The Unnatural Death of a Jacobite by Douglas Watt sampler

MacKenzie and Scougall are back. 1689. Scotland is in the grip of Jacobite fever. Bonnie Dundee leads a Highland Army looking to crush the government and restore James Stewart as King. Meanwhile, in the dark streets of Edinburgh, there are even darker goings on. A gruesome discovery near the city’s quarry takes investigative advocate John MacKenzie and side-kick Davie Scougall on a dangerous journey through the criminal underworld and clandestine clubs of the old capital.

MacKenzie and Scougall are back.

1689. Scotland is in the grip of Jacobite fever. Bonnie Dundee leads a Highland Army looking to crush the government and restore James Stewart as King. Meanwhile, in the dark streets of Edinburgh, there are even darker goings on. A gruesome discovery near the city’s quarry takes investigative advocate John MacKenzie and side-kick Davie Scougall on a dangerous journey through the criminal underworld and clandestine clubs of the old capital.


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List <strong>of</strong> Main Characters<br />

John MacKenzie – advocate<br />

Aeneas MacLeod – lawyer<br />

Elizabeth MacKenzie – daughter <strong>of</strong> John MacKenzie<br />

Kenneth MacKenzie, Earl <strong>of</strong> Seaforth – chief <strong>of</strong> Clan MacKenzie<br />

Ruairidh MacKenzie – brother <strong>of</strong> Seaforth<br />

Davie Scougall – notary public, MacKenzie’s assistant<br />

Archibald Stirling – ex Crown Officer, friend <strong>of</strong> MacKenzie<br />

Mary Erskine, Mrs Hair – moneylender<br />

David Drummond – <strong>Jacobite</strong> lawyer<br />

Betty McGrain – <strong>of</strong>fice girl<br />

William Galbraith – writer<br />

Adam Scobie – Pres<strong>by</strong>terian writer<br />

George Gourlay – Edinburgh tavern owner<br />

John Dalrymple, Master <strong>of</strong> Stair – Lord Advocate<br />

Andrew Stein – Captain <strong>of</strong> the Town Guard<br />

Patrick Cranstoun, Earl <strong>of</strong> Dewarton – nobleman<br />


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