Newsletter 24.03.23
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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>24.03.23</strong><br />
NEWSLETTER24.3.23<br />
LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>24.03.23</strong>
A word from the Principal...<br />
Dear families,<br />
Last week was British Science week and not only were we been engaging with lots of fun<br />
scientific enquiry, we also held the annual boat race! Well done to all the children who brought in<br />
their boats to race down the river and thank you to all of you at home who helped create such<br />
fantastic sea-going vessels! The sun shone and the racing was fierce, but our eventual winner was<br />
Rose! A big thank you to Mrs Wheeler for organising the event, overcoming the logistical challenges<br />
to successfully ensure over 200 boats were raced successfully!<br />
The FLS hosted the fancy dress disco. Not only were there some fantastic costumes, lots of yummy<br />
tuck eaten and some fabulous dance moves on show, but there was also a significant sum of money<br />
raised as well. As always, thank you to the small, but hugely effective, FLS team for running so<br />
many fantastic events.<br />
As this term has experienced some disruption due to industrial action, we have decide not to run<br />
our annual parent consultation day. Instead, we will send out overview reports before we break up<br />
for Easter. Following our End of Year Reports in July, there will be optional consultation meetings for<br />
those who want them. As always, please contact your child’s class teacher via ClassDojo or catch<br />
them at drop off or pick if there is anything you would like to discuss.<br />
Kind regards,<br />
Mr Adam Anderson<br />
What’s Useful information...<br />
been going on...<br />
Term Dates 22/23<br />
4th Jan – 31 March (HT 13-17 Feb)<br />
17 April – 21 July (HT 29 May-2 Jun)<br />
Inset Days<br />
24th July<br />
25th July<br />
Medicine in School<br />
If your child is returning from illness or just a little under the weather,<br />
please feel free to drop some Calpol or similar into the office and<br />
complete a consent form so that we can administer<br />
as needed to ensure your child feels well through the school day.<br />
Congratulations!<br />
I would like to congratulate<br />
Mrs Grace Barber (formerly<br />
Miss Wright) and her new<br />
husband Luke on their recent<br />
marriage. We all wish<br />
them the very best in the<br />
rest of their lives together!<br />
Hockey<br />
Our up and coming hockey team played their final Primary Hockey Tournament<br />
of the season at the Astro Park on Thursday. In four games, the team played<br />
amazingly well together against some very strong opponents. They narrowly<br />
lost their first game, then drew the next three 1-1, 0-0 and 0-0.<br />
Truly commendable for a team made of predominately Years 2, 3 and 4 playing<br />
against Year 5’s and Year 6’s on the day. Very well done!
Outdoor Learning...<br />
Last week saw the return of our annual boat race. The sun was shining and it was lovely seeing<br />
everyone arrive at school with their beautifully designed boats. The thought and time taken<br />
to make these, based on the theme of each class’s continent was superb and the children<br />
were able to clearly talk about each design. It was wonderful to hear all about the collaborative<br />
work that had happened between the children and their parents to make the boats.<br />
A huge thank you goes to the volunteers who gave their time to allow us to walk over to the<br />
races with each class. Without your support, we wouldn’t be able to take the children down to<br />
the stream, so thank you!<br />
Also a big thank you to the brilliant year 5 children who eagerly got into the stream and released<br />
and caught each boat. This is something that they look forward to each year, and they<br />
were brilliant at taking on this responsibility.<br />
And thank you all for your support at home to help your children to be able to participate in<br />
this event. The smiles said it all and we cannot wait for next years race!<br />
Now for the exciting part, the results!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
EYFS<br />
Early Years have been super busy learning all about plants and spring.<br />
We had a wonderful visit to Trevena Cross Nurseries where we were given a<br />
tour, learnt about the different plants and then picked some new plants for our<br />
classroom and outdoor area. The staff were also very generous, giving<br />
everyone a daffodil or tulip to take home and a big box of seeds for school!<br />
At school, we have been doing lots of gardening, creating our own garden<br />
centre and watching our runner beans germinate. We also had a go at making<br />
an animation of the life cycle of a plant which was great fun.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 1<br />
Wow! We have had a very busy two weeks in Year 1. Our art focus this half<br />
term has been collage. The children made lovely collage worlds using a variety<br />
of techniques with the paper to create different textures. We then explored the<br />
French artist Henri Matisse and the children used his style of work to inspire<br />
their own collage art.<br />
In science we have been learning about animals. Our focus last week was<br />
carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. We went to Paradise park and the<br />
children enjoyed looking at the animals in the morning and after lunch they<br />
were very excited to play in the Jungle Barn!<br />
Our history focus is travel and transport. We explored the invention of the first<br />
planes by the Wright brothers and the inspirational Amelia Earhart and her<br />
achievements. The children made their own planes using different materials.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 2<br />
Year 2 have had another brilliant couple of weeks. They experienced an invasion from<br />
Beegu the alien and are now creating ‘lost’ posters because Beegu has mysteriously<br />
disappeared.<br />
In Art, we were extremely lucky to be visited by Hazel McNab - a local lino print artist<br />
from Heamoor. Hazel came in to visit us for a morning and together we made our own<br />
lino prints. The children had to create their own space designs, transfer these designs<br />
onto a piece of lino, carve out their designs using carving tools and then use paints<br />
and rollers to transfer the prints onto paper. This is an extremely difficult process and<br />
the whole class were so focused and demonstrated resilience, even when a few of<br />
them were finding it really tricky. We were all so impressed by the amazing lino prints<br />
that the Year 2s created and the children were delighted by how effective their final<br />
prints looked.<br />
In Maths, Year 2 have also started work on multiplication and division. They have<br />
been amazing us all with their times table knowledge and how quickly they have<br />
picked up the use of the multiplication symbol.<br />
Well done on another successful few weeks Year 2!
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 3<br />
In English, Year 3 have been enjoying learning how to write information texts.<br />
We have combined this with our History topic lessons and learnt about<br />
Stonehenge on Salisbury Plain and Mary Anning, a famous fossil finder. The<br />
children created a class information booklet about Stonehenge and have made<br />
information slideshows about Mary Anning and her life. The children have<br />
created some collages of Stonehenge and have made fossils of their own.<br />
In Science we have been learning about rocks and this week the children<br />
investigated rock permeability, trying to identify any rocks that could float. The<br />
children had a great time investigating. They also made some super boats for<br />
the boat race and were very competitive!<br />
Well done Year 3.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 4<br />
Class 4 has been busy in all subject areas. In English, they have written<br />
imaginative, persuasive letters as Roman people trying to recruit support in<br />
the war. In History, they have continued the topic of Ancient Rome and made a<br />
quiz about Roman Gods and Goddesses.<br />
In Maths, they have been learning how to work out the perimeter of a<br />
variety of shapes and have now moved onto fractions.<br />
A special highlight over the last 3 weeks has been having two art specialists<br />
in school; Dena (an Art teacher/specialist from Truro College) and Cat (an Art<br />
specialist who works at Newlyn Art Gallery) teaching them how to screen print,<br />
paint, draw and discuss artwork. They are making a screen print to put up in
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 5<br />
This week, Year 5 have dived into the wonderful world of forces. We have been<br />
exploring the cause and effect of gravity, air resistance and other interesting<br />
forces. We created our own parachutes, tested them and made fantastic stop<br />
motion animation videos to show forces in action. Year 5 will continue their scientific<br />
enquiry all week (including making their very own rockets!)<br />
In English, we have been learning about three incredible black women who<br />
worked at NASA - Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughn and Mary Jackson. The<br />
children have been so mature in their discussions about segregation and the<br />
adversity these women faced. They created double-page biographies to describe<br />
the lives and achievements of these women.
Broad and Balanced...<br />
Year 6<br />
Our PSHE unit for this half term was to explore and understand economic<br />
well-being. We have learnt about the banking system, how to efficiently save<br />
money, how gambling works (as well as the negative impact it can have on<br />
finances) and how loans work. We have also researched aspects of careers that<br />
interest us; what their pay / salary is, the working environment, qualifications<br />
needed and the difference between a job and a career.<br />
Year 6 have been working very hard in Maths learning about forming<br />
algebraic equations. Although this concept is very difficult, the children have<br />
persevered and begun to show great understanding by using manipulatives<br />
such as unifix cubes to express objects as values.<br />
In English, we have begun learning about balanced arguments and how they<br />
are designed to consider contrasting viewpoints. We will be focusing our<br />
balanced arguments on the statement, ‘All sugary treats should be much<br />
cheaper.’ We hope to research and understand the benefits and detrimental<br />
effects of this statement by using valid sources online and statistics to support<br />
our evidence.
Sports Day...
Sports Day...<br />
18th May 2023 1.30 - 3.30pm<br />
With Natasha Davey-Diop and Nicky Hepworth<br />
Cornwall Council Designated Safeguarding Lead Network<br />
Overview<br />
“Parental engagement in children’s learning makes a difference – it is the most powerful<br />
school improvement lever we have” (Harris and Goodall 2007).<br />
Effective parental engagement is a crucial ingredient in both academic and social success,<br />
especially for our most vulnerable pupils. Cornwall Council’s Together for Families<br />
Directorate, supported by Parent Carer Cornwall, have developed a framework and toolkit<br />
to promote the partnership between pupils, parents and school to help create a culture of<br />
mutual collaboration in order to support all learners to succeed.<br />
The session will provide:-<br />
An overview of the importance of parental engagement in education.<br />
An insight into the framework and toolkit which will include sharing some examples of the<br />
evidence of impact through case studies.<br />
Reflect upon one of the key principles of effective parental engagement and identify some<br />
of the key components that underpin it.<br />
Microsoft Teams meeting<br />
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device<br />
Click here to join the meeting<br />
Meeting ID: 353 739 868 908<br />
Passcode: ocJdZi<br />
Dear Parent/carer<br />
Argyle Community Trust will be running Easter holidays activity sessions at Humphry<br />
Davy School on Tuesday 11th, Wednesday 12th, Thursday 13th and Friday 14th April.<br />
The sessions are open to children from the age of 7 to 16. During the sessions children will<br />
be able to take part in a variety of activities such as Football, Basketball, Tennis, Badminton,<br />
Netball, Arts & Crafts and Christmas themed games. Each day the school kitchen will be<br />
providing lunch and fruit for all children who attend.<br />
Please click on the link to book your place:<br /><br />
Kind regards<br />
Humphry Davy School
Sports Day...
Sports Day...<br />
from the creators of The Mousehole Cat stage show<br />
by Jenny<br />
Steele Scolding<br />
Live<br />
on<br />
stage<br />
1-16 April<br />
Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens<br />
Penzance<br />
Illustration © 2014 Andy McPherson<br />
Jenny Steele Scolding & Illustrated by Andy McPherson<br />
Box Office<br />
01736 810181<br />
Sports Day...
Sports Day...
Sports Day...