Newsletter 11 - 03.03.23
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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>03.03.23</strong><br />
NEWSLETTER<strong>03.03.23</strong><br />
LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>03.03.23</strong>
A word from the Principal...<br />
Dear families,<br />
We have crossed the half-way point in the year and are racing towards a fun-filled summer<br />
term and warmer and dryer weather (hopefully!).<br />
Firstly, I would like to congratulate Maria and her kitchen team of Louise and Ronan. This<br />
week, they were visited by the Food Hygiene Inspector and were awarded a 5-star rating!<br />
This is testament to the hard work that goes in to, not only running a clean and hygienic<br />
kitchen, but sourcing local produce and creating a menu that responds to the seasons and<br />
children’s views. It is quite unusual for primary schools to run their own kitchen rather than<br />
using a large company, but I think you’ll agree that we are reaping the benefits.<br />
Mrs Wherry has recently analysed club attendance across the school. We are incredibly<br />
fortunate that our staff give up their time to run so many clubs – almost 30 clubs in a school<br />
the size of ours is unheard of! Research also suggests that children that opt into extracurricular<br />
provision demonstrate a greater enthusiasm for engaging with all aspects of school<br />
life and, as a result, perform better. I am delighted to say that 85% (179) of our children<br />
attend at least one club a week, which is fantastic!<br />
To ensure that clubs are as positive as possible, can we please ensure we follow the<br />
guidelines below:<br />
• After-school clubs are not free childcare. Please only send your child to a club if it is genuinely<br />
something that they are interested in. That way, all children approach the club with a<br />
positive attitude and are fully engaged.<br />
• Once signed up for a club, it is expected that your child will attend regularly. Dipping in<br />
and out of a club on a weekly basis means that the club cannot have its full impact and<br />
dynamics within the group can be disturbed.<br />
If you have any ideas of clubs that could be run in the summer term or would like to<br />
volunteer to support or run a club after Easter, please let me know,<br />
Kind regards,<br />
Mr Adam Anderson<br />
What’s Useful information...<br />
been going on...<br />
Term Dates 22/23<br />
4th Jan – 31 March (HT 13-17 Feb)<br />
17 April – 21 July (HT 29 May-2 Jun)<br />
Inset Days<br />
24th July<br />
25th July<br />
Medicine in School<br />
If your child is returning from illness or just a little under the weather, please feel free to<br />
drop some Calpol or similar into the office and complete a consent form so that we can<br />
administer as needed to ensure your child feels well through the school day.<br />
Important dates from the FLS<br />
Please keep an eye out for further information about the events below.<br />
3rd March - St Pirans day cake sale<br />
10th March - FLS Disco (volunteer support welcome)<br />
16th, 17th, 19th March - Mothers Day shop<br />
31st March - Break the Rules day & Easter Egg Surprise!<br />
School Parliament News<br />
Our School Parliament met last week and we had a great meeting discussing lots of really<br />
important things.<br />
The children are keen to do a fundraising event this month to raise money for more outdoor<br />
equipment for playtimes. Therefore they have decided to do a ‘Big, Book, Bake Sale’ on 22nd<br />
March at 2pm. The event will be held in the school hall and children will be invited to bring in<br />
some money to buy a book and a cake and have a cosy read with friends. Books will be sold<br />
from 20p - £1 and cakes will be sold from 20p - 75p.<br />
In order to do this, we really need your help!<br />
Please can you send in some good condition unwanted children’s books that we can sell.<br />
These can be dropped to the office and the School parliament will collect them from there.<br />
If you would like to donate some cakes, tray bakes etc for the event, please can these be<br />
dropped on the day or the day before also to the office.<br />
The children have some great ideas to improve our school, so they would really appreciate<br />
your help. Thank you in advance!<br />
Mrs Wherry and the School parliament
Outdoor Learning...<br />
In Outdoor Learning we have been focusing on navigation and map skills. Years 2-6 have had<br />
the opportunity to participate in a complex orienteering course around the school.<br />
It’s amazing to see how far everyone’s navigation skills have developed since we began<br />
delivering Outdoor Learning sessions. Fuelled with a little rivalry, the children worked so well<br />
in their teams to complete the course using their map knowledge but also demonstrating<br />
fantastic communication and effective team work. It’s becoming difficult to add greater<br />
challenge to our orienteering courses to keep up with the children!<br />
Years 4-6 have also been exploring wider map work by using Digimaps to explore different<br />
styles of maps, with OS maps in particular. We have used this to begin planning and plotting<br />
routes to take on upcoming navigation expeditions.<br />
EYFS and Year 1 have been busy spending time on the farm with our animals, getting to know<br />
their dietary requirements by supporting with feeding time and getting involved with<br />
providing the care they need.
Sporting activities...<br />
Athletics<br />
Well done to the Year 5 & 6 athletics teams who took part in an athletics event on Monday,<br />
including activities such as speed bounce, javelin, standing long jump, vertigo high jump,<br />
speed catch and chest push.<br />
After giving 100% effort in those categories, they went on to<br />
participate in running races and obstacle courses, winning six out of the seven races!<br />
We were so proud of their sportsmanship, support for each other and cheering all the teams.<br />
Well done Ludgvan!<br />
Cross Country<br />
On Monday, our Cross Country team took part in the final race of the league<br />
at Cape Cornwall Secondary School.<br />
The conditions were perfect for running and the team all gave their best efforts for the end of<br />
the season race and we were very proud of them all.<br />
Well done Freddie, Winnie, Maison, Scarlet, Hannah, Savannah, Evie W and Finey C for<br />
racing with determination and achieving some great positions.<br />
Harry K deserves a special mention for coming second in his race and winning a silver medal!<br />
Football<br />
Well done to both our teams for competing so brilliantly in the inaugural Leading Edge Cup!<br />
Our girls played with determination throughout, conceding only 1 goal in three matches,<br />
finishing third overall.<br />
Our boys played some fantastic football, scoring 8 goals and finishing second overall,<br />
narrowly missing one of the fantastic trophies - maybe next year!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
EYFS<br />
Early Years have been exploring our question ‘How far can we travel?’ Last week, they<br />
couldn’t believe it when they got to school and there were pants everywhere! They soon<br />
discovered that pesky aliens had been into our classroom and left them. We read ‘Aliens love<br />
underpants’ and then learnt lots about space.<br />
This week, the children read ‘Bob-Man on the moon’. Outside, the children created the surface<br />
of the moon using sand and flour and then dropped rocks to make craters. Lots of obstacle<br />
courses have also been made, the children have been designing their own and challenging<br />
each other to complete them!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 1<br />
The children have been looking at our last continent, Europe and they learnt all about France<br />
and some of the famous landmarks. The children were very creative when they made their<br />
own Eiffel tower; they also learnt to say hello and goodbye in French.<br />
As part of our RE we learnt about the Jewish celebration Sukkot and the children had a go<br />
at making their own Sukkah. This is a temporary dwelling which has three walls and a roof<br />
made from plants.<br />
In computing the children had to design and write a list of the things they would need to build<br />
a rocket. They are looking forward to building their rockets next week!!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 2<br />
Year 2 have continued working really hard on their space topic. They have researched and<br />
found out more about each of the individual planets to work towards answering our topic<br />
question, ‘Will humans ever live on another planet?’<br />
They were amazed to discover that Venus is actually the hottest planet, despite Mercury<br />
being closest to the sun. They couldn’t believe how cold it was on Mars because they had<br />
assumed it would be hot due to its red colour. They worked hard to create mini fact booklets<br />
that they are going to share and read with Early Years next week.<br />
We have also used the chromebooks to draw our own solar system pictures. We had to think<br />
carefully about the colours on each planet and their sizes in relation to one another.<br />
In PE, we concluded our gymnastics topic by enjoying a great session in the hall using the<br />
beams and demonstrating our best balancing and movements.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 3<br />
Year 3 have been working hard over the past fortnight. They have been writing shape poems<br />
linking to the Stone Age and have enjoyed playing with different types of words.<br />
They have also been learning to follow and write a set of instructions. They have followed<br />
instructions to make paper aeroplanes and used the Beebots to give clear instructions. We<br />
linked instructional writing to our Stone Age topic. The children have learnt how to wash a<br />
woolly mammoth and have written their own instructions for how to feed a woolly mammoth!<br />
In Maths the children have been learning about data. They have enjoyed making pictograms<br />
and they have collected data across KS2 about the type of summer clubs the children might<br />
like. They then created pictograms and bar charts to share what they had found out. They<br />
have also had a great time during outdoor learning with orienteering and making Stone Age<br />
stew around the campfire. They have crammed in a lot so far. Well done Year 3!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 4<br />
Class 4’s new topic is learning about ancient Rome. In the first history lesson, the children<br />
heard the story of how Romans thought Rome was founded and built. The children all loved<br />
listening to the story of the brothers Romulus and Remus; they all then created story maps<br />
retelling the event.<br />
In Maths, the children have started learning about converting between units of measure. They<br />
now understand what kilometres, metres, centimetres and millimetres units of measurement<br />
stand for and how to convert them.<br />
On Monday, we had a whole day of art, when the children were able to try a variety of<br />
printing techniques. Starting next week, every Thursday we will have a specialist artist from<br />
Newlyn Art Gallery working with them until half term. The children will be learning screen<br />
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 5<br />
Year 5 have returned to school ready for their history module on Windrush, the pupils<br />
explored the events through photographs and first hand accounts to understand how the<br />
Windrush generation were treated in the UK.<br />
Alongside this, Year 5 have been practising hard for their part in the St Piran’s day parade,<br />
which took place on the 3rd of March and we are so proud of how quickly they picked up the<br />
dance. We were very lucky that Helen (who created the original dance) was able to join us<br />
and teach it to the pupils firsthand.<br />
In Art, we have created mood boards using collage- we were so impressed with the children’s<br />
creativity and how they expressed their individuality through their artwork.<br />
In English, we have started writing biographies about Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan<br />
and Mary Jackson, who were mathematicians working at NASA. The children were really<br />
mature and we had fantastic discussions about the racial and gender discrimination, which<br />
these three women experienced.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 6<br />
Year 6 have been exploring aspects of black history within our history lessons, and creating a<br />
play script within English related to the life-changing event of Rosa Parks’ bus boycott. It has<br />
been a very active and enjoyable facet of our recent history to teach, as well as for the<br />
children to learn about one inspirational decision to stand up against discriminating<br />
behaviours.<br />
We have created animations, using Cloud Stop Motion, which enabled us to explore changing<br />
frames per second and smooth transitions, whilst telling an emotive story. We then focused<br />
on Martin Luther King Jr and his involvement in the story of Rosa Parks. After listening to his<br />
inspirational speech, we analysed some of the content in order to understand the complexity<br />
of the inequality and oppression that was evident during the early-mid 1900’s. We finished<br />
our learning with a little drama to recreate the events of Rosa refusing to leave her seat on<br />
an already crowded bus.
Sports Day...
Sports Day...
Sports Day...
Sports Day...
Sports Day...<br />
FOR THE children AT ludgvan school<br />
support THE fls!<br />
1.<br />
2.<br />
3.<br />
join the fls<br />
Sports Day...<br />
To start supporting, visit:<br /><br />
and search for: Ludgvan<br />
Supporters must be 16 years of age or older.