July/August 2022 Alchemical Voice

In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more. In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.

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Alchemical Voice - L2M Issue 15 SURVIVING IN A CONFUSED WORLD Silvia Siret What to write in a time of division, upheaval, separation, anxiety, strong opposing positions in science, spirituality, common sense, or any other themes floating about in our consciousness? This time I found it very difficult to even decide what to write about, what stance to hold or to understand what the readers of this magazine might want to read. At first, I thought I would address people supporters with the topic of ‘post-traumatic stress disorder’. It felt important to offer some education on this complex and difficult subject because I know that many don’t have this basic training, which would help them to be even better listeners. I know it helped me a lot in my practice to be trauma-informed. It also helped me to understand myself so much better. But you know what, you can read it all up in amazing books, like the one by Gabor Maté, my favourite in this field, called “When the Body Says No”; or you can get in touch with me if you want to understand how trauma ripples out into your system. Admittedly, my planned essay about PTSD was meant to impress you. But when I think back at what I have enjoyed reading in the past, it was vulnerable writing, and hearing about real experiences. So, I decided to give you a bit of my own process within these challenging times, and how my own unresolved stuff has been coming up for me. My years from 2004 to 2020 were good ones, with ups and downs, but good ones. I thought I had it sussed, the happiness thing. But when Covid-19 hit humanity, all my unresolved trauma came to the forefront. Boom! I started to go downhill, mentally (overthinking), and physically (not moving). Being extroverted and loving social connection, I felt overwhelmed with the lockdowns and having to be in a small space with my partner 24/7; and I was deeply missing my children. I looked for guidance on social media and news channels. Some friends and our children held extreme positions about the mandates; and any attempt to talk about things ended in unfruitful, often hurtful discussions. Polarisation had entered my family system. Or was it just that it showed, because of us all being challenged to the core? My mind kept telling me, “Silvia, you are not good enough. You are a loser”, and “you don’t know what is right or wrong, so simply shut up”. I am in my mid-fifties, a mother of two grown-up women; a bonus mother to three adult children from my partner’s former relationship; and grandmother to an 21-month-old girl. I’ve been feeling the generational stretch, and that of a patch-work family, coming from very different backgrounds. Before I started my self-development journey, my life was a mess. I was a mess. I had been in several mentally abusive relationships, and my childhood was difficult, to say the least. Working on my childhood trauma resolved a lot for me and brought what I call ‘order’ into my life. My current partner of 18 years is my friend, lover and rock, and our offspring have all turned out pretty amazing. Funnily enough, that is also what I heard several times in various ways from some friends and family. I lost a few friendships over differences in opinions, I fell out and reconciled with some, I lost faith in humanity, and I even lost hope several times, since. What has rocked me the most, is my position as a mother. In that role, I am supposed to hold it all together, be wise, be positive, be informed, and have a lot of strength so that the children can all rub themselves on me in order to feel they are in control. You hear the sarcasm, I’m sure. It has been an uphill journey, and I felt I was falling into deep valleys of hopelessness. I have been feeling emotionally drained, exhausted, and unable to give any more. I even let a client down. I felt undone, in pieces. 40

I wonder if any of this resonates with you. It has been very difficult to hold it all together within me and within the family and friendships. But the worst is what I feel when I read or hear the news. Any time I want to know what is going on in the world, I end up feeling more stressed and less hopeful for humanity to survive. As a mother and grandmother, this troubles me deeply. I want to leave Pacha Mama for my offspring in a way that they can enjoy and feel nourished by her. What can I do to contribute to Love, Peace, and Growth? To be honest with you, I am constantly sitting with this question, as the world seems to keep changing fast. I think one thing that helps is looking inside in meditation in order to find my own balance – basically, lots of self-care. The other thing is to be mindful of where I am needed. I have also found that reaching out to a friend can be better than any therapy. And to remember, it is, after all, the age of Aquarius, the time for community and technology. This shows in every aspect of my life. I was very grateful to have my phone and communication apps to stay in touch with people. Using social media to connect and uplift is helpful; looking for the truth in those places is definitely not. Building community is what I keep doing. My friend reminded me that I am a lightworker and that I am also entitled to be held and listened to now and then. Bless my close friends. So here it is, my latest contribution to the Alchemical Voice. I am no hero. I am just another human being who is thrown by the overload of information, choices, opposing stances, and the ever-growing financial pressures. I have just decided to stay away from any kind of news; to engage in social media only to shout out to the world how great I am as a therapist; and to focus my energy on real, human, physical connection, and communion. The best way I know to create beautiful relationships is to hold space for others, while I keep working on my unresolved trauma; to not react, but to respond; to be authentic while staying kind at all times, and to simply keep teaching my mind to love myself just the way I am. Silvia Siret, trauma informed Holistic Life Coach and Family Constellations Facilitator, born 1966, has been holding space for individuals and groups since 2000, first in Germany, her birth country, and since 2005 in England. She sees herself as a shape shifter who helps those who feel ready to create positive change. She offers her work online internationally and in person in Oxfordshire and wherever she is invited. www.silviasiret.com silvia.siret@gmail.com 41

I wonder if any of this resonates with you. It has been<br />

very difficult to hold it all together within me and<br />

within the family and friendships. But the worst is<br />

what I feel when I read or hear the news. Any time I<br />

want to know what is going on in the world, I end up<br />

feeling more stressed and less hopeful for humanity<br />

to survive. As a mother and grandmother, this<br />

troubles me deeply. I want to leave Pacha Mama for<br />

my offspring in a way that they can enjoy and feel<br />

nourished by her.<br />

What can I do to contribute to<br />

Love, Peace, and Growth?<br />

To be honest with you, I am constantly sitting with<br />

this question, as the world seems to keep changing<br />

fast. I think one thing that helps is looking inside in<br />

meditation in order to find my own balance –<br />

basically, lots of self-care. The other thing is to be<br />

mindful of where I am needed. I have also found that<br />

reaching out to a friend can be better than any<br />

therapy. And to remember, it is, after all, the age of<br />

Aquarius, the time for community and technology.<br />

This shows in every aspect of my life. I was very<br />

grateful to have my phone and communication apps<br />

to stay in touch with people. Using social media to<br />

connect and uplift is helpful; looking for the truth in<br />

those places is definitely not. Building community is<br />

what I keep doing. My friend reminded me that I am a<br />

lightworker and that I am also entitled to be held and<br />

listened to now and then. Bless my close friends.<br />

So here it is, my latest contribution to the <strong>Alchemical</strong><br />

<strong>Voice</strong>. I am no hero. I am just another human being<br />

who is thrown by the overload of information,<br />

choices, opposing stances, and the ever-growing<br />

financial pressures. I have just decided to stay away<br />

from any kind of news; to engage in social media only<br />

to shout out to the world how great I am as a<br />

therapist; and to focus my energy on real, human,<br />

physical connection, and communion. The best way I<br />

know to create beautiful relationships is to hold<br />

space for others, while I keep working on my<br />

unresolved trauma; to not react, but to respond; to<br />

be authentic while staying kind at all times, and to<br />

simply keep teaching my mind to love myself just the<br />

way I am.<br />

Silvia Siret, trauma informed Holistic Life Coach<br />

and Family Constellations Facilitator, born 1966,<br />

has been holding space for individuals and groups<br />

since 2000, first in Germany, her birth country, and<br />

since 2005 in England. She sees herself as a shape<br />

shifter who helps those who feel ready to create<br />

positive change. She offers her work online<br />

internationally and in person in Oxfordshire and<br />

wherever she is invited.<br />

www.silviasiret.com<br />

silvia.siret@gmail.com<br />


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