EMERITUS_Student Handbook

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Emeritus strives to make highquality

education accessible

and affordable to all and

making high-quality education

accessible and affordable to

individuals, companies, and

governments around the world



Dear Student,

Congratulations on admission to the EMERITUS Certificate programme!

We are super excited that you have decided to embark on a journey of

learning, collaboration, exploration, and growth. We look forward to have

you join us in unlocking new possibilities together.

Emeritus strives to make high-quality education accessible and affordable

to all. We have more than 150,000 students annually studying our

programmes from diverse backgrounds, industries and geographies. We

combine our expert instructional designers along with leading professors

from highly ranked Universities to create programmes that accelerate the

professional and personal growth of our students.

We aim to ensure that you take away as much as possible from our

programmes and apply actionable insights to advance your career. To that

end, we have a simple request - diligently dedicate some time each week to

keep up with the meticulously designed course work. Plan these hours in

advance and do not compromise on this time. This investment will pay

dividends in times to come.

This Student Handbook is your guide. It contains all the necessary

information to ensure that your learning journey with us is smooth and

productive. If you have any queries, reach out to us anytime during the

programme at programsupport@emeritus.org

We strive to ensure that you have an enriching experience with us!!





Emeritus strives to make high-quality

education accessible and affordable to all.


Emeritus is committed to teaching the skills of the future by

making high-quality education accessible and affordable to

individuals, companies, and governments around the world.


Our values define who we are, the people who we work

with and the way we collaborate.

Passion - Tapping into passion, bringing joy to work, being

stimulated, being energetic, having a positive mindset

Continuous Learning - Growing, changing, improving, making

things better

Honesty - Speaking openly, being direct

Collaboration - Reaching out for help, supporting others to


Courage - Speaking up, being bold, experimenting,

pioneering, taking risk

Accountability - Owning the work, following through on

commitments, getting results

Emeritus policies, regulations, and operations governing the

programmes are placed in this handbook to make your time with

us easy.

The term "Student" refers to the individual who has completed the

programme application process.

“Emeritus” refers to the organization Emeritus. However, this

document includes the respective education partners that may or

may not be involved in each activity. We work collaboratively with

our university partners to make critical decisions from screening


applications and approval to Academic delivery and to monitor

academic integrity and discipline policies.

As a student, we trust you to promptly engage yourself with

learning the programme, adhere to the policies laid down in this

handbook, and notify Emeritus of any challenges.






Emeritus is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of

our students’ personal information and records. Emeritus

undertakes not to divulge such information to any

unauthorised third party without the prior consent of the

student or any legal basis.

In compliance with applicable data protection regulations,

Emeritus follows the below guidelines in handling students’

personal information and records

a) Students’ information and records will be used for the

purpose of academic programme / course delivery and

related administrative support activates such as

conducting internal analysis, generating reports for

authorized internal or external (such as auditors,

government agencies, academic partners) parties.

b) Access to student information and records is limited to

authorized staff or faculty members of Emeritus in carrying

out the delivery of programmes and courses to it students.

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information on how we

collect, store, use, disclose, transfer and dispose of your

personal data.





1. Emeritus has a fair policy in place for refunds. The refund

policy as well as procedure shall be communicated to all

students (both existing and prospective) clearly via our

website and student contract and during a student’s precourse

counselling. The refund policy shall be reviewed

regularly to ensure it is fair and equitable to all students.

Students are required to adhere to the refund policy for any

request of refund.

2. For a refund pertaining to withdrawal due to non-delivery

of a course, Emeritus will notify students in writing in the

event of any of the following:

3. a) The course does not commence on the course

commencement date;

b) It terminates the course before the course

commencement date;

c) It does not complete the course by the course

completion date;

d) It terminates the course before the course completion


e) It has not ensured that the student meets the course

entry or matriculation requirement as set by the

organization or:

4. Within three working days, Emeritus will inform students

in writing of the alternative study arrangement (if any). If a

student decides to withdraw, the student will be refunded

100 percent of course fees and any miscellaneous fees

paid within seven working days from the day the student

submits the request to withdraw.





5. If the student withdraws from the course for any reason other

than those stated above, Emeritus will refund to the student an

amount based on the following table:

The amount will be refunded to the student within 7 working days

from the day Emeritus receives the Student’s written notice of

withdrawal with complete documentations as required.

Application fee for courses is non-refundable and nontransferable.

Requests that are received after 12.00 noon would

be considered as submission on the next working day.

6. Emeritus will provide the student with a cooling-off period of

seven (7) working days after the date that the Contract has been

signed by both the student and Emeritus. The Student will be

refunded the highest percentage (stated in Schedule D of the

Standard Student Contract) of the fees already paid if the

student submits a written notice of withdrawal to Emeritus within

the cooling-off period, regardless of whether the student has

started the course or not. Application fee is non-refundable under

any circumstances.

7. The refund process time of 7 working days excludes the time

taken for processing by the bank. All refunds will be paid directly

to the student only, unless written and signed instruction is

provided by the student to pay the refund to an account

belonging to a person other than the student.





1. Emeritus has a fair policy in place for refunds. The refund

policy as well as procedure shall be communicated to all

students (both existing and prospective) clearly via our

website and Learning Management System. The refund

policy shall be reviewed regularly to ensure it is fair and

equitable to all students. Students are required to adhere to

the refund policy for any request of refund.

2. For a refund pertaining to withdrawal due to non-delivery

of course, Emeritus will notify students in writing in the event

of any of the following:

a) The course does not commence on the course

commencement date;

b)It terminates the course before the course

commencement date;

c) It does not complete the course by the course completion


d) It terminates the course before the course completion


e) It has not ensured that the student meets the course

entry or matriculation requirement as set by the

organization or:

Within 3 working days, Emeritus will inform students in

writing of the alternative study arrangement (if any). If a

student decides to withdraw, the student will be refunded

100 percent of course fees and any miscellaneous Fees paid

within seven working days from the day the student submits

the request to withdraw.





3. If the student withdraws from the course for any reason

other than those stated above, Emeritus will refund to the

student an amount based on the following:

Withdrawal and Refund (Certificate Courses – Cohort-


You can request a full refund up to 7 days of your payment

or 14 days after course commencement, whichever comes

later. If your enrolment had previously been deferred, you

will not be entitled to a refund. Partial (or pro-rated) refunds

are not offered.

Withdrawal and Refund (Certificate Courses – Self-Paced)

You can request a full refund up to 7 days after course

commencement. You will get immediate access to all

content as soon as you are enrolled (course

commencement). All withdrawal and refund requests

should be sent to: admissions@emeritus.org

Deferrals (Certificate Courses)

After a cohort commences, you can request to change to a

future cohort of the same programme within 50% of course

completion. A deferral request must be submitted along

with a selected reason and explanation. Cohort changes

may be made only once per enrolment and is subjected to

availability of cohorts scheduled at our discretion. This will

not be applicable for deferrals within the refund period and

the limit of one deferral per enrolment remains.





Applicable to Certificate Course enrollments on and after

April 20, 2022

Special Cancellation and Deferral Provisions Applicable to

Certificate Courses Provided in Cooperation with

Universities in Latin America and Global Certificate

Courses that have been translated from their original

language to Spanish or Portuguese:

Notwithstanding the above, and subject to applicable

consumer protection regulations, if a student has already

paid for a Certificate Course and decides to withdraw, or

defer his/her participation in such Certificate Course for any

reason other than as stated in Paragraph 2 above, the

following terms shall apply:

If the withdrawal or deferral occurs before the start date

of the Certificate Course, Emeritus shall refund the

student the full amount paid, less $150 which shall be

retained by Emeritus.

If the withdrawal or deferral occurs at any time on or

after the start date of the Certificate Course, Emeritus

shall not issue any refunds to the students.





Deferrals (Certificate Courses – Self-Paced)

There will be no deferrals since you will be given a defined

period of course access.

All deferral requests should be sent to:


4. The fee will be refunded to the student within seven

working days from the day Emeritus receives the student’s

written notice of withdrawal with complete documentation

as required. Application fee for courses is non-refundable

and non-transferable. Requests that are received after noon

as per the student’s local time would be considered as a

submission on the next working day.

5. The refund process time of seven working days excludes

the time taken for processing by the bank. All refunds will be

paid directly to the student only, unless written and signed

instruction is provided by the student to pay the refund to

an account belonging to a person other than the student.





1. Emeritus’ refund policy (“Refund Policy”) and related

procedures is designed to be fair and equitable to all. The

Refund Policy is communicated to potential participants prior

to enrolling in a course or programme via the Emeritus’

website, and once enrolled in a course or programme,

through Emeritus’ Learning Management System (“LMS”). To

request a refund for a course or programme, participants

must adhere to the Refund Policy and procedures for such

request as described below.

2. Refunds

a. Emeritus will notify participants in writing as soon as

practicable in the event any of the following shall occur

relating to a course:

i. The course will not commence on the stated course

commencement date;

ii. The course will not be completed by the stated course

completion date; or

iii. Emeritus terminates the course before the course

completion date;

b. Within 3 working days of notice to the participants, Emeritus

will inform participants in writing if there are alternative study

arrangements available. If a participant decides not to pursue

alternative student to withdraw, the student will be refunded

100 percent of course fees and any miscellaneous fees paid

within seven (7) working days from the day the participant

submits the request to withdraw to admissions@emeritus.org.





3. Refunds Requests and Amounts

a. If the participant withdraws from the course for any

reason other than those stated in paragraph 2 (a)-(c)

above, Emeritus will refund to the participant certain

amounts based on the following schedule upon receipt of a

refund request to admissions@emeritus.org:

4. Deferrals

a. Within thirty (30) days of commencement of the

applicable course cohort, a participant may request a onetime

deferral to change to a future cohort of the same

course or programme. A deferral request must be submitted

to Emeritus, together an reasonable explanation of why the

deferral has been requested. Cohort changes may be made

only once per enrollment and are subject to availability of

cohorts scheduled at the sole discretion of Emeritus. All

deferral requests should be sent to:






5. Refunds of course fees, if applicable will be made to

participant within seven (7) working days from the date that

Emeritus receives the participant’s written notice of

withdrawal with complete documentation as required.

Requests that are received after noon as per the student’s

local time would be considered as a submission on the next

working day.

6. The seven (7) working days noted above in paragraph 5

above to process refunds excludes bank processing time

(which is out of Emeritus’ control). Refunds will be paid

directly to the participant only, unless written and signed

instruction is provided by the participant to pay the refund

to an account belonging to a person other than the


7. Emeritus reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to dismiss

a participant from a course or programme at any time and

provide a refund to the participant pursuant to the stated

refund policy in paragraph 2 above. Participants who are

dismissed from a course or programme due to a violation of

Emeritus’ Code of Conduct are not entitled to any refund.





1. Emeritus has a fair policy in place for refunds (Refund

Policy). The Refund Policy and the procedure to request a

refund shall be communicated to all students (both existing

and prospective) clearly via Emeritus’ website, as well as

during a student’s pre-course counselling. The Refund Policy

shall be reviewed regularly to ensure it is fair and equitable

to all students. Students are required to adhere to the Refund

Policy to request a refund.

2. If any of the following events occur, Emeritus will notify

students in a timely fashion to enable them, in their

discretion, to withdraw from a course or programme and to

seek a refund:

a) The course or programme did not, or will not, commence

on its commencement date; or

b) Emeritus terminates the course or programme before its

commencement date; or

c) Emeritus does not complete the course or programme by

its scheduled completion date; or

d) Emeritus terminates the course or programme before its

completion date; or

e) The student does not meet the course or programme

entry, or matriculation requirement as set by the University


3. In addition, within three (3) working days of notice of an

event identified in paragraph 2 above, Emeritus will also

inform students in writing of alternative course or

programme arrangement (if any).





4. The student will have seven (7) working days from the date

of the notice of an event identified in paragraph 2 above to

either (a) accept the alternative course or programme

arrangement offered by Emeritus; or (b) submit a refund

request to Emeritus. A refund request received after 12:00

noon local time on a working day is considered made as of

the next working day.

5. If the student submits a refund request to Emeritus as per

paragraph 4 above, within seven (7) working days of receipt

of such request, Emeritus will refund the student 100% of the

course or programme fees and any related fees paid.

6. In the event that the student withdraws from a course or a

programme for any reason other than those set forth in

paragraph 2 above, no refund of any fees will be provided to

the student.

7. A student may request in writing to change to a future

cohort upon payment of a deferral fee of 20% of the course or

programme fee being deferred. The balance shall be due

when the future cohort is finalized. A deferral request must be

submitted by the student to Emeritus in writing, together with

the reason for requesting said deferral. Cohort changes may

only be made once per enrollment and are subject to course

or programme availability and approval by course or

programme leadership.





8. Application fees paid by student for courses and

programmes are separate and apart from course or

programme fees paid by student. Application fees are nonrefundable

and non-transferable.

Refunds will only be paid directly to the

remitter/company who did the initial fee transfer and not

to a third party.

The refund processing time for all refunds to students is

fourteen (14) working days exclusive of bank processing


In case participant defaults on future instalments after

course start, access will be revoked and candidature will

be rolled over to the next cohort. In case the instalments

are still not honored, the enrolment will be cancelled and

no refund will be provided.

9. Refunds will only be paid directly to the remitter/company

who did the initial fee transfer and not to a third party.

10. The refund processing time for all refunds to students is

fourteen (14) working days exclusive of bank processing


11. In case participant defaults on future instalments after

course start, access will be revoked and candidature will be

rolled over to the next cohort. In case the instalments are

still not honored, the enrolment will be cancelled and no

refund will be provided.




1. Most of the programmes at Emeritus are run on a cohort

basis. Where programmes are run on a cohort basis, peer

engagement within each cohort is expected to be intensive.

Therefore, students are expected to complete their

programmes with their cohort.

2. Transfer between programmes–This is strictly not allowed

once a student has commenced with their chosen


3. Transfer to another intake–Under special circumstances

that may impede a student’s ability to continue with the

course, the student may submit a request to transfer to

another intake in writing to Emeritus. Emeritus will review the

request and inform students of the outcome of the review.

There will be no transfer to another intake for self-paced

Certificate Courses.

4. Withdrawal–Emeritus respects students’ decision to

withdraw due to personal or professional circumstances

that prevents them from continuing.





You will be able to access all the

programmecontent on the Learning Management

System (LMS) for the enrolled course once your

payment is confirmed. Our LMS is geared to ensure

that you can learn at a steady pace while

providing ready access to the much needed

course and assignment information at your

fingertips. In addition, you will have access to the

content for up to one year from the start of

programmelaunch date.

Access to course content will be blocked, if

outstanding tuition fees have not been paid. The

Student Support Team will connect with you

before access is blocked. Please respond to them

within 48 hours to ensure you do not lose your

access. If Emeritus receives no response from your

side after two reminders, your programmeaccess

will automatically be suspended. Access to LMS

will be reinstated instantly upon receiving the

outstanding tuition fees.



Academic Performance

Our programmes are designed to support

students in meeting their obligations set in the

programme. We strongly recommend that you

take a look at the ‘Completion Requirements’

defined in each programmeand ensure that you

meet the minimum requirements. If you are

unable to achieve the completion requirements,

you will not be eligible for the completion





Assignment Submission

We encourage you to use your discretion and

study at your own pace. However, your

responsibility is to complete the required or

graded assignments by the assigned due date.

Usually, the assignment due date is seven days

from the module release date unless specified in

the assignment instructions. We acknowledge

that you may have conflicting priorities and

submission of timely assignments may be

challenging from time to time. In such cases, do

reach out to the Support Team for assistance as

early as possible.

Re-submission and Re-assessment

The Academic Delivery Manager is the final

authority on all decisions related to resubmissions.

1. If you had initially submitted an assignment on

time and it was marked incomplete, or if you

received less than 50% of the total points, you

can re-submit it within one week of the

assessment date. The grader will then re-assess

your assignment.

2. Assignments that were originally submitted

late are not eligible for re-submission.


3. In some cases, the Academic Delivery

Manager may require an assignment resubmitted

within a specified due date.

4. Resumission of assignment is only allowed

during the course duration.




Your academic performance for each unit is

recorded in the course Gradebook, you can use it

to track your progress every week.


Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty. You

are accountable for the work you submit. You must

not misrepresent the work of others as your own.

You must not also engage in any activity that will

improve or harm the grades of others. For cases

relating to plagiarism, students whose

assignments are identified as plagiarized will be

marked with a 0 for the assignment, and they will

be notified about it by the Academic Delivery


Examples of plagiarism include:

Reproducing content submitted by another

student as your content or assignment

Not referencing your sources and claiming their

work as your own

If you are concerned about your assessment, then

you are requested to reach out to the

programmeleader for any content clarification

before submitting your assignment.




Student Support

During the time you are enrolled with Emeritus,

our team of student support specialists are

available from 10am to 7pm IST, Monday to

Saturday.For any programme-related queries

you can write to programsupport@emeritus.org

or via the Support Tab on your Learning

Management System.

Student Rights

As a student of Emeritus, you have the right to

voice your opinion on any unfair practice or any

grievance that must be addressed and is pressing

in nature. We encourage you to reach out to

programsupport@emeritus.org with details.

Our impartial Joint Committee will review the

matter after keeping the many facts of the case

and policies in mind before concluding with either

a workaround or resolution that may be deemed

appropriate in closing the loop.




Programme Break

We operate with minimal breaks through the year.

However, we understand that circumstances may

require you to take a break from the programme.

Please note that we only allow breaks in

exceptional cases depending on the reasons

provided. Any permitted break is also subject to

maintenance of payments and academic

requirements. You will have to complete all

required assignments when you return or by the

end of the semester.

Any flexibility or extension we grant will not entitle

you to any refunds unless it is covered in the active

schedule of fees.




Business Activity

The sole purpose of our collaboration with our

education partners is to fulfill the learning needs of

our students. Emeritus prohibits students from

advertising and promoting their businesses for self or

commercial gains on the different channels meant

for learning purposes.

Student Conduct

When studying in any group environment, it is essential

to agree on a commonly understood etiquette. At

Emeritus, our values are Passion, Honesty,

Collaboration, Courage, Accountability, and

Continuous learning. We expectthese values in all our

students and expect them to reflectin their interactions

with their co-learners. Central to these values is

respect and integrity which fosters an inclusive

learning environment and one that inspires greatness.

We also request that you respect the following

communication obligations


1. Provide Emeritus with up-to-date contact


2. Respond to all formal requests from the Emeritus.

3. Use appropriate channels of communication with

students and staff.

4. Work effectively as a member of the Emeritus

community using appropriate channels of

communication and display appropriate respect,

including following the formal process for raising

concerns and complaints.

5. Refrain from public communications that could bring

Emeritus into disrepute without following the internal

procedures of notifying Emeritus or our partners first

and waiting for formal closure



Student Conduct

Emeritus respects every individual and fosters

diverse viewpoints. There is a possibility of

misunderstanding arising; however, we expect our

learners to respect each other’s individuality and

accept different opinions to their own. Should any

matter escalate, such matters should be reported to

the Support Team. Any reported actions will be

treated with appropriate sensitivity, however, at all

times,Emeritus will abide by our policies and

procedures as appropriate.

Academic Discipline

Here are a few examples of conduct for which action

is taken if a violation occurs:

1. Conduct that targets woman,either student or

faculty in an offensive way is absolutely not

condoned and matters raised will be treated


2. Dishonesty includes cheating, plagiarism,

knowingly furnishing false information to Emeritus,

such as reporting fictitious data for empirical study or

assignments, deliberate tampering of online content,

and suppression of facts/relevant information.

3. Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching

and administration.


Permitting, whether willfully or otherwise, a fellow

student to copy from one's answer sheet or

document or material.



Academic Discipline

4. Smoking/Drugs/Drinking alcohol or influencing

any such behavior with fellow students or Emeritus

staff in any formal or informal environment is


Communicating with one another employing signs,

symbols, or gestures, or any other body language

that is offensive/inappropriate.

Asserting or conspiring to make false and baseless

allegations against any student, faculty, program

Leader, officer, or employee of the Institute or


Any act which is likely to affect the relations of the

Institute/ Emeritus adversely.

Avoid introducing or involving family members

during any activities held online. The primary

objective is for the participating Student to upskill

and would require a complete focus on the





Academic Discipline

Students found propagating any illegal activities

using any programme channels set up by Emeritus

and are considered a crime by Indian law will be


You are required to provide your consent to the

Student Code of Conduct (Student Agreement)

and adherence to the standards of academic

integrity at various points during the academic


How complaints are handled:

Upon receiving a complaint, Emeritus will initiate an

investigation of any complaints made regarding

conduct and may deploy disciplinary actions, as

appropriate. This may include potentially a warning

through to a complete revocation of programme

access. nary actions, as appropriate. This may

includepotentially a warning through to a complete

revocationof programme access.





Here are the conditions which may cause you to be

excluded from the programme

1. Failure to meet the minimum program


2. Failure to respond to formal warnings regarding

payment of tuition fees

3. Failure to adhere to academic standards in

respect to academic integrity

4. Failure to adhere to student code of conduct

requirements i.e., behavioral issues.

5. Any disciplinary issues that compromise the policy

and procedures or the organization's good standing

or that of any of its partners.

The Joint Committee shall review the evidence

presented and make determinations accordingly.

The range of measures may include formal

warnings leading to expulsion from the programme.

After expulsion, you will not be able to

choose/demand a withdrawal from the

programmeand will not be entitled to any refund of

fees nor access to programme material or

evaluation, including the final assignments. Any

expulsion conclusive from a Disciplinary action plan

is not considered as a withdrawal.


You are permitted to send the Joint Committee a

formal request for an appeal if such an appeal

includes redeeming compassionate and compelling

reasons for the circumstances leading to

programme expulsion. The appeal should be

addressed to the Joint Committee Chair by sending

an email to programmsupport@emeritus.org




Discrimination based on race, color, sex, gender

identity, sexual orientation, religion, creed, national

origin, age, ancestry, veteran status, disability,

military service, or any other legally protected will

attract disciplinary action against the student

accused and any acting or participating student.

Disciplinary action may include a warning or

expulsion from the programme as decided by the

Academic Committee or any other remedy that may

be warranted based on the circumstances.




Inappropriate Behaviour

Inappropriate behavior means shaming or sharing

any words, lines, or remarks against an individual,

caste, creed, or be it with regards to political

matters in their conversations, either diverting away

from the content or relating it with programme

content or leading inappropriate or unwanted topic

with anyone in the online class.

Any unwarranted and unwelcome behavior that

continues after being asked to stop is deemed

inappropriate. Included here is any conduct that

does not suit the situationand may seem rude,

bizarre, or unreasonable. Also included are any

disrespectful or abusive online behaviors. Students

can seek support and report it to the Support Team.


Harassment in any form, including race, sex,

sexual orientation, and gender identity,

constitutes inappropriate behavior. As this

programme is delivered online, any use of

images, suggestive emojis, email, telephonic

methods, or any electronic communication used

to provide obscene or harassing messages will

be treated as a serious matter and ordinarily will

result in disciplinary action.




Basic Requirements

As this is an online programme, you will need to

ensure that you have access to a computer or laptop

with the minimum system requirements:

Personal computer or laptop

Speakers and microphone: built-in or a USB plugin

or wireless Bluetooth

Webcam: built-in or USB plug-in

Processor: with Dual Core 2Ghz or higher (i3/i5/i7

or AMD equivalent)

RAM: 4 GB or higher • OS: Either MacOS 10.7 or

higher OR Windows 8 or higher

An internet connection: Minimum bandwidth of 3.0

Mbps (up/down)

Browser: IE 11+, Edge 12+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+

Zoom software client installed on your


Bandwidth Requirements: The bandwidth used by

Zoom will be optimized for the best experience

based on your network. It will automatically adjust

for 3G, Wi-Fi, or Wired environments.

Bandwidth for Meetings: Minimum

600kbps/1.2Mbps (up/down); Recommended 3.0

Mbps (up/down)





When you meet the Completion Requirments for the

programme, you will be awarded with the digital

completion certificate, subject to no oustanding

payments. Certificates will be issued within six

weeks from the programme end date.

If you choose to leave before the end of the

programme, without completing it, and have not

met the program completion criteria (passing

criteria), no completion certificate will be awarded.

Physical Certificate

No hardcopy certificate will be provided for

certificate courses.




Privacy Policy

Global Data Protection Office at Emeritus is

committed to maintaining trust, meeting

expectations, and upholding the rights of the

individuals whose personal data we collect by

efficiently protecting their personal data, diligently

complying with the applicable privacy laws,

persistently adhering to the privacy principles, and

conscientiously following the privacy best

practices. We understand the value of personal

data and the significance of its processing in

running our business, and we reinforce our pledge

to remain bound to our obligations of fairness and

transparency while handling personal data and

related operations.

The Privacy Policy only applies to information that

we collect through the Emeritus website (the "Site,"

which consists of all content and pages located

within the Emeritus.com web domain & other

domains that it may control) and does not apply

to information that we may collect from you in

other ways (for example, this policy does not apply

to information that you may provide to us over the

phone, by fax, or through conventional mail).




Privacy Policy

As a responsible private educational institution,

Emeritus is committed to maintaining a high standard

of confidentiality with respect to the personal data of

our participants, alumni, employees, and faculty in

accordance with the requirements of the Personal

Data Protection Act 2012 (the "PDPA "), Singapore. For

more information about the PDPA, please visit the

Personal Data Protection Commission's website at


Our programmes are delivered to participants from

many different countries – in recognition of this. We

endeavor to process all data in accordance with

principles of internationally accepted best practices

and compliance with the legal provisions relating to

data protection in Singapore. We regularly review our

compliance with the policy contained herein (the

"Policy"), and whenever we receive a formal complaint,

we will contact the person who made the complaint to

attempt to resolve his or her concerns.


All electronic storage and transmission of personal

data are secured with appropriate security

technologies to safeguard your personal data.

By reading this Policy and submitting any application

or applying for any of our products or services, you

hereby agree to this Policy and consent to our

collection, use, and disclosure of your personal data.

For more information, please visit our site on



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