RuneQuest - 4E - Roleplaying in Glorantha

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Your Parent’s History

If your grandparent has survived this long, congratulations!

You can retire them with dignity because now it is time to

determine your parent’s history.

Your parent typically has the same occupation as your

grandparent, determined by the Occupation table on page

63. However, you may always choose a different occupation,

if desired.

If one of your parents dies, you may decide that the

surviving parent remarries.


If your adventurer’s parents were married, they would

have been married by the year 1605. Gloranthan

societies recognize many different types of marriage,

including Year Marriages (marriages intended to last

only one year, but which can be renewed), polygamy

and polyandry (marriage to more than one partner),

and longterm marriages intended to ally two clans.

Year 1608

Participating Homelands: Lunar Tarsh, Prax.

The Lunar Empire invaded Prax. The Lunar army hopped from oasis to oasis but was raided and harried until it accepted

peace before being allowed to enter the Paps. Despite propaganda, this was a nomad victory.

Year 1608 Events


Esrolia, Grazelands, Old Tarsh: –5 to D20 roll.

Prax: +10 to D20 roll.

D20 Event

1–9 A normal year.

10–11 Died of other causes, see Random Causes of

Death table (page 35).

12–15 A normal year.

16–20 Fought in the First Invasion of Prax (below).

First Invasion of Prax


Lunar Tarsh: –10 to D20 roll.

Prax: +10 to D20 roll.

D20 Result

1–8 Survived numerous ambushes. Gain

Hate (Praxians).

9–11 Died skirmishing in the plains. If Lunar

Tarshite, gain Hate (Praxians). If Praxian, gain

Hate (Lunar).

12–15 Survived.

16–18 Witnessed the Lunar submission to the Pap

Priestesses. If Praxian, gain Loyalty (your tribe).

If other, gain Devotion (deity).

19 Killed in battle.

20 Died with great glory. Gain Honor Passion and

+1D3% Reputation.

Parental Siblings

If you wish to determine the number of siblings for your

adventurer’s mother and father, do the following:


Father: Roll 1D6–1 to find the total number of your

father’s siblings. Next, roll 1D6 for each sibling: an

even number results in a male sibling, and an odd

number is female. These are your paternal aunts and

uncles who lived to adulthood.


Mother: To determine your mother’s siblings follow

the same process used for your father’s siblings.

These are your maternal aunts and uncles who lived

to adulthood.

The fate of your parents’ siblings can be determined by

rolling on the following table:



1–8 Alive and married.

9–12 Alive and unmarried.

13–18 Dead (was married).

19–20 Dead (never married).

You can give them names now or later, or the gamemaster

can do so when it becomes relevant.

Though determining so many potential aunts and uncles

might seem a needless detail, family is at the heart of the clan

and tribe, and these relatives provide a rich tapestry connecting

your adventurer to their clan, as well as offering up

exciting opportunities for social maneuvering and adventure!


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