The Unnatural Death of a Jacobite by Douglas Watt sampler

MacKenzie and Scougall are back. 1689. Scotland is in the grip of Jacobite fever. Bonnie Dundee leads a Highland Army looking to crush the government and restore James Stewart as King. Meanwhile, in the dark streets of Edinburgh, there are even darker goings on. A gruesome discovery near the city’s quarry takes investigative advocate John MacKenzie and side-kick Davie Scougall on a dangerous journey through the criminal underworld and clandestine clubs of the old capital.

MacKenzie and Scougall are back.

1689. Scotland is in the grip of Jacobite fever. Bonnie Dundee leads a Highland Army looking to crush the government and restore James Stewart as King. Meanwhile, in the dark streets of Edinburgh, there are even darker goings on. A gruesome discovery near the city’s quarry takes investigative advocate John MacKenzie and side-kick Davie Scougall on a dangerous journey through the criminal underworld and clandestine clubs of the old capital.


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the unnatural death <strong>of</strong> a jacobite<br />

first effort. As they set <strong>of</strong>f down the fairway, he remembered<br />

the post was due that afternoon. It might bring a letter from his<br />

brother. <strong>The</strong> thought lightened his mood. <strong>The</strong>re might be some<br />

news <strong>of</strong> Elizabeth at last. He watched the clouds moving in the<br />

wind over Fife. Strips <strong>of</strong> blue appeared in the north. <strong>The</strong> sun burst<br />

through and poured light onto the course. He suddenly had the<br />

feeling he would see her again. He knew it in his heart. Nothing<br />

would stop him seeing her again. He was surprised and pleased to<br />

have such an uplifting thought. Golf was indeed good for the soul!<br />


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