RuneQuest - 4E - Roleplaying in Glorantha

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Year 1623

Participating Homelands: All.

The new Esrolian queen gained a new ally when King Broyan and his ragged army of volunteers arrived and defeated the

Grazeland Horse Army (the Feathered Horse Queen was killed soon after by her own bodyguards). The Lunar Army arrived

in Esrolia and besieged Queen Samastina and King Broyan in Nochet. In the north, a gigantic swarm of trolls, trollkin, insects,

and darkness creatures crossed Dragon Pass en route to the Castle of Lead.

Year 1623 Events


Grazelands +5 to D20 roll.

Esrolia: +15 to D20 roll.

D20 Event

1–9 A normal year.

10 Nearly died of other causes, see Random Causes

of Death table (page 35) and adjust the result so

that the adventurer just barely survived.

11–12 Random boon, see Random Boons

table (page 40).

13–14 Nearly killed by Troll raiders. Gain Hate (Trolls).

15–16 Civil Strife (below).

17–20 Fought in the Siege of Nochet (below).

Civil Strife

D20 Result

1–5 Attacked and badly wounded by foreign soldiers

or raiders. Pick a foreign culture (any homeland

not your own or an immediate neighbor) and

gain a Hate (foreign culture).

6–10 Attacked and badly wounded by members of a

rival clan. Pick a neighboring clan from those

provided in the Homeland writeups. Your clans

now have a feud over the incident. Gain Hate

(rival clan).

11–15 Killed a member of a neighboring clan who now

seek vengeance. Gain Hate (rival clan).

16–20 Nearly killed by Elder Race (dragonewts,

dwarves, elves, trolls, or tusk riders). Pick one

and gain a Hate (Elder Race).

Siege of Nochet


Grazelands, Lunar Tarsh: –5 to D20 roll.

Esrolia, Sartar: +5 to D20 roll.

D20 Result

1 Fought with great glory. Gain Honor

Passion and add +10% to Battle skill. Gain

+1D3% Reputation.

2–5 Badly wounded by Earth magic. Gain

Hate (Esrolians).

6–17 Survived. Add +5% to Battle skill. Take part in

Battle of Pennel Ford in 1624 (page 43).

18 Nearly killed or temporarily driven insane by

Lunar magic. Gain Hate (Lunar Empire).

19 Fought with great glory alongside King Broyan.

Gain Honor and Devotion (deity) Passions,

and add +10% to Battle skill. Gain

+1D3% Reputation. Take part in Battle

of Pennel Ford in 1624 (page 43).

20 Blessed by Queen Samastina.

Gain Loyalty (Queen Samastina)

and add +5% to Battle skill.

Gain 1D6×100 L worth

of gifts from the queen

and +1D3% Reputation.

Take part in Battle

of Pennel Ford in

1624 (page 43).

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