Creator Connection March 2023

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.


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News and Education<br />

Thursday<br />

Morning<br />

Bible Study Grieving with Grace is a support group led by Pastor Amanda<br />

The<br />

Thursday<br />

morning Bible Study meets<br />

every Thursday morning<br />

from 10-11:30. The study<br />

book is The Greatest Story<br />

Bible Instruction. Meetings<br />

will now be in person at the<br />

church. All are welcome.<br />

where adults learn about the grieving process and how to care for<br />

themselves as they work through the grief of a loved one’s death.<br />

We will be meeting on the second and fourth Wednesdays of<br />

each month at 10:30 am in Pastor Amanda’s office.<br />

Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

The monthly dinner meeting of<br />

the <strong>Creator</strong> Men’s Club will be<br />

held Monday, <strong>March</strong> 6, <strong>2023</strong> at<br />

6 p.m. Jochen Funk will host<br />

the group at his home at 16816<br />

43rd St. Ct. E., Bonney Lake,<br />

which is two blocks east of our<br />

church. All churchmen are invited<br />

to attend.<br />

12<br />

During “All things Covid”<br />

the Wednesday night<br />

Men’s group has been<br />

using Zoom. The meetings<br />

start at 7:00 PM and get<br />

over by 9:00PM. If you<br />

are interested in joining<br />

the meeting please contact<br />

Scott Perkins with your<br />

email address and he will<br />

send you a link for Zoom.<br />

Scott.perkins@hotmail.<br />

com or 253-230-3416

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