November/December 2022 Alchemical Voice
In this edition our front cover is Kwali Kumara and her spiritual link to serpents! Kwali has written a great article on serpents, page 22. Our other wonderful articles include Yule/Celtic Musings/Crystals by Sue Penney, John Sjovik writes about changing your vantage point, what colour is today and A journey into Reality. Gifted Jeanne Witt writes about her Poltergeist House, Transformation by Angel Therapist Carol Coggan, Eden People are running events online. Here all about the Anromedeans and levels of consciousness. Richard Pantlin continues his story with the Mighty River and the Grandmothers. Martin Lewis has written about Mitochondria - our nuclear energy plant. Learn about the world changing prayer Jovi Hoonjan and Martin Lewis did at Avebury henge. Julie de Vere Hunt plugs a new book The Boleyn Heresy written by Kathleen McGowan. Lots of events, sessions and courses are advertised in UK as well as online.
In this edition our front cover is Kwali Kumara and her spiritual link to serpents! Kwali has written a great article on serpents, page 22. Our other wonderful articles include Yule/Celtic Musings/Crystals by Sue Penney, John Sjovik writes about changing your vantage point, what colour is today and A journey into Reality. Gifted Jeanne Witt writes about her Poltergeist House, Transformation by Angel Therapist Carol Coggan, Eden People are running events online. Here all about the Anromedeans and levels of consciousness. Richard Pantlin continues his story with the Mighty River and the Grandmothers. Martin Lewis has written about Mitochondria - our nuclear energy plant. Learn about the world changing prayer Jovi Hoonjan and Martin Lewis did at Avebury henge. Julie de Vere Hunt plugs a new book The Boleyn Heresy written by Kathleen McGowan. Lots of events, sessions and courses are advertised in UK as well as online.
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<strong>November</strong>/<strong>December</strong> <strong>2022</strong> - Issue 17<br />
I N A S S O C I A T I O N W I T H L I K E - M I N D E D B U S I N E S S E S<br />
Digital copy FREE<br />
Hard copy £4.50<br />
Health & Wellbeing<br />
Celtic Musings<br />
Serpent Healing<br />
Transformation<br />
Levels of Consciousness<br />
Mitochondria - our Nuclear<br />
Energy Plant<br />
Spiritual development<br />
What Colour is Today?<br />
Changing your Vantage Point<br />
Poltergeist House<br />
Eden People<br />
A Journey into Reality<br />
Andromedean Characteristics<br />
The Mighty River and the<br />
Grandmothers<br />
Avebury Henge Ritual<br />
The Boleyn Heresy<br />
Cover competition winner:<br />
Photographer:<br />
Model: Kwali Kumara Aka Kwallilox<br />
| BALANCE<br />
D i g i t a l & p r i n t e d p u b l i c a t i o n - w w w . a l c h e m i c a l v o i c e . c o m
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
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Publisher<br />
Chief Editor<br />
Marketing Director<br />
Marketing Consultant<br />
Jovi Hoonjan<br />
Karam Pentland<br />
T-Rae Hemmings<br />
Iain Marshall<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
A L C H E M I C A L V O I C E<br />
Hello Readers!<br />
What a few months I've had since publishing the last issue! It has been non-stop!<br />
I've revamped my courses ready for 2023 ( and<br />
workshops are being written. I'm introducing a new regular workshop - Shamanic Circles to be held<br />
at Bisley Yurt! What an amazing venue!!! Jan Reid and I held a wonderful retreat in the New<br />
Forest.<br />
I attended Avebury Henge with Martin Lewis to perform a shamanic ritual to help raise the Levels<br />
of Consciousness. Read all about it on page 58. And ofcourse lots more articles for you to enjoy!<br />
Jovi Hoonjan<br />
Publisher<br />
W H A T ' S I N S I D E T H I S E D I T I O N<br />
Oracle Card Readings<br />
Oriel Lux<br />
<br />
Yule<br />
Sue Penney<br />
<br />
Changing your Vantage<br />
Point<br />
John Sjovik<br />
<br />
Celtic Musings<br />
Sue Penney<br />
<br />
What Colour is Today?<br />
John Sjovik<br />
<br />
Crystals of the Season<br />
Sue Penney<br />
4<br />
5<br />
8<br />
10<br />
16<br />
17<br />
Poltergeist House<br />
Jeanne Witt<br />
<br />
Serpent Healing<br />
Kwali Kumara<br />
<br />
Transformation<br />
Carol Coggan<br />
<br />
Eden People<br />
Colin Brice<br />
<br />
A Journey into Reality<br />
John Sjovik<br />
<br />
Andromedean<br />
Characteristics<br />
Julie Adams<br />
<br />
18<br />
22<br />
28<br />
30<br />
32<br />
38<br />
Levels of Consciousness<br />
Julie Adams 42<br />
<br />
The Mighty River & the<br />
Grandmothers: Part 5<br />
Richard Pantlin 46<br />
<br />
Mitochondria - our<br />
Nuclear Energy Plant<br />
Martin Lewis 54<br />
<br />
Avebury Henge Autumn<br />
Ritual<br />
Jovi Hoonjan 58<br />
<br />
The Boleyn Heresy<br />
Julie de Vere Hunt 62<br />
Front cover winner:<br />
Photographer -<br />
The image is of Kwali Kumara Aka Kwallilox. She is pictured with two of her beloved rescued serpents, they are<br />
sweet natured Californian Corn snakes called QuetziCleo and ConfettiCoatl.<br />
The photo is called ‘Fairy Medusa’ and the intention behind it was to create an antidote to the negative portrayal of<br />
this Greek serpent goddess. The photo attempts to capture Kwali in an energetic embrace with her beloved Nagas.<br />
It shows her in cosmic communion with her serpents who are nestled comfortably into her crown chakra,<br />
highlighting the deep spiritual connection they have with their guardian. A beautiful fairy crown of serpents instead<br />
of a head of ugly venomous snakes (<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Jovi Hoonjan<br />
My well worn trusty Spirit Animal<br />
Oracle cards picked the Dog<br />
Spirit card for this edition.<br />
"Be loyal to what you love"<br />
Sometimes I like to just look at<br />
the image of the card rather than<br />
read the meaning in the booklet.<br />
When I do this, I allow the<br />
message to be felt within.<br />
Dogs are known for their trait of<br />
being loyal and seen as kindred<br />
friends. You can push them out<br />
of the way when they get too<br />
much, leave them at home on<br />
their own longer than you<br />
intended to, and they will still<br />
love you dearly.<br />
The message of this card is about inviting love in and immersing yourself in loving energy. The high<br />
ascended master's divine spirit is of pure love. Invite that loving energy into your life and connect it<br />
to your own divine high spiritual self. Visualise a beautiful sparkling golden beam of light pouring<br />
down from the universe and connecting to your heart. Invite pure and divine messages of love to<br />
empower your every cell!<br />
w o n d e r f u l l y a c c u r a t e p s y c h i c r e a d i n g s b y<br />
O r i e l L u x<br />
£10 FOR 2 QUESTIONS<br />
Send 2 questions by email to Oriel and<br />
receive spiritual guidance and support<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Sue Penney<br />
YULE<br />
As we approach the darkest night<br />
Keenly await the return of light<br />
With bated breath ancestors stood<br />
On darkened hilltop, cloak and hood<br />
When frost and snow lay deep on ground<br />
And footsteps make sharp crunching sound<br />
The holly glows with berries bright<br />
And daylight is consumed by night<br />
Excitement also stirs the air<br />
As children’s voices loudly share<br />
Fun and laughter, games and longs<br />
And home is where distant heart longs<br />
The smell of winters fires abound<br />
As we listen to their sound<br />
Twinkling lights in windows shine<br />
Lifting hearts, both yours and mine<br />
Expectant faces search the skies<br />
The stars and moon gently arise<br />
White breathy plumes from carols sung<br />
Share golden glow from lanterns hung<br />
Who can resist the yuletide lure<br />
It is the best season I’m sure<br />
So welcome now the time is here<br />
Revel well in Yuletide cheer<br />
A Soul Verse reading is a message channelled by<br />
Sue in poetry form from spirit. These readings<br />
are totally unique and can be combined with a<br />
healing treatment.<br />
5<br />
Sue Penney<br />
Soul Verse<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Poetry that is wonderfully insightful and full<br />
of healing to anyone reading them.<br />
Available on Amazon<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Sacred Herbal Prescription<br />
A qualified Chinese Herbal Practitioner,<br />
offering remote herbal prescriptions for a<br />
variety of conditions including emotional,<br />
mental and physical issues.<br />
Through Shamanic Journeying, Zaneta is<br />
guided by 'all-knowing ascended masters' to<br />
receive messages that will help you for your<br />
highest good. Together with Zaneta's<br />
knowledge of Chinese Herbal Medicine, a<br />
personalised sacred prescription is created for<br />
you.<br />
Zaneta Swan<br />
+44 (0)7871 450 281<br /><br />
Reiki & Light Language healing<br />
Sue Caustick<br />
Light language is a celestial, galactic and angelic language channelled through the soul.<br />
Light language during Reiki treatments provides an even deeper effect on the healing.<br />
Clear blockages in your energy fields<br />
Release stress and anxiety<br />
"Such a beautiful gentle treatment. I felt really<br />
comfortable, safe and totally relaxed in Sue's<br />
hands. I am now a regular!"<br />
Based in Fleet, Hampshire<br />
Contact:<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
YOUR<br />
POINT<br />
John Sjovik<br />
Shaman Healer<br /><br />
H<br />
ave you ever tried to see<br />
things from a different<br />
angle? My cat does that all<br />
the time. She enjoys lying<br />
on her back to watch the<br />
surrounding scenery upside<br />
down.<br />
She purrs and looks very content. As I<br />
choose to see it, she channels the energy<br />
around her in her own special way. In her<br />
simple way, she alters her perspective and<br />
changes her interaction with her<br />
surroundings by viewing it upside down.<br />
We have all heard the expression “get a<br />
fresh new look on things”. Well, that<br />
wisdom is what my cat puts into practise.<br />
A cat’s vision is quite different from that of<br />
a human being. The range where a cat can<br />
see an object clearly is approximately one<br />
foot to twenty feet. Move in close to her<br />
and she cannot see you. Point to<br />
something in the distance and it will be just<br />
a blur for her. Her vision is selective. It is<br />
designed to optimize what is important for<br />
her, beneficial for her needs and indeed<br />
crucial for her survival as a once wild<br />
animal. In a similar way,<br />
I suggest that we try to alter the way we<br />
see the world. We can squint, half close<br />
our eyes, close one eye or form our hands<br />
into “binoculars” to focus our vision and<br />
hide peripheral distractions.<br />
If you look through a kaleidoscope, you<br />
see daylight passing through a great many<br />
little prisms of many colours. Shake the<br />
kaleidoscope and a completely new image<br />
appears. The content has not changed,<br />
only been rearranged but that creates a<br />
different rendition of the view.<br />
Imagine you are in New York City to enjoy<br />
the Easter Parade along Fifth Avenue. You<br />
are standing on the pavement to be close<br />
to the glamorous people, bands and cars<br />
moving by. You turn your head left and<br />
right and you can see altogether maybe 7<br />
cars in total. A friend of yours is standing<br />
on the 15th floor in a tall building and<br />
watching the parade from there. She can<br />
see more than 20 cars from her vantage<br />
point on a high level. She can see cars that<br />
are moving towards you but that you have<br />
not yet seen. Those cars are in your future<br />
but in your friend’s present moment. In a<br />
way, your friend can predict your future,<br />
make a phone call to you and tell you what<br />
you are about to see. This way, changing<br />
ones vantage point can be a kind of time<br />
travel.<br />
With vision as a metaphor for your<br />
understanding of life around you, maybe it<br />
would be a good thing for you to try to see<br />
things from a new perspective and maybe<br />
even “up side down”? By elevating yourself<br />
to a high floor of an imaginary skyscraper<br />
you may even be able to look into the<br />
future.<br />
Next course starts on<br />
19th February 2023<br />
This course, held near Basingstoke, is perfect for those wanting<br />
to develop their psychic and spiritual healing connection.<br />
<br />
This shamanically influenced course covers<br />
~ Power animal and spirit guide support ~<br />
~ Cleansing, balancing & healing ~<br />
~ Protection tools ~<br />
~ Divination tools ~<br />
~ Psychometry ~<br />
~ Practicing on friends and family ~<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Sue Penney<br />
1.<br />
Whatever you want in life you can have. However,<br />
everything you want has a price. You must be willing to pay<br />
that price to have what you want.<br />
Sometimes you will know the price and sometimes you<br />
won’t. However, the times that you ignore the price or try<br />
to pretend that you do not know what these are the times<br />
that you should consider most strongly.<br />
Is the price of what you desire worth it and are you truly<br />
prepared to pay that price?<br />
Remember - “An harm ye none do as thy will” applies to<br />
yourself as well as everyone else around you.<br />
Take care<br />
2.<br />
Energy attracts energy. Sometimes you’ll meet someone<br />
and you will either instantly feel attracted or repelled by<br />
them and they have not even spoken a word to you. You<br />
are reading their energy or the very core of their being at<br />
the most basic level.<br />
These strong feelings are very important and it is wise to<br />
pay heed to them. You could be remembering their soul<br />
from when you played in the fields of time and space<br />
before. Your soul is recognising their soul's signature and<br />
energy.<br />
Or, they may remind you of someone you like or dislike, if it<br />
is a person you dislike or know them to have not very nice<br />
traits, then your unconscious mind is telling you to pay<br />
attention to this. Similarly when someone reminds you of<br />
someone you like your unconscious mind will have picked<br />
up on something they did or a mannerism they may have<br />
that is exhibited by a friend. Generally, I have found that<br />
this means that I will like this new person too.<br />
3.<br />
One thing that I have found that can still my mind after a<br />
busy day when I am having trouble going to sleep is to pick<br />
a topic and then think of words that begin with that topic.<br />
Usually, I find myself drifting to sleep whilst being stuck on<br />
the letter K!!!<br />
This game stills the whirring thoughts that are disturbing<br />
my peace and helps me to breathe calmly and relax.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
4.<br />
I have a favourite place that I can go to in my mind if things<br />
start to get on top of me and I begin to suffer from<br />
overwhelm. I have a wonderful grove of Scots Pine close to<br />
where I live. I often take my dogs there. At any time of the<br />
year, this place is calm and peaceful. The trees stand<br />
sentinel over the forest and the light shines down in shafts<br />
at certain times of the day. It is a beautiful, serene place full<br />
of the scents of the forest, dappled light and the gentle<br />
sounds of the birds. I can picture myself there in an instant<br />
and my breathing will slow and I will start to feel at peace<br />
once more.<br />
Where is your special place that nourishes your soul?<br />
5.<br />
I wonder how many of us continue along a path that is no<br />
longer right for us because of fear of missing out on some<br />
imagined future. Do we cling to a long-since forgotten<br />
hope that things will improve, and waste our actual better<br />
future by staying stuck where we are?<br />
I think that many are not actually scared of being on their<br />
own but are actually scared of losing this false future. After<br />
all, have you not invested much time in this current<br />
situation so far? Should you ‘throw away’ all of this<br />
investment? Or would it be better to spend the time you<br />
have remaining in this life actually living a real life rather<br />
than pretending and clinging to false hopes? Just a thought.<br />
6.<br />
When asked “what is your favourite season?”, it’s not an<br />
easy question for me to answer. Every season holds a<br />
different joy for me.<br />
Spring when the light starts to lengthen each day and the<br />
buds on the trees start to show fills me with excitement<br />
and anticipation of new things to come and I await my<br />
garden coming into life.<br />
Summer with its beauty and long warm days, time spent<br />
outside and picnics by water with fun and laughter is full of<br />
love.<br />
Autumn with the colours changing and the sharpened air,<br />
the excitement as we come to the close of the year,<br />
Samhain and fires in the evenings always hold a special<br />
place in my heart.<br />
And Winter with shortened days, log fires and curled up<br />
with a book listening to the rain on the window panes and<br />
the wind howling. Long evenings spent with family and<br />
crafting. This is a creative time for me.<br />
So what is your favourite season?<br />
Sue Penney<br />
Soul Verse<br /><br />
Altar-native<br />
Goal Setting<br />
workshop<br />
Sue Penney, Soul Verse<br />
WATER<br />
EARTH<br />
FIRE<br />
AIR<br />
Based on the concepts of<br />
elemental energies of earth, fire,<br />
air and water we bring together<br />
a physical manifestation of your<br />
dreams that you can recreate at<br />
home or in your office.<br />
Everybody's minds think<br />
differently so this is a great<br />
workshop to help you focus and<br />
align to your goals.<br />
Date/times<br />
Location<br />
Cost<br />
To book<br />
Saturday 19th <strong>November</strong><br />
10:00 - 1:00pm<br />
The Bisley Yurt, Miles<br />
Green Farm, Queens Road,<br />
Bisley, GU24 9AR<br />
£45<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Kinesiology and Shamanic techniques and tools to help<br />
release stress and gain inner wisdom and power<br />
Emotional Stress Release (ESR)<br />
Body Pendulum Divination<br />
Emotional Balancing<br />
Alarm Point Testing<br />
Meridians and their Emotions<br />
Affirmations for Restoring<br />
Balance<br />
Shaman Drumming Meditations<br />
Movement and Music Balancing<br />
Mandala Activation<br />
Past Life Trauma Healing<br />
Sigil Coding for Transformation<br />
Empowerment Rituals<br />
Location:<br />
Lady Rose Hall<br />
Laverstoke Lane<br />
Laverstoke, Whitchurch<br />
Hampshire<br />
RG287NY<br />
Cost: £475 per person<br />
To book<br /><br />
holistic_stress_management.html<br />
Martin Lewis<br />
West Berkshire Kinesiology<br /><br /><br />
Jovi Hoonjan<br />
Love 2 Meditate/Shamanic Joy UK<br /><br /><br />
Stress Release Made Easy<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Love 2 Meditate<br />
This meditation has an Attractor<br />
Frequency of 761 LoC (Levels of<br />
Consciousness) equating to<br />
Enlightenment.<br />
This shamanic meditation is perfect<br />
for merging with warrior power<br />
animals and raising your power to<br />
help you build that extra layer of<br />
stronger defence.<br />
We are all in need of an extra boost<br />
of protection - this is the meditation<br />
for exactly that!<br />
We call in the warrior shamans, and<br />
the mighty power animals for you to<br />
merge with so you can draw in the<br />
protection for your whole self.<br />
This meditation brings to you a<br />
chance to reclaim your power,<br />
transmute threatening energies, gain<br />
inner and outer strength, connect to<br />
your higher self so you can pick up<br />
on any warning signs - all this will<br />
create the higher defence system<br />
you need.<br />
To purchase:<br /><br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Hi Readers<br />
My name is Emma and I started this beautiful spiritual journey<br />
when I was studying massage in Australia back in 2008. That<br />
bought me right up to where I am now working as a remedial<br />
massage therapist.<br />
I also offer Reiki, Indian head massage, pregnancy massage and<br />
Manual Lymphatic Drainage. I am also very much into crystals,<br />
Shamanic journey work and sacred geometry.<br />
You can find me at Durham House Chiropractic Clinic in both<br />
Fleet, Hampshire and Farnham, Surrey.<br />
You can also book directly on the website. Hope to see you<br />
soon.<br />
Emma Childs<br />
Fleet Clinic: 01252 622050<br />
Farnham Clinic: 01252 725669<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
is TODAY?<br />
What colour is today? Red? Yellow?<br />
Blue? These are called primary<br />
colours.<br />
John Sjovik, Shamaqi<br />
The first colour a human child can see is red. Even as<br />
adults, we immediately react to red. If there is a red<br />
object in a photograph or painting, the eye will be<br />
attracted to it and the object will dominate the<br />
picture. In a famous event, the painter William<br />
Turner changed a somewhat bland painting into an<br />
exciting experience by adding a red buoy to it. He<br />
did this after the painting had been hung at an<br />
exhibition. Turner used the colour red not only as a<br />
finishing touch but also as an ostentatious display of<br />
his creativity and skill as a painter. He knew that his<br />
choice of colour would attract attention.<br />
Are there primary feelings as well? Maybe connected<br />
to the primary colours? ”Blue Monday” as a feeling.<br />
We say that people can have "mixed feelings". I<br />
wonder if I could make use of that concept as intent<br />
when I meditate? Sadness with an addition of hope<br />
brings joy? Blue and yellow makes green. Combat<br />
sadness with the softness of hope to arrive at the<br />
strength of joy, rather than trying to move from<br />
sadness directly to joy.<br />
Just as it is impossible to move from Blue directly to<br />
Green, maybe it is impossible to move from one<br />
feeling directly to another. We need to do a little<br />
detour via Yellow before we reach Green. A visit to<br />
the sun...<br />
We live in a society that often promotes and even<br />
assumes speed and short cuts. Cooking your dinner<br />
in 10 minutes. Booking a flight with a few clicks on a<br />
website. Shopping online to save time by not having<br />
to visit a store. But life does not improve by<br />
increasing its speed [Gandhi].<br />
I think many people – certainly myself – feel<br />
tempted to go from the current feeling to the<br />
desired one in one giant leap. But that is to expect<br />
too much from life and how we would like it to work.<br />
Such a leap to happiness includes the risk of<br />
disappointment as it is resting on very unstable<br />
ground.<br />
To reach the green valley of our dreams, we need to<br />
accept having to walk some ways, including detours,<br />
before we get there. There is something to be said<br />
about having to struggle to reach your desired<br />
destination. We need time to gradually adjust to a<br />
new set of feelings and emotions. We need to<br />
understand the complexity of ourselves and how we<br />
relate to ourselves, to other people, to all living<br />
beings and plants on this planet and indeed to the<br />
greater whole.<br />
I believe that the fundamental feeling we all reach<br />
for, be it dressed in ”happiness”, ”success” or any<br />
other such concept, really is a sense of balance, a<br />
sense of equilibrity, a sense of ease. That is why<br />
sickness is often called dis-ease.<br />
"Ease" is explained as "freedom from pain or trouble;<br />
comfort of body and mind" (Merriam-Webster). As I<br />
see it, "ease" is really a combination of a lot of<br />
feelings, mixed to a perfect balance to fit me, you<br />
and all other people, individually. It is a mix that<br />
requires constant attention, as we develop and<br />
change and as the world around us develops and<br />
changes.<br />
Why not give it a think for a moment or two? What<br />
is your desired mix of feelings to bring a sense of<br />
ease? What colours are on your palette and what is<br />
the best mix for you?<br />
I wish you a colourful day.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
SEASON<br />
Sue Penney<br />
Turquoise<br />
Turquoise has to be one of my most favourite<br />
crystals. It’s interesting that both crystals I have<br />
featured this month are often not what they seem.<br />
Real turquoise is not usually what is marketed and<br />
often an unknowing buyer will come away with<br />
dyed howlite instead of the genuine article.<br />
I have a stunning piece of genuine turquoise which<br />
has beautiful brown striations running through it.<br />
Citrine<br />
This is a great crystal for <strong>November</strong>. Citrine, yellow<br />
like the turning leaves is the best crystal I know for<br />
attracting money. It’s said, put a piece of citrine in<br />
your purse and it will never be empty.<br />
Citrine is associated with positivity and is often<br />
used for manifesting financial abundance and<br />
opportunities.<br />
Due to its associated colour yellow, it can be used<br />
to activate the solar plexus chakra, helping to instil<br />
confidence and boost your personal power.<br />
It’s also an amazing crystal for healing burns. Rather<br />
apt with bonfire night being held this month.<br />
However please don’t go trying it out!! It would be<br />
much better to stay safely away from the bonfire<br />
and fireworks!<br />
Always try to get natural citrine rather than that<br />
which is commercially made by heating amethyst.<br />
Carry some citrine around with you to attract<br />
money which will come in useful for Christmas!!<br />
Turquoise was highly prized by American Indians.<br />
Turquoise dispels negative energy when worn and<br />
it can be used to protect against outside influences<br />
and pollution.<br />
Turquoise is great for stabilising mood swings and<br />
bringing about inner calm.<br />
It is excellent for dispelling depression and<br />
exhaustion and can be used to prevent panic<br />
attacks.<br />
It is a great crystal to use for protection and can<br />
balance all of the chakras.<br />
I really love this beautiful gem and it’s also my<br />
favourite colour.<br />
Sue Penney<br />
Soul Verse<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Jeanne Witt<br />
I was born in the 1950's, an only child, but<br />
somehow as I grew I felt I didn't belong where I<br />
was! I vividly remember seeing a black African<br />
type doll next to me in my parents bed....I<br />
screamed, mum said there was nothing there.<br />
I was only about three at the time, but many years<br />
later a medium saw the doll. I had a strong sense<br />
of another world, I saw events before they<br />
happened, I could astral travel at a young age, but<br />
this was just the start of what was to come into<br />
my life.<br />
I got married at twenty one, and moved into our<br />
first, and only house, in 1979. Strange now I look<br />
back, this was the last house on the list to view<br />
that day, I also remember it was <strong>November</strong> 1978,<br />
my mum's birthday! Once inside, it drew me in like<br />
a spider into it's web; we both really liked it.<br />
Once we had moved in, we soon realised there<br />
was so much work to do. It was built in 1890, with<br />
the original stables for the horses at the back of<br />
the house, we even had an allotment across the<br />
bumpy un-adopted road at the front. All seemed<br />
perfect.<br />
I remember after a month, I started to wake every<br />
night seeing a dark opaque body shape sitting<br />
next to my side of the bed, I reached out my arm,<br />
which went straight through the shape, so I asked<br />
to swap sides with my husband...the shape<br />
followed me!<br />
It was soon time to have gas central healing fitted,<br />
which meant the little road at the front had to be<br />
dug and disturbed to lay the gas pipes to our<br />
house.<br />
BEDLAM!!<br />
Poltergeists<br />
Small things started to happen at first, mainly<br />
when I was in the house alone, like taps turning<br />
full on by themselves, different smells, strong<br />
tobacco, loud footsteps walking from the front<br />
gate down the path and stopping at the back<br />
door.<br />
The sound of someone entering through the<br />
front door, door handles rattling everywhere,<br />
items going missing, especially keys, but returned<br />
days, even months later. We started opening up<br />
all the fireplaces, all the rooms had to be replastered,<br />
and during all this chaos our son was<br />
born.<br />
One evening I put him up in his cot, when I heard<br />
a cry which alarmed me. I rushed upstairs, but<br />
the door was stuck! Calling my husband who<br />
managed to push open the door, we saw a mist<br />
over the cot, but to our horror, we saw his little<br />
crocheted blanket I'd tucked around the quilt<br />
was used to wedge the door shut from the<br />
inside. I cried out loudly..."You are not having our<br />
baby!" We were both alarmed and did not put<br />
our son back in that room.<br />
The little blanket was his `comforter` which he<br />
wouldn't share with anyone, however, I often<br />
used to see him stop playing and hand it out to<br />
thin air, sometimes just like someone was<br />
walking around him.<br />
Big heavy bags of rubble would be dragged<br />
across the floor waking us at night, with showers<br />
of small stones crashing down onto the<br />
floorboards. A larger single stone suddenly<br />
appeared from one corner of the lounge ceiling,<br />
flew through the air at top speed and when<br />
picked up, it was extremely hot! My wicker<br />
baskets from the kitchen would move and fly<br />
through the air, levitating over us and our<br />
friends, during dinner one evening, a daffodil<br />
started to pull itself out from the bunch on the<br />
sink and lift itself over my friend's head, she<br />
nearly fainted, and our lovely dog's fur was<br />
constantly being tugged and pulled...<br />
I could not take any more. What could we do?<br />
We couldn't just run away, this was our home.<br />
Suddenly, I started to see the spirit faces, which<br />
changed everything.<br />
Read more in the next edition...<br />
Jeanne's spiritual training includes: SNU trained Spiritual Healer, Reiki<br />
Master Teacher, Shamanic Reiki, Crystal Therapist, M.M.A.N.F Master in<br />
Mantic Arts New Age Foundation, Two articles Spirit & Destiny<br />
magazine<br />
Based in Farnborough.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Love 2 Meditate and Martin Lewis<br />
<br />
Dance to this guided meditation at<br />
home...<br />
Spirit Dance is a wonderful exploration<br />
and investigation of oneself!<br />
Learn about who you truly are, accept<br />
yourself and move into who you want to<br />
be - feel whole and complete again and<br />
be The Powerful You!<br />
This moving meditation is 1-hr long and<br />
takes you on a journey through your 8<br />
chakras, to help you to realign and<br />
balance each one, so you can ultimately<br />
bring in your missing soul parts.<br />
In the shamanic communities it is<br />
believed that any time anyone goes<br />
through a traumatic experience, a part of<br />
their soul leaves them. Spirit Dance helps<br />
you to call them back.<br />
Movement and music helps to get the<br />
energy flowing and enables practical<br />
application of the kinesiological process.<br />
<br />
To purchase:<br /><br />
<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Energy healing using crystals<br />
and Reiki<br />
Meryl McArthur<br />
Crystal Cave Healing<br />
Winchester<br /><br />
Martin Lewis, West Berkshire Kinesiology<br />
'Variations on a Theme' is 22mins long and<br />
works on your 11th chakra - Pathwork to<br />
the Soul.<br />
The eleventh chakra is your ability to<br />
acquire advanced spiritual skills (travel<br />
beyond the limits of time and space,<br />
teleportation, bi-location, instantaneous<br />
precipitation of thoughts and telekinesis).<br />
The eleventh chakra is the spiritual library<br />
of the individual, containing all that he or<br />
she will need to operate as a divine human<br />
being. Work on this chakra is much like a<br />
librarian in a library, putting things in order<br />
but not changing anything that is found.<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Kwali Kumara<br />
My work as a serpent healer has spanned over<br />
two decades now and currently, I am the guardian<br />
of nearly forty serpents who are all rescued from<br />
various different backgrounds. Mostly from<br />
people who haven’t researched properly before<br />
acquiring a serpentine friend who can potentially<br />
live for up to thirty years.<br />
I was gifted my first snake who I named Kundalini.<br />
We had a beautiful and mystical connection and<br />
when she passed away I made a pact to her soul<br />
that I would honour her life forever by taking up<br />
kundalini yoga as a mark of respect for the journey<br />
we had shared.<br />
I fell in love with the practice and it led me to<br />
become a teacher. I have now taught for over a<br />
decade and my passion for serpents and<br />
spirituality has merged. My offering is called<br />
‘Serpent Healing’ and currently, I am pioneering<br />
this new modality that incorporates my serpents<br />
into the technology of kundalini yoga. It gives the<br />
students the chance to meet and meditate with<br />
snakes, facing theirs fears and finding their inner<br />
fire in a calm and sacred way.<br />
This work inspires an understanding of the<br />
serpentine energy of transformation and it gives a<br />
chance to connect with one's own serpent power<br />
with an actual snake ally in a beautiful yogic<br />
landscape.<br />
Photo by Andrew Prod<br />
It is my belief that this practice dates back many<br />
moons for even Lord Shiva himself, the supreme<br />
being and grandmaster yogi is always seen<br />
depicted with various live serpents.<br />
Many ancient civilisations and spiritual<br />
communities worked with them as their familiars<br />
and they appear in numerous indigenous tribes as<br />
sacred.<br />
Lord Shiva<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
The Mayan God Quetzalcoatl was described as a<br />
great plumed serpent who bought knowledge and<br />
civilisation to the masses. Ancient Egypt is flowing<br />
with serpent symbology, as is the orient who refer<br />
to their enlightened masters as the ascended<br />
dragon priests.<br />
The dragon or flying snake is the symbol of<br />
enlightenment, connecting the heavenly and<br />
earthly realms. The snake with its scales so close<br />
to Mother Earth and its feminine kundalini energy<br />
of fertility and creation, the divine feminine maha<br />
Shakti; matter marrying with the feathers of Great<br />
spirit, the plumage symbolising our beloved father<br />
sky.<br />
In yogic philosophy, one is attempting to unite<br />
Shiva and Shakti within the body temple and the<br />
symbol of the plumed serpent is literally a<br />
metaphor for this unity that takes place in the<br />
human heart.<br />
There are many reasons that so many people have<br />
a deep unconscious fear around snakes and it’s not<br />
just from the bad press they received in the bible<br />
(this has definitely not helped their cause and is<br />
not the full story.)<br />
Temple of Quetzalcoatl, Mexico<br />
The snake was depicted as evil in this tale which<br />
for many has imprinted into our psyche in the<br />
same way that all dark fairy tales tend to leave<br />
their mark. However, when you dig a bit deeper,<br />
it’s clear to see that the snake is actually the<br />
wisdom keeper. A messenger from God /creative<br />
consciousness was sent to give Eve the option of<br />
free will, if she had not taken a bite from the tree<br />
of life we would never have had the opportunity<br />
for evolution.<br />
The serpent was the catalyst for change, for life,<br />
death and rebirth. The fall was our chance to<br />
experience life independently with the opportunity<br />
to grow and expand our consciousness. If the<br />
almighty creator was responsible for building the<br />
garden of Eden then surely it was also responsible<br />
for creating all of its inhabitants.<br />
Adam and Eve as depicted in the Bible<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Eve did what every human does, she searched for<br />
a way to evolve, expand, flow and grow through<br />
experience.<br />
Over the years I’ve helped many people in<br />
ceremonies to transcend their phobias around<br />
these majestic creatures who are in my opinion the<br />
master yogis of this planet. They are living avatars<br />
of the teachings, when you meditate with them<br />
you immediately experience calmness and clarity<br />
that is akin to that of a great sage or ascended<br />
master.<br />
They are the most mystical creatures on<br />
the planet, able to meditate for hours<br />
unmoving and totally connected to<br />
spirit, literally in a state of grace for the<br />
majority of their life, they will move very<br />
seldomly, mostly from necessity only.<br />
Just like advanced yogis, they are able to sit<br />
peacefully for days on end surfing the astral<br />
planes. No eyelids to close and rest, constantly<br />
awake in a meditative state. Total awareness of<br />
the physical world around them but also of the<br />
vast landscape that lies within. Their lack of ears<br />
means they rely totally on their sense of taste and<br />
vibration to understand their environment. This<br />
connects directly to the lower chakras and our<br />
primal instincts of fight of flight.<br />
Artwork by Pete Ardron<br />
Generally, when people hold a heavy fear of them<br />
it is usually one of a few things, often it is a past<br />
life experience that has left a negative imprint in<br />
the cells that needs to be released. They can also<br />
poke and provoke fears around sexuality, with<br />
their phallic appearance and sensual energy,<br />
bringing to the surface any unresolved issues and<br />
lessons needing to be integrated in this area.<br />
They confront issues connected with personal<br />
power and fear of one’s own ‘inner snake’, the<br />
kundalini life force energy that we all have inside<br />
of us that takes the form as an etheric fire serpent.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
This primal energy moves up the spine piercing each chakra on route to open the gifts of each lotus to<br />
unfurl into self-realisation or what we call an enlightened state of consciousness.<br />
The most tricky of all the anxieties invoked by them is ‘death fear’, a serpent is a reminder of our mortality<br />
and the delicate nature of existence. Their medicine can kill or cure and their ability to rebirth by shedding<br />
their skin is the ultimate lesson in transformation.<br />
When you understand this on a deeper level it becomes much easier to move from a place of fear to a<br />
space of love with these exquisite creatures, whom I believe are the great guides for humanity in this<br />
Aquarian age, to take us out of the darkness of the ‘Gu’ and into the light of the ‘Ru’.<br />
Artwork and photography by Pashet<br />
Kwali Kumara is a magnetic, uplifting and inspiring<br />
Serpent Healer, Kundalini yoga and meditation<br />
teacher.<br />
She is an accomplished Mantra Artist and multiple<br />
Galactic Gong player with over a decade of<br />
experience in Sacred Sound.<br />
Kwali is also a qualified ‘Starchild’ yoga teacher,<br />
NLP Coach and Shamanic Energy healer.<br />
She is the events manager for Om & Bass wellness<br />
festival in Oxfordshire.<br />
Kwali Is also a resident presenter, host and<br />
Curator of the Ceremony Space for the Mind,<br />
Body, Spirit festivals in London and Birmingham.<br /><br />
Insta : kwali_kundalinitemple / Kundalini Temple<br />
Fb : Kundalini Temple / Kwali Kundalini Kumara<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
in Basingstoke<br />
Jovi Hoonjan | Shamanic Joy UK<br />
Helping you to<br />
release the past<br />
change belief systems<br />
feel more complete<br />
bring yourself into alignment<br />
We visit past lives that could be the<br />
source of a current issue.<br />
We clear emotional and physical pains<br />
carried over from many lifetimes.<br /><br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Shamanic Circle<br />
11th February 2023 1:45 - 4:45 pm<br />
<br />
Using meditation and shamanic<br />
tools and techniques to<br />
manifest what you want for<br />
2023<br />
Jovi Hoonjan<br /><br />
The Bisley Yurt<br />
Miles Green Farm<br />
Queens Road<br />
Bisley GU24 9AR<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Carol Coggan<br />
The last two months of the year, we can look<br />
forward but also back over the events and<br />
progress we have made. We can give thanks for<br />
everything we have received, focusing our<br />
gratitude on what we have.<br />
<strong>November</strong> can be a time of dark evenings, cold<br />
and wet, but also the time of bonfires, clearing<br />
away the deadwood to make ready for the new.<br />
In Australia, there is a certain tree that will only<br />
germinate once it has been subject to the<br />
extreme heat of fire, the Wollemi Pine tree. Fire<br />
gives us heat but also cleanses.<br />
In England we celebrate bonfire night, with<br />
celebrations, fireworks, gingerbread and other<br />
yummy eats. If you consider what it represents<br />
it can be ghoulish, but on a wider scale it was an<br />
aspect of freedom and democracy for us all. In<br />
America, Thanksgiving is celebrated in late<br />
<strong>November</strong>, giving thanks for the harvest and<br />
also the safe journeys. There is a Thanksgiving<br />
meal, fireworks and holiday.<br />
All of these events and celebrations are about<br />
transformation, and that is what Archangel Uriel<br />
wants me to share with you. As the year has<br />
progressed we have been working with the<br />
Angels and Archangels and transforming<br />
ourselves.<br />
So how are you going to choose to view<br />
<strong>November</strong>-dark, cold and wet, or a time of<br />
celebration, thanksgiving, spectacle and<br />
transformation. As the seed is transformed<br />
through fire into a tree, so we ask Archangel<br />
Uriel to help us in our transformation. He has<br />
given us brilliant ideas throughout the year, so<br />
now ask him further for the next step on your<br />
journey, along with encouragement from<br />
Archangel Jophiel thanking her for her positivity<br />
and Archangel Raphael for his healing in all<br />
aspects of our lives.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Transformation continues and in <strong>December</strong><br />
many are looking towards Christmas. The<br />
preparation, gifts and goods often start in<br />
<strong>November</strong>, if not before. An air of excitement is<br />
generated. The month is celebrating the “big<br />
day“, music in the shopping areas, lights and<br />
decorations everywhere. I love the story of a<br />
Christmas Carol (maybe because my name is<br />
Carol) but for me it confirms what Christmas is<br />
all about. Many moan about the cost, and<br />
commercialism but this is the time the Angels<br />
want us to celebrate. I have talked in the past<br />
about all the Angels being there for you, as long<br />
as you ask. Because many people in<br />
<strong>December</strong>/Christmas are thinking differently –<br />
magically-with thanks, they are more aware and<br />
open to the Angels, and the Angels can do much<br />
more and intervene. Angels are to help us<br />
celebrate light and love, the decorations give us<br />
light and enable us to think what we would truly<br />
love and what we truly can give. All the Angels,<br />
your Guardian Angels and Archangels are here<br />
with you as always, focus on the light that you<br />
can generate, and the love you can give to<br />
others and yourself.<br />
Much love and light as your year comes to an<br />
end but ready for a new beginning, a new you,<br />
and New Year which is different to <strong>2022</strong> as you<br />
have transformed on your upwards spiral of<br />
growth and advancement.<br />
I would love to hear about your transformation,<br />
drop me an email and let me know and let me<br />
know how the Angels have helped.<br />
If you want any help getting in touch with these Archangels or want to work with<br />
Archangel Uriel specifically, then drop me an email and we can have a clarity call.<br /><br /><br />
+44 (0)781 806 5514<br />
Dream Builder Life Coach<br />
to help design your dream<br />
As an Angel Therapist, Dream Builder Life Coach and<br />
channel, I support you in working with your Angels to<br />
achieve the life you would love to live.<br />
<br />
I offer Angel Card readings, workshops, therapy<br />
sessions all to enhance your transformation.<br />
<br />
You are a spiritual being having a human experience.<br />
<br />
Location: Guildford, Surrey<br />
Remote sessions available<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Based in Guildford & S.W. Surrey, we have over 20<br />
years’ experience of supporting peoples’ wellbeing<br />
for body, mind & spirit; and we are here to enhance<br />
and support this. We are a not-for-profit<br />
community group.<br />
Below is information on our activities, contact us to<br />
join our mailing list so you can get priority access to<br />
book into sessions.<br />
Get in touch<br /><br /><br /><br />
FB:<br />
Twitter: @edenpeople<br />
Body Blessing & Positive Postures Sessions<br />
This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional activity that<br />
connects body, mind and spirit. It centres on who we<br />
are, how we are and where we are in the present<br />
moment. Spoken positive words about & over areas of<br />
the physical body encourage the participant to<br />
understand their uniqueness and the importance of<br />
their body.<br />
As we move or create a stance or position during the<br />
session the person connects inwardly (spiritually &<br />
emotionally) to the outward physical; and this can<br />
bring about new thought or feeling from the<br />
participant regarding themselves, others and the<br />
world.<br />
Designed to support your mental health, physical<br />
health, spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking<br />
towards self, others and the planet<br />
LifeWalks Sessions<br />
This is a physical, spiritual, and emotional walking activity that<br />
connects body, mind and spirit. As we engage with the<br />
‘outdoor space’ around us we can sense, learn, receive, and<br />
understand more about ourselves, the world around us<br />
physically, spiritually, and emotionally. It centres on who we<br />
are, how we are and where we are in the present moment.<br />
As we walk, talk, think, rest, breathe during the session the<br />
person connects inwardly (spiritually & emotionally) to the<br />
outward physical; and this can bring about new thought or<br />
feeling from the participant regarding themselves, others and<br />
the world.<br />
Designed to support your mental health, physical health,<br />
spirituality, wellbeing and positive thinking towards self,<br />
others, and the planet<br />
Life Peace Meditation Sessions<br />
These meditation sessions are shaped to<br />
help participants rest, relax, and find new<br />
depths of peace for the mind, body and<br />
spirit.Good for those who may have<br />
anxiety, restlessness, negative feelings,<br />
lack of motivation or self-worth.<br />
Differing Meditational activities focus on<br />
creativity, the natural world, breathing,<br />
imagination, use of the senses and tactile<br />
interaction.<br />
Designed to support your mental health,<br />
physical health, spirituality, wellbeing and<br />
positive thinking towards self, others, and<br />
the planet<br />
B R I N G I N G C O M M U N I T I E S T O G E T H E R<br />
SpiritSpace: Online monthly gathering via zoom. Creative<br />
expression, Encounter Rooms for Inner Healing, Heart &<br />
Destiny Insight, Ruach Cards and much more: more on this via:<br /><br />
Dream Station: Dream Interpretation - email us your dreams<br />
for interpretation<br />
Insight, Destiny & Encouragement: Opening life in the fullest<br />
Healing: Hands-on or hands off and distance healing<br />
Blessing: Positive input for you<br />
Card readings: Ruach and Jesus Deck Card readings<br />
U P C O M I N G E V E N T S<br />
Body Blessing Meditation Session, Stoughton Guildford<br />
Wednesday 2nd <strong>November</strong> 7.45-8.45 pm<br />
Wednesday 16th <strong>November</strong> 7.45-8.45 pm<br />
Wednesday 30th <strong>November</strong> 7.45-8.45 pm<br />
SpiritSpace online gathering via zoom<br />
Sunday 6th <strong>November</strong> & Sunday 4th <strong>December</strong> 8-10 pm<br />
Lots of different themes of focus, meditations, visuals<br />
and spoken word activities along with break rooms for<br />
healing, insight, destiny, Ruach cards and Dream<br />
Sensing.<br />
Booking is required for all events<br />
Cost: Free or donation<br />
Email:<br />
Text: +44 (0)7866247919<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
John Sjovik<br />
On the twelfth night the moon rose in the south. Its golden light traced the<br />
outline of the desert floor until the rays dissolved in the haze of the horizon.<br />
<br />
The cracked cart wheels squeaked and croaked a broken tune as the wagon<br />
made slow progress on a painful journey.<br />
<br />
The small group of people moved steadily on. In many ways, the journey<br />
was more important than the destination.<br />
Mapping the world<br />
The lure of the riches that might be found on the<br />
other side of a mountain, on the other side of the<br />
horizon, in the great beyond, can be very powerful<br />
and hard to resist.<br />
Travelling without a map poses limitations, creates<br />
uncertainty and generates anxiety. Paradoxically, so<br />
does travelling with a map. Which way is forward?<br />
Where do we come from and where do we want to<br />
go? What is the difference between one location<br />
and another? How can we even define a location?<br />
The regular understanding of a map is that of a<br />
representation of the geographical layout of an<br />
area or region, showing features and topography to<br />
make it easier to understand the area and navigate<br />
through it. But there are many types of maps. It<br />
would be nice to have a road map through life, so<br />
you could plan in advance which way to turn and<br />
what routes to avoid. When I worked in<br />
international business, my boss presented a “road<br />
map to success”. Yet, a map can only exist if<br />
someone has already visited the mapped territory.<br />
To draw a map of unchartered territory defeats its<br />
own purpose. It gives you a false sense of security.<br />
The rules that we take for granted as normal in our<br />
understanding of the so called “real world” are<br />
subject to the definition of reality. It is very much a<br />
fleeting concept. There are many "realities" but as<br />
humans we are unable to distinguish any other than<br />
the macro, physical three dimensional world we<br />
experience on planet Earth<br />
Our concept of reality is one that is built of matter<br />
consisting of particles that in turn include building blocks<br />
of ever smaller dimensions. However, on a cosmic scale,<br />
our own planet might well be considered as a particle of a<br />
relatively small size. Then maybe our solar system is a<br />
molecule? The galaxy we belong to, the Milky Way, could<br />
be a lattice and part of something even bigger?<br />
My childhood’s reality<br />
When I was a boy, the world around me often seemed<br />
incomprehensible. My life was filled with mysteries and<br />
things I failed to understand. For fear of appearing stupid,<br />
I never asked grownups for clarifications. Instead, I tried<br />
to use what little knowledge I had to find explanations<br />
and create scenarios that somehow made sense. You<br />
could say that I tried to connect the dots.<br />
My mum told me that when you boil potatoes, the water<br />
in the pot should just cover the potatoes. You must avoid<br />
adding excess water. She never explained why. For a long<br />
time, I tried to understand what gruesome things could<br />
happen if you boiled potatoes in too much water. Then I<br />
remembered that mum had told me about the green bits<br />
you sometimes see on potatoes and that they could be<br />
poisonous. Finally, I concluded that potatoes turn green<br />
and poisonous if you boil them in too much water. That<br />
must be it! For quite some time after my conclusion, I<br />
always felt nervous when eating boiled potatoes. If they<br />
had been boiled in excess amounts of water they could<br />
be deadly! Eating regular potatoes could actually be a<br />
lethal activity with an uninformed cook in the kitchen.<br />
When I grew up, I realized that mum was only trying to<br />
preserve energy by avoiding boiling too much water.<br />
When I was six years old, I believed that big vehicles<br />
moved faster than small vehicles and that they did this<br />
regardless of speed! It was as if big vehicles were<br />
endowed with an intrinsic quality that made them move<br />
faster than anything else.<br />
I remember walking with my parents on the way home<br />
from the supermarket (yes, this was in the days when you<br />
actually walked to the supermarket!). We walked along a<br />
busy street and a lorry came driving. I felt bold and<br />
decided to challenge the lorry to a race. So I began to run<br />
as fast as I could.<br />
To my amazement, I managed to run side by side with<br />
the lorry and keep the same pace. In actual fact, the lorry<br />
was driving slowly because of traffic. However, the only<br />
thing I could think of was that I was running at the same<br />
speed as a big vehicle and therefore very fast. I finally<br />
stopped and ran back to my parents.<br />
Excited I told them that I had actually been running<br />
as fast as a lorry! Quite underwhelmed, they replied<br />
with a dull “yes”.<br />
These two examples from my childhood show a<br />
difference between interpretation of reality and<br />
actual reality. In some way, both are valid.<br />
Is the sky blue?<br />
Is the sky really blue? Not to everybody. When you<br />
look at the sky, light reaches your eyes.<br />
Photoreceptors in your retina react on the light and<br />
trigger nerve impulses to your brain, which will<br />
interpret the information as various colours, for<br />
example blue.<br />
Many animals will have a different opinion about<br />
the colour of the sky. They will see various shades<br />
of blue and some animals will not see any blue at all.<br />
So the expression “Seeing is believing” is<br />
questionable or at least highly individual. There is<br />
no innate quality of the sky that makes it blue. We,<br />
humans, see it as such because that is how we<br />
understand the part of the light spectrum we call<br />
“blue”. We end up with a similar speculation as the<br />
one about whether there is a sound in the forest<br />
when a tree falls and nobody is there to hear it.<br />
Quantum, Spiritual and Poetic reality<br />
Quantum Physics, Spirituality and Poetry all tell us<br />
that it is not possible to study or even partake of<br />
the world around us without somehow interfering<br />
with it. As soon as we interact with reality, we<br />
disturb it and change it.<br />
Physics tells us, that if I pick up a mug to study it,<br />
the heat and humidity of my hand will immediately<br />
begin to interact with the mug and change its<br />
qualities to some extent. In order to see an object,<br />
you need to shine a light on it. But as soon as you<br />
do that, the light will alter the object. Light is energy<br />
in the form of photons. Those particles (or waves)<br />
will interact energetically with the object and<br />
change it. The change will be very slight, but it will<br />
be there all the same.<br />
From an animistic viewpoint, my own karmic<br />
properties and spiritual energy body will interact<br />
with those of the mug. That way, I can actually<br />
sense the presence of the mug without even<br />
touching it. Sometimes people will say that they<br />
“simply knew” that something was a certain way.<br />
From a poetic stance, the appearance of the mug will<br />
trigger emotions and memories within me and make me<br />
see it from my own, very personal story. That is why<br />
someone can smile when finding an object in a flea<br />
market. “I had one of those when I was young”. For them,<br />
the object represents a very special form of reality.<br />
Reality and art<br />
Some years ago, I visited the main art museum in<br />
Gothenburg, Sweden. There was a group of children<br />
there and a curator took them for a tour, and talked<br />
about some of the paintings. Before entering the next<br />
room, the curator told them that the room contains a<br />
painting that specifically show “happiness” and one<br />
painting that show “sadness” and he invited the children<br />
to pick out those two paintings. All the children chose<br />
different paintings. Each child had his /her own<br />
understanding of reality. There is no absolute truth.<br />
We are part of reality<br />
The major challenge in studying and interpreting reality is<br />
the fact that we are part of it. It is impossible to remove<br />
yourself from reality and view it from the outside.<br />
Whatever you do, whatever action you take will have an<br />
impact, big, small or less, on the world around you. Your<br />
very presence will alter the world around you.<br />
So the questions stand: How should we relate to reality?<br />
What would a journey into reality look like? I think that<br />
is a good question. Don’t you? So I leave it for your<br />
homework to think about this. Find some time between<br />
the turkey, the ham and the mulled wine. Make yourself<br />
a brew of your favourite herbal tea. Sit down<br />
comfortably and consider your understanding of reality.<br />
I wish everybody a lovely ending to this turbulent year,<br />
with time for reflection, rest and recovery. 2023 is just<br />
around the corner. Let us make it a good year. Let us turn<br />
our dreams into a new reality. Let us respect other<br />
people’s realities. Let us feel humble about our own. Let<br />
us raise our vision and look towards the horizon. Let us<br />
be thankful if the sun keeps its promise and rises also<br />
tomorrow.<br />
Happy Christmas!<br />
Happy New Year!<br />
John Sjovik<br />
Shaman Healer<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Next course starts on<br />
18th February 2023<br />
This 3-week course (4-hrs a week) based near Basingstoke is<br />
open to anyone who is keen to learn about the shamanic way of<br />
healing<br />
<br />
We will cover<br />
~ shamanic journeying ~<br />
~ connecting to your power animals and guides ~<br />
~ shamanic healing ~<br />
~ remote healing ~<br />
~ sacred prescriptions ~<br />
~ soul retrieval ~<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Louise Marie Otter, Spiritual Medium<br />
I’m an international spiritual medium of over 22 years, a<br />
holistic therapist & wellness practitioner based in Port<br />
Solent Portsmouth.<br />
Are you fed up with buying the same gifts for your family<br />
& friends, year after year? Why not, buy your loved ones<br />
a gift with a difference? Choose from a wide selection of<br />
reading options & holistic therapies!<br />
Are you fed up with the normal Christmas work party?<br />
Why not, book a Reading Party & enjoy a night with a<br />
difference?<br />
Website:<br />
Facebook: soulriverdragonfly<br />
Instagram: louisemariesoulriver<br />
Email:<br />
+44 (0)7711 016280<br />
Please visit my website for more details & let Soul River<br />
help your Christmas stand out this year!<br />
Both in-person & virtual appointments are available.<br />
Connect with me<br />
Would you like to<br />
receive a<br />
beautifully printed<br />
copy to keep on<br />
your coffee table<br />
so that friends and<br />
family can also be<br />
influenced by ritual<br />
healing.<br />
Scan the QR code<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
<br />
Julie Adams<br />
Andromeda is not only a galaxy but a<br />
constellation. It is also a source of energetic<br />
implantation and general disruption of<br />
humanity’s right to spiritually evolve.<br />
Andromeda is known as the ‘Chained Lady’ in<br />
English, which relates to Andromeda’s role in<br />
the Greco-Roman myth of Perseus and<br />
Cassiopeia, the queen of Ethiopia. Why would<br />
Andromeda be related to the idea of a ‘chained<br />
lady’?<br />
Andromeda was one of the original 48<br />
constellations formulated by Ptolomy in the<br />
second century. However, the Chinese, Hindus<br />
and Greeks also described Andromeda as<br />
having ‘legs chained to a rock’.<br />
Andromeda is also associated with the<br />
Mesopotamian creation story of Tiamet, the<br />
goddess of Chaos. She bore many daemons for<br />
her husband, Apsu, and after her death he used<br />
her body to create the constellations as<br />
‘markers of time’ for humans.<br />
Does this suggest that Andromeda is the<br />
source of chaos on Earth and chains us to the<br />
sense of time? Alden would suggest that this<br />
energy does indeed create chaos – both<br />
environmental and to humanity’s spiritual,<br />
physical and emotional well being.<br />
Why is Andromeda chained to a rock? Maybe<br />
Universal decree declared Andromeda a threat<br />
and so chained her up to control her desire to<br />
impart chaos!<br />
This would suggest that Andromeda (and its<br />
energies) are not at one with Universal highest<br />
good.<br />
Andromeda appears to have broken free of its<br />
chains and free to create chaos, here on Earth.<br />
Around 7,400 years ago, they dissociated<br />
themselves from Universal thinking, in that<br />
free-will is to be admired and worked towards.<br />
The Andromedeans decided that power could<br />
only be attained through control and free-will<br />
had no place in this ideology.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 16<br />
Andromedeans identify themselves as<br />
androgynous in terms of sexual and gender<br />
identity.<br />
According to Andromedean Contact (AC),<br />
everything the Andromedeans create is<br />
technologically utilised for their own<br />
advancement.<br />
The Andromedean race has a love of teaching<br />
science so they send their children to school for<br />
150-200 years, believing this will attain the<br />
mastery of ‘the freedom to choose’.<br />
Andromedeans would never conceive of<br />
creating TV as a distraction for themselves, but<br />
see no problem in creating it to distract others<br />
– particularly those considered a threat! TV is a<br />
very useful ‘subliminal programmer’ – the daily<br />
news being a specific tool to keep us miserable!<br />
Everything Andromedeans do is to help them<br />
progress, so they could be described as the<br />
‘narcissists’ of our Universe!<br />
The Andromedean High Council<br />
The Andromedean High Council consists of a<br />
group of beings from various galaxies, who<br />
meet and discuss what is going on in our<br />
galaxy.<br />
On the agenda at the first meeting of the AHC<br />
was the need to step in with what was going on<br />
here on Earth. This was supposedly a ‘meeting<br />
about how to help humanity’, although in effect<br />
it was to decide how our efforts towards<br />
spiritual enlightenment needed to be stopped.<br />
Andromedeans have a need to CONTROL. So<br />
in human terms they could be described as<br />
narcissistic control freaks.<br />
They are attracted to posts in religion,<br />
government, police, education, health care,<br />
councils and other authoritarian groups.<br />
Andromedeans are adept at blackmail, for<br />
example,<br />
“It will be good for your soul to go to Earth. You<br />
will learn a great deal there. You will become<br />
better by being in a human body!”<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
This suggests your spirit is imperfect. This is<br />
subterfuge and trickery. The true God made all<br />
spirit perfect. This seems to bother A’s<br />
immensely!<br />
Andromedeans are able to energetically<br />
influence life on Earth (if we allow it!). This<br />
control is attained through the ‘hacking’ of the<br />
acupuncture system together with energetic<br />
implantation.<br />
Andromedeans have developed devices (Jivup<br />
and Sieuvo) that enable them to both monitor<br />
our spiritual evolvement and implant beings<br />
who pose a threat.<br />
According to Alden, the acupuncture point<br />
Spleen 21 is the ‘entrance’ for the ‘silver cord’,<br />
which connects us to our ‘higher vehicles’.<br />
Alden says,<br />
“In spiritual terms these ‘higher vehicles’<br />
represent the ability to effectively make decisions<br />
in any given situation or the extent to which you<br />
feel in control of the direction your life is taking.<br />
They also determine how we perceive time. In a<br />
blissful state time flies. One goal in your life<br />
should be to find your maximum bliss take. What<br />
is it you do that makes you lose track of time?”<br />
Higher Self Development (HSD) is a maximum<br />
bliss state. Andromedeans do not like this, as<br />
they find human beings in this state are more<br />
difficult to control!<br />
Conversely, time drags when we are miserable<br />
or in pain. When we are in this state we are<br />
much easier to control, so this is the state<br />
Andromedeans want us to be in.<br />
The silver cord connects the astral and<br />
physical bodies together, enabling spirit to be<br />
‘attuned’ to the physical body. This connection<br />
occurs at conception, and is detached at death.<br />
How the silver cord functions determines our<br />
health and wellbeing. Alarmingly, the silver<br />
cord can be manipulated energetically by the<br />
Andromedeans – we can become a puppet on<br />
a string for their amusement.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Another form of Andromedean control is the<br />
belief that drugs cure illness.<br />
Drugs suppress symptoms and ‘falsely make us<br />
better, so we are brainwashed into thinking<br />
they are a ‘cure’, so we keep taking them.<br />
Andromedean principle dictates that human<br />
beings are meant to suffer, to work until death,<br />
and have their spiritual evolvement<br />
suppressed. Drugs keep us working even when<br />
we are ill, and escalate this suffering.<br />
It is harder to eliminate toxins from your body<br />
if you are taking drugs. And if you are<br />
unhealthy you are easier to control…<br />
If you are practising HSD you are likely to be<br />
targeted by the A’s.<br />
However, if you continue to practice HSD,<br />
protect yourself, stay aware of your ‘state’ on<br />
all levels of existence, then you are unlikely to<br />
get ill, and unlikely to need drugs EVER!<br />
Healthy = heal-thy (self)<br />
So if you are healthy you are in a constant<br />
state of healing yourself.<br />
The Andromedean concept of god is another<br />
form of control and tool to disempower us.<br />
The Gnostics understood this and were<br />
considered heretics and a great threat (more<br />
on them in the next edition!)<br /><br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Julie Adams<br />
Dr David Hawkins developed a Map of<br />
Consciousness at The Institute of Advanced<br />
Spiritual Research. His goal was to assist humanity<br />
in spiritual evolution.<br />
Dr Hawkins co-authored Orthomolecular<br />
Psychiatry with Nobel Laureate chemist Linus<br />
Pauling, literally a ground-breaking piece of work<br />
that initiated a new field within psychiatry.<br />
His goal in creating the Map of Consciousness was<br />
to overcome the inherent limitation of the human<br />
mind, whereby ‘falsehood has been misidentified<br />
as truth’.<br />
More simply put, the mind cannot be trusted,<br />
whereas the subconscious can.<br />
The Map of Consciousness incorporated findings<br />
from quantum physics and nonlinear dynamics,<br />
thereby confirming the classical ‘stages’ of spiritual<br />
evolution found in the world’s sacred writings as<br />
actual ‘attractor fields’.<br />
In order to create this Map of Consciousness over<br />
250,000 muscle testing calibrations spanning 30<br />
years of multiple research studies were conducted<br />
by the Institute of Spiritual Research. Dr Hawkins<br />
found that levels of consciousness (energy fields)<br />
could be calibrated according to their measurable<br />
effect.<br />
In his book ‘Power v Force’, Dr Hawkins explains<br />
that Power is always manifested with grace. Grace<br />
is associated with modesty and humility. Love is<br />
more powerful than hatred, truth sets us free,<br />
forgiveness liberates both sides, unconditional love<br />
heals, courage empowers, and the essence of<br />
Divinity is peace.<br />
Dr Hawkins determined that human experience<br />
can be labelled on a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000<br />
– a Map of Consciousness.<br />
At the low end of the scale are Guilt (30), Fear<br />
(100), Anger (150). Humans at these levels feel<br />
victimized and trapped by the effect of forces in<br />
the physical universe.<br />
All levels below 200 are described as ‘Force’ and<br />
are associated with a weak kinesiological response.<br />
All levels above 200 are described as ‘Power’” and<br />
elicit a strong kinesiological response. Power is<br />
always manifested with grace. Grace is associated<br />
with humility.<br />
Higher on the scale are Courage (200), Willingness<br />
(310), Reason (400) & Love (500). Humans at these<br />
levels recognize that they are the source of their<br />
own lives.<br />
There are just 24 people with a level of<br />
consciousness over 700 alive on earth today.<br />
A single Avatar at a consciousness level of<br />
1,000 counterbalances the collective<br />
negativity of all of mankind. Sadly, no one of<br />
that level is alive today… Without these<br />
counterbalances, mankind would self-destruct<br />
out of unopposed negativity.<br />
Unsurprisingly, Andromedeans calibrate well<br />
below 200…<br /><br />
Most of the world’s great scientists (Newton,<br />
Freud) calibrate at 499, the highest level of<br />
intellect. Carl Jung calibrated at 540; he coined the<br />
term ‘collective unconsciousness’, a concept that<br />
transcends reason.<br />
At the highest end of the scale (600-1000) are<br />
qualities that transcend duality – ‘Enlightenment’.<br />
The great prophets of human history – Jesus,<br />
Krishna and Buddha all calibrate on this scale at<br />
1000. Their oral teachings all calibrated near 1000.<br />
Unfortunately, their message was recorded by<br />
followers lower on the scale; this explains the Holy<br />
Wars and the vengeful God from the Old<br />
Testament.<br />
In Christian teachings, by the 2nd century the level<br />
of truth had dropped to 930 but by the 6th<br />
century it was at 540.<br />
The recorded teachings of Buddha calibrate the<br />
highest ranging from 850 to 960.<br />
85% of the world population calibrate below 200,<br />
well below the emotions hatred, misery, shame<br />
and humiliation.<br />
Although only 15% of the world’s population is<br />
above the critical consciousness level of 200, the<br />
collective power of that 15% has the power to<br />
counterbalance the negativity of the remaining<br />
85% of the world’s population.<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Anne Randall<br />
Spirit & Psychic Artist<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Anne is a spirit / psychic artist and<br />
accredited working medium. These are<br />
some of her latest portraits of spirit guides<br />
and loved ones in spirit.<br />
Contact Anne<br /><br />
TEL: 07505312931<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
In the coming editions of <strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> we will<br />
cover the following chapters of the full story for our<br />
present times from tens of thousands of years ago<br />
Part 1: Walking (May/June edition)<br />
Part 2: The mighty river (May/June edition)<br />
Part 3: “The gods are playing with us” (July/August edition)<br />
Part 4: Our Medicine Man speaks (Sept/Oct edition)<br />
Part 5: The Eagle calls (this edition)<br />
Part 6: “For the sakes of our children’s children’s children”<br />
Part 7: The sticks for the Grandmothers<br />
Part 8: Gogogama speaks<br />
These stories originated in a past life experience<br />
Kwekwe is an inspired leader and time spirit. He is leading us, his people, along the coast to where<br />
he believes the Sun God will be turning to our left when rising out of the sea instead of to our right.<br />
We reached a wide, mighty river with many small islands. We could not even see the other side of<br />
the estuary and decided to make camp. A group of elders designated one island with glee-glee trees<br />
and scrum-scum bushes as our sacred meeting place. Our medicine man Oo-oo-warawara stays<br />
there.<br />
He is telling the elders how the spirit of their ancient ancestors has called him through a sabretoothed<br />
lion to explore upstream, searching for a crossing. He was rewarded with scarab beetle<br />
bugs.<br />
Our medicine man briefly scans his audience and goes<br />
on:<br />
“The scarabs gave me their precious children so that I had<br />
strength to rest in the shade of the baobabs that were<br />
shielding me from the fire of the Sun God, before I<br />
continued my journey for our tribe. I knew that my<br />
guardian spirits could talk with the elephant guardian<br />
spirits of this place and keep me safe enough to sleep for a<br />
while. I had not heard the lion’s roar again since it first<br />
called me.<br />
When I awoke, the Sun God was calling me towards him. He<br />
had softened his heat with white clouds. I found some<br />
berries for my thirst and walked.<br />
There were trees now, so I could not see how long my path<br />
was. Soon I came to many rocks. I stopped and checked<br />
that I could still hear the distant rushing of the river mixed<br />
in with the chirping of some locusts. It was good to know<br />
that the river was still close enough. The River God was<br />
reminding me of the purpose of my journey: to find a way<br />
for our people to cross and continue our quest.<br />
I sat on the first rock and opened my medicine pouch. The<br />
herb that calls my eagle spirit asked to be eaten and I<br />
obeyed. I lay back and soon I saw Eagle, high up in the sky<br />
– just little more than a spot. She was waiting. She refused<br />
to speak to me so far below.”<br />
Oo-oo-warawara pounds the end of his stick between<br />
his feet.<br />
Thoughtful.<br />
There is a hush.<br />
“Wearily, I got to my feet. I had no choice but to climb the<br />
rocks. To either side were thorn bushes – too thick even for<br />
an aardvark. The only way on was upwards.<br />
The rocks were rounded and balancing, huge, one upon<br />
another. It was not easy to climb them, but I kept looking<br />
up into the sky and yes, there she was, patiently waiting,<br />
my eagle spirit, calling me.<br />
Eventually, I reached the top and now I could see what<br />
Eagle had called on me to see.<br />
I thanked her. She swooped down to the plain below and I<br />
saw that Spirit had rewarded her with a baby gazelle. It<br />
was big enough to make her flight home to her brood<br />
ungainly.<br />
I bowed to the Sun God ahead of me and spoke ‘Ashay,<br />
ashay, ashay, ashay’ to the great Spirit in all directions as<br />
we are taught to do.”<br />
Oo-oo-warawara pauses.<br />
Many of us murmur “Ashay, ashay” in grateful echo,<br />
even though we do not yet know what we are grateful<br />
for.<br />
Kwekwe is digging impatiently in the ground in front of<br />
his feet with his own stick, not looking up.<br />
Oo-oo-warawara is still waiting. He starts to open his<br />
pouch again and we can all see that he is taking out<br />
wai-wai leaves. He places a whole handful in his mouth<br />
and starts to chew slowly.<br />
This cannot be. We all know that three or four leaves at<br />
the end of the day sends a person off to travel with the<br />
night spirits.<br />
But our medicine man speaks – faster now, as if time is<br />
running out:<br />
“So, you all want to know what Eagle had called me to see?<br />
I saw wildebeest, many, many wildebeest. The earth below<br />
the tall rocks was black with wildebeest.<br />
And they are trekking across the mighty river. I can see the<br />
river winding its way from the horizon towards me and<br />
there is just one place where they are crossing, just two or<br />
three abreast. Some are falling and stumbling. I see one old<br />
one - taken by a big crocodile.<br />
The river there must be shallower and maybe has stones<br />
for crossing, but in the middle, it is still deep with currents.<br />
The wildebeest can only just walk there. I see one calf<br />
carried away by the stream towards another waiting<br />
crocodile.<br />
And then I look to see why all the wildebeest are crossing<br />
the river and behind them in the distance I see smoke. And<br />
trees. And fire. The forest is on fire.<br />
And to my left in the distance, I see that the veld is black<br />
and scorched with a line of smoke steadily approaching. I<br />
hear an elephant bellowing and I can just make out the<br />
female with its calf – not far ahead of the line of smoke.<br />
Then I know and see clearly:<br />
My dear Kwekwe, your tree in the river was a sign: the<br />
Forest God sent it with the River God. I was waiting for<br />
something like that before telling my story. I had to be<br />
certain it was time.<br />
The Gods are saying to us:”<br />
And Oo-oo-warawara’s voice rises:<br />
“They are saying to us: you have rested here enough.<br />
The Sun God is bringing fire.<br />
You must travel on. The Great Spirit has shown your<br />
medicine man the way for our tribe.<br />
But, respected elders, brothers and sisters, now we must<br />
hurry, and we must climb those rocks to reach the river<br />
crossing before the Sun God’s fire reaches us here.<br />
It will not be easy.<br />
Our strong men can carry the smaller children.<br />
They can help our two women who are with child.”<br />
And quietly, slowly now, Oo-oo-warawara adds:<br />
“There is one thing that I do not know.<br />
I do not know if our strong men can help the eldest<br />
amongst you gathered here.<br />
And I do not know if they can help the other men and<br />
women who are too old to hunt and forage.”<br />
And with that Oo-oo-warawara pounds his stick upon<br />
the ground one last time, closes his eyes, leans back<br />
against his tree and falls asleep.<br />
Will the elders take Oo-oo-warawara’s advice?<br />
Part 6 “For the sakes of our children’s children’s<br />
children” will be published in the January/February<br />
2023 edition of <strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>!<br />
Richard Pantlin is the founder of CareStellations,<br />
constellations coaching with an African twist at a price you<br />
can afford.<br />
Rich works part-time in the NHS and offers 4-weekly public<br />
CareStellations Gathering in woods outside Oxford on<br />
Saturdays as well as 1:1 sessions. His CareStellations<br />
approach is infused with many years experience of a variety<br />
of healing modalities as well as 14 years of working with<br />
traditional healers in Zimbabwe.<br /> |
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Jan is a gifted and professionally recognised<br />
healer, spiritual counsellor and psychic,<br />
working with clients to help them find the<br />
root cause of their physical condition which<br />
is normally an emotional issue buried deep<br />
inside.<br />
£40/hour<br />
Location: Dorset<br />
Distance healing available<br />
Jan Reid<br />
Be Good to Yourselves<br /><br /><br />
+44 (0)776 993 6500<br />
Reiki Seichem healing<br />
and intuitive psychic<br />
readings<br />
<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
"Pulling out all stops in her debut work<br />
of fiction, Sue Penney’s Hidden in the<br />
Mist is a ghostly tale par excellence.<br />
Aware of her own personal<br />
supernatural abilities since the age of<br />
three, the author draws on real-life<br />
events she experienced as a child to<br />
give Hidden in the Mist an authenticity<br />
and scare factor that plays with your<br />
mind from the outset. Adding further<br />
to its spooky credentials, the front<br />
cover is illustrated with an image of<br />
the actual house in which the author<br />
first experienced the paranormal.<br />
Worthy of a solid ten out of ten for its<br />
accomplished plot, pace and the fear it<br />
evokes, Hidden in the Mist is most<br />
definitely one to read with the lights<br />
on full."<br />
Hidden in the Mist book now available<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
BY MAMISHA ART<br /><br />
We channel art<br />
through Spirits of<br />
Vision and Essence,<br />
they show us the true<br />
spiritual essence of<br />
others.<br />
We channelled the<br />
two paintings below<br />
for Jovi Hoonjan,<br />
Publisher of<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong>.<br />
"The Shaman Seer -<br />
There is a true<br />
ancestral<br />
connection with the<br />
strength of dragon<br />
energy plus the<br />
wisdom and<br />
guidance from<br />
ascended masters."<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
THE<br />
DRAGON<br />
CHAIR<br />
Dragon chair brings in<br />
gentle empowerment.<br />
<br />
The crystals were<br />
shamanically blessed.<br />
<br />
Crystals used: Amethyst,<br />
Opal, Ghost Eye Imperial<br />
Jasper, Dragon Vein<br />
Agate Blue, Aventurine<br />
Quartz, Yellow Jade,<br />
Agate Orange, Kambaba<br />
Jasper, Dragon Blood<br />
Jasper, Dragon Vein<br />
Agate Dark Blue.<br />
Contact Simon to discuss your<br />
requirements.<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Martin Lewis<br />
Mitochondria are the powerhouses of every<br />
cell in our body. These ‘cellular power<br />
plants’ produce the energy that cells need<br />
to function. Cells in our muscles and Liver<br />
require more energy than others, basically<br />
because they have important work to do!<br />
The specific cells in our Liver and muscles<br />
have hundreds of thousands of<br />
mitochondria. They utilise carbohydrates,<br />
fats and protein from our diet for two<br />
different biochemical oxidative processes -<br />
oxidative phosphorylation and the citric<br />
acid cycle (also known as the Krebs cycle).<br />
Both of these processes are relevant to the<br />
generation of energy in the body.<br />
This energy is stored in the form of a<br />
molecule called adenosine triphosphate or<br />
ATP. This process is similar to how<br />
electrical plants use steam from water to<br />
turn turbines that convert mechanical<br />
energy to electrical energy. Our<br />
mitochondria do a similar job in<br />
transforming food we consume into the<br />
chemical energy that powers our cells.<br />
Mitochondria start this process with a<br />
molecule called ADP (adenosine diphosphate).<br />
Biochemical reactions add a<br />
molecule to this phosphate group and this<br />
process enables energy to be stored.<br />
The release of this extra molecule of energy<br />
is what enables the cell to release its energy<br />
and then provide the power you need to<br />
digest your food, walking, moving, repairing<br />
and renewing our tissues and bones, and<br />
keeping our hearts and lungs pumping blood,<br />
oxygen and nutrients to where they need to<br />
go.<br />
Each molecule of ATP goes through the<br />
energy cycle and gets broken down into ADP<br />
and then rebuilt to ATP many times per<br />
minute.<br />
Magnesium is a vital part of this energy<br />
cycle. Without sufficient levels of<br />
magnesium in our body energy production is<br />
severely impaired... and guess what -<br />
Magnesium is used up by STRESS! - mental,<br />
emotional, and physical.<br />
Mature red blood cells are the only human<br />
cells that don't have any mitochondria. They<br />
don't even have a nucleus to hold DNA.<br />
When red blood cells mature they get rid of<br />
their cellular machinery and their energy<br />
production ability, so as to hold more<br />
haemoglobin (and therefore oxygen) which<br />
allows them to have their characteristic<br />
discoid shape. This shape enables<br />
oxygen/carbon dioxide exchange, and helps<br />
them move easily through small capillaries.<br />
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) is an essential,<br />
vitamin like compound that is synthesised by<br />
specific cells. Ubiquinone is mainly associated<br />
with biological processing of energy. Very<br />
little CoQ10 is present in blood serum which<br />
is why blood tests are considered a poor<br />
indicator of the overall CoQ10 status. CoQ10<br />
is one of the most important substances for<br />
mitochondrial function and participates as a<br />
cofactor in the phosphorylation pathway.<br />
Protein phosphorylation often activates (or<br />
deactivates) many enzymes. So… if you want<br />
energy to digest your food then CoQ10 is<br />
crucial!<br />
Our biological production of CoQ10 naturally<br />
reduces with ageing and can also become<br />
depleted due to illness, over-exertion and<br />
stress. Some medicines - particularly statins<br />
(classically prescribed in a diagnosis of high<br />
cholesterol) have the unintended<br />
consequence of reducing our bodies<br />
production of CoQ10. Therefore if you are<br />
taking statins you need at least 100 mg of<br />
CoQ10 a day!<br />
If we consider that our mitochondria are our<br />
energy powerhouses, then to help them work<br />
we need to have an active lifestyle. Certain<br />
nutritional supplements are needed to<br />
support this process. Carotenoids, fish oil<br />
(Omega 3), whole-grain lipids and phytosterols<br />
(grain concentrates), and vitamin and<br />
mineral complexes are essential in helping<br />
reduce stress and enable our cells to produce<br />
energy.<br />
The B vitamin group are particularly<br />
important, and have a variety of essential<br />
functions in the human body for energy<br />
production. Notably Vitamins B2, B3 and B5<br />
are directly involved in the production of<br />
energy in the mitochondria, therefore taking<br />
a good Vitamin B Complex supplement is a<br />
great idea. Lipids (fats and oils) from whole<br />
grains, sunflower, coconut oil and grape<br />
polyphenols such as Resveratrol all help to<br />
avoid oxidisation of CoQ10 and therefore<br />
increase our energy supply. Make sure you<br />
eat plenty of protein-rich food such as meat,<br />
fish, nuts, seeds, beans/lentils and eggs to<br />
boost the amino acids that protect the<br />
mitochondria. A green protein-rich smoothie<br />
in the mornings will set you up for the day!<br />
As stated previously magnesium is important<br />
for energy production. The quality of our<br />
mitochondria is dependent on both energy<br />
demand and nutrient supply. As our<br />
mitochondria produce the energy our cells<br />
need to function, then maintaining these<br />
dynamic organelles with healthy inputs of<br />
nutrition is essential in supporting overall<br />
wellness. Sedentary lifestyles, overeating,<br />
stress and lack of sleep all effect<br />
mitrochondrial vitality.<br />
As our mitochondria are fundamental to<br />
supplying us with energy, they are ‘No1’<br />
when it comes to the many functions related<br />
to our overall health, vitality and well-being.<br />
Quality nutrition and a healthy lifestyle<br />
provide an essential foundation for these<br />
powerhouses to work, allowing us to pursue<br />
a lifetime of exceptional vitality.<br />
MARTIN LEWIS<br /><br /><br />
+44 (0)7968 740550<br />
Newbury, Berkshire<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Meditation Bath Rituals<br />
Relaxation<br />
Immunity<br />
Invigorating<br />
Uplifting<br />
*Special offer:<br />
Subscribe annually to receive a<br />
printed copy of <strong>Alchemical</strong><br />
<strong>Voice</strong> and claim your free<br />
Meditation Bath Ritual<br />
Included in each ritual<br />
Online meditation<br />
Herbal bath bags<br />
Aromatherapy roller ball<br />
Infused crystal<br />
Incense stick & holder<br />
*Offer available while stocks last<br />
We are unable to offer a choice as to which ritual you receive<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
HENGE<br />
AUTUMN<br />
RITUAL<br />
Jovi Hoonjan<br />
It was written in Spring <strong>2022</strong>, during some<br />
sessions with Kinesiologist Martin Lewis, that<br />
three people have a ritual to perform to ask the<br />
Divine to help the emotion of fear to be released<br />
from humanity.<br />
This ritual was to take place at the Diamond Stone<br />
in Avebury during the Autumn Equinox. The three<br />
people involved were Martin, Julie de Vere Hunt<br />
and myself.<br />
This is how the ritual went...<br />
Julie was not able to make it however both Martin<br />
and I could feel she was linked in and with us<br />
throughout the whole day.<br />
Familiar with Levels of Consciousness...?<br />
Here are some levels of the scale:<br />
LOC<br />
20 - Shame and anxiety<br />
30 - Guilt<br />
75 - Grief<br />
100 - Fear<br />
150 - Anger and hate<br />
500 - Love<br />
550 - Joy<br />
600 - Illumination<br />
700-1000 - Divine connection/enlightenment<br />
We arrived at Avebury and made our way<br />
towards the Diamond Stone. Martin had a<br />
stunning Apophyllite crystal that he needed to<br />
place into the rock.<br />
Before I continue, those who know me are aware<br />
of the Levels of Consciousness (LOC) that I base<br />
my work on. Also known as Attractor Fields, this<br />
scale was created by Dr David Hawkins.<br />
You need to be aware of these levels to<br />
understand what happened on 23rd September<br />
<strong>2022</strong>.<br />
I was tasked to read a meditation prayer that I wrote<br />
the day before, by another stone across the next<br />
quadrant of the Henge.<br />
The above photo is the Diamond Stone, right next to<br />
the road - it looks like it's leaning against the fence,<br />
tired and weary - although it's existence was there<br />
way before the fence..!<br />
Martin did a test to see what the<br />
Levels of Consciousness were. It<br />
actually equated to 10! After<br />
referring to the Levels of<br />
Consciousness scale, we realised<br />
level 10 was not even listed! It<br />
tested as equating to 'dread, terror<br />
and panic'!<br />
After some investigation and deliberation, Martin<br />
found the perfect spot for the crystal to be laid.<br />
BTW the crystal's new home is not shown in the<br />
photos.<br />
We then moved to stone Number 50, as labelled<br />
on the Avebury Henge map, where the prayer was<br />
to be recited. You can read the prayer at the end<br />
of the blog. The prayer itself resonated at 634<br />
LOC connecting to illumination.<br />
I had goosebumps as I read it.<br />
Martin then tested the Levels of Consciousness at<br />
the Henge and it equated to 540, between love<br />
and joy. We walked around the Henge and had a<br />
spot of lunch.<br />
After our break, Martin retested the LOC and they<br />
had dropped slightly to 514.<br />
We knew our work at Avebury Henge was not<br />
completed - we had more to do.<br />
After further energetic investigation, we<br />
understood that I was called to complete a<br />
shamanic procedure.<br />
I centred myself and connected. I then knew I had<br />
to connect to the elemental energy of another<br />
Avebury stone. We found the right stone, which<br />
was number 16 on the Avebury Henge map.<br />
I placed my hands on the stone and asked Martin<br />
to do the same on the other side.<br />
I immediately saw vines attached to the bottom of<br />
the stone digging into Mother Earth, which then<br />
evolved into tunnels.<br />
Did you know there were many tunnels under the<br />
Henge..?!<br />
There are many many tunnels under the stones! I<br />
then saw our cat, followed by many more cats.<br />
We later discovered that the association of cats to<br />
the stone related to pure love.<br />
That's when the power of love exploded from the<br />
stone into the sky and above. There was a definite<br />
opening. I have to add, as I was writing this blog,<br />
our cat would not leave my side!<br />
Martin then tested the Levels of Consciousness,<br />
the Henge is now at 876!<br />
And that's how we left Avebury on 23rd<br />
September <strong>2022</strong>... humanity now has the ability<br />
to choose it's destiny.<br />
The Meditation Prayer<br />
We, the collective consciousness, call in the<br />
Galactic Highest Powers of The Greater Truth<br />
and Empowered Justice to listen to our call for<br />
help.<br />
The collective consciousness strive to hold<br />
humanity as fear engulfs us.<br />
We need your support. We want to rise above<br />
and be free from the heavy chains of<br />
emotional entanglement pulling us down. We<br />
want to change the story, the energy, the<br />
alignment.<br />
The whole of humanity gather today and<br />
subconsciously support our request for help<br />
from you today.<br />
Please empower us to be what we should be -<br />
a whole and complete collective<br />
consciousness. Help us to choose courage,<br />
help us to find peace and love.<br />
Send us your support to gain inner knowledge<br />
and understanding of the deeper truth so we<br />
may be free from the control of fear.<br />
Our words may not be enough to describe the<br />
extent of the situation we are in right now, so<br />
we reach out with our hearts. We know that<br />
You, The Galactic Highest Powers, understand<br />
our truth and we know you can help us.<br />
We, humanity, all stand together in this<br />
moment of time and reach upwards to you,<br />
our arms are outstretched and we look upon<br />
you to help us.<br />
We know you have heard our meditation<br />
prayer and we thank you deeply.<br />
We stand with courage and strength together<br />
With truth in our body, we thank you<br />
With love in our soul, we thank you<br />
With beauty in our nature, we thank you<br />
So may it be.<br />
To advertise<br /><br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
Book Release<br />
HERESY<br />
Written by Kathleen McGowan<br />
I feel personally indebted to Kathleen McGowan<br />
for introducing me to a very different view of<br />
Mary Magdalene in the ‘The Expected One’<br />
which set me off on my own journey with her.<br />
’The Expected One’ was self-published and<br />
Kathleen sold 2,500 copies out of her garage in<br />
the first year.<br />
A book deal with Simon and Schuster followed<br />
and worldwide success. She has taken the brave<br />
step of publishing her new book with a small<br />
independent publisher (Flower of Life Press). She<br />
tirelessly supports the divine feminine which<br />
includes encouraging fledgling writers such as<br />
my self – thank you Kathleen. Good luck with<br />
The Boleyn Heresy!<br />
~ Jule de Vere Hunt<br />
Synopsis<br />
We all know how<br />
Anne Boleyn’s story<br />
ends. Now learn the<br />
secret of how it<br />
began.<br />
Following a successful global tour for her<br />
bestselling book about the Lost Gospel of<br />
Mary Magdalene and preparing for her own<br />
nuptials, author Maureen Paschal isn’t looking<br />
for a new project – and certainly not a<br />
discovery that will tear apart the world of<br />
Tudor history. But when a cache of 16th<br />
century documents is found in the wall of the<br />
French chateau she is renovating with her<br />
fiancé, her world is turned upside down by a<br />
new, demanding muse; Anne Boleyn.<br />
The second wife of the infamous King Henry VIII,<br />
Anne Boleyn is best known for her gruesome death<br />
by beheading – and the alleged scandalous<br />
behaviour that led her to the chopping block. But as<br />
Maureen is drawn deeper into the secret world that<br />
Anne Boleyn inhabited during her youthful years in<br />
France, what evolves is the unexpected and<br />
sometimes shocking portrait of a complex,<br />
courageous and profoundly faithful woman. Anne<br />
comes vividly to life as both a heroine of religious<br />
reform and as a charitable champion of the common<br />
people who call her queen. This Anne Boleyn exists<br />
in stark contrast to the scheming, ambitious<br />
adulteress depicted in most modern accounts of<br />
Tudor history. This is an Anne Boleyn who changed<br />
the world indelibly, courageously, and intentionally.<br />
She is also a woman who died brutally for her<br />
audacity and power.<br />
Maureen comes to believe that Anne Boleyn’s<br />
childhood years spent on the Continent were<br />
critical components of both her character and her<br />
destiny, yet these astounding details have been<br />
ignored.<br />
Anne was mentored by the most powerful and<br />
controversial women in Europe – women so<br />
colourful and important that it seems unfathomable<br />
that they have been lost to popular historical<br />
accounts.<br />
Maureen’s immersion into Anne’s life in France<br />
fuels her determination to defend this much<br />
maligned queen, but not everyone shares her<br />
perspective. History pushes back on those who try<br />
to change it, and Maureen finds herself in a deadly<br />
quest for the truth. As a body count of smart,<br />
outspoken women begins to pile up across the UK<br />
and Europe, Maureen must face the facts; a serial<br />
killer is stalking the women who would change<br />
history, and she is next.<br />
If she wants the truth of Anne Boleyn’s story to be<br />
told, she will first need to find a way to stay alive…<br />
In Kathleen McGowan’s signature style of moving<br />
between the present and the past, The Boleyn<br />
Heresy is brilliantly researched, an uncommon blend<br />
of fast-paced fiction, epic love stories, and<br />
unparalleled, fresh insights into the history, art and<br />
religious turmoil of the 16th century.<br />
About the Author<br />
Fresh from her own travels across<br />
Europe in search of the hidden Anne<br />
Boleyn Kathleen McGowan delivers an<br />
exciting version of Anne’s story that is<br />
completely unknown to the world – a<br />
story supported by a depth of study<br />
into Anne’s early years that is<br />
unequalled in any existing Tudor<br />
research. While working in Italy,<br />
France, Belgium and Britain, the<br />
author accessed sources in six<br />
languages and multiple aspects of<br />
Renaissance history while drawing on<br />
her two decades of research into the<br />
history and heresies of Europe.<br />
Kathleen McGowan is the New York<br />
Times bestselling author of the popular<br />
Magdalene Line series, published in 40<br />
languages and distributed on six<br />
continents. Her first novel, ‘The<br />
Expected One’, has over a million<br />
copies in print worldwide. She has<br />
been a regular contributor and<br />
recognized expert on history, folklore<br />
and mythology on the History Channel<br />
for over a decade.<br />
w w w . A n n e B o l e y n . c o m<br />
w w w . K a t h l e e n M c G o w a n . c o m<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
S u e ' s B e a u t i f u l Y o u<br />
I hope you enjoy my handmade healing crystal bracelets. I use goodquality<br />
crystal beads and put my heart and soul into making the<br />
perfect bracelet for you. These pieces are infused with Reiki symbols.<br />
Email:<br />
Facebook page:<br />
Stunning smooth blue opal and faceted labradorite with beautiful flash bracelet, teamed faceted<br />
clear quartz. £60 (p&p not included)<br />
Blue opal generates soft and soothing energy and helps to reduce tension and clear unnecessary<br />
thoughts from the mind. Labradorite relieves anxiety and stress, balancing hormones and helping<br />
menstrual tension. Teamed with clear quartz helping to strengthen the effects of other crystals<br />
and stimulates the immune system.<br />
Quote discount code ALCHEMICALSUE10% to get 10% off your purchase.<br />
Only redeemable once<br />
Email:<br />
Facebook page:<br />
Beautiful peridot and amber bracelet. £40 (p&p not included).<br />
Joyful peridot is such a warm friendly stone to wear and especially great for when you are feeling<br />
the winter blues. It gives you protection against difficulties and negativity. Paired with beautiful<br />
baltic amber which is great for inflammation and helps with aches and pains associated with<br />
arthritis. Spiritually amber is very cleansing and healing and gives a beautiful warm energy for<br />
matters of the heart. Copper will aid in helping blood circulation and increasing energy levels.<br />
Quote discount code ALCHEMICALSUE10% to get 10% off your purchase.<br />
Only redeemable once<br />
Email:<br />
Facebook page:<br />
Gorgeous garnet necklace. Sits nicely around the neck, can be worn up to 22 inches. Including a<br />
pretty rose gold chain drop at the back of the neck. £40 (not including p&p)<br />
Garnet is a beautiful energising stone used to attract and activate passionate success. It helps to<br />
remove emotional and energetic blockages and balances the emotional body. Garnet is connected<br />
to the root chakra increasing feelings of safety and security and being grounded.<br />
Quote discount code ALCHEMICALSUE10% to get 10% off your purchase.<br />
Only redeemable once<br />
Email:<br />
Facebook page:<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong><br />
transforms your life<br />
<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 17<br />
To purchase a hard copy of this or previous editions,<br />
click on the QR code<br />
Published by Jovi Hoonjan, Love 2 Meditate<br /><br />