Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023
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feature<br />
Who Are We? ...<br />
Introducing the New<br />
<strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> Team<br />
With this issue, <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> is saying goodbye to several long-serving<br />
members and welcoming a new team. We are saying goodbye to Editor Liz MacNiven,<br />
Distribution Manager Karen Boeker and Profiles Coordinator Haley Green. Last year,<br />
we said goodbye to Social Media Manager Berit Torkildsen.<br />
As we knew these transitions were approaching, we took the time to redesign the<br />
roles and responsibilities of the team. Last year, we welcomed Kristin Haanæs as our<br />
Layout Coordinator. She’s been a huge asset to the team as she continues to improve<br />
the magazine’s layout and design. We also decided to create a Marketing Manager<br />
position which would combine the work of the Distribution, Social Media, and PR<br />
Managers. Elsie Bose is remaining on the team as Advertising and Sponsorship<br />
Manager, and Michele Hendrikse Du Bois is moving from Features Coordinator to<br />
Editor-in-Chief. Connie Phlipot will be taking over the Features Coordinator position.<br />
Cristin Middlebrooks is the new Profile Coordinator, and Hollis Vaughen is filling the<br />
new Marketing Manager position.<br />
We thought you’d like to meet the new team, so we asked each team member to tell<br />
you a little about where they grew up, their involvement with their local clubs and<br />
FAWCO and what they are looking forward to as part of the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong><br />
<strong>Magazine</strong> team.<br />