July/August 2022 Alchemical Voice

In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.

In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.

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<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 15<br />


Love 2 Meditate and Martin Lewis<br />

<br />


Dance to this guided meditation at<br />

home...<br />

Spirit Dance is a wonderful exploration<br />

and investigation of oneself!<br />

Learn about who you truly are, accept<br />

yourself and move into who you want to<br />

be - feel whole and complete again and<br />

be The Powerful You!<br />

This moving meditation is 1-hr long and<br />

takes you on a journey through your 8<br />

chakras, to help you to realign and<br />

balance each one, so you can ultimately<br />

bring in your missing soul parts.<br />

In the shamanic communities it is<br />

believed that any time anyone goes<br />

through a traumatic experience, a part of<br />

their soul leaves them. Spirit Dance helps<br />

you to call them back.<br />

Movement and music helps to get the<br />

energy flowing and enables practical<br />

application of the kinesiological process.<br />

<br />

To purchase:<br />

www.love2meditate.com/store/p92/spirit-dance-moving-meditation<br />

<br />

jovi@love2meditate.com<br />


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