Creator Connection March 2023

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.


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Preschool<br />

Preschool News<br />

<strong>March</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

We hope your children<br />

enjoyed their valentines and did<br />

not eat too many treats at one<br />

time. February seemed to go by<br />

so quickly, but we managed to<br />

fill the month with learning about<br />

our presidents, healthy bodies,<br />

and the solar system.<br />

Winter is winding down and<br />

spring is on the horizon! At<br />

Preschool, we are expecting<br />

<strong>March</strong> weather to enter as a<br />

lion and leave as a lamb. The<br />

lion part seems likely but let’s<br />

hope it gives way to the lamb<br />

part; warmer weather and lots<br />

of sunshine! Rocks and fossils,<br />

Arachnids (Spiders!), and<br />

learning about Native Americans<br />

will be part of our studies this<br />

month. We will also talk about<br />

the change from winter to spring.<br />

Our shape this month is the<br />

triangle and our color is green.<br />

Our number is 7 for the younger<br />

classes and 14, 15, and 16 for<br />

the older classes. The letters<br />

this month are J,j, G,g, and H,h.<br />

And of course, the children will<br />

be visited by a leprechaun who<br />

loves to leave treasures!<br />

Also, during <strong>March</strong>, we<br />

will begin assessment testing.<br />

Our general policy is to avoid<br />

regular evaluation. Three, four,<br />

and five-year olds are growing,<br />

changing, and developing at<br />

such a fast yet varied rate. Our<br />

findings are not used in any way<br />

by the schools. They have their<br />

own methods. This is just an<br />

informational indication from us<br />

to you. Please, as always, talk<br />

to your teachers if you have any<br />

questions or concerns.<br />

Upcoming: There will be<br />

NO SCHOOL from April 3-7 for<br />

Spring Break.<br />

Andrea (Mrs. D), Cheri(Ms.<br />

Farrer), and Ragan (Mrs. Allen)<br />


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