2022 Year in Review

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<strong>2022</strong><br />



Dear Friend,<br />

Dur<strong>in</strong>g the 2021-<strong>2022</strong> academic year, Dwight Hall students were optimistic about return<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

<strong>in</strong>-person service and resum<strong>in</strong>g some semblance of normalcy. However, we cont<strong>in</strong>ued to deal with<br />

challenges for our students and community as the successive waves of COVID variants kept us<br />

from break<strong>in</strong>g free of the necessary safety restrictions. Dwight Hall persevered as a community<br />

and change agent dedicated to service and justice.<br />

In the face of these challenges, the Hall adapted by:<br />

• cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g to support the virtual and creative efforts of dozens of student-led<br />

member groups to serve and advocate;<br />

• grow<strong>in</strong>g and expand<strong>in</strong>g the reach of the <strong>2022</strong> Summer Fellows program to<br />

New Haven, New York City, and communities across the country;<br />

Dwight Hall at Yale nurtures and <strong>in</strong>spires students<br />

as leaders of social change and advances justice and<br />

service <strong>in</strong> New Haven and around the world.<br />

Engage: Forg<strong>in</strong>g trusted partnerships with New Haven neighborhoods, organizations, and<br />

agencies through community-engaged service.<br />

In <strong>2022</strong>, the Hall returned to <strong>in</strong>-person service at the end of the spr<strong>in</strong>g semester and helped<br />

seventy-four Dwight Hall member groups reorient to the local community.<br />

Grow: Develop<strong>in</strong>g students’ <strong>in</strong>tellectual, moral, civic, and creative capacities to the fullest<br />

with experiential learn<strong>in</strong>g, <strong>in</strong>ternships, fellowships, mentorships, and tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs.<br />

Dwight Hall significantly expanded fellowship offer<strong>in</strong>gs to <strong>in</strong>clude new programs such as Member<br />

Group Fellows, broadened the FOCUS on New Haven Camp Yale Program to a record number of<br />

participants and community partners, and launched an ambitious expansion plan for grow<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

Summer Fellows program.<br />

• advanc<strong>in</strong>g the Yale Prison Education Initiative’s expansion <strong>in</strong>to a women’s<br />

correctional facility <strong>in</strong> Danbury; and<br />

• welcom<strong>in</strong>g U.S. Grant Foundation middle schoolers back to the Hall for the<br />

first time s<strong>in</strong>ce 2019.<br />

Two important lessons emerged from these<br />

experiences. One was that respond<strong>in</strong>g to the urgent<br />

needs of communities <strong>in</strong> New Haven and beyond<br />

was as critical as ever. While the Hall prioritizes<br />

student <strong>in</strong>itiative at the center of its work, we<br />

also need to ensure the work meets the needs of<br />

community partners. Another lesson was that<br />

community engagement, public service, and seek<strong>in</strong>g<br />

social justice are not optional add-ons to Dwight Hall students’ college experience and <strong>in</strong>stead<br />

are essential components to their learn<strong>in</strong>g and formation as Yalies prepar<strong>in</strong>g for lives that <strong>in</strong>clude<br />

service and leadership <strong>in</strong> the world after graduation.<br />

These lessons learned from a time of protracted uncerta<strong>in</strong>ty have spurred the Hall to make a<br />

greater commitment to <strong>in</strong>spir<strong>in</strong>g students as leaders of social change and to advance justice and<br />

service <strong>in</strong> New Haven and around the world. The times we are liv<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> more than ever call for<br />

compassionate and <strong>in</strong>ventive leaders who listen and respond to the needs of their community.<br />

Dwight Hall is committed to redoubl<strong>in</strong>g its efforts to nurture those leaders. Change happens here.<br />

Yours <strong>in</strong> Service,<br />

Respond<strong>in</strong>g to the urgent<br />

needs of communities <strong>in</strong><br />

New Haven and beyond<br />

was as critical as ever.<br />

Advance: Support<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>tergenerational community-build<strong>in</strong>g collaborative projects and <strong>in</strong>cubat<strong>in</strong>g<br />

<strong>in</strong>novative solutions that br<strong>in</strong>g about last<strong>in</strong>g change <strong>in</strong> New Haven and around the world.<br />

The Yale Prison Education Initiative began offer<strong>in</strong>g Yale College courses to <strong>in</strong>carcerated women <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Danbury Federal Correctional Institution, the New Haven Civic Allyship Initiative raised awareness<br />

about vot<strong>in</strong>g rights <strong>in</strong> partnership with the Full Citizens Coalition, Co-Op After School saw its highest<br />

number of participants s<strong>in</strong>ce the start of the pandemic, and the Muslim Leadership Lab hosted artist<br />

and activist Lauren Schreiber.<br />

Bradford Williams ’10<br />

Board Chair<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r.<br />

Executive Director & General Secretary<br />


2021-<strong>2022</strong><br />

Academic <strong>Year</strong> by the Numbers<br />




for Capacity Build<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> New Haven<br />

and Beyond*<br />

TOTAL<br />



(Equivalent to 1,691 Days!)<br />


via Support From Volunteer<br />

Income Tax Assistance<br />

(VITA)<br />

AIDS Walk New Haven<br />

Alzheimer’s Buddies<br />

American Red Cross at Yale<br />

Amnesty International Club<br />

Black Solidarity Conference<br />

Black Student Alliance at Yale<br />

Black Students for<br />

Disarmament at Yale<br />

Bridges ESL<br />

Camp Kesem<br />

Campus Girl Scouts<br />

Circle of Women<br />

CityStep<br />

Code Haven<br />

Community Health Educators<br />

Crisis Text L<strong>in</strong>e at Yale:<br />

A Student Partnership<br />

DEMOS<br />

Elmseed Enterprise Fund<br />

Eng<strong>in</strong>eers Without Borders<br />

Yale University Student Chapter<br />

Environmental Education<br />

Collaborative<br />

FIRST at Yale<br />

Flyte Scholastics<br />

Funbotics<br />

Girls on the Run<br />

Global Brigades<br />

Hypertension Awareness &<br />

Prevention Project at Yale<br />

Harbor Scholars: A Dwight<br />

Hall Program at Yale<br />

Hear Your Song<br />

J.M. Bol<strong>in</strong> Program<br />

Liv<strong>in</strong>g History Project<br />

MathCOUNTS<br />

Matriculate<br />

MEChA de Yale<br />

Migration Alliance at Yale<br />

Miracle League Dance at Yale<br />

National Society of Leadership<br />

and Success Yale Chapter<br />

New Haven REACH<br />

New Haven Urban Debate League<br />

PALS<br />

Peristalsis Dance Group<br />

Public Health Coalition<br />

Reproductive Rights Action<br />

League at Yale<br />

RISE: Refugee and Immigrant<br />

Student Education<br />

Rotaract Club<br />

SheCode<br />

SolNote<br />

Special Needs Undergraduate<br />

Swim Lessons<br />

STEM & Health Equity Advocates<br />

at Yale<br />

Students Aga<strong>in</strong>st H<strong>in</strong>dutva<br />

Ideology<br />

Students for Sensible Drug Policy<br />

Synapse<br />

The Urban Philanthropic Fund<br />

The Yale Undergraduate<br />

Ethics Bowl<br />

Thi(NK)<br />

Ulysses S. Grant Foundation<br />

Urban Improvement Corps<br />

Volunteers Around the World<br />

Walden Peer Counsel<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Y2Y New Haven<br />

Yale Children’s Theater<br />

Yale Education Tutor<strong>in</strong>g Initiative<br />

Yale Effective Altruism<br />

Yale EMS<br />

Yale Genetics Club<br />

Yale Hunger and Homelessness<br />

Action Project<br />

Yale Interpretation Network<br />

Yale Muslim Students Association<br />

Yale Student Mental Health<br />

Association<br />

Yale Undergraduate Association<br />

for African Peace and<br />

Development<br />

Yale Undergraduate<br />

Legal Aid Association<br />

Yale Undergraduate Prison Project<br />

Yale Undergraduate Science<br />

Olympiad<br />

Yale Undergraduate Students<br />

for UNICEF<br />

Yale Undergraduates at<br />

Connecticut Hospice<br />

YaleBleeds<br />



ACTION<br />


3,960<br />



via Events, Workshops, and Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs<br />


Yale Undergraduate Legal Aid Association<br />

The Yale Undergraduate Legal Aid Association<br />

(YULAA) connects around two hundred and fifty<br />

Yale students to legal service organizations for<br />

mutually beneficial volunteer<strong>in</strong>g opportunities.<br />

“YULAA’s goal is to serve as an important<br />

resource for the New Haven community…<br />

volunteers do actual legal work, whether that be<br />

translat<strong>in</strong>g legal documents, writ<strong>in</strong>g affidavits<br />

for asylum-seekers, or assist<strong>in</strong>g with pardon<br />

applications.”<br />

*Dwight Hall also served as fiscal sponsor or fiscal agent for Doctors United for Ukra<strong>in</strong>e, H&H Auction, HAVEN Free Cl<strong>in</strong>ic, and Full Citizens Coalition.<br />


Community Mental Health Fellows<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

The Jane & William E. Curran ’49<br />

Dist<strong>in</strong>guished Mentor Program<br />

Dwight Hall Commons<br />

Dwight Hall Community Response<br />

Fellows<br />

Dwight Hall Early Childhood<br />

Education Fellows<br />

Dwight Hall Institutional (Days of)<br />

Service<br />

Dwight Hall Member Group<br />

Advisement<br />

Dwight Hall Member Group Fellows<br />

Dwight Hall Public School Interns<br />

Dwight Hall Socially Responsible<br />

Investment Fund<br />

Dwight Hall Summer Fellows<br />

Dwight Hall Urban Fellows<br />

Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Project Sponsorship<br />

First-<strong>Year</strong>s <strong>in</strong> Support of New Haven<br />

FOCUS on New Haven<br />

Graduate and Professional Service<br />

Support<br />

Jones-Zimmermann Academic<br />

Mentor<strong>in</strong>g Program<br />

The Rev. John G. Magee ’06<br />

Fellowship Program<br />

Muslim Leadership Lab<br />

New Haven Civic Allyship Initiative<br />

Volunteer Hub<br />

Workshops and Skills Tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs<br />

Yale Harbor Scholars<br />

Yale Prison Education Initiative<br />

Yale-Ch<strong>in</strong>a Public Resource Fellows<br />

YANA-Dwight Hall Summer Fellows<br />



The Dwight Hall Summer Fellows<br />

program supports students look<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to form last<strong>in</strong>g relationships with the<br />

New Haven community and beyond.<br />

For many years, the Yale Club of New<br />

Haven has supported this program by offer<strong>in</strong>g unique<br />

opportunities for students to dedicate themselves to<br />

creat<strong>in</strong>g social change.<br />

Jocelyne Argüelles ’23, a <strong>2022</strong> Dwight<br />

Hall Summer Fellow, <strong>in</strong>terned with<br />

Leadership Education & Athletics<br />

Partnership (LEAP), a New Haven<br />

nonprofit serv<strong>in</strong>g youth ages seven<br />

through twenty-four. Jocelyne worked<br />

on elim<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g barriers for young<br />

people and their families to engage <strong>in</strong><br />

the programs and resources that LEAP<br />

offers.<br />

“I appreciated hav<strong>in</strong>g the opportunity to speak to families<br />

and youth that live <strong>in</strong> New Haven because even though I<br />

have been <strong>in</strong> New Haven for the past three years, I would<br />

not have grown to know New Haven <strong>in</strong> the way I have<br />

this summer if I had not worked with LEAP,” she says.<br />

“Be<strong>in</strong>g able to hear directly from people about<br />

what they need helps me th<strong>in</strong>k about how I can<br />

give back to this community and harness my<br />

privilege as a Yale student <strong>in</strong> New Haven to<br />

uplift communities.” —Jocelyne Argüelles ’23<br />


FOCUS on New Haven <strong>2022</strong><br />

FOCUS on New Haven is a Camp Yale Program founded<br />

<strong>in</strong> 1991 and adm<strong>in</strong>istered by Dwight Hall. It engages Yale<br />

College first-years, sophomores, transfer students, and<br />

Eli Whitney students <strong>in</strong> community service, activism, and<br />

discussion with<strong>in</strong> and around New Haven. Students are<br />

organized <strong>in</strong>to small groups led by one to two FOCUS<br />

student leaders—termed “FOCUS families”—who work on<br />

service projects together, meet local change-makers, and th<strong>in</strong>k<br />

critically about the complex relationship between Yale and<br />

New Haven.<br />

The <strong>2022</strong> FOCUS on New Haven program boasted five<br />

hundred and fifty participants, a size that is triple the typical<br />

number for FOCUS. Students engaged <strong>in</strong> a wide variety of<br />

projects, from clean<strong>in</strong>g up East Rock Park to creat<strong>in</strong>g STEM<br />

kits for New Haven schoolchildren.<br />



First-<strong>Year</strong>s <strong>in</strong> Support of New Haven (FiS-NH) is a<br />

Dwight Hall program that seeks to connect first-year<br />

Yale students to other passionate first-years, enabl<strong>in</strong>g<br />

them to learn about and explore New Haven and make<br />

mutually beneficial relationships with New Haven<br />

leaders and community members.<br />

Lisbette Acosta ’24 is a junior <strong>in</strong> Morse College<br />

major<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> Psychology. As one of FiS-NH’s Co-<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ators, she co-creates a supportive, welcom<strong>in</strong>g,<br />

and exploratory space for first-year students to<br />

susta<strong>in</strong>ably engage with New Haven by host<strong>in</strong>g speaker<br />

events, engag<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> critical group discussions about<br />

community support, and coord<strong>in</strong>at<strong>in</strong>g paid <strong>in</strong>ternships<br />

with community partners <strong>in</strong> the spr<strong>in</strong>g.<br />

“Build<strong>in</strong>g deep<br />

trust with our<br />

fellow New<br />

Haven neighbors<br />

for years on end<br />

is a practice that<br />

I treasure deeply. I’m <strong>in</strong>credibly<br />

grateful to have met so many<br />

extraord<strong>in</strong>ary people through<br />

our love of community and<br />

mutual support.”<br />

—Lisbette Acosta ’24<br />



Co-Op After School<br />


Dwight Hall Socially Responsible Investment Fund<br />

Co-Op After School (CAS) is a partnership between Dwight Hall and<br />

Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School <strong>in</strong> downtown New Haven.<br />

In its fourteenth year, CAS offers free and accessible after-school<br />

programm<strong>in</strong>g to all Co-Op students.<br />

Challenged to regroup at the onset of the pandemic, CAS shifted its 2021-22<br />

curriculum to focus on support-based programm<strong>in</strong>g such as mutual aid,<br />

technology-lend<strong>in</strong>g, and academic support.<br />

Paul Bryant Hudson, the CAS Program Director, expla<strong>in</strong>ed, “this year has<br />

been a really challeng<strong>in</strong>g one for many reasons. And consistently, Co-Op<br />

students, CAS students, staff, teachers, and adm<strong>in</strong>istrators have shown up.”<br />

In fall of <strong>2022</strong>, CAS returned with a robust l<strong>in</strong>eup of unique programs,<br />

clubs, and events that support youth leadership development, creative<br />

exploration, and the academic and socioemotional needs of Co-Op<br />

students. CAS <strong>in</strong>troduced new programs like “Wearable Art and<br />

Entrepreneurship,” and students auditioned for “Hairspray,” this year’s<br />

musical. Student participation cont<strong>in</strong>ues to grow, with over two hundred<br />

students currently enrolled <strong>in</strong> programm<strong>in</strong>g—the highest enrollment s<strong>in</strong>ce<br />

the start of the pandemic.<br />

The Dwight Hall Socially Responsible Investment<br />

Fund (DHSRI) is a group of undergraduates that<br />

manages a portion of Dwight Hall’s endowment with a<br />

socially responsible approach to <strong>in</strong>vest<strong>in</strong>g that <strong>in</strong>corporates<br />

environmental and social impact <strong>in</strong>to <strong>in</strong>vestment<br />

decisions. It was founded <strong>in</strong> 2008 with $50,000 <strong>in</strong> alumni<br />

contributions.<br />

Students <strong>in</strong> DHSRI can manage the <strong>in</strong>vestment portfolio,<br />

participate <strong>in</strong> shareholder engagement, or jo<strong>in</strong> its newest<br />

team —Community Investment (CI).<br />

Five <strong>Year</strong>s of Community Mental Health Fellows<br />

Launched <strong>in</strong> 2018, the Community Mental Health Fellows (CMHF)<br />

program provides field experience for Yale University undergraduates<br />

with a passion for urban community mental health issues, grow<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

capacity of the Connecticut Mental Health Center Foundation to<br />

adm<strong>in</strong>ister treatment for adults <strong>in</strong> mental health and addiction recovery <strong>in</strong><br />

New Haven. Currently, n<strong>in</strong>eteen Dwight Hall CMH Fellows are ga<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g<br />

real-world experience <strong>in</strong> the medical discipl<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

<strong>2022</strong> COMMUNITY MENTAL<br />


Jocelyne Rondeau ’23, a <strong>2022</strong><br />

Community Mental Health Fellow, is<br />

a Research Track Fellow with<strong>in</strong> the<br />

Kaye Lab at the Connecticut Mental<br />

Health Center (CMHC), where she<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestigates the cellular and circuitlevel<br />

mechanisms underly<strong>in</strong>g<br />

psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy<br />

to treat PTSD.<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

provides free and<br />

accessible after-school<br />

programm<strong>in</strong>g to high<br />

school students.<br />

“I feel <strong>in</strong>credibly blessed by<br />

the mentorship I have received<br />

from my PI, supervisor, and<br />

team members alike, as well as<br />

the deeper sense of connection<br />

that I have felt with the other<br />

<strong>in</strong>credible fellows and the<br />

CMHC at large.”<br />

—Jocelyne Rondeau ’23<br />

Community Investment builds upon Dwight Hall’s<br />

broader mission of creat<strong>in</strong>g positive impact, utiliz<strong>in</strong>g<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ance to address challenges <strong>in</strong> New Haven by help<strong>in</strong>g<br />

those who are already engaged <strong>in</strong> the community. In<br />

2020, the Dwight Hall Investment Committee approved<br />

a pilot program that is a literal <strong>in</strong>terpretation of the team<br />

name: CI would use $8,000 drawn from the annual return<br />

on DHSRI’s assets under management to allocate two<br />

unrestricted $4,000 grants to New Haven nonprofits.<br />

Students on CI, led by team director Daevan Mangalmurti<br />

’24, began the process by research<strong>in</strong>g nonprofits <strong>in</strong> New<br />

Haven, emphasiz<strong>in</strong>g grassroots organizations run by New<br />

Haven locals for those <strong>in</strong> the community. Members pitched<br />

the most promis<strong>in</strong>g organizations to fellow team members.<br />

Follow<strong>in</strong>g pitches, CI selected two recipients of the DHSRI<br />

<strong>in</strong>augural grant: Elena’s Light and New Lifestyles Women<br />

Empowerment. Elena’s Light aims to build a supportive<br />

community for refugee women and children <strong>in</strong> New Haven<br />

by provid<strong>in</strong>g ESL classes, healthcare education, and a space<br />

for build<strong>in</strong>g cross-cultural connections. Similarly, New<br />

Lifestyles Women Empowerment helps women fac<strong>in</strong>g<br />

addiction, homelessness, and the difficulties of reenter<strong>in</strong>g<br />

society from prison through mentor<strong>in</strong>g and workshops.<br />

These organizations were selected for their transparency,<br />

missions that directly benefit those <strong>in</strong> New Haven, and<br />

relatively small size that made the grant more impactful.<br />

Go<strong>in</strong>g forward, Community Investment plans to cont<strong>in</strong>ue<br />

and expand the grantmak<strong>in</strong>g program, as well as ma<strong>in</strong>ta<strong>in</strong><br />

and develop relationships with past grant recipients. For the<br />

<strong>2022</strong>-23 year, DHSRI has recruited new members who are<br />

beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g the research process for a new round of grants,<br />

hop<strong>in</strong>g to make an even greater impact across New Haven.<br />

DHSRI students manage a<br />

portfolio, engage shareholders,<br />

and make socially responsible<br />

<strong>in</strong>vestments <strong>in</strong> the community.<br />




“The true impact of this grant<br />

will reach farther than you<br />

can imag<strong>in</strong>e and cannot be<br />

fully captured <strong>in</strong> its monetary<br />

worth—you have not just<br />

given generously but have<br />

helped to transform the lives<br />

of the refugees that Elena’s<br />

Light serves.”<br />

—Elena’s Light, Grantee<br />

“We’re a small organization<br />

with limited fund<strong>in</strong>g. Hav<strong>in</strong>g<br />

those expenses covered [by<br />

the grant] was a relief to the<br />

board and also freed us up to<br />

focus on <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g our<br />

capacity to reach more<br />

women.”<br />

— New Lifestyles Women<br />

Empowerment, Grantee<br />



Muslim Leadership Lab<br />

The Muslim Leadership Lab at Dwight Hall was founded<br />

<strong>in</strong> 2018 to grow civic leadership skills among Muslim<br />

students at Yale and to catalyze new directions for Muslim<br />

life on college campuses nationwide.<br />

Mov<strong>in</strong>g onl<strong>in</strong>e dur<strong>in</strong>g the pandemic helped the Muslim<br />

Leadership Lab (MLL) expand its participant base and<br />

partnerships. Return<strong>in</strong>g to <strong>in</strong>-person and virtual<br />

programm<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> September <strong>2022</strong>, MLL co-sponsored an<br />

event with the Shia Racial Justice Coalition that explored the<br />

state of racial justice <strong>in</strong> the United States <strong>in</strong> light of the legacy<br />

of the martyrdom of Imam Husse<strong>in</strong>, an iconic social justice<br />

story <strong>in</strong> the Islamic tradition. A few days later, MLL hosted a<br />

roundtable with Lauren Schreiber, founder of Center DC, a<br />

“third space” for spiritual and mental health.<br />

MLL also convened the second annual Spirituality and Social<br />

Justice Retreat with twenty-five Yale students participat<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a<br />

two-day retreat. To end the year, the Ivy Muslim Conference<br />

was hosted at Yale <strong>in</strong> December, with MLL host<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

marquee “coffeehouse conversation” that <strong>in</strong>volved over two<br />

hundred students from a dozen schools. A major collaboration<br />

with Pr<strong>in</strong>ceton’s Muslim Life Program is planned for 2023-<br />

2024. Watch this space!<br />

New Haven Civic Allyship Initiative<br />

The New Haven Civic Allyship Initiative is elevat<strong>in</strong>g the<br />

exist<strong>in</strong>g work of community organizers <strong>in</strong> New Haven and<br />

beyond. The program confronts complex social challenges,<br />

conven<strong>in</strong>g crim<strong>in</strong>al justice advocates, grassroots activists,<br />

currently and formerly <strong>in</strong>carcerated people, students, and<br />

professors <strong>in</strong> equitable relationships through workshops,<br />

tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>gs, and research.<br />

In <strong>2022</strong>, the Initiative ran numerous virtual and <strong>in</strong>-person<br />

workshops. These <strong>in</strong>cluded “Fathers <strong>in</strong> Education,” which<br />

highlighted the engagement of fathers <strong>in</strong> their children’s<br />

education, and “Can the Family Survive?” a look <strong>in</strong>to social<br />

worker Landon Osborn’s work support<strong>in</strong>g families of the<br />

<strong>in</strong>carcerated <strong>in</strong> New Haven via the nonprofit Connect<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Through Literacy: Incarcerated Parents, Their Children, and<br />

Caregivers. Highlights of the Fall <strong>2022</strong> semester were two<br />

events featur<strong>in</strong>g artist and activist Kenyatta Emmanuel, who<br />

spoke on the importance of vot<strong>in</strong>g rights, particularly for<br />

<strong>in</strong>carcerated <strong>in</strong>dividuals and their families.<br />

The Muslim Leadership<br />

Lab grows civic leadership<br />

skills among Muslim<br />

students and catalyzes<br />

new directions for Muslim<br />

life on college campuses<br />

nationwide.<br />

“The Civic Allyship<br />

Initiative strives to create<br />

personal connections between<br />

students and issues. It offers<br />

students the opportunity to<br />

see how issues play out on<br />

the ground.”<br />

James Jeter,<br />

Program<br />

Director,<br />

New Haven<br />

Civic Allyship<br />

Initiative<br />


Yale Prison Education Initiative<br />

Founded <strong>in</strong> 2016, the Yale Prison Education Initiative<br />

(YPEI) has now offered Yale courses and programm<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

students <strong>in</strong>carcerated <strong>in</strong> Connecticut prisons cont<strong>in</strong>uously<br />

s<strong>in</strong>ce 2018. In 2021, a partnership with the University of New<br />

Haven allowed the program to beg<strong>in</strong> to offer college degrees<br />

to students <strong>in</strong> prison, and this year, YPEI expanded its<br />

program to reach <strong>in</strong>carcerated women at the Federal<br />

Correctional Institution <strong>in</strong> Danbury, Connecticut.<br />

YPEI br<strong>in</strong>gs a liberal arts education to students <strong>in</strong> prison. Its<br />

classes are taught by Yale and University of New Haven faculty<br />

and aim to replicate the classes taught at those <strong>in</strong>stitutions.<br />

Through a partnership with the University of New Haven,<br />

made possible by a transformative grant from the Mellon<br />

Foundation, students are matriculated <strong>in</strong> a UNH Associate of<br />

Arts degree and graduates have the opportunity to enroll <strong>in</strong> a<br />

Bachelor of Arts degree <strong>in</strong> Interdiscipl<strong>in</strong>ary Studies.<br />

The impact of these classes extends far beyond the students<br />

enrolled <strong>in</strong> the class. Found<strong>in</strong>g Director Zelda Roland ’08, ’16<br />

Ph.D. described how students will share what they have<br />

learned <strong>in</strong> class with others <strong>in</strong> the facility, creat<strong>in</strong>g read<strong>in</strong>g<br />

groups, and transform<strong>in</strong>g the culture of the prison.<br />

Furthermore, students share their discoveries with friends<br />

and family outside the facility.<br />

The work of the Danbury program has only just begun. On<br />

October 17, <strong>2022</strong>, the Danbury site held orientation for its<br />

selected students. In the fall, students enrolled <strong>in</strong> an<br />

accelerated course <strong>in</strong> philosophy; <strong>in</strong> spr<strong>in</strong>g 2023, students are<br />

enroll<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> an <strong>in</strong>troductory college writ<strong>in</strong>g course; Read<strong>in</strong>gs<br />

<strong>in</strong> American Literature; and College Mathematics.<br />


Tracy Westmoreland<br />

In summer<br />

<strong>2022</strong>, Tracy<br />

Westmoreland<br />

jo<strong>in</strong>ed Zelda<br />

and Assistant<br />

Director<br />

Vanessa<br />

Estimé on the<br />

YPEI staff. As<br />

the Site Director at Danbury,<br />

Tracy described how one new<br />

student was motivated to<br />

apply <strong>in</strong> part by her daughter:<br />

“[The student] said that<br />

they’re look<strong>in</strong>g forward to<br />

do<strong>in</strong>g college-level math<br />

homework with their<br />

daughter. If she can’t figure<br />

someth<strong>in</strong>g out, she’ll consult<br />

with her, and they’re go<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to support each other...that’s<br />

just the beg<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g of some of<br />

the good stories you’re go<strong>in</strong>g<br />

to hear.”<br />



Dwight Hall Commons<br />


Doctors United for Ukra<strong>in</strong>e<br />

When the Russian <strong>in</strong>vasion of Ukra<strong>in</strong>e began, Yale doctors with<br />

Ukra<strong>in</strong>ian roots watched the events unfold <strong>in</strong> horror. Ir<strong>in</strong>a Esterlis<br />

(Psychiatry), Andrey Z<strong>in</strong>chuk (Medic<strong>in</strong>e), Alla Vash-Margita<br />

(Obstetrics and Gynecology), and others were <strong>in</strong> touch with<br />

colleagues <strong>in</strong> Ukra<strong>in</strong>e. The Yale doctors learned that there were<br />

critical gaps <strong>in</strong> medical supplies. In response, physicians decided to<br />

raise funds to purchase equipment from various suppliers shipped<br />

directly to hospitals <strong>in</strong> Ukra<strong>in</strong>e.<br />

Doctors and professionals at Yale and from the New Haven area<br />

jo<strong>in</strong>ed together to formalize fundrais<strong>in</strong>g operations. Look<strong>in</strong>g to<br />

learn about start<strong>in</strong>g a nonprofit, they reached out to Peter Crumlish<br />

’09 M.A.R., Executive Director & General Secretary of Dwight Hall.<br />

Peter advised the physicians that a new nonprofit would be useful<br />

yet would take time to establish. In the meantime, he offered<br />

Dwight Hall to serve as the group’s fiscal sponsor.<br />

The group <strong>in</strong>corporated as Doctors United for Ukra<strong>in</strong>e (DU4U) and<br />

signed a Memorandum of Understand<strong>in</strong>g with Dwight Hall. To date,<br />

DU4U has raised over $1 million. True to a grassroots effort, fund<strong>in</strong>g<br />

came from families and friends, Yale faculty, <strong>in</strong>terfaith vigils, cultural<br />

festivals, and a New Haven Symphony Orchestra concert.<br />

In a collaboration between DU4U and Odessa Maternity Hospital<br />

#5, DU4U helped with a shortage of medication to stop preterm<br />

labor. Doctors <strong>in</strong> the southern city of Odessa preserved high-risk<br />

pregnancies <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a set of triplets. DU4U also established a<br />

“Healthy Hearts for the Vulnerable” program with Lviv’s Regional<br />

Hospital. To date, the heart surgeons implanted thirty-eight heart<br />

valves donated to DU4U by Edwards Lifesciences for patients with<br />

term<strong>in</strong>al heart failure. DU4U also established Project “Truskavets”<br />

to provide psycho-social treatment to over seven hundred <strong>in</strong>ternally<br />

displaced women and children. These are just a few many examples<br />

of DU4U’s impact, which cont<strong>in</strong>ues to grow with each pass<strong>in</strong>g<br />

month.<br />










Doctors <strong>in</strong> Odessa<br />

preserved highrisk<br />

pregnancies,<br />

<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g a set of<br />

triplets.<br />

S<strong>in</strong>ce launch<strong>in</strong>g Commons, Dwight Hall has:<br />

◦ hosted community partners<br />

for hybrid events <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g<br />

a panel on the experience<br />

of Afghan refugees<br />

resettl<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> the New<br />

Haven community;<br />

◦ held study breaks to<br />

<strong>in</strong>troduce students on Old<br />

Campus to Dwight Hall<br />

student leaders and to<br />

learn about service and<br />

advocacy opportunities;<br />

◦ conducted workshops<br />

on topics such as<br />

Understand<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Positionality and<br />

Reflexivity;<br />

◦ facilitated service<br />

activities dur<strong>in</strong>g social<br />

events such as “Watch<br />

and Serve” World Cup<br />

soccer watch parties;<br />

◦ collaborated on service<br />

events and talks with<br />

partners like Music <strong>in</strong><br />

Schools Initiative and Yale’s<br />

Lewis Walpole Library; and<br />

◦ produced network<strong>in</strong>g<br />

events for students and<br />

community partners with<br />

groups such as executive<br />

MBA candidates from<br />

Yale’s Global Executive<br />

Leadership Program.<br />

The experiences of students and New<br />

Haven neighbors dur<strong>in</strong>g the COVID-19<br />

pandemic accentuated our collective need<br />

for community. In <strong>2022</strong>, Dwight Hall leaders<br />

reflected on build<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>clusive environment<br />

and cultivat<strong>in</strong>g a sense of belong<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> advance<br />

of welcom<strong>in</strong>g diverse audiences.<br />

Now featur<strong>in</strong>g comfortable and adaptable<br />

furniture to support multiple room<br />

configurations, technology to produce a rich<br />

experience for hybrid meet<strong>in</strong>gs, and panels<br />

captur<strong>in</strong>g scenes that highlight community,<br />

Dwight Hall’s historic Lovett Common Room<br />

serves as a home base for the <strong>in</strong>tentional practice<br />

of equitable community engagement.<br />

Dwight Hall Commons <strong>in</strong>vites students to<br />

consider the context of their service and justice<br />

work; welcomes leaders from the extended New<br />

Haven community to access campus resources;<br />

convenes those who wish to learn from experts,<br />

practitioners, and each other; and preserves<br />

and perpetuates the collective wisdom and lived<br />

experience of our communities.<br />

This panel—one of<br />

several hung <strong>in</strong> the<br />

Lovett Common Room—<br />

commemorates Dwight<br />

Hall’s <strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong> the<br />

1970 May Day Rally.<br />



Serv<strong>in</strong>g New Haven Youth S<strong>in</strong>ce 1953<br />

The Ulysses S. Grant Foundation was founded by<br />

Eugene Van Voorhis ’55, ’58 L.L.B. <strong>in</strong> 1953. Arriv<strong>in</strong>g at Yale <strong>in</strong><br />

1951, Eugene jo<strong>in</strong>ed the Yale-Dixwell Interracial Group, a<br />

Dwight Hall organization that brought together Yale students<br />

and residents of the Dixwell neighborhood. There he<br />

identified two middle school-aged African American students<br />

and started tutor<strong>in</strong>g them with a group of Yale students. The<br />

group’s aim was gett<strong>in</strong>g the students admitted <strong>in</strong>to elite<br />

board<strong>in</strong>g schools at a time when Black applicants were<br />

virtually unheard of. The program expanded and by 1953,<br />

Eugene registered U.S. Grant as a formal nonprofit.<br />

The next few decades were marked by change and adaptation.<br />

The program expanded <strong>in</strong> numbers, girls and non-African<br />

American students were admitted <strong>in</strong>to the student body, and<br />

the summer program was <strong>in</strong>troduced, offer<strong>in</strong>g high-quality<br />

academic classes to motivated middle school students. Over the<br />

decades, Grant evolved to reflect the chang<strong>in</strong>g educational<br />

landscape and <strong>in</strong>creas<strong>in</strong>g number of quality summer<br />

opportunities for Yale and New Haven students.<br />

Today, Grant runs a six-week academic enrichment summer<br />

program for seventy-five New Haven public and parochial<br />

school students. Yale undergraduate student leaders cont<strong>in</strong>ue<br />

to run the program and teach classes that they design.<br />

At the onset of the pandemic, the Grant program was faced<br />

with the choice of offer<strong>in</strong>g a virtual program or shutt<strong>in</strong>g<br />

down for the summers of 2020 and 2021. The student<br />

directors and board of directors determ<strong>in</strong>ed it was necessary<br />

to cont<strong>in</strong>ue to offer learn<strong>in</strong>g opportunities. Despite the fact<br />

that classes were on Zoom, the Grant team created a learn<strong>in</strong>g<br />

environment that was hands-on, <strong>in</strong>teractive, and driven by<br />

student and teacher <strong>in</strong>terests. Middle school students<br />

explored music history and theory, memory, children’s media<br />

and the culture, history, and science beh<strong>in</strong>d food.<br />

Back at Dwight Hall for the summer of <strong>2022</strong>, teachers<br />

and students adapted to be<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> person. Teachers converted<br />

Dwight Hall’s Lovett Common Room, Chapel, Library,<br />

Samuel Priest Rose Social Justice Network Room, and<br />

Education Network Room <strong>in</strong>to classrooms. Old Campus<br />

served as a playground. Students came from twenty schools<br />

and chose between creat<strong>in</strong>g their own memoir, conduct<strong>in</strong>g<br />

chemistry experiments through bak<strong>in</strong>g, act<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> a comedic<br />

play for the f<strong>in</strong>al showcase, or writ<strong>in</strong>g for the U.S. Grant<br />

Times. The summer was enrich<strong>in</strong>g for all those <strong>in</strong>volved,<br />

sett<strong>in</strong>g the tone for the next few years as Grant cont<strong>in</strong>ues to<br />

make its home at Dwight Hall.<br />

Left: Janna Wagner<br />

’95 (profile below)<br />

and fellow Grant<br />

students practic<strong>in</strong>g<br />

l<strong>in</strong>es for a 1980s<br />

performance of<br />

“Godspell.”<br />

U.S. Grant Alumni Through the Decades<br />

1960s<br />

Jonathan Fanton ’65,<br />

’78 Ph.D. was<br />

Director of the<br />

Ulysses S. Grant<br />

Foundation <strong>in</strong> the<br />

early 1960s, when he<br />

expanded the<br />

program to work<br />

with students from grades six through<br />

twelve and added a summer program.<br />

He worked closely with Dwight Hall’s<br />

Herb Cahoon, a valued mentor.<br />

Jonathan was Chief of Staff for Yale<br />

President K<strong>in</strong>gman Brewster Jr. and<br />

Dean of the Transitional <strong>Year</strong> Program<br />

at Yale. After Yale, Jonathan was Vice<br />

President for Plann<strong>in</strong>g at the University<br />

of Chicago, President of The New School<br />

for Social Research, President of the<br />

MacArthur Foundation, and President of<br />

the American Academy of Arts and<br />

Sciences. Among his outside activities,<br />

he was chair of Human Rights Watch.<br />

The value and perspectives he ga<strong>in</strong>ed<br />

through U.S. Grant and Dwight Hall<br />

animated his life’s work.<br />

Right: The U.S. Grant<br />

Cohort <strong>in</strong> summer<br />

<strong>2022</strong>.<br />

1980s & 1990s<br />

Janna Wagner ’95 was<br />

born and raised <strong>in</strong> New<br />

Haven and has chaired<br />

the board of the<br />

Ulysses S. Grant<br />

Foundation and<br />

overseen the summer<br />

program.<br />

Janna was a U.S. Grant student herself. Dur<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the program, she built relationships with Yale<br />

student-teachers who helped her cultivate a love<br />

of creative writ<strong>in</strong>g and s<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>g and encouraged<br />

her to apply to Yale. Decades later, the memories<br />

of U.S. Grant are still vivid and powerful:<br />

produc<strong>in</strong>g a radio show at WYBC, memoriz<strong>in</strong>g<br />

l<strong>in</strong>es for her role <strong>in</strong> “Godspell,” and stay<strong>in</strong>g up<br />

nights to write poetry.<br />

Janna is co-founder and chief learn<strong>in</strong>g officer of<br />

All Our K<strong>in</strong>, a nationally recognized nonprofit<br />

that tra<strong>in</strong>s, supports, and susta<strong>in</strong>s family<br />

childcare providers to ensure that children and<br />

families have the foundation for success <strong>in</strong><br />

school and life. She currently co-teaches a<br />

sem<strong>in</strong>ar at Yale and is the former chair of the<br />

advisory board of the Community Fund for<br />

Women and Girls.<br />

2020s<br />

Chidima Anekwe ’24 is an<br />

English major pursu<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

creative writ<strong>in</strong>g concentration<br />

at Yale. Outside of the<br />

classroom, she serves as<br />

editor-<strong>in</strong>-chief of DOWN, a<br />

BIPOC-centered webz<strong>in</strong>e, an<br />

editor for the Yale Literary<br />

Magaz<strong>in</strong>e, a peer liaison for<br />

the Afro-American Cultural Center at Yale, a writ<strong>in</strong>g<br />

partner for the Poorvu Center for Teach<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

Learn<strong>in</strong>g, and as president of the Pauli Murray<br />

College Council.<br />

At Dwight Hall, Chidima spent the past two<br />

summers with the Ulysses S. Grant Foundation,<br />

where she first worked as a teacher and later as a<br />

Co-Director for the academic program. Her year as a<br />

teacher was dur<strong>in</strong>g U.S. Grant’s second summer as a<br />

virtual program <strong>in</strong> light of the COVID pandemic,<br />

where she taught both creative writ<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

environmental eng<strong>in</strong>eer<strong>in</strong>g classes over Zoom to<br />

New Haven middle school students. As a Co-<br />

Director, Chidima helped organize and lead U.S.<br />

Grant’s first <strong>in</strong>-person summer s<strong>in</strong>ce the onset of the<br />

pandemic, serv<strong>in</strong>g more than sixty academically<br />

motivated middle schoolers from over twenty New<br />

Haven public and parochial schools.<br />


Acknowledgments<br />

Dr. C. Scott Brunger, Ph.D. ’68<br />

Mr. & Mrs. F. Davis Dassori, Jr. ’63, ’68 LL.B. *<br />

Ms. Kar<strong>in</strong> E. F<strong>in</strong>berg ’93, ’02 Ph.D., ’03 M.D.<br />

Dwight Hall values gifts from each supporter. The <strong>in</strong>dividuals, foundations, bus<strong>in</strong>esses,<br />

agencies, and university offices below contributed between July 1, 2021 and June 30, <strong>2022</strong>.<br />

Denotes 1886 Society: Ten-plus consecutive years of giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />



Contributions of $10,000 and<br />

above; or gifts of $1,000 or more<br />

for students/alumni with<strong>in</strong> 10<br />

years of graduation<br />

Anonymous<br />

Dr. Sarah W. Baron ’04<br />

& Mr. Jeremy S. Kahan ’04<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Eifler ’70 *<br />

Mr. David R. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’87<br />

& Dr. Elizabeth R. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’89 *<br />

Ms. Zoe G. Mercer-Golden ’13 *<br />

Dr. Peter R. Muehrer ’82 *<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP<br />

The Sassafras Foundation, Inc. *<br />

Satterberg Foundation<br />

Stonesthrow Fund of Fidelity Charitable<br />

Mr. Bradford R. Williams ’10 *<br />


Gifts of $2,500-$9,999; or<br />

contributions of $250-$999 for<br />

students/alumni with<strong>in</strong> 10 years of<br />

graduation<br />

Mr. Peter G. Crumlish ’09 M.A.R. & Ms.<br />

Sara Armstrong *<br />

The Jane & William Curran<br />

Foundation, Inc. *<br />

Clarence Doolittle Fund of<br />

The Community Foundation for<br />

Greater New Haven<br />

Mr. John A. Jones ’58, ’59 M.S. *<br />

Ms. Sandra Lee ’97 *<br />

The Lovett-Woodsum Foundation, Inc.<br />

Mr. John R. Meeske ’74 & Ms. Nancy R.<br />

Wood<strong>in</strong>gton ’74, ’76 M.Div., ’82 Ph.D. *<br />

Lupi & John Rob<strong>in</strong>son Fund of<br />

The Community Foundation<br />

for Greater New Haven<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Shen ’14<br />

Jane Shepard Fund of The Community<br />

Foundation for Greater New Haven<br />


Contributions of $1 - $2,499<br />

Mr. Donald B. Abbott ’63 *<br />

Mr. John R. Abelson ’78<br />

& Ms. Kendall J. Rafter<br />

Mr. Scott C. Addison ’72<br />

Mr. John R. Adler ’84 & Ms. Sherri Lev<strong>in</strong>e *<br />

Ms. Lisa E. Agia ’89<br />

Prof. Jean-Christophe Agnew ’92 M.A.H. *<br />

Dr. John M. Agosta ’76<br />

& Ms. Margaret M. Miller ’76<br />

Ms. Maame Agyeiwaah ’04<br />

Ms. Nancy Alexander ’79, ’84 M.B.A. &<br />

Mr. Phillip G. Bernste<strong>in</strong> ’79, ’83 M.Arch. *<br />

Mr. Victor B. Alfandre ’88 *<br />

Dr. John V. Allcott, III ’67<br />

Mr. James M. Altman ’71, ’75 J.D.<br />

& Dr. Ellen L. Schecter<br />

Mr. William An ’24<br />

Ms. Janis M. Gomez Anderson ’90<br />

Mr. Gregory E. Andrews ’71<br />

Mr. Just<strong>in</strong> B. Ash ’07<br />

Mr. Eric D. Ashton ’02 M.P.H.<br />

Dr. Hugh Auch<strong>in</strong>closs Jr. ’71, ’72 M.A.<br />

Mr. Michael A. Avery ’66, ’70 LL.B.<br />

Imam Omer Bajwa<br />

& Ms. Lisa K<strong>in</strong>ney-Bajwa<br />

Mr. Harold W. Baldw<strong>in</strong> ’63 *<br />

Mr. Kenneth C. Bardach ’65<br />

Ms. Susan Learner Barr ’79<br />

Prof. Beatrice S. Bartlett ’80 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Timothy D. Bates ’70<br />

Mr. Robert E. Beach, Jr. ’69<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Richard W. Beals ’60, ’64 Ph.D. *<br />

Mr. Andrew F. Beck, M.D. ’02<br />

Mr. William R. Becklean ’58<br />

Ms. Frances Be<strong>in</strong>ecke ’71, ’74 M.F.S.<br />

Dr. Allison Jatlow Beitler ’86 *<br />

Mr. Richard D. Bel<strong>in</strong>, Esq. ’71<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Keith E. Bell ’65<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Bell ’54<br />

Ms. Abie Benitez, Ed.D.<br />

Dr. Joshua A. Berman ’87<br />

Mr. Howard B. Bernste<strong>in</strong> ’65<br />

Mr. Timothy Bertacc<strong>in</strong>i ’77 *<br />

Mr. Frankl<strong>in</strong> L. Best, Jr. ’67<br />

Ms. Barbara L. Bettigole ’78 *<br />

Prof. Murray Biggs<br />

Mr. Brian W. Bills ’11<br />

Mrs. Pamela Bisbee-Simonds<br />

& Dr. Bruce D. Simonds<br />

Mr. Frederick Biss<strong>in</strong>ger, Jr. ’65<br />

Mr. Jason M. Blau ’08<br />

& Ms. Diana Mosca Blau ’08<br />

Dr. Kimberly Bloom-Feshbach ’09<br />

& Mr. Mikkel Krenchel ’09<br />

Dr. JoAnn N. Bodurtha ’79 M.D., M.P.H.<br />

Mr. Terry W. Boehlke ’68<br />

Dr. Frederick J. Bog<strong>in</strong> ’71<br />

& Mrs. Joanna Bog<strong>in</strong><br />

Ms. Victoria Bok ’83<br />

Mr. Alan E. Boles Jr., Esq. ’69, ’73 J.D.<br />

Mr. Lewis C. Bowers, II ’75, ’83 M.P.P.M.<br />

Mr. Bruce E. Bradley ’67 *<br />

Mr. Robert H. Bradner ’84 *<br />

Ms. Shirley D. Brandman ’83, ’86 J.D.<br />

Mr. Sherman T. Brewer, Jr. ’64<br />

Dr. Laura C.W. Brightman ’90<br />

& Mr. Howard Brightman<br />

Ms. Janet E. Brooks ’79<br />

Ms. Donna L. Brown ’86 &<br />

Mr. Christopher M. Mayer ’84<br />

Mr. Josiah H. Brown ’92<br />

Mr. Carlos Brown ’23<br />

Ms. Carol A. Buckler ’78<br />

Mr. Robert D. Bulkeley ’64<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Frederick P.<br />

Bunnell ’55, ’58 M.A.T.<br />

Mr. Robert A. Cairns ’51<br />

Hon. Guido G. Calabresi ’53, ’58 LL.B.,<br />

’62 M.A.H. & Mrs. Anne Tyler Calabresi *<br />

The Rev. Donald K. Campbell, II ’48, ’53 B.D.<br />

Ms. Jill C. Campbell ’88 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Campbell ’68 *<br />

Mr. Warren M. Campbell<br />

& Ms. Mary U. Campbell<br />

The Rev. Dr. Robert Carpenter ’65, ’68<br />

Mus.M. & Ms. Martha E. Gale<br />

Ms. Lise P. Chapman ’81 M.B.A.<br />

Mr. Henry S. Chauncey, Jr. ’57<br />

Mr. Donald T. Chen ’89, ’92 M.E.S.<br />

Professor & Mrs. Yung-Chi Cheng<br />

Mr. Eric J. Chow ’96<br />

Ms. Emily Y. Chu ’99<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Clifford E. Clark Jr. ’63<br />

Ms. Frances T. Clark<br />

Mr. Fred D. Clarke, III ’73<br />

Mr. Erich L. Cluxton ’65<br />

Mr. Stefan L. Cohen ’87<br />

Mr. Stephen A. Cohn ’70<br />

Mr. Gregory W. Coleman ’69<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Colgate ’68 *<br />

Mr. J. Michael Collaco, M.D. ’96<br />

& Ms. Aarti Shah<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Connolly ’73 *<br />

Ms. Kathryn Cooney, Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Julie Copeland ’71<br />

Professor Jan C. Costello ’72, ’75 M.A.,<br />

’76 J.D. & Mr. Richard A. Rothschild ’71<br />

Mr. Daniel Cotton ’91<br />

Dr. Carl L. Crew, Jr. ’68<br />

Mrs. Hannah G. Croasmun ’01<br />

& Mr. Matthew D. Croasmun ’01,<br />

’06 M.A.R., ’14 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Edmund G. Crotty ’66<br />

Ms. Nancy E. Cunn<strong>in</strong>gham ’92<br />

& Mr. Thomas Stockdale<br />

Prof. Dennis E. Curtis ’66 LL.B.<br />

& Prof. Judith Resnik ’97 M.A.H.<br />

Mr. Alexander C. Daberko ’05<br />

& Ms. Larisa Terkeltaub Daberko ’05<br />

The Rev. Teresa Mithen Danieley, DM<strong>in</strong> ’98<br />

Prof. Stephen L. Darwall ’68, ’08 M.A.H.<br />

Mr. Alan C. Davidson, M.D. ’58<br />

Mr. Robert S. Day, Jr. ’68<br />

Mr. Miguel de la Carrera ’77<br />

Mr. Jean-Christophe de Swaan ’93<br />

Mr. Charles Y. Deknatel, Ph.D. ’66<br />

Mr. C. Timothy Delaney ’79<br />

Mr. James E. DeLano, Jr. ’65, ’70 M.D.<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. William H. Dent, Jr. ’58 *<br />

Ms. Susan L. DeSilver ’79 *<br />

Dr. Dennis L. DeSilvey ’64<br />

The Rev. Jeanne Dev<strong>in</strong>e ’72, ’76 M.Div.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. Dick<strong>in</strong>son ’60 *<br />

Mr. David L. Dodson ’77, ’81 M.Div.,<br />

’81 M.P.P.M. *<br />

Mr. Marc Dohan ’84 &<br />

Ms. Marion Magill *<br />

Prof. Michael R. Dove ’97 M.A.H. *<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Draper, Esq. ’75 *<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Draper, III ’50<br />

Mr. Jeffrey D. Dub<strong>in</strong> ’85<br />

Mr. & Dr. Eugene C. Durman ’68 *<br />

Ms. Orianne Y. Dutka ’02<br />

Dr. Diane M. Dwyer &<br />

Prof. Joseph G. Gall ’48, ’52 Ph.D.<br />

Roger M. Echols, M.D. ’70<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Frederick S. Edelman ’70 *<br />

Mr. Todd E. Edelman ’90<br />

& Ms. Marisa O. Night<strong>in</strong>gale ’90<br />

Mr. Christopher S. Edwards ’01<br />

& Ms. Silpa S. Pericherla ’02<br />

Mr. Donald B. Edwards ’64<br />

Mr. R. Kemerer Edwards ’49 *<br />

Mr. William D. Eggers ’66 *<br />

Mr. Edward H. Elliman ’85 M.E.S.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Ellison ’57<br />

Mr. Aurelio Emanuelli Freese ’88, ’91 J.D.<br />

& Ms. Maria I. Castaner Barcelo<br />

Ms. Ellen G. Estes ’63 LL.B.<br />

& Mr. Frank W. Estes ’63 *<br />

Mr. V<strong>in</strong>cent Evangelisti, Jr. ’79<br />

The Rev. Ronald T. Evans ’70 B.D.<br />

& Mrs. Janet W. Evans<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John W. Ewell, Jr. ’66 *<br />

Mr. David P. Ew<strong>in</strong>g ’62<br />

Mr. Gordon Y. Fa<strong>in</strong> ’73 J.D.<br />

Mr. Jess T. Fardella ’73 *<br />

Mr. Robert A. Fertik ’79<br />

& Ms. Antonia E. Stolper ’79 *<br />

Ms. Carla F<strong>in</strong>kelste<strong>in</strong> ’90<br />

Ms. Nancy J. Fitzgerald ’77<br />

Mr. Stanley E. Fl<strong>in</strong>k ’45W<br />

Mr. Joseph B. Foltz, Esq. ’75<br />

Ms. Erica R. Frankl<strong>in</strong> ’05<br />

& Mr. Jason M. Rogers<br />

Ms. Deborah J. Freedman ’82<br />

& Mr. Ben A. Ledbetter<br />

Mr. Joseph S. Freeman ’66<br />

Mr. Gregory L. Fullerton ’72<br />

Dr. Charles P. Gagar<strong>in</strong> ’71<br />

Ms. Anne H. Galv<strong>in</strong> ’07<br />

Mr. Michael Gamzon ’91<br />

& Ms. Rebecca D. Gamzon ’91<br />

Ms. Alison L. Gardy ’88<br />

Ms. Susan H. Garet ’76 M.Div.<br />

Mr. Robert M. Garf<strong>in</strong>kle, Esq. ’68<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Getman ’64<br />

Mr. Thomas E. Getzen ’69<br />

Mr. David H. Gibson, M.D. ’78<br />

& Ms. Lizanne M. Cox<br />

Dr. Karen H. Gill ’86 M.Div.<br />

Dr. Dulaney Glen ’55<br />

Dr. Jonathan N. Glickman ’87<br />

Ms. Judith E. Goldberger ’92 *<br />

Mr. John R. Gold<strong>in</strong> ’77 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Brian P. Goldman ’05<br />

& Ms. Zoe L. Palitz ’05<br />

Mr. Jeremiah Goldste<strong>in</strong> ’80<br />

Ms. Juana M. Gomez ’82<br />

Mr. Henry A. Goodman ’72 *<br />

Ms. Julie L. Goran ’00<br />

Mr. Joseph W. Gordon ’78 Ph.D.<br />

& Mr. Mark Bauer<br />

Ms. Aliza S. Gordon ’08<br />

Mr. Eric A. Gordon, Ph.D. ’66<br />

Ms. Laurie J. Gould ’85<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gre<strong>in</strong>er ’66 *<br />

Mr. Douglas M. Griggs ’64<br />

Mr. Joshua A. Griggs ’03<br />

& Mrs. Kerri-Ann A. Griggs ’03<br />

The Rev. Bonita D. Grubbs ’84 M.A.R.,<br />

’85 M.P.H.<br />

Mr. Ira B. Grudberg ’55, ’60 LL.B.<br />

Mr. Matthew A. Gubens ’97<br />

Mr. Yaron Guez ’06<br />

Mr. Evan C. Guillem<strong>in</strong> ’87<br />

& Ms. Ricki Stern<br />


Acknowledgments, cont<strong>in</strong>ued<br />

Ms. Avni Gupta-Kagan ’00, ’05 J.D.<br />

& Mr. Joshua D. Gupta-Kagan ’00<br />

Mr. Alfred E. Guy, Jr. *<br />

Ms. Jodi L. Halpern ’82, ’89 M.D., ’93 Ph.D.<br />

Dr. Michael H. Haltzel ’63<br />

Ms. Azita G. Hamedani ’95, ’00 M.D.,<br />

’00 M.P.H.<br />

Mr. Steven D. Handler, M.D. ’68<br />

& Ms. Cynthia B. Solot<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Robert E. Handschumacher<br />

’64 M.A.H. *<br />

Ms. Masarath N. Haque-Khan ’95<br />

Mr. Merl<strong>in</strong> H. Harper Jr. ’72<br />

Mr. Sean B. Hecht ’88<br />

Mr. Scott R. Herhold ’71<br />

Mr. Nicholas Herman ’68<br />

Mr. William J. Heron, Jr. ’63<br />

Dr. Mary E. Hess ’85<br />

& Mr. Eric F. Celeste ’85<br />

The Rev. Ellen M. Hiatt ’79 M.Div.<br />

Mr. Peter V. R. Hicks ’64<br />

Mr. Richard H. Hiers ’54, ’57 B.D., ’61 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Hill, MD ’53<br />

Mr. & Ms. Harald Hille ’66, ’70 M.Phil.<br />

Ms. Melissa J. Hilton ’83, ’89 M.B.A.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Alan R. Hoffman ’66 *<br />

Mr. Jonathan Hoffman ’69<br />

Mr. Stephen J. Hoffman ’64<br />

Mr. Jerome L. Hoganson ’58<br />

Mr. Richard P. Holloway ’63, ’65 B.E. *<br />

Mr. Daniel J. Horner ’83 *<br />

Mr. Robert A. Horwitz ’68, ’76 Ph.D.<br />

& Ms. Carla M. Horwitz, Ph.D.<br />

Mr. W<strong>in</strong>chester F. Hotchkiss ’52<br />

Ms. Pamela R. Hovland ’93 M.F.A.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Howard ’68 *<br />

Prof. & Mrs. Roger E. Howe ’74 M.A.H. *<br />

Mr. William C. Howe ’68, ’79 M.Phil. *<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John S. Howland, M.D. ’63<br />

Ms. Han-Ya A. Hsu ’04<br />

Mr. John S. Hughes, M.D. ’08 M.A.H.<br />

Ms. Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 J.D. *<br />

Dr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Hunter ’62<br />

Mr. Peter L. Hutch<strong>in</strong>gs ’64<br />

Prof. Vicki C. Jackson ’72, ’75 J.D.<br />

Mr. Selby C. Jacobs, M.D. ’61, ’72 M.P.H.<br />

Mr. John L. Jayne ’70<br />

Mr. Bruce Jenn<strong>in</strong>gs ’71<br />

Mr. H. Bennett Jerman, Jr. ’69<br />

Ms. Lepi Jha ’12<br />

Mr. Alexander B. Johnson, III ’61<br />

Mr. Jeffrey A. Johnson, Ph.D. ’74<br />

Dr. Philip Avery Johnson ’63<br />

Ms. Adelaide Jones<br />

Mr. Ralph C. Jones, Jr. ’64<br />

Ms. Alison Bailey Kaar ’80<br />

& Mr. John F. Kaar *<br />

Dr. Kathryn K. Hill ’72<br />

& Mr. Gerald H. Kahn ’66<br />

Mr. Allan N. Karl<strong>in</strong> ’69<br />

& Ms. Mildred C. Karl<strong>in</strong><br />

Mr. Michael Kashgarian ’58 M.D.<br />

Mr. Joel Katz ’65, ’67 M.F.A.<br />

& Ms. Trish Thompson<br />

Ms. Kather<strong>in</strong>e R. Kaufman ’86<br />

Dr. Stephen R. Kaufman ’81 *<br />

Dr. Richard D. Kayne ’76 M.D.<br />

Ms. Carolyn Kenady ’74<br />

Ms. Georgia L. Keohane ’94<br />

& Mr. Nathaniel O. Keohane ’93<br />

Ms. Madel<strong>in</strong>e S. Kerner ’07<br />

Ms. Hannah Kiburz ’22<br />

Mr. Jeffrey S. Kim ’87 & Mr. Curtis Ch<strong>in</strong> *<br />

Mr. William R. K<strong>in</strong>caid ’88 *<br />

Mr. Richard W. Kle<strong>in</strong>, Jr. ’67<br />

Mr. Daniel F. Koehler ’00 *<br />

Ms. Dara K. Kovel ’91, ’06 M.B.A.<br />

& Mr. Robert S. Cox<br />

Mr. Hugo E. Kranz, Jr. ’59<br />

Mr. Joshua A. Kretman ’05<br />

Ms. Sharon M. K. Kugler, Chapla<strong>in</strong><br />

Mr. Dale Kutnick ’72 *<br />

Ms. Louise Davis Langheier ’03<br />

Ms. Gail W. Laster ’79<br />

& Mr. Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. ’79<br />

Ms. Lauren Lautermilch ’22<br />

Dr. Robert L. Leahy ’67, ’74 Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Emma F. Ledbetter ’10<br />

Mr. Robert F. Leibenluft ’73<br />

Ms. Anika S<strong>in</strong>gh Lemar ’01<br />

Mr. Reid M. Lerner ’99<br />

Mr. George P. Levendis ’64<br />

Ms. Isabella Levenson<br />

Ms. Carlisle J. Lev<strong>in</strong>e ’91<br />

Mr. Irw<strong>in</strong> T. Levy & Ms. Rachel Barnett<br />

Rev. David T. Lewicki ’97<br />

Mr. Mark H. Leymaster ’75 J.D.<br />

Ms. Helen M. Ligh ’87<br />

Ms. Mart<strong>in</strong>a Y. L<strong>in</strong>d ’94, ’98 M.Arch.<br />

Ms. Kather<strong>in</strong>e L. L<strong>in</strong>zer ’08<br />

Mr. William E. Littlefield, Jr. ’70<br />

Ms. Kather<strong>in</strong>e L. Loewald ’81<br />

& Mr. Michael K. H. Hu<br />

Mr. Alan G. Lopat<strong>in</strong> ’78<br />

Mr. Just<strong>in</strong> R. Lor<strong>in</strong>g ’04<br />

Mr. Henry S. Lovejoy, III ’74<br />

Mr. Jeffrey A. Lovold, M.D. ’66<br />

Mr. Kenneth K. Y. Luke ’62<br />

Mr. Barry P. Luke ’80<br />

& Mrs. Teresa W. Luke *<br />

The Rev. John S. Luttrell ’65<br />

Mr. Mark H. Lynch ’66<br />

Mr. & Ms. Samuel W. Madeira Jr., M.D. ’68<br />

Mr. Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

& Ms. Fareena Alam<br />

Mr. Alan N. Mallach ’66 *<br />

Mr. John C. Malugen ’65<br />

Dr. Richard A. Marottoli ’80, ’84 M.D.,<br />

’91 M.P.H.<br />

Mr. William R. Massa, Jr. *<br />

Mr. David S. May, M.D. ’69<br />

Mr. Robert A. Mayans ’73<br />

Mr. Oscar H. Mayer ’65 *<br />

Ms. Rebecca M. Mayne ’92<br />

Ms. Melissa Mazzeo ’20 M.B.A., ’20 M.E.M.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David M. McCarthy, MD ’67<br />

Mr. Randall R. McCathren ’71<br />

Mr. Hugh R. McCombs, Esq. ’68<br />

Mr. Stephen J. McCorkle ’68<br />

Mr. Peter W. McK<strong>in</strong>nis ’91 *<br />

Ms. L<strong>in</strong>da C. McKoy ’77<br />

& Mr. Samuel M. Maruca ’77<br />

Mr. Robert K. McLellan ’73, ’78 M.D.,<br />

’78 M.P.H.<br />

Dr. Thomas Meola, Jr. & Ms. Judy Kang<br />

Mr. & Ms. John R. Merrick, Esq. ’62,<br />

’63 M.A.T. *<br />

Ms. Claudia R. Merson<br />

Mr. Calv<strong>in</strong> M. Mew ’69 *<br />

Ms. Stephanie A. Meyer ’95<br />

& Mr. Eric A. Dunn<br />

Ms. Molly Meyer *<br />

Mr. Thomas C. Meyer ’11<br />

Mr. Anthony R. Michel ’59<br />

Ms. Franc<strong>in</strong>e Miller<br />

Mr. Wentworth E. Miller ’69, ’77 J.D.<br />

Mr. & Ms. Richard A. Moggio ’67, ’71 M.D. *<br />

Dr. Juan P. Montermoso ’69<br />

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Moore ’63,<br />

’66 M.Arch.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. John H. More ’64<br />

Dr. Mayumi A. Mori ’86<br />

Mr. Hunter Morrison, III ’70<br />

Dr. Jewel Mullen ’77, ’96 M.P.H.<br />

Ms. Er<strong>in</strong> Eifler Mulron ’00<br />

Ms. Susanne M. Murphy ’72 M.A.<br />

Mr. Mart<strong>in</strong> L. Murray ’61 *<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Murray ’68<br />

Mr. William S. Myers ’64<br />

Mr. Matthew R. Neely ’91<br />

Mr. Matthew Nemerson ’81 M.P.P.M.<br />

Mr. Brian R. Nes<strong>in</strong> ’91<br />

Mrs. Barbara Neuberger<br />

Mr. Joshua I. Civ<strong>in</strong> ’96, ’03 J.D.<br />

& Ms. Kather<strong>in</strong>e T. Newberger ’03 J.D.<br />

Mr. Scott N. Newman ’77<br />

& Ms. Wendy Newman *<br />

The Rev. Dr. Paula B. Nordhem ’86 M.Div.<br />

Professor Thomas C. Nowak ’65<br />

The Rev. Dr. William R. Nye ’62<br />

Mr. Scott H. Ochiltree ’67 *<br />

Mr. Owen P. O’Donnell ’64<br />

Mr. Tor H. Ormseth ’84<br />

& Ms. Deanna M. Matsumoto ’84<br />

Dr. Jack H. Ostroff ’76 *<br />

Ms. Laura Pabo *<br />

Mr. Sasha N. Page ’84<br />

& Ms. Laurie Levy-Page ’83<br />

Mr. Derek A. Paley ’97<br />

Ms. Nilakshi Parndigamage ’06<br />

Ms. Anne L. Penniman ’80<br />

Dr. Robert L. Perkel ’72<br />

Mr. Ethan L. Perry ’95<br />

Mr. McKim C. Peterson, M.D. ’70<br />

Dr. E. Anthony Petrelli ’61<br />

The Rev. Susan M. Pfeil ’94, ’02 M.Div.<br />

Ms. Caitl<strong>in</strong> Pike ’97 & Mr. Gregory Nelson ’97<br />

Mr. Jeremy R. Po<strong>in</strong>dexter ’11 *<br />

Mr. James W. Po<strong>in</strong>dexter ’75<br />

& Ms. Sarah C. Po<strong>in</strong>dexter<br />

Dr. Mark J. Polisar ’84<br />

Mr. David J. Pollay ’87<br />

Dr. Stanley Possick & Ms. Barbara Possick<br />

Prof. John L. Pottenger, Jr. ’75 J.D.<br />

Gregory S. Pr<strong>in</strong>ce, Jr. ’61, ’73 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Adler Prioly ’09<br />

Mr. David M. Pritzker ’62<br />

& Mrs. Charlene Pritzker *<br />

Ms. Sharon J. Prober & Prof. Daniel E. Prober<br />

Prof. Alexander Purves ’58, ’65 M.Arch.<br />

Prof. Intisar Rabb ’06 J.D.<br />

Ms. Mythili Raman ’91<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Rands<br />

Mr. Steven D. Redfield ’80 *<br />

Mr. Nicholas J. Reish ’04<br />

Mr. Jacob A. C. Remes ’02 & Ms.<br />

Mari Armstrong-Hough ’16 M.P.H. *<br />

Ms. Elizabeth L. Resor ’08<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund L. Resor ’74,<br />

’80 M.P.P.M.<br />

Mr. Christopher S. Rhee ’94, ’97 J.D.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Gordon P. Riblet ’65 *<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Rice, M.D. ’64<br />

Mr. David B. Rich ’83<br />

& Ms. Crist<strong>in</strong> G. Rich ’88 M.E.M.<br />

Ms. Eve B. Rittenberg ’90<br />

& Mr. Jeffrey B. Liebman ’89 *<br />

Ms. Ann M. Ritter ’01 & Mr. Leo Kore<strong>in</strong><br />

Mr. John H. Rixse ’63<br />

Mr. James S. Roberts ’66 *<br />

Mr. Daniel T. Roble ’68<br />

Mr. Philip A. Roden ’62 *<br />

Mr. Thomas W. Roderick ’64<br />

Professor Gordon M. Rogoff ’52<br />

Ms. Arianne A. Romney ’06<br />

Dr. Michael J. Rosanova ’72, ’80 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. & Mrs. David W. Rosenberg ’63,<br />

’67 LL.B. *<br />

Ms. Michelle J. Rosenthal ’05<br />

& Mr. Isaac M. Klausner ’05<br />

Mr. Ralph A. Rossi, MD, ’84 M.P.H.<br />

Ms. Jan L. Roth ’72, Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Randi I. Roth ’79<br />

Mr. Richard L. Rubens, Ph.D. ’68<br />

Ms. Holly Russell ’88 *<br />

Ms. Deborah M. Sabater ’99<br />

Mrs. Sandra E. Sanneh ’93 M.A.<br />

Mr. Gabriel T. Sayer, M.D. ’98<br />

Mr. Johnny Scafidi ’01<br />

& Ms. Paige M. Nelson ’04 M.A.R. *<br />

Mr. John P. Schley ’61<br />

Mr. H. J. Schmidt ’70 & Ms. Debora A. Slee<br />

Ms. Deena J. Schneider ’71<br />

Mr. Jacob B. Schramm ’86<br />

Prof. T. Paul Schultz ’74 M.A.H. *<br />

Mr. Jonathan M. Scolnik ’03<br />

& Ms. Rebecca Barker<br />

Ms. Kate Scorza Ingram ’04 M.B.A.<br />

Prof. James C. Scott ’67 Ph.D.<br />

Dr. Robert P. Sedgwick, Jr. ’69 *<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry N. Selness ’63 *<br />

Ms. Deborah Frank Shabecoff ’88<br />

Ms. Sarah Hirschhorn Shapiro ’84 *<br />

Mr. Jeffrey G. Sharp, Ph.D. ’73<br />

Mr. Arloc M. Sherman ’87<br />

Dr. Angela Y. Shih ’01, ’03 M.P.H.<br />

& Dr. Albert Li<br />

Nellie Shipley Sullivan ’87<br />

Ms. Karen J. Siegel ’02 & Mr. Charles Natt<br />

Mr. Bruce W. Sielaff ’59 M.Arch. *<br />

Mr. Richard A. Silverman ’66<br />

Ms. Carol S. Silverman ’86<br />

Ms. Marisa G. Silverste<strong>in</strong> ’92<br />

& Mr. Zachary B. Silverste<strong>in</strong> ’90 *<br />

The Rev. & Mrs. Peter W. Sipple ’62<br />

Prof. Kerala J. Snyder ’70 Ph.D.<br />

Rabbi Ruth H. Sohn ’76 *<br />

Mr. Daniel H. Solomon ’86, ’92 M.D.<br />

& Ms. M<strong>in</strong>dy Berman<br />

Mr. T. Reg<strong>in</strong>ald Solomon ’98<br />

Mr. Peter H. Spendelow ’74<br />

Ms. Eliza Sp<strong>in</strong>na ’23<br />

Mr. Robert M. St. John, Esq. ’54, ’59 LL.B.<br />

Ms. Jenny R. Stael<strong>in</strong> ’92<br />

& Mr. Paul H. Stael<strong>in</strong> ’93<br />

Mr. Benjam<strong>in</strong> I. Staub ’06<br />

Mr. Keith W. Stavely ’64, ’69 Ph.D.<br />

Ms. Theresa A. Stephen ’92<br />

Mr. Samuel N. Stokes ’63 *<br />

Ms. Lisa E. Stone ’78, ’82 M.P.H.<br />

& Dr. Scott B. Cantor ’81 *<br />

Mr. Shepard B. Stone *<br />

Mr. Lee M. Strieb ’86 *<br />

Prof. H. Shelton Stromquist, Ph.D. ’66 *<br />

The Reverend Charles M. Stuart ’50 *<br />

Dean Charles Super ’66<br />

& Ms. Sara Harkness<br />

Ms. Leila Y. Surratt ’86<br />


Acknowledgments, cont<strong>in</strong>ued<br />

Dr. Roslyn E. Sutherland ’63 M.S.N.<br />

& Mr. Donald W. Sutherland<br />

Mr. John F. Sutton ’55, ’56 M.A.T.<br />

& Mrs. Dorothy Sutton *<br />

Mrs. Patricia E. Sweet *<br />

Mr. John I. Takayama, M.D. ’80 *<br />

Mr. Richard N. Taliaferro, Jr. ’55<br />

Ms. Sahoko V. Tamagawa ’84<br />

Mr. Stanley Tamark<strong>in</strong> ’77 M.A., ’83 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. Stewart F. Taylor ’51<br />

The Rev. Kenneth J. Thomas, Ph.D. ’53 *<br />

Dr. David C. Tian ’07<br />

Mr. Douglas C. Tifft ’79<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86 *<br />

Mr. Jeremy Travis ’70<br />

& Ms. Susan A. Herman<br />

Ms. Abigail L. Trill<strong>in</strong> ’90<br />

& Mr. Brian C. Lee ’88 *<br />

Ms. Heather E. Trim, MD ’83<br />

Mr. Thaddeus F. Tuleja ’66<br />

& Ms. Andree Nolen<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Tynes ’66<br />

Ms. Jane Levy Vance ’08<br />

Mrs. Cassandra D. Vaughan ’87<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Viederman ’85<br />

Mr. Thomas J. Wacht ’65 *<br />

Ms. Janna M. Wagner ’95<br />

Dr. Victoria M. Wang ’86<br />

Mr. Murray Wheeler, Jr. ’62<br />

Mr. Samuel R. F. White ’08<br />

Mr. Alan P. Wichlei ’70<br />

Mrs. Ela<strong>in</strong>e S. Wickstrom<br />

Ms. Deborah A. Widiss ’94, ’99 J.D.<br />

& Dr. Douglas J. Goldste<strong>in</strong> ’92<br />

Mr. William H. Wiese M.D. ’60 *<br />

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Wik ’68, ’77 Ph.D.<br />

Mr. John W. Wilhelm ’67<br />

Mr. David Wilk<strong>in</strong>s & Ms. Serena Crawford<br />

Mr. John A. Wilk<strong>in</strong>son ’60, ’63 M.A.T.<br />

& Ms. Virg<strong>in</strong>ia T. Wilk<strong>in</strong>son ’62 M.A.T.<br />

Mr. Henry G. Will, Esq. ’62, ’65 J.D.<br />

Ms. Martha L. Williams ’84<br />

& Ms. Honora M. Willcutts<br />

Mr. Richard A. W<strong>in</strong>es ’68 *<br />

Mr. Wallace C. W<strong>in</strong>ter, III ’64<br />

Mr. Michael J. Wishnie ’87, ’93 J.D.<br />

& Ms. Cather<strong>in</strong>e J. Edwards ’87<br />

Mr. Robert S. Withers ’69 *<br />

Mr. Stephen Wizner & Mrs. Rachel Wizner<br />

Ms. Amy D. Woolever ’95 *<br />

Mr. Jay Worth<br />

Mr. Vladimir Wozniuk ’82 M.A.R.<br />

Dr. T<strong>in</strong>g S. Yee ’73<br />

The Rev. J. Philip Zaeder ’58, ’62 M.Div.<br />

& Mrs. Sylvia L. Thayer *<br />

Dr. Norman Zamcheck ’70<br />

Mr. Jack M. Zimmerman ’53<br />

Ms. Emily J. Zuckerman, Esq. ’74<br />

Mr. Zachary S. Zwill<strong>in</strong>ger ’07<br />



AmazonSmile Foundation<br />

The Charlotte Foundation<br />

Christensen Dunn Early Foundations Fund<br />

Corky and Carl Foundation<br />

Henry F. English Fund of The Community<br />

Foundation for Greater New Haven<br />

The Lostand Foundation, Inc.<br />

PayPal Giv<strong>in</strong>g Fund<br />

The Travers Family Foundation<br />

The Willow Creek Charitable Foundation<br />


Achievement First<br />

Ms. Suzanne Berl<br />

Dr. Nancy Berl<strong>in</strong>er ’75, ’79 M.D.<br />

& Prof. Alan J. Plattus ’76<br />

Ms. Jessica M. Bialecki ’08<br />

Mr. Donald A. Bickford ’66 *<br />

Carolyn Foundation<br />

Dr. Joshua Chodosh ’76 <strong>in</strong> honor of Jean<br />

& Herb Cahoon—transformational<br />

and extraord<strong>in</strong>ary humans who greatly<br />

enriched the Yale experience!<br />

Mr. Frank B. Cochran ’69 LL.B.<br />

& Ms. Stephanie FitzGerald<br />

The Community Foundation for<br />

Greater New Haven<br />

The gO Fish Fund of The Community<br />

Foundation for Greater New Haven<br />

<strong>in</strong> memory of Owen Osborne<br />

Mr. Robert B. Congdon, Jr. ’72<br />

& Mrs. Mary Beth Congdon<br />

Connecticut Mental Health<br />

Center Foundation<br />

Connecticut State Department of<br />

Education After-School Grant Program<br />

Mr. Jon P. Deveaux ’70<br />

Ms. Jennifer Elliott<br />

Prof. Michael Fischer: The 2020 Dijkstra<br />

Prize <strong>in</strong> Distributed Comput<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Mr. Mark Fopeano<br />

Mr. Peter L. Freeman ’71<br />

Hartford Foundation for Public Giv<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Mr. Robert L. Heckart ’70<br />

Mr. Russell M. Heller ’19<br />

Ms. Carol<strong>in</strong>e M. Jacobs<br />

Mr. Raymond J<strong>in</strong> ’25<br />

Mr. Donald Kirshbaum<br />

Prof. Richard B. Larson ’75 M.A.H. *<br />

Anne R. Lovett ’77 & Stephen G.<br />

Woodsum ’76 <strong>in</strong> memory of<br />

The Rev. A. Sidney Lovett, Class of 1913<br />

Ms. Diane K. Quan ’95<br />

Mr. David G. Rissman ’17<br />

Ms. Constance L. Royster ’72 *<br />

Dr. Lawrence Staib ’90 Ph.D.<br />

United Way of Greater New Haven<br />

Mr. Chris Venables<br />

Dr. & Mrs. David L. Warren ’70 M.Div.,<br />

’70 M.U.S. *<br />

Mr. Marq T. Williams ’92<br />

Yale Alumni Nonprofit Alliance<br />

Yale-Ch<strong>in</strong>a Association, Inc.<br />

Yale Club of New Haven<br />

Marie & John Zimmermann Fund<br />


Office of New Haven Affairs<br />

Office of the President<br />

Tsai Center for Innovative Th<strong>in</strong>k<strong>in</strong>g at Yale<br />

Yale College Dean’s Office<br />


Herb Cahoon Campus and Community<br />

Foundation<br />

The Jane and William E. Curran ’49<br />

Dist<strong>in</strong>guished Mentor Fund<br />

Early Childhood Education Fund<br />

David Magee Fund<br />

Dr. Peter R. Muehrer ’82 Fund<br />

Dwight Hall Socially Responsible<br />

Investment Fund<br />

Summer Fellows Fund<br />


Anonymous<br />

Benevity, Inc.<br />

California Wellness Foundation<br />

Paul Hast<strong>in</strong>gs, LLC<br />

Marsh & McLennan Companies<br />

McK<strong>in</strong>sey<br />

Microsoft Match<strong>in</strong>g Gifts<br />

The Omidyar Group<br />

ServiceNow<br />

United Health Group<br />



Mr. Mohs<strong>in</strong> Ansari P ’24<br />

Dr. Saeed A. Bajwa & Ms. Zakira S. Bajwa<br />

Mr. Saqib N. Bhatti ’04<br />

John Fetzer Institute<br />

Ms. Masarath N. Haque-Khan ’95<br />

HOBY California<br />

Mr. Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

& Ms. Fareena Alam<br />

Dr. Ehtisham U. Siddiqui<br />

& Ms. Sadia Siddiqui<br />

Yale University Chapla<strong>in</strong>’s Office,<br />

Muslim Life Program<br />




Anonymous (2)<br />

A.L. Ste<strong>in</strong>er<br />

Aaron Greenberg ’14 M.A., ’15 M.Phil.,<br />

’19 Ph.D.<br />

Adrian Pelliccia<br />

Amy Roland<br />

Andrew Faehnle ’00<br />

Anne F. Berke ’12 M.A.,’13 M.Phil., ’16 Ph.D.<br />

Ben Lear<br />

Bianca Ibarlucea ’21 M.F.A.<br />

Bonnie Yochelson<br />

Carrie Hatcher-Kay ’89<br />

Cynthia Farrar ’76<br />

Daniel G<strong>in</strong>sburg ’18 M.F.A.<br />

Deborah Elk<strong>in</strong> ’90 M.A., ’90 M.Phil., ’95 Ph.D.<br />

Doran & Carrie Young<br />

Elegant Concrete Polish<strong>in</strong>g, Inc.<br />

Ela<strong>in</strong>e Chu ’82<br />

Elana Bildner ’06<br />

Elizabeth Neuse<br />

Elizabeth Neyens ’15 M.A.<br />

Emmanuelle Lev<strong>in</strong>e ’20<br />

Ethan Karetsky ’14<br />

Fernando Lora<br />

Gabrielle Colangelo ’21<br />

George Chochos ’16 M.Div., ’18 S.T.M.<br />

George Greenfield<br />

Grant Slater<br />

Helen Kauder & Barry Nalebuff<br />

Holly Antol<strong>in</strong>i<br />

Jaclyn Tarlton<br />

James Gargani<br />

Jane Evans<br />

Janis J<strong>in</strong> ’20<br />

Jeffrey Fisk ’23 Ph.D.<br />

Jessica Yu ’21 M.A.R.<br />

Joanna Zdanys ’07<br />

Joanne Brandwood ’81<br />

John Peters<br />

Joseph Dooley<br />

Joshua McGilvray ’20<br />

Kather<strong>in</strong>e Sloss<br />

Kathryn Slanski<br />

Laura Wexler<br />

Lauren Gatta ’21<br />

Liana Wang ’20<br />

Lisa Lowe<br />

Lori Gruen<br />

Lucy Hunter ’16 M.A., ’16 M.Phil., ’21 Ph.D.<br />

Lynn Novick ’83<br />

Maddy Russell-Shapiro ’99<br />

Mark Aronson<br />

Mathew Jack<br />

Max Young<br />

Michelle Morgan ’11 M.A., ’12 M.Phil.,<br />

’17 Ph.D.<br />

Mira Debs ’13 M.A., ’13 M.Phil., ’16 Ph.D.<br />

Miranda Popkey ’09<br />

Molly Fischer ’09<br />

Peter Connolly ’73<br />

Peter Wicks<br />

R. John Williams<br />

Rachel Willis ’23<br />

Rebecca Eisenbrey ’09<br />

Rhonda S<strong>in</strong>ger ’72<br />

Ria Berkus<br />

Roderick Ferguson<br />

Ruth Kremen<br />

Sarah Brown<br />

Sarah Mahur<strong>in</strong> ’05 M.A., ’07 M.Phil., ’11 Ph.D.<br />

Sean Marx<br />

Shauna Miller<br />

Simone Blaser<br />

Stanley Greenberg ’72<br />

Steven Frank Hecker ’72<br />

Steven McDonald<br />

Sylvie Goldner ’25<br />

Timothy O’Meara ’00<br />

Victoria Baena ’18 M.A., ’18 M.Phil., ’21 Ph.D.<br />

Virg<strong>in</strong>ia Sloss & Richard Pollet<br />




Anonymous, <strong>in</strong> honor of Zelda Roland<br />

The Community Foundation for<br />

Greater New Haven<br />

Education Studies Program at Yale<br />

Jobs for the Future / Ascendium<br />

Education Group<br />

Mellon Foundation<br />

Prospect Hill Foundation<br />

Marian Z. & Robert Stern Family<br />

Donor Advised Fund of the Jewish<br />

Community Foundation of Greater<br />

MetroWest NJ, recommended by Ari<br />

Stern & Cory Emma Siegler<br />

United Way of Greater New Haven<br />

University of New Haven<br />

Yale College Dean’s Office<br />

Yale Faculty of Arts and<br />

Sciences Dean’s Office<br />

Yale School of Art<br />



The Dwight Hall Legacy Society recognizes and honors alumni,<br />

parents, and friends who have <strong>in</strong>cluded Dwight Hall at Yale <strong>in</strong><br />

their long-term f<strong>in</strong>ancial and estate plans through a bequest<br />

provision <strong>in</strong> their will by establish<strong>in</strong>g a life-<strong>in</strong>come gift or<br />

another form of deferred gift. The Board of Directors and staff<br />

extend gratitude to the follow<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>dividuals who have <strong>in</strong>cluded<br />

Dwight Hall at Yale <strong>in</strong> their wills or estate plans.<br />

Anonymous<br />

Dr. Sarah W. Baron ’04<br />

& Mr. Jeremy S. Kahan ’04<br />

Mr. Peter B. Bens<strong>in</strong>ger ’58<br />

Mr. Robert B. Congdon, Jr. ’72 &<br />

Mrs. Mary Beth Congdon<br />

Mr. David L. Dodson ’77,<br />

’81 M.P.P.M., ’81 M.Div.<br />

Mr. Carl M. Eifler ’70<br />

Mr. Russel H. Goddard ’54 <strong>in</strong><br />

memory of Wendell Converse<br />

Goddard & Edward Hume YC ’25 *<br />

Ms. Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 J.D.<br />

Dr. Peter R. Muehrer ’82<br />

Mr. Charles R. S. Shepard ’51,<br />

’54 M.A., ’84 M.Div. *<br />

Mr. Timothy M. Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86<br />

The Rev. J. Philip Zaeder ’58,<br />

’62 M.Div.<br />

* Deceased<br />

If you have already designated Dwight Hall <strong>in</strong> your estate plan or<br />

would like further <strong>in</strong>formation, please contact Director of Philanthropy<br />

David Wilk<strong>in</strong>s at 203-432-2021 or david.wilk<strong>in</strong>s@yale.edu.<br />

“…Dwight Hall, more<br />

than any other <strong>in</strong>stitution,<br />

changed the direction of<br />

my life and career.”<br />

“It deepened my<br />

understand<strong>in</strong>g<br />

of what a career<br />

devoted to<br />

service and<br />

justice might<br />

look like, and (I<br />

hope) made me<br />

more thoughtful<br />

and humble <strong>in</strong> that work. It was<br />

only natural that when I thought<br />

about how the f<strong>in</strong>ancial fruits of<br />

my life’s labor might serve<br />

others, I thought of Dwight Hall<br />

and made a legacy provision <strong>in</strong><br />

my will.”<br />

—Tim Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86<br />

FISCAL YEAR <strong>2022</strong> FINANCIAL STATEMENT<br />

July 1, 2021 - June 30, <strong>2022</strong>: Unaudited<br />


Individual & Foundation Contributions (unrestricted) $477,889<br />

Restricted Contributions & Program Income 925,460<br />

State Grant (Co-Op After School Program) 161,878<br />

University Contributions 179,948<br />

Dwight Hall Investment Fund Operat<strong>in</strong>g Support 456,181<br />

Other Income (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g fees, bank <strong>in</strong>terest) 8,483<br />

Total Revenue $2,209,839<br />


Program<br />


Community Engagement 317,064<br />

Dwight Hall’s Alumni Mentorship &<br />

Career Development Task Force helps<br />

make Dwight Hall a hub of <strong>in</strong>formation,<br />

mentorship, and network<strong>in</strong>g for current<br />

students and alumni <strong>in</strong>terested <strong>in</strong> public<br />

service, social justice, and related careers.<br />

In December <strong>2022</strong>, the task force<br />

organized an “Explor<strong>in</strong>g International<br />

Opportunities <strong>in</strong> Public Service” panel<br />

that was attended by twenty<br />

undergraduates. Notably, two Dwight<br />

Hall alumnae–Lisena DeSantis ’05 and<br />

Michelle Rosenthal ’05—were featured as<br />

panelists. While undergraduates, Lisena<br />

and Michelle were both on the Student<br />

Executive Committee, cont<strong>in</strong>ued to<br />

engage <strong>in</strong> public service-related careers<br />

postgrad, and rema<strong>in</strong> friends to this day.<br />

In their own words, hear what it meant<br />

to them to reconnect with current<br />

undergraduates through this panel.<br />

“As an undergraduate, Dwight Hall was a<br />

space where I was able to connect with<br />

the broader New Haven community . It<br />

enriched my college experience beyond<br />

measure, and <strong>in</strong>spired me to cont<strong>in</strong>ue to<br />

volunteer abroad after graduation. I can<br />

truly say that my experience abroad<br />

changed my life (both professionally and<br />

personally), and I was thrilled to have the<br />

chance to support current students<br />

explor<strong>in</strong>g that opportunity for themselves.”<br />

—Lisena DeSantis ’05<br />

“Volunteer<strong>in</strong>g with Dwight Hall was one of<br />

the most mean<strong>in</strong>gful and endur<strong>in</strong>g parts of<br />

my Yale education. It was such a special<br />

experience to have a chance to connect<br />

with current students and discuss the<br />

benefits, challenges, and opportunities of<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g and volunteer<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong>ternationally.<br />

Liv<strong>in</strong>g abroad was eye-open<strong>in</strong>g and<br />

formative for me <strong>in</strong> so many ways and I’m<br />

grateful to Yale and Dwight Hall for the<br />

opportunities.”<br />

—Michelle Rosenthal ’05<br />

Co-Op After School Program 203,098<br />

Leadership & Professional Development 457,963<br />

Macropartnerships & Emerg<strong>in</strong>g Projects 213,413<br />

Yale Prison Education Initiative 480,961<br />

Doctors United for Ukra<strong>in</strong>e 196,324<br />

Adm<strong>in</strong>istration & Management 136,835<br />

Development 168,214<br />

Total Expenses $2,173,872<br />



<strong>2022</strong> Student Executive Committee<br />


Staff<br />

Carlos Brown ’23<br />

Senior Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Valeria Bula ’23<br />

Institutional Service Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

William An ’24<br />

Incom<strong>in</strong>g Senior Co-<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator; Former<br />

Junior Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Emily Zhang ’25<br />

Incom<strong>in</strong>g Junior Co-<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator; Former<br />

Communications<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Alex<strong>in</strong>e Casanova<br />

Operations Manager<br />

Kaley Casenhiser ’25<br />

M.E.M./M.Div., Reverend<br />

John G. Magee ’06 Fellow<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R.<br />

Executive Director and<br />

General Secretary<br />

Vanessa Estimé<br />

Assistant Director, Yale<br />

Prison Education Initiative<br />

Megan Niu ’25<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ancial Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Raymond J<strong>in</strong> ’25<br />

Outreach Ambassador<br />

A Note from the 2023<br />

Student Executive<br />

Committee<br />

Co-Coord<strong>in</strong>ators<br />

“Dwight Hall employs a local<br />

focus to tackle large-scale issues.<br />

Through thoughtful <strong>in</strong>volvement <strong>in</strong><br />

public service, students have grown<br />

<strong>in</strong>to leaders on campus. The students<br />

<strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> community-focused<br />

member groups are the heart of<br />

Dwight Hall.<br />

Mark Fopeano<br />

Director of Programm<strong>in</strong>g<br />

and Evaluation<br />

Paul Bryant Hudson<br />

Program Director,<br />

Co-Op After School<br />

James Jeter<br />

Program Director, New<br />

Haven Civic Allyship Initiative<br />

Abdul-Rehman Malik<br />

Director, Muslim<br />

Leadership Lab<br />

Carmen Lopez Villamil ’25<br />

Outreach Ambassador<br />

Caitl<strong>in</strong> Monsky ’24<br />

Outreach Ambassador<br />

The Student Executive Committee is<br />

look<strong>in</strong>g forward to a year of rebuild<strong>in</strong>g<br />

from the pandemic. The Hall has<br />

already seen operations pick back up,<br />

and our hope is to cont<strong>in</strong>ue mak<strong>in</strong>g<br />

Dwight Hall a central part of students’<br />

public service experiences.”<br />

—William An ’24 & Emily Zhang ’25<br />

Claudia Merson<br />

Education Advisor<br />

Morad Mokhtari<br />

F<strong>in</strong>ance Manager<br />

Barbara Mola ’22<br />

Communications and Alumni<br />

Engagement Associate<br />

Zelda Roland ’08, ’16 Ph.D.<br />

Director, Yale Prison<br />

Education Initiative<br />

Yusuf Rasheed ’25<br />

Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Rosa Anderson Barrera ’25<br />

Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Joseph<strong>in</strong>e Cureton ’24<br />

New Membership Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Rachel Pontious ’24<br />

Homework Helpl<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Erika Mendez ’24<br />

Homework Helpl<strong>in</strong>e<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator<br />

Johnny Scafidi ’01<br />

Director of Community<br />

Outreach and Engagement<br />

Tracy Westmoreland<br />

Danbury Site Director and<br />

Transfer Counselor, Yale<br />

Prison Education Initiative<br />

David Wilk<strong>in</strong>s<br />

Director of Philanthropy<br />


Board of Directors<br />

Mr. Bradford Williams ’10 / Board Chair<br />

Ms. Sandra Lee ’97 / Vice Chair<br />

Ms. Madel<strong>in</strong>e Kerner ’07 / Treasurer<br />

Ms. Laura Huizar ’06, ’12 J.D. / Secretary<br />

Mr. Carl Eifler ’70 / Chair of Investments<br />

Mr. Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R.<br />

/ Executive Director & General Secretary<br />

Mr. Carlos Brown ’23 / Ex-Officio<br />

Mr. William An ’24 / Ex-Officio<br />

Mr. Mohs<strong>in</strong> Ansari P ’24<br />

Imam Omer Bajwa<br />

Dr. Sarah W. Baron ’04<br />

Dr. Abie Benitez<br />

Dean Ferentz Lafargue ’05 Ph.D.<br />

Prof. Anika S<strong>in</strong>gh Lemar ’01<br />

Prof. Katie Lofton<br />

Ms. Kristen Meola ’25 / Student Member<br />

Mr. Thomas C. Meyer ’11<br />

Ms. Nilakshi Parndigamage ’06<br />

Mr. Yusuf Rasheed ’25 / Student Member<br />

Ms. Randi Roth ’79<br />

Ms. Eliza Sp<strong>in</strong>na ’23 / Student Member<br />

Mr. Benjam<strong>in</strong> Staub ’06<br />

Ms. Kiran Tahir<br />

Mr. Timothy Tompk<strong>in</strong>s ’86<br />

Ms. Emily Zhang ’25 / Student Member<br />

Dwight Hall extends its appreciation to David Dodson ’77,<br />

’81 M.P.P.M., ’81 M.Div., José Garcia ’22, Hannah Kiburz<br />

’22, Dara Kovel ’91, ’06 M.B.A., Lauren Lautermilch ’22,<br />

and Sasha Thomas ’22.5, who completed their terms <strong>in</strong> <strong>2022</strong>.<br />


Kathr<strong>in</strong>e Adams Burdick<br />

1945 - <strong>2022</strong><br />

A humble leader who nurtured<br />

students and encouraged<br />

thoughtful reflection on service<br />

and social justice, Kathr<strong>in</strong>e died<br />

<strong>in</strong> November <strong>2022</strong> follow<strong>in</strong>g a<br />

lengthy and courageous battle<br />

with Progressive Supranuclear<br />

Palsy.<br />

Kathr<strong>in</strong>e served as Dwight<br />

Hall’s General Secretary and<br />

Executive Director from 1999<br />

-2008. She drew from her<br />

extensive experiences—build<strong>in</strong>g<br />

systems of child care <strong>in</strong> urban<br />

centers, lead<strong>in</strong>g public and<br />

private organizations <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g<br />

the Connecticut Department of<br />

Social Services Family Services<br />

She <strong>in</strong>spired<br />

students, Board, and<br />

staff to apply vision<br />

and dedication to<br />

realize social change.<br />

division, support<strong>in</strong>g relief work <strong>in</strong> Haiti, to name a few—to<br />

guide the Hall through a period of dynamic growth. Dur<strong>in</strong>g<br />

her term, Dwight Hall’s volunteer base and organizational<br />

budget more than doubled, multiple Fellowship programs<br />

were <strong>in</strong>itiated, and campaigns for build<strong>in</strong>g renovations and<br />

endowment growth were launched.<br />


Anika S<strong>in</strong>gh Lemar ’01, Cl<strong>in</strong>ical Professor of Law at Yale Law School<br />

Anika S<strong>in</strong>gh Lemar ’01 spent most of her wak<strong>in</strong>g<br />

hours at Dwight Hall when she was an<br />

undergraduate. She served as Secretary of the<br />

Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project,<br />

Urban Fellow at Fellowship Place and the Hill<br />

Development Corporation, and as Co-<br />

Coord<strong>in</strong>ator of Dwight Hall’s Student Executive<br />

Committee. In those roles, she advocated for<br />

<strong>in</strong>creased experiential and service learn<strong>in</strong>g<br />

opportunities for Yale undergraduates. Today,<br />

as a member of the Yale Law School faculty,<br />

Anika provides those k<strong>in</strong>ds of opportunities to<br />

graduate students at Yale.<br />

Anika now teaches courses that permit<br />

students—mostly law students and sometimes<br />

also bus<strong>in</strong>ess,<br />

architecture, public<br />

health, div<strong>in</strong>ity, and<br />

environmental graduate<br />

students—to learn while<br />

work<strong>in</strong>g with and on<br />

behalf of tenants,<br />

homeowners, fair<br />

hous<strong>in</strong>g advocates,<br />

community development<br />

f<strong>in</strong>ancial <strong>in</strong>stitutions, nonprofit affordable<br />

hous<strong>in</strong>g developers, and small bus<strong>in</strong>esses.<br />

She received tenure <strong>in</strong> 2021 and is thrilled to<br />

have the luxury of call<strong>in</strong>g New Haven home for<br />

many years to come.<br />

She <strong>in</strong>spired students, Board, and staff to apply vision and<br />

dedication to realize social change. Dwight Hall remembers<br />

Kathr<strong>in</strong>e fondly for her graceful and authentic leadership, her<br />

warmth and compassion <strong>in</strong> mentor<strong>in</strong>g student leaders, and<br />

her commitment to build<strong>in</strong>g community.<br />

FOLLOW US!<br />

@dwighthallatyale on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter<br />

Dwight Hall <strong>2022</strong> <strong>Year</strong> <strong>in</strong> <strong>Review</strong><br />

Contribut<strong>in</strong>g Writers: Barbara Mola ’22, Emma Yanai ’25, Peter Crumlish ’09 M.A.R., Johnny<br />

Scafidi ’01, David Wilk<strong>in</strong>s, Lauren Hartz ’25, Daevan Mangalmurti ’24, Dr. Alla Vash-Margita<br />

Back Cover Art: Hang Nguyen ’21, ’25 M.D. Inside cover: Jon Bilous. Above: littleny / istock.<br />

Design: Jenny DuVander<br />


Dwight Hall at Yale<br />

67 High Street<br />

P.O. Box 209008<br />

New Haven, CT 06520<br />

Peter Crumlish ’09 m.a.r.<br />

Executive Director<br />

(203) 432-2428<br />

peter.crumlish@yale.edu<br />

Founded by undergraduates <strong>in</strong> 1886, Dwight Hall at Yale is an <strong>in</strong>dependent,<br />

nonsectarian umbrella organization—the largest campus-based, student-led public service entity <strong>in</strong> the country.<br />


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