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Orton Gillingham Activity Book: Learn to

Read Write and Spell Activities for Kids

With Dyslexia


Orton Gillingham Activity Book: Learn to

Read Write and Spell Activities for Kids With


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Orton Gillingham Activity Book: Learn to

Read Write and Spell Activities for Kids With



COPY LINK: https://pdf.bookcenterapp.com/yumpu/B09RM8WJ6H What is

Orton&#8211Gilingham approach?Orton&#8211Gilingham is a teaching approach created by

neuropsychiatrist and pathologist Dr. Samuel T. Orton and educator, psychologist Anna

Gillingham to help struggling readers improve reading skills by explicitly teaching the connections

between letters and sounds. and this approach is considered one of the most effective approaches

for teaching students with dyslexia.This book includes the following activities:-Alphabet Activities-

Sight words Activities -Reading comprehension-Phonics-Vowles-Phonics -Rhyming words-

Prepositions-Reading and writing -Sight words (Word Search)-Alphabet Maze-Beginning

soundsand more fun activities.

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