Creator Connection March 2023

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.


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Birthdays and Reminders<br />

Remote Worship<br />

Worship will continue to be live-streamed on Facebook Live and<br />

Zoom. To join via Zoom, follow the link below:<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89375602512?pwd=M3hPK0pIMGIz<br />

Z2M0eEhmTitoM3NQdz09<br />

Meeting ID: 893 7560 2512 Password: 435230<br />

One tap mobile:<br />

+ 12532158782,,89375602512#,,,,0#,,435230# US (Tacoma)<br />

Call in option: Zoom offers the option to call in to listen to the<br />

service. Call into worship while it is open - usually a minimum of<br />

five minutes before 9:30am until 11:00am - +1 253 215 8782 and<br />

enter the meeting number: 89375602512 when prompted. You<br />

will be able to hear the worship service.<br />


<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran is changing our mobile giving app! Vanco,<br />

our eGiving provider, has launched an updated mobile app called<br />

Vanco Mobile to replace GivePlus Mobile. You can download the<br />

Vanco Mobile app for free from the App Store or Google Play.<br />

Download Vanco Mobile by September 30. Vanco will<br />

remove GivePlus Mobile after this date.<br />

If you have questions or need assistance with our new mobile<br />

app, please contact the church office at (253) 862-7700.<br />

Pastoral Emergency Fund<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> has a fund available to be used at the discretion of Pastor<br />

Amanda to support congregation members and the community<br />

as needed. If you or a member another member of the <strong>Creator</strong><br />

Community has a particular financial need at this time, please<br />

reach out to Pastor Amanda for support. We are here for one<br />

another at this time. This fund is also open for additional<br />

donations from the congregation.<br />

Recycle Your<br />

Ink Cartridges<br />

Don’t throw away those printer cartridges or used cell phones.<br />

The Youth will recycle them for you. It’s good for the<br />

environment and the youth program receives a small concession.<br />

Just deposit old cartridges in the drawer in the narthex.<br />

14<br />

<strong>March</strong><br />

Birthdays<br />

01 - Nikki Harlor<br />

01 - Jackson<br />

Russell<br />

02 - Laurel Jessop<br />

02 - Isaac Russell<br />

05 - Eliana Parton<br />

06 - Carmen<br />

Pollastro<br />

07 - Faith Stober<br />

08 -Kim Latterll<br />

08 - Sophie<br />

Rutkosky<br />

09 -Michael<br />

Fitzgerald<br />

09 - Lindsey Wire<br />

10 - Elizabeth<br />

Andersen<br />

12 - Renae Carnay<br />

12 - Diana Roller<br />

15 - Erik Ketter<br />

15 - Molly<br />

Williamson<br />

16 - Jody Minton<br />

16 - Paige Winsor<br />

17 - Glory Hassani<br />

17 - Joel Hingston<br />

18 - Katelyn<br />

Andersen<br />

18 - Wendy<br />

Swanson<br />

19 - Mark<br />

Freisthler<br />

19 - Towns Larson<br />

20 Chloe Mitchell<br />

21 - William<br />

Bracken<br />

21 - Vickie Kirn<br />

21 - Tawny<br />

Mitchell<br />

22 - Denise<br />

Bouroughs<br />

23 - Michael<br />

Cooley<br />

24 - Tammy Funk<br />

24 - Andy<br />

Heckroth<br />

25 - Brady Martin<br />

26 - Cynthia Lowe<br />

26 - Gia Russell<br />

27 - Jennifer<br />

Heineman<br />

27 - Marguerite<br />

Larson<br />

28 - Sharon<br />

Littlefield<br />

28 - Ava Parkhurst<br />

29 - Shaun<br />

Parkhurst<br />

29 - Ruth Perkins<br />

29 - John Williams<br />

30 - Mark<br />


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