Inspiring Women Magazine May 2023

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Hiking in Austria (top left)<br />

Favorite SDG (middle left)<br />

In Verona (bottom left)<br />

Connie's grandparents (top right)<br />

Hiking with her husband (middle right)<br />

Connie Phlipot Features Coordinator<br />

AWA Vienna<br />

In Paris (bottom right)<br />

A summer studying Russian in the Soviet<br />

Union 47 years ago ignited my passion for living<br />

abroad. I grew up in a rural area near Cleveland,<br />

Ohio, home to one of the largest settlements of<br />

Eastern European immigrants in the US. My own<br />

maternal grandparents – whom I admired and<br />

adored – emigrated in the early part of the<br />

20th century from the Russian Empire, in what<br />

is now Belarus. My Soviet studies experience<br />

navigating culturally and logistically in unknown<br />

lands inspired and empowered me to pursue a<br />

career as a US diplomat. Early on in my career, I<br />

met and subsequently married a wonderful<br />

fellow US diplomat. This June we will celebrate<br />

our 35th wedding anniversary. Many countries later – sometimes in the same place,<br />

sometimes not – we ended up retiring in Vienna. The Organization for Security and<br />

Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) played – and continues to play – a big role in our life<br />

in Vienna.<br />

My second passion is writing and reading. Soon after I moved to Vienna, I joined the<br />

Sunday Writers Club, a fabulous group of English-speaking writers from a multitude<br />

of countries who come together on Sundays to write and share their works in a café<br />

or online. On my own, I’ve been working (slowly) on a novel loosely based on my<br />

experiences in Eastern Europe. At least once a year, I join an election observation<br />

mission under OSCE auspices as either a short-term or long-term observer. I’ve recently<br />

joined the local Vienna organization of <strong>Women</strong> in International Security and eagerly<br />

participate in forums on international relations in Vienna. I am also an obsessive<br />

runner, hiker, biker, word puzzler and – if there is ever enough snow – cross-country<br />

skier. I began running in college to accompany a friend who was taking jogging to<br />

meet her phys. ed. requirement. After twenty years of making fun of my running habit,<br />

my husband joined me and together we began to participate in races, including<br />

half-marathons.<br />

I discovered FAWCO during a discussion on the Target Project soon after I became an<br />

AWA member in 2019. Excited to find a group of women interested in the global issues<br />

that I care about, I joined AWA’s small FAWCO liaison team. During the COVID-19 years,<br />

we took advantage of social media to raise our club’s awareness of SDGs and the UN<br />

campaign against violence against women. My first major FAWCO event was helping<br />

organize the 2022 Region 5 FAWCO meeting in Vienna. Currently, I am co-chair of the<br />

local organizing committee for the <strong>2023</strong> Bratislava Conference. I have also contributed<br />

to the AWA magazine, Highlights, as writer and editor.<br />

Two of the writers I most admire are the Russian and Belarusan women Svetlana<br />

Alexievich and Lyudmila Ulitskaya, whose works focus on the lives of so-called “ordinary”<br />

women doing extraordinary things – like the inspiring women of FAWCO. I hope that my<br />

contribution to the <strong>Inspiring</strong> <strong>Women</strong> team will be to help promote their fabulous stories.<br />


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