Spring Inside NIRMA Issue 2023
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<strong>Inside</strong><br />
Leading the way in Nuclear Information and Records Management<br />
magazine<br />
Visit us at: <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org<br />
Wolf Creek Generating Station:<br />
Traveling the Road of<br />
Continuous Improvement<br />
Microfilm Scanner Equipment<br />
Trade-In<br />
nextScan<br />
SIGET: Focus on Artificial Intelligence<br />
Bob Larrivee, <strong>NIRMA</strong> Director of Technical Programs<br />
Industry News:<br />
⬧ NASA’s Artemis to take nuclear power to the moon<br />
⬧ State Nuclear Policy Action is Booming<br />
<strong>Issue</strong> # 16, <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong>
6<br />
8<br />
16<br />
Microfilm Scanner Equipment Trade-In<br />
By Matt Anderson, Vice President of Marketing, nextScan<br />
Wolf Creek Generating Station: Traveling the Road of Continuous<br />
Improvement<br />
By Neal Miller, Devereaux Consulting / <strong>NIRMA</strong> Publication Specialist<br />
SIGET: Focused on Artificial Intelligence<br />
By Bob Larrivee, <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Director of Technical Programs<br />
10<br />
Chronicles of NIM: A Retrospective on Information Management in Nuclear Power<br />
Remembering Steve Matson<br />
By Eugene Yang, KISMET Consulting, Inc.<br />
12<br />
12<br />
13<br />
14<br />
17<br />
In Memoriam of Susan Hunn<br />
NRC Finalizes Regulatory <strong>Issue</strong><br />
Summary (RIS)<br />
By Margie Janney, CRM/NS/FED<br />
Introducing the New <strong>NIRMA</strong> Logo<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> and ICRM: Partners in<br />
Excellence<br />
By Deborah Robbins, Chair of ICRM<br />
Mentoring Committee<br />
Announcing New Technical Advisor to<br />
the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board<br />
Photo courtesy Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation<br />
On the Cover: Wolf Creek Generating Station in<br />
Kansas has been safely providing clean, reliable<br />
energy to the citizens of Kansas and Missouri since<br />
1985. Learn how their Document Services<br />
Department’s partnership with <strong>NIRMA</strong> has helped<br />
keep them “Traveling the Road of Continuous<br />
Improvement” as they strive to be among the<br />
industry’s best.<br />
2 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
in every issue<br />
PDBU NEWS—18<br />
M&MBU NEWS—19<br />
RIMBU NEWS—20<br />
Letter from the Editors<br />
We at <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>, value your opinion and are<br />
always looking to improve our magazine. Let us<br />
know what you like and dislike and what you’d<br />
like to see more of. Share your thoughts with our<br />
Communication Team at<br />
DevereauxInc@outlook.com.<br />
If you haven’t already done so,<br />
please take a moment to follow<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> on YouTube, Twitter<br />
and Instagram, like <strong>NIRMA</strong> on<br />
Facebook, and connect with<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> on LinkedIn.<br />
Thanks for reading. Please keep in touch!<br />
Neal and Sandra Miller<br />
Editors<br />
Editors<br />
Neal and Sandra Miller<br />
DevereauxInc@outlook.com<br />
Advertising<br />
Neal.F.Miller@gmail.com<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Headquarters<br />
Sarah Perkins<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Administrator<br />
nirma@nirma.org<br />
In addition to our own<br />
articles, <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
publishes guest articles from<br />
agencies and vendors. Please<br />
be advised that the views and<br />
opinions expressed in these<br />
articles are those of the<br />
authors and do not<br />
necessarily reflect the<br />
opinions of <strong>NIRMA</strong> or its<br />
Board of Directors.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 3
D<br />
uring the recent Winter<br />
Board Meeting, we<br />
reflected on the current<br />
state of <strong>NIRMA</strong>. It is<br />
good. After several years of<br />
uncertainty from COVID, we can<br />
report that <strong>NIRMA</strong> is growing its<br />
membership and is currently<br />
financially stable. This reality<br />
enables the Board to focus on the<br />
future which is essential. We have<br />
been able to shore up some areas of<br />
opportunity and now can set the<br />
stage for <strong>NIRMA</strong> to again thrive.<br />
This past year we launched a<br />
shift in <strong>NIRMA</strong> direction, more<br />
future-focused toward emerging<br />
technologies and the challenges we<br />
now face as information managers. We<br />
have updated the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Strategic<br />
Plan with this goal through the<br />
SIGET (Special Interest Group on<br />
Emerging Technologies). At the<br />
Symposium, we were able to expand<br />
attendance from the nuclear power<br />
producers, Navy nuclear fuel<br />
services, NRC, various solution<br />
providers, and renewed participation<br />
from the DOE and national<br />
laboratories such as Idaho National<br />
Laboratory (INL) and Sandia.<br />
International attendance from the<br />
United Arab Emirates and Canada<br />
brought unique perspectives to<br />
expand our horizons.<br />
We are thankful for the growth<br />
and engagement of the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Business Units under strong coleaders.<br />
This is where the real value<br />
of <strong>NIRMA</strong> is found through great<br />
volunteers! <strong>NIRMA</strong> has always<br />
produced internationally respected<br />
guidance documents (TG's, ANSI/<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> standard, position papers)<br />
and we are poised to continue that<br />
mission with engaged participation.<br />
We have strengthened our<br />
endorsement of professional<br />
certification to <strong>NIRMA</strong> membership<br />
and intend to expand the<br />
participation particularly for the<br />
unique Nuclear Specialist<br />
designation. <strong>NIRMA</strong> continues a<br />
strong relationship with the Institute<br />
of Certified Records Managers<br />
(ICRM) for training opportunities,<br />
as well as first-hand mentors<br />
attending the Symposium who have<br />
gone through the exam process.<br />
Other initiatives are in motion to<br />
simply give <strong>NIRMA</strong> a fresh look.<br />
These include:<br />
• New <strong>NIRMA</strong> logo - winner<br />
recently unveiled with rollout inprogress<br />
• SharePoint upgrade completed<br />
for Members-only site to a<br />
secure modern version<br />
• Designate a theme for this year<br />
in <strong>NIRMA</strong> of "Educate –<br />
Collaborate – Innovate"<br />
• Subtle image and title changes to<br />
Board articles in the eMagazine<br />
• Branding for a consistent<br />
"<strong>NIRMA</strong> 23 Symposium" title<br />
<strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board of Directors<br />
(L-R): Bob Larrivee (Dir. of Tech. Programs), Sheila<br />
Pearcy (Dir. of Infrastructure), Tammy Cutts<br />
(Treasurer), Janice Hoerber (President), Bruce Walters<br />
(Vice-President) and (inset) Kathi Cole (Secretary)<br />
It is a delicate balance of old and<br />
new. <strong>NIRMA</strong> has such a rich<br />
history of service, achievements, and<br />
respect in the nuclear industry. It is<br />
in our hands to ensure <strong>NIRMA</strong> is<br />
set for success in the future and with<br />
your support, we have no doubt it<br />
will continue to serve its<br />
constituents proudly!<br />
Thank you!<br />
4 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
g<br />
reetings everyone. In less than six months, we<br />
will be gathering again for the <strong>2023</strong> Nuclear<br />
Information Management Symposium (August<br />
7-9), now referred to as <strong>NIRMA</strong> 23<br />
SYMPOSIUM, to be held at the JW Marriott Resort<br />
and Spa in Las Vegas, Nevada.<br />
The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board decided at the Winter Board<br />
meeting to adopt the name <strong>NIRMA</strong> 23<br />
SYMPOSIUM as a new and exciting way to refer to<br />
our annual gathering. Symposium registration<br />
fees, which includes the 2024 membership fee, did<br />
not change from last year’s pricing.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> 23 Symposium<br />
Exhibitor Hall just as we have had in past years. Last<br />
year, you may recall that we had 11 exhibitors<br />
participate and with your input, we may have more this<br />
year. And we are inviting the first five registered<br />
exhibitors, who did not participate last year, to give a<br />
scheduled 15-minute stand-alone Vendor Spotlight<br />
session about their company and product/service on<br />
Monday and Tuesday. And as is routine, we will host a<br />
Networking Reception with them at the end of the day<br />
on Tuesday. If you are an exhibitor and want this<br />
opportunity, please contact Sarah at nirma@nirma.org<br />
to register.<br />
We continue to look for companies to sponsor<br />
events such as meals or after-hour receptions. Your<br />
company will be recognized on our website and at the<br />
symposium.<br />
The Call for Papers has been published in a special<br />
edition of our monthly email in January and is also<br />
available on our website at nirma.org/annualsymposium<br />
under the SPEAK tab. I encourage you to<br />
register as a Speaker for a discount, share your<br />
experiences, and educate the rest of us. As we<br />
witnessed in 2022, we have a lot of knowledgeable<br />
members in <strong>NIRMA</strong>, with some new folks coming<br />
from as far as the United Arab Emirates. As a speaker,<br />
you will have an audience who will appreciate you<br />
taking that leap of faith. Give being a teacher and a<br />
learner a try this year. A list of possible topics is<br />
included in the Call for Papers. Case Studies are<br />
fantastic because they are actual experiences that<br />
colleagues are sharing, whether a project or process<br />
went quite well or horribly wrong. We can always learn<br />
from each of our successes and failures. Please share<br />
yours.<br />
We plan to continue offering a Fundamentals track<br />
for newbies, advanced tracks for the seasoned vets, and<br />
breaks for short networking opportunities, all in order<br />
to incorporate what you have come to expect<br />
educationally at the symposium.<br />
We have invited nearly two dozen of our exhibitor<br />
contacts to attend the Symposium and will have an<br />
For planning purposes, know that Business Unit<br />
meetings, including a Special Interest Group on<br />
Emerging Technologies (SIGET) working group, will<br />
be all day Thursday, August 10 th . Regulations and<br />
Information Management Business Unit (RIMBU) will<br />
likely continue on Friday morning, August 11 th . Please<br />
schedule your trip to Las Vegas to include an extra day<br />
(plus) to attend these important meetings.<br />
On the <strong>NIRMA</strong> website under the Annual<br />
Symposium tab are links to register for the Symposium,<br />
to Speak, to Sponsor, and to reserve your hotel room.<br />
The JW Marriott offers a limited number of rooms at<br />
the discounted Symposium rate, so you might want to<br />
reserve your room soon.<br />
The Board is also working on a pre-Symposium<br />
Sunday Outing, so you may want to arrive in time to<br />
join in.<br />
Last year was a spirited event, as colleagues got to<br />
reconnect after a couple years away, plus we had 35<br />
first-timer attendees who jumped right into it. We are<br />
working to improve upon the experience and to offer<br />
more opportunities for our attendees, exhibitors, and<br />
sponsors for <strong>NIRMA</strong> 23 Symposium. You really will<br />
want to join us. The entire Board plans to be there in<br />
August and we can’t wait to greet you.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 5
Microfilm Scanner<br />
Equipment Trade-In<br />
By Matt Anderson,<br />
Vice President of Marketing<br />
I<br />
s old and outdated technology<br />
slowing down the retrieval of<br />
your microfilm files? Does<br />
your microfilm equipment still<br />
operate on FireWire or even older<br />
technology? If you answered yes to<br />
either of these questions, your<br />
organization is working in a bygone<br />
technological era. Now is the time to<br />
update to an all new ViewScan 4<br />
microfilm scanner.<br />
Modern Equipment<br />
With today’s advancements in<br />
technology, using microfilm and<br />
microfiche has never been easier.<br />
Long gone are the days of a drawer<br />
filled with different lenses for each<br />
reduction ratio. We no longer<br />
bounce the light path over multiple<br />
mirrors to project onto a screen.<br />
Today, our digital image sensors<br />
focus the information off only one<br />
mirror, producing a crisp and clear<br />
image on the monitor instantly. This<br />
is achievable through the incredible<br />
processing power of modern PCs<br />
and USB3.0 SuperSpeed<br />
connections. These modern<br />
improvements allow the user to<br />
experience real-time live images<br />
without pixilation or image lag.<br />
PerfectView Software<br />
ST Imaging’s PerfectView<br />
software is revolutionizing the way<br />
people view and use their microfilm<br />
files. The simple, straightforward,<br />
minimal layout provides users only<br />
the tools they need in that moment.<br />
This intuitive design streamlines the<br />
process of retrieving, saving, and<br />
sharing files stored on microfilm.<br />
Built into PerfectView is<br />
PerfectFocus technology. Never<br />
focus your images again, as the<br />
ViewScan 4 has been mathematically<br />
calibrated to provide perfectly<br />
focused images automatically.<br />
Turn-Key Solution<br />
The ViewScan 4, PerfectView<br />
software, and an on-board Windows<br />
11 Mini PC with 500GB of storage<br />
delivers a turn-key solution for<br />
future access of your microfilm<br />
archives. Add a monitor, connect<br />
the cables, plug in the power, and<br />
you are scanning within minutes.<br />
The Windows 11 Mini PC will be<br />
imaged with PerfectView software<br />
and licensed to your organization.<br />
Only ST Imaging delivers a turnkey,<br />
out-of-the-box, microfilm scanning<br />
solution.<br />
Security<br />
In 2021 cybercrime was an<br />
estimated $623.7 million illicit<br />
business in the United States. Old<br />
PCs running obsolete operating<br />
systems pose a significant security<br />
risk. Beyond support being phased<br />
out on old hardware, that hardware<br />
Now, through this<br />
year’s <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Symposium, trade-in<br />
that old and outdated<br />
microfilm equipment<br />
for a modern<br />
ViewScan 4 and<br />
receive an 18mp<br />
camera upgrade and<br />
PerfectView software<br />
at no cost!<br />
can’t access new security features<br />
making the system vulnerable. In<br />
addition, old hardware has known<br />
vulnerabilities which hackers can<br />
exploit. These are only a few of the<br />
security risks your organization faces<br />
in continuing to work on outdated<br />
equipment.<br />
Trade-In Offer<br />
Now, through this year’s <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Symposium, trade-in that old and<br />
outdated microfilm equipment for a<br />
modern ViewScan 4 and receive an<br />
18mp camera upgrade and<br />
PerfectView software at no cost!<br />
Contact ST Imaging for more<br />
information.<br />
sales@stimaging.com<br />
847-501-3344<br />
6 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Microfilm Scanner on FireWire?<br />
TM<br />
Upgrade to a new ViewScan 4<br />
TM<br />
Trade-In<br />
Still laboring on an outdated,<br />
outmoded, old microfilm scanner?<br />
Upgrade to a ViewScan 4 with an<br />
18MP camera, PerfectView Software<br />
and new Windows 11 On-Board Mini PC!<br />
Upgrade ANY* FireWire<br />
or USB microfilm scanner<br />
from any manufacturer!<br />
ViewScan 4 Edge<br />
18MP Camera<br />
On-Board Windows 11 Mini PC<br />
PerfectView Software<br />
Easy to use, simple color-coded software<br />
Image Ribbon, Annotation, Auto-Browse<br />
PerfectFocus - Images always in focus!<br />
Three-Year Factory Warranty<br />
ViewScan 4 Trade-In<br />
ViewScan 4 $5,695<br />
18MP Camera $3,395<br />
Mini-PC $1,145<br />
PerfectView<br />
________________<br />
SW $1,455<br />
Total $11,680<br />
$6,840<br />
*Cannot be combined with any other offer. No substitutions.<br />
Trade-in of any ST200, ST200X, ViewScan, ViewScan II, or ViewScan III, regardless of condition; or any functioning, equivalent microfilm<br />
reader/printer product. Limit one trade-in per customer. Please contact ST Imaging for larger quantities. Offer Expires July 31, <strong>2023</strong>
Wolf Creek Generating<br />
Station: Traveling the Road<br />
of Continuous<br />
Improvement<br />
By Neal Miller,<br />
Devereaux Consulting / <strong>NIRMA</strong> Publication<br />
Specialist<br />
Support from <strong>NIRMA</strong> Helps Keep<br />
Wolf Creek Document Services<br />
Department Right on Track<br />
L<br />
ike all nuclear organizations,<br />
the Document Services<br />
department at Wolf Creek<br />
Generating Station strives to<br />
be among the industry’s best.<br />
Continuous Improvement is a<br />
“Being a <strong>NIRMA</strong> member<br />
has empowered myself and<br />
other Wolf Creek Document<br />
Services members to be part<br />
of the teams that develop and<br />
improve <strong>NIRMA</strong> Technical<br />
Guidelines, position papers,<br />
and white papers.”<br />
Rhonda Redding<br />
moving target and to stay on an<br />
upwards trajectory, it requires not<br />
only hard work but also guidance<br />
and support. That’s what makes<br />
Wolf Creek’s involvement with<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> so important.<br />
“Since joining in 2019, we have<br />
gotten tremendous support from<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>,” said Wolf Creek’s<br />
Document Services Supervisor<br />
Rhonda Redding. “This has allowed<br />
us to stay ahead of the curve in the<br />
areas of quality records programs,<br />
regulatory<br />
compliance<br />
activities,<br />
electronic<br />
records<br />
initiatives,<br />
document<br />
management technologies, and<br />
knowledge management issues.”<br />
Wolf Creek has also benefitted<br />
from the technical sessions offered<br />
at <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s annual symposiums as<br />
well as peer-to-peer coaching<br />
opportunities and benchmarking.<br />
‘Being a <strong>NIRMA</strong> member has<br />
empowered myself and other Wolf<br />
Creek Document Services members<br />
to be part of the teams that develop<br />
and improve <strong>NIRMA</strong> Technical<br />
Guidelines, position papers, and<br />
white papers,” Redding said.<br />
“Working on these teams expands<br />
our knowledge of nuclear regulatory<br />
requirements for records and<br />
information management, while<br />
gaining advice from industry<br />
operating experience.”<br />
9 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Wolf Creek’s Document Services organization and the KISMET team.<br />
(Front row L-R): Eugene Yang (KISMET), Rhonda Redding (Wolf Creek), Laura Schultz (Wolf Creek), and Linda<br />
Kaminski (Wolf Creek).<br />
(Back row L-R): Jo Ann Chovan (KISMET), Toni Johnson (KISMET), Jolene (Wolf Creek), Sandy Miller (KISMET), and<br />
Jessica Cole (Wolf Creek).<br />
Not pictured: Kayla Snovelle (Wolf Creek), Tim Rohland (KISMET), and Ed Gonzalez (KISMET).<br />
Wolf Creek’s relationship with<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> also led the station to the<br />
consultant supporting its new<br />
Electronic Document Management<br />
Tina Gilbert, Wolf Creek’s Document<br />
Services.<br />
System (EDMS) project, KISMET<br />
Consulting, Inc.<br />
“KISMET (which is led by<br />
former <strong>NIRMA</strong> President and<br />
Lifetime Member Eugene Yang) is<br />
among the industry’s leading<br />
document services support<br />
organizations with expertise in this<br />
area,” Redding said. “We are very<br />
fortunate to have been able to hire<br />
them.” KISMET has been assisting<br />
Wolf Creek with requirements<br />
development for the new EDMS,<br />
testing, data migration from their<br />
current EDMS (Curator) to the<br />
Alfresco cloud-based solution, plant<br />
staff training, and much more.<br />
In the three years since joining<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>, Redding has used the<br />
opportunity to not only learn but<br />
also for professional development. In<br />
August 2021 she was named the codirector<br />
of <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Regulations<br />
and Information Management<br />
Business Unit (RIMBU) committee<br />
(see page 20). RIMBU provides<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> members the opportunity to<br />
learn about regulatory impacts, stay<br />
abreast of emerging issues, and<br />
develop industry guidance. This<br />
committee also fosters sharing and<br />
comparing knowledge and best<br />
practices on documents, information,<br />
and records management programs<br />
through the use of existing and<br />
emerging information technologies.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 9
By Eugene Y. Yang,<br />
Principal Consultant<br />
KISMET Consulting, Inc.<br />
In this edition of my column, I’ll be departing from my usual discussions on<br />
information management to remember a colleague and friend, Steve Matson.<br />
T<br />
he nuclear power industry has been going strong<br />
for the past sixty-five years. It’s been so<br />
resilient, bouncing back with more vigor after<br />
Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima.<br />
During that time, we’ve seen emergent designs, new<br />
technologies, “holes in the ground,” construction,<br />
startup, operations, decommissioning, and plant sites<br />
returned to a “green field.” The consistent theme in<br />
this “circle of life” has been the dedicated people – the<br />
visionaries, the scientists, engineers, operators,<br />
administrative staff, and crafts that keep our nuclear<br />
plants going, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.<br />
Some of these dedicated staff devote their whole<br />
lives to nuclear – not only in doing a job, but a<br />
vocation; some, in turn, give back to the next<br />
generation. As <strong>NIRMA</strong> moves into its 47 th year of<br />
supporting the information management needs of the<br />
nuclear power industry, we have, sadly, lost another<br />
member who dedicated himself to furthering our<br />
Association.<br />
Steven Creg Matson passed away on Saturday,<br />
December 17, 2022 in Phoenix, AZ.<br />
After a stint in the Navy submarine program, Steve’s<br />
next “billet” was to the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating<br />
Station (PVNGS) of Arizona Public Service. He was<br />
employed initially as an instrumentation and control<br />
engineer, where he supported process improvements<br />
and the station’s design configuration management<br />
program. Even then, Steve showed a penchant for<br />
giving back to the industry by being a contributor to<br />
both INPO and EPRI in developing guidance in the<br />
engineering change process.<br />
Where we<br />
got to know<br />
Steve was when<br />
he transitioned<br />
to being a<br />
Business/<br />
Technical<br />
Consultant to<br />
the PVNGS’<br />
records<br />
management program. He was instrumental in guiding<br />
the station in its implementation of digital signatures<br />
and using PDF<br />
as the station’s<br />
sustainable<br />
electronic<br />
record format.<br />
As he was<br />
doing that<br />
work, he<br />
immersed<br />
himself in the<br />
regulatory and<br />
10 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
usiness requirements for recordkeeping – for both<br />
quality assurance and non-quality assurance records.<br />
Steve was a “go-to” contributor to our Association’s<br />
technical guidance – whether that would be white<br />
papers, position papers, or technical guidelines. In the<br />
Regulations and Information Management Business<br />
Unit (RIMBU), we would typically have “interesting,<br />
exhaustive, and always educational” discussions on<br />
process and technology in the capture, storage, and<br />
retrieval of electronic records. Steve would be our guy<br />
on what standards and regulations we really needed to<br />
look at. The man’s mind was like a trap! He could not<br />
only provide regulatory or standards citation off the top<br />
of his head, but also give us the “Cliff Notes” version<br />
of the important stuff to know“ (“contained therein” –<br />
a favorite Steve-ism). Steve also took on leadership<br />
responsibilities in committee work and being a Board<br />
member.<br />
His crowning achievement was to add our electronic<br />
records guidance into nuclear standards space by<br />
initiating a liaison with ASME’s NQA-1 Committee; he<br />
was able to gain a seat at the table of the Programs<br />
Management Process (PMP) Subcommittee. Steve’s<br />
idea was that, in the past, <strong>NIRMA</strong> had some difficulty<br />
having its guidance recognized by the NRC. By placing<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s guidance into NQA-1, as new versions were<br />
developed, the NRC would review the guidance as part<br />
of their periodic review of nuclear standards. For this<br />
effort, the Association honored Steve with the Hans<br />
Ebner Memorial Award in 2016.<br />
(Bill Clover was able to continue what Steve started<br />
and worked with the PMP Subcommittee so that the<br />
first NQA-1 revision that contains <strong>NIRMA</strong> electronic<br />
records guidance is NQA-1-2017.)<br />
Steve’s giving nature was also displayed in how he<br />
mentored colleagues and younger staff. Outside of<br />
work, Steve was equally generous with his time in<br />
mentoring boys and girls on technical subjects, working<br />
on cars, fixing computers, and enjoying his love for the<br />
outdoors as he was frequently camping, hiking, and<br />
hunting.<br />
Steve – you were a great colleague, debater, mentor,<br />
resource … and friend. We will miss you, brother.<br />
Note: The Hans Ebner Memorial Award is given to the<br />
individual who, in a particular year, moved <strong>NIRMA</strong>, and<br />
the nuclear industry, forward in the area of information<br />
management. Hans Ebner was a past President and Board<br />
member of the Association; he worked at DTE Energy’s<br />
Fermi Nuclear Generating Station and, later, as a<br />
contractor to the Department of Energy. He was<br />
instrumental in getting the Association standing with<br />
ANSI. He was a bigger-than-life, bear of a man, and gave<br />
back to many of us by being a wonderful mentor to utility<br />
and federal personnel. He took me, a young engineer, under<br />
his wing in 1987 and gave me the confidence to pursue my<br />
career in nuclear power, information management, and<br />
leadership in <strong>NIRMA</strong>.<br />
Eugene has been a member of <strong>NIRMA</strong> for<br />
over 35 years, and served as President from<br />
1999-2001. At the time he joined, <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
had only been in existence for 11 years. He<br />
would love to hear about stories and anecdotes<br />
from others, so please email him at<br />
eugene.yang@kismetconsulting.com.<br />
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Memorial to<br />
Susan Hunn<br />
e have lost another great <strong>NIRMA</strong> colleague,<br />
W<br />
Susan Hunn, who passed away February 3,<br />
<strong>2023</strong>. We fondly remember Susan and her<br />
significant contributions to the organization.<br />
She served as <strong>NIRMA</strong> President in 1996 following her<br />
previous roles of Secretary and Vice President. Susan<br />
was dedicated to promoting <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s forwardthinking<br />
attitude and was instrumental in evolving<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Strategic Plan. She would serve in whatever<br />
capacity was asked of her. In acknowledgement of her<br />
efforts, she was recognized as a <strong>NIRMA</strong> Lifetime<br />
Member in 2000.<br />
Susan had a successful career at Southern California<br />
Edison for 37 years as a certified records manager<br />
(CRM). She had gained real world experience on<br />
records management issues with the shutdown and<br />
decommissioning of San Onofre Unit 1. While a<br />
member of the original <strong>NIRMA</strong> Regulations<br />
Committee, Susan shared her experience in supporting<br />
the first guidance document that <strong>NIRMA</strong> produced for<br />
decommissioning records.<br />
Her giving and<br />
gracious attitude<br />
was who Susan<br />
was. She doted on<br />
her husband,<br />
Fred, and their<br />
children,<br />
participated in<br />
school and<br />
community<br />
activities, and was<br />
an avid fan of<br />
hockey. She<br />
absolutely loved<br />
dogs and actively<br />
participated in Pet<br />
Project<br />
Foundation.<br />
Susan gave so much to <strong>NIRMA</strong>, to her family,<br />
friends, and colleagues, and we will miss her!<br />
NRC Finalizes<br />
Regulatory issue<br />
summary (ris)<br />
By Margie Janney, CRM/NS/FED<br />
o<br />
n December 16, 2022, the NRC finalized the<br />
Regulatory <strong>Issue</strong> Summary (RIS) entitled,<br />
“NRC Plans to Establish Controlled<br />
Unclassified Information-Sharing Agreements<br />
with Non-Executive-Branch Entities,” to inform<br />
NRC licensees of the NRC’s expectations to handle<br />
controlled unclassified information (CUI) they receive<br />
from the NRC consistent with the CUI Rule<br />
requirements, while the NRC continues to engage in<br />
establishing CUI written agreements with them. You<br />
can find the RIS on NRC’s CUI public<br />
website, https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/<br />
cui.html. The RIS is referenced in the last paragraph<br />
on the page. It’s also linked under the “NRC CUI<br />
Resources”.<br />
12 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
<strong>NIRMA</strong> LOGO<br />
t<br />
he time has come to unveil the winning<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Logo! The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board asked for<br />
new forward-looking designs and nine were<br />
submitted. In January, the <strong>NIRMA</strong> membership voted<br />
with over 70% participation to determine the future<br />
logo.<br />
And the winner is….<br />
and want to thank all who took the time to submit a<br />
design!<br />
The rollout of the new logo is starting now but will<br />
take some time and coordination. The <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Secretary, Kathi Cole, is overseeing the effort and will<br />
track the list of documents and web locations for the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> logo changeout.<br />
Congratulations to <strong>NIRMA</strong> member, Shaikhah<br />
Rashed Alabdouli, from the Nawah Energy Company,<br />
the operating subsidiary of Emirates Nuclear Energy<br />
Corporation (ENEC) based in Abu Dhabi, United Arab<br />
Emirates (UAE), for the winning logo design! Shaikhah<br />
was a first-time attendee at the 2022 <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Symposium. We sincerely appreciate her creative effort<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> has a rich history, now in its 47 th year,<br />
providing guidance to commercial and DOE facilities<br />
for quality records programs, regulatory compliance<br />
activities, electronic records initiatives, and information<br />
management technologies. With a fresh new look,<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> will continue to serve and develop the highest<br />
level of guidance for an exciting future in the nuclear<br />
power industry!<br />
Tammy Cutts, <strong>NIRMA</strong> Treasurer<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Financial Holdings<br />
as of February 15, <strong>2023</strong><br />
Checking Account $44,822.23<br />
Investment Account $94,420.76<br />
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Institute of Certified<br />
Records Managers<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> and ICRM:<br />
Partners in Excellence<br />
T<br />
his year’s <strong>NIRMA</strong> Annual Symposium will<br />
feature outstanding sessions that provide<br />
current and timely education to professionals in<br />
the Nuclear Energy Industry.<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> also has a professional alliance with the<br />
Institute of Certified Records Managers (ICRM)<br />
whereby <strong>NIRMA</strong> creates and the ICRM administers<br />
advanced certification and recognition through the<br />
Nuclear Information and Records Specialist (NS)<br />
certification. This certification is conferred on Certified<br />
Records Managers (CRM) and Certified Records<br />
Analysts (CRA) who meet the additional NS<br />
qualifications and pass the certification exam. This<br />
mutually beneficial relationship is almost as old as the<br />
institutions themselves.<br />
The ICRM was incorporated in 1975 to provide<br />
standards by which individuals involved in records and<br />
information management could be “measured,<br />
accredited and recognized according to criteria of<br />
experience and capability”. They partner with<br />
organizations whose core mission is to advance the field<br />
through education, advocacy, and professional<br />
development opportunities.<br />
In 1976, <strong>NIRMA</strong> was founded as the nuclear<br />
industry’s leader in information and records<br />
management. The mission of <strong>NIRMA</strong> is to provide<br />
guidance to those in the Nuclear Energy Industry for<br />
managing the information and records generated in this<br />
highly regulated environment. Aligning with the ICRM<br />
helps provide the resources and support needed for<br />
continuing education and professional development of<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> members.<br />
ICRM Certification<br />
The ICRM has two primary certifications, the CRM<br />
and the CRA, the<br />
latter was<br />
established in<br />
2017. These<br />
certifications<br />
provide a strong<br />
foundation of the<br />
knowledge and<br />
skills needed in the<br />
Records and<br />
Information<br />
Governance<br />
profession. There<br />
are six exam parts<br />
to pass for the<br />
CRM, including<br />
five 100-question<br />
By Deborah Robbins<br />
Chair of the ICRM Mentoring<br />
Committee<br />
multiple choice tests (Parts 1-5) and a written exam<br />
(Part 6) to become certified. To receive the CRA<br />
designation, an individual must pass Exam Parts 2-4.<br />
In 1990, the ICRM and <strong>NIRMA</strong> came<br />
together to develop an advanced<br />
certification for the Nuclear Industry.<br />
The concept was to develop an<br />
industry specific examination module.<br />
Nuclear Information and<br />
Records Specialist (NS)<br />
Certification<br />
In 1990, the ICRM and <strong>NIRMA</strong> came together to<br />
develop an advanced certification for the Nuclear<br />
14 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Industry. The concept was to develop an industry<br />
specific examination module. The result of this<br />
relationship is the NS certification. This certification<br />
process is guided by the ICRM Exam Development<br />
Committee and the <strong>NIRMA</strong> Professional Certification<br />
Committee. <strong>NIRMA</strong> develops exam content and the<br />
ICRM administers the online testing process.<br />
In 2018, the <strong>NIRMA</strong> board voted to permit nuclear<br />
CRAs to sit for the Nuclear Information and Records<br />
Specialist examination to earn the Certified Records<br />
Analyst/Nuclear Information and Records Specialist<br />
(CRA/NS) certification. Prior to 2018, only CRMs were<br />
allowed to sit for the NS certification. Currently, any<br />
CRM or CRA <strong>NIRMA</strong> member in good standing, who<br />
has the requisite amount of nuclear records and<br />
information management (RIM) experience, can apply<br />
to sit for the NS exam.<br />
To assist individuals in their effort to obtain the<br />
CRA/CRM and the NS certifications, the ICRM has<br />
created a mentoring program that matches candidates to<br />
mentors who are already CRMs.<br />
A committee was established to<br />
enhance this area by providing<br />
resources for candidates studying for<br />
the exam, as well as creating a Mentor<br />
Program for all exam parts.<br />
What is the ICRM Mentoring<br />
Program?<br />
The Mentoring Program underwent a significant<br />
change in 2019. Historically mentors had been available<br />
for Exam Part 6 (the written exam), but there were no<br />
resources for individuals for Exam Parts 1-5.<br />
A committee was established to enhance this area by<br />
providing resources for candidates studying for the<br />
exam, as well as creating a Mentor Program for all exam<br />
parts. This program is guided by the ICRM Mentoring<br />
Committee and there is no cost associated with<br />
participating in the program. Mentors assist candidates<br />
by:<br />
• Sharing familiarity with ICRM Exam processes and<br />
procedures.<br />
• Sharing successes and challenges in RIM in<br />
alignment with the CRM exam outline and key<br />
knowledge areas.<br />
• Providing information on resources available to<br />
assist in preparing for exams.<br />
• Assisting in determining mentee’s areas of strength<br />
and weaknesses.<br />
• Providing guidance, feedback, and discussion on the<br />
annotated outlines and practice questions.<br />
• Discussing test-taking strategies.<br />
• Cheering candidates on and celebrating their<br />
successes!<br />
For information about upcoming workshops and<br />
exam resources, including how to apply as a candidate,<br />
visit Applying for The Examination | Institute of<br />
Certified Records Managers (icrm.org). If you are<br />
already a candidate and would like more information<br />
about the Mentoring Program, please check out the<br />
information found at Exam Preparation Resources |<br />
Institute of Certified Records Managers (icrm.org).<br />
About the Author<br />
Deborah Robbins is the Chair of the ICRM Mentoring<br />
Committee and works as a contractor for the<br />
Department of Energy, Office of Legacy Management<br />
program under the auspices of TFE, Inc.<br />
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siget:<br />
Focused on artificial<br />
intelligence<br />
By Bob Larrivee<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>’s Director of Technical Programs<br />
<strong>2023</strong> is a very<br />
exciting year for<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>!<br />
I<br />
n 2022, The <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board<br />
announced the formation of<br />
a Special Interest Group on<br />
Emerging Technologies<br />
(SIGET). I am pleased to announce<br />
that SIGET is now part of<br />
Regulations and Information<br />
Management Business Unit<br />
(RIMBU) and will be Co-chaired by<br />
Ron Hedges and Stephen<br />
Fleshman.<br />
I am pleased to<br />
announce that the<br />
first area of focus<br />
for SIGET is a<br />
very hot topic.<br />
I am also pleased to announce<br />
that the first area of focus for<br />
SIGET is a very hot topic now<br />
across every business and in<br />
particular, the nuclear industry. The<br />
technology is artificial intelligence<br />
(AI), a technology with a great<br />
amount of publicity, both good and<br />
not so good in that it scares many<br />
people, while at the same time, it is<br />
proven to be of great benefit in<br />
automating business processes,<br />
enhancing the curation process, and<br />
even making some decisions based<br />
on preset criteria.<br />
As we move forward in <strong>2023</strong>, you<br />
will see webinars, sessions at the<br />
symposium, even a white paper<br />
related to AI in nuclear. It is the role<br />
of SIGET to investigate emerging<br />
technologies like AI, identify if and<br />
where the technology is being used<br />
in nuclear operations, evaluate<br />
applications of this technology, and<br />
create informative materials that will<br />
bring greater awareness to the<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> membership. At the same<br />
time, white papers generated by<br />
SIGET, working with RIMBU, these<br />
white papers can become the<br />
foundation for more detailed<br />
positioning papers, technical guides,<br />
and even educational sessions by<br />
teaming with Professional<br />
Development Business Unit<br />
(PDBU).<br />
Soon, you will see articles from<br />
me, Ron, and Stephen that provide a<br />
glimpse of the future, and some<br />
considerations that as an<br />
Information Professional, you may<br />
want to consider in relation to your<br />
information and process<br />
management efforts.<br />
If you are interested in becoming<br />
a part of SIGET, you can reach out<br />
to me, Ron, or Stephen and we will<br />
gladly work with you to become part<br />
of the team.<br />
Not a <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
Member?<br />
Click here and<br />
join TODAY!<br />
16 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
ADVISOR TO THE <strong>NIRMA</strong> BOARD<br />
T<br />
he <strong>NIRMA</strong> Board welcomes a new volunteer, Dan<br />
Cassity, to the role of Technical Advisor to the Board.<br />
Dan introduces himself as follows:<br />
“After working at Ameren for 7 years, I'm currently the<br />
Lead Information Manager and Senior Product Owner for<br />
Enterprise Content Management. We manage a large assortment<br />
of Microsoft 365 products and we provide Information<br />
Architecture services to help co-workers transform business<br />
processes. Prior to joining Ameren, I was a Senior Human<br />
Resources & Readiness Manager in the United States Air Force.<br />
I retired after 20 years of Active Duty service. I spend my free<br />
time with my family and my hobbies include graphic design,<br />
illustration, and writing."<br />
Dan is quickly getting familiar with <strong>NIRMA</strong> and assisted Sarah with the SharePoint upgrade, formatting the new<br />
logo, and more! We appreciate his volunteer time and support for <strong>NIRMA</strong>.<br />
Thank you Chris!<br />
e sincerely thank Chris Boudreaux for his past<br />
W<br />
service to <strong>NIRMA</strong> in the role of "Technical<br />
Advisor to the Board". There is a lot of "tech"<br />
behind the scenes of <strong>NIRMA</strong> including its<br />
website, online store, webinars, eMagazines, and Sharepoint<br />
site. Chris was the first to serve in this newly created role in<br />
August 2018 while also serving as the RIMBU director with<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong>. He provided excellent support and<br />
recommendations to the Board over the years. While Chris<br />
is stepping out of this role, he continues his busy "day job"<br />
in Cyber/Technology with STP Nuclear.<br />
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Professional Development<br />
Business Unit (PDBU) News<br />
Lou Rofrano, PDBU Director<br />
Being your best!<br />
inter is slowly drawing to a<br />
W<br />
close and spring is fast<br />
approaching. We are<br />
through the frenzy of the<br />
winter holidays and even the Super<br />
Bowl is in the rearview mirror.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> is the season of renewal, a<br />
time when the warm sun and<br />
additional daylight awakens the<br />
beauty that has laid dormant during<br />
the winter months.<br />
It has always struck me that it is<br />
the same for most people. In the<br />
spring we all seem to become a little<br />
more optimistic and energized. Even<br />
if you love winter sports and the<br />
gorgeous vistas that winter can<br />
provide, most people welcome the<br />
changes that spring brings and are<br />
affected by the change in season. It<br />
is the perfect time to capitalize on<br />
those energies to improve both<br />
personally and professionally.<br />
Here then are some spring time<br />
strategies for professional and<br />
personal development you may find<br />
useful.<br />
Personal<br />
• Stop scrolling and put down the<br />
phone. Smart phones today<br />
consume a tremendous amount<br />
of time and energy. Who among<br />
us has not lost time to these<br />
devices that for some become an<br />
addiction? If you can remember<br />
a time when your phone was on<br />
the wall and when you left home<br />
you could enjoy the serenity of<br />
not being in contact. Find the<br />
time to put down the phone and<br />
enjoy some quality time with<br />
yourself or someone important.<br />
• Focus on something you have<br />
wanted to do just for you and do<br />
it. Remember that you work at<br />
least five days a week and you<br />
should never feel bad about<br />
saying “this day away from the<br />
office is mine!”<br />
• Take the time to learn a new skill<br />
that will make life easier or more<br />
fun. It might be something small<br />
such as one of those useful<br />
“hacks” that make you smile.<br />
• With so many people working<br />
from home it is easy to get stuck<br />
in that office chair. Remember to<br />
get up and move. Take a walk<br />
over lunch and enjoy the fresh<br />
air. You will come back to the<br />
office energized and your<br />
creativity recharged.<br />
Professional<br />
• Likely you are looking at some<br />
challenging objectives for the<br />
first and second quarter. Make a<br />
list of the micro-steps you need<br />
to take to achieve each goal on<br />
time. Large objectives can seem<br />
over whelming when looked at<br />
with a macro view. Cut the job<br />
into manageable pieces and<br />
achieve more with less stress.<br />
• Select and participate in one<br />
event that develops a key skill set<br />
that will make you more<br />
successful. Plenty of resources<br />
are available on-line for every<br />
imaginable business skill. Often<br />
they are boiled down into<br />
useable summaries that speed<br />
adult learning.<br />
• Connect and network with other<br />
professionals on LinkedIn and<br />
start conversations with those<br />
contacts. Learn and share within<br />
the Records Management Global<br />
Community.<br />
• Start preparing to get your<br />
records management credentials,<br />
such as Certified Records<br />
Manager or Certified Records<br />
Analyst. Did you know we have<br />
ICRM leadership on the <strong>NIRMA</strong><br />
team? Start a conversation.<br />
• Burned bridges are costly. If you<br />
have a professional relationship<br />
that has frayed over time but<br />
both parties would benefit by<br />
repairing that connection, then<br />
take positive steps to reconnect.<br />
<strong>Spring</strong> is a great time to renew<br />
and reflect.<br />
• Commit to enlarge your presence<br />
within the <strong>NIRMA</strong> community.<br />
There is lots of work to go<br />
around and your help could<br />
make the difference to all the<br />
other members. Sign up to<br />
18 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
(M&M) Business Unit News<br />
G<br />
reetings and a Happy <strong>2023</strong> from the<br />
Membership & Marketing Business Unit<br />
(M&MBU). For those of you that are not<br />
aware, we are the folks working hard to<br />
educate the many about the <strong>NIRMA</strong> mission and<br />
ultimately get more folks to join <strong>NIRMA</strong>, become more<br />
involved, and ensure that everyone is getting the most<br />
value from their membership. We welcome input and<br />
new ideas and would love to hear from other members!<br />
As we look forward to <strong>2023</strong>, we on the M&MBU<br />
Unit are constantly looking for ways to expand the<br />
outreach of <strong>NIRMA</strong> to all parties involved in Nuclear<br />
Records and Information Management. One area we<br />
are putting efforts into is trying to expand our outreach<br />
to more international audiences. We have a small<br />
international presence today and believe that we can<br />
expand further with this community. Currently, the<br />
international community is developing more new<br />
reactors and plants than the US and we hope to drive<br />
some new membership from them. We have begun<br />
reaching out to our colleagues overseas as well as<br />
vendors and customers to our north in Canada. If you<br />
have any suggestions about how to increase outreach to<br />
these folks or others, please let us know.<br />
Have you been enjoying the monthly member<br />
webinars from <strong>NIRMA</strong>? We hope so and if you were<br />
not aware, this is another area that the M&MBU helps<br />
to plan and facilitate. We have an exciting lineup of<br />
topics and speakers coming up in the next few months<br />
that we hope you will take advantage of and that you<br />
have been getting value from the topics and presenters<br />
so far. We always welcome new topics and ideas for<br />
Devin Cote, M&MBU Director<br />
future events. Do you have a great vendor or<br />
technology that you work with or a solution you would<br />
like to share? Let us know!<br />
As you are all hopefully aware by now, the <strong>2023</strong><br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> Symposium is scheduled for August 7-9<br />
followed by the Business Unit meetings on August 10-<br />
11. We are still aways away, but it’s not too early to<br />
start planning and getting your approvals to attend this<br />
year’s symposium in person. If you are like most of us<br />
and need to provide some justification for attending the<br />
symposium, we have your back! In the works is a<br />
sample of a justification that you can tweak and modify<br />
with your management for the event. We hope to have<br />
this compiled and distributed soon.<br />
We are always looking for new partners and vendors<br />
that can contribute to <strong>NIRMA</strong>’s mission and set our<br />
members up for success. If you have any vendors or<br />
partners that you work with, please check with them to<br />
see if they would be interested in participating with<br />
<strong>NIRMA</strong> or joining us at the Symposium. If there’s a<br />
company or technology making your life easier and<br />
solving your information challenges, we would love to<br />
hear about them and try to get them more involved.<br />
Finally, for those that are interested in joining our<br />
meetings and adding value to the mission, we meet on<br />
the first Wednesday of the month at 1PM ET. Please<br />
reach out to Devin Cote @<br />
devin.cote@microfocus.com for the invite or for<br />
additional information.<br />
Thank you!<br />
present at one of the monthly webinars. Don’t hide<br />
your light that can shine on others and reflect<br />
positively on you.<br />
• Finally, lock in your travel dates and get registered<br />
for this year’s <strong>NIRMA</strong> Symposium. We are excited<br />
about some of the plans that are already in motion.<br />
Learn and lead at this great annual event.<br />
Make it a great spring and find some time to be your<br />
best!<br />
Don’t forget we welcome one and all on our Monthly<br />
PDBU conference call held on the 3 rd Friday of every<br />
month at 9:00 Central. Contact Lou Rofrano,<br />
Lou@AMSStoeandShred.com or Gil Brueckner,<br />
Gil.Brueckner@ge.com to find out how to join us.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 19
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Regulations and Information<br />
Management Business Unit<br />
(RIMBU) News<br />
By Jordan Locke<br />
T<br />
Current Business<br />
he RIMBU team is preparing for our annual<br />
spring meeting on March 7th and 8th. This<br />
year, we are traveling to Richland, Washington<br />
where one of our team members has<br />
organized a tour of the Hanford site! We will be<br />
conducting several brainstorming sessions to focus on<br />
SIGET, RIM Beyond Design Basis, and continuing<br />
our efforts on our technical guidelines (TG)<br />
consolidation project, and benchmarking. We will<br />
have several presenters who will share information on<br />
industry foundation class (IFC) for 3D Models, the<br />
upcoming plans for TG consolidation, Electronic<br />
Signature Q&A, and many others.<br />
Status of RIMBU Action Items<br />
RIMBU has several action items we are working<br />
on. In November of last year, the RIMBU team voted<br />
to reaffirm TG-11, TG-15 and TG-21 and lastly a<br />
revision to TG-16 is in the works. In addition to the<br />
TG reaffirmation/revisions, we are conducting a<br />
comprehensive benchmark on the current state of<br />
RM across our industry. If you have not received the<br />
link to participate in the <strong>NIRMA</strong>/RIMBU survey,<br />
please reach out to our <strong>NIRMA</strong> administrator.<br />
(nirma@nirma.org).<br />
Join RIMBU and Get Involved!<br />
RIMBU provides many opportunities for individuals<br />
to increase their working knowledge of industry<br />
standards, conduct benchmarking, gain experience, and<br />
influence the standard industry guidance utilized by their<br />
RM teams. If you are interested in joining, please reach<br />
out to our Business Unit Director, Stephanie Price at<br />
sjprice@southernco.com or our Co-Director, Rhonda<br />
Redding at Rhonda.redding@evergy.com.<br />
20 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
NASA's Artemis to<br />
take nuclear power<br />
to the moon<br />
By Paul Day<br />
The Artemis I project’s uncrewed Orion spacecraft,<br />
which flew further than any spacecraft built for humans,<br />
is just the first of increasingly complex missions aimed<br />
at turning the moon into an outpost with a long-term<br />
human presence and as a steppingstone to Mars and<br />
further space exploration.<br />
But, in order for a human inhabited moon base to<br />
function on the lunar surface, where temperatures swing<br />
between -233C at night and 123C during the day, a<br />
reliable, constant power source is needed, and part of<br />
that power source will be nuclear, NASA has said.<br />
“We’re investing in what is characterized as an Earth/<br />
moon economy by developing a capability for a<br />
sustained human presence on the surface of the moon.<br />
There are some basic needs that accompany this, and<br />
high-powered infrastructure is one of them,” says<br />
Anthony Calomino, nuclear technologies portfolio<br />
manager for NASA’s Space Technology Mission<br />
Directorate.<br />
NASA and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)<br />
announced earlier this year they have selected three<br />
concept proposals for Phase One design of a fission<br />
surface power (FSP) system which, initially, would<br />
provide at least 40 kW of power, enough to run 30<br />
households for ten years.<br />
Those include designs from Lockheed Martin, partnered<br />
with BWXT and Creare, Westinghouse with Aerojet<br />
Rocketdyne, and IX, a joint venture between Intuitive<br />
Machines and X-Energy and partnered with Maxar and<br />
Boeing.<br />
The plan is to build a system that is scalable to a higher<br />
power without having a wholesale new design on the<br />
Artist's concept of new fission power system<br />
on the lunar surface. (Source: NASA)<br />
reactor or the power conversion systems. Capacity<br />
needs to be scalable to hundreds of kilowatts and,<br />
eventually, megawatts, something which fission power<br />
systems are uniquely suited to do, Calomino says.<br />
Phase Two will include a tested flight system that will<br />
transport a demonstration to the lunar surface by the<br />
end of this decade.<br />
Keep it light<br />
The main challenge for any system headed for the moon<br />
is that it must be jettisoned out of the Earth’s<br />
atmosphere as efficiently and economically as possible,<br />
and that means keeping the system’s mass at a<br />
minimum.<br />
“Mass is always the biggest concern for any space<br />
hardware, because it has to leave Earth, so the lighter<br />
you make it the better that capability can be in terms of<br />
servicing an operation in space,” Calomino says.<br />
“In terms of size and mass, kilowatts per kilogram, and<br />
just the logistics of getting<br />
this capability right, it has to<br />
be designed to be built on<br />
earth, then we have<br />
Continued on page 23.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 21
Solving Life Obsolescence a Key Part of the<br />
Puzzle for Nuclear Life Extensions<br />
By Paul Day<br />
Operators must be able to swap out<br />
old parts for new to keep a reactor<br />
running, but when like-for-like is<br />
unavailable, OEMs are faced with<br />
the challenge of finding an<br />
alternative while avoiding making<br />
any major changes.<br />
“There’s a rule of thumb that if a<br />
plant has to do a design change, it’ll<br />
cost anywhere from $300,000-<br />
$500,000 just in engineering,<br />
licensing changes, drawing changes,<br />
and that doesn’t include the cost of<br />
the required equipment … so we try,<br />
wherever possible, to keep our<br />
clients from doing a design change,”<br />
says Vice President of Westinghouse<br />
Parts Business in its Operating Plant<br />
Services unit Craig Irish.<br />
However, design changes and other<br />
innovative solutions such as additive<br />
manufacturing will be needed as an<br />
increasing number of nuclear power<br />
plant operators extend their plants’<br />
lives from the original 40 years to 60<br />
years or further.<br />
Life extensions<br />
Many of the world’s nuclear power<br />
plants having been built in the latter<br />
part of the last century and<br />
applications for long-term operations<br />
(LTOs) are becoming increasingly<br />
common.<br />
As of the end of 2020, over 100<br />
nuclear reactors worldwide were<br />
operating beyond their initial 40-<br />
year licensed periods, with more<br />
than 30% of the nuclear fleet<br />
operating under LTO conditions,<br />
the OECD-NEA says.<br />
In the United States, where<br />
nuclear power has supplied 20%<br />
of electricity and is currently<br />
running 93 reactors with two new<br />
units under construction, the<br />
average age of the fleet is 41 years<br />
including three reactors that started<br />
operation 52 years ago, according<br />
to the Department of Energy<br />
(DOE).<br />
Nine U.S. reactors have active<br />
applications with the Nuclear<br />
Regulatory Commission (NRC) to<br />
extend their lives and 10 reactors<br />
have publicly announced plans to<br />
extend their licenses to 80 years.<br />
“Under current license basis 92<br />
percent of operating reactors would<br />
shut down by 2050 and 74 percent<br />
would shut down by 2050 with<br />
anticipated license renewals.<br />
However, if 54 reactors extended<br />
operation to 80 years, only 20<br />
percent of operating reactors would<br />
shut down by 2050,” the DOE said<br />
in its 2022 report on nuclear energy<br />
supply chains.<br />
U.S. Nuclear Power Reactor<br />
License Expirations by Year<br />
Westinghouse's 3D-printed thimble<br />
plug (Source: Westinghouse)<br />
Source: U.S. Department of Energy<br />
Obsolescence challenge<br />
The challenge, say OEMs, is keeping<br />
a supply chain running and up to<br />
date for complex, always-on<br />
machines that were built with<br />
Reagan-era (or earlier) technology.<br />
According to Westinghouse, a<br />
leading global parts manufacturer for<br />
power stations, approximately 35%<br />
of installed equipment in the nuclear<br />
industry is obsolete.<br />
In fact, with construction times for<br />
some plants approaching ten years,<br />
many of the parts can be obsolete<br />
before the plant has even started<br />
generating power, according to<br />
Westinghouse’s Irish.<br />
The high cost of design changes<br />
means that many operators, working<br />
with a plant that went online in the<br />
Continued on page 23.<br />
22 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Continued from page 21.<br />
to get that hardware to wherever it is we want to use it,<br />
and these are relatively small, compact systems that are<br />
well suited to that.”<br />
For a 40-50 kW system, the reactor itself would be<br />
around the size of a small trash can, though once the<br />
systems are built around that including electronics,<br />
controls, and safety components, that grows to the size<br />
of a refrigerator.<br />
Add to that the power conversion system, such as<br />
radiators, the entire system grows to a medium-sized<br />
shipping container.<br />
Such a system could be transported in one or two<br />
payloads, or one launch vehicle.<br />
Infographic<br />
showing the evolution<br />
of lunar activities<br />
on the surface and<br />
in orbit:<br />
Article reprinted with permission of<br />
Reuters. Read full article here.<br />
Continued from page 22.<br />
1970’s, would work hard to keep it looking the same by<br />
the time it is set for decommissioning in 2030, he says.<br />
This was especially challenging when dealing with<br />
instrumentation and control (I&C) parts which may<br />
have worked with dials and levers when the plant was<br />
built but now in many cases can be digitalized.<br />
“They try like hell to keep plants exactly the same, with<br />
the same technology, the same parts, though obviously<br />
that’s not realistic, so operators have to introduce digital<br />
products where it makes sense,” he says.<br />
Internationally, part of the challenge is many of the parts<br />
produced for the nuclear industry face varying<br />
specifications depending on the regulator they are<br />
working under, restricting an already tight market to<br />
national boundaries.<br />
Such differences will become even more pronounced<br />
with the introduction of a new generation of reactors<br />
expected to begin commercial operations within the<br />
next decade, with more than 70 SMR designs under<br />
development in 18 countries.<br />
A common approach<br />
To meet the challenge, the nuclear industry must work<br />
along similar, if not identical, international guidelines.<br />
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and<br />
the OECD-NEA Nuclear Harmonization and<br />
Standardization Initiative (NHSI) was launched in 2022<br />
to bring together policymakers, regulators, designers,<br />
vendors, and operators to<br />
develop common regulatory<br />
and industrial approaches<br />
that view nuclear as<br />
a global fleet.<br />
Article reprinted with permission of<br />
Reuters. Read full article here.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 23
It’s only February, and so far this<br />
year, NEI is tracking more than 100<br />
bills related to nuclear energy.<br />
Building on the historic momentum<br />
seen in legislatures across the<br />
country last year, <strong>2023</strong> is proving to<br />
be just as significant as policymakers<br />
continue to turn to nuclear energy as<br />
the solution to energy woes.<br />
From Alaska to Maine, and just<br />
about everywhere in between,<br />
conversations on the importance of<br />
reliable, carbon-free energy are<br />
taking place in state houses.<br />
2022 was an unprecedented year for<br />
nuclear policy in the U.S. with 19<br />
states considering legislation and 12<br />
states enacting policies to support<br />
existing and new nuclear generation.<br />
Although we are just weeks into<br />
<strong>2023</strong>, here are the biggest legislative<br />
trends we are already seeing in state<br />
capitals:<br />
1. Advanced reactors<br />
What does the next generation<br />
of nuclear reactors look like?<br />
Just ask Virginia! Late last year,<br />
Governor Youngkin announced<br />
his moonshot intention to<br />
deploy a small modular reactor<br />
(SMR) in the Commonwealth<br />
within a decade. The General<br />
Assembly is actively considering<br />
multiple pieces of legislation that<br />
would help make this moonshot<br />
a reality. We are also seeing<br />
efforts to support advanced<br />
reactors in Washington, Indiana,<br />
Nebraska, Minnesota, New<br />
York, Oklahoma, Connecticut,<br />
South Dakota, West Virginia,<br />
Illinois, Oregon, and Maine.<br />
2. Moratorium repeals<br />
Last year, we saw West Virginia<br />
and Connecticut move to repeal<br />
their antiquated laws prohibiting<br />
the construction of nuclear<br />
facilities. This year, measures<br />
have been introduced in<br />
California, Oregon, Minnesota,<br />
and Illinois repealing each state’s<br />
nuclear moratorium.<br />
3. Workforce development<br />
NEI surveyed its member<br />
utilities and found that nearly<br />
300 gigawatts of small modular<br />
reactors would be needed by<br />
2050. This enormous demand<br />
requires a pipeline of trained and<br />
qualified workers—who will<br />
enjoy high-paying, long-lasting<br />
jobs. We’re seeing efforts in<br />
Washington, Virginia, West<br />
Virginia, South Carolina, and<br />
Nebraska to proactively develop<br />
the institutions necessary to train<br />
the next generation of the<br />
nuclear workforce.<br />
4. Clean energy standards<br />
What is the nation’s largest form<br />
of clean, carbon-free<br />
energy? States know the answer<br />
and are defining nuclear in<br />
standards and policies.<br />
Lawmakers in Missouri, Virginia,<br />
Continued on page 25.<br />
24 <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>
Save the Dates<br />
August 7-9, <strong>2023</strong> – Symposium<br />
August 10-11, <strong>2023</strong> – Business Unit Meetings<br />
JW Marriott Resort & Spa<br />
221 N. Rampart Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada<br />
Continued from page 24.<br />
New Hampshire, Connecticut,<br />
Massachusetts, Colorado, New<br />
Mexico, Tennessee, Idaho, and<br />
Arizona are moving to recognize<br />
nuclear as a fundamental and<br />
reliable clean source of<br />
energy. Minnesota moved<br />
quickly and just signed into law a<br />
clean energy standard, which<br />
includes nuclear, to meet their<br />
100% carbon-free goal by 2040.<br />
5. Studying Nuclear Energy<br />
States with and without nuclear<br />
assets are looking to learn more<br />
about advanced nuclear<br />
technology. New Hampshire,<br />
Michigan, Maryland, Montana,<br />
and Nebraska have led the<br />
charge with commissioning<br />
feasibility studies. This year<br />
South Dakota has already passed<br />
their SMR study bill, while<br />
Colorado, Oklahoma,<br />
Minnesota, and New York are<br />
exploring study options.<br />
Nebraska and Minnesota are<br />
particularly interested in<br />
hydrogen production from<br />
nuclear energy.<br />
6. Governors on deck<br />
Governors are talking nuclear in<br />
their State of the State<br />
Addresses. Tennessee’s<br />
Governor Lee just proposed a<br />
$50 million Nuclear Fast Track<br />
fund to recruit companies that<br />
will specifically establish a<br />
nuclear development and<br />
manufacturing ecosystem in the<br />
state. Wyoming’s Governor<br />
Gordon, Alaska’s Governor<br />
Dunleavy, and Virginia’s<br />
Governor Youngkin also touted<br />
nuclear projects in their<br />
addresses.<br />
As you can see, <strong>2023</strong> is shaping up<br />
to be an exciting year for the nuclear<br />
industry. As policymakers face<br />
concerns about maintaining a reliable<br />
electric grid, meeting carbon<br />
emission goals, and lowering<br />
electricity prices, they are turning to<br />
nuclear energy as the solution.<br />
Looking to learn more about<br />
historical legislative and regulatory<br />
success around nuclear energy?<br />
Visit NEI’s report on state<br />
legislation and regulations and<br />
read NCSL’s recent report on<br />
nuclear policy in the states.<br />
Looking to see what policy actions<br />
can be taken to reduce barriers to<br />
advanced nuclear deployment?<br />
Visit NEI’s report on policy options<br />
for states.<br />
Also, please share “What Every<br />
Governor Needs to Know About<br />
Nuclear” and “What Every<br />
Legislator Needs to Know About<br />
Nuclear” with your networks<br />
of state policymakers.<br />
Article reprinted with permission of<br />
NEI. Read full article here.<br />
Back to Content | <strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong>.org <strong>Spring</strong> <strong>2023</strong> 25
<strong>Inside</strong> <strong>NIRMA</strong> Magazine is<br />
published three times annually.<br />
Click here to view past issues.