July/August 2022 Alchemical Voice
In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.
In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.
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When parents realise they have a sensitive child,<br />
they often want to know how can they can help<br />
their child adjust to the world. It’s an important<br />
question because whereas dandelion children<br />
seem to have a natural resilience to stress, for<br />
more sensitive children, the environment and the<br />
way they are responded to makes big a difference.<br />
Dr. Bryce’s research found that with the right<br />
nurture, orchid children can truly thrive.<br />
Here are some tips for supporting a sensitive<br />
child…<br />
Accept them for who they are - we can’t<br />
change who they are and if we try to “toughen<br />
them up” we risk actually damaging their wellbeing<br />
and making them less likely to handle<br />
life’s stresses. If we focus on providing an<br />
environment that helps them to feel confident<br />
in who they naturally are, they can learn to use<br />
their sensitivity in a way that works for them,<br />
not against them.<br />
Focus on connection & empathy - they thrive<br />
on it and need it to feel nurtured and soothed.<br />
As with all children, when they experience<br />
empathy and nurture, they will learn about<br />
compassion for others, and about selfcompassion<br />
too.<br />
Help them to learn about emotions, how to<br />
express themselves & how to self-regulate.<br />
This will help them when they are<br />
overwhelmed by other people’s emotions or<br />
by their own.<br />
Help them to know what their environment<br />
can do for them - it will be important for them<br />
to understand when a smell or noise has<br />
caused them to feel overwhelmed, and for<br />
them to know what changes they can make to<br />
their environment to help.<br />
Enable them to live in & understand their own<br />
window of tolerance. We need to help them<br />
feel brave enough to step out of their comfort<br />
zone so they can develop their confidence<br />
while recognising when a situation or<br />
environment is overwhelming and knowing<br />
how to manage this.<br />
Sarah Emerson, Cocoro provides parent support and educational<br />
consultancy, and offers an online store for toys, books and<br />
resources to support children’s emotional well-being.<br />
www.wearecocoro.co.uk<br />