Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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that was unexpected, but one that ticks all the<br />

boxes. Plus, did I mention vacations are long<br />

and lovely in the Nordics?! I continually check<br />

in with myself and make sure that I’m trying to<br />

make the most of my time. I’ve had family<br />

members and friends pass away too young.<br />

These are goodbyes one is never prepared for<br />

or gets used to.<br />

I look around me and think – what would I want<br />

to do with my time if it were limited? And guess<br />

what? All our time here on earth is limited! If<br />

I live to 90, perhaps I’ll have eaten too much<br />

chocolate, not worked enough, cleaned enough<br />

or made enough money. But, one never knows.<br />

I’m not a hedonist, but I have tried to gauge my<br />

choices along these lines of making the most of<br />

today. I have a quote in Finnish on my fridge –<br />

it says “Tämä päivä on aina täällä, huominen ei<br />

koskaan.” There are many popular versions of<br />

it, but it roughly translates to, “Today is always<br />

here, tomorrow never comes.” In other words,<br />

a new beginning is always here.<br />

Ann Marie in Bali with monkey on her shoulder in 2017<br />

(above)<br />

Ann Marie in the Haaga Rhododendron Park, Helsinki (right)<br />

FAWCO Board 2019 (far right top, page103)<br />

2022 Luxembourg Conference, Region 2 group picture<br />

(far right bottom, page 103)<br />


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