July/August 2022 Alchemical Voice

In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.

In this edition, we are so happy to publish our first cover competition winner - Amanda Tracey, Goddess Liberation. Amanda's stunning image appears on the cover of Issue 15, Photographer is Ian Wallman and Fabricator is Jonathan Harris. Also in this edition we have Oracle card readings by Oriel Lux, Lammas poem and a ritual by Sue Penney of Soul Verse, Crystals of the month with Sarah Jane Dennis, What is Colour by Liza Nightingale, Orchid and Dandeliion Children by Sarah Emerson, Hundred Monkeys - Hundred Humans by John Sjovik, Monthly Archangels by Carol Coggan, Eden People with Colin Brice, Unusual Phenomenon of Two Crop Circles by Kathy Mingo, Fear: What it is and What can be done about it by John Sjovik, The Mighty River & the Grandmothers part 3 by Richard Pantlin, Surviving in a Confused World by Silvia Siret, Histamine - Friend or Foe by Martin Lewis, Egyptian Mystery School of Akhenaten by Julie de Vere Hunt, vegan recipes and more.

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<strong>Alchemical</strong> <strong>Voice</strong> - L2M Issue 15<br />


Sarah Jane Dennis<br />

Lammas/Lughnasa also known as the first harvest, is the ancient Celtic Cross quarter<br />

festival celebrated on the 1st /2nd of <strong>August</strong> at the height of summer and the beginning<br />

of harvest season. The fields shine with a splendid golden glow as their crops of wheat<br />

and grain drink in the last rays from the Sun God Lugh, before they are to be harvested.<br />

The word Lammas means "loaf or Loaf-mass" the festival when we honour and<br />

celebrate the cutting of the first crops of corn whereby loaves of bread are made and<br />

shared with family and friends to celebrate, the plentiful grain and the foods, we have<br />

made from them to keep our bellies full.<br />

Lughnasad is the Irish name for the Sun God/ King Lugh (also known as John Barleycorn<br />

in England) who has shone his energies down to ripen the grain and sacrifices himself<br />

with it as the corn and grain are cut down to feed the people and seed the fertile land of<br />

Mother Earth as they join again, to return next year in the ever-moving cycle of death<br />

and rebirth.<br />

The energy of Lammas is all about abundance and sharing our successes and it is a good<br />

time of year to share some of your wealth with those less fortunate than yourself, by<br />

donating to a charity or helping a friend, neighbour or family member who has fallen on<br />

hard times. This is also a time to acknowledging the personal benefits of reaping what<br />

we have sown throughout the year, from the seeds of our intentions and ideas for the<br />

year that we planted at Samhain, incubating and dreaming of them through the fallow<br />

period of Yule, birthing them into being at Imbolc, watching them grow at Ostara and<br />

blossom at Beltain, ripening during Litha to then reaching their peak at Lammas.<br />

As we begin to feel the benefits of all our hard work and energies we have<br />

put into our projects, work-life and healing ourselves and others,<br />

throughout the year, we will look over our triumphs and challenges and<br />

what we want to keep working towards and then letting go of that which<br />

no longer serves us celebrating our accomplishments during the season of<br />

Mabon in preparation to see the year out and deciding what new seeds of<br />

intentions we will sow again as the wheel turns and begins again at<br />

Samhain, our new year.<br />

So have fun making a ritual Lammas loaf, adding all your love, prays,<br />

gratitude and good intentions as you knead the dough, then share it with<br />

your beloveds. Have a picnic to show your thanks and gratitude for all the<br />

abundance that has come into your life.<br />

Enjoy the long hot balmy nights before the sun begins to wane and the<br />

darker half of the year draws closer.<br />

Make a Corn Dolly to watch over and protect you and your family<br />

throughout the fallow time of the year, remembering to give her back to<br />

the earth at the very beginnings of spring.<br />

Wishing you all a blessed Lammas and may the Sun God and Goddess of<br />

abundance and unconditional love, pour their rejuvenating golden light<br />

rays and gifts into every cell of your being, to bring you all the healing,<br />

love, and happiness you deserve.<br />

Sarah Jane Dennis ACHO, RP, ACCRT is Sacred Celebrant and<br />

Ceremonialist, Priestess of the Goddess, Moon Lodge Mumma,<br />

Priestess and Sister of Avalon, Morgen Cybil trained in Crystal<br />

Healing, Angelic Reiki, Crystal Sonic Rejuvenation.<br />

www.crystalhealingbysarahjane.co.uk<br />


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