RuneQuest - 4E - Roleplaying in Glorantha

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Random Causes of Death

The following table can be used to determine a random cause of death for past

family members.

Taking a Passion related to the cause of a family member’s death is appropriate and

encouraged. Alternatively, you can always work with the gamemaster to decide the cause

of death for past family members.





Killed in a personal feud with another clan. Gain Hate (other clan) or Loyalty

(own clan). You can define these later.

Killed in battle with a neighboring land. Gain Hate (other Homeland).

Look at the map on page 134–135 and pick one.

7 Killed by Chaos (broo, disease spirit, ogres, scorpion men, etc.). Gain Hate (Chaos).


Killed by Elder Race (pick one: Aldryami, Beast Men, dragonewts, dwarves,

trolls, tusk riders). Gain Hate (Elder Race).

11 Killed by spirits.

12–13 Killed in an accident.

14–17 Old age, illness.

18 Killed by monster.

19 Unknown cause, just disappeared.

20 Killed in a magical ceremony.

Year 1613

Participating Homelands: Grazelands, Lunar Tarsh, Prax, Sartar.

Outraged by the Lunar presence and urged on by social unrest, the Sartarites rebelled in strength and temporarily expelled

the Lunar army. The Lunars regrouped, and under the leadership of General Fazzur Wideread soundly defeated the rebels. The

Red Emperor appointed Fazzur Wideread the Governor-General of Dragon Pass.

Year 1613 Events


Esrolia, Old Tarsh: –10 to D20 roll.

Grazelands, Lunar Tarsh, Prax: –5 to D20 roll.

Sartar: +5 to D20 roll.

D20 Event

1–9 A normal year.

10–11 Died of other causes, see Random Causes

of Death table.

12–20 Fought in Starbrow’s Rebellion (below).

Starbrow’s Rebellion


Lunar Tarsh: –5 to D20 roll.

Sartar: +5 to D20 roll.

D20 Result

1–5 Killed in rebel uprising. Gain Hate (Sartarites).

6–15 Survived. If Lunar Tarshite, gain Loyalty

(General Fazzur).

16 Killed in battle. Gain Honor Passion.

17 Killed by Lunar magic. Gain Hate (Lunar Empire).

18 Aided Kallyr Starbrow’s escape from Sartar. Gain

Loyalty (Sartar) and +1D3% Reputation.

19 Resettled in New Pavis after the rebellion was

defeated. Choose whether you pick Sartarite or

Praxian modifiers.

20 Outlawed by Lunars for 1D6 years. Gain Hate

(Lunar Empire).


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