Longhouse Gift Shop<br />

PC GaaGagaay Men’s Group<br />

Genuine Haida art & crafts<br />

Affordable & unique gifts<br />

Clothing & accessories<br />

Front St, Skidegate<br />

250-559-8013<br />

www.longhouse.ca<br />

26 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 27

250-626-7573<br />

Text or phone ahead for pick-up<br />

Serving Breakfast<br />

7am Mon-Fri<br />

Lunch and Dinner<br />

from 11:30<br />



Some of What We Sell:<br />

A Yippieneck’s Creed<br />

Tightening That New Year’s Belt<br />

Article and By photos Gregory by Morris Gregory Morris<br />

Located downtown<br />

Masset, across<br />

from the Co-op<br />

Find us on<br />

Facebook for<br />

specials and<br />

events!<br />

Wednesday Special<br />

ucts o Frid hic<br />

Local halibut fish + chips<br />

Pizza Friday +<br />

Saturday<br />

Hot rib subs/burgers<br />

Fish tacos<br />

Latte/cappuccino<br />

Hand-scooped milkshakes<br />

and Italian sodas in<br />

25 flavours<br />

Indoor and patio dining<br />

Wishing everyone a<br />

prosperous New Year!<br />

1498 Main St, Masset<br />

250–626–5559<br />

MON – SAT 8:30 – 5PM<br />

Owners<br />

Another holiday season has passed, and I was reminded<br />

that, in many ways, eating healthy foods is a societal<br />

class privilege. Organic and wholesome foods are not<br />

cheap and too many people today do not have the means<br />

to buy them. Over the festive season it is easy to eat too<br />

many servings of turkey and sweet things like eggnog<br />

and deserts.<br />

This has probably taken its toll around the waistline and<br />

some of us are looking for a remedy. Here’s a radical idea:<br />

just don’t eat anything for a few days and you will be<br />

amazed at how quickly you can reset your metabolic state<br />

and clean up some of that extra fat. Better yet, just go<br />

back to the good old 18 hour/6 hour feeding schedule,<br />

coupled with once-a-week HIIT (high intensity interval<br />

training) to turn that bulge into long, lean muscle mass.<br />

It is always best to exercise at the end of a fasting period<br />

to benefit most from growth hormone and stem cell production.<br />

Follow that up by eating good protein, fat and<br />

veggie fibre to feed muscle growth.<br />

Nursery in Wáan Kún/Gamadiis Port Clements and at<br />

the Haida Gwaii Co-op, both Masset and HlGaagilda<br />

Skidegate locations - all you need to get you up and<br />

running for your own whole food production. Plus, the<br />

local growers offer great produce at the farmers’ markets<br />

in Daajing Giids and Masset, now both open year-round<br />

(Tlell and Sandspit markets - in season).<br />

I’m reading a book called “What Comes After Money-<br />

Essays from Reality Sandwich on Transforming Currency<br />

& Community” and it is an eye opener. Pieces in the book<br />

by Charles Eisenstein and Steve Bhaerman pose some<br />

very relevant questions for 21st century societies… like:<br />

What is it that truly brings me happiness? What is of<br />

value and worth having? How can I use less and increase<br />

my happiness?<br />

“Self-fulfilment is far more satisfying than selfish<br />

feel-fullment!” - Steve Bhaerman<br />

I have a “go-hard” dog who walks me at least a couple<br />

of times a day in the forest. It’s been proven that forest<br />

walking is therapeutic AND it exposes you to all the sensory<br />

stimulations and friendly microbial populations in<br />

our wildland - the invisible fungi spores, bacteria and<br />

viruses with which we coexist. We are so blessed to live in<br />

the unceded territory of the Haida Nation that offers fresh<br />

air in a safe and free space to sponge up all the natural<br />

world we can handle.<br />

Before you know it, the days will be getting longer<br />

and you can start thinking of growing your own food<br />

again. This is important for us living on an island that<br />

relies heavily on the transport system and the big food<br />

industry to fill the fridge. Again, so many of our health<br />

issues are due to processed food and the fact that many<br />

people don’t often prioritize and set aside the time it takes<br />

to create and prepare real food. Why not start by just<br />

getting some planters and growing some greens and herbs<br />

on your sunniest porch or window? Or start composting<br />

your kitchen scraps and coffee grounds to make some<br />

soil? Seasonal garden supplies can be found at Funk It!<br />

in Daajing Giids, Ranch Feeds in Tll.aal Tlell, Dragonfly<br />

Greg and Tiko, the “go hard” dog<br />

PC Jennifer Pigeon<br />

28 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 29

Just like that it’s <strong>2023</strong>! I have had less time with Carter,<br />

who is now five years old, since he’s been in school. Connor<br />

has been talking a lot lately though. He doesn’t talk<br />

as much as Carter, but he is getting there. I think that<br />

Connor is a tad sassier than Carter. The boys have been<br />

loving the snow this winter and I have been so impressed<br />

with the big kids in Gamadiis Port Clements. They have<br />

really taken the boys under their wings, and it’s been<br />

heartwarming to watch. Thank you!<br />

Carter: “Look at my owie on my toe, Mom.”<br />

Me: “Where did you get that cut from?”<br />

Carter: “Well, obviously from something sharp.”<br />

C: “Mom, am I allowed to say h***?”<br />

M: “No, you cannot.”<br />

C: “Can I say helicopter?”<br />

M: “Yes.”<br />

C: “Ok, but it has h*** in it.”<br />

C: “I love to colour. I just want to decorate the whole<br />

world. Can I, Mom? Can I decorate everyone’s houses<br />

with my colouring?”<br />

M: “Your eyes look tired.”<br />

C: “Yah, but my body keeps on moving around. You know<br />

why, Mom? It’s because there’s a heart in there moving<br />

everything around!”<br />

M: “Carter, do you like it when I sing?”<br />

C: “No.”<br />

M: “Why?”<br />

C: “Because singing is weird.”<br />

C: “Mom, you see that right here in the picture? That’s<br />

my friend’s arm knee.”<br />

M: “Huh? You mean her elbow?”<br />

C: “Yah, that thing, an elbow.”<br />

M: “Carter, why won’t you let your dad walk you to<br />

school?”<br />

C: “I dunno, because I just don’t want to be distracted<br />

by him.”<br />

Carter was playing Mario Kart Wii with Connor. “Stop it,<br />

you bottom butterfly.” (G-rated smack talk from Carter.)<br />

M: “There’s no school tomorrow, Carter.”<br />

C: “What! Why?”<br />

M: “Because it’s Saturday.”<br />

Kid's Musings<br />

The World According to Carter & Connor<br />

Article and Photo by Jasmine Beachy<br />

C: “But I need to go to school to learn!”<br />

C: “When I get on that ferry I’m going to dance.”<br />

M: “Why?”<br />

C: “Because I love to dance!”<br />

M: “That’s the Empire State Building.”<br />

C: “Oh right! The monkey temple.”<br />

C: “Man! Why did my brother wreck this? Oh right, it’s<br />

probably because he’s a monkey’s uncle.”<br />

C: “I’ve been fishing for years Mom. I’m a really good<br />

fisher and hunter.”<br />

Introducing a First Musing by Connor (three years old)!<br />

Connor: “You’re a bad mom!”<br />

M: “That’s not very nice, Connor!”<br />

Connor: “Mom, you’re the best!”<br />

Connor also calls us pinecones. He thinks it’s hilarious.<br />

He calls me Pinecone Mom at least once a day.<br />

The boys are growing up so fast. Carter has his first wiggly<br />

tooth. These years are so precious and go by so fast.<br />

Cherish each and every moment! I urge you to record all<br />

the memories you can by video, pictures or notes. You<br />

won’t regret it. If you have any funny children’s stories<br />

to share, send them to Shellene at HG Trader at info@<br />

haidagwaiitrader.com.<br />

Carter (L) and Connor enjoying the snow.<br />

ACROSS<br />

3. First month of the year<br />

4. Surrounded by______<br />

5. Promises to ourselves<br />

7. Woolen shirt<br />

8. Freezing temperature<br />

11. This or that<br />

13. Reaching out<br />

16. Father______<br />

19. Door position to keep out cold<br />

20. Strong wind moving 45-90 knots<br />

22. Ursus americanus carlottae is sleeping<br />

24. Mother____<br />

25. Leaf cabbage<br />

27. Winter water sport<br />

28. Sometimes Feb is a ______year<br />

29. Past tense first and third person singular<br />

of be<br />

32. Drifting granular hills<br />

34. Winter night hobby<br />

35. Looking up<br />

36. Board game<br />

DOWN<br />

1. Hot chocolate and____<br />

2. <strong>February</strong> is named for the Latin word februum<br />

which means____<br />

6. Red sky in morning, Sailor takes____<br />

9. Musical swan<br />

10. HG Coffeehouse guest on Jan 27th<br />

12. Warm liquidy food<br />

14. Purple flower<br />

15. Puddles have a thin layer of____<br />

17. Sitting with a____to find a new world<br />

18. Winter sleep<br />

21. Saving Things House<br />

23. Waiting for the coming season of____<br />

Puzzle Page<br />

Winter This and That<br />

By Terri-Lynne Penner<br />

26. HG snow and skiing Facebook group<br />

30. A soft quilt filled with down<br />

31. Single____plastic is now banned<br />

33. Pink sky at night, Sailor’s____<br />

Answer key can be found after the<br />

Community Calendar at the back of the magazine.<br />

Background photo by Christine Rowan.<br />

30 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 31

Haida Gwaii Stargazers<br />

By Monica Caulfield<br />

HOROSCOPES FOR JANUARY & FEBRUARY <strong>2023</strong><br />

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com,<br />

click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the<br />

way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements,<br />

BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classifieds to appear in each issue is<br />

noon on the 20th of the month prior to the next publication. (For example, noon on Aug 20th for the Sep/Oct<br />

issue.) *Free classifieds apply to private, personally owned and non-business postings. Ads pertaining to business products,<br />

services, employment as well as real estate for sale or for rent are subject to fees.<br />

Aries (Mar 20 – Apr 19) Luck is on your side, dearest<br />

Aries. Whatever you set your mind and mission to, will be<br />

rewarded. If you continue to network with others in order<br />

to maximize your efficiency, you will find out the next direction<br />

to head. Utilize the opinions of others to gather the<br />

answers you seek. Keywords: pursuit, aim and quest.<br />

Taurus (Apr 20 – May 19) Your love of mankind is a<br />

beautiful gift, dearest Taurus. You have a unique set of<br />

skills that needs to be introduced to the world. What steps<br />

can you take that give you a sense of purpose while serving<br />

your community at large? Answer this question honestly to<br />

increase your happiness quota. Keywords: prosperity, peace<br />

of mind and pleasure.<br />

Gemini (May 20 – June 20) Have you ever noticed,<br />

dearest Gemini, how your life seems to shine after an<br />

adventure in foreign lands? Your optimism is greater, your<br />

hope is encouraging, and you can look at your deep truths<br />

without worry or stress? Tap into that feeling even if you<br />

are staying home. Keywords: navigate, ramble and goals.<br />

Cancer (June 21 – July 21) Your self-confidence and<br />

self-worth are being put to the test, dearest Cancer. Luckily,<br />

your ability to stay focused and stay the course through<br />

thick and thin is easily managed. Use whatever resources<br />

you must to help your life be all that it can be and remember<br />

that it’s okay to choose yourself over others for the time<br />

being. Keywords: courage, determination and certainty.<br />

Leo (July 22 – Aug 21) You can work it out, dearest<br />

Leo. When in doubt, use diplomacy and a tiny little bit of<br />

compromise in order to meet your objectives. When you<br />

communicate with honesty, it’s important to use kindness<br />

too. That way, the people that you are chatting with, will be<br />

able to hear you loud and clear and are able to digest your<br />

material easily. Keywords: patient, cordial and decent.<br />

Virgo (Aug 22 – Sept 21) Your creative pursuits are in<br />

full swing, dearest Virgo. It’s “joy to the world” and you<br />

can be sitting in the middle of that if you just give yourself<br />

permission to do so. What have you longed to create<br />

that you’ve never felt you had the time for? Winemaking?<br />

Painting with acrylics? Woodworking? Whatever it is,<br />

consider this to be the time. Keywords: design, discover and<br />

generate.<br />

Libra (Sept 22 – Oct 21) What’s that famous saying dearest<br />

Libra? Lucky in love, lucky in life? This is your ticket to<br />

embracing that now. Home is showing up prominently, as<br />

well, so put those all in the blender of life and what do you<br />

have? Lucky-home-life. Don’t get caught up in over-indulging<br />

24-7 but do indulge enough to smile.<br />

Keywords: nourish, invent and entertain.<br />

Scorpio (Oct 22 – Nov 21) The opportunities are coming<br />

your way, dearest Scorpio, so choose wisely. Be decisive<br />

based on what you perceive as your best course of action.<br />

What are your values and how can you enhance them?<br />

Only juggle the balls that are worth juggling and let the<br />

rest of them fall. Keywords: significant, positive and influences.<br />

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 20) Re-evaluate your resources,<br />

dearest Sagittarius, and make sure you are clear with<br />

this. What are your priorities and what can you let go of<br />

until you are set up? There are visionary thoughts coming<br />

your way that can be turned into reality with a little bit of<br />

fortitude and endurance. Get quiet enough to hear them.<br />

Keywords: boldness, moxie and grit.<br />

Capricorn (Dec 21 – Jan 19) There’s a chance, dearest<br />

Capricorn, that you may be coming off as somewhat impulsive.<br />

Not typically in your nature, but on occasion you<br />

are entitled to spontaneity without serious explanation. So<br />

go with it, knowing that you still have a rational, decisive<br />

mind, able to navigate the waters without serious planning.<br />

Enjoy the ride! Keywords: improvise, ad-lib and jump.<br />

Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 18) When you have multiple opportunities,<br />

dearest Aquarius, one strategy is to re-evaluate<br />

your past challenges and wins. This way, you open yourself<br />

up to having enough bandwidth for future endeavors. This<br />

is that time. Keywords: movement, time and space.<br />

Pisces (Feb 19 – Mar 19) You are in a place where the<br />

community needs you, dearest Pisces. Except that you<br />

need yourself too. This is the balancing act. How can you<br />

get what you need without sacrificing the needs of loved<br />

ones? When you learn how to balance this, you will feel<br />

energized and free. Keywords: vivacious, harmonious and<br />

spirited.<br />

Supporting<br />

local makers<br />

Beautiful clothes<br />

for beautiful<br />

women!<br />

Exclusively made<br />

in Canada<br />

Size Inclusive<br />

XS to 3X<br />

Slow Fashion<br />

Sustainable Fabrics<br />

32 Cow Bay Rd<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

250-922-4342<br />

lazycatcloset.ca<br />

In the Home & Office<br />

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/<br />

Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc<br />

Glass Tabletop. 30” x 30” glass tabletop. Etched hummingbirds and butterflies in the<br />

corners. I’d like to get $50 but would prefer to trade somebody for a handmade set of 4 table<br />

legs to compliment a wood slab tabletop. Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@<br />

qcislands.net<br />

IPad Cover. Targus universal cover for various sized iPads; adjustable corners. Like new,<br />

paid $45 from The Source. $20 Call George 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net<br />

MF279T Smart Hub. No fibre optic yet? No problem, get the Internet from<br />

your cell tower with this ZTE Smart Hub. Paid $240 from Telus; will sell for<br />

$100. Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net<br />

XL Columbia Men’s Synthetic Down Jacket. Men’s Omni heat Pike Lake<br />

hooded synthetic down jacket is perfect for a chilly drizzle or mild snowfall.<br />

This jacket packs cozy Thermarator insulation keeping you warm even<br />

when it’s wet, a thermal-reflective lining and a water-resistant finish. New<br />

with tags. This coat fits more like an XXL. $220 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255<br />

or email karefoe@gmail.com<br />

Hiking Boots. Pair of ladies Coleman hiking boots size 7. $25 Pair of men’s<br />

thinsulate hiking boots size 10. $25 Never worn! Call Regina Williams at<br />

(250) 626-9009 or email scouttsy@gmail.com<br />

Pet Carry Case. For a small dog or cat. 17.5” x 17.5” New condition. Used once. Price: $50<br />

firm. Call Colin/LaVerne at 250-637-1997 250-559-4637 or email pescador@live.ca<br />

Tennis Rackets. Wilson TX 25 MID (High Beam Series) used once or twice.<br />

$50 each or both for $90. Call Marla Abbott at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net<br />

Down Filled Hooded Jacket. Designed for duck hunting. It has a game<br />

pouch in the back that folds out for sitting on. Size 44 $75 Call Marla H<br />

Abbott at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net<br />

Dayton Caulk Boots. With caulk wrench and extra caulks; size 10 1/2. $50<br />

($400-$500 new). Call Graham at (250) 559-4242 or email abbcon@qcislands.net<br />

In the Yard & Workshop<br />

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/<br />

Pet and Pet Supplies<br />

Sand & Salter. Mounts on ball hitch attachment behind pickup. Only used<br />

twice. $900 Call Phil Shiels at (250) 637-5614 or email shiels@qcislands.net<br />

Motion Security Light for Sale. New, unused Heath Zenith 8L-1800-WH2<br />

Motion Security Light. $30 Call Harold at (250) 626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.net<br />

32 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 33

Haida Gwaii<br />

Auto Inc.<br />

Dealer #50179<br />

2013 Ford F150XLT<br />

127,000km/Stk#38 $23,995<br />

2014 Nissan Sentra<br />

77,300km/Stk#0018 $15,995<br />

2018 Ford F150XLT<br />

131,000km/Stk#39 $32,995<br />

2011 Chevrolet AVEO<br />

88,000km/Stk#40 $5,495<br />

“No reasonable offer<br />

refused!”<br />

250-559-4641<br />

605 Ocean View Dr.<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

citires@qcislands.net<br />

On the Road<br />

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment<br />

Two Bike Mounts. Front fork mount for transporting your bike in the back of a truck, etc.<br />

Bolt the fork mount to a cross piece secured to the truck box. Remove the front wheel and<br />

lock the forks into the fork mount. Mounts are $30 each on MEC; selling both for $20. (Sorry,<br />

won’t split them up.) Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net<br />

2012 Dodge Grand Caravan. LOADED. This is a camperized van for lone<br />

travelers. Espar diesel heat, pressure water system, 200 watts solar, lithium-ion<br />

batteries, aux diesel tank, 2 aux gas tanks, back up camera, Sirius<br />

Radio and more! $12,000 Call Bill at (778) 914-4487 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

M/C Helmet. HJC motorcycle helmet FG-2 DOT approved Zip out neck<br />

liner Size 7 3/6 - 7 5/8 Good condition, some minor scratches but sound $50<br />

Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@telus.net<br />

1966 Delta 88. Very clean inside and out. 425 Olds Rocket. 4 barrel. Runs<br />

great. Comes with second set of tires and rim chromies. $18,500. For further<br />

info or to view, call Dave Ellis at (250) 559-4747 or email drellis@qcislands.<br />

net<br />

1975 Harley, 1967 Triumph Tiger. And a few more toys. Day time calls only please. Call<br />

Lindsey at (778) 260-4733.<br />

BW Companion Puck 5th Wheel Hitch. Shock ride. Drop in for 2012-up<br />

Ford 250+. 25,000 lb. capacity. $1,200 Call Bill at (778) 914-4487 or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Racor/Parker Fuel Filter S3228SUL. This 2-micron fuel filter/ water<br />

separator fits Racor filter housings with a metal collection bowl. The top<br />

thread is about 1”, and the bottom thread is about 3 1/8”. Comes with gasket<br />

& O-ring. Brand new in sealed package. Several available. $25 Call Jack at<br />

(250) 626-3436 or email sales@tostaba.com<br />

On the Water<br />

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats<br />

Mako 18 LTS Power Boat. Center console, Mercury 4-stroke 115, stainless<br />

prop, dual batteries, Minn Kota Max troll motor, fish finder, chart plotter,<br />

GPS, aluminum trailer, swing-away hitch and full tonneau cover. Total<br />

hours: 7. $34,500 Call Bill at (778) 914-4487 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.<br />

com<br />

Troller for Sale - Reduced Price! $130,000 from $180,000 (CAD) Akko<br />

Chan, 41 ft fibreglass freezer troller, very clean, well-maintained. Brand new<br />

John Deere 240hp engine installed 2017, new twin disc gear, new exhaust,<br />

and tail shaft; lots of fishing gear incl. Packs 600 gallons of fuel. More info at<br />

https://akkochan.northernrogue.ca/ Call Colin at 250-559-4637 or 250-637-<br />

1997 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />


ARTIST<br />

Meredith Mainguy<br />

Reiki Master<br />

250-534-9405<br />

angelaurahealing.com<br />

3113 Oceanview Drive, DG<br />

Tis' the Season to<br />

Low-rate personal<br />

loans start at<br />

Prime + 2.5%*<br />

www.northsave.com<br />

*Visit our website for Terms and Conditions<br />

On the Water - cont.<br />

Spark Plugs for Sale. These NGK BU8H spark plugs are used in outboard<br />

motors. I have 2 boxes of 10 spark plugs per box. $100 if you purchase both<br />

boxes. Call Harold at (250) 626-3305 or email hkmackay@telus.net<br />

Volvo Penta 151A Marine Engine Parts for Sale. Reconditioned Volvo<br />

Penta 151A cylinder head for sale. $600 Call Harold at (250) 626-3305 or<br />

email hkmackay@telus.net<br />

Dickinson Diesel Cookstove. Older one that has a few issues but could be<br />

a good stove for someone willing to play around and get her running. If you<br />

got the recommended fan for it (we never did) that would most likely solve<br />

most of the issues we had. Fire box needs work and I don’t think the oven<br />

gauge works. $500 obo/trade for small woodstove. Call Frances at (250) 637-<br />

1759 or email haidagwaiiseasalts@gmail.com<br />

Sailboat For Sale. 44’ wooden pilothouse ketch. Frances Fredette of<br />

Victoria design no.54. Launched 1957 in Victoria, BC. Major refit in 2003<br />

at SALTS Yard in Victoria, BC. Hull refastening and refit 2018 at Moore’s<br />

Boat Yard in Pt. Edward, BC. Current survey available. This comfortable<br />

west coast classic working vessel is a Transport Canada Certified passenger<br />

vessel and has worked as a charter vessel in Gwaii Haanas National Park<br />

in Haida Gwaii since 2006. Sleeps 8 comfortably, full galley and head w/<br />

shower. 80 HP Daewo. Some work is required topside including new head<br />

sails. Includes 14’ French built Bombard zodiac w/15hp Suzuki. Located in<br />

Daajing Giids (Queen Charlotte) $70,000 For more information contact Bill<br />

Woodworth via email at sailpiraeus@gmail.com or phone 250-360-6184.<br />








34 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 35

Real Estate & Rentals<br />

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation<br />

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.<br />

Custom Seafood<br />

Processing & Sales<br />


Queen Charlotte Government Dock<br />

1-604-837-1518<br />

3/4 Acre Fully Serviced Lot- Port Clements. With sub-division potential,<br />

includes holiday trailer and small building with panel, washer and<br />

dryer. Offered at $198,000. Call John Ismay 250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii Specialist<br />

3/4 Acre View Lot- Daajing Giids. Incredible view lot just above the<br />

new hospital in Daajing Giids. Offered for sale at $215,000. Call John<br />

Ismay at 250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com for further<br />

details.<br />

Masset Bloom and Shoe. Free standing commercial building in the<br />

heart of Masset. Bring your ideas. Building and 2 lots Price $249,500. Call<br />

250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

3 Br 3 Bath- Daajing Giids. REDUCED to $724,900 and soon a new<br />

metal roof. This home is designed to capture the light and stunning views<br />

of Bearskin Bay from almost every window. The grand livingroom is<br />

lined with Port Orford cedar paneled walls with an impressive fireplace<br />

as the centrepiece. There are home business opportunities here with<br />

a bright high ceiling workshop is perfect for a carver, woodworker or<br />

metalsmith. Your family will enjoy the outdoor play space a fire pit and<br />

ocean views. 250-618-2434 tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

Mortgage Helper. REDUCED to $964,900. Two, 3-bedroom houses on<br />

a private 3 acres in Daajing Giids. The primary house has panoramic<br />

ocean views with southern exposure. The open concept living, grand<br />

centrepiece wood fireplace, skylights, and tall ceilings give this home a<br />

sense of bright spaciousness. The primary bedroom walks out to your<br />

private patio. Relax, watching the sun set from the soothing hot tub. Call<br />

250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

Perfect House for Fishing Charter Business- Sandspit. REDUCED<br />

from $774,900 to $749,900. This home is perfect for someone wanting<br />

to start a fishing charter business. Close to the boat launch, has a huge<br />

workshop to store a large fishing boat on a trailer, room for your truck<br />

and RV plus there is a kitchen designed just for cleaning your catch at<br />

the end of the day. This home is located across the street from the ocean<br />

shoreline where you can paddle board, kayak, or swim practically right<br />

outside your front door without losing your spectacular panoramic ocean<br />

view. Enjoy entertaining guests from your wrap around deck in the glow<br />

of a sunset, the perfect setting coastal ambiance. On the main floor is<br />

the large kitchen, living room, family room, a cozy woodstove, air-condition/heat<br />

pump, and guest bathroom. The second floor has 2 generous<br />

bedrooms and full bathroom. The perfect family home or vacation home<br />

with the airport and golf resort only 5 minutes away and ferry only a<br />

short distance away. Call 250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.<br />

com<br />

Walk-on Waterfront Log Home. This charming log house is quintessential<br />

West Coast living. On a quarter acre of walk-on-waterfront, it is<br />

waiting for you to call it home. This log home with a loft, 2 bedrooms,<br />

and 1 bathroom comes furnished for those of you who are just starting<br />

out. This is a great starter home for someone wanting to get into the<br />

market and it is waterfront. Kayak, paddle board or swim right out your<br />

back door. Plenty of parking and a nice large yard. Price $450,000. Call<br />

250-618-2434 or email Tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

1.2 Acre Lot- Port Clements. Beautiful, gently sloping, ocean<br />

view lot in Port Clements with parkland in front. Offered for sale at<br />

$199,000 Call John Ismay at 250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@<br />

gmail.com for further details.<br />

Sarah Barnhardt<br />

Licensed Realtor<br />

Longtime Haida<br />

Gwaii resident<br />

Serving all<br />

island communities<br />

Oceanfront Log Home with Cabin-Tlell. Crown Lease for 3/4 Acre<br />

of prime waterfront with cozy log home with shop and detached cottage.<br />

Price $285,000. Call John Ismay 250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@<br />

gmail.com<br />

1828 Alder Crescent- Masset. Totally renovated. 3 beds, 2 baths, half<br />

duplex with new heat pump. Ready to enjoy! Price $297,500 Call John<br />

Ismay 250 218 9776 or email Johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

3 Waterfront Lots at 53 Bayview-Port Clements. REDUCED Charming<br />

2 bed, 2 bath home, detached self-contained cottage, huge shop and<br />

a waterfront RV space. Fabulous package $579,000. Call 250-218-9776 or<br />

email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

2143 Collison Ave- Masset. A great mobile on its own foundation with<br />

full basement, 3 beds, 2 baths. Price $189,000. Call John Ismay, Re/Max<br />

Ocean Pacific 250-218-9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

1854 Balsam Cres- Masset. Super clean, half duplex with lots of updates<br />

and self-contained basement suite. Price $265,000. Call John Ismay,<br />

Re/Max Ocean Pacific 250-218-9776 email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

Sanctuary Gardens Home. Practical home on a quiet corner lot across<br />

from Delkatla Sanctuary with new paint throughout and newer appliances.<br />

4 beds, 1.5 bath, office, pantry, custom solid wood kitchen cabinets,<br />

laminate living room floor, tons of built-in storage, separate garage and<br />

insulted/powered workshop. Woodstove with $1k of seasoned firewood.<br />

Patio and covered deck and a finished basement with separate entrance.<br />

Mature front garden with 5000+ bulbs and 2 greenhouses, set-up for<br />

micro-farm. Partly furnished. Price $495,000 Call 250-626-5587 or email<br />

lorrjay@gmail.com<br />

2150 Elm Crescent- Masset. REDUCED Well-cared for, 3 bed/1.5 bath<br />

detached home, sits on a lovely corner lot in a family-friendly neighbourhood<br />

with a large, treed yard that offers plenty of privacy. This property<br />

features a new heat pump and upgraded windows, bringing extra warmth<br />

to this bright and cheerful home. Price $275,000. Call 250 922 5409 or<br />

email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

3-bedroom Rancher with Vaulted Ceilings- Daajing Giids. This<br />

lovely turnkey, 3 br, 1400sq ft rancher is located on a quiet cut-de-sac.<br />

You’ll be surprised when entering the home, with 16’ ceilings and 2 skylights<br />

in the living room allowing for an open, bright, and spacious feel.<br />

You are also greeted with a warm wood stove for cozy winter nights and<br />

air conditioning for those hot summer days. The primary bedroom has<br />

a large walk-in closet and ensuite. The kitchen is spacious with a large<br />

walk-in pantry and with quality black appliances. Price $549,900. Call<br />

250-618-2434 or email tracey.defrane@gmail.com<br />

250-559-8561<br />

36 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 37<br />

Call me!<br />

Prince<br />

Rupert<br />

250.922.5409<br />

sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

519 3rd Avenue West,<br />

Prince Rupert<br />

31857 Hwy 16<br />

in Tll.aal Tlell<br />

Insurance for Home,<br />

Auto, Business,<br />

& Recreational

Real Estate & Rentals - cont.<br />

Wanted<br />

Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate<br />

Organic Produce<br />

Groceries & Dairy<br />

• Artisan Breads & Baked Goods<br />

• Farm Fresh, Seasonal Veggies<br />

• Free Range Meats<br />

• Organic Charcuterie Meats<br />

• International Cheeses<br />

• Foods for All Diets<br />

250-559-8623<br />

store@isabelcreek.ca<br />

Open Mon-Sat: 10am-5:30pm<br />

3219 Wharf Street<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Space Rentals<br />

Online Gift Shop<br />

Events<br />

Tours<br />

#2 Second Beach Road<br />

HlGaagilda Skidegate,<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

250-559-7885<br />

www.haidaheritagecentre.com<br />

info@haidaheritage.com<br />

Handcrafted soap<br />

& body products<br />

islandwisehaidagwaii.com<br />

Worker Accommodations Long or Short Term- Port Clements and<br />

Masset. Port Clements: furnished and unfurnished 1 and 2 -bedroom<br />

apartments. Newly renovated, including bathroom and kitchen. Sat.<br />

internet, TV, king-size beds, laundry and parking are incl. Well suited for<br />

worker accommodation. Clean and secure building. Masset: several renovated<br />

housing units. 3 and 4 - bedroom units. Furnished or unfurnished.<br />

Sat. internet, cable, laundry and parking are included. Please email<br />

dustin@rushworthelectric.ca for more info or call/text 250 661 9012. Call<br />

for prices.<br />

1995 Beitush Road- Tlell. Live your coastal dream on this stunning<br />

4.75-acre ocean and riverfront property in beautiful Tlell, Haida Gwaii.<br />

The serenity of Haida Gwaii’s beaches are steps away or enjoy the ocean<br />

view right from the cozy living room. This custom-built, 3-bedroom,<br />

1.5-bathroom home, features a large open concept main living area with<br />

a spacious kitchen, living and dining room. The main floor also has a<br />

hobby/workshop space, and a relaxing sunroom. The main bedroom<br />

on the second level has a balcony, which overlooks the well-manicured,<br />

fenced yard and garden. Much of the 4.75 acres is forested creating a private<br />

and peaceful setting. Haida Gwaii is an outdoor enthusiast’s dream,<br />

and this property is ideally located to go fishing, beachcombing, kayaking<br />

or hiking literally right from your door! Price $850,000. Call 250 922 5409<br />

or email sarahbarnhardt@remax.net<br />

1 Bedroom Plus Den + 10 Acres-Tlell. Over 500 ft of sandy beach<br />

within the Naikoon Provincial Park in Tlell. This freehold property hosts a<br />

1,000-sqft off-grid home nestled at the forest edge, atop a dune and is one<br />

of the most beautiful properties on Haida Gwaii. This home sits on a full<br />

foundation built to BC Code. Some of the off-grid systems are in place but<br />

not connected including a Generac 7,500-watt generator and Reni demand<br />

hot water system. Hydro is available 400 meters from the house on<br />

Beitush Road. The 152-foot drilled well draws excellent water from a large<br />

aquifer and a high-volume septic system is in place, both are provincially<br />

approved. The land is accessed from Beitush Road along the Tlell River.<br />

This land and home have been loved by one owner for over 30 years. Price<br />

$1,500,000. Call 250-360-6184 or email: sailpiraeus@gmail.com<br />

Masset Bike Shop. Great opportunity to run your own business without<br />

“breaking the bank.” Tremendous potential for bike sales and service<br />

along with other sports equipment. Building in great shape on 2 lots and<br />

room for small living quarters. This business is in the heart of Masset and<br />

close to the airport offering daily service to the mainland. Price $279,500<br />

Call John at 250 218 9776 or email johnismay2014@gmail.com<br />

Promote your business | Call us at 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Affordable rates / Web and print exposure / Ad design assistance<br />

Kohlen and<br />

Company Appraisals<br />

Richard Kohlen, CRA, P. APP<br />

Serving Haida Gwaii<br />

since 2015<br />

Contact us!<br />

250-302-1074<br />

richardkohlen@gmail.com<br />

Rock Scaler Wanted. I’m looking for an experienced rock scaler to clear rocks and debris<br />

above a recent localized landslide. Own WorkSafe coverage preferred. Call or email<br />

for more information. George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@telus.net<br />

Looking to Buy Land/House. I’d like to make my home on Haida Gwaii. Location is<br />

flexible, cash is an option for the right price. Email d.chez9789@gmail.com<br />

Rock Scaler Wanted. I’m looking for an experienced rock scaler to clear rocks and debris<br />

above a recent localized landslide. Own WorkSafe coverage preferred. Call or email for more<br />

information. George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@telus.net<br />

Looking to Buy Land/House. I’d like to make my home on Haida Gwaii. Location is flexible,<br />

cash is an option for the right price. Email d.chez9789@gmail.com<br />

Freebies<br />

Anything that just needs a new home!<br />

FREE Toshiba TV/VCR. With RCA hook ups. Call Cody at (236) 544-0145 or email cbwaller@live.ca<br />

Employment & Training<br />

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/<br />

Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars<br />

P/T Business Account Manager. Northern Savings Credit Union has an<br />

opening for a P/T Business Account Manager for our Masset or Daajing Giids<br />

location. If you are passionate about improving people’s financial health<br />

and have experience with sales and service, we would like to hear from<br />

you. Minimum Qualifications: Education: Completion of post-secondary<br />

education is required. Completion of sales and service training or a business<br />

credit lending program is preferred. Experience: Previous business lending<br />

experience required. Previous retail lending or financial services experience<br />

preferred. Travel is a requirement of this position. Please send your resume<br />

to Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356 or email naomikowal@northsave.com<br />

Local Foods Recipes Contributor. Do you have a passion for cooking<br />

with locally grown and sourced foods? Do you love writing? We would love<br />

to hear from you! Starting with the <strong>January</strong>/<strong>February</strong> issue of the Haida<br />

Gwaii Trader <strong>Magazine</strong>, we are looking for a new local foods enthusiast<br />

who is interested in taking on the Haida Gwaii Eats series. Whether you<br />

write recipes or know of great recipes from other locals, have fun sharing<br />

your knowledge and passion for local food with our readers! Commitment<br />

to a minimum of three issues. Call Shellene Patience at (250) 557-2088 or<br />

email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

250-600-0215<br />

haidagwaii@bcss.org<br />

www.bcss.org<br />

• 1 – 1 Support<br />

• Education<br />

• Support Group<br />

Free for families of individuals<br />

with ANY mental illness.<br />


WITH US!<br />

Call us at 250-557-2088<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />


Groceries & Liquor<br />

Bakery & Deli<br />

Home & Office Supplies<br />

Gifts & Local Treasures<br />

91 Bayview Dr. Port Clements<br />

Mon-Sat 10-6 | 250-557-4331<br />

38 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 39


• Office Supplies<br />

• Everything C ricut<br />

• Computers<br />

• Printers<br />

• Accessories<br />

• Office Furniture<br />

• Art Supplies<br />

Happy to be serving<br />

Haida Gwaii<br />

(250) 624-3073<br />

essentials2@citywest.ca<br />

Northern Rogue<br />

Technologies<br />

IT Services for Haida Gwaii<br />

Onsite/Remote support for:<br />

• Computer Repairs<br />

• Server & Network<br />

• Data Recovery<br />

Hardware and<br />

Software Sales<br />

1-250-640-9204<br />


www.northernroguetechnologies.ca<br />

Employment & Training - cont.<br />

Hiring F/T MSR. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a<br />

Full Time Member Service Representative for our Masset branch. This<br />

would appeal to an outgoing individual interested in providing excellent<br />

customer service and a career in sales. Minimum Qualifications: Education:<br />

Secondary School Diploma required. Experience: Previous sales and service<br />

experience is preferred or an equivalent combination of education, training<br />

and experience. Skills: Excellent written and verbal English communication<br />

skills. Working knowledge, skills and experience in Microsoft Office. Please<br />

send your resume to info@northsave.com or apply via our website https://<br />

www.northsave.com/AboutUs/Careers/.<br />

Hiring Loans Officer. Northern Savings Credit Union is seeking a full<br />

time Personal Loans Officer for our Daajing Giids location. Education: High<br />

School diploma is a requirement. Completion of post-secondary education<br />

is an asset. Completion of sales training is an asset. Completion of<br />

Personal Lending course. Experience: Previous lending, sales and service<br />

experience is required. Previous financial services experience is required.<br />

Skills: Demonstrated sales skills. Expert knowledge of products and services<br />

required. Ability to communicate and liaise professionally with members,<br />

potential customers, community groups and co-workers while maintaining<br />

confidentiality. Working knowledge, skills, and experience in Microsoft Office.<br />

Please send your resume to info@northsave.com or call Naomi Kowal<br />

at (250) 628-0356 or email naomikowal@northsave.com<br />

Hiring P/T MSR. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a Part<br />

Time Member Service Representative for our Queen Charlotte branch. This<br />

would appeal to an outgoing individual interested in providing excellent<br />

customer service and a career in sales. Minimum Qualifications: Education:<br />

Secondary School Diploma required. Experience: Previous sales and service<br />

experience is preferred or an equivalent combination of education, training,<br />

and experience. Skills: Excellent written and verbal English communication<br />

skills. Working knowledge, skills, and experience in Microsoft Office. Send<br />

resume to info@northsave.com or call Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356 or<br />

email naomikowal@northsave.com<br />

Temp. P/T Insurance Broker. We are seeking a Temporary Part Time<br />

Insurance Broker I to approximately September <strong>2023</strong>. This position is in<br />

Daajing Giids, BC. Supported by a Level I insurance license, the Broker I<br />

processes personal line policies and ICBC Auto-plan. Minimum Qualifications:<br />

Education: High school diploma is a requirement. Level I Insurance<br />

broker license preferred, however willing to train. Skills: Demonstrated<br />

sales skills. Ability to communicate and liaise professionally with members,<br />

potential customers, community groups and co-workers while maintaining<br />

confidentiality. Working knowledge, skills, and experience in Microsoft<br />

Office. Send resume to info@northsave.com or https://www.northsave.com/<br />

AboutUs/Careers/.<br />

Community Living Support<br />

Worker Daajing Giids/Skidegate<br />

Comprehensive on-the-job training provided!<br />

Application end date: Until filled<br />

Location: Queen Daajing Giids/Skidegate, south end, Haida Gwaii<br />

Level/Wage: JJEP Wage Grid Level 10 $21.63 – $25.19 per hour with wage increases as per Collective Agreement<br />

Position: Permanent 0.5 FTE<br />

Hours: 20 hours/ week guaranteed hours, with additional hours available depending on funding<br />

Benefits: Complete benefits package (Extended Health, Dental, Life, AD&D, and LTD)<br />

Applications accepted by: clcm@hgscp.ca Subject line: Community Support Worker Position DG<br />

Attention: Daniel Kolpatzik, Community Living Contracts Manager<br />

Mail: Box 811, 2132 Collison Avenue, Masset, BC, V0T 1M0<br />

Job description: Provides respectful & creative support for adults with developmental disabilities in developing<br />

skills needed to be active & included in the community. Assists clients with appropriate daily life skills to maintain<br />

their home (i.e. meal times, bed times), social skills. Teaches and assists clients with activities such as recreation,<br />

education, employment, hygiene, reminders re: medication, basic cooking, money management, shopping,<br />

household safety and pet care.<br />

Offers services in a manner respectful of the cognitive abilities & goals of the individuals. A person-centered<br />

approach to planning activities will be a cornerstone in your work with individuals. As a member of our support<br />

worker team, you will be enhancing & supporting the quality of life for individuals by providing the opportunity for<br />

full involvement in their community.<br />

Please apply if you are a leader who is creative, flexible, personable and compassionate!<br />

Qualifications & Requirements: Grade 12 High School Diploma or G.E.D. equivalent. Class 5 Drivers License<br />

plus reliable Vehicle and drivers abstract), and:<br />

• First Aid with CPR, (or willing to obtain)<br />

• Satisfactory Criminal Record Check for Vulnerable Sector<br />

• Basic computer literacy skills including email and the ability to learn new computer skills such as client<br />

information data entry.<br />

• Experience, courses, certificate, or diploma in a related human/social service field would be an asset<br />

• Two doses of Covid-19 vaccination are required for this position as per current Public Health Order<br />

• This position requires Union Membership with BCGEU General Services<br />

• This position requires the successful applicant to use their own vehicle in the course of their duties.<br />

Preferred Skills:<br />

• Excellent interpersonal skills<br />

• Good organizational and time management skills<br />

• Personal qualities of compassion, patience, creativity, flexibility, and adventurousness<br />

• Able & willing to complete on-the-job and online training<br />

• Knowledge of or experience with persons with disabilities is an asset but not a requirement, training will be<br />

provided<br />

• Certificate, courses, or training in Social Services related topics would be an asset. The HGSCP offers successful<br />

applicants on-the-job trainings and workshops as related to the position.<br />

• Must be able to maintain confidentiality<br />

For more information or to apply please contact Daniel Kolpatzik, CLBC Contracts Manager at<br />

clcm@hgscp.ca or 250-626-7977<br />

40 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 41





250 624 4164<br />

PrinceRupert<br />

Employment & Training - cont.<br />

Hiring F/T FSR. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a<br />

Full time Financial Service Representative for our Daajing Giids branch.<br />

Minimum Qualifications: Education: Secondary School Diploma required.<br />

Completion of post-secondary education is an asset. Experience: Previous<br />

sales and service experience is preferred. Previous financial services experience<br />

is preferred. Skills: Demonstrated sales skills and knowledge of<br />

products and services required. Ability to prioritize, organize work within<br />

time constraints and under pressure. Ability to communicate and liaise<br />

professionally with members, potential customers, community groups and<br />

co-workers while maintaining confidentiality. Working knowledge, skills,<br />

and experience in Microsoft Office. Please send your resume to info@northsave.com<br />

or call Naomi Kowal at (250) 628-0356 or email naomikowal@<br />

northsave.com<br />

Community Service Listings<br />

Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous. If you have a drinking problem we can help. If<br />

you live in the north end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-626-7557. In-person<br />

meetings are on Wednesdays, at 8 pm in the Masset Fire Hall soup<br />

kitchen. If you live in the South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings are<br />

held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United Church, at 8 pm on Saturday<br />

nights. For more info on how to join a local virtual Zoom meeting, call John<br />

at 250-626-7557. Call John/Lou at (250) 626-7557 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

www.facebook.com/Princerupertlutheran<br />

Promote your business<br />

Call us at 250-557-2088<br />

or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Helping People is our Passion<br />

Now Serving Haida Gwaii!<br />

Tiiiddall Zoonee SSiiillveer SStuddiiioo<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio<br />

Designed and handcrafted<br />

Tiiiddall SSiiillveer by Silver local artisan Jewellery jeweller by Laura Dutheil SStuddiiioo<br />

Zoonee<br />

Ennggrrrraavveeeeed Siiillllvveeeeerrrr Jeeeeeweeeeelllllllleeeeerrrry<br />

Orrrriiiggiiinnaallll<br />

Available Laura at: Dutheil<br />

Designed • Funk and It! handcrafted<br />

by local Earrings, artisan rings, jewellerpendants,<br />

• DG<br />

Laura<br />

Visitor<br />

Dutheil<br />

Centre<br />

bracelets, ear cuffs & more,<br />

• Sandspit with tidal Visitor zone inspired<br />

Earrings, rings, pendants,<br />

bracelets, Centre ear cuffs engravings & more,<br />

with tidal zone inspired<br />

Appointments<br />

Welcome!<br />

engravings<br />

Custom orders welcome!<br />

Custom orders welcome!<br />

Available Available at Funk It! at and Funk the Queen It! and Charlotte the Queen Visitor Information Charlotte Centre Visitor Information Centre<br />

778-260-0434<br />

tidalzonesilverstudio.com<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

Tidal Zone Silver Studio tidalzonesilverstudio@gmail.com<br />

Available at Funk It and the<br />

Queen Charlotte Visitor Information Centre<br />

Extensive Contractor Experience<br />

• New Construction • Renovations • Carpentry • Concrete • General Construction<br />

Haida Gwaii Tide Tables <strong>2023</strong><br />

The tide height in Haida Gwaii varies by up to 24 feet<br />

(more than 7 meters)! The big tides (higher highs and<br />

lower lows) happen every 2 weeks around the full and new<br />

moons. Knowing the tides is important for exploring tide<br />

pools, harvesting intertidal food, fishing, navigation, and<br />

tidal currents. So before you head out, be sure to check<br />

the date, time, and tide height, and adjust the time for<br />

your specific location around Haida Gwaii.<br />

Tides in Haida Gwaii<br />

Compared to predictions for Prince Rupert<br />

K'iis Gwaay<br />

Langara Pt<br />

10 min early<br />

Masset<br />

Gawée Sdaa 20 min late<br />

Alexandra Narrows<br />

Flood starts 0:15 after low<br />

Ebb starts 0:10 after high<br />

Sk'iiluu Kaahlii<br />

Nesto Inlet<br />

10 min early<br />

Skaats'insii<br />

Dawson Hbr<br />

15 min early<br />

Taan Guu<br />

Trounce Inlet<br />

Low 55 min late<br />

High 20 min late<br />

Daa.ulgaay<br />

East Skidegate Narrows<br />

(Floods west)<br />

West Beacon<br />

Flood starts 3:20 – 3:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 3:00 – 3:30 after high<br />

East Beacon<br />

Flood starts 1:50 – 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 1:30 – 2:30 after high<br />

Juus Kaahlii<br />

Juskatla<br />

Low 5:15 late<br />

High 4:45 late<br />

Designed by:<br />

Stu Crawford<br />

Box 788, Masset, BC<br />

stu.crawford@gmail.com<br />

(250) 626-3868<br />

Crawford<br />

Ecological Consulting<br />

Hl'yaalang Waagusd<br />

North Beach<br />

5 min early<br />

Taa Suu<br />

Hunger Hbr<br />

20 min early<br />

Data from the Canadian Hydrographic Service<br />

Estimates are unofficial and may vary<br />

significantly from reality<br />

Gaw Kaahlii<br />

Masset Sound<br />

Flood starts 2:50 after low<br />

Ebb starts 2:30 after high<br />

Gamadiis<br />

Port Clements<br />

Low 3:05 late<br />

High 2:50 late<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

Queen Charlotte<br />

Low 20 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Kuuɢahl<br />

McCoy Cove<br />

Low 15 min late<br />

High 5 min late<br />

K'yal Gawɢa<br />

Pacofi<br />

Low 10 min late<br />

High same as P.R.<br />

Gwaay K'aas<br />

Copper Is.<br />

Same as P.R.<br />

Kay Tay Daanaay<br />

Cape St James<br />

Low 10 min early<br />

High 5 min early<br />

Tyler Jackson 604-328-0239 (texts preferred) tyler@clearviewconsulting.ca www.clearviewconsulting.ca<br />

42 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 43

Haida Gwaii Trader Community Calendar <strong>January</strong>/<strong>February</strong>, <strong>2023</strong><br />

Do you have an event you want to advertise?<br />

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your event FREE OF CHARGE<br />

Island Wide & Online<br />

Alcoholics Anonymous<br />

If you have a drinking problem we can help. If you<br />

live in the north end of Haida Gwaii call John at 250-<br />

626-7557. In-person meetings are on Wednesdays, at<br />

8 pm in the Masset Fire Hall soup kitchen. If you live<br />

in the South end, call Lou at 250-559-4568. Meetings<br />

are held in the HlGaagilda Skidegate at the United<br />

Church, at 8 pm on Saturday nights. For more info on<br />

how to join a virtual meeting, call John at 250-626-<br />

7557 or visit aa.org/pages/en_US<br />

Strong Start<br />

A Ministry of Education drop-in, play-based program<br />

for children ages 0 – 5 accompanied by a parent/<br />

caregiver. Check each community’s Facebook page for<br />

photos, updates on events, and tips from our support<br />

team! Masset Weekdays / 9-12 / Tahayghen Elementary<br />

School / 2151 Tahayghen Drive / Contact<br />

Beth Kellar at 250-626-5572 or bkellar@sd50.bc.ca<br />

or FB: Tahayghen Strong Start. Port Clements<br />

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays / 9-12 /<br />

Port Clements Multipurpose Building / 36 Cedar<br />

Avenue West / Contact Jasmine Beachy at 250-557-<br />

4333 or jbeachy@sd50.bc.ca or FB: PCES StrongStart.<br />

Sandspit Weekdays / 9-12 / Agnes L Mathers Elementary<br />

School / 406 Copper Bay / Contact Claire<br />

Gauthier at (250) 637-5454 or cgauthier@sd50.bc.ca<br />

or FB: ALM Strong Start. Skidegate Wednesdays<br />

& Fridays / 9-12 / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary<br />

School / 500 Skidegate Heights / Contact Merewyn<br />

Nicol at 250-559-8889 or mnicol@sd50.bc.ca or FB:<br />

qccstrongstart<br />

VIRL - Tech support<br />

with library Manager Patrick. If you need any tech<br />

support, contact your local VIRL branch and schedule<br />

a time to come in with your device. For more info:<br />

virl.bc.ca<br />

Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset<br />

Niislaa Naay Healing House Society -<br />

Walking Group<br />

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays / 10:30am<br />

-11:30pm / OMVC Hall / 348 Eagle Ave / Join<br />

us, everyone is welcome! - Get your blood pressure<br />

checked - Monitor your heart rate - Eat some snacks<br />

- Enjoy some stretches - Remember to bring your<br />

water bottle! For more information contact Martina<br />

Abrahams 250-626-3911 or martina.abrahams@<br />

haidahealth.ca<br />

Gaw Tlagée / Old Massett & Masset - cont.<br />

Tawlang Ga Tlaayds - Open Gym<br />

Mondays & Thursdays / 3:30-5pm / OMVC Hall<br />

/ 348 Eagle Ave / Join us, families with children 0-6<br />

years old & siblings. Snacks provided. Check our FB:<br />

tawlang.gatlaayds.1 for more info on our Pregnancy<br />

Outreach Program activities and other activities<br />

offered at the Youth Centre.<br />

Women’s Drop-In Coffee Time – Masset<br />

Thursdays / 10am-Noon / Wellness House / 2112<br />

Collison Ave. / Open to all self-identifying women!<br />

For more information contact Delvina Lawrence at<br />

250-626-3911<br />

Masset Market<br />

Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from the Co-op /<br />

1575 Main St. / The Masset Market is a collective of<br />

Haida Gwaii growers, bakers and makers. We brave<br />

the elements year-round to offer locally grown and<br />

prepared foods including vegetables, eggs, preserves,<br />

ferments, baking and treats; cut flowers, mushrooms<br />

and berries are available in season. Locally handcrafted<br />

items include soap & body products, jewellery,<br />

pottery, and knitted, painted, felted and beach combed<br />

treasures. Delicious hot lunches are a new regular<br />

feature at the market. Sanitize hands before entry.<br />

“Park” your dogs at our onsite leash area while you<br />

shop. Picnic tables and outdoor seating available. For<br />

more information contact Natalie at 250-626-9181 or<br />

massetmarket@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook<br />

or Instagram.<br />

HGREC Events - Alternate Fitness Program<br />

Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays until Jan 24 th<br />

/ 12-12:45pm / Royal Canadian Legion / 2082<br />

Collison Ave / FREE modified fitness class for those<br />

of middle-age and seniors, who would like bring some<br />

fitness into their lives. Instructor: Harold White. For<br />

more information contact (250) 626-3650. Mindful<br />

Belly Moves Tuesdays in <strong>January</strong> starting Jan<br />

10th / 6-7pm / Anahata Yoga / 1644 Main St /<br />

Imagine a relaxing, free-flowing movement workshop<br />

where anything can happen – from yoga to meditation,<br />

from me time to playtime, all infused with beautiful,<br />

flowy belly dance movements. Masset Instructor:<br />

S’ya ~ Bellycian (bellymagic.ca, FB: bellymagician.)<br />

Cost: $18/class. Drop-in may be available. For more<br />

information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or info@<br />

hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

Tll.aal / Tlell<br />

Wed, Feb 15 / 7:30-9:30pm / Tlell Fire Hall /<br />

36542 BC-16 / Come join us for our Annual General<br />

Meeting. Memberships are $20. For more information<br />

contact Linda Louis at sewwhat@qcislands.net or FB:<br />

Graham Island East Coast Farmers<br />

Wáan Kύn / Gamadiis Llnagaay Port Clements<br />

Seniors’ Yoga<br />

Thursdays from Jan 26 – March 9 / 11-12 / Port<br />

Clements / Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West<br />

/ Learn to respect your body and discover its intelligence<br />

as you stretch, strengthen, open and relax.<br />

Mats available, please bring a blanket and arrive a few<br />

minutes early. FREE. Taught by Jennifer Pigeon. For<br />

more information contact HG Rec at 250-637-1192 or<br />

info@hgrec.com or hgrec.com<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

VIRL Daajing Giids Events<br />

138 Bay Street Knitters Social Hour Thursdays<br />

/ 7-8pm (no activity for 3 last weeks of <strong>January</strong>)<br />

Bring your knitting needles, crochet or spinning<br />

projects, and stories. We are so very much looking<br />

forward to having you join us. Movie Night:<br />

My Mother’s Village Jan 26th / 6:30-8 pm<br />

/ Almost 50 years after his family fled Ukrain for<br />

freedom in Canada, the filmmaker visits his parents’<br />

homeland. Movie Night: As the Crow Flies<br />

Feb 16th / 6:30-8 pm / Follows a group of Royal<br />

Canadian Air Cadets as they undergo seven weeks of<br />

training to get their pilots’ license. For more information<br />

contact Michelle Scott at (250) 559-4518 or<br />

daajinggiids@virl.bc.ca or virl.bc.ca<br />

Youth Centre: Movie Nights, Drop Ins &<br />

More<br />

DG Youth Centre / 924 3rd Ave / Various Schedule<br />

/ Come by and watch a movie, eat some pizza<br />

and hang out. You pick the movie. Drop-in times:<br />

activities, sports, music and more. For more information<br />

contact Jay Myers at (250) 559-4769 or jmyers@<br />

queencharlotte.ca or Facebook: qcyouthcentre<br />

Daajing Giids - cont.<br />

DG Community Club Meeting<br />

Sun, Jan 08 & Tue, March 7th / 6:30-8pm /<br />

Daajing Giids Community Hall, EA Ross Room<br />

/ 134 Bay Street. If you’re interested in becoming a<br />

member at large, it’s a one-time fee of $5. If you’d like<br />

to join the board, you must be a member and stand for<br />

election at the AGM. ***meeting dates may change if<br />

Quorum is not met*** For more information contact<br />

Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or on FB: charlottecommunityclub<br />

Earth Temple Events<br />

403 Oceanview Drive The Groove - Monthly<br />

Ecstatic Dance Party Every 3rd Friday of<br />

the month / 7-9:30pm / A safe space for freedom<br />

of movement. Intro workshop at 7 p.m. $15, ecstatic<br />

dance party starts at 8 p.m. All ages; suggested<br />

donation $10. For more information contact Jessiquita<br />

at 250-617-5013 or jessiquitamadrid@gmail.com<br />

Touch Drawing Fri, Jan 06 & Sun, Jan 15 /<br />

2-5pm / As part of the Winter Dreaming Experience,<br />

Kiki offers two Touch Drawing Workshops Jan 6:<br />

Create your own Oracle; Jan 15: Messages from your<br />

Body. Touch drawing is a wonderfully playful and<br />

relaxing creative process through direct touch of the<br />

hands on the paper, without interference of tools. Sessions<br />

are enriched with soothing sounds and creative<br />

writing. Cost: $95. For more information contact Kiki<br />

at 250-637-1571 or kikivanderheiden07@ gmail.com<br />

or kikivanderheiden.com. Check out the Earth Temple<br />

website for more info on their Yoga Classes:<br />

earth-temple.square.site<br />

IWS Events - Women’s Drop-in Coffee<br />

Club<br />

Wednesdays starting Jan 25th / 11am-12:30pm /<br />

Island Wellness Society / 204 Oceanview Drive<br />

/ Drop-in Coffee Club for self-identified women<br />

Need something printed? Need help with paperwork?<br />

Looking for a resource? Just want a warm drink and a<br />

snack? Want to see other humans? Children Welcome.<br />

Additionally, there will be a trans* peer<br />

support group starting some time in <strong>January</strong>. For<br />

more information contact Bonnie or Sheyla at 250-<br />

637-1500 or 250-559-8828 or socialwork@islandwellnesssociety.com<br />

or admin@islandswellnesssociety.<br />

com or islandswellnesssociety.com/<br />

Representing Haida Gwaii and Northwest BC<br />

290-309 2 nd Ave W<br />

250-622-2413<br />

taylor.bachrach@parl.gc.ca<br />

44 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 45

Daajing Giids - cont.<br />

Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse - Featuring The Alkemist<br />

Fri, Jan 27 / Featuring GiG Fri, Feb 24 / 6:30-9:30pm / Daajing Giids<br />

Community Hall / 134 Bay Street / In person coffee houses are back!!! Come to the<br />

Community Hall starting at 6 p.m., bring a bowl, a spoon, and something to drink and<br />

share a meal with fellow community members and sign up for the Open Mic. Open<br />

Mic starts at 7 pm, followed by feature artist, starting around 8 p.m. after an intermission.<br />

By Donation. For more information contact Caroline Shooner at haidagwaiicof-<br />

“<br />

feehouse@gmail.com or haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com<br />

Your Communities, Your Councils<br />

Village of Port Clements<br />

1st & 3rd Monday of each month / 7pm / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Regular<br />

Council meetings. For more information (250) 557-4295 or office@portclements.ca or<br />

portclements.ca<br />

Daajing Giids<br />

1st and 3rd Monday of the month / 7:30pm / 903 A Oceanview Drive / Regular<br />

Council Meetings. For more information (250) 559-4765 or office@queencharlotte.ca,<br />

queencharlotte.ca<br />

Masset<br />

2nd and 4th Monday of each month / 7pm / 1686 Main Street / Regular<br />

Council Meetings. For more information (250) 626-3995 or vomadmin@mhtv.ca or<br />

massetbc.com<br />

We eagerly await<br />

each issue of<br />

your wonderfully<br />

inclusive and<br />

diverse publication.<br />

Fantastic!<br />

“<br />

Danny Robertson<br />

K’YUU Enterprise Corporation, Daajing Giids<br />


It’s fun, effective and affordable!<br />

Call us at<br />

250-557-2088<br />

or email<br />

info@haidagwaiitrader.com<br />

Crossword<br />

Answer Key<br />

46 HG <strong>January</strong> / <strong>February</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 47

Hecate Strait Employment Development Society is happy to introduce Belinda Clarke,<br />

our new Assistant Manager for Haida Gwaii.<br />

Belinda is managing both our Masset and Daajing Giids offices.<br />

Please reach out to welcome her, and to ask about the services we have to offer. We can help with:<br />

• Job search<br />

• Resume building<br />

• Starting your own business<br />

• Wage subsidy for employers<br />

• Training courses<br />

• Job start needs<br />

• And more – just ask, or check out<br />

our website at www.hseds.ca<br />

Are you looking for certifications to help you get a job? We can provide WHMIS certification, FoodSafe, Serving it<br />

Right, Super Host, just to name a few.<br />

For programs we are unable to provide on island, we may be able to help with the transportation costs to get you<br />

where you need to go for training.<br />

Coming in <strong>January</strong>, we are offering First Aid and CPR training in our Masset office:<br />

<strong>January</strong> 27, <strong>February</strong> 4, and <strong>February</strong> 9 One-day CPR $180<br />

<strong>January</strong> 30 to 31 and <strong>February</strong> 27 to 28 Two-day CPR and First Aid* $250<br />

*Our two-day course is equivalent to MARINE BASIC FIRST AID<br />

Space is limited, so call or email our Masset office now to enroll.<br />

Masset Office<br />

1563 Main Street<br />

Masset, BC<br />

V0T 1M0<br />

250-626-3236<br />

workbc-mass@hseds.ca<br />

Check out Hecate Strait Jobs on our website!<br />

HSEDS.CA<br />

Or, up to date employment & training news on our<br />

Facebook page:<br />

facebook.com/hsedsHG<br />

Daajing Giids Office<br />

101 Causeway<br />

Daajing Giids, BC<br />

V0T 1S0<br />

250-559-0049<br />


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