July/August 2022 Alchemical Voice

In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.

In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.

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According to Judith Tarr’s book ‘Pillar of Fire’, Akhenaten’s inner circle<br />

faked his death, substituting a slave for Akhenaten’s body, and smuggled<br />

Akhenaten out of Egypt where he went to live in the Sinai desert.<br />

There he became known as a prophet called Mosha aka Moses. After<br />

several decades, he had a vision in the mountains of a burning bush – he<br />

heard a voice impelling him to free the people of Israel who were slaves in<br />

Egypt. He went to plead to the pharaoh and after seven plagues he was<br />

allowed to lead these people out of Egypt.<br />

Just as Moses did in the Old Testament and the same Moses who came<br />

down from Mount Sinai with two tablets of stone. Moses was the giver of<br />

the Law, the One Law, which became the foundation of the Essenes.<br />

Martin Lewis and I tested the level of truth of ‘Pillar of Fire’ and it was over<br />

800 on Hawkin’s scale of consciousness (+700 is enlightenment, so the<br />

Universal Truth).<br />

After Akhenaten’s ‘death’ Tel El Amarna was dismantled brick by brick and<br />

dispersed over the country to ensure there was no trace. His enemies did<br />

not want the people to know that Akhenaten and Nefertiti had ever<br />

existed.<br />

The site of Akhetaten, the city he built and<br />

designed for the worship of Aten, at Tel El<br />

Amarna, was lost from history until the 19th<br />

century when archaeologists discovered some<br />

artefacts buried deep under the ground including<br />

this bust of Nefertiti.<br />

Truth is stranger than fiction…<br />

£24.99<br />

Julie de Vere Hunt<br />

www.marymagdaleneslegacy.com<br />


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