Adventure Magazine
Issue 237: Survival Issue
Issue 237: Survival Issue
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time to<br />
paint<br />
a new<br />
picture<br />
Words by Lynne Dickinson<br />
Images as stated<br />
alaska<br />
We’ve always wanted to visit Alaska.<br />
The picture we had was painted<br />
by years of Warren Miller movies,<br />
reading “Into the Wild '' and<br />
watching numerous clips of huge<br />
cliff jumps and heliskiing in Valdez,<br />
we had created a collage of a<br />
wild, extreme, hostile and remote<br />
destination.<br />
So with travel restrictions finally<br />
lifted we started to plan our<br />
adventure and were surprised how<br />
easy it was to reach Alaska, and<br />
how accessible it was to experience<br />
the vast range of outdoor<br />
adventures that has made Alaska<br />
such a sought after destination.<br />
We had googled the ‘best things to<br />
do’ in Alaska during winter, which<br />
of course included skiing, moose<br />
spotting, fat biking, snowmobiling,<br />
snowshoeing and viewing the<br />
Northern Lights and planned our trip<br />
accordingly.<br />
Centre Ridge - Image by Ralph Kristopher<br />