Digital Credentials OpenSkills Industry
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D I G I T A L C R E D E N T I A L<br />
E D T E C H D I G I T A L E N V I R O N M E N T<br />
With the rapid advancement in digital education technolo9y, development in isolation inherits a<br />
risk of becoming redundant quickly. Exacerbating this risk, there are significant movements<br />
from traditional institution based credentials towards a more dynamic, person-centric approach<br />
whereby an individual develops, records and presents their achievements independently from<br />
the issuing institutions. The primary developments in this sphere evolve around three key<br />
movements.<br />
1. Capability of immutability and validation of certifications outside of the issuing institutions<br />
via Blockchain<br />
2. The movement towards the collection and accreditation of skills and capabilities evidence<br />
through the collection and presentation of verifiable micro-credentials.<br />
3. The dynamic nature of future skills requirements that are incommensurate with traditional<br />
Higher Education models<br />
Talent based<br />
systems<br />
Lifelong<br />
Learning<br />
Competency<br />
Pathways<br />
Comprehensive<br />
Learner Record<br />
Agile Open<br />
Architecture<br />
<br />
Learning Data and<br />
Analytics<br />
Integrated<br />
O P E N E C O S Y S T E M<br />
Blocksure has founded our systems and products for interoperability across any platform.<br />
Specifically, our programs align to 1Edtech (formally IMS) interoperability standards and Credential<br />
Engine specifications.<br />
These entities are the world’s most innovative and united educational technology community and<br />
custodians of the dominant architecture for digital credentials and skills definition.<br />
By aligning to the Open Ecosystem, we insure interoperability accross all platforms and future<br />
proofing systems.<br />
Their workstreams are now standard across the globe including:<br />
<br />
Open Badge Standard<br />
Open Badges is the world's leading format for digital badges. Open Badges<br />
is not a specific product or platform, but a type of digital badge that is<br />
verifiable, portable, and packed with information about skills and<br />
achievements. ( working to Open Badges 3.0)<br />
Comprehensive Learner Record Standard<br />
The Comprehensive Learner Record Standard (CLR Standard) is the<br />
new generation of secure and verifiable learning and employment records<br />
supporting all nature of academic and workplace recognition and<br />
achievements including courses, competencies and skills and employerbased<br />
achievements and milestones.<br />
The IMS Learning Tools Interoperability® (LTI®) specification allows<br />
Learning Management Systems (LMS) or platforms to integrate remote<br />
tools and content in a standard way.<br />
Improved security based on OAuth2 and JSON Web Tokens<br />
Enabling a fully integrated and innovative digital ecosystem<br />
Credential Transparency<br />
Description Language (CTDL-ASN)<br />
A common description language that allows YOU to search, discover, and<br />
compare every type and level of credential. Comprehensive information<br />
about content, quality indicators, connections, skills, pathways, outcomes,<br />
and value.<br />
Rich Skill Descriptors (RSDs)<br />
RSDs build on CTDL-ASN to enable skill authors to publish definitions that<br />
can be referenced from digital credentials (including those that appear in<br />
learner records), pathways, and job profiles. Partners in an interoperable<br />
skills ecosystem may use CTDL/CTDL-ASN and/or other vocabularies and<br />
web standards to present skills descriptors and related concepts.
O P E N B A D G E S<br />
Open Badges is the world's leading format for digital badges. Open Badges is not a specific<br />
product or platform, but a type of digital badge that is verifiable, portable, and packed with<br />
information about skills and achievements.<br />
An earner, can…<br />
Demonstrate skills and<br />
accomplishments, often by<br />
submitting evidence, by<br />
earning Open Badges.<br />
Claim Open Badges when<br />
issued to you.<br />
Collect your Open Badges in<br />
a portfolio or backpack to tell<br />
your story.<br />
Share your Open Badges on<br />
social media and with your<br />
community.<br />
An Issuer can…<br />
Break learning down into<br />
small chunks.<br />
Recognize learning based<br />
on proficiency.<br />
Award Open Badges for<br />
completion of microcredentials<br />
Gauge and retain talent.<br />
A Developer or<br />
Authority can…<br />
Design verifiable recognition<br />
of learning.<br />
Track learner engagement<br />
and scale resources.<br />
Create tools to issue,<br />
display, and host Open<br />
Badges.<br />
Certify conformance to the<br />
Open Badges standard.<br />
S k i l l s a r e c u r r e n c y i n t h e o p p o r t u n i t y e c o s y s t e m .<br />
O p e n B a d g e s m a k e l e a r n i n g v i s i b l e a n d t r a n s f e r a b l e<br />
b e t w e e n d e p a r t m e n t s , a g e n c i e s , a n d c o m p a n i e s .<br />
Employers can confidently discover diverse employee skill sets because Open Badges<br />
(when issued properly) clarify skills and present verified evidence of learning through the<br />
metadata.<br />
When employers recognize the unique skills of their employees, they make room for<br />
targeted growth and increased employee engagement—a desire foundational to new<br />
generations of professionals.<br />
Professionals are entering the workforce with piqued curiosity and empowerment due to<br />
the Open Badges culture. <strong>Industry</strong> is tasked to create unique programs and develop<br />
certifications that capture new skills and areas of expertise.
O P E N B A D G E P A T H W A Y S<br />
A learning pathway is the chosen route individuals complete as they progress through a range<br />
of specific courses, academic programs, and learning experiences. It is a roadmap describing<br />
the landscape of a field, program or specialization. Pathways are made of steps that represent<br />
requirements, competencies, or other "real-world" experiences and take the form of a<br />
hierarchy of nested steps. Equating this to the Australian context, it can be equated to an<br />
evidentiary and defined recognition of prior learning process utilising the attributes of digital<br />
credentials and badging.<br />
Pathway Structures can be defined depending upon their complexities.<br />
Simple - badges are<br />
only related because<br />
they come from the<br />
same Issuer (e.g. a<br />
university or RTO)<br />
Linearly connected -<br />
one badge leads to<br />
another (e.g. beginner,<br />
intermediate,<br />
advanced)<br />
Complexly<br />
interconnected<br />
badges cross<br />
categories and don’t<br />
follow a linear<br />
Complex cross-system<br />
linking - badges are<br />
connected to badges<br />
from other Issuer’s<br />
systems (e.g. university<br />
pathway (e.g. outside<br />
CS degree, Microsoft<br />
training and<br />
programming<br />
experience or from<br />
certification, Cisco data<br />
another discipline)<br />
security credential)
S K I L L S A S A N E W C U R R E N C Y<br />
The world of work has changed. This shift started before the pandemic with the rise of digitization<br />
and automation, and the magnitude of change has only accelerated since.<br />
Skills are constantly evolving, and this is one reason we’re seeing an increasing reduction in the<br />
use of traditional competence frameworks.<br />
According to World Economic Forum, the shelf life of a skill is five years. Some argue it’s less than<br />
that. In this changing world, organizations need to reconsider how they look at the makeup of the<br />
workforce and start seeing employees through the lens of skills and capabilities. Not only jobs. In<br />
that way, organizations and even governments can more proactively manage these frequent<br />
changes and ensure their workforce is prepared.<br />
S k i l l s O n t o l o g y<br />
A Skills ontology is a categorization of skills that builds a common language of skills, defining the<br />
aspects of a specific job rather than relying on blanket terms and vague descriptions.<br />
Standard terms and qualifications used to be enough to classify workers. There was a basic<br />
understanding of the underlying skills a specific occupation would need for the job. Today, however,<br />
those skills are constantly evolving.<br />
Modern skills ontologies don’t rely on employees inputting their skills into the core system of record.<br />
They can collect and analyze this information by sifting through many sources of data such as job<br />
descriptions, organization network mapping and performance data. These tools allow for the everchanging<br />
nature of jobs, roles and organization because they’re always on and updating themselves<br />
using machine learning.<br />
S k i l l s O n t o l o g i e s L a c k o f R i g o r<br />
While the development and usage of skills ontologies are meeting the needs of individual<br />
companies, the inherent problem of quality over quantity becomes problematic.<br />
As at March 2022, there are over 126 major Skills Ontologies<br />
available with 96% based soley on user nomination.
S k i l l s O n o t o l g y F r a m e w o r k s Q u a l i t y A s s u r a n c e<br />
As previously described, much of the data needed to support skills-based education and hiring<br />
already exists; however, this skills data is siloed, not easily accessible nor machine-actionable,<br />
and if it is, the data is confined to a software system. The scale and urgency needed for open<br />
skills infrastructure is critical to support the future of work and the development of agile and<br />
robust talent pipelines. The urgency necessitates a significant commitment to the<br />
democratization of skills as a sharable, interoperable currency through the creation of an<br />
international network of open, accessible, machine-actionable skills.<br />
Despite significant progress on individual platforms, the most prolific advances and adoption of<br />
a standard sytax for structured skills data is through the use and development of the Open<br />
skills network and specifically the incorporation of Rich Skills Descriptors.<br />
Rich Skills Descriptors<br />
RSDs enable us to explore the details of a skill and quickly get the contextual<br />
information needed to understand a particular skill, ensuring all users of skills are<br />
working from the same definition<br />
Each RSD has a unique web address with consitant definition syntax allowing anyone to<br />
create links between skills and other data enabling the combination of data from multiple<br />
diverse sources<br />
RSDs are both humanly readable (like exploring information related to my own skills)<br />
and machine actionable (like apps that recommend learning opportunities based on my<br />
skills)<br />
Rich Skills Descriptor Library(s)<br />
We have the possibility to link RSDs to specific libraries and can be universal or confined to an<br />
organisation, industry sector or even company.
I n h e r e n t P r o b l e m s W i t h O p e n S k i l l s R e p o s i t o r i e s<br />
Unfortunately, until recently open badges and open skills had little rigor around issuance and<br />
validity. With the advent of the Open Skills Management Tool (OSMT) with rich skills<br />
descriptors linked to designated skills databases, there are methods of control to facilitate<br />
authentication protocols.<br />
These processes include:<br />
Restricting access to data sets / RSDs<br />
Restricting articulation linkages<br />
Controlling alignments to standards<br />
Use of A.I. to limit similarities in RSD Skill Statements (globally)<br />
Limiting API Access<br />
Data queries against endorsed and quality assured registeries and registration agencies.<br />
As the typical and most effective dissemination of Open Skills is via web badges we needed to<br />
develop a system to:<br />
Define quality assurance and it's mechanisms<br />
Transparently control access whilst still facilitating open market participation<br />
Ensure immutability of issuance<br />
Provide simple and universal access for verification of skills (note seperate from validation)<br />
Generic RSDs (open Skills)<br />
Solution<br />
Vocational Guidance<br />
Infection Control<br />
Sanitation<br />
Water Flow Tests<br />
Quality Assured Skills which can be filtered<br />
and utilised directly into HRIS systems<br />
without validation.<br />
Under our platform we will only allow organisations who are either externally quality<br />
assured under ISO17024 or similar.
I N T E R O P E R A B L E S K I L L S E C O S Y S T E M<br />
As previously indicated, traditionally digital badges lack transferability as they were artifacts lacking<br />
in an audit trail resulting in issues of trust and verifiability.<br />
Unlike digital badges, users can take their Open Badges and display them anywhere across the web.<br />
Open Badges are portable credentials with information about the learning experience baked in.<br />
Open Badges are not controlled by any one organisation. The technology that underpins the<br />
whole system (the Open Badges Infrastructure, or OBI) is a free, open-source and run for the<br />
world wide community.<br />
Open Badges are evidence-based. The information about who, why, and for what the badge was<br />
issued is hard-coded into it as metadata.<br />
Open Badges are stackable. Badges from one organisation’s system can build upon ones from<br />
another system. This creates a rich ecosystem that individuals can use to build the story of their<br />
skills, knowledge, and experience.<br />
Open Badges are transferable. Badges earned in one environment can be shared in another.<br />
Open Badges put the user in control. Badges are private until they are published by the user.<br />
They provide an easy way to show a portfolio of skills without third parties having to wade<br />
through a mountain of data.<br />
Certifications<br />
Must be registered with a recognised authority<br />
KYC must match the authority registers<br />
3 Step authorisation for issuance of certifications<br />
Blockchain secured with transactions hashed<br />
Verifiable via DID or Verifier app<br />
Open Badges<br />
Can be issued directly via LMS<br />
Can be non-accredited<br />
Can be verified outside of blockchain but<br />
still 128 bit encrypted<br />
Easily shared and displayed on social<br />
media<br />
Greater analytics<br />
Integrates with pathways
Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S , B A D G E S , S K I L L S<br />
From the outset, badges cannot replace credentials or qualifications as they do not have the rigor or<br />
quality assurance requirements. Open Badges were never designed, nor intended, to serve as minicertifications.<br />
Where a certification is an activity in itself (usually an exam), a badge is a digital<br />
representation of an existing activity, like the completion of a class, an assessment or a<br />
demonstration of skills or abilities. Certifications can benefit greatly from Open Badges and, in fact,<br />
create more demand.<br />
Complementary relationships<br />
By issuing badges to certification holders, you can dramatically increase the social media exposure<br />
for the certification. Where a handful of people may see a paper certificate hanging on a wall in a<br />
cubicle, hundreds or thousands of people will see the digital representation of the certification when<br />
it is shared in social media.<br />
By issuing badges for small, bite-sized activities that lead up to a certification, you will increase the<br />
likelihood the earner will continue all the way to the certification exam. Badges help get people on<br />
the “leader board” by making it easy (and rewarding) to start the journey.<br />
Badges can complement certifications by providing “continuing education” credentials for skills<br />
which are more “liquid.” and ensuring that students can demonstrate currency after certificate<br />
T h e R e a l U t i l i t y o f B a d g e s L a y W i t h T h e<br />
S k i l l s B a k e d W i t h i n<br />
This skills data contained with a badge inheritance can be utilized to build<br />
and build individual or group skills profiles.
Australian Microcredentials Framework VS Blocksure<br />
The biggest problem is that in their<br />
current (proposed) form, microcredntials<br />
are not easily consumed or utilised by<br />
Example of A Qualification Vs Skills Descriptors<br />
Qualification<br />
Position Description<br />
with functional Analysis<br />
CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services Collect biological specimens from patients<br />
CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people Dispose of biomedical waste in accordance with standards<br />
HLTINF001<br />
Comply with infection prevention and control policies and<br />
Conduct diagnostic tests to determine patient health<br />
procedures<br />
HLTPAT001 Identify and respond to clinical risks in pathology collection Maintain medical records<br />
HLTPAT002 Perform venous blood collections Transport biological or other medical materials<br />
HLTPAT004 Collect pathology specimens other than blood Explain technical medical information to patients<br />
HLTWHS001 Participate in workplace health and safety Monitor patients to detect health problems<br />
BSBCUS201 Deliver a service to customers Clean medical equipment<br />
BSBMED301 Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately Prepare medical instruments or equipment for use<br />
HLTPAT003 Perform capillary blood collections Give medications or immunisations<br />
HLTPAT005 Collect specimens for drugs of abuse testing Maintain medical equipment or instruments<br />
HLTPAT006 Receive, prepare and dispatch pathology specimens Communicate effectively with people<br />
HLTAID011 Provide first aid Collaborate with colleagues<br />
HLTCAR001 Perform electrocardiography (ECG) Complete medical workplace documentation<br />
Infection Transmission Prevention Demonstration<br />
Clinical risks in pathology collection response<br />
Perform venous blood collections<br />
Collect pathology specimens other than blood<br />
Particiapte Clinical health and Safety<br />
Interpret and apply medical terminology<br />
Provide First Aid<br />
Perform capillary blood collection<br />
Drugs of abuse testing collection<br />
Receive, prepare and dispatch pathology specimens<br />
Customer Service in a Medical Setting<br />
Respond to behaviours of concern<br />
Work with diverse people<br />
Electrocardiography<br />
Holter monitoring<br />
Apply Communication Strategies<br />
WHS Implementation & Monitoring<br />
Coordinate Resources<br />
Develop work priorities<br />
Support human resources<br />
Apply <strong>Digital</strong> Solutions<br />
Continuous Improvement<br />
Maintain <strong>Digital</strong> Records<br />
Promote cyber security awarness and practice<br />
Coordinate client care<br />
Produce coded clinical data<br />
<strong>Digital</strong> Engagement Level 5
Data queries between Occupational /role profile and<br />
skills held by participant to produce skills map.
O u r s y s t e m c a n m a n a g e b o t h : A c c r e d i t e d a n d N o n - A c c r e d i t e d<br />
W e c a n s e c u r e l y i s s u e a n d m a n a g e a c c r e d i t e d c e r t i f i c a t i o n s<br />
Certificate Details<br />
Certificate Details<br />
Certificates<br />
Store Share Verify<br />
W e c a n a l s o i s s u e , s h a r e a n d v e r i f y : o p e n b a d g e s a n d m i c r o - c r e d e n t i a l s
W H A T I S T H E D I F F E R E N C E ?<br />
Certifications<br />
Must be registered with a recognised Authority<br />
(typically Government)<br />
KYC must match the authority registers<br />
2 Step authorisation for issuance of certifications<br />
Blockchain secured with transactions hashed<br />
Verifiable via DID or Verifier app<br />
Certificate Details<br />
Badges<br />
Can be issued directly via LMS<br />
Can be non-accredited<br />
Can be verified outside of blockchain but still 128 bit<br />
encrypted<br />
Easily shared and displayed on social media<br />
Greater analytics<br />
Integrates with pathways<br />
NB. Certifications and units of competency can<br />
be issued as badges but not as secure
W H A T I S B L O C K C H A I N ?<br />
The blockchain can be defined as a global list of records, distributed on a network and arranged in a<br />
decentralised way, which keeps track of the transactions that occur between different accounts. All<br />
the active users of this network contribute to the permanent storage of signed data and the<br />
management of the blockchain, allowing access to information even to those who do not have a<br />
local copy of all data.<br />
Most people think of blockchain as only relating to cryptocurrency, however as described by the<br />
European Commission’s science and knowledge service, blockchain will end paper-based<br />
certificates, automate the award, recognition and transfer of credits, increase learner ownership and<br />
control over their own data, reduce institutional data costs and risk.<br />
Benefits of using blockchain include:<br />
Trust - Confidence in the system<br />
Transparency - Verification of a certificate without the need to contact the issuing institution<br />
Immutability - records written and stored permanently without the possibility of modification<br />
Disintermediation - removal of the need for a central controlling authority.<br />
Time-bound contracts - for certifications that have a finite validity (e.g. first aid)<br />
Self-Sovereignty: users identify themselves while maintaining control over the storage and<br />
management of their personal data
S E C U R I T Y F E A T U R E S<br />
1.Blockchain Based<br />
2. Setup and Issuance must match TGA data sets including: CEO approval, Scope, Registration<br />
3. 3-step, 6-parameter approval process for issuance. CEO - Approves Issuer and Validator, Issuer<br />
inputs data and issues, Validator confirms both Student ID and qualification check and sends certificate.<br />
4. 3-step authentication for User including biometrics.<br />
5. Links to USI<br />
6. Secure data centres based in Sydney.<br />
V A L I D A T I O N M E T H O D S<br />
1. Click on PDF Validation Button.<br />
2. Upload Certificate or QR<br />
3. Scan QR with Mobile Phone or PC
Student Profiles with photo verification and verified skills<br />
Blockchain Verified Qualifications all in one place which can be easily shared on any platform
Skills Mapping to Occupations with Gap Analysis (can form automated<br />
training plan- See Badge Pathways)
Stay connected to your students<br />
through push notifications to the app<br />
Detailed Analytics including:<br />
Most awarded<br />
When are they awarded<br />
What is being shared on social media<br />
What platforms are they being shared on<br />
This can then drive marketing intiatives for greater<br />
traction and ROI
With student pathways, training providers can provide a<br />
visual map and guide students through a defined<br />
process to completion improving outcomes.<br />
Once one pathways is completed this can then become<br />
the start of another pathway. given that many<br />
qualifications can utilise credits from previous<br />
qualifications to reduce the required study time and<br />
can be a valuable marketing tool
E X A M P L E U S E C A S E S<br />
Competence Attestation<br />
Student sends DID or<br />
QR to employer<br />
VOC and internal training<br />
conducted and<br />
recorded via Badge<br />
worker scans to<br />
access<br />
plant or location<br />
Verification not needed<br />
as it is immutable<br />
All transactions recorded securely in the blockchain<br />
No need to verify any credentials or attest certifications.<br />
Full transparency and analytics<br />
Can be verified at any time via mobile phone<br />
<strong>Credentials</strong>, awards and access can be revoked remotely<br />
Badges and certifications can be issued conditionally including:<br />
Time bound - e.g. expires within a time frame<br />
Employer bound i.e if they leave then it is revoked<br />
Prerequisites<br />
Any other conditions via smart contracts.<br />
Company has full visibilty and analytics<br />
Contractor Validation and Attestation<br />
Contractor aggrigates<br />
and applies any other<br />
contractual requirements<br />
This is automatically<br />
checked against predetermined<br />
conditions<br />
If all conditions are met,<br />
approval granted and<br />
access/pass issued.<br />
Workers send<br />
credentials and<br />
skills attestations<br />
and licences to<br />
contractor via<br />
DID.<br />
Primary Company has full<br />
visibility records and control<br />
without human intervention.<br />
All while being immutable<br />
and instant.
E X A M P L E U S E C A S E S<br />
Risk Identification<br />
Company wide skills matricies developed<br />
via RSDs (can be internal and external)<br />
Whether for specific projects or global talent pool<br />
analysis, real-time and detailed data can be<br />
acquired and reported.<br />
Site Access<br />
Worker can<br />
choose or come<br />
from any preauthorised<br />
provider<br />
Accreditation<br />
automatically<br />
accepted in the<br />
access defined<br />
pathway<br />
Any internal training<br />
assessments or<br />
conditions can be defined<br />
and added<br />
Acces can be issued and<br />
Managed via web-badge
Skills Pathways and progression extensions<br />
Live Jobs Board<br />
with API to indeed, linkedin or seek,<br />
a live jobs board could be<br />
developed for that occupation<br />
Job 1<br />
Position Name<br />
apply<br />
Job 1<br />
Position Name<br />
Job 1<br />
Position Name<br />
Live Jobs
Skills Pathways & Progression For Companies<br />
Recruitment<br />
Analytics and shortlists could be developed based on skills attainments against position criteria<br />
Currently these skills are arbitry, not industry specific and lack rigor<br />
Analytics and shortlists could be assigned to specific skills, accreditations and even employer specific.
Skills Pathways & Progression For Companies<br />
HR and Competency Management<br />
Employers could manage their internal and contractor competencies easily through this system<br />
Position Description<br />
Embedded Skills from RSDs<br />
Develop Company Wide or Specific<br />
Skills Analysis<br />
This could be extended to include<br />
Risk Assessments<br />
Capability Assessments<br />
Contracting Compliance<br />
WHS Compliance<br />
Access Management<br />
Succession Planning
Platform likes and shares<br />
With Linkedin API can get Viewer Data<br />
Using APP can add locations<br />
Analytics accross all platforms<br />
Accepts Badges from all Open Badge Platforms<br />
Stackable<br />
All data can be sent and<br />
analysed through any BI<br />
In almost all reporting systems globally, it is possible through most student<br />
management systems to withhold reporting on certificate issuances for fee for<br />
service and overseas students. Through this project,regulatory agencies or<br />
organisations would be able to immediately identify anomalies where numerous<br />
certifications are issued where:<br />
The issuance exceeds the capacity of the training organisation<br />
The Issuance exceeds the capacity of the individual trainer<br />
Significant certification usage and verification occurring overseas without<br />
notification.<br />
Certificate issuance outside of scope of registration .<br />
Most national qualification systems employ a central registering authority that<br />
underwrites and issues official certifications. However, in places such as the UAE<br />
where unaccredited training organisations are not required to report certification<br />
issue to the registration body, this system has an inherent flaw in that it relies on<br />
verification of testamur from the issuing agent to prevent fraud. This in particular can<br />
be hampered in the event of an issuing training organisation no longer in business or<br />
issuing data has been lost through antiquated reporting systems and backups.<br />
Consequently where competencies and certifications have been issued and have<br />
been recalled byan agencies, the physical testamurs are difficult to recall and<br />
typically theentity is deregistered, it is impossible to verify authenticity.<br />
Similarly, despite the requirements on security of Certificates and Statements of<br />
Attainment under the regulations, forgery and fraudulent issuances still occur and<br />
can be in circulation for extensive periods before identification.
As discussed previously, the project has been designed to facilitate rapid<br />
development and system interoperability through API development and existing<br />
links to Government data systems through our partner in Rapid ID.<br />
While the primary focus for regulatory authorities, will be on regulation and<br />
management of operational, Systemic and Strategic risk as well as quality<br />
assurance, there are a multitude of associated entities that also benefit from access<br />
to data in real time including:<br />
State and Federal funding mechanisms<br />
Licensing and regulatory bodies outside of the accrediting agency that rely on<br />
UOCs and Qualifications. (such as ILAC IEC certifications<br />
Employment and skills forecasting<br />
Immigration<br />
Other Awarding bodies.<br />
Infectious disease control<br />
Food safety<br />
Almost all skilled Immigration and work visa systems rely on authentication<br />
processes of credentials. This is typically both time consuming and expensive for<br />
both the employers and the individuals as the requirements of authentication are<br />
onerous (and justifiably so under paper based systems). With the implementation of<br />
blockchain based systems coupled with QA provided by trusted agents in origin<br />
countries, the work visa system can be significantly more efficient in both time and<br />
money.<br />
Conditions and requirements<br />
are agreed and written as<br />
code and posted onto the<br />
blockchain. The code and<br />
conditions are publicly<br />
displayed on the ledger (but<br />
not individual identifiers)<br />
When the agreed<br />
conditions are met (such<br />
as competency<br />
demonstrated or<br />
certificate issued) the<br />
code is executed and<br />
registered.<br />
Regulators can watch the<br />
activity on the blockchain,<br />
monitor activity, and deverify<br />
any suspicious or<br />
fraudulent activity. All while<br />
maintaining the privacy of<br />
individual participants
Smart contracts are lines of code that are stored on a blockchain and automatically<br />
execute when predetermined terms and conditions are met. At the most basic level,<br />
they are programs that run as they’ve been set up to run by the people who<br />
developed them. The benefits of smart contracts are most apparent in business<br />
collaborations, in which they are typically used to enforce some type of agreement<br />
so that all participants can be certain of the outcome without an intermediary’s<br />
involvement.<br />
One of the benefits of using Ethereum is that there can be any number of subcontracts<br />
under a primary contract. This opens the door to any number of<br />
applications involving numerous steps which can be automated including:<br />
Site access<br />
VOCs, Licencing and competency<br />
Work permit issuance and confirmation<br />
Service ledgers<br />
Rostering<br />
project management<br />
Quality assurance<br />
Safety checks and inspections<br />
Given the common coding system of the vocational system and the defined rules<br />
surrounding training packages, the application of smart contracts allows for the<br />
development of a system that can apply the training package rules with the existing<br />
competencies a person holds and provide qualification options and advanced<br />
standing for the upgrading of qualficiations. It is also expected that a similar process<br />
could also be extended to include employee and job skills profiles for RPL<br />
processes.<br />
Qualification 1 Qualification 2
Director<br />
E:<br />
M:+61 402 108 296