Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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Excerpt from the original article.<br />

My name is Bella Paola Guerrero de Cohen,<br />

but my friends call me Paola! I am an active<br />

member of the AWC Finland, where I attend<br />

meetings, events and help with fundraising<br />

activities. We live in Espoo, Finland, which is<br />

about a thirty minute drive from Helsinki.<br />

I was born in Ecuador to a working class family.<br />

My parents grew up poor and had to work to<br />

survive from a very early age; their lives were<br />

not easy. My father had only finished<br />

elementary school when he suffered the loss<br />

of his mother in an earthquake. My mother<br />

was born in the countryside and was sent to<br />

the city to live with an older sibling, but did<br />

not have the opportunity to finish elementary<br />

school. As they set up a life together and had<br />

children of their own, they wanted a better<br />

future for them. They realized the importance<br />

of education and worked very hard to make<br />

that possible for us. Therefore, my siblings and<br />

I were the first ones in our extended family to<br />

attend university and in my case, the first one<br />

to study at a university in the United States.<br />

What I will always remember is that no<br />

matter how much work my father had – and<br />

he worked three different jobs at a time –<br />

Sundays was our sacred day. We started our<br />

mornings with some old-time classics my<br />

mother used to play in her LP player. Our day<br />

continued with a nice brunch of shrimp or clam<br />

ceviche, and then off to the countryside to play<br />

volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming, etc.<br />

My life was carefree through the end of high<br />

school, when I moved to the United States.<br />

I love my family, and having to be separated<br />

from them took such a big toll on me that for<br />

many years I resented my parents for having<br />

sent me away. Of course, they knew what<br />

they were doing. They were also hurt by my<br />

absence, but nothing hurt them more than<br />

when I said I would not be coming back, as I<br />

had found the love of my life. A month and a<br />

half after arriving in Boston, I met David. We<br />

became friends and soon after, a couple. I<br />

married him a year later.<br />

<strong>2023</strong> update<br />

We have been growing organically since the<br />

original story. We found the perfect location to<br />

set up our own facilities about one hour north<br />

from the capital.<br />

Our wines have received more than 50 awards<br />

internationally for quality. We have also<br />

received recognition for advancing the level<br />

of Finnish cuisine and for creating world class<br />

wines using Nordic ingredients. Every year<br />

more people discover our wines and fall in<br />

love with them.<br />

“Goodbyes and New Beginnings”<br />

Of all the people and situations you have said<br />

goodbye to in your life, tell us about two that<br />

you miss the most. Why is that?<br />

One of the things I miss the most is the time<br />

spent with our young children when we first<br />

moved to Finland. We enjoyed focusing solely<br />

on them. Having come from the US, where our<br />

life was pretty hectic, it was very refreshing to<br />

be told it was okay to take time off from work to<br />

focus on our growing family.<br />

Family has always been very important to me<br />

and being able to experience a new place, learn<br />

a new culture and share this together as a unit<br />

was the peak of fullness and happiness.<br />

I also miss being near the rest of my family,<br />

scores of them. While there is new technology<br />

that connects us 24/7, nothing compares to the<br />

live connection.<br />

Of all the “new beginnings” in your life, tell<br />

us about two that you really remember/that<br />

turned out to be unexpectedly important.<br />

Moving to Finland. I would have never imagined<br />

that I would fall in love with a country in the<br />

arctic – cold and dark. However, I fell in love with<br />

the way of life, the balanced life that it provides<br />

its citizens and the natural and clean<br />

surroundings. It is no wonder that Finland tops<br />

the charts in many categories: happiness,<br />

education, safety, environmental, freedom of<br />

the press and many other measures.<br />

Setting up a winery. My love for wine started in<br />

the US and while traveling with David on various<br />

business trips, particularly in Europe. Our wine<br />

making hobby started just over 20 years ago.<br />

We were excited when we moved to Finland to<br />

be able to make wines from European grapes.<br />

However, since grapes were not available in<br />

Finland and we did not want to give up our<br />

wine making hobby, we decided to use local<br />

ingredients instead. And boy were we amazed!<br />

Finland has some of the best berries and, when<br />

treated right, they can create some of the best<br />

wines in the world.<br />

Read more/rest of original article by clicking here:<br />

www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/65829992/<br />

inspiring-women-magazine-spring-2017/23<br />

Checking the hives (above)<br />

Boxing up the finished wine (right)<br />


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